What's the last thing Katniss shoots during her training in front of the committee?


Answer 1


She shoots through the porks/pigs mouth at the judging table


Answer 2
She shoots her bow and arrow and it hits the pigs apple that’s in its mouth

Related Questions

What statement about financial aid given under the Marshall plan is true?


It was granted only to Soviet allies in eastern Europe so they would abandon communism.

It offered assistance in rebuilding infrastructure to our former enemies as well as our allies.

It contained the provision that the money must be repaid within three years.

It was used to rebuild West Germany's armed forces so the country could stand up to the Soviet Union.

The answer is B. The Marshall Plan was made to lend mainly Germany money post-war, however what the US really wanted to happen was the Germans would take the money to pay back Britain and France who would then in turn pay the US back for aid lenses during the war. Although in the end it resulted in massive inflation in Germany and caused a worldwide economic slump that last for almost a decade because in the end the money wasn't making its way around the circle.


Hello There!!


I believe the answer is that it offered assistance in rebuilding infrastructure to our former enemies as well as our allies.

hope this helps,have a great day!!


What was the purpose of Williams’s A Key into the Language of America? Select all that apply.



The purpose of Williams’s A Key into the Language of America was.

To provide insight into Native American cultures.

To provide a guide for trading with Native Americans.

So, the correct statements will be A and C.

Stuart kicks a ball forward with a certain amount of force, as shown below.
According to Newton's third law of motion, which of the following best describes the reaction of the ball to Stuart's kick?





because it go rolling, but will stop because it has some force itself, but less force than the foot.

Based on the information given, the correct option is C. The ball pushes back on Stuart's foot with an equal force.

According to Newton's third law of motion, when two bodies interact, they will apply forces that are both equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.

When Stuart kicks a ball forward with a certain amount of force, as shown below, according to Newton's third law of motion, the ball pushes back on Stuart's foot with an equal force.

Learn more about Newton's law on:


Coverage that favors the truck club president tends to result in more viewers for a smalltown talk show called "We Heart the Truck Club." Viewers notice that this kind of coverage is run for six months. What can you conclude is most likely the agenda of the talk show's producers?

gaining support for the president
There is not enough information here to make a conclusion about the agenda.
making money by increasing ratings
making money and/or gaining support for the president


Answer: making money and/or gaining support for the president


In running the program for six months, the producers of the show can be guaranteed a higher viewership which they can translate to increased revenue when they advertise during the show.

At the same time, another reason they may have ran positive coverage of the president was the gain support for them because that is what positive coverage of a person does. When people are shown the good side of a person, they tend to support them more as a result.

Whitman uses his speaker's point of view to describe

The poem this is referring to is “I Hear America Singing”


The different occupations that create the “singing”. He used the jobs as examples to talk about the people that make up the foundation of America. Those who work.

Which details best express the theme that it is important to stay focused on one’s dreams?

He Had His Dream
by Paul Laurence Dunbar

He had his dream, and all through life,
Worked up to it through toil and strife.
Afloat fore’er before his eyes,
It colored for him all his skies:
The storm–cloud dark
Above his bark,
The calm and listless vault of blue
Took on its hopeful hue,
It tinctured every passing beam—
He had his dream.

He labored hard and failed at last,
His sails too weak to bear the blast,
The raging tempests tore away
And sent his beating bark astray.
But what cared he
For wind or sea!
He said, “The tempest will be short,
My bark will come to port.”
He saw through every cloud a gleam—
He had his dream.


Answer:He labored hard and failed at last



He labored hard and failed at last


20 pointsss!!!!
In at least 150 words, describe why Tom in Uncle Tom’s Cabin is considered a “Christ” character and what parallels can be drawn between the lives of Tom and Jesus Christ.


In Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe there are two major Christ figures. Those two figures are Tom and Eva. They are Christ figures for many reasons, but mainly for their deaths which mirror Jesus' sacrificial death. I have read both Tom's and Eva's death scenes multiple times and I have also read Jesus' crucifixion in the Bible. Now I want to compare and contrast the scenes to try to understand what Stowe's goal for these characters was when she wrote the novel. Not only are their death scenes to be looked at but also their actions, because those are also similar to Christ, hence the term "Christ figure".

Christ's death scene is pretty straightforward if you are a Christian. I say this because most Christians have been hearing the story of Jesus' death since they were very young and in some sort of Sunday school or in church. Essentially, Jesus was crucified because he claimed to be the son of God and he also claimed to be a messiah. That is not why Tom and Eva died. The main thread that linked the deaths among the three is the thought that these deaths are sacrificial and in essence for the salvation of others. I see Jesus' and Tom's death as running much more in the same vein than Eva's death because she is dying anyway and therefore she is not really saving anyone, in my opinion, if she dies. On the other hand, neither Jesus nor Tom is sick and if they really don't want to die they could just not sacrifice themselves for others. Jesus helps others because he believes he is dying for "our" sins and Tom helps others in his death in the way that it leads to Emmeline and Cassy's escape and also the freeing of all of the slaves on Shelby Farm in Kentucky. Only in the small sense that Eva's death leads to St. Clare's conversion to Christianity and Ophelia's recognition and denunciation of her racial prejudice do I think that she is similar to Christ, but not in the superior way that Tom is to Christ. Tom is because he physically suffers and is beaten for his beliefs just like Jesus.

When I think about these two people (Eva and Tom) as modern day martyrs in a sense I see Eva as the rich women who donates a lot of her money to the poor but Tom as the man who actually gets involved with the poor; both are doing good things, but in a different way. Tom is more connected to the situation in the sense that he is in the fields trying to teach the others to work together, while Eva seems to do smaller deeds such as persuading her father to buy Tom or being kind to Topsy when no one else ever is. My impression is that Jesus is found within both Tom and Eva, but Tom's acts are more physical and Eva's are more mental. We also must remember she is a young girl and it is unrealistic to expect her to do too much that Jesus or Tom do.

As a holy character Eva seems to have a hard time pulling off a believable act. As an innocent child trying to show her family how she sees the horribleness of slavery, I can believe her, but when she moves into the mini-Jesus sermonizing to the slaves before her death I start to lose the sense that Stowe kept a grip on reality when writing this book. It is a nice parallel between Eva preaching to the slaves before death and Jesus preaching to the disciples before crucifixion, but who in their right mind thinks this young innocent girl can mature this quickly just because she is dying? Children are mature, but not that mature, at that age she would most likely be scared and crying (like most adults do when they are about to die). It is so unrealistic to think that a young child can face death bravely, much less an adult, when we know in reality very few people can do such a thing. Eva's character is a very powerful one because she is young, innocent, good, and had a somewhat Jesus-like sacrificial death.


          Eva and Uncle Tom, two characters found in the novel by the title "Uncle Tom's Cabin," written by Harriet Beecher Stowe, are effectively established as "Christ" figures within the story. Now, this is for many reasons, but primarily, the way in which they both die is most closely related to the Bible and how Jesus died in that book. It is important to understand how Stowe wrote both of these characters to be similar to Christ; when they died, both Uncle Tom and Eva had sacrificed themselves in order to bring salvation to the others around them. In this way, these two characters are very clearly comparable to the death of Jesus in the Bible--his death was also sacrificial to save the people and forgive them of their sins. Tom, however, is much more akin to Jesus or a "Christ figure" in Uncle Tom's Cabin than Eva is because he had lived the life of a poor, common man, able to understand the hardships of others more easily than Eva, with her wealth, ever could.


Hello! Please put the answer in your own words :) Thank you!

will give brainliest if correct.

Where do stage directions belong in a play?

wherever there is a new plot twist

only at the very beginning

throughout the play, as needed

at the very end of the play





As needed, as you know that directions could be directed throughout theatre performances.

Answer : It’s throughout the play as needed


Stage directions are instructions in a play for technical aspects of the production like lighting, sound, costume, scenery or props and most importantly, the movement of actors onstage.

The most common stage directions just tell the actors where to go on the stage. If you're standing on the stage, looking at the audience, stage left would be to your left and stage right would be to your right. Going towards the audience is downstage, and walking away from the audience is upstage.

Stage directions are directions for the stage. Stage directions are script-infused communication from the playwright to the creative team and not spoken to the audience. Stage directions can specify what is happening on stage during a performance. Stage directions can be designating when characters enter and to whom characters are speaking. Stage directions can describe action and movement. Stage directions can detail visual presentation. Stage directions can be perception. They can be cognitive. Stage directions can also be context.

The troll brought the coal for the mole near the pole.David Dudsen didn't dive down into the deep end



The troll brought the coal for the mole near the pole. Assonance.

David Dudsen didn't dive down into the deep end. Alliteration.


Sound devices are literary or poetic elements that emphasize sounds. These sound devices may be of different types- alliteration, onomatopoeia, assonance, rhyme scheme, rhythm, etc.

The given sentences are described and identified as follows-

1. "The troll brought the coal for the mole near the pole" is assonance. Assonance is the repetition of a vowel sound in close succession in a sentence or a phrase. And in this sentence, the repetition is seen in the words "troll, coal, mole, pole."

2. The sentence "David Dudsen didn't dive down into the deep end" uses alliteration. Now, alliteration is the repetition of the first consonant letter of a word in succession. And in this sentence, the alliteration is seen in the words "David Dudsen didn't dive down ... deep..." The repetition is in the letter "d".

Everyone know that the chicken crossed the road, but not why. Can you figure out why the TURKEY crossed the road?


Answer: Because it was thanksgiving he was running away



The turkey crossed the road to prove that he wasn't chicken (or that he wasn't afraid)

Another explanation is that the turkey and the chicken were besties and the chicken crossed the road first.  And because besties always stick together, the turkey also had to cross the road.

Anyways have a nice day

I'm really not able to use my brain plzz help me


It’s a I’m in high school this to easy omg

Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.
There are many reality shows, comedies and TV series nowadays because people love ................ TV.
A. to watch B. watched C. watches D. watch

Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part.
A. zebra B. breakfast C. surprise D. brother

Find the word whose stress is different from the others.
A. community B. delicious C. technology D. origami

Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.
Going to places like libraries and museums is good ................ educating yourself.
A. at B. from C. in D. for

Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.
Spending too much time ................ computers can cause obesity.
A. used B. to use C. use D. using

Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.
A: I believe that parents shouldn't decide how teenagers spend their free time.
B: So what do you think is the ................ leisure activity for teenagers?
A. well B. better C. good D. best

Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part.
A. comedy B. novel C. princess D. cinema

Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.
I can't live without coffee. I'm so ................ to it.
A. addicted B. addict C. addiction D. addictive

Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.
Liz wants to use her free time for helpful activities so she works as ................
A. a fan B. a teamate C. a partner D. a volunteer

Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.
Even though it is weekend, he prefers ................ books at home to ................ out with friends.
A. to read - to hang B. reading - hanging C. read - hang D. reads - hangs



1 the answer is A because people like to watch TV









The correct and the suitable answer will be mentioned as below :

A) There are many reality shows, comedies and TV series nowadays because people love to watch TV.

B) The Zebra is most suitable and correct answer or the word which has a different sound in the underlined part.

C) The Correct answer will be community is the word whose stress is different from the others .

D) The Correct answer if For : Going to the places like libraries and museums.

E) The best answer to complete the sentence of spending too much time use computers can cause obesity.

F) The best answer to complete the sentence ,So what do you think is the Best leisure activity for teenagers.

G) The suitable word and corrective word is Cinema word which has a different sounds in the underlines part .

H) Addicted is the most suitable and corrective statement.

I) The correct answer will be volunteer , so the given statement of Liz wants to use her free time for helpful activities so she works as .

J) The correct answer ill be A .that is Even though it is weekend, he prefers to read books at home to hang out with friends.

For more information on best answer , please refer the below link :


The climax of The Outsiders occurs in chapters 9 and 10. Explain what
happens during the climax and why this is considered the climax of the


The climax of this novel is Johnny's death. The rising action develops Johnny and Pony's relationship, and his death is the highest peak of action in the novel. I think Johnny dies in the climax in the book because we found all the rising actions lead up to this point. Where Johnny killed Bob lead up to them hiding in the church. After that event, the church caught on fire and then that caused Johnny to get hurt and die.

Can any1 help me and find a good theme for this I need help and hopefully it can b well done:)) thank u!!! asap



Wars are common catalysts behind a large disregard for the right of disadvantaged/marginalized groups.


As wars ensues, the idea of the enemy becomes muddled, fueling stereotypes, thus enacting rage against certain groups.

Answer: Wars ( especially civil ) disproportionately affect racial minorities with small or no history of generational wealth.


A great example of this is the American Civil War, where slaves captured by the union army can be held as "enemy contraband" and be forced to work. The reason this happened was because African Americans were seen as "other than human" at the time, because they were racial minority. After the war shifted tides Confederate Soldiers enacted " scorched earth tactics " burning down any infrastructure they could find before the Union Army could take it African Americans had historically lived in very condensed spaces with each other, therefore this seemingly small act disproportionately effected a large community. Free African Americans had a much lower presence in the south than in the North and were much less accepted by the community in which one in every four households owned slaves or 5% of the population. Black people were often victims of racial violence by the confederate army which they could do nothing about.

(pronoun) Can Jerry help him with the science project?
What is the pronoun


The pronoun is him because it’s replace a noun

The audience for Michael Lewis's speech is

Select one:

the Princeton High School graduating class of 2012.

the Princeton University graduating class of 2012.

the members of his Princeton University class.

a Wall Street convention at Princeton University.



b. the Princeton University graduating class of 2012.

Talk about the love story of a couple you know You should say: When and where they first met how their relationship has gone on what you think sbout their story



I'm going to talk about my parents' love story. They met at a church party in the neighborhood where they lived when they were young, and from then on they became friends and then started dating.

Their relationship was marked by distance, as my father was a sailor and traveled the world by ship to do his job, but as he valued their relationship a lot, he decided to look for a steady job in his hometown and so he and my mother were able to get married.

They had two children, some financial difficulties, but with a lot of love and dedication they were able to overcome them and live a simple life but with a lot of companionship.

In a short story, who do the readers relate to as they read the story



I think it must be the main character, because it is the connection between the characters as well as the context of things

(1) who was the first prime minister of china​



Hey mate......


This is ur answer.....

Zhou Enlai

Hope it helps!

Brainliest pls!

Follow me! :)

Insert appropriate form of the verb at this very moment , the international space station _____ ( orbit ) Earth at distance of 240 miles.



At this very moment, the International Space Station orbits Earth at a distance of 240 miles.


We use the simple present tense when we talk about actions that happen often, habitual actions, or truths that usually do not change or that take some time to change. For example: I sleep at 10 in the evening. / Dogs bark and birds fly. / Dora lives in Spain.

Therefore, since the orbit of the International Space Station is a truth that will most likely take long to change, it seems best to use the simple present to complete the sentence. Since the subject is third-person singular, we must add -s to the verb:

- At this very moment, the International Space Station orbits Earth at a distance of 240 miles.

Note: Another possibility would be the use of the present continuous: "is orbiting". However, that makes it seem this is just a temporary action that will, at any moment, change.

Which statement best describes how the author addresses conflicting historical perspectives on Rasputin in the text?
A The author describes the controversy surrounding Rasputin without citing different perspectives on his life and death.
B The author presents contradictory accounts in order to show that historians know nothing about who Rasputin really was.
C The author only includes evidence that supports her assertions about Rasputin’s character and qualities.
D The author introduces different viewpoints in order to create a complex portrait of Rasputin.





Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
by Robert Frost

Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village, though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.

My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.

He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark, and deep.
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

What tone does the author establish in this poem?


Answer: The tone that the author establishes in this poem is C. Peaceful ✌️

Hope this helps! =)

What types of evidence support inferences about characters in a play? Select three options.


Group of answer choices.

A. characters' thoughts and actions.

B. the number of characters on stage.

C. characters' appearances and ways of dressing.

D. characters' responses to other characters.

E. the names of the characters.


A. characters' thoughts and actions.

C. characters' appearances and ways of dressing.

D. characters' responses to other characters.


A play can be defined as a literary work that presents the dialogue between characters, as well as portrayal of fictional and non-fictional events in a theatre.

In a play, a character list is a list that comprises of both protagonists and antagonists that are featured in a play. A protagonist is the lead, principal or chief (main) character in a story, play or film. Thus, a protagonist refers to the character that is being closely followed by an audience or a reader in order to determine the character's fate at the end of the story or play.

On the other hand, an antagonist is a character that opposes the protagonist.

In English language, an inference can be defined as an act or process which typically involves a person deducing the meaning or message from something through induction.

Hence, the types of evidence that support inferences about characters in a play include the following;

I. The characters' thoughts and actions can be used to draw an inference about the nature or behavior of each characters.

II. The characters' appearances and ways of dressing gives an insight on the characters.

III. The characters' responses to other characters.

Where does Gerzon use emotional appeals (things that bring up a high emotional response) to persuade his audience? What do all the references to tragedies in this text have in common?


Hi. You did not enter the text to which this question refers. This makes it impossible for this question to be answered. However, I will try to help you as best I can by showing you how to find this answer.

It is only possible to find the emotional appeals used in the text by reading the text. However, through the context of your question, we can see that the text relates moments when tragedies happened. Thus, we can consider that the author presents moments of suffering and despair, which stimulates the public's empathy and compassion in relation to what is being presented. These feelings will help the public to agree with the author's arguments in relation to these tragedies, which will encourage the public to prevent tragedies from occurring, to demand punishments from those responsible for the tragedies, among other attitudes supported by the author.

The common element among all the tragedies presented can only be perceived by reading the text. In this case, you must identify a similarity between the tragedies, or an element that repeats itself in all of them.

(1) Many American men were drafted during World War II. (2) Many other men volunteered to serve. (3) In fact, so many men entered the armed services that professional baseball experienced a shortage of good players. (4) Philip K. Wrigley had an interesting solution to the problem. (5) He started a new league. (6) It was called the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League (AAGPBL). (7) To find good players, he scouted women’s softball clubs. (8) They were very popular at that time. (9) The AAGPBL was a hit. (10) In 1948, the year in which the league reached its high point of popularity, more than a million fans came to watch AAGPBL games. (11) The league produced many fine players, including Mary “Bonnie” Baker. (12) Dorothy Kamenshek was also a fine player. (13) After World War II ended, the AAGPBL declined in popularity.
Which is the most effective way to combine sentences 11 and 12?

The league produced many fine players, and they include Mary “Bonnie” Baker and Dorothy Kamenshek.

The league produced many fine players, including Mary “Bonnie” Baker and Dorothy Kamenshek.

The league produced many fine players, Mary “Bonnie” Baker and Dorothy Kamenshek.

The league produced many fine players, Mary “Bonnie” Baker and Dorothy Kamenshek also was fine.


B - The league produced many fine players, including Mary “Bonnie” Baker and Dorothy Kamenshek.


A has the words "and they include" which has unessesary words when you could just say "including"

B is the shortest accurate statement

C is grammatically incorrect

D doesn't make sense

A roar was given by the crowd. passive or active???(for all)
That new store will be closed on Saturdays.
The arrival of the British troops was announced by Paul Revere.
My coach kept us after the game.
His hair was cut by a professional.
The national anthem is being sung
I washed my car three weeks ago.
The computer lab was used by the Psychology class.
Ralph Lauren provided the graduation class' wardrobe.





passive means that a subject is a recipient of a verb’s action that's why it was chosen.

Which revision in a technical document would help make the document clearer and more concise?

changing the sentences from active voice to passive voice
using terms specific to the subject or industry
substituting formal words with simpler ones
including “to be” verbs wherever possible





By using terms specific to the subject, the author shows a greater understanding of the topic and the audience will know what the author is trying to talk about.

Without using terms, you would sound like you dont quite know what youre writing about.

HELP !?!

"Now I want you clearly to understand that this lever, being pressed over, sends the machine gliding into the future, and this other reverses the motion. I am going to press the lever, and off the machine will go. It will vanish, pass into future Time, and disappear. Have a good look at the thing. Look at the table too, and satisfy yourselves there is no trickery. I don't want to waste this model, and then be told I'm a quack."

There was a minute's pause perhaps. The Psychologist seemed about to speak to me, but changed his mind. Then the Time Traveller put forth his finger towards the lever. He sent forth the model Time Machine on its interminable voyage. We all saw the lever turn. I am absolutely certain there was no trickery. There was a breath of wind, and the lamp flame jumped. One of the candles on the mantel was blown out, and the little machine suddenly swung round, became indistinct, was seen as a ghost; and it was gone—vanished!

Which of the following is an example of theme in this excerpt?

Time travel
Friends are enemies.
Seeing is believing.



anwser A I believe..,.,.

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?

Thou art more lovely and more temperate:

Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,

And summer's lease hath all too short a date

–"Sonnet 18,"
William Shakespeare

What tone should the speaker use to recite this poem?

confused and unsure
sincere and romantic
silly and humorous
angry and hurt



A speaker should use a sincere and romantic tone to recite this poem.

sincere and romantic
sonnet 18 is a romantic sonnet

What is the relationship between Doug Vakoch and Philip Lubin’s equations when it comes to sending messages into space? Cite evidence from the text in your response to the article of COOL JOBS: REACHING OUT TO E.T. IS A NUMBER Game.



Imagine asking other people for the answer yderson

Explanation:You got caught in 4K kid

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I NEED HELP!!! like nobody helping me i had my question up there for 19 hours like come on if u want to help my last question is on my page just go to question and u will is i post it more than one time there is a math and ela question come on! Im giving brainliest for the two questions! Thank u Find mZP.P262./13RmZP =Im confused in Not Scared ... Prepared What does the author describe in the section titled ""Communities Are Involved""? Hot water is added to three times its water at 10 degree Celsius and the resulting temperature at 20 degree Celsius. what is the initial temperature The path earth follows around the sun is earth's ___ 5. There are 32 more pupils in the Robotics Club than in the Art club. The number of pupilsin the Robotics Club is 18 less than 3 times the number of pupils in the Art club. Howmany pupils are there in the Robotics club? 5x + 3y = 17-8x - 3y = 9 How did indulgences lead to conflict amongst the churches Which is a common factor of 1 and 2?A.0B.C.D.124BD Translate the following to English. Traduce el siguiente prrafo al ingls. Una vida equilibrada Por: la Doctora Irma de Hoyos Es importante tener una vida equilibrada. No importa que profesin o carrera elijas, lo importante es que sepas mantener un equilibrio entre tu vida profesional y tu vida personal. Todo tipo de trabajo tiene un cierto nivel de estrs. A veces es dificil saber cuando es necesario tomar un descanso, pero debes aprender a conocer los sintomas del estrs en tu cuerpo. Todos necesitamos descansar: los abogados, los periodistas, los profesores, los obreros etc. Una forma de descanso y diversin puede ser asistir al ballet o a un concierto. Tambin puedes salir con tus amigos o ir a ver competencias deportivas. Viajar es tambin una buena manera para relajarse. What is 1/4 as a number? PLEASE HELP THIS IS DUE NOWwill mark brainliest!10 points Find the volume of the prism. please help step by step how do I solve this The number of subsets that can be created from the set {1, 2, 3} is: Which of the following questions applies the strategy of comparing and contrasting? A. When did the civil rights era really begin? B. How did soldiers in the Civil War feel about their jobs? C. What were the economic effects of the Cold War in the Soviet Union? D. Have some religions been more involved in religious wars than others? the female cook A. el cocinero B. la mesera C. el mesero D. la cocinera jenny picked 40 roses and gave away 10. what percent of roses did she give away? Which statement best describes why the value of the car is a function of the number of years since it was purchased? Which action is the best way to prevent cavities? O A. Washing your hands regularly with soap O B. Keeping your hands away from your mouth O C. Changing your toothbrush every three months D. Using a fluoride-based toothpaste