What’s your strangest dream you’ve ever had? Did you ever figure out what caused you to picture such bizarre events or images? Write about the dream and it’s effect on you when you woke up. (4 sentences)


Answer 1


I once had a dream that there were zombies attacking my house and I was hiding behind a couch, eating a sandwich.  Through all this though, Lady Gaga was singing "Bad Romance" on a small stage in my living room.  Then I saw a raccoon and it talked and said to follow it into the forest.  Then it showed me how to defeat the zombies and then I fixed the world!


How I felt after was I was a little weirded out because I had never watched a zombie movie before but, I do love Lady Gaga.  Also, I have always hated raccoons.  I have to add though I was a bit scared as well.

Related Questions

Analyzing Theme and Archetype
Antigone and Ismene heard with horror what Creon had
What archetype does Antigone represent? the rebel
decided. To Ismene, shocking as it was, overwhelming
What is the universal theme in this passage?
her with anguish for the pitiful dead body and the lonely,
homeless soul, it seemed, nevertheless, that nothing
could be done except to acquiesce. She and Antigone
How does Antigone's archetype reveal the theme?
were utterly alone. All Thebes was exulting that the man
who had brought war upon them should be thus terribly
punished. "We are women," she told her sister. "We must
obey. We have no strength to defy the State." "Choose
your own part," Antigone said. "I go to bury the brother I
love." "You are not strong enough," Ismene cried. "Why,
then when my strength fails," Antigone answered, "I will
give up." She left her sister; Ismene dared not follow her.
"The Royal House of Thebes,
Edith Hamilton



The passage from the royal house of Thebes, reveals the rebellious theme of Antigone's character as she breaks the rules, and represents heroic and tragic archetypes. Archetypes are universal patterns and symbols that are linked to a person's conduct and attitude across cultures and are widely used in mythology. Antigone is the story's primary heroine, and she is portrayed as a brave and courageous young woman. Her sister Ismene is the opposite of her as she is timid and a coward. Antigone, on the other hand, is a free spirit who chooses to battle like a true warrior. She is a responsible young lady who is concerned for her younger sister. She also reveals the rebellious nature that breaks the rules of her own principles to show the men what they are capable of. She challenges the cowardness of her sister Ismene and sets the theme of a strong head woman.


Which logical fallacy is used in the text?
The principal argues that the proceeds from the fundraiser should be spent repainting the
school and replacing worn-out classroom furniture. When did the school's first priority
become pampering students?
straw man: a misrepresentation of an opponent's position that makes it
easier to argue against
guilt by association: a negative association intended to discredit someone or
false causation: the assumption that because two things happened together,
one caused the other
bandwagon fallacy: the assumption that the popular choice is automatically
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Raining now


After reading the text, we can conclude that the logical fallacy used by the author is known as guilt by association.

Why is guilt by association used?Because the speaker tries to discourage support for school reforms.Because the speaker tries to associate school reforms with pampering students.Because the speaker makes a false association between school reinforcement and students.

In the text presented above, the speaker tries to discourage the public from supporting the use of money collected by the school to change the furniture and renovate the painting.

Although these two activities are beneficial for the entire student body and faculty as they promote a more pleasant and positive environment for everyone, the speaker associates this with the act of pampering students, trying to show that these reforms are superfluous and associating them with something that is not having a connection.

Learn more about logical fallacy:



How can I determine the central idea of an informational text?

How is legal reasoning different from logical reasoning?

What is an allusion?

How do figurative language devices enhance the text?


Beginning of each paragraph. You can discover the central idea of such an information piece by looking at the first phrase, which frequently provides background information on the topic under discussion in the chapter.

What is the main point?

The major concept serves as the narrative's uniting theme and connects each of the various fictional devices the author uses to convey the story. The dominating impression or the general, overarching truth revealed in the story are both good ways to define the key theme.

What is the main concept?

What it even is mostly about is its main notion. A literary passage usually contains the main ideas. An informational text contains major concepts. The moral or message conveyed by the motif is

To know more about central idea visit:



Select the correct answer from the drop-down menu.
Read the excerpt from "A Country Cottage." Then complete the sentence.
The setting at the beginning of the story sets up a
but later provides the
point of


A short description of the book "A Country Cottage." and its setting is given below:

"A Country Cottage" is a short story by Anton Chekhov, first published in 1885. It is set in a small Russian village and follows the lives of the story's characters as they go about their daily lives in the rural setting.

The story is set in the late 19th century and takes place in a simple, rustic cottage on the outskirts of the village.

The cottage is located in a quiet, peaceful area surrounded by fields and woods, and is described as a place of retreat and solitude.

What is a Setting?

This refers to the context in which a story or scene takes place. It includes the time, place, and culture in which the events of the story occur, as well as the social, political, and economic conditions of the characters

Hence, it can be seen that the main character in the story is a young woman named Liza, who lives in the cottage with her husband and their young son. The story explores the relationships between the characters and the challenges they face as they navigate life in a rural setting.

Read more about settings here:



The setting at the beginning of the story sets up a Peaceful mood. but later provides the point of tension.


Read the excerpt from "A Country Cottage, by Anton Chekhov

In which a couple is relaxing near a train station. "Let's see the train in and go home," said Sasha, yawning, "What a splendid time we are having together, Varya, it's so splendid, one can hardly believe it's true" "Look" they heard from one of the carriages, "Varya and Sasha have come to meet us!

Two little girls skipped out of the train and hung on Varya's neck. They were followed by a stout, middle-aged lady, and a tall, lanky gentleman with grey whiskers, behind them came two schoolboys, laden with bags, and after the schoolboys, the governess, after the governess the grandmother "Here we are, here we are, dear boy" began the whiskered gentleman, squeezing Sasha's hand. "Sick of waiting for us, I expect! You have been pitching into your old uncle for not coming down all this time, I daresay! Kolya, Kostya, Nina, FIFA ... children! Kiss your cousin Sasha We're all here, the whole troop of us, just for three or four days. I hope we shan't be too many for you. You mustn't let us put you out."

At the sight of their uncle and his family, the young couple were horror-stricken. While his uncle talked and kissed them, Sasha had a vision of their little cottage: he and Varya giving up their three little rooms, all the pillows and bedding to their guests; the salmon, the sardines, the chicken all devoured in a single instant; the cousins plucking the flowers in their little garden....



complex environment

careless tone


5. What is the verb mood of the following sentence? The drink might explode if you shake the bottle.
indicative , interrogative, imperative, subjunctive or conditional



interrogative is the answer

imperative Of Direct speech

How does Olivia react to the fighting?
She is mad at Sir Toby and is worried that Cesario (who is really Sebastian) will be offended.
She yells at Sir Andrew and tells him to leave Illyria at once.
She begs Cesario (who is really Sebastian) for forgiveness and insists Toby apologize.
She tells Cesario (who is really Sebastian) that if he would like to, he can banish Sir Andrew.


Olivia react to the fighting as A. she is mad at Sir Toby and is worried that Cesario (who is really Sebastian) will be offended.

When Olivia witnesses Sir Toby Andrew and Sebastian fighting, what does she do?

Sebastian and Sir Toby draw their swords and get ready to fight after exchanging insults. Then Olivia appears. She sees Cesario, whom she believes to be Sir Toby, getting ready to fight.

She sends the others away and demands that Sir Toby put his sword away angrily. Therefore, based on the information, it should be noted that the correct option is A.

Learn more about Twelfth Night on:



Explain how each paradox is illustrated in "like the sun" and "the open window"
"Like the Sun"- "You have to be cruel to be kind"
"The Open WIndow"- " One would think he had seen a ghost"


In the story "Like the Sun," the paradox "You have to be cruel to be kind" is illustrated through the character of the narrator, who is a teacher trying to help a young boy named Rangaje learn how to write. The narrator is initially kind and patient with Rangaje, but as the boy struggles to learn and becomes more and more frustrated, the narrator becomes increasingly stern and even cruel in his methods. He yells at Rangaje and makes him stay after school to practice writing, all in an effort to help him improve. The paradox is illustrated in the idea that the narrator's harshness is ultimately for the boy's own good and is intended to be kind, even though it may not seem that way at first.

In the story "The Open Window," the paradox "One would think he had seen a ghost" is illustrated through the character of Mr. Nuttel, who is visiting the home of a relative to convalesce after a nervous breakdown. While he is there, he is told a story about a tragic hunting accident that occurred on the property, and the window in the room he is sitting in is left open to allow the ghosts of the deceased hunters to enter. As Mr. Nuttel sits there, he becomes increasingly nervous and jumpy, imagining that he sees the ghosts of the hunters entering through the open window. The paradox is illustrated in the idea that Mr. Nuttel's fear and anxiety are ultimately caused by his own imagination and belief in the supernatural, even though he initially believes he has seen a ghost.

Organizing your Argument.

Paragraph 1 (Introduction: Background info and your claim)
How were the conditions for African Americans (politically, socially, economically) after the Civil War? After the Civil War, African Americans were allowed to vote, actively participate in politics, acquire land, seek employment, and use public accommodations.
What were some of the causes of their conditions?
How did America respond to the conditions of African Americans during Reconstruction?
What positive changes were made politically?
What, if any, positive changes were made socially?
How did things change economically?
Which man’s complete ideology do you agree (CLAIM!!!)?

Paragraph 2 (Body Paragraph)
What text are you using to find your information?
What is the ideology you plan on informing the audience (social, economic, or political)?
Why do you think the ideology was the best to achieve equality?

Paragraph 3 (Body Paragraph)
What text are you using to find your information?
What is the ideology you plan on informing the audience (social, economic, or political)?
Why do you think the ideology was the best to achieve equality?

Paragraph 4 (Body Paragraph)
What text are you using to find your information?
What is the ideology you plan on informing the audience (social, economic, or political)?
Why do you think the ideology was the best to achieve equality?

Who has a different approach to achieving equality?
What is their ideology (social, economic, or political)?
Where did you find your information?
Why is their ideology flawed?

Paragraph 5 (Conclusion)
Which early 20th century man’s ideology do you feel would best help African Americans achieve equality?
What is his ideology socially?
What is his ideology politically?
What is his ideology economically?
How could his ideology work in today’s society?



In conclusion, I believe that the ideology of early 20th century man, W.E.B. Du Bois, is the best approach to achieving equality for African Americans. His ideology is socially focused on the importance of education, recognition of civil rights, and the elimination of racial prejudice. Politically, his ideology is based on the need for African Americans to have full representation in the government. Economically, he advocated for job opportunities, access to land, and an increase in wages. With these changes, Du Bois believed Africans Americans could achieve economic independence and equality. In today’s society, his ideology can still be applied and would work to ensure equality for African Americans. Overall, Du Bois’s ideology stands as the most effective approach for achieving equality for African Americans.




Answer: Conclusion, body, introduction.


Answer: Conclusion, body, introduction


How does Stanley's eavesdropping add to the tension in the play? How may this form
of espionage contribute to the play's later events?


In the play, Stanley's eavesdropping adds to the tension by revealing that he is paying close attention to the actions and conversations of the other characters. This can create a sense of unease and mistrust among the other characters, as they may feel that Stanley is trying to gather information about them for some ulterior motive.

Eavesdropping can also contribute to the play's later events by providing Stanley with information that he can use to his advantage. For example, if Stanley overhears a conversation that reveals a weakness or vulnerability of one of the other characters, he may use this information to manipulate or exploit them. This could lead to further tension and conflict within the play.

Overall, Stanley's eavesdropping serves to increase the level of tension and uncertainty within the play, as it suggests that he is not to be trusted and may be scheming behind the scenes. This can add an element of intrigue and drama to the story and contribute to the development of the plot.

Did you
sit or set
the dough in a warm place?


Set the dough in a warm place

Which best describes a theme of the Time of the Butterflies? a . The Mirabal sisters are the most important people from the Dominican Republic . b. Freedom and Imprisonment . It's hard for sisters to be friends because they are too competitive. d. Family sticks together, no matter what the cost.


The option that best describes a theme of the Time of the Butterflies is this:

d. Family sticks together, no matter what the cost.

What is a theme in the story?

A striking theme in the story titled, Time of the Butterflies is that family sticks together despite the challenges that they may face. In the story's plot, we can see that the Mirabal sisters met a lot of opposition from the dictatorship of Trujillo at the time. Despite this, they were still able to maintain their friendship and make their voices heard in society.

A theme in a story refers to the main message of the text. One of the main messages in this story is the power of family relationships. Despite the challenges that the sister went through in their personal lives and relationships with their partners, they were still able to maintain a strong bond.

Learn more about themes here:



What were the three notable things that happened in Maycomb by the middle of October?




Bob Ewell broke into Judge Taylor's house, Bob Ewell lost his job & blamed it on Atticus and, Bob followed Helen Robinson to work.

What is being implied in paragraph 15 of “persuasion”


"Implied in paragraph 15 of “persuasion” -  As a result of Mr. Elliot and Mrs. Clay getting married, Mrs. Clay is prevented from marrying Sir Walter.

Mrs. Clay's age at the time of persuasion?

She left her father's home as a widow and has now returned, bringing two young children along with her. She is in her thirties, and from what we can tell, she is not attractive. In the novel's concluding lines, Austen makes a sweeping statement about the Navy's place in society. She admits that Anne's future might not be altogether happy because being married to a Naval officer entails continuously thinking about the possibility of war and a protracted separation. Warfare and naval clashes occurred alarmingly frequently throughout this era in English history. Although Persuasion may contain people who are Navy officers, it never describes them in their official capacities. Only the level of respect that civilians accord them determines how essential their rank is. Austen recognizes this important exclusion in her final statement, indicating that she is aware of it. The Navy as a whole accomplishes a lot of good for England.

To know more about Bias media visit:



how did shang priests communicate with the gods? responses they offered animal sacrifices and then waited for direction from the gods in the form of omens. they offered animal sacrifices and then waited for direction from the gods in the form of omens. they burned incense and watched the smoke for signs from the gods. they burned incense and watched the smoke for signs from the gods. they asked the gods questions, and then heated animal bones and read the cracks in the bones to find the answers. they asked the gods questions, and then heated animal bones and read the cracks in the bones to find the answers. they drank herb tea and then slept, hoping that the gods would visit them in their dreams.


Correct answer is Option(C).They asked the gods questions, and then heated animal bones and read the cracks in the bones to find the answers.

The only solution that emerged from all the study I was able to conduct on this subject was Oracle bones. These bones, which were typically taken from oxen or turtles, were utilized for a specific kind of divination. Specifically, they were able to foretell future occurrences using the Gods' responses to questions based on the behavior of the bones. The Shang held several gods to have spiritual authority over the world. In addition, they worshipped their ancestors. They consulted their ancestors through oracle bones and made prayers to the gods, notably the supreme god Shangdi. The Shang created a lunar calendar with 12-month years and 29-day months. The discovery of human and animal remains as well as artifacts in tombs during the Shang Dynasty suggests that there was belief in the afterlife at that time.

Learn more about Shang priests here: https://brainly.com/question/131737


The complete question is:

How did Shang priests communicate with the gods? A. They burned incense and watched the smoke for signs from the gods. B. They offered animal sacrifices and then waited for direction from the gods in the form of omens. C. They asked the gods questions, and then heated animal bones and read the cracks in the bones to find the answers. D. They drank herb tea and then slept, hoping that the gods would visit them in their dreams.

In The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, what is the contradiction between Caesar's public image and his private life?



The Tragedy of Julius Caesar is a play by William Shakespeare that portrays the conspiracy against the Roman dictator, Julius Caesar, and his eventual assassination. In the play, Caesar is depicted as a powerful and ambitious leader who is highly respected by the people of Rome. However, behind closed doors, Caesar is shown to be vulnerable and prone to making mistakes, just like any other human being. This contrast between Caesar's public image as a strong and infallible leader, and his private life as a mortal and fallible individual, is one of the central contradictions of the play.


When mut the attendant order the exit of all peronnel from a confined pace?

Only for lunch
LEL = 10%
Break time



An order to evacuate is given by the attendant or entry supervisor; - You detect a prohibited condition; - You recognize any warning sign or symptom of exposure; or - An evacuation alarm is activated.

Why did ezra pound reduce his poem "in a station of the metro" from 30 lines to merely 2 lines?


Ezra Pound reduced his poem "In a Station of the Metro" from 30 lines to merely 2 lines because he believed in the concept of "imagism," which emphasized the use of precise, concrete imagery and the elimination of unnecessary words. Pound believed that by reducing the poem to just two lines, he was able to convey a strong image and emotion without the need for excess verbiage. The two lines of the poem ("The apparition of these faces in the crowd; / Petals on a wet, black bough") contain a powerful and evocative image that captures the feeling of being overwhelmed by the crowded, impersonal atmosphere of a metro station. By simplifying the poem in this way, Pound was able to create a strong emotional impact with a minimal number of words.

learn more from here:


Match the definition to the term.

1 .
asked to see if you understand what you read
2 .
the action is not long or involved
3 .
inspirational poetry
what makes something happen
4 .
short story
a summary of all details in a reading selection
5 .
phrases with meanings that cannot be understood from ordinary meanings
6 .
helps you feel like being a better person
7 .
comprehension questions
placing events in proper order
8 .
free verse
has rhythm but no rhyme
9 .
main idea
story poem that can be sung
10 .
sequence of events
result or the outcome


idioms match 5,free verse match 9

Which of the following quotations from the passage includes a prepositional phrase?
Choose three that apply.
OA Instead of complaining (paragraph 1)
this Saturday (paragraph 3)
C. throughout Oakdale School District (paragraph 3)
D. We expect to (paragraph 3)
in great numbers (paragraph 3)


i think it’s D (we expect to) because it includes a preposition and an object of the preposition

Which of the following is NOT an example of figurative language?

A metaphor
B simile
C personification
D imagery


That which is NOT an example of figurative language is this:

D. Imagery

What is figurative language?

Figurative language refers to a way of communicating ideas in an interesting way. A writer who uses figurative language does not just use speech in its iteral form but is able to paint pictures with them to make the ideas more interesting. Personification, simile, and metaphor are all examples of figurative language.

Imagery is not a figurative language but it is a way to help the readers use their senses to understand ideas. Imagery can require readers to use their mind's eyes to see, hear, perceive, or even feel the objects being described in the text.

Metaphors and similes are ways of comparing things while personification is a figurative language that gives human attributes to inanimate things. In using metaphor, we compare items directly while simile uses as and like. The odd option is Imagery.

Learn more about imagery here:



the pattern of movement or cadence in your voice when you speak is which aspect of vocal delivery?



Hope this helps

Answer: it’s Rythem

Explanation: I think I spelt it right? I hope this helps!!!

All astronauts who visit the international space station must learn what language?





All astronauts who visit the International Space Station must learn Russian, as the space station is a collaborative effort between the United States and Russia, and Russian is the primary language used for communication and operation on the station. In addition to learning Russian, astronauts must also undergo extensive training in a variety of other subjects, including space flight, space medicine, and spacecraft systems, in order to prepare for their missions.

All astronauts who visit the International Space Station must learn Russian language.

What is the space station?

A space station is a type of space habitat that is capable of supporting a human crew in orbit for an extended period of time. It lacks significant propulsion and landing systems.

An orbital station, also known as an orbital space station, is a type of artificial satellite. The International Space Station's mission is to enable long-term space exploration while also benefiting people on Earth.

The Space Station, with six cutting-edge laboratories, will be the premier research facility in space, four times larger and more capable than any previous space station.

Therefore, All astronauts who visit the International Space Station are required to learn Russian.

Learn more about the space station, refer to:



Hello can someone help me out with this fast!?!?! I have to right about GPS devices in electronics.


GPS devices in electronics are:

Location, velocity, and time synchronisation are all provided via the Worldwide Positioning Constellation (GPS), a system of satellites used for global navigation. Everywhere you look, you can find GPS. Your automobile, smartphone, and watch all have GPS systems. GPS aids in navigating you from point A to point B.

Why are GPS devices important?

As a result, communication and daily life have changed. Because of GPS, our environment is safer and simpler to live in. In order to help users with mapping and navigation, GPS is a location technology that is installed in cars and cell phones. It is also used to assist parents in finding and monitoring their children.

Hence above given is a correct answer.

To know more about GPS follow link



Passage 1

The California Gold Rush

The California Gold Rush began with the discovery of gold at Sutter's Mill. This event occurred in January of 1848. Within a few years, tens of thousands of people moved to California in search of gold. Both men and women hoped to find lots of gold in California. Most men worked in the gold mines and gold fields. Women worked at laundry services or took jobs as cooks. As the population of California increased, roads, schools, and churches were built to meet the needs of the new settlers. Agriculture also developed in order to feed all of the people. By 1860, millions of dollars in gold had been discovered, and California's population had reached 380,000.

Passage 2

Gold Mining Letter

September 20, 1851

Dear Molly,

Here, at Rich Bar, men live in small homes along the river. These men moved to California to mine for gold. There are only a few women. Like me, they came with their husbands or fathers and earn money by cooking meals and washing laundry. In the fall of 1850, many of the men who were here at the time found a lot of gold. Some made good decisions and used their gold wisely. However, some did not make good decisions. In the end, this is the common story of a gold miner.

With love,



Select ALL the correct answers.

A. Which two ideas do the passages share?

B. Some people did not make good decisions with their gold.

C. New buildings were constructed to serve the needs of settlers.

D. Women worked as cooks and laundry washers near the gold mines.

E.People moved to California to find gold.

F. The Gold Rush led to the development of agriculture in California.


Two ideas that the passages share are these:

D. Women worked as cooks and laundry washers near the gold mines.

E. People moved to California to find gold.

What were the main ideas of the text?

The main ideas of the text include the fact that people moved in their droves to California. There were also men and women who migrated with their families. While the men worked at the gold mines, the women supported them by doing the laundry and other menial services. These two outstanding ideas are present in options D and E.

Option D supports the idea that the women served as cooks and laundry washers. This very idea is present in the two passages. The other first and visible idea is that people moved to California to find gold and this information is also available in the two passages. The California gold rush happened in the 19th century in America and the events described above portray the reality at that time.

Learn more about the California Gold rush here:



given the following relation book (book isbn, author num, date published). assume a book can be written by many authors and an author can write many books. what would be appropriate primary key? a. book isbn b. book isbn, author num c. auth num d. none of the above


The appropriate primary key is: Correct answer is option a a. book isbn. Introducing a new row with a foreign key that does not correspond to a primary key in the associated table.

Changing a foreign key in a linked table that has a value other than the primary key. Changing a primary key without additionally changing the foreign keys for the corresponding rows in all related tables in a primary key table not erasing the linked record in the associated primary key table when deleting a row in a foreign key table. The values in a single column are all of the same type of data since each column in a database table also has a data type assigned to it. In the example book database, all three columns' values are text or character values. Because the ISBN consists of a string of 10 digits, it is kept as text rather than an integer (as opposed to a decimal value). For instance, we would lose the leading 0 if we stored the ISBN as an integer. A primary key exists for each table in a database. Every row in a table must have a different primary key.

Learn more about Primary key here:



Use “The Cardinal: The Story of My First Cage Bird” and “Amid Battle over Keeping Whales in Captivity, Some Aquariums Scale Back” to answer the following question.

What is a difference in how the two selections portray animals in captivity?


The difference between how the two stories compares animals in captivity is given as follows:

“The Cardinal: The Story of My First Cage Bird”: positive and rewarding.“Amid Battle over Keeping Whales in Captivity, Some Aquariums Scale Back”: Negative and unethical.

What are the stories?

In “The Cardinal: The Story of My First Cage Bird”, the writer has a positive and rewarding experience, as it is a personal experience of the writer keeping a cardinal caged. The story focuses on the writer point of view, and describes the joy that the writer felt with the experience.

"Amid Battle over Keeping Whales in Captivity, Some Aquariums Scale Back” raises ethic concerns about keeping animals in captivity, focusing on the negative effects that captivity has in the animals, and how some aquariums are taking difference procedures to avoid keeping the animals captive.

More can be learned about animals in captivity at https://brainly.com/question/19953671


In the second paragraph of "Ain't I a Woman?," how does Truth appeal to listeners’ sense of logic?

That man over there says that women need to be helped into carriages, and lifted over ditches, and to have the best place everywhere. Nobody ever helps me into carriages, or over mud-puddles, or gives me any best place! And ain’t I a woman? Look at me! Look at my arm! I have ploughed and planted, and gathered into barns, and no man could head me! And ain’t I a woman? I could work as much and eat as much as a man – when I could get it – and bear the lash as well! And ain’t I a woman? I have borne thirteen children, and seen most all sold off to slavery, and when I cried out with my mother’s grief, none but Jesus heard me! And ain’t I a woman?

-She presents evidence that women can be as strong as men.

-She recounts personal experiences to gain her audience’s trust.

-She asks her audience to sympathize with her plight.

-She explains the many hardships that she has experienced.

(the answer is A)


She presents evidence that women can be as strong as men are the correct option.

What premise underpins Ain't IA Woman?

It is the title of a speech she gave in 1851 in Akron, Ohio, at the Women's Convention. This was kept demanding of the female attendees that they require the right to vote. The speech's goal is to convince the audience that granting women the right to vote is a sensible idea.

In her brief but impactful speech "Ain't I a Woman?," Black abolitionist and feminist activist Sojourner Truth stresses the urgent need for equal rights for women in the United States.

Therefore, She delivered it at the Ohio Women's Rights Convention in 1851.

Learn more about Ain't I a Woman? from the given link.



Answer: (A) She presents evidence that women can be as strong as men.

Explanation: Right on edge:)

The correct answer is underlined by pink pen but don't know why?
Can someone tell me the reason it's present perfect?​



I guess because


There are two person who had already meet before and again seeing each other after long time and your answer may be shoot in this type of question like

I didn't see your cat

They are seeing each other now so the sentence should be in present perfect according to the question

may be it will be helpfull

Which external conflict in one hundred years of solitude is never resolved?


Answer: The external conflict in One Hundred Years of Solitude that is never resolved is the emotional rift between Rebeca and Amaranta.


Rebeca’s hopes of marriage are revived once Pietro Crespi has returned, but Amaranta suggests that Rebeca wait until the church is built, a process that Rebeca believes might take ten years. Pietro Crespi, too, is disappointed by the delay. The two lovers are found by Úrsula, kissing in the dark, and Úrsula dedicates herself to supervising their future visits. After three months of agony, Pietro Crespi donates the money Father Nicanor needs to finish the church. Amaranta removes the mothballs protecting Rebeca’s dress, but Amparo Moscote says she can sew a new dress in a week. Amaranta resolves to poison Rebeca’s coffee.

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