When a database stores the majority of data in RAM rather than in hard disks, it is referred to as a(n) _____ database.


Answer 1




A database management system (DBMS) can be defined as a collection of software applications that typically enables computer users to effectively and efficiently create, store, modify, retrieve, centralize and manage data or informations in a database. Thus, it allows computer users to efficiently retrieve and manage their data with an appropriate level of security.

Generally, a database management system (DBMS) acts as an intermediary between the physical data files stored on a computer system and any software application or program.

In this context, data management is a type of infrastructure service that avails businesses (companies) the ability to store and manage corporate data while providing capabilities for analyzing these data.

Hence, a database management system (DBMS) is a system that enables an organization or business firm to centralize data, manage the data efficiently while providing authorized users a significant level of access to the stored data.

Radom Access Memory (RAM) can be defined as the main memory of a computer system which allow users to store commands and data temporarily.

Generally, the Radom Access Memory (RAM) is a volatile memory and as such can only retain data temporarily.

All software applications temporarily stores and retrieves data from a Radom Access Memory (RAM) in computer, this is to ensure that informations are quickly accessible, therefore it supports read and write of files.

Generally, when a database stores the majority of data in random access memory (RAM) rather than in hard disks, it is referred to as an in-memory database (IMDB).

An in-memory database (IMDB) is designed to primarily to store data in the main memory of a computer system rather than on a hard-disk drive, so as to enhance a quicker response time for the database management system (DBMS).

Related Questions

3. Most widely used structure for recording database modifications is called
A. Scheduling
B. Buffering
C. Log
D. Blocking​



C. log


The log is a sequence of log records, recording all the update activities in the database

hope this helps


C. Log is the



a sequence of log records recording all update activity in database

Which of the following restricts the ability for individuals to reveal information present in some part of the database?

a. Access Control
b. Inference Control
c. Flow Control
d. Encyption



it would have to be flow control which would be C.


Flow Control is restricts the ability for individuals to reveal information present in some part of the database. Hence, option C is correct.

What is Flow Control?

The management of data flow between computers, devices, or network nodes is known as flow control. This allows the data to be processed at an effective rate. Data overflow, which occurs when a device receives too much data before it can handle it, results in data loss or retransmission.

A design concern at the data link layer is flow control. It is a method that typically monitors the correct data flow from sender to recipient. It is very important because it allows the transmitter to convey data or information at a very quick rate, which allows the receiver to receive it and process it.

The amount of data transmitted to the receiver side without any acknowledgement is dealt with by flow control.

Thus, option C is correct.

For more information about Flow Control, click here:



Write an expression that evaluates to True if the string associated with s1 is greater than the string associated with s2




The following code is written in Python. It is a function that takes two string parameters and compares the lengths of both strings. If the string in variable s1 is greater then the function returns True, otherwise the function returns False. A test case has been provided and the output can be seen in the attached image below.

def compareStrings(s1, s2):

   if len(s1) > len(s2):

       return True


       return False

print(compareStrings("Brainly", "Competition"))

You know different types of networks. If two computing station high speed network link for proper operation which of the following network type should be considered as a first priority?





All of these



All of these.


How can COUNTIF, COUNTIFS, COUNT, COUNTA, and COUNTBLANK functions aide a company to support its mission or goals



Following are the responses to these questions:


It employs keywords to autonomously do work tasks. Users can type numbers directly into the formulas or use the following formulae, so any data the cells referenced provide would be used in the form.

For instance, this leadership involves accounting, and Excel is concerned with organizing and organizing numerical data. In this Equation, I can discover all its information in the data. This idea is simple me count the number many cells containing a number, and also the number of integers. It counts integers in any sorted number as well. As both financial analysts, it is helpful for the analysis of the data if we want to maintain the same number of neurons.

A cashier distributes change using the maximum number of five-dollar bills, followed by one-dollar bills. Write a single statement that assigns num_ones with the number of distributed one-dollar bills given amount_to_change. Hint: Use %.
Sample output with input: 19
Change for $ 19
3 five dollar bill(s) and 4 one dollar bill(s)
1 amount_to_change = int(input())
3 num_fives amount_to_change // 5
5 Your solution goes here
6 I
7 print('Change for $, amount_to_change)
8 print(num_fives, 'five dollar bill(s) and', num_ones, 'one dollar bill (s)')




The code that was provided in the question contained a couple of bugs. These bugs were fixed and the new code can be seen below as well as with the solution for the number of one-dollar bills included. The program was tested and the output can be seen in the attached image below highlighted in red.

amount_to_change = int(input())

num_fives = amount_to_change // 5

#Your solution goes here

num_ones = amount_to_change % 5

print('Change for $' + str(amount_to_change))

print(num_fives, 'five dollar bill(s) and', num_ones, 'one dollar bill (s)')

Write a class Example() such that it has a method that gives the difference between the size of strings when the '-' (subtraction) symbol is used between the two objects of the class. Additionally, implement a method that returns True if object 1 is greater than object 2 and False otherwise when the (>) (greater than) symbol is used. For example: obj1



Here the code is given as follows,


class Example:

   def _init_(self, val):

       self.val = val

   def _gt_(self, other):

       return self.val > other.val

   def _sub_(self,other):

       return abs(len(self.val) - len(other.val))

def main():

   obj1 = Example('this is a string')

   obj2 = Example('this is another one')

   print(obj1 > obj2)

   print(obj1 - obj2)



Problem 1
Function floor may be used to round a number to a specific decimal place. The statement
y = floor( x * 10 + .5 ) / 10;
rounds x to the tenths position (the first position to the right of the decimal point). The
y = floor( x * 100 + .5 ) / 100;
rounds x to the hundredths position (the second position to the right of the decimal
Write a program that defines four functions to round a number x in various ways
a. roundToInteger( number )
b. roundToTenths( number )
c. roundToHundreths( number )
d. roundToThousandths( number )
For each value read, your program should print the original value, the number rounded to
the nearest integer, the number rounded to the nearest tenth, the number rounded to
the nearest hundredth, and the number rounded to the nearest thousandth.
Input Format
Input line contain a float number.
Output Format
Print the original value, the number rounded to the nearest integer, the number rounded
to the nearest tenth, the number rounded to the nearest hundredth, and the number
rounded to the nearest thousandth
Example 1
Input 1
Output 1
24567.8 24568 24570 24600


Definitely C I am going to be home in a few wewwww

If the signal is going through a 2 MHz Bandwidth Channel, what will be the maximum bit rate that can be achieved in this channel? What will be the appropriate signal level?





(a) Define a goal for software product quality and an associated metric for that attribute. (b) Explain how you could show that the goal is validatable. (c) Explain how you could show that the goal is verifiable. 2. (a) Create a list of software product attributes and a list for software project attributes. (b) Rank these in the order of how difficult you consider them to be measured. (c) Discuss the reasons for your choices


C discuss the reasons for your choices

How many ways are there to arrange the letters in the word ALGORITHMS? Note, the letter arrangement does not have to spell a word in the dictionary, but the new word must contain all the letters and each letter can be used only once.


there are ten letters in the word, so for the first position we can choose out of 10 option.

no matter wich specific option we choose, we will have 9 letters left for the 2nd letter.

and 8 for the third place.


when we will have used up 9 of 10 letters, there will be only one option for the last place.

the number of possible decision-paths is therefore given by this expression:


wich is 3,628,800

there are quite a few ways to rearrange 10 letters

The sorting method which commands entries in a going to head predicated on each character without regard to space as well as punctuation, therefore there are 3628800 ways.

The word 'ALGORITHMS' has 10 letters. There is no repeated letter so, the first Letter can hold 10 places if we start taking one letter at a time. The second can then hold nine positions, the third can hold eight, and so on.

So, as [tex]\bold{ 10\times 9 \times 8.... \times 3 \times 2 \times 1 = 362,8800}[/tex] ways, we have such a total number of ways.

Learn more:


Write a program that launches 1,000 threads. Each thread adds 1 to a variable sum that initially is 0. You need to pass sum by reference to each thread. In order to pass it by reference, define an Integer wrapper object to hold sum. Run the program with and without synchronization to see its effect. Submit the code of the program and your comments on the execution of the program.



Following are the code to the given question:

import java.util.concurrent.*; //import package

public class Threads //defining a class Threads


private Integer s = new Integer(0);//defining Integer class object

public synchronized static void main(String[] args)//defining main method  


Threads t = new Threads();//defining threads class object

System.out.println("What is sum ?" + t.s);//print value with message


Threads()//defining default constructor


ExecutorService exe = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1000);//defining ExecutorService class object

System.out.println("With SYNCHRONIZATION........");//print message

for(int i = 1; i <= 1000; i++)//defining a for loop


exe.execute(new SumTask2());//calling execute method

System.out.println("At Thread " + i +" Sum= " + s + " , ");//print message with value


exe.shutdown();//calling shutdown method

while(!exe.isTerminated())//defining while loop that calls isTerminated method




class SumTask2 implements Runnable//calling SumTask2 that inherits Runnable class


public synchronized void run()//defining method run


int value = s.intValue() + 1;//defining variable value that calls intvalue which is increment by 1

s = new Integer(value);//use s to hold value





Please find the attached file.


In this code, a Threads class is defined in which an integer class object and the main method is declared that creates the Threads class object and calls its values.

Outside the method, the default constructor is declared that creates the "ExecutorService" and prints its message, and use a for loop that calls execute method which prints its value with the message.

In the class, a while loop is declared that calls "isTerminated" method, and outside the class "SumTask2" that inherits Runnable class and defined the run method and define a variable "value" that calls "intvalue" method which is increment by 1 and define s variable that holds method value.

When rating ads, I should only consider my personal feelings on the ad.



yes when rating ads you should only consider your personal feelings on the ad

Factors to consider when buying a computer





for working for socializing with orher

Write a RainFall class that stores the total rainfall for each of 12 months into an array of doubles. The program should have methods that return the following: the total rainfall for the year the average monthly rainfall the month with the most rain the month with the least rain Demonstrate the class in a complete program and use java 8 examples to do so. Input Validation: Do not accept negative numbers for monthly rainfall figures.




The following code is written in Java. It creates the Rainfall class with two constructors, one that passes the entire array of rainfall and another that initializes an array with 0.0 for all the months. Then the class contains a method to add rain to a specific month, as well as the three methods requested in the question. The method to add rain validates to make sure that no negative value was added. 8 Test cases were provided, and any methods can be called on any of the 8 objects.

class Brainly {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       Rainfall rain1 = new Rainfall();

       Rainfall rain2 = new Rainfall();

       Rainfall rain3 = new Rainfall();

       Rainfall rain4 = new Rainfall();

       Rainfall rain5 = new Rainfall();

       Rainfall rain6 = new Rainfall();

       Rainfall rain7 = new Rainfall();

       Rainfall rain8 = new Rainfall();



class Rainfall {

   double[] rainfall = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0};

   public Rainfall(double[] rainfall) {

       this.rainfall = rainfall;


   public Rainfall() {


   public void addMonthRain(double rain, int month) {

       if (rain > 0) {

           rainfall[month-1] = rain;



   public double totalRainfall() {

       double total = 0;

       for (double rain: rainfall) {

           total += rain;


       return total;


   public double averageRainfall() {

       double average = totalRainfall() / 12;

       return average;


   public double rainiestMonth() {

       double max = 0;

       for (double rain : rainfall) {

           if (rain > max) {

               max = rain;



       return max;



Write a programmer defined function that compares the ASCII sum of two strings. To compute the ASCII sum, you need to compute the ASCII value of each character of the string and sum them up. You will thus need to calculate two sums, one for each string. Then, return true if the first string has a larger ASCII sum compared to the second string, otherwise return false. In your main function, prompt the user to enter two strings with a suitable message and provide the strings to the function during function call. The user may enter multiple words for either string. Then, use the Boolean data returned by the function to inform which string has the higher ASCII sum.



The program in Python is as follows:

def ASCIIsum(str1,str2):

   asciisum1 = 0;    asciisum2 = 0

   for chr in str1:

       asciisum1 += (ord(chr) - 96)

   for chr in str2:

       asciisum2 += (ord(chr) - 96)

   if asciisum1 > asciisum2:

       return True


       return False

str1 = input("Enter first string: ")

str2 = input("Enter second string: ")

if ASCIIsum(str1,str2) == True:

   print(str1,"has a higher ASCII value")


   print(str2,"has a higher ASCII value")


This defines the function

def ASCIIsum(str1,str2):

This initializes the ascii sum of both strings to 0

   asciisum1 = 0;    asciisum2 = 0

This iterates through the characters of str1 and add up the ascii values of each character

   for chr in str1:

       asciisum1 += (ord(chr) - 96)

This iterates through the characters of str2 and add up the ascii values of each character

   for chr in str2:

       asciisum2 += (ord(chr) - 96)

This returns true if the first string has a greater ascii value

   if asciisum1 > asciisum2:

       return True

This returns false if the second string has a greater ascii value


       return False

The main begins here

This gets input for first string

str1 = input("Enter first string: ")

This gets input for second string

str2 = input("Enter second string: ")

If the returned value is True

if ASCIIsum(str1,str2) == True:

Then str1 has a greater ascii value

   print(str1,"has a higher ASCII value")

If otherwise


Then str2 has a greater ascii value

   print(str2,"has a higher ASCII value")

SQLite is a database that comes with Android. Which statements is/are correct?
The content of an SQLite database is stored in XML formatted files because XML is the only file format supported by Android OS.
A SQLite database is just another name for a Content Provider. There is no difference as the SQLite implementation implements the Content Provider interface.
If an app creates an SQLite database and stores data in it, then all of the data in that particular database will be stored in one, single file.
A database query to an SQLite database usually returns a set of answers
To access individual entries, SQLite provides a so-called Cursor to enumerate all entries in the set.
This is yet another example of the Iterator pattern.



1. Wrong as per my knowledge, SQLite may be an electronic database software that stores data in relations(tables).

2. Wrong. Content provider interface controls the flow of knowledge from your android application to an external data storage location. Data storage is often in any database or maybe it'll be possible to store the info in an SQLite database also.

3.Right. SQLite uses one file to store data. It also creates a rollback file to backup the stored data/logs the transactions.

4. Wrong. The queries are almost like a traditional electronic database system, the queries are going to be answered as per the conditions given and should return a group of answers or one answer depending upon the info and sort of query used.

5. Right. A cursor helps to point to one entry within the database table. this may be very helpful in manipulating the present row of the query easily.

Write a RainFall class that stores the total rainfall for each of 12 months into an array of doubles. The program should have methods that return the following:
the total rainfall for the year
the average monthly rainfall
the month with the most rain
the month with the least rain
Demonstrate the class in a complete program.
Input Validation: Do not accept negative numbers for monthly rainfall figures.
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
public class Rainfall
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
private int month = 12;
private double total = 0;
private double average;
private double standard_deviation;
private double largest;
private double smallest;
private double months[];
public Rainfall()
months = new double[12];
public void setMonths()
for(int n=1; n <= month; n++)
System.out.println("Enter the rainfall (in inches) for month #" + n + ":" );
months[n-1] = in.nextInt();
public double getTotal()
total = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
total = total + months[i];
System.out.println("The total rainfall for the year is" + total);
return total;
public double getAverage()
average = total/12;
System.out.println("The average monthly rainfall is" + average);
return average;
public double getLargest()
double largest = 0;
int largeind = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
if (months[i] > largest)
largest = months[i];
largeind = i;
System.out.println("The largest amout of rainfall was" + largest +
"inches in month" + (largeind + 1));
return largest;
public double getSmallest()
double smallest = Double.MAX_VALUE;
int smallind = 0;
for(int n = 0; n < month; n++)
if (months[n] < smallest)
smallest = months[n];
smallind = n;
System.out.println("The smallest amout of rainfall was" + smallest +
"inches in month " + (smallind + 1));
return smallest;
public static void main(String[] args)
Rainfall r = new Rainfall();
System.out.println("Total" + r.getTotal());
System.out.println("Smallest" + r.getSmallest());
System.out.println("Largest" + r.getLargest());
System.out.println("Average" + r.getAverage());




The code provided worked for the most part, it had some gramatical errors in when printing out the information as well as repeated values. I fixed and reorganized the printed information so that it is well formatted. The only thing that was missing from the code was the input validation to make sure that no negative values were passed. I added this within the getMonths() method so that it repeats the question until the user inputs a valid value. The program was tested and the output can be seen in the attached image below.

import java.io.*;

import java.util.*;

class Rainfall


   Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);

   private int month = 12;

   private double total = 0;

   private double average;

   private double standard_deviation;

   private double largest;

   private double smallest;

   private double months[];

   public Rainfall()


       months = new double[12];


   public void setMonths()


       for(int n=1; n <= month; n++)


           int answer = 0;

           while (true) {

               System.out.println("Enter the rainfall (in inches) for month #" + n + ":" );

               answer = in.nextInt();

               if (answer > 0) {

                   months[n-1] = answer;






   public void getTotal()


       total = 0;

       for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++)


           total = total + months[i];


       System.out.println("The total rainfall for the year is " + total);


   public void getAverage()


       average = total/12;

       System.out.println("The average monthly rainfall is " + average);


   public void getLargest()


       double largest = 0;

       int largeind = 0;

       for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++)


           if (months[i] > largest)


               largest = months[i];

               largeind = i;



       System.out.println("The largest amount of rainfall was " + largest +

               " inches in month " + (largeind + 1));


   public void getSmallest()


       double smallest = Double.MAX_VALUE;

       int smallind = 0;

       for(int n = 0; n < month; n++)


           if (months[n] < smallest)


               smallest = months[n];

               smallind = n;



       System.out.println("The smallest amount of rainfall was " + smallest +

               " inches in month " + (smallind + 1));


   public static void main(String[] args)


       Rainfall r = new Rainfall();








Write a function that takes six arguments of floating type (four input arguments and two output arguments). This function will calculate sum and average of the input arguments and storethem in output arguments respectively. Take input arguments from the user in the main function.



Answer:Functions in C+

The integer variable n is the input to the function and it is also called the parameter of the function. If a function is defined after the main() .....

A process needs 103 KB of memory in order to run. If the system on which it is to run uses paging with 2 KB pages, how many frames in memory are needed


Answer: 52


Following the information given in the question, we are informed that a process needs 103 KB of memory in order to run and that the system on which it is to run uses paging with 2KB pages, then the number of frames in memory that are needed will be:

= 103/2

= 51.5

= 52 approximately

Therefore, 52 frames in memory are needed.

Explain the following terms.
a) Explain Final keyword with example. b) Define Static and Instance variables




the final keyword is used to denote constants. It can be used with variables, methods, and classes. Once any entity (variable, method or class) is declared final , it can be assigned only once.


Static variables are declared in the same place as instance variables, but with the keyword 'static' before the data type. While instance variables hold values that are associated with an individual object, static variables' values are associated with the class as a whole.

What is the default return type of a method in Java language?







The default return data type in function is int

Answer: Option (b)


The default return data type in a function is int. In other words commonly if it is not explicitly mentioned the default return data type of a function by the compiler will be of an integer data type.

If the user does not mention a return data type or parameter type, then C programming language will inevitably make it an int.

mark me brainlist

im sure its option b!!

Write a statement that assigns numCoins with numNickels + numDimes. Ex: 5 nickels and 6 dimes results in 11 coins. Note: These activities may test code with different test values. This activity will perform two tests: the first with nickels = 5 and dimes = 6, the second with nickels = 9 and dimes = 0.
1 import java.util.Scanner;
3 public class AssigningSum {
4 public static void main(String[] args) {
5 int numCoins;
6 int numNickels;
7 int numDimes;
9 numNickels = 5;
10 numDimes - 6;
12 /* Your solution goes here
14 System.out.print("There are ");
15 System.out.print(numCoins);
16 System.out.println(" coins");
17 }
18 }




The statement solution was added to the code and then the code was repeated in order to create the second test case with 9 nickels and 0 dimes. The outputs for both test cases can be seen in the attached image below.

import java.util.Scanner;

class AssigningSum {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        int numCoins;

        int numNickels;

        int numDimes;

        numNickels = 5;

        numDimes = 6;

        /* Your solution goes here */

        numCoins = numNickels + numDimes;

       System.out.print("There are ");


       System.out.println(" coins");

//        TEST CASE 2

        numNickels = 9;

        numDimes = 0;

        /* Your solution goes here */

        numCoins = numNickels + numDimes;

        System.out.print("There are ");


        System.out.println(" coins");



Trace the evaluation of the following expressions, and give their resulting values. Make sure to give a value of the appropriate type (such as including a .0 at the end of a double or quotes around a String).
4 + 1 + 9 + "." + (-3 + 10) + 11 / 3
8 + 6 * -2 + 4 + "0" + (2 + 5)
1 + 1 + "8 - 2" + (8 - 2) + 1 + 1
5 + 2 + "(1 + 1)" + 4 + 2 * 3
"1" + 2 + 3 + "4" + 5 * 6 + "7" + (8 + 9)



[tex](a)\ 14"."43[/tex]

[tex](b)\ 0"0"7[/tex]

[tex](c)\ 2"8 - 2"611[/tex]

[tex](d)\ 7"(1 + 1)"46[/tex]

[tex](e)\ "1"23"4"30"7"17[/tex]



Evaluate each expression

The simple rules to follow are:

(1) All expressions in bracket will be evaluated based on its data type

(2) Divisions will return only integer values

(3) Integers immediately after string values will be concatenated (not added)

So, the results are as follows:

[tex](a)\ 4 + 1 + 9 + "." + (-3 + 10) + 11 / 3[/tex]

Evaluate till a string is encountered

[tex]4 + 1 + 9 = 14[/tex]

Followed by "."


[tex](-3 + 10) = 7[/tex]

[tex]11/ 3 = 3[/tex]

[tex]"." + (-3 + 10) + 11/3 = "."73[/tex] -- because expressions after string operations are concatenated.

So, we have:

[tex]4 + 1 + 9 + "." + (-3 + 10) + 11 / 3 = 14"."43[/tex]

[tex](b)\ 8 + 6 * -2 + 4 + "0" + (2 + 5)[/tex]

Evaluate till a string is encountered

[tex]8 + 6 * -2 + 4 =0[/tex]

[tex]"0" + (2 + 5) ="0"7[/tex]

So, we have:

[tex]8 + 6 * -2 + 4 + "0" + (2 + 5) = 0"0"7[/tex]

[tex](c)\ 1 + 1 + "8 - 2" + (8 - 2) + 1 + 1[/tex]

Evaluate till a string is encountered

[tex]1 + 1 = 2[/tex]

[tex]"8 - 2" + (8 - 2) + 1 + 1 = "8 - 2"611[/tex]

So, we have:

[tex]1 + 1 + "8 - 2" + (8 - 2) + 1 + 1 = 2"8 - 2"611[/tex]

[tex](d)\ 5 + 2 + "(1 + 1)" + 4 + 2 * 3[/tex]

Evaluate till a string is encountered

[tex]5 + 2 =7[/tex]

[tex]"(1 + 1)" + 4 + 2 * 3 = "(1 + 1)"46[/tex] --- multiply 2 and 3, then concatenate

So, we have:

[tex]5 + 2 + "(1 + 1)" + 4 + 2 * 3= 7"(1 + 1)"46[/tex]

[tex](e)\ "1" + 2 + 3 + "4" + 5 * 6 + "7" + (8 + 9)[/tex]

Since a string starts the expression, the whole expression will be concatenated except the multiplication and the expressions in bracket.

So, we have:

[tex]"1" + 2 + 3 + "4" + 5 * 6 + "7" + (8 + 9) = "1"23"4"30"7"17[/tex]

what is a mirror site?


Mirror sites or mirrors are replicas of other websites or any network node. The concept of mirroring applies to network services accessible through any protocol, such as HTTP or FTP. Such sites have different URLs than the original site, but host identical or near-identical content.
ANSWER: Mirror sites, often known as mirrors, are exact copies of other websites or network nodes.

A recursive method may call other methods, including calling itself. A recursive method has:
1. a base case -- a case that returns a value or exits from a method without performing a recursive call.
2. a recursive case -- calling the method again with a smaller case..
Study the recursive method given below.
For example, this call recursiveMethod (5); returns 15:
public static int recursiveMethod (int num) (
if (num == 0)
return 1;
else {
if (numX2!=0)
return num * recursiveMethod (num -1);
return recursiveMethod (num-1);
1 What is the base case?
2. What does the following statement check?
3. What does the method do?



Hence the answer is given as follows,


Base Case:-  

If (num == 0) //This is the base case for the given recursive method  

return 1;  

If(num % 2!=0) checks whether num is odd.  

The above condition is true for all odd numbers and false for even numbers.  

if the remainder is not equal to zero when we divide the number with 2 then it is odd.  

The method:-  

The above recursive method calculates the product of odd numbers up to the given range(that is num)  

For num=5   => 15(5*3*1).  

For num=7   => 105(7*5*3*1).  

For num=10 => 945(9*7*5*3*1).

how to identify mistakes in a html code??​


hello i am having a mental breakdown could u help me please?

Una persona decide comprar un número determinado de quintales de azúcar, ayúdele a presentar el precio de venta al público por libra, considerando un 25% de utilidad por cada quintal.


I need help with this problem also %

Please help us

Select the correct statement(s) regarding decentralized (distributed) access control on a LAN. a. no centralized access process exists, and therefore each connected station has the responsibility for controlling its access b. data collisions are possible, therefore mechanisms such as CDMA/CD are required c. when a data collision occurs, the nearest station detecting the collision transmits a jamming signal d. all of the above are correct


Answer: D. all of the above are correct


The correct statements regarding the decentralized (distributed) access control on a LAN include:

• no centralized access process exists, and therefore each connected station has the responsibility for controlling its access

• data collisions are possible, therefore mechanisms such as CDMA/CD are required

• when a data collision occurs, the nearest station detecting the collision transmits a jamming signal.

Therefore, the correct option is all of the above.

write an algorithm for finding the perimeter of a rectangle


A formula could be 2a+2b
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