when an apple falls towards the earth the earth moves up to meet the apple. Is it true? If yes, why is the earth motion not noticeable ?


Answer 1


Yes, this is true.

-- While the apple is falling, the same gravitational force acts on both the apple and the Earth.

-- The mass of the apple is somewhere in the neighborhood of 1/4 kg.

-- The mass of the Earth is about 5.972 x 10²⁴ kg.

-- Since the Earth has roughly 2.389 x 10²⁶ times as much mass as the apple has, the apple has roughly 2.389 x 10²⁶ greater acceleration than the Earth has, and moves roughly 2.389 x 10²⁶ times as far down as the Earth moves up, before they smack together.

-- That's why you don't notice the Earth's motion.

-- Also, you're standing on the Earth, moving up with it, toward the apple.  Maybe it would be different if you were sitting on the apple, riding it down to the ground, and you were able to notice the motion of the ground coming up to meet you at a speed that's 0.00000000000000000000000000419 of YOUR speed.  

Answer From Gauth Math

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A bullet with a mass mb=13.5 g is fired into a block of wood at velocity vb=245 m/s. The block is attached to a spring that has a spring constant k of 205 N/m. The block and bullet continue to move, compressing the spring by 35.0 cm before the whole system momentarily comes to a stop. Assuming that the surface on which the block is resting is frictionless, determine the mass mw of the wooden block.


Momentum is conserved, so the sum of the momenta of the bullet and block before collision is equal to the momentum of the combined bullet-block system,

[tex]m_bv_b+m_wv_w = (m_b+m_w)v[/tex]

where v is the speed of the bullet-block system. The block starts at rest so it has no initial momentum, and solving for v gives

[tex]v = \dfrac{m_b}{m_b+m_w} v_b[/tex]

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[tex]W = -\dfrac12kx^2[/tex]

where k is the spring constant, and the work done is negative because the restoring force of the spring opposes the bullet-block as it compresses the spring.

By the work-energy theorem, the total work done is equal to the change in the bullet-block's kinetic energy ∆K, so we have

[tex]W_{\rm total} = W = \Delta K[/tex]

The bullet-block starts moving with velocity v found earlier and comes to a stop as the spring slows it down, so we have

[tex]-\dfrac12kx^2 = -\dfrac12(m_b+m_w)v^2 \implies kx^2 = \dfrac{{m_b}^2}{m_b+m_w}{v_b}^2[/tex]

Solve for [tex]m_w[/tex]:


[tex]m_w=\dfrac1{205\frac{\rm N}{\rm m}}\left(\dfrac{(0.0135\,\mathrm{kg})\left(245\frac{\rm m}{\rm s}\right)}{0.350\,\rm m}\right)^2-0.0135\,\mathrm{kg}\approx \boxed{0.422\,\mathrm{kg}}[/tex]

How many atoms are in the compound NaNO3?



3 atoms are in the compound

Un muelle se alarga 20 cm cuando ejercemos sobre él una fuerza de 24 N. Calcula:El valor de la constante elástica del muelle



120 Nm-1


Según la ley de Hooke;

F = Ke

F = fuerza sobre el resorte

K = constante de fuerza

e = extensión

Por eso;

K = F / e

K = 24N / 20 × 10 ^ -2m

K = 120 Nm-1

Kgms-1-= Ns ...solution



units of impact or impulse or momnetum are same

These are

Kg m s-1 or N s

How do longshore currents shape the land?


Longshore drift has a very powerful influence on the shape and composition of the coastline. It changes the slopes of beaches and creates long, narrow shoals of land called spits, that extend out from shore. Longshore drift may also create or destroy entire “barrier islands” along a shoreline.


Longshore drift has a very powerful influence on the shape and composition of the coastline. It changes the slopes of beaches and creates long, narrow shoals of land called spits, that extend out from shore. Longshore drift may also create or destroy entire “barrier islands” along a shoreline.

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the temperature will determine the kinetic energy or degree of freedom of the molecules of matter.

if the temperature is high, the kinetic energy of the molecules increase which may cause a change of state into a gas which has molecules of high kinetic energy. this shows that temperature is a measure of the kinetic energy of the molecules.

An observer measures a 100 Hz Doppler shift as an ambulance goes by. At rest, the frequency of the ambulance's siren is 2,000 Hz. What is the speed of the ambulance?


The change in the frequency of the sound, due to the relative motion of the source of sound and the observer, is determined by the Doppler's Effect.

The speed of the ambulance (source) is "6517 m/s"

The equation of Doppler's Effect is given as follows:

[tex]f_o = \frac{v+v_o}{v+v_s}f_s[/tex]


[tex]f_o\\[/tex] = frequency of sound measure by observer  = 100 Hz

v = speed of sound = 343 m/s

[tex]v_o[/tex] = speed of observer = 0 m/s

[tex]v_s[/tex] = speed of ambulance (source) = ?

[tex]f_s[/tex] = actual frequency = 2000 Hz

Therefore, using the values, we get:

[tex]100\ Hz = \frac{343\ m/s + 0\ m/s}{343\ m/s + v_s}(2000\ Hz)\\\\(100\ Hz)(343\ m/s + v_s) = (343\ m/s)(2000\ Hz)\\\\v_s = \frac{686000\ Hz.m/s - 34300\ Hz.m/s}{100\ Hz}[/tex]

v_s = 6517 m/s

Learn more about Doppler's Effect here:


Describe the laws of liquid pressure and explain the term fluid. (Please try to give the correct answer 'coz it's urgent!)​



The laws of liquid pressure are: ... The liquid pressure at a point inside the liquid is same in all directions. The liquid pressure at a point inside the liquid is directly proportional to the depth of that point from the free surface of liquid. The pressure of liquid at same depth is different for different liquids


The laws of liquid pressure:

The pressure that is inside the liquid rises with the intensity from the surface of a liquid.

The term fluid:

Fluid is basically liquid and a substance that is known to have no certain shape. The opposite of the term fluid would be solid.

the hydrometer with the density of liquid to be 800 kg metre per square is the volume of the submerged part of the hydrometer is 5 into 10 to the power minus 5 calculate the mass of the hydrometer​



Mass = 0.04 Kg


Given the following data;

Density = 800 kg/m³

Volume = 5 * 10^{-5} m³

To find the mass of the object;

Density can be defined as mass all over the volume of an object.

Simply stated, density is mass per unit volume of an object.

Mathematically, density is given by the formula;

[tex] Density = \frac {mass}{volume} [/tex]

Making mass the subject of formula, we have;

[tex] Mass = density * volume [/tex]

Substituting the values into the formula, we have;

[tex] Mass = 800 * 5 * 10^{-5} [/tex]

Mass = 0.04 Kg

If we aim a radio telescope at a distant spiral arm of the Milky Way Galaxy, we will probably observe a 21-cm line. If we point a large optical telescope at this same region, we will probably not be able to detect the neutral hydrogen that gives rise to the 21-cm radio signal. Why not



Because of the interstellar dust and interior location of the solar system.


We will probably not be able to detect the neutral hydrogen that gives rise to the 21-cm radio signal if we point a large optical telescope to the region because, the interstellar dust obscures the location of the spiral arm of the Milky way galaxy and this makes neutral hydrogen that gives rise to the 21-cm radio signal difficult to detect.

Also, the interior location of the solar system also makes the neutral hydrogen that gives rise to the 21-cm radio signal difficult to detect.

So, the interstellar dust and the interior location of the solar system makes it difficult to detect the neutral hydrogen that gives rise to the 21-cm radio signal with a large optical telescope.

A converging lens of focal length 20cm, forms a real image twice the size of the object. Calculate:
i) the power of the lens;
ii) the position of the image.



Solition given:

focal length(f)=20cm

size of image(v)=2x

size of object(u)=x

we have

power of lens= reciprocal to focal length=1/20=0.05/cm


the position of the image is beyond C.


See the attachment !!!!!!!

define Neutons 3rd law .​



that when two object interact, they apply forces to one another that are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.


Newton's third law: the law of action and reaction

How many meters are in 10 miles?





16093.44 meters…….. ….

I need help asap please​



I dont know answer Sorry For that thank u

1. How much heat energy ( Q ) is required to heat 2.0 kg of copper from 30.0 oC to 80.0 oC?





I looked it up so it may be wrong

Which two changes to the can opener would increase its mechanical efficiency?
A shorten the paddle so that they are closer in size to the axle that they turn
B grease the rotating wheel of the opener so that there is less breaks in between moving parts
C replaced it with a straight handle the act as levers with shorter pieces of metal
D sand the cutting surface of the metal piece so that it is perfectly smooth and sharp





the weight of a body is 420 newton.calculate it's mass​





the mass of a body is given by




I hope this helps

The moon Phobos orbits Mars
(mass = 6.42 x 1023 kg) at
a distance
of 9.38 x 106 m. What is its period of




We are basically needing to solve for the time in the equation d = rt, where d is the distance around Mars (aka the circumference), r is the velocity, and t is time. We need to find the circumference and the velocity. We will begin with the velocity.

Because the gravitational attraction between Phobos and Mars provides the centripetal acceleration necessary to keep Phobos in its (sort of) circular path, the equation we use for this is:

[tex]F_g=F_c[/tex] which says that Force supplied by gravity is equal to the centripetal force. Expanding that:


When we move that around mathematically to solve for the velocity value, what we end up with is:

[tex]v=\sqrt{\frac{Gm_{Mars}}{r}[/tex] and filling in:

[tex]v=\sqrt{\frac{(6.67*10^{-11})(6.42*10^{23})}{9.38*10^6} }[/tex] and we get that

v = 2100 m/s

Now for the circumference:

C = 2πr and

C = 2(3.1415)(9.38 × 10⁶) so

C = 5.9 × 10⁷

Putting that all together in the C = vT equation:

5.9 × 10⁷ = 2100T so

T = 2.8 × 10⁴ sec or 7.8 hours

If the box of 500N is placed over the land of area of 2m²,what pressure is experted by the box on the land?​



250 Pa or N/m^2


Pressure(P)=F/A=500/2=250 Pa or N/m^2

A man stands still on a moving walkway that is going at a speed of 0.2 m/s to
the west. What is the velocity of the man according to a stationary observer?
A. 0.2 m/s north
B. 0.2 m/s west
C. 0.2 m/s South
D. 0.2 m/s east


When,a man stands still on a moving walkway that is going at a speed of 0.2 m/s to the west,then the velocity of the man according to a stationary observer would be 0.2 m/s west,Therefore, the correct answer would be option B.

What is Velocity?

The total displacement covered by any object per unit of time is known as velocity. The velocity of an object is depend on the magnitude as well as the direction of the object.

the mathematical expression for velocity is given by

velocity = total displacement /time

The speed and velocity of the object are very different from each other because speed does not depend upon the direction of the moving  object but velocity depends on the magnitude of speed as well as the direction of the moving object.

As per given in the problem a man stands still on a moving walkway that is going at a speed of 0.2 m/s to the west therefore from the perspective  of a stationary observer the velocity of man would be 0.2 m/s towards West.

Hence the correct options for the problem would be option B.

Learn more about Velocity from here



what is the relation between centre of gravity and stability



tilting it will raise the height of its center of gravity.

What is 98.907 rounded to 1 significant figure?


The answer to the digits rounded to one significant figure is 100.

Significant figures are the most important figures in a number of digits.

The closer a digit is to the beginning of a number, the more important  or significant  it is.

But, the rule for rounding up a set of numbers to the first significant or to one significant figure is that:

If the next number is 5 or more, we round up.If the next number is 4 or less, we do not round up.

From the numbers 98.907, 9 is the most significant digit followed by 8.

8 is greater than 5 so we should round up by adding one to 9 making the number 100.

learn more here:


The unit of work in terms of Newton and metre is _______





the unit of work is Joule determined by the letter J.




Joule is defined as the work done by a force of one newton causing a displacement of one meter. Sometimes, newton-metre (N-m) is also used for measuring work.

Why is velocity proportial to pressure?​



Pressure and velocity are inversely proportional to each other because if pressure increase, the velocity decrease to keep the algebraic sum of potential energy, kinetic energy and pressure constant.

What do is mean by environment friendly behaviour?​


Being environmentally friendly means having a lifestyle that is better for the environment

Why does the weight of a body differ on different celestial bodies of the universe?​


An object's weight is dependent on its mass and how strongly gravity pulls on it. The strength of gravity depends on how far away one object is from another.

A certain superconducting magnet in the form of a solenoid of length 0.28 m can generate a magnetic field of 7.0 T in its core when its coils carry a current of 80 A. The windings, made of a niobium-titanium alloy, must be cooled to 4.2 K. Find the number of turns in the solenoid.



The number of turns in the solenoid is 19506.


Length of solenoid, L = 0.28 m

Magnetic field, B = 7 T

Current, I = 80 A

Let the number of turns is N.

The formula used to find the magnetic field is

[tex]B = \frac{\mu 0N I}{L}\\\\7 = \frac{4 \times 3.14\times 10^{-7}\times N\times 80}{0.28}\\\\N = 19506[/tex]

Two forces whose resultant is 100N are at right angle to eachother. if one of them makes an angle of 30° with the resultant, determine its magnitude​


Let F₁ and F₂ denote the two forces, and R the resultant force.

F₁ and F₂ point perpendicularly to one another, so their dot product is

F₁ F₂ = 0

We're given that one of these vectors, say F₁, makes an angle with R of 30°, so that

F₁ • R = ||F₁|| ||R|| cos(30°)

But we also have

F₁ • R = F₁ • (F₁ + F₂) = (F₁ F₁) + (F₁ F₂) = F₁ F₁ = ||F₁||²

So, knowing that ||R|| = 100 N, we get that

(100 N) ||F₁|| cos(30°) = ||F₁||²

(100 N) cos(30°) = ||F₁||

||F₁|| ≈ 86.6 N

(And the same would be true for F₂.)

why is it important to have regular super vision of the weights and the measurements in the market?



Obeying to weights & measurement regulations in both national and international metrology legislation, standards and test procedures is a requirement to participate in any market because it's aimed to safeguard the consumers and promote fair competition, which provides efficiency and saves unnecessary costs to U.S. businesses and stakeholders.


In the U.S., the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has an Office of Weights and Measures (OWM) that represents the country in the International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML)

why is the fuse used in a circuit called safety fuse?



The maximum current which can flow through a fuse without melting it, is called its rating. ... If current higher than 8 A flows through the fuse, it would melt and circuit gets broken. ... Hence, fuse acts as a safety device


The guy above me is right


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