When naming organic compounds, there are strict rules regarding punctuation.
1. A comma is used to separate two numbers.
2. A hyphen is used to separate a number from a letter.
Rewrite the name of this compound using hyphens and commas as appropriate.


Answer 1

The question is incomplete, the complete question is shown in the image attached to this answer




IUPAC nomenclature provides a universally acceptable method of naming organic compounds from its structure.

According to this system of nomenclature;

A comma is used to separate two numbers.

A hyphen is used to separate a number from a letter.

Applying these rules, the name of the compound shown in the question should be written as 2,3,3-trimethylhexane.

Related Questions

Stalactites and stalagmites form as ________ precipitates out of the water evaporating in underground caves.


Stalactites and stalagmites form as ________ precipitates out of the water evaporating in underground caves.

Group of answer choices

hydrochloric acid

sodium bicarbonate

calcium carbonate

sodium chloride

sodium hydroxide


calcium carbonate


A stalactite is an icicle-looking mould that is formed by the precipitation of natural minerals as a result of water dripping from the ceiling, hanging from a cave.

A stalagmites in the other hand, grows upwards and is also a mound that is formed by the deposits of minerals gotten by the water dripping on the floor of a cave.

Therefore, stalactites and stalagmites form as calcium carbonate precipitates out of the water evaporating in underground caves.

Proteins are:
amino acids.


Proteins are Amino acids
Proteins are made of amino acids. They are macromoluces made up of smaller amino acid chains.

Hope this helps. Please consider making me the Brainliest, it’s not necessary but it is appreciated as I put time and research into each answer. Have a great day, stay safe and stay healthy.

Kati was in the kitchen when she heard a crash. She went into her bedroom and found her window broken and a baseball lying on the ground. Kati said "this baseball broke my window." This statement is an


Answer:  inference because she drew a conclusion based on evidence.


Because the evidence was that she heard the crashing sound, and then when she came into her room saw the broken window and baseball.

It was not an observation because she did not directly see the baseball going through the window

the answer is inference

Tick (√) the statements that are correct.

a) By eating rice alone, we can fulfil nutritional requirement of our body. ( )
b) Deficiency Diseases can be prevented by eating a balanced diet. ( )
c) Balanced diet for the body should contain a variety of food items. ( )
d) Meat alone. is sufficient to provide all nutrients to the body. ( )​


b) (√)



how many ml of 0.032 molar kmno4 are required to react with 50.0 ml of 0.100 molar h2c2o4 in the presence of excess h2so4



62.5 ml of 0.032 M  KMnO₄ are required to react with 50.0 ml of 0.100 molar H₂C₂O₄ in the presence of excess H₂SO₄


The balanced reaction is:

2 KMnO₄ + 5 H₂C₂O₄ + 3 H₂SO₄ → K₂SO₄ + 2 MnSO₄ + 8 H₂O + 10 CO₂

By stoichiometry of the reaction (that is, the relationship between the amount of reagents and products in a chemical reaction), the following amounts of moles of each compound participate in the reaction:

KMnO₄: 2 moles H₂C₂O₄: 5 moles H₂SO₄: 3 moles K₂SO₄: 1 mole MnSO₄: 2 moles H₂O: 8 moles CO₂: 10 moles

Molarity or Molar Concentration is the number of moles of solute that are dissolved in a certain volume.

The molarity of a solution is calculated by dividing the moles of the solute by the volume of the solution:

[tex]Molarity=\frac{number of moles of solute}{volume}[/tex]

Molarity is expressed in units [tex]\frac{moles}{liter}[/tex]

In this case, 50 mL (0.05 L) of 0.1 M H₂C₂O₄ react. So, replacing the data in the definition of molarity:

[tex]0.1 M=\frac{number of moles of solute}{0.05 L}[/tex]


number of moles of solute= 0.1 M*0.05 L

number of moles of solute= 0.005 moles

So, 0.005 moles of H₂C₂O₄ react.  Then you can apply the following rule of three: if by stoichiometry 5 moles of H₂C₂O₄ react with 2 moles of KMnO₄, 0.005 moles of H₂C₂O₄ react with how many moles of KMnO₄?

[tex]moles of KMnO_{4} =\frac{0.005moles of H_{2} C_{2} O_{4}* 2moles of KMnO_{4} }{5moles of H_{2} C_{2} O_{4} }[/tex]

moles of KMnO₄= 0.002 moles

Knowing that the molarity of KMnO₄ is 0.032 M, replacing in its definition and solving:

[tex]0.032 M=\frac{0.002 moles}{volume}[/tex]

[tex]volume=\frac{0.002 moles}{0.032 M}[/tex]

volume= 0.0625 L= 62.5 mL

62.5 ml of 0.032 M  KMnO₄ are required to react with 50.0 ml of 0.100 molar H₂C₂O₄ in the presence of excess H₂SO₄

In aqueous solution the Ni2" ion forms a complex with four ammonia molecules. Write the formation constant expression for the equilibrium between the hydrated metal ion and the aqueous complex. Under that, write the balanced chemical equation for the first step in the formation of the complex K,=________.



The correct equation is "[tex]\frac{[Ni(H_2O)_3 (NH_3)]^{2+}}{[Ni(H_2O)_4]^{2+} [NH_3]}[/tex]".


According to the question,

Throughout an aqueous solution, [tex]Ni^{2+}[/tex] exist as [tex][Ni(H_2O)_4]^{2+}[/tex]


⇒ [tex][Ni(H_2O)_4]^{2+} + 4NH_3 \rightleftharpoons [Ni(NH_3)_4]^{2+} + H_2O[/tex]

⇒ [tex]K_f = \frac{[Ni(NH_3)_4]^{2+}}{[Ni(H_2O)_4^{2+}] [NH_3]^4}[/tex]

Here, we have excluded [tex][H_2O][/tex] as concentration of water will be const.


This formation of [tex][Ni(NH_3)_4]^{2+}[/tex] proceeds via several steps,

Step 1:

⇒ [tex][Ni(H_2O)_4]^{2+}+NH_3 \rightleftharpoons [Ni(H_2O)_3 (NH_3)]^{2+} + H_2O[/tex]

⇒ [tex]K_1 = \frac{[Ni(H_2O)_3 (NH_3)]^{2+}}{[Ni(H_2O)_4]^{2+} [NH_3]}[/tex]

Leaming Task 1:
Distinguish the process as spontaneous or non-spontaneous process. Write S it spontaneous and NSi non-spontaneous
on the bionk.
1. Melling ofice
2 Ruisting of ton
3. Marble going down the spiral.
4. Going up the
& Keeping the food fresh from spolage​


Solution :

Spontaneous Process

A spontaneous process is defined as the process that occurs without the help of any external aid or inputs. A spontaneous process is a natural process which occurs naturally in the environment.

Non Spontaneous process

A non spontaneous process is a process which does not occur naturally. Some inputs are provided for the process to occur. Energy from external source is applied into the process to start the process.

The following processes are :

1. Melling of ice   ---- Spontaneous

2 Rusting of iron  --- Spontaneous

3. Marble going down the spiral.   --- spontaneous

4. Going up the hill  ---- Non spontaneous

5. Keeping the food fresh from spoilage​  --- Non spontaneous

A hydrocarbon contains only the elements____?



elements are carbons and hydrogen


Carbon and Hydrogen.


It’s in the name Hydro (H) Carbon (C)

What is the molarity of a solution containing 150 g of zinc sulfate (ZnSO4) per liter?



0.93 M

Step-by-step Explanation:

First, we have to calculate the molar mass (MM) of ZnSO₄ by using the molar mass of each chemical element:

MM(ZnSO₄) = 65.4 g/mol Zn + 32 g/mol S + (16 g/mol x 4) = 161.4 g/mol

Then, we divide the mass of ZnSO₄ into its molar mass to obtain the number of moles:

moles ZnSO₄ = mass/MM = 150 g/(161.4 g/mol)= 0.93 mol

Since the molarity of a solution expresses the number of moles of solute per liter of solution, we calculate the molarity (M) as follows:

M = moles ZnSO₄/1 L =  0.93 mol/1 L = 0.93 M

give one use of zinc​


Most Zinc are used to galvanise other metals such as iron which helps to prevent rusting
If you need any more let me know

Ethylene glycol (C2H6O2) is mixed with water to make auto engine coolants. How many grams of C2H6O2 are in 5.00 L of a 6.00 M aqueous solution





It is known that the molar mass of C2H6O2 is 62.08 g/mol.,

Now to  solve for the number of moles of solute, one must multiply both

sides by the volume:

moles of solute = (6.00 M)(5.00 L) = 30.0 mol

Notice since the definition of molarity is mol/L, the

product M × L gives mol, a unit of amount.

Use the molar  mass of C3H8O3, one can convert mol to g:

Mass m =30 mol × 62.08 g/mol

m = 1860g.

Hence, there are 1,860 g of C2H6O2 in the specified amount of

engine coolant.

0.28 M Ca(NO3)2
Express your answer using two significant figures.



Mass=Moles × RFM

Mass= 0.28M× 164

Mass= 45.92 grammes

Carbonic anhydrase is strongly inhibited by the drug acetazolamide, which is used as a diuretic (i.e., to increase the production of urine) and to lower excessively high pressure in the eye (due to accumulation of intraocular fluid) in glaucoma.

a. True
b. False



a. True


There is strong inhibition of Carbon Anhydrase by Aceta-zolamide Carbonic Anhydrase. The drug acetazolamide is used as diuretic which increase the urine production in human body. It lowers pressure in eye in glaucoma.

If a 520 mg sample of technetium-99 is used for diagnostic procedure, how much of Tc-99 remains after 30.0h? Half life of Tc-99 is 6.0 hours.


16.25 mg
I have attached an image of the half life formula.
In this problem, N0 would be 520, since that is the initial amount.
t = 30.0 Hours
t 1/2 = 6.0 hours
Now plug everything into the equation. You get 16.25 mg. No

What is the molecular geometry of CIO3F as predicted by the VSEPR model?

Multiple Choice
trigonal pyramidal
square planar
square pyramidal



since there are no lone pairs on the central atom, the shape will be tetrahedral

Which acid or base (along with its corresponding salt) should be used to generate a buffer solution with pH around 3.5



Formic acid

Sodium formiate


To determine acid or base that can generate a buffer solution with pH around 3.5, we have to think in the acid whose pKa = pH.

Although we have to also think in buffer capacity, a measure which can cause a change of 1 pH unit in 1 L of solution.

Buffer capacity does not only depend on the concentration of its components but also of the relationship between that concentrations.

When pH = pKa, buffer capacity is maximum which means that the concentration of conjugated species is the same and the ability to oppose pH changes is maximum.

One example with pH = pKa or nearly if:

COOH⁻  + Na⁺ →  NaCOOH

HCOOH  +  H₂O  →  COOH⁻  + H₃O⁺     Ka: 1.8×10⁻⁴

pKa = 3.74

Plastic is a polymer




*not sure about this answer

True I believe

Hope I’m right sorry if I’m not

net ionic equation for 2AgF(aq) + k2S = Ag2S (s) + 2KF(aq)



The net ionic equation shows the actual reaction more clearly and closer to reality because it writes soluble ionic compounds as the ions and then cancel the spectator ions not involved in the chemical reaction . The net ionic equation results shows the actual chemical reaction taking place.

The net ionic equation for for 2AgF(aq) + k₂S = Ag₂S (s) + 2KF(aq) will be; 2 Ag⁺(aq) + S²⁻(aq) → Ag₂S(s).

To write the net ionic equation for the reaction, we first need to write the balanced molecular equation and then convert it into the ionic equation before finally identifying the net ionic equation.

Write the balanced molecular equation:

2 AgF(aq) + K₂S(aq) → Ag₂S(s) + 2 KF(aq)

In this reaction, silver fluoride (AgF) reacts with potassium sulfide (K₂S) to produce silver sulfide (Ag₂S) and potassium fluoride (KF).

Write the complete ionic equation:

In the complete ionic equation, we separate all the aqueous species (dissociated ions) into their individual ions. Only the solid (s) and gas (g) compounds remain unchanged.

2 Ag⁺(aq) + 2 F⁻(aq) + 2 K⁺(aq) + S²⁻(aq) → Ag₂S(s) + 2 K⁺(aq) + 2 F⁻(aq)

Identify the spectator ions and then write the net ionic equation:

The spectator ions are the ions that do not participate in the actual chemical reaction and remain the same on both sides of the equation. In this reaction, the potassium ions (K⁺) and fluoride ions (F⁻) are spectator ions because they appear on both sides of the equation unchanged.

Net ionic equation:

2 Ag⁺(aq) + S²⁻(aq) → Ag₂S(s)

The net ionic equation shows only the species that actively participate in the chemical reaction. In this case, the silver ions (Ag⁺) and sulfide ions (S²⁻) are the ones involved in forming the silver sulfide (Ag₂S) precipitate.

To know more about net ionic equation here



--The given question is incomplete, the complete question is

"Write the net ionic equation for this reaction. 2AgF(aq) + k₂S = Ag₂S (s) + 2KF(aq)."--

A gas occupies a volume of 202 ml at a pressure of 505 torr. To what pressure must the gas be subject in order to change the volume to 65.0 ml



1569 torr


Assuming ideal behaviour and constant temperature, we can solve this problem by using Boyle's law, which states:

V₁P₁ = V₂P₂

Where in this case:

V₁ = 202 mLP₁ = 505 torrV₂ = 65.0 mLP₂ = ?

We input the data given by the problem:

202 mL * 505 torr = 65.0 mL * P₂

And solve for P₂:

P₂ = 1569 torr

What is the direct function of the energy released from the nuclear chain reaction in a nuclear power plant? turning the blades of the turbine heating water to produce steam powering the condenser carrying electricity from the plant to consumers



the energy released is to make steam to create electricity. yes you are right i just didnt feel like being super technical

In a nuclear reaction, the  direct function of the energy released from the nuclear chain reaction in a nuclear power plant is turning the blades of the turbine heating water to produce steam .

What are nuclear reactions?

There are two types of nuclear reactions which are nuclear fusion and nuclear fission .They involve the combination and disintegration of the element's nucleus respectively.

In nuclear fission, the nucleus of the atom is bombarded with electrons of low energy which splits the nucleus in to two parts .Large amount of energy is released in the process.It is used in nuclear power reactors as it produces large amount of energy.

In nuclear fusion,on the other hand, is a reaction which occurs when two or more atoms combine to form a heavy nucleus.Large amount of energy is released in the process which is greater than that of the energy which is released in nuclear fission process.

Learn more about nuclear reactions,here:



Assuming tea leaves contain 5.0% caffeine by weight what is the maximum weight of caffeine you could isolate from 10.g of tea leaves? Show your work.



0.50 g Caffeine


Step 1: Given data

Concentration of caffeine by weight in tea leaves: 5.0%

Mass of tea leaves: 10. g

Step 2: Calculate the maximum weight of caffeine that can be isolated

The concentration of caffeine by weight in tea leaves is 5.0%, that is, there are 5.0 g of caffeine per 100 g of tea leaves. The maximum weight of caffeine in 10. g of tea leaves is:

10. g Tea leaves × 5.0 g Caffeine/100 g Tea leaves = 0.50 g Caffeine

A ligand is a molecule or ion that acts as a



Lewis base/electron pair donors


Ligands are ions or neutral molecules which bond together with a central ion. They act as election pair donors, also known as Lewis bases, while the central ion they are connected to acts as the acceptor.

Therefore, a ligand is a molecule or ion that acts as a Lewis base/electron pair donors

Explain the term global warming​


Answer: A gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and other pollutants.


Calculate the concentration of ammonium nitrate in a solution prepared by dissolving 3.20 g of the salt in enough water to make 100. mL of solution, then diluting 2.00 mL of this solution to a volume of 25.00 mL.



.032 M .


Molecular weight of ammonium nitrate is 80  .

3.2 g = 3.2 / 80 moles

= .04 moles

volume = 100 mL = 0.1 L

Molarity of 100 mL solution = .04 moles / 0.1 L

= 0.4 M solution.

Now 2 mL solution of 0.4 M is diluted to a volume of 25 mL .

Using the formula S₁ V₁ = S₂V₂

0.4 M x 2 mL = S₂ x 25 mL

S₂ = .4 x 2 / 25

= .032 M

Hence required concentration is .032 M .

Is sucrose classified as aldose or ketose?



Because sucrose is a complex disaccharide, it is not classified as either an aldose or a ketone. Instead, it is a compound that contains both. glucose is aldose sugar and fructose is a ketose sugar.




please translate in english

Help naming this plzzzzzzzzzzzzz



A. 3-chloro-1-methylcyclobutane.


Hello there!

In this case, according to the given information, it turns out possible for us to infer that the name of this compound is A. 3-chloro-1-methylcyclobutane because of the fact that the parent chain is a cyclobutane which starts by the methyl radical as it has the priority over the chlorine radical which is actually named first at the third carbon (clockwise).

Therefore the name is given in A, accordingly to the IUPAC rules of nomenclature.


Use dimensional analysis to solve the following problems. Pay attention to correct use of units and correct use of significant figures in calculations. Please show work!

3) Convert 0.250 moles of aluminum sulfate to grams.

4) Convert 2.70 grams of ammonia to moles.



0.000731 grams aluminium sulfate

46.0 mols ammonia


ALS = shorthand for aluminium sulfate which has a molar mass of 342.15 g/mol

[tex]ALS: \frac{0.250mols}{1} *\frac{1g}{342.15mols} = \frac{0.250g}{342.15}=0.0007307 g[/tex]

NH3 has a molar mass of 17.031 g/mol

[tex]NH3: \frac{2.70g}{1} *\frac{17.031mols}{1g} = \frac{0.250g}{342.15}=45.9837 mols[/tex]

Aluminium sulphate (AlS) whose molar mass is= [tex]\sf{ 342.15\dfrac{g}{mol} }[/tex]

we have to find the 0.250 moles of aluminum sulphate.

[tex]\implies AlS=\dfrac{1g}{342.15~mole}×0.250~mole \\\\\implies AlS=\dfrac{0.250}{342.15}\\\\\implies \dfrac{\frac{250}{1000}}{\frac{34215}{100}}\\\\\implies \dfrac{250}{1000}×\dfrac{100}{34215}\\\\=0.00073067\approx{0.0007307~g}[/tex]


Ammonia(NH3) whose molar mass is =[tex]\sf{17.031\dfrac{mol}{g} }[/tex]

We have to find 2.70 grams of ammonia

[tex]\implies NH_{3}=\dfrac{17.031~mol}{1g}×2.70g\\\\ 17.031×2.70\\\\\dfrac{17031}{1000}×\dfrac{270}{100}\\\\ \dfrac{4598370}{100000}\\\\=45.9837\approx{46~mole}[/tex]

The compound chromium(II) chloride is a strong electrolyte. Write the transformation that occurs when solid chromium(II) chloride dissolves in water. Be sure to specify states such as (aq) or (s).



CrCl₂(s) ⇒ Cr²⁺(aq) + 2 Cl⁻(aq)


Chromium (II) chloride is a strong electrolyte, that is, when dissolved in water, it completely dissociates into the ions. The cation is chromium (II) and the anion is chloride. The balanced equation for the solution of chromium (II) chloride is:

CrCl₂(s) ⇒ Cr²⁺(aq) + 2 Cl⁻(aq)

what is Lewis acid and Lewis base? give examples​



example is copper iron...........

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