When power is completely removed from your computer


Answer 1


The only way that would work is if you had access a very cold liquid such as liquid helium or liquid nitrogen.

Related Questions

The primary advantage of hexadecimal notation, compared with binary notation, is its ____________________.





Have a nice day!

You want to use your Windows workstation to browse the websites on the internet. You use a broadband DSL connection to access the internet. Which network protocol must be installed on your workstation to do this





when files on storage are scattered throughout different disks or different parts of a disk, what is it called



File Fragmentation or Fragmented Files

An item that contains both data and the procedures that read and manipulate it is called a(n) ________.





An item that contains both data and the procedures that read and manipulate it is called an object.

Write a program, which will take 20, inputs from the user and find how many
odd and even numbers are there.

Pseudocode & Python



user_input = [int(input()) for i in range(20)]

even = []

odd = []

for i in user_input:

if i%2:




print("odd : ", len(odd), "even : ", len(even))


The above code is written in python :

Using a list comprehension we obtain a list of 20 values from the user and store in the variable user_input.

Two empty list are defined, even and odd which is created to store even and odd values.

A for loop is used to evaluate through the numbers in user_input. Even values leave no remainder when Divided by 2 and are appended to the even list while those those leave a raunder are automatically odd values. The elements each list are counted using the len function and are displayed using the print statement.

Cuando se introduce una fórmula en una celda primero que hay que introducir es



El signo =.


La pregunta refiere a las fórmulas que se utilizan en el programa Excel. Esta es una hoja de cálculo desarrollada por Microsoft para computadoras que utilizan el sistema operativo Windows. Es, con mucho, la hoja de cálculo más utilizada para estas plataformas. Microsoft Excel se utiliza como hoja de cálculo y para analizar datos, así como para crear una base para la toma de decisiones. En Excel, se pueden realizar cálculos, configurar tablas, crear informes y analizar volúmenes de datos.

Además, dentro de sus celdas existe la posibilidad de realizar fórmulas, que emulan las fórmulas matemáticas y realizan cálculos específicos entre distintas celdas.

You want to be able to identify the services running on a set of servers on your network. Which tool would best give you the information you need?



Vulnerability scanner

You require a "vulnerability scanner" to provide you with the information to be able to identify the services running on a set of servers on your network.

What is a vulnerability scanner?

Vulnerability scanning, commonly known informally as 'vuln scan,' is an automated technique for finding network, application, and security problems ahead of time. The IT department of a company or a third-party security service provider often does vulnerability scanning. Attackers use this scan to find points of access to your network.

A vulnerability scanner can provide features that a port scanner cannot: sending notifications when new systems are connected to the network.

If you want to be able to identify the services running on a set of servers on your network then you need a "vulnerability scanner" to equip you with the details.

To learn more about vulnerability scanners click here:



Which type of attack cripples the network and prevents legitimate users from accessing network resources



A Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is a non-intrusive internet attack made to take down the targeted website or slow it down by flooding the network, server or application with fake traffic. When against a vulnerable resource-intensive endpoint, even a tiny amount of traffic is enough for the attack to succeed.

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks are threats that website owners must familiarize themselves with as they are a critical piece of the security landscape. Navigating the various types of DDoS attacks can be challenging and time consuming. To help you understand what a DDoS attack is and how to prevent it, we have written the following guidelines.


What is a DDoS attack?

1.1 – Understanding a DDoS Attack

The objective of a DDoS attack is to prevent legitimate users from accessing your website. For a DDoS attack to be successful, the attacker needs to send more requests than the victim server can handle. Another way successful attacks occur is when the attacker sends bogus requests.

1.2 – What is the Goal Behind a DDoS Attack?

The main goal of an attacker that is leveraging a Denial of Service (DoS) attack method is to disrupt a website availability:

The website can become slow to respond to legitimate requests.

The website can be disabled entirely, making it impossible for legitimate users to access it.

What is the purpose of "display:table"?



Modern browsers use CSS to style all their markup.

How would they render a <table> element if CSS had nothing that could express the appearance of one?

(That, and you might have non-tabular data that you want to render like a table, there are enough people using tables for layout to see a demand for it).

They can be used to format content in a tabular manner when the markup does not use the table element, e.g. because the markup was written by someone who was told not use tables or because the markup is generic XML and not HTML.

You can also design a page using e.g. div elements so that some stylesheet formats them as a table, some other stylesheet lets them be block elements or turns them to inline elements. This may depend e.g. on the device width

Write a basic notation for

[tex]a = \frac{(b + d)}{2c} [/tex]
[tex]z = \frac{x}{y + c} [/tex]
[tex] c = \frac{9c + 32}{5} [/tex]



[tex]a = (b + c)/(2 * c)[/tex]

[tex]z = x/(y + c)[/tex]

[tex]c = (9 * c + 32)/5[/tex]



The expression in basic

To do this, we use () to group items, / as divide and * to combine factors

So, we have:

[tex](a)\ a = \frac{(b + d)}{2c}[/tex]

In basic, it is:

[tex]a = (b + c)/(2 * c)[/tex]

[tex](b)\ z = \frac{x}{y + c}[/tex]

In basic, it is:

[tex]z = x/(y + c)[/tex]

[tex](c)\ c = \frac{9c + 32}{5}[/tex]

[tex]c = (9 * c + 32)/5[/tex]

explain the importance of using onedrive in windows 10, and how knowledge of it will have an impact on today's workplace



The importance of using Onedrive it helps save stuff if you have no more room on your computer it helps with schooling and works for jobs you have Microsoft Teams, Onedrive, Outlook, Office 365. It gives all sorts of things that you can use for anything contacts on Outlook and Teams.

Why does a computer need programs? ​


To run successfully. That was the answer on my quiz. Sorry if it doesn’t help
The computer is just a platform, the key is what to use it for. This is program

You have a company network that is connected to the internet. You want all users to have internet access, but you need to protect your private network and users. You also need to make a web server publicly available to internet users.Which solution should you use?




In this scenario, the best option is to first create a DMZ. This stands for Demiliatirized Zone and basically allows anything connected to it to access networks that have not been completely verified (which in this case would be the internet). Once the DMZ is created you are going to want to add the web server to the DMZ. This will allow the web server to access the internet and be publicly available to its users. At the same time you are going to want to add the company network behind the DMZ so that it is not allowed to publicly access the internet without the data going through the firewall first. Therefore, protecting the company network users.

Choose all that apply: You are servicing a Dell Inspiron 22 3265/3263 AIO Desktop and determine that the LCD panel is faulty. What troubleshooting steps will you follow before replacing the LCD Assembly



1.) Run ePSA, but press ESC to stop testing and regain control of the cursor. Double tap on the screen and see if the cursor moves to your pressed location. That will determine if the hardware is needed to be replaced or it is a software problem

2.) If the system boots into windows, check the device manager for the USB Input device which has a white circle and a down arrow, right click and enable it to test its functionality.

The troubleshooting steps that the user will need to follow before the LCD Assembly is replaced goes thus:

One will have to run the ePSA.The cursor will have to be regained by press esc in order to stop the testing.Then one will have to double tap the screen in order to check whether the cursor had been moved to the pressed location.The above is necessary in order to know if there will be a replacement of the hardware or whether it is a software problem Then if the system boots into windows, one will have to check the device manager in order to find the USB Input device which will then be right clicked to test its functionality.

In conclusion, the above method will be used for the troubleshooting.

Read related link on:


You are the network administrator for a small company that implements NAT to access the internet. However, you recently acquired five servers that must be accessible from outside your network. Your ISP has provided you with five additional registered IP addresses to support these new servers, but you don't want the public to access these servers directly. You want to place these servers behind your firewall on the inside network, yet still allow them to be accessible to the public from the outside.Which method of NAT translation should you implement for these servers?


Answer: Static


Network Address Translation is simply designed for the conservation of IP address. It allows private IP networks which makes use of unregistered IP addresses to be able to connect to the Internet.

Static Network Address Translation enables port number translatation and IP addresses from inside to the outside traffic likewise from the outside to the inside traffic.

Software written to meet the specific needs of a company is known as


Answer: system


System software refers to the software that's written to meet the specif needs of a company. It is designed in order to provide a platform for the other software and run the hardware and the application programs of a computer.

Examples of system software are game engines, industrial automation, search engines, etc.

write a program to generate following series in qbasics 100,81,64,....1​



[tex]9 \times 9 = 81 \\ 8 \times 8 = 64 \\ 7 \times 7 = 49 \\ 6 \times 6 = 36 [/tex]

it's square root number you multiple times by 2

Question 1:
The Wayfinder is an ancient piece of technology created as a means of navigating challenging stretches of space. The device connects to every piece of technology in the galaxy in order to detect planets and spaceships and then shown their location to the user. As it happens, locations of planets follow a specific distribution. A planet can exist at coordinates x,y only if
2x² + |2xy| + y² =10000
The user can use the Wayfinder to find nearby planets by input the range for x and y. Draw a flowchart and write a C++ program that models the Wayfinder. Ask the user to input a range for x and y, then print all possible planet coordinates. The program should also print the number of planets detected.
Hint: you can use pow(x,n) to get the value of xn and abs(x) to get the absolute value of x.


Sample output:



Following are the code to the given question:

#include<iostream>//header file

#include<math.h>//header file

using namespace std;

int main()//main method


   long long x, x1, y, y1;//defining long variable

   int count=0,i,j;//defining integer variable

   cout<<"Enter a range for x coordinates: "<<endl;//print message        

   cin>>x>>x1;//input x and x1 value                          

   cout<<"Enter a range for y coordinates: "<<endl;//print message

   cin>>y>>y1; //input y and y1 value  

   for(i = x; i <= -x1; i++)//use nested loop that tests each coordinates                                        


       for(j = y; j <= y1; j++)//use nested loop that tests each coordinates


           if(((2*pow(i,2)) + abs(2*i*j) + pow(j,2)) == 10000)//use if that checks condition as per the given question


               cout<<"There is a planet at "<<i<<", "<<j<<endl;//  print coordinates

               count++;//incrementing count variable value                                                    




   cout<<"Total number of planets detected are: "<<count<<endl;//print count value

   return 0;



In this code, inside the main method long "x, x1, y, and y1" and integer "count, i, and j" type variable is declared that uses a long variable to input value from the user-end.

In the next step, two nested loops have defined that test each coordinate and define if block that checks condition as per the given question and use i, j, and count variable to print value with the message.

A 2-dimensional 3x3 array of ints, has been created and assigned to tictactoe. Write an expression whose value is that of the middle element in the middle row.





To access arrays, square boxes might be used which means specifying the row position and column position of a certain value in an array ::

Given a 2 - dimensional 3×3 array of integers :

Creating a dummy array assigned to the variable tictactoe :

[1 2 3]

[4 5 6]

[7 8 9]

We have a 3×3 array, that is 3 rows and 3 columns.

The middle element in the middle row is located in the second row ;second colum

Row and column Indexes starts from 0

Middle element in the middle row is the value 5 and it corresponds to :


We call the variable name and the we use one square box each to house the row and column position.

In design and implementation of any _____ reasoning application, there are 4 Rs involved: retrieve, reuse, revise, and retain.





A software can be defined as a set of executable instructions (codes) or collection of data that is used typically to instruct a computer on how to perform a specific task and solve a particular problem.

Simply stated, it's a computer program or application that comprises of sets of code for performing specific tasks on the system.

A software development life cycle (SDLC) can be defined as a strategic process or methodology that defines the key steps or stages for creating and implementing high quality software applications. There are seven (7) main stages in the creation of a software and these are;

1. Planning.

2. Analysis.

3. Design.

4. Development (coding).

5. Testing.

6. Implementation and execution.

7. Maintenance.

A case-based reasoning application refers to a knowledge-based system that is designed and developed to use previous case scenarios (similar past problems) to interprete or proffer a solution to a problem.

In design and implementation of any case-based reasoning application, there are four (4) Rs involved: retrieve, reuse, revise, and retain.

Your friend want to make a copy of your new game you bought the previous day .

Why should you prevent him from doing that?​



It is copyright infringement



Why you should prevent your friend from copying a software you bought

When you purchase a software, you claim ownership of the software (for using the software on your devices); however, your ownership is not a full ownership because the software is an intellectual property of the developer.

This means that, you cannot copy or redistribute the software without the consent of the developer. Doing so, without getting consent, is a copyright infringement.

define Microsoft Excel 2010​



a very very old Microsoft application that only people on old pc's use now



Microsoft Excel is a Microsoft software program that allows users to organize, format, and calculates data using the formulas of a tablet.

This program is part of the Microsoft Office Suite and supports other Office Suite applications. Microsoft Excel can now be purchased on subscription via cloud via office 365, as can other Microsoft Office products.


In Excel, entering a value column and clicking on a cell in the low sheet below allows the cell to add all of the numbers entered above to the "auto sum" button. This takes place in the manual leader counts, which before the development of the modern table were a labor-intensive part of the business.

Microsoft Excel is also a key user technology, useful in training and professional development, in various types of simple case applications. MS Excel has been included in basic corporate computer graduation training for several years, and temporary employment agencies may examine individuals for a wide variety of clerical duties on their skills with Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel.

The data visualization principle has changed the Microsoft Excel usage cases. Where companies have used Microsoft Excel for, say, hundreds of records in the past, most business cases today involve tablets containing less than a dozen values for each particular project.

A company has a website that has seen a large increase in visitors and they are concerned that if the trend continues, the web server's performance will be compromised. You have been asked to help solve this problem without having to replace the current server. What can you do



Install a second server and load balancer


Considering the scenario described above and to solve this problem without having to replace the current server, what I will do is to carry out "installation of a second server to provide additional capacity for the server and install load balancer which helps in managing and allotting incoming requests or application traffic to any ready server prepared of fulfilling them.

en que consiste excel



Microsoft Excel es un programa para calcular y simplificar las tareas de administración de datos que forma parte del paquete Microsoft Office de Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft Excel tiene funciones básicas que se pueden usar para trabajar con hojas de cálculo, usando una cuadrícula que consta de celdas. Las funciones también están disponibles para mostrar gráficos y datos visuales similares.

plz help me to do 4 number



A is an abbaccus.  B is Blaze Pascal.  C is The Jacquard Loom.  D is Charles Babbage.  E is The Manchester Baby.


Communication media that use an antenna for transmitting data through air or water are called _____.



Guided media provide a physical path along which the signals are propagated; these include twisted pair, coaxial cable and optical fiber. Unguided media employ an antenna for transmitting through air, vacuum or water. Traditionally, twisted pair has been the workhorse for communications of all sorts.


douc54.cs.edinboro.edu /~bennett/class/csci475/spring2002/notes/chapter4/index.html

copy and paste that it might help!

6. By default,how the table headings are placed. (2 Points)
bold and italic
bold and centered
bold and underlined
bold and aligned​


They are all bold and what ever else

Write code using the range function to add up the series 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, ..... 66 and print the resulting sum. Expected Output 759



The program is as follows:

total = 0

for i in range(3,67,3):

   total += i    



This initializes the sum of the series to 0

total = 0

This iterates through the series with an increment of 3

for i in range(3,67,3):

Add up all elements of the series

   total += i

Print the calculated sum    


can I play the game the last of us with this spec:​


No . Take my advice
no the cpu is not powerful enough to support a game

Convert to different number system as mentioned.(17)10=(?)2​


“convert to a different number system as mentioned” there was no number system mentioned, but if you are just trying to find 17 * 10 = x * 2

all you need to do is find that 17 * 10 = 170 and 170/2 is 85 so

17 * 10 = 85 * 2
Other Questions
Gnero literario de La Mancha indeleble Por que los egipcios dividieron sus etapas en Imperio Antiguo, Medio y Nuevo? Complete the sentence below using the correct spelling word.Working long days without rest tends to some people. Read the excerpt from Take the Tortillas Out of Your Poetry.For me, reading has always been a path toward liberation and fulfillment. To learn to read is to start down the road of liberation, a road which should be accessible to everyone. No one has the right to keep you from reading, and yet that is what is happening in many areas in this country today. There are those who think they know best what we should read. These censors are at work in all areas of our daily lives.Which best describes the rhetoric used in this excerpt to increase the readers awareness of censorship?A factual evidence is used to appeal to the readers sense of logicB a strong opinion is presented to appeal to the readers sense of justiceC an emotional anecdote is related to appeal to the readers sympathyD the authors love of reading is referenced to appeal to his character Stock Rit Rmt ai BetaA 10.6 15 0 0.8Z 9.8 8 0 1.1Rit = return for stock i during period tRmt = return for the aggregate market during period tWhat is the abnormal rate of return for Stock Z during period t using only the aggregate market return (ignore differential systematic risk)?a. 3.40b. 4.40c. 1.80d. -4.40 E. -1.70 a girl is moving with a uniform velocity of 1.5 m/s then mathematically find her acceleration simplify the following. (x+2x)-(x-7x) What is the 7th term in the sequence below? 5, 25, 125, 625, A. 78,125 B. 15,625 C. 3,125 D. 825 Which aspect of the 2008 presidential election do you think will be remembered most 100 years from now? What was one effect of the Great Society Progams? Write each as a percent. Use proportions.7/25, 2/3, 3/8 log2(6x) log2 (x)-2 Jammer Company uses a weighted average perpetual inventory system and reports the following:August 2 Purchase 24 units at $18.50 per unit. August 18 Purchase 26 units at $20.00 per unit. August 29 Sale 48 units. August 31 Purchase 29 units at $21.50 per unit. What is the per-unit value of ending inventory on August 31? (Round your per unit answers to 2 decimal places.) how does load transfer of space needle Solve the inequality -10w _< 20 Explain how to divide a decimal by a decimal Which word provides a synonym clue? The cardinal number of {200, 201, 202, 203, ..., 1099} Describe how pollution can cause acid rain, and how acid rain affects the ecosystems of surrounding areas? The stock market crash signaled the beginning of the Great Depression, yet the causes of the Depression had been planted well before 1929. Explain what brought on the Great Depression and why Hoover was not able to properly address the crisis.