When working with text boxes and shapes, which tab contains settings for applying shadows and 3-D rotation to objects?

Fill & Line
Size & Properties


Answer 1


B) Effects


In Microsoft Presentation the shadows and 3-D rotation option are available inside the Home tab. This option is used to provide special effects on the slides. and other options are not correct that can be described as:

The fill & Line both option working is different from each other the fill option used for fill color in shapes and the Line is used to provide a line in the presentation.The Size & Properties option is used to change the size and property of an object.The picture option is used to insert a picture or modify a picture in the presentation.

Answer 2




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Resource-limited scheduling is a method fora. developing a schedule that attempts to minimize the fluctuations in requirements for resources.b. making sure all the resources do the same amount of work.c. making sure every task has the same number of resources.d. developing the shortest schedule when the number or amount of available resources is fixed and cannot be exceeded.


Sorry I can’t find the answer

how the business can use creative thinking to solve the problem​



Creative thinking helps you keep your business presence fresh. You'll be able to constantly reinvent your business in order to stay in your customers' awareness. ... Creativity improves your leadership skills. Being an effective leader means being creative in your approach and problem-solving.


Again, consider Sharon, a single mother with two children under 18 who earns an annual income of $16,000. Suppose that Sharon qualifies for a
welfare program for single mothers that provides her with $500 cash for each child (a total of $1,000, since Sharon has two children). After receiving
welfare, is Sharon's family living in poverty?

O Yes
O No


Sharon and two kids makes 3 people total with both kids being under 18, the poverty level from the table is $20,231

She gets $1000 a month for her kids. 1000 x 12 months = $12,000 per year

12,000 + her annual salary = 12,000 + 16,000 = $28,000 per year.

28,000 is greater than 20,231 so she is not living in poverty.

The answer is no

Chuong Ngo borrows $2700 from a bank that advertises a 7% simple interest rate and repays the loan in three equal monthly payments. Estimate the APR. Round to the nearest tenth of a percent. Use the Approximate Annual Percentage Rate Formula.


The estimated Annual Percentage Rate is 10.5%

APR means Annual Percentage Rate.

Annual Percentage Rate refers to the interest rate one pays on a loan each year.

We will use the Annual Percentage Rate(APR) Formula to derive the estimate

APR = 2nr/(n+1) where the P = $2,700, R = 7% and N = 3

[tex]APR = 2*3*0.07 / (3+1)\\APR = 0.42 / 4\\APR = 0.105\\APR = 10.5%[/tex]

In conclusion, the estimated Annual Percentage Rate is 10.5%

Learn more about Annual Percentage Rate here brainly.com/question/9301830

Effective controls relevant to purchasing of raw materials should usually include all of the following except Obtaining third-party written quality and quantity reports prior to payment for the raw materials. Determining the need for the raw materials prior to preparing the purchase order. Systematic reporting of product changes that will affect raw materials. Obtaining financial approval prior to making a commitment.



. Obtaining third-party written quality and quantity reports prior to payment for the raw materials


Purchases of raw materials can be regarded as purchases of all commodities that is required as inputs in the process of production as well as related to the supply of factors of production. It should be noted that Effective controls relevant to purchasing of raw materials should usually include; ✓Determining the need for the raw materials prior to preparing the purchase order.

✓Systematic reporting of product changes that will affect raw materials. Obtaining financial approval prior to making a commitment.

Olivia is working with a small group of five coworkers put together by their CEO, Ben. They have been instructed to take care of an inequality in their manufacturing plant. Olivia and her team have the authority to make decisions by themselves without the approval of Ben. Olivia is working in ______.



Both a self-managing team and a problem-solving team.

On February 15, Symth Co. determines that it cannot collect $500 owed by its customer, A. Winds. Symth records the loss using the direct write-off method. This entry to record the write-off on February 15 would include a: (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. credit to Accounts Receivable - A. Winds. credit to Bad Debts Expense. debit to Accounts Receivable - A. Winds. credit to Sales. debit to Bad Debts Expense. debit to Sales.



debit to Bad Debts Expense.

credit to Accounts Receivable - A. Winds.


The journal entry to record the write off is given below:

Bad debt expense Dr $500

    To Accounts Receivable - A. Winds $500

(being the written off is recorded)

Here the bad debt expense is debited as it increased the assets and credited the account receivable as it decreased the assets

Rivalry among competing sellers is generally more intense when Group of answer choices industry conditions tempt competitors to use price cuts or other competitive weapons to boost unit volume. barriers to entry are high and buyer switching costs are high. barriers to entry are moderately high and the pool of likely entry candidates is small. buyer demand is growing rapidly. the industry's driving forces are strong and rivals have strongly differentiated products.



industry conditions tempt competitors to use price cuts or other competitive weapons to boost unit volume.


Rivalry refers to the competitions that take place among firms in an industry with the aim of capturing greater market share

rivalry is influenced by :

1. barriers to entry :

If barriers to entry is high, there would be few firms competing for customers, so there would less intense rivalry

2. differentiation of goods in the industry :

If goods are differentiated, goods are unique from that of competitors. so there would be less need for intense rivalry

Why would foreign firms export a product at less than its cost of production—which presumably means making a loss? Many nations participate in poor planning and as a result produce a surplus of product which they sell at a loss. This may be part of a long-term strategy in which foreign firms would sell at below the cost of production in the short-term for a time, and when they have driven out the domestic U.S. competition, they would then raise prices. Many nations simply wish to keep their workers employed, no matter what the cost. Many nations simply produce and sell inferior goods at prices that reflect this fact.


The statement" The foreign firms sell at below the production cost and whenever it is driven out so it increases the prices" is correct.

In the case when the foreign firms export a product i.e. lower than the cost of production that means they make the losses is when:

There is a long-term strategy.It should be less than the cost of production in less period.The prices are increased at the time when the driven out the competition of the domestic united states.

In other cases, it does not make the losses only the above factors should be considered.

Therefore we can conclude that the statement "It is part of the long-term strategy where the foreign firm should sell less than the cost of production in the short period of time and whenever it has driven out the competition of the domestic united states so the prices should be increased" is correct.

Learn more about the cost of production here: brainly.com/question/15235684

How do you make decision for the yourself?what are the things that you consider before making a decision​


Answer: I consider what's best for me first and what would he beneficiary to others


Making decisions for oneself should be directed most times to growth. Questions like; "how would this affect me or how will this benefit those around me".

When we consider what benefits us and others around us we tend to make the best decision which helps out growth and bring out the best in others.

Thomas, the Department Head of the meat processing unit of a food manufacturing company, refuses to allow an OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) compliance inspector to carry out the inspection process. In this scenario, what action can the OSHA inspector take


The action that should be taken by the OSHA inspector is to generate the search warrant so that they could enter into a unit.

The inspection process is the process where the inspection could be done with regard to

Quality of products. Identify the defective products if any.Reveal any hazardous product if any.

Since the department head of food manufacturing company refuses to allow an OSHA for carrying out an inspection process so for this:

The search warrant should be produced so that they could be able to enter into the unit and check whether everything is fine or not. If anything is not fine so the proper penalty should be charged for the same.

Therefore we can conclude that The action that should be taken by the OSHA inspector is to generate the search warrant so that they could enter into a unit.

Learn more about the OSHA here: brainly.com/question/20475809

Alain is a sales representative for an established awnings manufacturer. Business is good, but he is concerned that the company has spent little on new product development and has not created a new product in over five years. Without new products, Alain can market his current products only to his current customers or Multiple Choice diversify. intensify his prototyping. expand his early adopter market segment. market the same products to similar customers.



market the same products to similar customers


In simple words, the only choice that Alain have in the given case is to market the same product to similar customers. Diversifying and prototyping are beyond control of a salesman like Alain. Also, if there is no new product in the market there will be no chance that one can target a new market segment. Thus, we can conclude that the correct option is last statement.

An employee properly sued her employer for wrongful discharge in federal court. During discovery, the employee served the employer with a discovery request for information regarding all employment termination over the previous 15 years, regardless of the position. The employer objected, and the employee filed a motion to compel the requested discovery. The court denied the motion to compel, and the employee wants to file an immediate appeal to review this decision. Does the employee have a right to an immediate appeal



No, because the trial court's order is an "interlocutory order" that can be reviewed prior to final judgment only if the trial court certifies it for immediate appeal and the appellate court, in its discretion, agrees to hear the appeal


Interlocutory orders

This is simply known as an order or judgment usually made in a case before  the said  parties claim or defense and every issue in the case has been reviewed or settled and they are not appealable. it is a form of rulings that trial judges do make in the course of pretrial proceedings and trials that were not entirely settled/resolve in the case. Therefore, they are not final. In this scenario above, interlocutory orders are usually not immediately reviewable on appeal until a final order is made such as meeting one of the exceptions permitting an appeal as of right (i.e., orders granting injunctions; orders appointing a receiver etc). This Appeals also may grant the review of an interlocutory order, but it is discretionary, and may be available only when the trial judge signs that the interlocutory order and the court of appeals then agrees to allow the appeal.

What is a kiosk?
A. A stand-alone structure that offers information or a place to make
B. A display located at the end of an aisle in a store
C. A place that displays merchandise so that people can see it from
the street
D. A place in a store where people make purchases, including
impulse buys



A kiosk is basically a structure where people can obtain information or make purchases. (Example: Information kiosk for a museum/visitor center).

Given this, one can clearly see that the correct answer is A. "A stand-alone structure that offers information or a place to make  purchases."

Let me know if this helps

Answer: A stand-alone structure that offers information or a place to make purchases

Explanation: Just took the test

Stephanie volunteers at an organization that collects and distributes clothing to those in need. As she is packing boxes to send overseas, she finds a donated item of clothing that perfectly suits her sense of style and would be a versatile item to add to her own wardrobe. Stephanie sets the item aside to take home with her. According to virtue-based ethics, why is Stephanie's action unethical? Stealing is always wrong. Her action cultivates the vice of greed. Her action will deprive needy recipients of clothing. She is not following the instructions she was given.


Answer: Her action cultivates the vice of greed


Greed is an attitude that most be dealt with unless it exposes you to what you can't control, an uncontrollable desire births greed most times, it's better individuals put their desires in check before becomes a thing of shame.

Stephanie taken some portions of the clothes which she think would suit her is display of greed.

4. Write 5 examples for each of small, medium and large occupation categories. ​help please


Small and mid-size enterprises are businesses that maintain revenues, assets or a number of employees below a certain threshold. Each country has its own definition of what constitutes a small and medium-sized enterprise Certain size criteria must be met and occasionally the industry in which the company operates in is taken into account as well.

Over time, 3M has relied on the results-only-work-environment (ROWE) framework and has morphed into a highly science-driven innovation company. At 3M, employees are encouraged to spend 15 percent of their time on projects of their own choosing. If any of these projects look promising, 3M provides financing through an internal venture-capital fund and other resources to further develop their commercial potential. This real-world scenario best illustrates


Answer: output controls.


The real-world scenario best illustrates output controls. Output control refers to the technique that is used in analysing the output that is provided by a firm.

Output control focuses on the measurable results that are within an organization. Since the company encourages its employees to spend 15 percent of their time on projects of their own choosing and the ones who looks promising are financed to develop their commercial potential, this refers to output controls.

Fill in the blank: Data-inspired decision-making can discover _____ when exploring different data sources. 1 point if a decision was properly made where the largest amount of data is which experts can give advice what the data has in common


Data inspired decision making can discover what the data has in common is the answer to this question.

Data inspired decision making can discover the trends that are the same in different sources of data.

A trend in data analysis is a pattern that is recurring or common across the different data sources. Such patterns when noticed help in the establishment of facts that can help in decision making

read more at https://brainly.com/question/17296944?referrer=searchResults

Name the institutions which provide technical education in nepal and describe any one of them​



The institutions which provide technical education in Nepal are:-

i)Tribhuwan University (TU)

ii) Mahendra Sanskrit University (MSU) iii) Lumbini Bauddha University (LBU) iv)Kathmandu University (KU)

v)Purbanchal University (PurU)

vi) Pokhara University (PokhU).

How is net profit determined ?



Net profit: Calculate the net profit (aka net income) by subtracting total expenses from total revenue to see exactly how much a company profits (a new profit) or loses (a net loss). A company's net income over time is a great indicator of how well or poorly its management team runs the company.


hope it is helpful for you

have nice day

Self-insurance means:

Question 4 options:

A. Insuring your voice.

B. Buying health insurance.

C. Assuming your own financial risk for some of your property.

D. Buying extra insurance from your insurance company.



assuming your own financial risk for some of your property


Assuming your own financial risk for some of your property

How do I view my work schedule Six Flags?



you should have an username and password and just log in with six flag . try going to https://six.flag.team


I hope that help you

Product differentiation by incumbents act as an entry barrier because a. incumbents will take legal action if new entrants do not differentiate their products. b. it helps a firm to derive greater economies of scale. c. new entrants cannot differentiate their products. d. new entrants will have to spend heavily to overcome existing customer loyalties.



d. new entrants will have to spend heavily to overcome existing customer loyalties.


When the product is different and can be recognized by an incumbent so the same should be acted as the entry barrier as the new entrants should spend more amount so that they would able to overcome the loyalties of the customer that are pre-existed in the market

So according to the given situation, the option d is correct

And, the remaining of the options should be incorrect

Product differentiation by incumbents act as an entry barrier because new entrants will have to spend heavily to overcome existing customer loyalties. Hence option D is correct.

Product differentiation by incumbents can act as an entry barrier for new competitors because established firms have already built brand loyalty and customer relationships. This makes it difficult for new entrants to attract customers away from the existing offerings.

To overcome this barrier, new entrants would need to invest significantly in marketing, advertising, and promotion to differentiate their products and create their own customer base. This can require substantial financial resources and marketing efforts to establish brand recognition and gain customer trust and loyalty.

Learn more about product differentiation here:



wifty’s Shop can make 1000 units of a necessary component with the following costs: Direct Materials $28000 Direct Labor 6000 Variable Overhead 3000 Fixed Overhead ? The company can purchase the 1000 units externally for $43000. The unavoidable fixed costs are $2000 if the units are purchased externally. An analysis shows that at this external price, the company is indifferent between making or buying the part. What are the fixed overhead costs of making the component?





Cost of buying = Direct Material + Direct labor + Variable overhead + Avoidable fixed costs

$43,000 = $28,000 + $6,000 + $3,000 + Avoidable fixed costs

$43,000 = $37,000 + Avoidable fixed costs

Avoidable fixed costs = $43,000 - $37,000

Avoidable fixed costs = $6,000

Fixed overhead costs of making = Avoidable fixed costs + Unavoidable fixed costs

Fixed overhead costs of making = $6,000 - $2,000

Fixed overhead costs of making = $4,000

So therefore, the fixed overhead costs of making the component is $4,000.

Three key takeaways from the history of credit in america


The Diners Club Card in 1950 was the first credit card. The Franklin National Bank situated in Long Island, New York, issued the first bank credit card in 1951.

The profitability of credit cards did not last long before others saw it and by 1953, and 60 credit card programs were in the United States.It recorded the ability to pay back debts and proved responsible for their repayment.

Following are the key purchases from American credit history:

Credit history is a record of your debt repayment abilities and of your responsibility for repaying it.Includes the number and types of credit accounts you have credited, the duration of your account's opening, the amount owing, the quantity of available credit, whether you pay bills on time, and the number of recent credit requests.You will earn rewards for strong credit history, like cheaper rates on mortgage loans and automotive insurance.

Learn more:



I hope this image will help you

A delivery company employed several messengers to deliver packages by car to nearby towns. The company also allowed some employees to use company cars for personal use from time to time. A clerical employee had her car in a body shop because she had run a red light and been broadsided by another vehicle. This was the second time she had run a light and been hit. She borrowed a company car for the weekend and was using it to do some grocery shopping. The employee negligently went through a red light and crossed the path of a rented van. The man driving the van swerved to avoid the employee and struck a light post and several parked cars, severely damaging the van. At the time of the accident, the driver of the van was exceeding the posted speed limit; he would have been able to avoid hitting the light post and the cars had he been going the proper speed. The leasing company that had rented the van to the driver brought a lawsuit against the delivery company employee and the delivery company. The jurisdiction retains traditional contributory negligence rules. If the delivery company prevails in the lawsuit, what is the most likely reason



The delivery company had no reason to know that its employee had a poor driving record.


In a dispute where an injury happened contributory negligence is the failure of the plaintiff to adequately protect themselves in a situation or if their actions contributed to a negative incident.

This reduces or stops the amount they can be compensated with.

In the given scenario the employee negligently went through a red light and crossed the path of a rented van. The man driving the van swerved to avoid the employee and struck a light post and several parked cars, severely damaging the van. At the time of the accident, the driver of the van was exceeding the posted speed limit; he would have been able to avoid hitting the light post and the cars had he been going the proper speed.

The delivery company will prevail if they said that the had no reason to know that its employee had a poor driving record.

This will attribute the accident to the negligence of the plaintiff and he will not be able to collect any compensation

If my dad decides to buy a smokeshop but my mom doesn’t put her or our names on it will we lose anything money wise? I know his names on the house so that worries me but if she doesn’t sign anything will we lose anything? Pls don’t answer if you dont know


As long as you have some sort of written contract on who gets the money when and why he has full control to just not give you anything :( i think it would be best to put your names

1. sorry about earlier

part one of the question) whoever buys the smokeshop via your dad, if his name is on it, then he will be the one recieving the money. and if he decides to put your name onto the smokeshop or your mom on it later, then he has to pass it down to whomever he passes it down to, such as his family (you, your mother, grandparents, etc...) so id say that the money will go via your father.

2.yes so if his name is on the house then he will be the one recieving the money and you will not loose money i dont think if he owns that smokeshop. so there is nothing to really worry about other than having to pay bills for lights and things.  other than that you should be okay, i am not sure if YOU should put your name up for the smokeshop because i do not know your age. . but other than bills, light bills, water bills, and things you should be okay, if your father sells the things at his smokeshop then he should be making pay.

if this isnt what you are asking i apologize for this answer, i think this is what the question is asking though. have a good day :D

again sorry about earlier... with the  24 thing that was immature

essica is a one-third owner in Bikes-R-Us, an S corporation that experienced a $45,000 loss this year (year 1). If her stock basis is $10,000 at the beginning of the year, how much of this loss clears the hurdle for deductibility (assume the at-risk limitation equals the tax-basis limitation)





Calculation to determine how much of this loss clears the hurdle for deductibility

Amount allocated = ($45,000 x 1/3)

Amount allocated=$15,000 of loss

Since the amount Allocated is loss of $15,000 and her STOCK BASIS is the amount of $10,000 at the beginning of the year which means that she is allowed to Deduct only the amount of $10,000 of the allocation which represent the amount of her STOCK BASIS.

Therefore how much of this loss clears the hurdle for deductibility will be $10,000

The manager of a clothing store in the mall has hired five new employees for the summer. All of them have just graduated from high school and will only work the three summer months before leaving for college. After the initial week of training, the manager continues to scrutinize and direct them in every detail of their job. Each time they make a mistake they are reprimanded, told their pay may be docked, and reminded that there are always other people who will gladly take their place. This manager is using the approach to management known as:



Theory X


It is correct to say that this manager is using the management approach known as theory X, which is a philosophy that says employees work only for the benefits they receive, and that they avoid job responsibilities, so management must be inflexible and follow the hierarchy of functions, with the manager being responsible for a high degree of supervision of the work and the responsibility of the employee for any error.

Theory X may not be ideal for the current administration, where the focus of organizations are people and the formation of a culture focused on innovation and collaboration.

what is a business plan​



A business plan is a written document that describes in detail how a business usually a startup may defines its objectives and how it is to go about achieving its goals.


According to Wikipedia, A business plan is a formal written document containing the goals of a business, the methods for attaining those goals, and the time-frame for the achievement of the goals.

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