When you break a bracket, do u have to clean under it?

Because I just broke one and food can get stuck under it since it’s still on my tooth. I have a chain so I can’t take the bracket off.


Answer 1


yes just brush it normally

Answer 2


no need to brush under it. Just brush normally.

Related Questions

What is the difference between a vegan vegetarian and an ovo-lacto vegetarian? Explain how you can get all of your needs met on a vegetarian diet
and give tivo reasons why people may choose this lifestyle


Answer: See explanation


Vegetarianism is the act of non-consumption of meat. A Vegan vegetarian refers to a vegetarian who who avoid doesn't eat all animal as well as animal-derived products such as egg, milk etc. On the other hand, an ovo-lacto vegetarian refers to the vegetarian who

eats animal products, like eggs and dairy.

Some if the reasons why people become vegetarians are due to religious beliefs, health related issues such as reduction in cancer and blood pressure, parental preferences. Also, many people become vegetarian due to concerns with the way that animals are treated.

What is the main difference between health-related fitness and performance-related fitness?



Health-related fitness focuses on strength-training activities, while performance-related fitness focuses on cardio activities.



Health related fitness relates to an individual who is health conscious especially the way they look , feel .They ensure that they don't contract terminal illnesses and diseases so they exercise regularly but not as much as a person who does it for their career examples include athletes and football players who have to always keep fit and have good balance and a good diet to ensure they can perform well and to their full potential.

is it okay for a 14-year-old to weigh 120 pounds


It’s perfectly normal for a 14-year old to weight 120 pounds. As a 16 year old myself, I weight 125 at 5 feet! :)

Imagine that you're eating a 16-inch pepperoni pizza with your friends. It's so good that you've had four slices and washed
that down with a 16-ounce soda. Guess the nutritional value of your four-slice pizza and 16-ounce soda meal.
Once you've made an educated guess, you're going to don your sleuthing hat and figure out the actual nutritional value.
Go to your favorite pizza place's Web site or select a popular site that shows its nutritional values. Calculate how much of
you ate and compare it to at least two similar meals, which you will also calculate. Your response must include:


I would download my fitness pal and calculate the four slices of pizza and 16 ounce soda. The app is free

The ________ controls functions like breathing, which has led to a number of opioid-related deaths when disrupted.

frontal lobe
limbic system
spinal cord​



The brainstem


The brain stem is the correct answer because the brain stem is in charge of  all the functions in your body.

Recyclable plastic products will have the following code molded into the bottom:
Letter A
Letter B
Letter C
Letter R, for recycle!


C is the answer that question the molding is there it’s c

Can you lose weight if you go on a water only diet


Yes n no it depends if u workout n what u eat on a daily basis


Well, you can but drinking water alone can make you get I'll, you need food to eat daily. They are other things you can do to lose weight, example exercising everyday.

- Feeling sad for no apparent reason.
- Numb or not environmental care around.
- Feeling very tired, lacking energy, and having trouble sleeping.
- Often angry excessively and very sensitive.
- Feeling hopeless and helpless.

Is it a sign of depression/mental health disorder?


it can be a sign of depression /mental health disorder

2 2.5.2 Test (CST): Computer-Scored Test
Question 8 of 20
Osteoporosis is a condition that makes bones more
O A. creaky
B. fragile
O C. strong
O D. heavy


The answer is B. Fragile… Osteoporosis is a condition that makes bones more fragile. ( risk of breaking easy)

Osteoporosis is a medical condition that makes bones more: B. fragile.

What is a bone?

A bone can be defined as a rigid organ that comprises cells and substances that forms the skeleton in the body of organisms such as vertebrates and mammals.

What is osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis refers to a medical condition that makes bones in the body of organisms to become more fragile and eventually to break over time.

Basically, osteoporosis is caused by a lifelong low calcium intake in living organisms.

Read more on osteoporosis here: https://brainly.com/question/4432986

Sniffing correction fluid can stop your heart.



true true true true true




Yes. The fluid can cause someone's heart to beat rapidly, too rapidly, which can result in death. A smell is added to some brands.

What are some possible sources of support for someone who is feeling overwhelmed or suicidal? Select all that apply family church members doctors or psychiatrists school personnel trusted peers


family, doctors & psychiatrists, school personnel, trust peers

Match the following. Match the items in the left column to the items in the right column.

increase nerve activity 1.

reduce nerve activity2.

relieve pain and suppress coughing and diarrhea inhalants 3.

alter one's sense of reality depressants 4.

breathed into the body narcotics 5.








1. Stimulants 2. Depressants 3. Narcotics 4. Hallucinogens 5. Inhalants


The correct match in the left column to the items in the right column are:

1. Stimulants

2. Depressants

3. Narcotics

4. Hallucinogens

5. Inhalants

What are drugs?

Drugs are chemicals that are taken orally or injected through injections. Drugs change or freeze our thinking ability or any body part. Like, stimulants increase nerve activity, and hallucinogens change thinking, so he can not understand reality.

Thus, the correct matches are:

1. Stimulants

2. Depressants

3. Narcotics

4. Hallucinogens

5. Inhalants

Learn more about drugs



When deciding whether to leave a domestic violence situation, which decision-making steps should be followed? Select three options. Take action. Ask for an apology. Weigh the evidence. Present the evidence to the abuser. Identify the warning signs of domestic violence.



Take action.

Weigh the evidence.

Identify the warning signs of domestic violence.


There is no way that the abuser would stop abusing just by the victim asking for an apology. If the evidence is presented to the abuser, the abuser could abuse the victim more and try to destroy the evidence.

Answer: 1. Take action

2. Weigh the evidence.

3. Identify the warning signs of domestic violence.

Explanation: good Bye

how is woman empowerment an indirect measure of population management.​


Women still suffer in different places and are told what they can or can’t do they are expected you let themselves be controlled by others and not have a voice.

Wellness is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, whereas health is the practicing of behaviors to achieve that state of well-being.


What are you trying to ask here. Is there a question to this??

What is the reason for life Give at least 5 reasons plz​



All life forms have one essential purpose: survival. This is even more important than reproduction. After all, babies and grannies are alive but don't reproduce. To be alive is more than passing genes along.

I hope this will help you

Do you mean life in general or life insurance, please let me know and I will get back to you!

Which of the following demonstrates proper form for a lunge?
-Back knee touches the ground.
-Front knee is over the front foot.
-Knees are kept straight.
-Knees extend past the toes.


I believe your answer would be B) Front knee is over the front foot.
Hope this helps :)

Five minutes after you stop exercising, your heart rate should be in your

Target Heart Rate Zone
less than 100 beats per minute
less than 120 beats per minute



120 bpm



A person who is abusing the drug heroin most likely

A. received a prescription for heroin from a doctor at first but then started abusing it as time went on
B. started using heroin before any other drugs but will progress to more serious drug abuse
C. tried Fentanyl but wanted something that was not as strong to use recreationally
D. used at least three other drugs before or while using heroin​








i took the test

Which of these is the responsibility of public health?
A. Disease diagnosis
B. Surgery
C. Food inspection
D. Self-exams for breast and testicular cancer






Public health responsibilities include food inspection and promoting self-exams for breast and testicular cancer, option C and D are correct.

Public health agencies are responsible for monitoring and regulating food safety through inspection to prevent foodborne illnesses and ensure proper hygiene practices. They also play a crucial role in promoting preventive measures, such as self-exams for breast and testicular cancer, by raising awareness and providing education on early detection.

While public health focuses on population-level interventions and health promotion, individual disease diagnosis is primarily handled by healthcare providers. Surgical procedures are performed by medical professionals in healthcare settings, whereas public health primarily focuses on preventive measures and policies to protect and improve community health, option C and D are correct.

To learn more about health follow the link:



Which health resource is most appropriate for a woman who thinks she might be pregnant? an urgent care center an emergency room a nurse practitioner a pediatrician


A nurse practitioner
A nurse practitioner

write the name of any one area of health education under social setting



The answer is Human is a social being. People have different settings according to their occupation and activities. Fundamentally home, school and community are considered as the scope of health education from the socio -cultural point of view.

School is an area of  health education under social setting. Formally and informally, school gives health instruction and skills.

What is health education?Health education is mostly focused on community health and strategies to enhance it, such as water supply, sewage and garbage disposal, environmental sanitation, and recreational activities. Due to a lack of information and illiteracy, the population is not adequately accessing locally available health services. As a result, one may provide health education to the community through meetings, posting articles in numerous locations, and discussing health on radio and television.

How does school helps to learn about  health education under social setting?Health education is the process of enabling individuals and groups of individuals to recognize their health needs and connect them to appropriate healthy habits in order to achieve good health. Formally and informally, school gives health instruction and skills.

The following are some health education experiences that we have gained from school:

Maintaining a clean atmospherePlaying at a specific time.Participating in a sanitation drive and making use of the school's health services.Maintaining a clean classroom.Eating lunch without polluting the earth.Disposing of rubbish in appropriate locations, such as dustbins.Maintaining a clean playground.

learn more about health education here:



Name and briefly describe the two techniques that can
help you keep your stress under



Exercise.Relax Your Muscles

In three to five sentences, discuss what is wrong with the following scenario: At 10 a.m., the staff at the College Cafeteria was cleaning up after breakfast and getting ready for lunch. Carly was cutting up chicken breasts for a casserole dish, and Juan was making a cream pie for dessert. After cutting the chicken, Carly put the chicken in a pan with a cover and stored it on the top shelf in the refrigerator to avoid time and temperature abuse. Juan hurriedly put the cream pie in the refrigerator on the second shelf without a cover.


If the chicken is hot then it will most likely heat up everything in the fridge including the pie, ruining it. Or another way if the chicken is taking the lower temp afire shelf away from the pie then the pie will not cool down and will take longer. Pls brailiest

what is bmi for the human body


BMI stands for Body Mass Index. It is a person’s weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters. Basically if your BMI is high it can mean you have high body fatness.
BMI puts your weight into a category that may explain or warning you of health problems, but it does not diagnose the body fatness or health of an individual.

The image shows the MyPlate tool.

A plate showing food groups. In order from greatest amount to smallest amount, the food groups are protein, fruits, vegetables, grains, and dairy.

Nadeem is gathering information to improve a diet plan. What tips should he use from the MyPlate daily food plan? Select three options.

Choose whole grains.
Eat a variety of fruits.
Add in low-fat dairy products.
Eat only green vegetables.
Choose high-fat protein varieties.



- Choose whole grains

- Eat a variety of fruits

- Add in low-fat dairy products


MyPlate is a nutritional guide developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), which indicates a healthy diet without hard dietary restrictions. MyPlate represents an easy food plan that emphasizes the importance of five different food groups represented by grains, fruits, vegetables, proteins and dairy sources. The MyPlate model uses a plate and a glass in order to indicate the best way to distribute these five food groups over the daily meals. These guidelines recommend that half of the plate be filled with fruits and vegetables, 1/4 with grains, and 1/4 with protein.


A,B and C



What is the primary consideration when choosing between the emergency room and urgent care?

which medical provider is closest
how long a person is willing to wait
whether it is during regular business hours
whether the condition is life-threatening


Whether the condition is life-threatening

Urgent care is for urgent, but not emergency situations. When the emergency room is for life threatening ailments. My favorite way to tell people the difference; if you step on a bee, go to urgent care. If you step on a beehive, go to the emergency room.

Hope this helps. Please consider making me the Brainliest, it’s not necessary but it is appreciated as I put time and research into each answer. Have a great day, stay safe and stay healthy.


Whether the condition is life-threatening


What is the difference between grief and mourning?
Mourning is done in private; grief is done in public.
Grief is the inner experience of loss; mourning is the outward expression of it.
O Mourning is a universal practice; grief is specific to one's culture.
Grief is influenced by a person's cultural traditions and religious beliefs; mourning is not.



The answer is: Mourning is done in private ; grief is done in public.


Grief relates to the thoughts and feelings that accompany a loss; from sadness to anger to longing to be with the person. On the other hand, mourning is how feelings of grief are shown to the public. They are acts or behaviors that show the sadness or hurt that someone is experiencing after losing someone they love.

Mourning is done in private and grief is something done in public

Which highly communicable disease is considered a global health issue?




Corona virus because its highly communicable to the point its currently a pandemic

Coronavirus. Hope this helps.

Which of the following best describes the self-care strategy of "focus on the good"?

A. Learn to bounce back from disappointing events.
B. Make the time to indulge in the things you enjoy.
C. Reach out to a trusted adult if you need support.
D. Think of an activity or person that makes you happy.​


The self-care strategy of "focus on the good" is aimed at helping an individual to think of an activity or person that makes you happy.; option D.

What is self-care?

Self-care refers to the process by which an individual engages in activities aimed at improving the wellbeing of that individual.

Self-care enables an individual to take charge. It could employ many strategies and activities such as Yoga and exercise.

In conclusion, the self-care strategy of "focus on the good", prioritizes things that makes a person happy.

Learn more about self-care at: https://brainly.com/question/16035208


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