Which 3 Civilizations developed in Mesoamerica?

Please help me


Answer 1

Answer:Olmec, Maya, Zapotec, Teotihuacan, Mixtec, and Mexica (or Aztec).

Explanation: I know u needed 3 but here r the rest just n case

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What happened in the ww1


Answer: World War II was the biggest and deadliest war in history, involving more than 30 countries. Sparked by the 1939 Nazi invasion of Poland, the war dragged on for six bloody years until the Allies defeated Nazi Germany and Japan in 1945.


which of the following was part of the Byzantine empire at the height of its territorial expansion



The Byzantine Empire reached its height under the Macedonian emperors (of Armenian and Greek descent) of the late 9th, 10th, and early 11th centuries, when it gained control over the Adriatic Sea, southern Italy, and all of the territory of tsar Samuel of Bulgaria.


The Byzantine Empire reached its height under the Macedonian emperors (of Armenian and Greek descent) of the late 9th, 10th, and early 11th centuries, when it gained control over the Adriatic Sea, southern Italy, and all of the territory of tsar Samuel of Bulgaria.


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Separation of powers and checks and balances


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narrative, cinematography, sound, mise-en-scene, and editing.

When early Native Americans
needed to create an agreement,
they formed
the Constitution together.
to put
A. the Great Council
B. the Kingship
C. the President


A Beacuse it is the great council

I need help can anyone help!!



number 4/ beginning of constitution


Answer : Beginning of the constitution. It states the purpose of the document.

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every advance of federal troops expanded the domain of freedom. Moreover, the Proclamation announced the acceptance of black men into the Union Army and Navy, enabling the liberated to become liberators



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1. Egypt Old Kingdom
2. Sumer
3. Egypt middle kingdom
4. Israel
5. Egypt new kingdom



Though there is evidence of settlers along the Nile River dating from almost 120,000 years ago, the history of ancient Egypt is generally divided into three major periods of stability: the Old Kingdom, the Middle Kingdom, and the New Kingdom.

como se desarrollo la industria en europa


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What did slave owners consistently avoid? What methods did they use to avoid it?


Answer:The slave owners consistently avoided slave Resistance. The slave owners scared their slaves with harsh punishments.


India is investing money into their education system. This is an example of a nation investing in _______________.



studding...i don't know but i think is right....

What happens if a tribe stays in one place ?



They would have been taken over by other tribes, or maybe stay the same in peace (it  depeneds)

(Happy day to help)

What is the meaning behind “there is no constitutional right to vote”.


Several constitutional amendments (the Fifteenth, Nineteenth, and Twenty-sixth specifically) require that voting rights of U.S. citizens cannot be abridged on account of race, color, previous condition of servitude, sex(gender), or age (18 and older); the constitution as originally written did not establish any such rights.

Hope this helps you find an idea!

Which court case in 1896, made
segregation legal?


Plessy v. Ferguson


During this time, it was controversial whether or not segregation laws were legal. Segregation was present in restaurants, schools, public transport, public restrooms, even water fountains were segregated between whites and blacks during this time. Many people defended segregation with the argument "separate but equal" and would state it was not unconstitutional.

Homer Plessy, who was a man that was one-eighth African American and seven-eighths white, bought a ticket to a seat that was only for white passengers on a rail car. When Plessy refused to move from his seat, he got arrested. Obviously, he was angry and did not believe segregation to be "separate but equal." This case went all of the way to the U.S. Supreme Court,  where Plessy defended himself and said what was happening to him and thousands of other people was unconstitutional.

Plessy ended up losing and the idea of "separate but equal" was upheld in court, essentially making segregation legal. Cases like this really show how contradictory and biased the country used to be.

Which of these enumerated powers was central to the case of Gibbons v. Ogden (1824)?
es ))
the Elastic Clause
the Commerce Clause
the Impeachment Clause
the Full Faith and Credit Clause



B. The commerce clause.

How many of the first five U.S presidents enslaved others?​



George Washington Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, John Quincy Adams,


4 of the first 5 presidents enslaved others with the exception of john Adams

What initially caused the creation of trade across Eurasia? (this would later become the Silk Roads)



The movement of pastoral peoples for thousands of years also served to diffuse Indo-European languages, bronze metallurgy, horse-based technologies, and more all across Eurasia and getting things to harsher places who couldn't get certain things in their empires

why did the provinces favor the change form republican to imperial government


Answer: The remaining provinces were to be governed by proconsuls appointed by the Senate in the old republican fashion.


edit: your welcome>33

Who invented the lightbulb
its not Thomas Edison _-_



Have a wonderful day and hope that helps



Sir Humphrey Davy

One of the most important steps prior to Edison was the work of the great British scientist Sir Humphrey Davy. In 1802, he was able to produce the world's first true artificial electric light.

How would women without husbands and fathers be vulnerable? (British Colonies in North America)


Pretty vulnerable because during that age they were not allowed a full education and neither could they get any jobs at all. They likely wouldn’t last long if at all due to the fact that they were considered inferior.

What was the most important thing the Athenian and Roman governments had in common?



Everyone must obey laws, has the right to a fair trial by jury, has the right to make a formal petition o the government, has the freedom of speech, and the king can't levy taxes.

Congressional powers make all laws to fulfill
functions, as stated in the
A. Articles of Confederation
B. Constitution
C. Federal Government


Its c. The constitution obviously

Why are cave paintings an important part of understanding early man?



The Lascaux cave paintings in southeast France capture the style and subject matter of many of our ancestors' early artistic work. Archeologists interpret these and other discoveries of Ice Age rock art as evidence of the emergence of a new, distinctly human consciousness.


Therefore you have no excuse, everyone of you who passes judgment, for in that which you judge another, you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice the same things.



Can you provide context?

Match each ecosystem with its location.

Match Term Definition
Alpine A) High mountain ranges
Tundra B) Eastern United States
Grassland C) Alaska and Northern Canada
Deciduous forest D) Central United States
Desert E) Southwestern United States



Alpine- High mountain ranges

Tundra- Alaska and northern Canada

Grassland- central United States

Deciduous forest- eastern United States

Desert- southwest, United States

Hope this helps!



the person above me is correct


where is the consent of the governed mentioned in the declaration of independence?



In the 2nd paragraph of Declaration of Independence


A player attends baseball training to be a better player instead of taking a vacation.
What was the opportunity cost?



it shouldn't cost anything

2. What effect did the rise of Islam have on trade throughout the world?



Another effect of the spread of Islam was an increase in trade. Unlike early Christianity, Muslims were not reluctant to engage in trade and profit; Muhammad himself was a merchant. As new areas were drawn into the orbit of Islamic civilization, the new religion provided merchants with a safe context for trade.

What was the average marriage age in ancient India. For the bride and groom. Can’t seem to find the answer anywhere. Thanks.


the girl is either under 18 or the guy is under 21


6 or 8 for girls


Though, age at which the girl was to be married differed and it was rare for girls younger than 12 to be married in antiquity. Nevertheless, girl brides became younger towards the Medieval period, and it became increasingly common for girls as young as six or eight to be married as Indian society.

How were Butwal and Syuraj annexed to Nepal? Why was the issue of Butwal and Syuraj regarded as the immediate cause of Anglo-Nepal War? ​



please explain the statement it can't be amswered

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