which action is a writer most likely to take during the revision process?


Answer 1

Answer: Look back and reflect the their work


a pe x

Related Questions

Which is not a helpful way to track sources for a research paper?


Group of answer choices.

A. writing source information on photocopies and Internet printout.

B. using notes cards.

C. using source cards.

D. completing a web diagram.


A. writing source information on photocopies and Internet printout


A research can be defined as a systematic investigation or careful consideration of study with respect to a particular problem using scientific methods such as collection of data, documenting critical information, analysis of data, and the establishment of facts in order to reach new conclusions.

Basically, the ideal ways to track sources for a literary work such as a research paper includes;

I. Writing source information on a note card or notebook.

II. Completing a web diagram.

III. Making use of a source card.

A source card can be defined as a card that comprises of pertinent informations about a literary work which are necessary for its citation. It comprises of informations such as publication date, author's name, website address (URL), title, copyright date, publisher, etc.

During a research, a source card is made by the researcher to tell the facts about the source he or she is using.

However, writing source information on photocopies and Internet printout is considered to be cumbersome and requires the researcher to put in more efforts than necessary in keeping track of these informations.

Hence, it's not a helpful way to track sources for a research paper.

Can someone help me with these?


Answer: d,j,c

I have no explanation

15. A
16. J
17. D
I hope this helps :)

What is meaning of critical ​


expressing adverse or disapproving comments or judgements.

Hope it helped :)


expressing adverse or disapproving comments or judgments.


Inclined to criticize severely and unfavorably His critical temperament cost him several friends.Consisting of or involving criticism critical writings.Relating to the judgment of critics The play was a critical success.

hope it helped

Milestones are usually what?
O adjustments
O intermediate goals
O career goals
O financial goals



intermediate goals


a milestone is something that is accomplished or needs to be accomplished




What was a goal of the League of Women Vote



The league states that it has over 500,000 members and supporters. The League of Women Voter's primary purpose is to encourage voting by registering voters, providing voter information, and advocating for voting rights.


the leagueof a woman voters began as a mighty political experiment aimed to help newly enfranchised woman exercise their responsibilities as a voter

6. Write the missing adjectives. (1) Good younger (71) The boy is than him​



The boy is younger than him


tha boy younger than him

A.) Antonym
B.) Characteristic
C.) Type
D.) Synonym​



A. Antonym


It can't be synonym because it would be correct but in this case it's Antonym because..peace does not mean war..its the opposite which is what an antonym is.

suggest and motivate at least four ways by which these farming methods could be made humane​


Availability of raw materials for farmers

provision of fund raise for farmers to promote their business

Educating farmers on modern tools that help in development of agriculture

What is one possible theme of the poem by william shakerspeare sonnet 73


I believe that this sonnet is centralized on the process of aging… so i think the best possible theme is ‘Age’


Loved ones should spend as much time together as possible because life fades away quickly.


According to the answer above, I believe this option would make the most sense. I could be wrong though, so here are the other options:

1. A dying person is associated with the elements of nature and the hope that they will be loved.

2. The power of love can cause even the old and dying to become young and vital again.

3. Loved ones should spend as much time together as possible because life fades away quickly.

4. Aging is compared to autumn, the sunset, and a dying fire.

However, I also believe that it couldn’t be 1 or 4 because those aren’t themes, and instead they’re like quick little summaries. So it has to be either 2 or 3, and like I said, I’m leaning more towards 3 :)

A P E X. L E A R N I N G

What tone is Wordsworth using with the word in bold? (5 points)

They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;



I think the answer is joy

Answer: The answer is indeed C) Joy

Explanation: Make sure to thank bribri405 for answering first future brainlies! (Answered on 5/2/2022)

Change the following sentence into passive voice.
The platform allows users to post on walls, update their status, upload photos & videos, and comment on these posts.​



Users on the platform are allowed to post on walls, update their status, upload photos & videos, and comment on these posts.​


List three main rhetorical devices used in persuasive essays



Ethos, pathos and logos.

Aristotle spoke largely that rhetorical devices can be sorted into three forms. These are ethos, pathos and logos. Commonly these are known as the 3 pillars of persuasion or persuasive appeals. Often skilled persuaders will utilise all three forms in their speeches or writing.


ethos, pathos, logos


It means one's character, logic, and emotion.

3. Work in pairs. Look at these activities. Tell your partner which activities you often do. Why do you them?
cycle through the countryside
do crosswords
go far a long walk
work long hours
read a book
play computer games
run marathons
watch TV



The answers to this question may vary since it is a personal question. Below, you'll find an example:

I do crosswords almost every day. I think it helps keep my brain sharp.

I like to go for a long walk at least once a week. I enjoy exercising, and it is a nice break from staying indoors for so many hours every day.

I also enjoy reading books and playing computer games. I think those are activities that combine fun with knowledge.


When writing an answer to this question, you can choose an activity you do and think of how you feel while doing it. That will give you the explanation you need as to why you do it. For instance, instead of saying that you cook just because you like it, you can say that you enjoy the way people react when they eat your food.

Which one word can you use to replace “liable to be called upon to account for his own actions


Accountable..One meaning is for one to meet an obligation or suffer the consequences for failing to do so. Hope this helps!:)

if what happen dose not make us richer, we must welcom it if it ....



if what happen dose not make us richer, we must welcom it if it makes us wiser.

Looking at your present knowledge and evidence and trying to make assumptions based on them is an example of what type of language? A. Hypothetical B. Exploratory Speculative D. Blooking


Answer: B. Speculative


It is speculative because it’s looking at a possible perspective, if not that it’s hypothetical. If it’s for summer school just take the quiz twice

3. What career/job would you like to have given an opportunity?



Game design since I have always liked coding and creating games

Who is a kleptomania ?​



An impulse control disorder that results in an irresistible urge to steal.

The cause of kleptomania remains unknown but risk factors include a family history of kleptomania or other impulse control disorders. It occurs more often in women.

Kleptomania is a serious disorder that causes an irresistible urge to steal items that aren't needed and are usually of little value. Consequences can include job loss, financial penalties, and trouble with the law.

No cure exists. But treatment with talk therapy and medication, such as antidepressants, may help end the cycle of compulsive stealing.


It also known as a pocket picker. It’s a form of stealing indescribably under handed usually money, wallets, watches

Which technique gives the reader information from the past to help explain a characters actions and reactions in a narrative?




I'm pretty sure the answer your looking for is a flashback

For visual media to be trustworthy and reliable, it must incorporate
O A. product pictures
O B. catchy headlines
C. biased materials
D. credible sources


Since it’s visual media, i’m gonna go ahead and say it’s A, product pictures :))

Can someone help me?



Astronauts must go through extensive training before embarking on their first space voyage

Why the USA needs to reform its healthcare system?


The ultimate goals of healthcare reform are to increase the number of insured and to increase the quality of care while trying to stabilize or reduce costs. Learn more about how healthcare reform affects individuals and employers.

plsss help me plsssssssss​



1. RainCoat

3. Eyebrows


4. cheekbones

3. eyebrows


example of formal language



A formal language is the language that is used when writing or speaking at professional or academic gatherings or purposes.

Some examples of formal language include

Informal language: I'm sorry for coming late

Formal language: I apologise for my lateness

Informal: I want to let you know...

Formal: I wish to inform you that...

In formal language, there is an official tone to it and it is used to address superiors or equals.

How to write a letter to your friend wants to travel abroad for university education.Write a letter expressing your views about his intention and advising him on what to do




as when required the motivation letter or the letter of intent as it is sometimes called can seem like an unnecessary challenge for applying to a school depending on whether the program faculty provider specific details of what they are looking for in the letter for as is more frequently the case if they have left it up to the prospective students it is important to recognise that either way it comes with its own advantages or disadvantages to specific and you maine miss out on a chance to demonstrate your creativity but to opened and your risk going in the opposite directions of what does starfish looking for therefore many students Express not knowing what exactly it is they are supposed to write about adding to the stress students who wish to study abroad have additional concerns about writing effectively for an international audience how ever the good news is that there are some general characteristics International higher education are looking for when considering potential new international students along with some common points that should be made no matter where you are sending your motivation letter they are also some important details to add when applying to school abroad

What is the theme of "Kitty & Mack: A Love Story" by Walter Dean Myers?



The theme of Kitty and Mack is love conquers all. Love being able to overcome all obstacles and love being able to cure anything. In this case Kitty's love for Mack saves Mack from himself


I have no plans for this weekend. so I'm just going to t__ie___



The only word i can come up with is "Totients"


opposite meaning of simple plz i need ans right now plz help me ​



The Antonym of the word,'Simple' is 'Complex'.

Hope it Helps:)

Write a paragraph about the happiest day in your life.



The happiest day of my life was when my mom surprised me with iPhone 12. and my class mates gave me a superb laptop

The happiest day in your life can be described as any moment which gives you immense joy and becomes memorable in your life.

What is happiness?

Joy, pleasure, contentment, and a sense of completion are some of the qualities that describe happiness as a psychological response. Individuals from all across the world typically share a common definition of happiness and can identify it in others.

The happiest day of your life can be defined as any time that makes you feel satisfied, joyful, and extremely happy. Meeting an old friend and creating cherished memories with him can be one of these.

Happiness can be attained by succeeding in any competition and making one's parents proud, which will be seen as a life accomplishment or as receiving the best opportunities in life for which one works so hard.

Learn more about happiness, here:



What is contained in this sentence?

Although there are eight species of tigers, three of them are extinct.


I am not sure what you mean by, what is contained. Like for a full sentamce, or did you need the answer of 'Subordinate clause'?

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An account of a person life written by another person is called 15Simplifya25O A. a3O B. a10O c. a-10O D. a-3 Read this excerpt from Nelson Mandela's speech at trial in 1964:Political division, based on colour, is entirely artificial and,when it disappears, so will the domination of one colourgroup by another. The ANC has spent half a centuryfighting against racialism. When it triumphs it will notchange that policyWhich statement best describes how this excerpt relates to Mandela's policies as SouthAfrican president?A. It argues for the equality between the races that Mandela would work tofulfill when he became president.OB. It proposes the passage of control from white to black South Africans thatMandela would reject when he became presidentO C. It proposes the passage of control from white to black South Africans thatMandela would work to fulfill when he became president,XOD. It argues for the equality between the races that Mandela would reject whenhe became presidentIncorrer*I know its not D* The Baldwin Company has just purchased $40,900,000 of plant and equipment that has an estimated useful life of 15 years. The expected salvage value at the end of 15 years is $4,090,000. What will the book value of this purchase (exclude all other plant and equipment) be after its third year of use (06.04 MC) Dennis drew the line of best fit on the scatter plot shown below: What is the approximate equation of this line of best fit in slope-intercept form? The travel time on a section of a Long Island Expressway (LIE) is normally distributed with a mean of 80 seconds and a standard deviation of 6 seconds. What travel time separates the top 2.5% of the travel times from the rest Josue leans a 26-foot ladder against a wall so that it forms anangle of 80 with the ground. How high up the wall does theladder reach? Round your answer to the nearest hundredth of afoot if necessary. Which side lengths form right triangles? Please help please help meFrench colonists were usually fur trappers rather than farmers because? A. The land was not suitable for farming. B. Fur trapping was more profitable. C. There were no markets where they could sell farm products. D. Trapping required less workWhich was a reason for the Europeans going on the Crusades? A. To search for an all water route to Asia. B. To recapture the Holy Land. C. To go on a long vacation. D. To set up colonies in the Middle East.Where did the French set up trading outposts in the New World? A. Mexico B. South America C. Florida D. CanadaWhich two great Native American civilizations were conquered by Spanish explorers? A. Iroquois and Sioux B. Sioux and Mayas C. Mayas and Aztecs D. Incas and Iroquois Who was the first man to gain a water-route to Asia for Portugal? A. Vasco De Gama B. Bartholomew Dias C. Columbus D. Samuel de ChamplainWhat was the main result of Columbus voyage of exploration? A. Europeans wanted to trade with China. B. Europeans began to explore and claim North and South America. C. Crusaders tried to recapture the Holy Land. D. Americans declared their independence from England.PLEASE GIVE ABC OR D ANSWERS, DONT MAKE IT DIFFICULT AND PLEASE RIGHT ANSWERS ONLY, IF YOU DONT KNOW DONT ANSWER!!!! An unknown compound has the following chemical formula: NxOwhere x stands for a whole number.Measurements also show that a certain sample of the unknown compound contains 5.2 mol of nitrogen and 2.65 mol of oxygenWrite the complete chemical formula for the unknown compound. = -2 - 63y = 2z - 6 the length of a rectangle is twice its width the perimeter is 48 cm what are the dimensions of the rectangle Find the median of :- 25, 37, 27, 38, 29, 20, 39 What does this passage explain about people? pls help dont what the answer is How has Linux affected the market for proprietary software? Miller's Steakhouse offers 8 side dishes, 5 types of steak, and 4 toppings. How many different smothered steak dinners can be made if a smothered steak dinner consists of the customer's choice of steak served with 3 different toppings and 3 different side dishes? Make six prime numbers using the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 once each.~can you plz explain?! You should set out support, like a cork ring or clamp, before removing the glassware from a glassware kit to place the glassware in and to stop it from _________. Thoroughly check that the glasswar is________ and that it does not have any _______before using it. What is the value of x in the equation-%y = 30, when y = 15?