Which adjective BEST describes the surrender terms that Ulysses S. Grant
offered Robert E. Lee?
a generous
c. unrealistic


Answer 1

Answer: Generous

Explanation: When Ulysses S. Grant offered surrender terms to Robert E. Lee, he was being generous becuase he wasn't to harsh on him.

Related Questions

Where would the real planned invasion of France take place?



The Manstein Plan is one of the names used to describe the war plan of the German Army during the Battle of France in 1940. The original invasion plan was an awkward compromise devised by General Franz Halder, the chief of Oberkommando des Heeres staff (OKH, Army High Command) and satisfied no one. Documents with details of the plan fell into Belgian hands during the Mechelen incident of 10 January 1940 and the plan was revised several times, each giving more emphasis to an attack by Army Group A through the Ardennes, which progressively reduced the offensive by Army Group B through the Low Countries to a diversion

What was the name of the party that Benito Mussolini founded that would be a role model for other would-be leaders of Europe? a. the Socialists c. the Democrats b. the Communists d. the Fascists



D) National Fascist Party


Benito Mussolini created the Fascist Party in Italy in 1919, eventually making himself dictator prior to World War II




he is the founder of the republican fascist party  

i’m really not trying to fail this mid term exam on history help?

what is imperialism?

A- The political desire to bring economic prosperity to ones country.

B- The building of secret alliances among powerful nations.

C- The economic and political domination of a strong nation over weaker ones.

D- The internal expansion of territories within ones own borders.


A the political desire to bring economic prosperity to one country

How did the National Recovery Administration (NRA) affect workers' rights?

A. The NRA favored big businesses, which allowed them to compromise workers' rights.

B. The NRA included major punishments for workers who showed Communist sympathies.

C. The NRA required minimum wages, maximum work requirements, and collective bargaining.

D. The NRA mainly affected people working on large commercial farms, who had to accept lower wages.



The correct answer is C. The NRA required minimum wages, maximum work requirements, and collective bargaining.


The National Recovery Administration was a federal agency launched by President Franklin D. Roosevelt as part of the New Deal to combat the Great Depression. The National Recovery Administration introduced elements of central economic planning into the liberal market organization. Roosevelt wanted to correct the course of strict budget consolidation under Herbert Hoover, who in Roosevelt's view had exacerbated mass unemployment. It allowed industries to create fair competition codes, which were designed to reduce predatory competition and to help workers by establishing a minimum income and maximum weekly working hours.

What was the Union goal in the West?



The Union Goal in the western campaign was to gain control of the Mississippi River


mark as brainliest please

what UN human rights article did the holocaust and the twin experiments break?


A critical examination of the ethics of medical experimentation on human subjects, focusing on the medical experiments conducted on human subjects by the doctors in Nazi Germany, as well as, in post-war U.S. may contribute to a greater effort to curb potential abuse. In this endeavor, it is necessary to understand the prevailing principles that guided the medical profession in Nazi Germany in pursuing their heinous actions.

Hope that helps

what were some leaders in battle during the civil war?


Abraham Lincoln, Jefferson Davis, Clara Barton, Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, Stonewall Jackson and William Tecumseh Sherman played notable roles before, during and after the conflict.


Robert E Lee, Phillip Sheridan, Abraham Lincoln


Is punishing a student at
school for what they do on
the internet a violation of their
first amendment rights?




Yes because it violates their freedom of expression

How did the violence in Kansas following the Kansas Nebraska act affect the rest of the nation?


The violence in Kansas following the Kansas Nebraska act affected the rest of the nation by splitting two major political parties and helping to create another, as well as worsening North-South relations

Explanation:hope this helps!!

will give brainly if answer now plz

F. What were some products traded along the Silk Road?

1. _____________________

2. _____________________

3. _____________________

4. _____________________

5. _____________________

6. _____________________

7. _____________________



Silk, dishwasher, spies, pearls, gold, silver, and wool


Today in Ohio you have to complete Four Units of Math and Three units of science to graduate
high school. With sputnik and the cold war in the rear view, should these requirements still be in
place for high school graduates?



wow really


how many representatives does florida have in the house


List of members of the Florida United States House delegation, their terms, their district boundaries, and the districts' political ratings according to the CPVI. The delegation has a total of 27 members, including 13 Democrats, and 14 Republicans.

formula of calcium phosphide


The formula is Ca3P2




In what ways were the Italian and German fascist movements similar to each other?


Answer: They expressed extreme nationalism and used violenece as a means of gathering political support. A dictatorship was formed during both movements and political communism was opposed as well

Explanation: Hope it’s correct and best of luck!


Both espoused an extreme nationalism. Both openly advocated the use of violence as a political tool.


States with the largest populations_____
A. send fewer representatives to the House
B. have fewer representatives placed on committees
C. send more representatives to the House
D. have more representatives placed on committees



Send more representatives to the House.


The House of Representatives was created as part of the Virginia Plan, where the house gets 435 seats, distributed to each state based on population. The more population a state has, the more seats they get.

The Senate, on the other hand, has 2 seats each, which is part of the New Jersey Plan, where all states have equal power.


The answer is C, because the House is based on proportion. Hope that helped.

orporations and organizations may not contribute directly to political campaigns. t or f







Which of the following is a true statement about Rome's consuls?


what are the  Statements?


what is the statement



Which statement best illustrates the American attitude at the start of WWI?
o "We are still recovering from the Civil War."
"The war is a European problem-not ours."
"We should support our allies, Britain and France."
"The United States has a lot to gain by going to war."



"The United States has a lot to gain by going to war."

What does area IVon the map indicate?

Oregon Territory

Mexican Cession

Texas Annexation

Louisiana Purchase

Missing Metadata


The answer is the Texas Annexation. Hope that helped


texas annexation


thats texas right there and took the k12 test

what are the goals of marcus garvey and the universal negro improvement association (UNIA)



UNIA is dedicated to racial pride, economic self-sufficiency, and the formation of an independent Black nation in Africa.

Which of the following best explains what led to the concept of Manifest Destiny?

Americans wanted to protect the land of the Native Americans.
Americans thought they should spread their culture and ideals.
Americans wanted European countries to stay out of their affairs.
Americans learned about this concept from the Native Americans.



Americans thought they should spread their culture and ideals



The correct answer is American thought they should spread their culture and ideals.


I got it right on the test.

What bodies of water surround Europe? *



The Arctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean, Black Sea, and the Caspian Seas


The Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov, the Caspian Sea, the White Sea, the Barents Sea, the Norwegian Sea, the Baltic Sea, the North Sea, and the North Atlantic Ocean.

.The belief if one country in a region fell to communism the rest would follow
A Country Appropriation
B Domino Theory
C Broken Glass Theory
D Satellite States Theory


The answer is B “Domino Theory”

Country Appropriation- Is the adoption of elements of one culture by another culture.

Broken Glass Theory- That visible signs of crime will induce other types of crime

Satellite States Theory- That a country is formally independent, but is under heavy influence from another country.

Domino Theory- That one event in a country will cause events in other neighboring countries.

Like a row of dominos, if one falls it makes the other one fall, ultimately causing all the dominos in the row to fall too.


The right answer is:  domino theory.


What Spanish possession did the untied states purchase under the treaty of Paris


The answer is the Philippines
The United States purchased Florida and Philippines Islands from Spain.

What is his attitude toward each?



Who's attitude, and who does he have one with?

What is the topic about?

The study of economics focuses on identifying which of the following?

A) limited wants and limited resources
B) limited wants and unlimited resources
C) unlimited wants and limited resources
D) unlimited wants and unlimited resources




Economics ) is the social science that studies the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Economics focuses on the behavior and interactions of economic agents and how economies work. Individual agents may include, for example, households, firms, buyers, and sellers.

Which statement below BEST summarizes the disagreement between the Soviet Union and the United States over how to rebuild Europe after World War II? *
1 point

A. The Soviets wanted to establish lasting democracies in Europe; The US wanted to spread communism

B. The US was angry at Germany for invading it and suspicious of the rest of Europe; The Soviets wanted only to rebuild Europe

C. The Soviets wanted to punish France; The US wanted to punish Great Britain

D. The US used the Marshall Plan to invest in rebuilding Europe; The Soviets were suspicious of the rest of Europe
When British Prime Minister Winston Churchill described post-World War II Europe as having an “Iron Curtain” drawn across it, to what was he was referring? *
1 point

A. The political division between democratic Western Europe and communist Eastern Europe.

B. The political division between communist Western Europe and democratic Eastern Europe.

C. An actual wall that separated Western Europe from Eastern Europe.

D. An actual wall that enclosed Great Britain.
What was the main purpose of the the Marshall Plan? *
1 point

A. Ending World War II

B. Establishing friendly relations between the United States and the Soviet Union

C. Limiting the spread of democracy to European nations

D. Limiting Soviet expansion and containing the spread of communism
Which statement below best summarizes the American policy of containment? *
1 point

A. The United States would actively oppose the formation of new Communist States around the world

B. The Soviet Union would actively oppose the formation of new Communist States around the world

C. Both of the above

D. Neither of the above
What European capital city was separated into Democratic West and Communist East and in which country was it located? *
1 point

A. Paris, France

B. London, England

C. Moscow, Germany

D. Berlin, Germany
What is the name given to the American-led relief effort in 1948 begun in response to the Soviet blockade of West Berlin? *
1 point

A. The Berlin Conference

B. The Berlin Wall

C. The Berlin Airlift

D. The Berlin Blockade
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the Warsaw Pact were formed as *
1 point

A. alliances of mutual friendship between the democratic West and communist East

B. economic aid packages to rebuild Europe

C. peace treaties

D. military alliances that pitted the world’s postwar superpowers against each other
What two events in 1949 heightened American concerns about the Cold War? *
1 point

A. The Potsdam Conference and the Berlin Blockade

B. The Soviet Union’s successful test of their own atomic bomb and the communist takeover of China

C. The formation of NATO and the end of the Marshall Plan

D. The Berlin Airlift and the communist takeover of Greece and Turkey
In June 1950, what event marked the beginning of the Korean War? *
1 point

A. North Koreans crossed the 38th Parallel into South Korea

B. US forces entered North Korea, driving the North Korean Army almost all the way to China

C. South Koreans crossed the 38th Parallel into North Korea

D. The Communist takeover of China
Which of the following statements BEST describes the outcome of the Korean Conflict? *
1 point

A. North and South Korea came to a complete and peaceful agreement in a treaty negotiated by China.

B. Leaders from North and South Korea agreed to reunite under a single, communist government.

C. There was little change, with the border between North and South Korea being set along roughly the same line.

D. North Korea was badly defeated and surrendered to South Korea. The country reunited and became democratic.

Option 5
Who did Senator McCarthy claim was working in the US State Department? *
1 point

A. Communists

B. Capitalists
What was the Trinity Test and where did it take place? *
1 point

A. The first testing of the atomic bomb by the United States; New Mexico

B. A series of questions created by Senator Joe McCarthy designed to root out communist spies; Washington D.C.

C. The first testing of an atomic bomb by the Soviet Union; northern Russia

D. None of the above
From 1940 to 1960, what happened to the United States military defense budget? *
1 point

A. It grew by only a small amount

B. It grew by a great amount

C. It shrank by only a small amount

D. It shrank by a great amount
How could the principle of deterrence, which promised “mutually-assured destruction” actually PREVENT a nuclear war? *
1 point

A. If one side attacked first, the other side would be immediately destroyed

B. Both sides had only enough nuclear weapons for one attack each

C. In a nuclear war, both sides were sure to attack and so destroy each other; Thus, neither side ever dared to attack

D. Only one side could win a nuclear war



What was the essence of the disagreement between the US and Soviet union in Europe? Stalin's refusal to allow free elections in Poland convinced Truman that US and Soviet aims were deeply odds. ... They prevented free elections in Poland and banned Democratic parties.


D, A, D, ?, D, C, D, A, ?, ?,

Following the Opium Was, what were the outcomes of the Treaty of Ninijing?



Treaty of Nanjing, (August 29, 1842) treaty that ended the first Opium War, the first of the unequal treaties between China and foreign imperialist powers. China paid the British an indemnity, ceded the territory of Hong Kong, and agreed to establish a “fair and reasonable” tariff. British merchants, who had previously been allowed to trade only at Guangzhou (Canton), were now permitted to trade at five “treaty ports” and with whomever they pleased (see Canton system). The treaty was supplemented in 1843 by the British Supplementary Treaty of the Bogue, which allowed British citizens to be tried in British courts and granted Britain any rights in China that China might grant to other countries. See also British East India Company; Lin Zexu.


C. What are the benefits and/or disadvantages of contact between civilizations? List 3.

1. ________________________________________

2. ________________________________________

3. ________________________________________




Negative exchange (i.e. disease)

Positive exchange (Ideas and things)

what is the significance of silent spring, the mystery document and what were the effects of this book



The significance of silent spring based on Rachel Carson's work had a great impact in the environment, and also changed the balance of power in the world.

The effects of this book was viewed based on nature compromised by synthetic pesticides, whereby once the pesticides goes way up into the biosphere, it will affect not only bugs, or food chain of fishes and birds, it will also make children to fall sick, which would be of negative effect to the world.


Rachel Carson's work had a powerful influence on the environmental movement. in the 1960's Silent Spring became a rallying point for the new social movement.

According to environmental engineer and Carson scholar Hynes Patricia, the balance of power in the world was altered by "Silent Spring''.

Henry David Thoreau, wrote about Walden Pond. Silent Spring described a view of the  of nature  compromise by synthetic pesticides, such as DDT. Once these pesticides is in the biosphere, Carson said that, they not only killed bugs but also entered the food chain of the fish and bird populations and could eventually make children to fall sick.

Case studies and plenty of data and case that Carson drew from weren’t current, though scientific community had known of these research for some time, but Carson was the first to put all the pieces of work together to draw stark and far-reaching conclusions and for the public in general. for this singular act, Carson, the citizen-scientist, began a revolution.

Silent Spring, which sold over two million copies, made a an important case for the idea that if human kind poisoned nature, nature would in turn reciprocate."Our destructive and heedless acts enter into the vast cycles of the earth and in time return to bring hazard to ourselves."

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