Which article of the Bill of Rights allows the audience to BEST understand the central concepts of justice, freedom, and equality?

Amendment I

Amendment IV

Amendment VIII

Amendment X


Answer 1


A. Amendment I


Amendment 1 states that everyone has freedom of speech, religion, press assembly and petition.

Answer 2

The article of the Bill of Rights that allows the audience to understand the central concepts of justice, freedom, and equality is A. Amendment I.

The United States Bill of Rights consists of the first ten amendments to the Constitution of the United States.

According to Amendment I, Congress shall protect the freedom of speech, press, and religion. The First Amendment also protects the right to petition the government and a peaceful protest.

Read related link on:

https://brainly.com/question/19952179 I

Related Questions

Which of the following BEST summarizes the Bill of Rights?

The Bill of Rights establishes that the United States has declared independence from Great Britain, and that the new nation will be governed by the people.

These amendments guarantee rights for citizens, limit some of the powers of the federal government, and reserve some powers to the states and the public.

The Bill of Rights asserts that freedom of speech is the most important right promised to American citizens.

These amendments explain how people accused of a crime should be treated in the United States.


Bill of Rights guarantee rights for citizens, limit some of the powers of the federal government.

What is Bill of Rights?

The Bill of Rights serves as the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution which describe the Americans' rights in relation to their government.

Therefore, option B is correct, because Bill of Rights guarantee rights for citizens, limit some of the powers of the federal government.

Learn more about Bill of Rights at;


Where are jiảntizi primarily used


A Taiwan and Hong Kong
B in universities
C in Mainland China
D where Chinese people live





jiantizi is simplified Chinese, and is used in mainland China and Singapore. Taiwan and Hong Kong still uses traditional Chinese

Is there a
difference between jobs and careers? Why or
why not? What is needed for one as opposed to
the other


A Job is something you need a side from a career which is something you want. A job could be short term to help you out if which struggles and not much experience is needed. In a career it’s something you work for and study to get, something you enjoy doing.

Months in Portuguese







Which of the following statements BEST explains the significance of Amendments IX and X?

Amendments IX and X establish that rights that are not listed may still be held by the people and that power not held by the government are held by the States and people.

Amendments IX and X are important because they suggest that the federal government may not always have the best interests of the States or the public at heart.

Amendments IX and X acknowledge that the Constitution is not perfect and should be subject to (frequent) updating and change.

Amendments IX and X are important because they give the States more powers than previously established.





9 amendment: the enumeration in the constitution of certain rights, shall not be contrued to deny others retained by the people

10 amendment: The powers not delegated to the united states by the constitution, nor prohibited by the state

Som eone g ive me motiva tion for school i fa iled every class then I d k anymore so MAny a-sigments
anyon e else-


just try your best, don’t get distracted, don’t wander off, pay attention, ASK QUESTIONS if you need help




ummm wha


वाक्प्चार: अभाव असणे
अर्थ: कमतरता असणे
व्क्यात उपयोग: दुसत्यात शांतपणे एेकुन धेणे , याचा रमेशकडे अभाव आहे

Greeyyyyy!!!!! Where are you Grrreeyyyyyyyyyyyyyy????!!!!!!!


I’m right here don’t worry
I’m in China sorry I’ll be back in 30 years

01.What are systems?

02.How and why are systems developed?

03.What does it mean to be fair?

04.How do systems influence and impact the levels of fairness?



1. a set of things working together as parts of a interconnecting network

2.Sytems development is art and science they are man-made to satisfy predetermined needs.

3.fairness I'd the act of doing things that treat all people equally and with respect.

4. by changing behavior or emotions

Hopefully you have gained some insight into how spoken languages (such as English) and visual languages (such as ASL) use various grammatical elements and tools to convey meaning. Briefly compare and contrast ASL and English, highlighting key elements such as verb tenses, sentence order, structural patterns, or other elements you have learned so far.



For structural patterns I have noticed that ASL does not communicate every single word in asentence to make the sentence understandable whereas spoken English does. In ASL Presenttense: Signing in present tense is pretty simple — you sign close to your body, just like younormally do in a signed conversation. In ASL Past tense: Signing in past tense is just a bittrickier. To place everything you sign into past tense, you sign finish at chest level either at thebeginning or end of the sentence while saying the word “fish,” a shortened version of “finish.”This signals that everything has already happened. Although it doesn’t matter whether you signthe word finish at the beginning or end of the sentence, most Signers place it at the beginning.


To compare and contrast American Sign Language (ASL) and English, highlighting key elements of both, such as verb tenses and structural patterns, we must understand a little more about each of them:


It is a sign language used mainly for the deaf community to communicate in a more comprehensive and complete way.


It is a written and spoken West Germanic language, originating through the Anglo-Friesian and Saxon dialects.

In spoken English, words are used to represent complete sentences, while in ASL there is gesture representation with distinct meanings, which can represent words or phrases.

Verb tenses in spoken and sign languages ​​are also distinct, such as the use of past tense, which in sign language occurs more specifically, requiring a better knowledge of the language for complete understanding.

Therefore, the two languages ​​are equally important for the cognitive development of individuals, with ASL being essential for the best expression and total development of individuals with hearing impairment.

Find out more information about ASL here:


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