Which behavior would best describe someone who has good communication skills with customers ? a) Following up with some customers b) Talking to customers more than listening to them c) Repeating back what the customer says d) Interrupting customers frequently


Answer 1


A is my best answer . because it says some it could be the customer because it says costumers.

Related Questions

practicing untouchables in the society is a
a) Fundamental right
b) fundamental duty
c) crime
d) reward



(c) crime (✓)

i hope this is helpful to you

1. Mention the importance of federalism.



Federalism, and other forms of territorial autonomy, is generally seen as a useful way to structure political systems in order to prevent violence among different groups within countries because it allows certain groups to legislate at the subnational level.


Because it permits some groups to legislate at the subnational level, federalism and other types of territorial autonomy are often seen as abeneficial methods to build political systems in order to reduce bloodshed among various groups inside countries.

~Hope it helps u :)

Tina, the chief financial officer for USA Products Corporation, attempts to apply Christian precepts in making ethical decisions and in doing business. In applying duty-based ethical standards that are derived from a religious source, Tina would most likely consider the motive behind an act to be:__________.
1. the only consideration.
2. the most important consideration.
3. irrelevant.
4. the least important consideration.



2. the most important consideration

“I just want to say something quickly, you know, Joe Biden has taken to himself to try to single out Florida over c o v i d,” the governor said.
“This is a guy who ran for president saying he was going to, quote, ‘shut down the virus.’ And what has he done? He’s imported more virus from around the world by having a wide-open southern border. You have hundreds of thousands of people pouring across every month,” he added.


I agree with you he did it because so he can get votes… The only people who can shut down the virus it’s the vaccines and us by staying healthy. He can’t magically make it disappear

so sánh hàng hóa thông thường và hàng hóa dịch vụ



what question is this

what question is this

what is an ideal socoety​



A society where every individual is self content and lives a healthy and peaceful life is called ideal society.


An ideal society can be defined as a society where every individual is self content and lives a healthy and peaceful life. A society, to be termed as ideal, needs to fulfill certain criteria. First of all, an ideal or perfect society should have equality among Everyone in that society.


hope it helps you

Mark my answer as brainlist

have a nice day.

Green economics and green polítics both focus on a more alternative for every part of the economy. In order for
this change to occur, new economic processes must replace the former ones.
a. positive
C. costly
b. negative
d. cost effective



a positive is 5

the answer

Which of the following statements about primary sources is not true?
a. Examples of this type of source would be: a contemporary diary or a report by the scientist
conducting the research.
b. These sources should be used to get an overview or general idea about your topic.
c. These sources tend to be more credible.
d. All of the above statements are true of primary sources.
Please select the test answer from the choices provided


Answer: B. These sources should be used to get an overview or general idea about your topic.


Primary sources refers to the sources of information which was created as at the time under study. It's an original source of information about the topic. Examples of primary sources autobiography, artifact, diary, document, manuscript etc.

Examples of this type of source would be a contemporary diary or a report by the scientist conducting the research. These sources tend to be more credible.

Therefore, the correct option is B.


B I got 100% on quiz


edg 2021

Which belief defines Christianity as a religion separate from Judaism?



I guess the belief In the holy scripture

Answer:  The correct answer is "belief in Jesus as the savior".







plz are cells made of molecules btw its in science



All cells are made from the same major classes of organic molecules: nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids.


what points regarding women's rights have been covered by the universal Declaration of human rights

long answer please​



International human rights treaties prohibit discrimination on the basis of gender and also require States to ensure the protection and realization of women's rights in all areas – from property ownership and freedom from violence, to equal access to education and participation in government.


International human rights treaties prohibit discrimination on the basis of gender and also require States to ensure the protection and realization of women's rights in all areas – from property ownership and freedom from violence, to equal access to education and participation in government.

our traditional knowledge and Technology are the mother of invention of modern technology. explain with examples.​



Traditional technology is a type of technology which is based on any tradition aor culture which is generally transfered from one generation to other generation until it is modified to new one .

Though Nepal is rich in natural resorces, it could not achieve level of development performance , justify the statement .​


Both the economy and government of Nepal have been extremely volatile. There has been substantial influence thwarted by larger, more developed nations that continue to show drastic fluctuations in economic stability, self-sufficiency, and sovereignty.

Additionally, the current primary industries do not seem to be encouraging the expansion into technology like so many of the more developed nations. Globalization has been relatively nonexistent and there remains little incentive to expand and promote international trade/commerce.

Without ample infrastructural change and major technological and or industrial revolutions, the nation will likely not see the great economic growth displayed by both Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, both notably rich and heavily dependent on natural resources

explain briefly about the relationship between training and profession​



Relation between Profession and Training

Relation between Profession and TrainingTraining helps an individual to obtain new skills and experiences and also to build their career and become self-dependent. It helps to develop professionalism. With the help of training, the employees are strongly motivated.

The relationship between training and profession are=
1) trained person can do there professions punctually and easily
2) trained person can get professions very easily
3) trained person can do there works without making any mistakes

recommend how the local government can regulate and control laws in a community



Communities operate in the context of federal and state policies that can affect local government decisions relevant to health through laws and regulations, through the allocation of resources, and by shaping political will on issues and approaches. Among the more widely recognized policies are those that fund or regulate health care delivery services. But policies in a variety of areas, ranging from education to land use and housing, the environment, and criminal justice, can be relevant to health disparities. Policies can vary significantly across geographic areas and over time in establishing priorities, providing funding, or encouraging collaboration. They can provide important opportunities or constitute barriers to promoting health equity. The policy context shapes the levers that are available to communities to address change.

It seems reasonable to assume that the better informed communities are about the implications of federal and state policy and policy changes, the greater their ability will be to respond effectively to address health disparities and help achieve change in the determinants of health. And, conversely, the more the needs of communities are considered in decision making at the federal and state levels, the more effective those policies will be. In other words, policy makers have the opportunity to lay the groundwork for community success.  

Graciella is a teacher of 4-year-old in a state preschool. Henry is a robust 4-year-old boy who just started school a few weeks ago. It appears that he is trying to intimidate Marcus and Leon when they go out to play. Henry is trying to make up rules and coerce the other boys into playing what he wants to play.
How should Graciella handle this potential bullying? What direction should she take?



The answer is below


There are various means Graciella can handle this potential bullying, some of which are:

1. She should monitor hotspots like bathroom, hallways, playgrounds, busses, etc

2. She should engage the parents of the kids involved: by letting the parents know about their child's behavior, whether he is the bully or the one being bullied.

3. She should have open communication with kids involved

4. She should reward positive behavior or conduct in class

Suppose the federal reserve raises interest rate what statement presicts the most likely effect



The money supply will decrease, meaning that banks will give fewer loans, and prices for goods and services will fall.


Higher interest rates means that it is more expensive to borrow money and therefore fewer people and businesses will request loans. This increases the money supply, economic growth, and the rate of inflation. A higher reserve rate means that banks have to keep more cash, decreasing the money supply.

What does it mean when sociologists say that age is "sociallyconstructed"?A)Age is based on sociobiological concepts. B)Age is related to heredity and genes. C)Age is perceived in a similar manner all over the world. D)Age is based on cultural attitudes that are rooted in a society.


Hi! I think the answer is A because Social construct definition is - an idea that has been created and accepted by the people in a society. I think looking at the definition and then the options option A makes the most sense. I hope this helped, Goodluck :)

A brokerage firm that buys stocks using clients' deposits in order to earn a
profit is which type of financial institution?
A. Fractional institution
B. Contractual institution
C. Investment institution
D. Depository institution



A es la correcta por que si

Why do plant cells need chloroplasts ?



Plant cells need chloroplast as they are the site for photosynthesis where they are responsible making the food for the plant

plant cells need chloroplast if they are photosynthetic so that the plant can go through photosynthesis

Explain how, according to Piaget, heredity and experience both contribute to intellectual growth.



In simple words, The interaction of heredity and life experience has an impact on an individual's intellect. The maximum and minimum IQs that a person can achieve are determined by hereditary factors. The experience determines where a person's IQ falls between these parameters. Many investigations, however, show that hereditary variables account for roughly half of the variance in IQ between people.

A baseball pitcher wants to impress his girl-friend with how strong his throwing arm is. On which of the following bodies would the pitcher be MOST likely to be able to throw a baseball (a fast ball) so fast it would actually go into orbit?
A) Earth
B) Mars
C) Ganymede
D) Titan
E) asteroid Ida


The correct and only reasonable answer is A

The body which the pitcher would be MOST likely to be able to throw a baseball (a fast ball) so fast it would actually go into orbit is:

E. Asteroid Ida

Asteroid Ida is a small planet which was discovered in 1884 and was given its name from a Greek historical figure.

As a result of this, we can see that if the baseball pitcher wants to throw a baseball so fast that it would go into orbit, then he would most likely throw it towards Asteroid Ida.

This is because, Asteroid Ida has a small diameter of 31.4km and it moves around Mars and Jupiter which makes it easier to reach. Its rotation period is about 4 and a half hours.

Therefore, the correct answer is option E

Read more here:


Differentiate Regionalization versus internationalization versus Globalization?​




Globalization refers to the processes by which a company brings its business to the rest of the world. Internationalization is the practice of designing products, services and internal operations to facilitate expansion into international markets.

What is the academic qualification
required fro the scientists
profession? Ang Also mention
five duties or a responsiblity of


Scientist have to have at least a bachelor's degree

Their duties are as follows:

demonstration of proceduresPlanning and conducting experimentsRecording and analyzing dataCarrying out fieldwork like collection of samplesWriting research,reports, reviews and summaries

If you like my answer mark as brainliest

12. What is the most popular drink in the United Kingdom?






Bottle Gin


Bottled gin is one of the most popular drinks in the UK without any doubts. Its liquor is made from juniper berries and plays a major role in the daily life of people in the UK, especially men. There are different types of gins produced in the UK by brands, all of which have their own unique flavor and taste.

60. Name three supranational organizations where the United Mexican States is a member.



Agency for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean, Andean Community of Nation, and Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation.


Name any two employment information providing public organizations​




UNDP - united nations development programme                                                     (ILO) - International Labour Organization              

Which of the following is true for a pure monopolist?
Group of answer choices:

a: The firm has a perfectly elastic demand curve.

b: The firm will always earn an economic profit.

c: The demand curve is above the marginal revenue curve.

d: None of these is true.



c: The demand curve is above the marginal revenue curve.


The demand curve is above the marginal revenue curve is true for a pure monopolist.

Hope this Helps! Please Mark Brainliest!


B: The firm will always earn an economic profit

Durante la Convención Constitucional de 1787, el mayor desacuerdo
entre los estados grandes y pequeños se produjo sobre el tema de?

garantía de los derechos de los Estados
representación en el Congreso
control del comercio interestatal


Unfortunately I don’t speak Spanish
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