Which characteristics are found in many American Indian creation stories?


Answer 1


the characteristics are:

a. animals

b.powerful energy

c.human being

Related Questions

2. Write a letter of complaint to the municipal commissioner about the state of the roads in your area refusing clearing the despairs regularly.



Dear sir or madam,

This letter is to express my disconformity towards the state of the roads and the lack of action on your part towards the daily despairs.

First of all, the roads are not only dirty but also have large cracks and bumps. The road's states put drivers at risk since they have to dodge the bumps or cracks, which reduce their attention towards other things such as the people who are passing or other vehicles. Also, they are a risk for pedestrians. They can fall or get hurt with the state of the roads or the trash on the sidewalks.

There have been many complaints about this situation, but the government has not taken action. We, the citizens, feel that there is no effort to solve these problems. Besides, you are not taking care of the people who live in this town since you ignore the daily complaints.

I hope that you improve the state of our roads and compromise yourself to solve the town's problems by listening to people's claims.

Yours faithfully.

John Sanders.


When we write a complaint letter, first we have to address the person to whom we are complaining. In this case, as we do not know the name, we say dear sir or madam. Then, we write the first paragraph, where we introduce the letter's topic, which is the state of the roads and how the government is acting towards the problem.

In the second and third paragraphs, we describe the problems in detail. In other words, we explain why the roads should not be in a bad state, and we develop how we feel towards their lack of response.

Lastly, we ask them to act to solve these problems and say our goodbyes.

Does Juliet think that Friar Lawrence has any reason to betray her?

A. No

B. Yes, he was very close with Rosaline.

C. Yes, he could be in trouble for marrying Romeo and Juliet

D. Yes, as a Montague, his family hates Capulets.



yes,he could be in trouble for marrying Romeo and Juliet

Hi there! Can someone help me with my english homework please?



Have you read this book? I have not read this book

Have they been to France? They have not been to France

Has she played baseball before? She has not played baseball before

He just scored a goal

I already did my homework

They have just escaped from prison

Mary has not yet written a postcard to her friend

We have already bought out tickets for the concert

Have you seen the new James Bond film yet?

Voluntourism: An Opportunity Too Good to be True

A Speech to the Student Body of Evergreen High

[1] Picture this: It's Spring Break, and you fly off to some country where there's lush rainforests and beautiful, blue coastlines to explore. There's also people in need, so you decide to blend your vacation with volunteering. Volunteering as a tourist, or voluntourism, seems like a great way to explore new regions and help people at the same time. However, this "volunteer plus travel" experience can actually harm local communities. While many teens might view traveling and volunteering abroad as a worthwhile adventure, there are more genuine and effective ways to make a difference.

[2] Most would agree that volunteering in general is a worthy use of time. However, what if you found out the children you are "helping" are actually being kept in poor conditions so voluntourists will spend money to come to the local area? Dale Rolfe, a supporter of ethical voluntourism, explains the shocking reality that "Animal sanctuaries and orphanages are often manufactured for the voluntourist...encouraging a cycle of exploiting the very animals and children the volunteers are trying to help."

[3] Proponents of the "volunteer plus travel" experience also argue that traveling to new places builds character and is a valuable way to learn about different cultures. With voluntourism, however, participants often pursue experiences that are all about them. For example, they sign up to build a school for a gold star on their resume, but they have no real building skills and take jobs away from local construction workers (Schulten). Or, they arrive to teach English but instead take selfies with the locals. One world traveler and ethical voluntourist believes voluntourism "can perpetuate small minded views of the world by taking insulated, fake, and structured experiences and selling them as unabridged and eye opening" (Carlos). The voluntour experience is a mirage. The voluntourist's eyes are not opened to real life at the destination, and lasting change is not achieved.

[4] If you want a genuine experience where you can see a lasting impact, there are better options than voluntourism. You can volunteer in your local community. Give an hour every week to your town's animal rescue. Serve monthly dinners to the homeless. Be a reliable, positive influence on a child who needs a mentor. Studies show that volunteering and forming lasting relationships with those you help has a positive impact on your physical and emotional health. In fact, blood pressure is reduced, memory is improved, and rates of depression are reduced (Michaels).

[5] There is another reason to look into alternatives to voluntourism. Did you know the average "voluntour" travel package costs $3,400 (Rolfe)? Could that travel money be better spent? If the world's citizens are your passion, it could go to an international organization. If you care about education, your funds can be used to buy books for students in faraway lands. If you want villagers to have clean water, contribute funds to local efforts to dig wells. If you want to experience a different culture, travel to the country as a guest, and learn from the locals how you can best help them after you've returned home. But do not voluntour.

[6] In reality, there are better ways to make a difference. Voluntourism might appear to be an adventure that blends travel and helping others, but it does little except provide a costly, superficial experience that might actually do more harm than good. So, volunteer where you are most needed-at home, where you can stay to see the job through and form genuine, lasting relationships. Choose a beautiful coastline closer to home and send the travel money you saved to an international organization that will put it to good use. Whatever you do, don't turn someone else's hardship into your vacation.

What are two strategies the speaker uses to develop the point that voluntour opportunities are not legitimate ways to learn about other cultures?

Expert testimony



Statistics are always on a high alert for our lifes destination

Define “divine intervention” and provide examples from Books 23 and 24 illustrating ways that Athena assisted the main characters in their plights by divinely intervening.



This is a miracle from God e.g The story of Job

Select the correct text(s) in the passage.
Which two excerpts serve to entertain the reader?
Excerpt 1
I lay in bed, quivering underneath my blankets,
staring up at the ceiling above me. I heard the pattering of feet, like a small child running on
tiptoe. I turned onto my side and closed my eyes. Something was in the attic.
"It's just my imagination." I said quietly.
Scenes from earlier that day played like a movie in my mind. I saw my family's car turning off the highway. I watched as our car turned onto a
winding road. The sky was cloudy, and the wind rustled through the Spanish moss hanging from the cypress trees. We drove into the
darkness of the trees' shadows.
Excerpt 2
The earth's natural resources are being depleted rapidly. Millions of tons of waste are generated each year, and much of this waste will be
disposed of in landfills and burned in furnaces. This waste takes a heavy toll on natural resources such as timber, water, and minerals, which
are not easily replaced. If you consider it burning reusable materials is like burning money: neither can ever be used again. By using recycled
materials such as paper and aluminum to make new products and packaging, we can reduce the consumption of natural resources. Recycling
can even produce better products than those made from non recycled materials.
Excerpt 3
After a few days, you will see a "cloud" form at the top of the jar. The cloud will thicken, and "rain" will begin to fall. Water will trickle down the
I collect in the soil and nlants Thic water will panorato a few dave later and another court will annear This rurla will



Excerpts 1 and 3


For excerpt 1, it sounds like a story that anyone can enjoy. It uses similes and dialogue to keep the story interesting and entertaining.

For excerpt 2, it sounds it's just an informative article. It mostly uses statistics and facts. This would not be a fun read for some people.

For excerpt 3, it sounds like an instructive experience. It engages the audience to use their imagination.

The day we found the sharks' teeth was foggy and cool. Moisture hung in the air so thick you could almost see it sparkling in the dim sunlight. There were days, early in the summer like this one, where it seemed there was more water in the air than in the bay. We had beached the boat and stepped out on the recently cleared spit of land. The ground had a light dusting of white sand over an under layer of dried black mud. It looked like a recently frosted chocolate cake, though the frosting was spread a bit thin for my taste. The ground was solid, but we knew from experience that it was full of fiddler crab holes, and would be underwater at the first super-high tide. Mysteriously, to us anyway, someone wanted to build a house there.

We often came to these spots to look for artifacts. Our beach, our summer home, had been a fishing camp for as long as anyone living could remember. The oldest stories told of travelers coming down to the edge of the sea, lining up to fill their wagon beds with salted fish to take back home. Old decaying cabins still lined the beach. Rotting nets, hung out to dry in the last century, decorated their weathered walls. Their broken faces spun stories in our minds. The fishermen who, tanned and wrinkled from sun and salt, hauled their nets full of splashing mullet in to cheers from the waiting crowds. The bounty of the sea lightened everyone's hearts, and the smell of roasting fish filled the damp air. Women fanned themselves from wagon seats. Children splashed in the shallow edges of the bay. It was a scene we had acted out as youngsters, building an imaginary bridge to a life we would never fully know.

What line from the text introduces an element of the plot?

A. Moisture hung in the air so thick you could almost see it sparkling in the dim sunlight

B. We often came to these spots to look for artifacts.

C. Our beach, our summer home, had been a fishing camp for as long as anyone living could remember

D. The bounty of the sea lightened everyone's hearts


Answer: B. We often came to these spots to look for artifacts.

How many times have I told you ... football in the street?


I think it's not to play, I could be wrong

Please help ASAP!!!!!!!



adverb of warmly isFRIENDLY

Complemented. Your answer would be complemented it is an action it is talking so any action or talking is a verb and Also the adverb normally comes before the verb and in this case the adverb did come in front of the verb.

Write me a dialogue between two friends about importance of education.


The below is the conversation between two friends who are discussing the importance of education. Each of them presents their own point of view.

Jacob: I don't understand why students nowadays are paying more interest in playing games than studying.

Michael: I think that is because there is lack of knowledge about the importance of Education.

Jacob: I think Education is the only power that can turn a tramp into a successful, respectful citizen of the society.

Michael: That right, and I think not only the person but the whole generation changes, the educated person pass on its knowledge to every one he/she meets and to his/her own kids.

Learn more at https://brainly.com/question/24374325

The dialogue between two friends about importance of education goes thus:

John: Hi Peter, how are you?

Peter: I'm fine, John. What about you?

John: Fine. Thank you. Can you explain the importance of education to me?

Peter: Sure. Education is important to the growth and the development of a country. For a nation to move forward, education is important.

John: Really?

Peter: Yes. Education also widens our mind and mentality.

John: That's true. I agree with you. Education is also important for us to get a good job.

Read related link on:


On hot days, Doodle and I went down to Horsehead Landing and I gave him swimming lessons or showed him how to row a boat. Sometimes we descended into the cool greenness of Old Woman Swamp and climbed the rope vines or boxed scientifically beneath the pine where he had learned to walk. Promise hung about us like the leaves, and wherever we looked, ferns unfurled and birds broke into song. The Scarlet Ibis," James Hurst Which phrases emphasize that Old Woman Swamp is a symbol of paradise for the boys? Check all that apply. "went down to Horsehead Landing" "gave him swimming lessons" "descended into the cool greenness" "promise hung about us like the leaves" "birds broke into song"



"descended into the cool greenness"

"birds broke into song"


The sentences presented above show how Horsehead Landing expressed a feeling that the boys were in a paradise. We can see this because the narrator shows that the boys could hear the birds singing and visualize a referential and vivacious green in the place. These two elements convey the feeling of tranquility, peace and happiness that only a paradise can promote.


“descended into the cool greenness”

“promise hung about us like the leaves”

“birds broke into song”


i used another explanation and i missed the 2nd option these 3 are correct

help me fast plzzzzzz​


1. Was
2. Spilt
3. Doesn’t
4. Heard
5. Left
6. Played
7. Called, reached
8. Completes
9. There at
10. Fallen

How can I improve in written communication


Try using personal experiences and try to word stuff more clear and make it something the reader can relate to


If you want to improve your written communication skills, then you should "think" a lot before you start writing. To write clearly and nicely, you have to think clearly. Consequently, before you begin writing, take a step back, and line up and gather your thoughts on whatever it is that you have to write about. Another thing that you should do, as overused this may be, you need to "read and write" a lot, in great volumes. For reading, find works or books that excite you or interest you. If you read a book that you like or find interesting to read, you are most likely to read more books and enjoy the act of reading. This will help you with your writing process. When you read, you will find yourself thinking of all the things you could've done different from the author, had you been the story writer. You will want to write and do things your way. Start writing just one paragraph, it can be about anything really, every day. You'll notice a difference soon after you start.

ayuda porfa es para hoy


Answer: i have no clue


The foreigner told him, “ I am French but I have learnt English at school”.





he learned English.

The foreigner told him that he was French but he had learnt English at school.

This is the indirect speech.

(18 pts)

1. They ________________ for hours by then. (hike)

2. ________ Linda ever (fly) __________ before her flight last week?

3. The waiter served something that we (not / order)__________________

4. How long ______ you __________________ the flat before you said it ( own).

5. My shoes were dirty because I _____________________ in the garden (work).

6. She ________________ to drive for six years but she still failed her driving test (learn).

7. I ____________________ for two hours so I took a break (study).

8. She ____________ around the world since 2013. (travel)

9. _____________ the same car for ten years? (he, drive)






Which synonym best replaces the word labyrinth in the sentence below?

The gardeners had constructed a complicated labyrinth of pathways that led us through the hedges.



Maze is that answer I think

The synonym that best replaces the word labyrinth in the sentence below is a maze. The correct option is c.

What is a synonym?

A synonym is a word, morpheme, or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word, morpheme, or phrase in a given language.  

The standard test for synonymy is substitution: one form can be replaced by another in a sentence without changing its meaning. Words are considered synonymous in only one particular sense: for example, long and extended in the context long time or extended time are synonymous, but long cannot be used in the phrase extended family. Synonyms with exactly the same meaning share a seme or denotational sememe, whereas those with inexactly similar meanings share a broader denotational or connotational sememe and thus overlap within a semantic field.

The former are sometimes called cognitive synonyms and the latter, near-synonyms, plesionyms or poecilonyms.

Learn more about synonym, here:



ayuda porfavor
miren las imágenes



Healthy : 1,3,6,8


***Part 1 :


-This lesson is very easy, hope you can do it yourself to improve your English learning skills


Exercise 1: Choose the most suitable word or phrase 1.     London is home to people of many _______ cultures.       a. diverse       b. diversity       c. diversify           d. diversification 2.     John cannot make a _____ to get married to Mary or stay single until he can afford a house and a car.       a. decide       b. decision       c. decisive       d. decisively 3.     My mother used to be a woman of great _______, but now she gets old and looks pale.       a. beauty       b. beautiful       c. beautifully      d. beautify 4.     Although they are twins, they have almost the same appearance but they are seldom in _____.       a. agree       b. agreeable       c. agreement       d. agreeably 5.     The more _______ and positive you look, the better you will feel.       a. confide       b. confident       c. confidently       d. confidence 6.     My parents will have celebrated 30 years of _______ by next week.       a. marry       b. married       c. marriageable       d. marriage 7.     Many Vietnamese people ______ their lives for the revolutionary cause of the nation       a. sacrifice       b. sacrificed       c. sacrificial       d. sacrificially 8.     They had a ______ candlelit dinner last night and she accepted his proposal of marriage.       a. romance       b. romantic       c. romantically       d. romanticize 9.     Are there any _____, between Vietnamese and American culture?       a. differences       b. different       c. differently       d. differential 10. She_______ decided to walk home alone.                                                                                                          a. wise     b. unwise     c. wisdom     d. unwisely 1.     Nowadays, young people are free to choose their mates and they are encouraged_____________ at least at the age of 23.       a. marrying      b. marry      c. to marry              d. married 2.     Some people are concerned with physical _______when choosing a wife or husband.                                a. attractive                        b. attraction                       c.  attractiveness                       d.  attractively 3.     What could be more_______ than a wedding on a tropical island?                                                              a. romance                       b. romantic                       c. romanticizing                       d. romanticism 4.     In my hometown, many people still believe in_______ marriage.                                                               a. contract                       b. contractual                       c. contracts                       d. contracting 5.              ___________ women are responsible for the chores in the house and taking care of the children.       a. With tradition       b. On tradition      c. Traditional       d. Traditionally 6.     Though their performance was not perfect yet, the students held the audience's_____________ until the end.       a. attentive              b. attention      c. attentively            d. attentiveness 7.     The survey will cover various ways of ___________ the different attitudes toward love and marriage of today's youth.       a. determination      b. determine      c. determined      d. determining 8.     Both Asian and Western students seem ______ about how to answer the questionnaire of the survey.       a. confusedly             b. confused      c. confusing              d. confusion 19. She was__________ unaware of the embarrassing situation due to her different cultural background.   a. complete           b. completed   c. completing      d. completely 20. What is more important to you, intelligence or___________________?     a. attraction            b. attractiveness        c. attractive    d. attracted Exercise 2: 1. What is the (marry) ______________ age in your country? 2. In (compare) ______________ with their American (part) ______________, young Asians are considered to be less (romance) ______________. 3. The spectators cheered in (astonish) ______________ when the goal was scored in the very first few minutes of the game. 4. The man got sacked right after the boss realized that he was (trust) ______________ 5. The scales in front of the court (symbol) ______________ justice. 6. The Chinese (wide) ______________ their eyes to express (angry) ______________whereas the (Europe) ______________ regard this expression a sign of (respect) ______________ 7. This zone was completely (secure) ______________ during the war. Few people lived here. 8. The hostess showed little (approve) ______________ of her guests' behavior. 9. Tina is a (demand) ______________ teacher who encourages (perfect) ______________ in most of her students. 10. If eye contact is prolonged may be considered (respect) ______________.​



1.     London is home to people of many diverse cultures.    

2.     John cannot make a decision to get married to Mary or stay single until he can afford a house and a car.      

3.     My mother used to be a woman of great beauty, but now she gets old and looks pale.      

4.     Although they are twins, they have almost the same appearance but they are seldom in agreement.      

5.     The more confident and positive you look, the better you will feel.      

6.     My parents will have celebrated 30 years of marriage by next week.      

7.     Many Vietnamese people sacrificed their lives for the revolutionary cause of the nation      

8.     They had a  romantic candlelit dinner last night and she accepted his proposal of marriage.      

9.     Are there any differences, between Vietnamese and American

10. She unwisely decided to walk home alone.                                                                                                          

1.     Nowadays, young people are free to choose their mates and they are encouraged married at least at the age of 23.    

2.     Some people are concerned with physical attraction when choosing a wife or husband.          

3.     What could be more romantic than a wedding on a tropical island?                                                              

4.     In my hometown, many people still believe in contract marriage.                                                              

5.     Traditionally women are responsible for the chores in the house and taking care of the children.      

6.     Though their performance was not perfect yet, the students held the audience's attention until the end.    

7.     The survey will cover various ways of determination the different attitudes toward love and marriage of today's youth.    

8.     Both Asian and Western students seem confused about how to answer the questionnaire of the survey.      

19. She was completely unaware of the embarrassing situation due to her different cultural background.  

20. What is more important to you, intelligence or attraction?    

Exercise 2:

1. What is the (marry) marriage age in your country?

2. In (compare) comparation with their American (part) counterparts, young Asians are considered to be less (romance) romantic.

3. The spectators cheered in (astonish) astonishment when the goal was scored in the very first few minutes of the game.

4. The man got sacked right after the boss realized that he was (trust) trustinged

5. The scales in front of the court (symbol) symbolize justice.

6. The Chinese (wide) wide their eyes to express (angry) anger whereas the (Europe) European regard this expression a sign of (respect) respect.

7. This zone was completely (secure) secure during the war. Few people lived here.

8. The hostess showed little (approve) approval of her guests' behavior.

9. Tina is a (demand) demanded teacher who encourages (perfect) perfectly in most of her students.

10. If eye contact is prolonged may be considered (respect) respectful.​


I hope this helps you! It took time to write everything :)

His car needs (repair) __________



1) His car needs repairing

2) His car needs to be repaired

I hope I've help, I didn't really understand your question!

change this sentence into indirect speech,"I stayed in the hostel for a few weeks", she said.​



In the hostel I stayed for a few weeks

Which of these are part of a basic plot structure? Select three options.

character motivation
falling action


The parts of a basic plot structure are exposition, climax, and falling action. Therefore, options A, B, and D are correct.

What is a plot structure?

Plot structure refers to the organization and sequence of events that make up a story or narrative. It is the framework or blueprint that the author uses to create an engaging story that captures the reader's interest and imagination.

However, not all stories follow this traditional plot structure. Some may have non-linear or experimental narratives, while others may focus more on character development or themes rather than a traditional plot.

Nonetheless, having a clear and well-structured plot can help to create a compelling and memorable story that resonates with readers. Therefore, options A, B, and D are correct.

Learn more about plot structure, here:



talk and Describle 5 things you should do before you die


If today was your last day
And tomorrow was too late
Could you say goodbye to yesterday?
Would you live each moment like your last?
Leave old pictures in the past
Donate every dime you have?
Would you call old friends you never see?
Reminisce old memories
Would you forgive your enemies?
Would you find that one you're dreamin' of?
Swear up and down to God above
That you finally fall in love
If today was your last day

Why did the ostrich run away as fast as it could?​


So something wouldn’t eat it? Or because it was being chased? -.-


ostriches are able to run so fast, whilst using relatively little energy. ... The birds generate over twice as much power from recoil of elastic energy stored in tendons than humans, so they need less muscle power to run much faster.

Hope it helps

Mark me as Brainliest plz



Read the passage from Theodore Roosevelt: An Autobiography.

I could not name any principle upon which the books have been gathered. Books are almost as individual as friends. There is no earthly use in laying down general laws about them. Some meet the needs of one person, and some of another; and each person should beware of the booklover's besetting sin, of what Mr. Edgar Allan Poe calls "the mad pride of intellectuality," taking the shape of arrogant pity for the man who does not like the same kind of books.

Using the context clues, what is the meaning of the word "principle" as used in the sentence?
important reason
standard ruling



b). Standard ruling


Context is characterized as the situational background or circumstances in which a specific event takes place that helps clarify the meaning of the event or occurrence. Similarly, the words that are placed in a text before or after an unfamiliar word help clarify its meaning to the readers.

In the given passage, the word 'principle' denotes the meaning 'standard ruling' as per the context. The author conveys that he had been unable to find a standard rule regarding books on which everyone agrees. He expresses that it had been different for different individuals as some are useful for some people while others for others. Thus, option b is the correct answer.


standard ruling



Which situation from “Initiation” is an example of internal conflict?

Millicent struggles with her motivation for joining the sorority.
Millicent struggles with her tasks during her sorority initiation week.
Millicent struggles with the big sister the sorority assigns her.
Millicent struggles with peer pressure from the sorority..



The correct answer is:

A) Millicent struggles with her motivation for joining the sorority. This sentence is the only one that really shows an internal debate or conflict on what to do.


hope this helps you pls mark as brainliest

The county cleared this path and paved it with packed gravel, so they would have a peaceful place to hike and bike.

Which of the following alternatives to the underlined portion would NOT be acceptable?

A. path, paving
B. path and then paved
C. path before paving
D.path pave



space ran out


Tiogolosado (not a real word just something I typed for no reason)

pls !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



1) get over


3)found out


5)go round


7)melting pot

8)set up

9)keep up with

10)round about

I think this is the answer

Which inference can a reader make based on the
information in the excerpt?


Answer: What is the excerpt?


I can't answer because I do not know what the excerpt is.

what is oxymoron



hello, an oxymoron is a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction.



A set of contradictory words or phrases

Other Questions
Hariqbal is preparing an online dating profile. One of the questions for the profile is whether he is a romantic person. In order to answer this question, Hariqbal thinks back on some of his most recent actions. Since in the past week he read a book of love poems, enjoyed a dramatic film, and took a long walk by the beach, he decides that he must be a romantic person. What process has Hariqbal engaged in Lena is asked to write an explicit formula for the graphed geometric sequence.On a coordinate plane, 3 points are plotted. The points are (1, 1), (2, 2.5), (3, 6.25).What value, written as a decimal, should Lena use as the common ratio 6. We should believe what Jim is telling us. If there ____morning, the postman could have begun his round later or the postal van could have broken down again.A.would have been B. was C. had been D. were 7. Her unexpected arrival probably saved his life. Ten minutes later the fire _____impossible to control. A. had been B. might be C. must have been D. would have been they 8. The base can only be supplied through light biplanes carrying up to a to of cargo. An aircraft that_____ large enough to carry ten tons would need a much longer runway. A. would have been B. has been C. would be D. is 9. It's not difficult to imagine how Dave would react if one of his partners____ with bankruptcy. A. were threaten B. were threatened C. threatened D. threate A ball is thrown straight up from a rooftop 320 feet high. The formula below describes the ball's height above the ground, h, in feet, t seconds after it was thrown. The ball misses the rooftop on its way down and eventually strikes the ground. How long will it take for the ball to hit the ground? Use this information to provide tick marks with appropriate numbers along the horizontal axis in the figure shown.h=-16t^2+16t+320The ball hits the ground after____ seconds Abolitionist rallies often featured formerly enslaved speakers such asSelect the best answer from the choices provided.A.William Lloyd GarrisonB.Sojourner TruthC.Nat TurnerD.Elizabeth Cady Stanton At constant temperature and pressure, if 0.4 mole of a gas. A occupies 220 ml, and x mole of B gas occupies 120 ml. what is the number of moles of gas B? A life insurance salesperson who takes advantage of the foot-in-the-door phenomenon would be most likely to:________a. emphasize that his company is one of the largest in the insurance industry. b. promise a free gift to those who agree to purchase an insurance policy. c. address customers by their first names. d. ask customers to respond to a brief survey of their attitudes regarding life insurance. PLSSSSS HELPPPPP 25 POINTSSSS PLSSSSSSS ILL SEND U 50 MOREEEEEhow different groups of Native Americans adapted to the amount of rainfall they received Why do i only have one dimple on my left cheek? give 12 consecutive integers, in how many ways can three of these integers be selected to give a sum which divides by 4? Can anyone help with my hw? PLS HELP ME ON THIS QUESTION I WILL MARK YOU AS BRAINLIEST IF YOU KNOW THE ANSWER!! Determine the Value of K in the diagram ( secant lines to circles). need some help with math:) Which of the following sayings means that, no matter the change in circumstances, you can't escape your inner self?A. A stitch in time saves nine.B. It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing. C. Wherever you go, there you are. D. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Define personification What best describes the protests at the 1968 Democratic convention in Chicago can yall help me out six times the sum of a number and 4 is 5 Please enter the missing number: 4, 5, 8, 17, 44, ? I need help with this balance mobile please:)