Which clause, outlined in Article one, section 8, clause 18 of the U.S Constitution, grants Congress the power and right to make and carry-out laws?
A. Judicial Review Clause
B. The Supremacy Clause
C. The Necessary and Proper Clause
D. The Inherent Clause


Answer 1


B. The Necessary and Proper Clause

Related Questions

As a result of the Boston Massacre, the British removed all taxes except for those
placed on
Colonists then dumped $
worth of tea into
the Boston harbor in an event that is known as the
I need help



This is known as the Boston Tea Party


The Boston Tea Party was the retaliation of a group known as the Sons of Liberty, they dressed up as Native Indians and snuck onto the ships in the harbor which contained the tea. They dumped it all turning the water into a dark brown. This all happened on December 16. Also the amount of tea dumped was valued around 18k dollars.

Chip chip cheerio☕️

How did the Reformation change an artist's life?



may artists begin pain landscapes,portraiture, and life


I hope this help

explain the network of alliances of great powers in 1914 at the beginning of world war 1



By 1914, Europe's six major powers were split into two alliances that would form the warring sides in World War I. Britain, France, and Russia formed the Triple Entente, while Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy joined in the Triple Alliance.

Which words convey the "burden” Europeans had to bear? Check all that apply.



Exile, Harness, and Bind

Question Which of the following is a benefit of using email to communicate at work ? a) You can express yourself in a limited number of characters b) You don't have to worry about using proper grammar. c) You always get a response right away. d ) You can reach a large audience with one communication .





Should Aung San Suu Kyi
Give Back
Her Nobel Peace Prize




Which of the following would be a good thesis statement for a personal
A. With my daughter wanting to stay with me and my boss needing
me at work, I was caught in one of the uncomfortable points of
B. According to experts, the best way to grow the economy is
through tax cuts for the middle class.
C. A green space provides valuable life lessons, and urban sprawl
should be limited whenever possible.
D. All of the above are correct.


The answer choice that would be a good thesis statement for a personal essay is C. Green space provides valuable life lessons, and urban sprawl should be limited whenever possible.

What is a Personal Essay?

This refers to the type of essay that contains information or facts about the personal life of the writer or another person that shows important life lessons.

Hence, we can see that based on the given question, the best thesis statement should be stated about the personal essay, and with this, we can note that option C best does this, because it gives the central point of the writing.

Read more about thesis statements here:



6. The following poster was created in 1943.

According to this poster, what was the purpose of rationing during World War II?

A. to provide military personnel with resources

B. to regulate the demand for expensive foreign imports

C. to encourage the development of alternative resources

D. to stimulate the invention of new products and processes

7. The following excerpt is from Executive Order 8802 issued in 1941.

I do hereby reaffirm the policy of the United States that there shall be no discrimination in the
employment of workers in defense industries or government because of race, creed, color, or
national origin, and I do hereby declare that it is the duty of employers and of labor organizations
... to provide for the full and equitable participation of all workers in defense industries, without
discrimination because of race, creed, color, or national origin. ...

What was purpose of this Executive Order?

A. to adopt state concerns as national policies

B. to reduce the power held by local labor unions

C. to place national needs over personal attitudes

D. to increase the amount of taxes paid by private industries




Letter B
I hope this is right and it’s hope sorry if it don’t I tried

This is history i will give brainliest please answer


I dont know what it's asking but here's the law case... https://www.britannica.com/event/Gibbons-v-Ogden

Factory owners often blamed strikes on
1. Native born Americans who disliked immigrants
2. Newspapers that published stories about working conditions
3. Workers who were reds or communist
4. Women who had joined the work force during world war 1



3 no.


because in this current world we often hear about strikes which are mainly about workers who were reds and communist

Write a three-paragraph essay with the title "The Tension Between Traditional Culture and Modernization in the Contemporary World." Be sure to address these questions: (10 points)
What happens when modernization comes in conflict with traditional values?
What are some examples of these conflicts? (You may use other examples besides the ones already mentioned in this activity.)
In what way do reactions to modernization depend on cultural context?
Is understanding conflicts between traditional culture and modern challenges important in today's world? Why or why not?


Change occurs in the traditional values.

When modernization comes in conflict with traditional values, change occurs in the traditional values due to introduction of modern methods that takes the place of traditional values. Culture impacts modernization in three ways i.e. positive effect such as science & technology knowledge, also has negative effect such as feudalism and neutral effects such as languages and arts etc. Yes, understanding conflicts between traditional culture and modern challenges are very important in today's world because understanding conflicts prevents the intense conflict that disturbs the society.


Which of the following behaviors would best describe someone who is listening and paying attention? a) Leaning toward the speaker O b) Interrupting the speaker to share their opinion c) Avoiding eye contact d) Asking questions to make sure they understand what's being said


-focus your attention! (eye contact) Make the speaker the center
of your attention. Be sure not to read or look around -tune in!
Listen so you clearly understand the speaker. DON'T INTERRUPT! -ask
when speaker is done, then ask questions or ask for more
information. RESTATE!


answer- A, Leaning towards the speaker

6.- Es toda regla de conducta impuesta por el Estado como obligatoria.
a) - Norma.
D) - Regla.
b).- Ley natural
c).- Norma Juridica​



eu acho que e a)

Explanation:porque as leis naturais nao tem nada haver com a conduta mas sim com teorias criadas por cientistas

Civil War
Which reconstruction plan was used after the Civil War?
a.The Lincoln Reconstruction Plan.
b.The Initial Congressional Plan.
c.The Andrew Johnson Reconstruction Plan.
d.The Radical Republican Reconstruction Plan.


The answer is B because

What was the Marshall Plan, and what did it accomplish?



The Marshall Plan was a massive economic aid program provided to all European countries to aid in their recovery after World War II.


Hope this Helps! Please Mark Brainliest!

Why did the British and Americans decide to focu
defeating Germany during World War II?



Europe first, also known as Germany first, was the key element of the grand strategy agreed upon by the United States and the United Kingdom during World War II.


. According to this policy, the United States and the United Kingdom would use the preponderance of their resources to subdue Nazi Germany in Europe first. Simultaneously, they would fight a holding action against Japan in the Pacific, using fewer resources. After the defeat of Germany—considered the greatest threat to the UK and the Soviet Union[1]—all Allied forces could be concentrated against Japan.

At the December 1941 Arcadia Conference between President Franklin Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston Churchill in Washington, shortly after the United States entered the War, the decision for the "Europe First" strategy was affirmed. However, U.S. statistics show that the United States devoted more resources in the early part of the war to stopping the advance of Japan, and not until 1944 was a clear preponderance of U.S. resources allocated toward the defeat of Germany.

Use what you've learned in the lesson to develop a hypothesis about how
changes in technology affect society. Describe your hypothesis and provide
evidence for it in one paragraph. Your response should include a reference
to changes in food production and the effects they had on population,


I thought I knew the answer but I can’t remember

After the civil war, the U.S became more:





I believe the correct answer is industrialized since all of the other options are synonymous with  "simple" per se. I hope this helps; have a great evening!

President George Washington took the oath of office on April 30,1789.Abraham Lincoln was sworn in as president on March 4, 1861. These events are an example of



Republic in Politics


compare and contrast the conflict and functionalist apporach to deviance​



Conflict theory looks to social and economic factors as the causes of crime and deviance. Unlike functionalists, conflict theorists don't see these factors as positive functions of society. They see them as evidence of inequality in the system.


Chủ nghĩa Mác-Lênin khẳng định: “Một cuộc cách mạng chỉ có giá trị khi nào nó biết tự bảo vệ và bảo vệ tổ quốc XHCN là một tất yếu khách quan”. Bằng những kiến thức đã học, Anh/ chị hãy phân tích làm rõ luận điểm trên?; Liên hệ thực tiễn cách mạng Việt Nam và trách nhiệm của bản thân đối với sự nghiệp bảo vệ tổ quốc hiện nay?


what language is this?:)

Less than 3% of all the world is




it is unexpectation and some what inconceivable that then less than 3% of Earth water is fresh water Acording to the . U. S geological survey most of that 3% is inaccessible. over 68% of fresh water on the earth is found icecaps and glaciers, and just over 3% is found in groundwater.

      3% of the earth's water is fresh.

Compare and Contrast the respective arguments of Henry Stimson and Gar Alperovitz regarding the American use of the atomic bomb.


ars on such basic issues as why the United States used the bomb. Was it primarily used to end the war

what s the coldest planet?​



pluto is the coldest planet in the solar system

Neptune has the coldest overall average temperature and Uranus has the coldest temperature recorded. I’m going to say Uranus
Hope this helps *smiles*
Sorry if it’s wrong

what is one major role of political parties in u.s. politics?

A. )preventing voters from learning about candidates' policy preferences
B.)pushing voters to select candidates based on merit rather than personality
C.)breaking down partisan distinctions between citizens during campaigns
D.)making it easier for voters to identify candidates who share their values


Answer : making it easier for voters to identify candidates who share their values

D should be the answer


What was the outcome of most European revolts of the 1830s?


Answer: They resulted in little to no change.


The revolutions in 1830 shook many places in Europe. The places such as France, Germany, Belgium, etc were in great flux. The revolutions that broke in Europe in 1830 were Romanticism, the Belgian Revolution, and the July Revolution.

These revolutions were considered as the lengthy continent-wide crisis. The origin of these revolts lie in the governmental mistakes. But these revolutions were unable to bring a satisfactory outcomes as hoped for because of lack of preparations by the revolutionaries. And also, these revolutions did not get any international help. So, the European revolutions of 1830 resulted in only little or no changes.

Why were the Big six arrested
And why​



They were detained by the colonial authorities in 1948 following disturbances that led to the killing of three World War II veterans. They are pictured on the front of the Ghana cedi notes. An organized boycott of European imports took place in January 1948.


Which artist photographed the above images? What did he pioneer?
Name the series of photographs above, and its significance.



Hey! the artist is Eadweard Muybridge,

He was revered for his work because he set up a system of trip-wires that would each activate a shutter on a set of cameras


the guy above is incorrect


The artist Eadweard Muybridge produced the above images. He was revered for his work because he set up a system of trip-wires that would each activate a shutter on a set of cameras. So as a person or animal ran past, he could capture it in a variety of sequenced possess. Like with the image above, entitled Horse in Motion, he captured a horse as it galloped. Besides the process used, this image was important because it was the first time anyone had noticed that all four of the horses feet leave the ground at the same time, during one point of its gallop.

This is the real answer

1. To be a true democracy, what must a government
a. Grant free speech
b. Grant free elections
c. Rule by Law
d. All of these


I’m not that smart but from what I remember it’s either a or d

Em hãy nêu trách nhiệm của triều đình Nguyễn cuối thế kỉ XIX đầu thế kỉ XX? Nếu em là ng có trọng trách triều Nguyễn lúc bấy giờ thì em sẽ hành động như thế nào?



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ᴘᴜʀᴇ ᴀꜱ ɪ ᴡᴀɴɴᴀ ʙᴇ

Other Questions
8. Their conversations were taken down__________ shorthand by a secretary.A.in B.on C. at D.to La sombra que proyecta un edificio es de 16 m si el coseno del ngulo que se forma entre la punta de la sombra y el techo del edificio es 16/20 cual es la altura del edificio y Given: 6x + 7 = 8x - 17; Prove: x = 12 On the left aide is the equation solved step by step and on the right side is where you have to explain what you did to do that equation..(in each column just say what property you used to solve it..Distributive Property, Subtraction Property, Addition Property, Division Property, Multiplication Property etc..) Escoja la oracin que no es correcta. A. Con el Internet se puede buscar todo tipo de informacin. B. Con el Internet se puede navegar en un sitio Web. C. Con el Internet se puede descargar juegos. D. Con el Internet se puede cargar el mvil. Find the sum that amounts to Rs 9,144 in 3 years at 9% per year simple interest. Why might an individual with AIDS have difficulty fighting off otherwise harmless infections? One more, again I aplolgize!Identify the solid.A.pentagonal prismB.dodecahedronC.hexahedronD.hexagonal prism Please helpHow are print journalism and broadcast journalism NOT different?A. One is written, the other is played on TV or radio.B. One features short news clips, the other features longer articles.C. One features mostly local and national news, the other features many types of news.D. One gives the news daily, the other gives the news monthly.Thank you Where will the door on the floor of the cover lead? soul and frin bookA dnde llevar la puerta que est en el piso de la portada ? libro alma y frin whats the correct answer? why don't we make absolutely pure water to drink outline two benefits to Mohammed's business of all his workers being able to do all of the jobs in the bakery. pls help! Complete each sentence below with the preterite of hacer, querer, or venir as appropriate.Miguel _____a la fiesta en autobs. 3.)The lateral surface area of a right circular cylinder is 120cm and the circumference of the bases is 12cm.Find the altitude of the cylinder On July 1, a company sells 8-year $250,000 bonds with a stated interest rate of 6%. If interest payments are paid annually, each interest payment will be ________. Fruit trees in a forest are an important habitat for a bird species and were historically a major source of food for a rodent species. Over time, the rodent species shifted their feeding behavior from fruit trees to nut trees. As rodent behavior changed, the density of fruit trees decreased, which caused significant decreases to the bird population. What kind of effect did the change in rodents exert on bird population size? A truck was carrying 10 bags of sugar. Each bag weighed 50kg. Calculate the total mass of sugar on the truck. Write your answer in grams. For each of the following compounds, indicate the pH at which 50% of the compound will be in a form that possesses a charge and at which pH more than 99% of the compound will be in a form that possesses a charge. ClCH2COOH (pKa = 2.86) CH3CH2NH+3 (pKa = 10.7)Express your answer using two decimal placesa. Determine a pH at which 50% of ClCH2COOH will be in a form that possesses a charge.b. Determine a pH at which pH more than 99% of ClCH2COOH will be in a form that possesses a charge.c. Determine a pH at which 50% of CH3CH2NH+3 will be in a form that possesses a charge.d. Determine a pH at which pH more than 99% of CH3CH2NH+3 will be in a form that possesses a charge. feminism is not man hating why? Explain in breif . The phase leading up to the modern industrial economy, known as _____, wasidentified by increase in production and control by merchants that developedinto European consumerism.a) proto-industrialization b) propulsionc) laiderz-faired) reaper