Which event convinced American leaders to call the Grand Convention?


Answer 1
The event that convinced American leaders to call the grand convention was Shay's Rebellion. Shays' Rebellion constituted a wave of violent attacks on courthouses and other government properties in Massachusetts, initiating in 1786, which resulted in a full-blown military confrontation in 1787.

Related Questions

Which three factors were part of European imperialism



The three main factors that were part of the European Imperialism are as followed:

Economic - The exploitation of foreign countries for natural resources.Political - The promotion of the idea of white superiority or supremacy. Social - The wide spread of the English language across regions such as South Asia.

The European imperialists pushed into regions such as South Asia anmd Africa solely motivated by three main factors which were economic, political, and social.

How many stars are found in the background of the state seal? What do they represent? (Site 1)



Answer : In the background of the seal, surrounding the main star, are forty-five smaller stars, representing the forty-five states in the Union when Oklahoma became the forty-sixth state.

Which of the following is an editing technique?
A. Graphic relations
B. Rhythmic relations
C. Spatial relations
D. All of the above



D. All of the above


Graphic relations, rhythmic relations, spatial relations are all editing techniques.

D. All of the above

What happened in the Soviet Union after the Cuban Missile Crisis?
Nuclear weapons were dismantled.
Victory was declared.
Khrushchev was driven from power.
Supplies were secretly taken to Cuba.



Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev orders withdrawal of missiles from Cuba, ending the Cuban Missile Crisis. Kennedy announced a naval blockade to prevent the arrival of more missiles and demanded that the Soviets dismantle and remove the weapons already in Cuba.


hope it helps.


Khrushchev was driven from power.


Because the Cuban Missile Crisis seemed in public like a Soviet defeat, Khrushchev was removed from office just a couple years later.

Which was not a reason the colonist wanted to declare independence



any answer choices btw i need a picture


One might be that they had a fear that they would lose the protection of their mother country and get attacked due to a weak military.


There are many reasons why the British colonists didn't want to declare independence. One might be that they had a fear that they would lose the protection of their mother country and get attacked.

Which of the following presidential powers does not require the cooperation of the US Senate?




declare war. decide how federal money will be spent. interpret laws. choose Cabinet members or Supreme Court Justices without Senate approval

President Nixon began a policy of measured troop withdrawals from Vietnam. What was this policy called?



[tex]vietnamization \\ to \: end \: us \: involvement \: in \: vietnam \\ thank \: you[/tex]

this is what go ogle says

Question 3 of 10
What helped President Johnson get civil rights legislation passed?
O A. He said Americans had talked enough about equality and needed
to act.
B. He said it would honor President Kennedy's memory.
C. He was from the South.
D. All of the above





After JFK's assassination, LBJ was pushed to pass the civil rights act to honor JFK. He is from Texas, so that could help him gain some support from southerners. He stated, "We have talked long enough in this country about equal rights. We have talked for one hundred years or more. It is time now to write the next chapter, and to write it in the books of law.” during his session with Congress.

The Johnson from the south to get the help to pass civil rights legislation, and said that Americans had spoke about equality and act it honors Kennedy's memory.

What is civil rights legislation?

Discrimination on the basis of race, religion, color, gender, or national origin is prohibited under the Civil Rights Act or legislation of 1964.

Discrimination on the basis of gender, as well as race, was prohibited in hiring, promoting, and dismissing under the provisions of this civil rights act.

The president Johnson from the south to get the help to pass civil rights legislation, by said that the Americans had talked enough about equality and needed to act.

He also said that it would honor President Kennedy's memory that belongs from the south.

Therefore, option d is correct.

To learn more about the legislation, refer to:


40 points
After being destroyed in World War II, what did Japan have that helped it recover from the devastation?
a sound economy
a great education system
tremendous wealth
unlimited natural resources

Please select the best answer from the choices provided




Great education system

What was the name of the largest city in the Mississippian Empire?
Cuzco Cahokia natchez




Cahokia was the largest and most influential urban settlement of the Mississippian culture.

1. Caracterize um Regime Totalitário. (1,0)

2. A Crise de 1929 atingiu vários países. Porém, um dos países abaixo não foi atingido. Assinale-o. (0,4)
( ) Inglaterra ( ) Brasil
( ) Argentina ( ) União Soviética

3. Sobre o NAZISMO: (0,3)
a) País: _____________________
b) Líder: _______________________________
c) Livro da doutrina nazista: _________________

4. Sobre o FASCISMO: (0,2)
a) País: _______________________
b) Líder: _______________________________

5. Em 1929 o país mergulhou em uma terrível crise econômica que se espalhou por vários países do mundo, estamos nos referindo: (0,5)
(a) A França (b) A Inglaterra
(c) Aos EUA (d) A Itália

6. “New Deal” foi o nome pelo qual ficou conhecido o programa inspirado nas ideias do economista John Keynes que tinha como objetivo: (0,5)
(a) superar a crise (b) aumentar os impostos
(c) diminuir a pobreza (d) criar novos empregos

7. Hitler declarava que os judeus faziam parte de uma raça inferior, sendo capazes de corromper e destruir a pureza alemã. Os casamentos entre judeus e alemães deveriam ser proibidos e os judeus aniquilados, estamos falando: (0,5)
(a) do expansionismo (b) do antissemitismo
(c) do Nazismo (d) do Maxíssimo

8. Quando começou efetivamente a II Guerra Mundial? E quando terminou? (0,5)

9. Uma das causas que levaram o acontecer da guerra foi o desrespeito do Tratado de Versalhes por parte da Alemanha. Essa afirmação é verdadeira ou falsa? (0,3)
( ) Verdadeira ( ) Falsa

10. Quem comandava a Alemanha no período da guerra? (0,4)
( ) Adolf Hitler ( ) Sebastian Puhr
( ) Czar Nicolau II ( ) Benito Mussolini

11. Na segunda guerra mundial formaram-se dois blocos de países envolvidos na guerra, os "Países do Eixo" e os "Países Aliados", quais países estavam unidos no bloco "Países Aliados"? (0,5)
( ) URSS, EUA, Itália e Chile
( ) EUA, Canadá, França e Inglaterra
( ) Inglaterra, URSS e França

12. Quais países faziam parte do bloco "Países do Eixo", na sua formação inicial? (0,6)

13. Qual foi a batalha mais sangrenta da 2° guerra mundial? Quais países estavam envolvidos nesta batalha?
( ) Stalingrado; URSS e Alemanha (0,6)
( ) Leningrado; URSS e Japão

14. Em que ano o Brasil entrou na Guerra? Qual era o presidente do Brasil nesta época? Para qual bloco de países o Brasil se uniu? (0,6)
( ) 1941; Floriano Peixoto; Países do Eixo
( ) 1940; Castelo Branco; Países Aliados
( ) 1942; Getúlio Vargas; Países Aliados

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16. Em que país, a FEB (Força Expedicionária Brasileira) teve maior destaque com seus pracinhas em combate?
___________________ (0,5)

17. O fim do conflito foi marcado pela criação de uma organização responsável pela manutenção de paz entre os países em geral. Qual é o nome desta organização? (0,5)

18. Que grupo étnico foi principalmente afetado pelos nazistas? (0,5)

19. A invasão de que país desencadeou a segunda guerra mundial? _____________________ (0,5)

20. Qual dos Blocos foram os vencedores da segunda guerra mundial? (0,5)


Siksjdndnu hahahanskjsnnsjjk
Kksijsunnbdjwjkw thebenshjssbhjsiijsbdjsiwksndbbdjjdik

Good writing is enhanced by sentence emphasis and variety in what way?
A. Good writing really does not require these things.
B. Sentence emphasis and variety offer diversity to boring subjects.
C. A variety of sentence patterns can alleviate choppy writing that
halts and stops, create a more dynamic flow, and pique the
reader's interest.
D. None of the above



C. A variety of sentence patterns can alleviate choppy writing that  halts and stops, create a more dynamic flow, and pique the  reader's interest.


Good writing is when an author writes in a structured and logical manner. This pattern of writing shows or expresses the ideas in a free-flowing manner, with the move from one idea to the next done in a smooth, natural way.

Good writing is enhanced by sentence emphasis and a variety in the pattern of the sentences. This is because such sentence patterns can alleviate choppy or coarse writing, thereby reducing the sudden halts and stops while one reads through a text. Moreover, it helps create a more dynamic flow in the expression, attracting and increasing the interest of the readers.

Thus, the correct answer is option C.

cương lĩnh chính trị đầu tiên của Đảng diễn ra vào ngày nào?



Cương lĩnh chính trị đầu tiên của Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam (2-1930) Cương lĩnh đầu tiên của Đảng được đề ra tại Hội nghị hợp nhất các tổ chức cộng sản trong nước có ý nghĩa như Đại hội để thành lập Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam.


How are fundamental rights helping homemakers life?



Fundamental rights of the European Union and international human rights.

Every person has fundamental rights.

They are rights that are stated in the Constitution of Finland.

They are basic values that are important for everyone.

The fundamental rights protect each person's freedom.

The government, municipalities or authorities may not take away a person's freedom.

An example of fundamental rights is that everyone has the right to life.

Everyone has the right to personal freedom and integrity.

Everyone has the freedom to move and to protect his or her private life.

Everyone has the freedom of speech and the freedom of taking part in meetings and being a member of an association.

Everyone's property is protected.

This means that you cannot take or destroy things that belong to an

other person.

The fundamental rights include economic rights, social rights and cultural rights.

Examples of these are the right to work and social security and the right to education.

The Constitution also protects equality.

The Constitution contains the right to take part in elections.

The Constitution gives every Finnish citizen the right to use his or her own language.

The Constitution also protects the environment.

Every Finnish person has legal protection.

It means that the laws protect their rights.

The European Union has a Charter of Fundamental Rights.

What impact do third parties and their candidates have on U.S. politics?



Negligible most of the time, or being able to flip a major party's success at best.


The United States is known to be using a mostly 2 party system ever since the nation was created. The current two major parties are the Republican Party and the Democratic Party, and currently are the only two that actually win presidential elections. At best, the the largest third party (Independents) have seats within Congress, but never have they actually have a representative elected as president.

However, note what I stated at the end of the answer. Third party representatives within the US government is essential to be won over especially when trying to pass controversial party-aligned bills that may not garner support from the opposition. In cases like these, the major parties would try to appease the third parties in order to flip the majority vote to their side. In this case, they play an important role in influencing the US politics, but in any other cases, they are merely representative at best.


Which of the following characterizes child labor in the 1800s?
Children who worked hard had the opportunity to get promoted.
Children performed physical labor after school each day.
Children performed physical labor for long hours each day.
Children had the opportunity to learn trade skills at work.



Children performed physical labor for long hours each day.


Children were often overlooked by Overseers and paid less than adults

Mandatory education was not in effect until around the 1900s

Children did have opportunities to have apprenticeships in farms, but they could only start at around the age of 14.


Option C


i did the unit test review on edge!

Provide the information each Age of Reason thinker contributed to his time.
1. John Locke
2. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
3. Isaac Newton
4. Baron de Montesquieu
5. Cotton Mather



sorry I don't know the answer


John Locke: People have the right to challenge their government if it doesn’t protect the “natural rights” of life, liberty, and property

Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Society should be ruled by the “general will” of the people.

Isaac Newton: Discovered laws of gravity and motion that showed the natural world wasn’t controlled by spirits

Baron de Montesquieu: Power should not be concentrated in the hands of one individual

Cotton Mather: Advocated the use of science to immunize citizens against smallpox


10. Awareness of your peripheral space is essential for:
A. Backing/Parking
B. Turning
*C. Establishing lane position
D. All of the above
I need the correct answer


I believe its D all of the above:) you need it when turning left along with parking backing out and establishing lane position:) hope this helps!

Caitlin wants to determine if a tomato plant grows better in potting soil or dirt. Which of the following describes the best set up to conduct this type of investigation?


yhis i sao broke like


2 pots of the same size: one with 2 pounds of potting soil, one with 2 pounds of dirt, 2 tomato plants of the same size and type.


Hope it helped!

. ...................... river that originates in Himachal Pradesh reaches the Thar desert. Ganga Sindhu The Ghaggar​




What he said^………………………………..

Who was the main Military organizer of the revolt at Sobibor?



Leon Feldhendler


Alexander Perchersky

The English Channel is a(n) ______ between England and Europe.






small body of water connecting two bigger bodies of water


I think isthmus is correct.

Gathering of international delegates; headquartered in New York City. 

A. Statue of Liberty

B. United Nations

C. Gracie Mansion


the answer is United Nations
explanation- i answered this question already

Georgia's General Assembly is ________ meaning it is made up of two houses.



state legislature


What is patronage? A. Finding the perfect person for a job based on their skills B. Keeping people separated due to their race or gender C. Giving the oldest applicant the job D. Rewarding loyal political supporters with jobs or money



I think the answer is

D. rewarding loyal political supporters with jobs or money

Here's an example of patronage:

Patronage is customers or the financial support from customers or guests. An example of patronage is all of the customers at a deli. An example of patronage is money received by a hotel during a convention. ... Shopkeepers thanked Christmas shoppers for their patronage.


D.) Rewarding loyal political supporters with jobs or money


I got it correct on founders edtell

Can somebody help me



Scarcity leads to the idea of choice because it is important that people choose what they can satisfy or not. Scarcity makes it required that people make less of the other topic we left in an unsatisfied manner.


hope this helped! :)))

Financial compensation for a loss in a war, paid by the losing side, are called:
A. Recessions
B. Costs of defeat
C. Reparations
D. Deficits


The answer is reparations

Who was the leader of the socialist party of America?



thing called G****e loooooolol

Explain the meaning of the title of the novel A Man of The People.



The title of the book is drawn from what Chief Nanga (one of the character in the novel) was characterized by his people in the city and in his home village; he was known as A Man of The People.

need help with some history



The Roman Empire


Technically he wanted to re-establish Italy as a European power. but the Roman Empire is the closest thing

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