Which example reflects the proper way to capitalize the closing of a letter?
A.Yours Very Truly,
B.yours very truly,
C.Yours very truly,
D.Yours Very truly,


Answer 1




Y in Yours is capital

v and t in very and truly are not capital.

Mark as brainliest ;)

Answer 2



A.YouWhich example reflects the proper way to capitalize the closing of a letter?

A.Yours Very Truly,

Related Questions

what pronoun defines what you are writing about:



Pronouns that introduce dependent clauses for instance (which are called relative pronouns), pronouns that turn back on themselves (which are called reflexive pronouns), pronouns that help us ask questions (interrogative pronouns) and pronouns that show ownership (which are possessive pronouns) - just to name a

What is the best thing that make you energetic?


Answer: adrenaline


a jolt of energy look it up

Write an essay using all the notes and giving reasons for your point of view. (140-190 words)

Some people say that young offenders should be sent to an army camp for a while instead of being sent for prison. Is this a good or a bad idea for young offenders?

Write about:
1. Being punished for a crime
2. Learning life skills
3. (your own idea)​


In this exercise, you have to write an essay giving your point of view about where young offenders should be sent.

An essay should have an introduction, a body where you state why you think what you think and a conclusion where you give the essay a closure and you reaffirm what you stated before.

In this case, you need to take into account writing about:

1. Being punished for a crime. You need to explain if you think the punishment should be being sent to an army camp or to prison. However, you can even discuss if punishment is okay or if there should be another penalization after a young person commits a crime. Since it is an opinion essay, you can decide what you want to say regarding this specific item.

2. Learning life skills. Here you might want to discuss what place is better to learn life skills or whether they are able to learn any life skills there or not, also, you can discuss how young offenders should learn life skills.

3. You have to write something that has not been said before in the essay about the topic. For example, you can tell your opinion regarding young offenders being in the same place as adult offenders who have been in prison for a long time.

In conclusion, it is up to you what you want to write in the essay but you need to be aware of the essay structure and also writing about what you are being asked.

You can find more information on how to write a good opinion essay in the following link https://brainly.com/question/23850825?referrer=searchResults

"Student life is not the proper time to do things. It is the time to ‘prepare’ for things to be done in future."

How does it sound??​



While I do get what you're trying to say, try rewording your sentences. For example, instead of saying "Student life is not the proper time to do things," you can use this: Being a student means that you can not focus on your interests and study for school assignments at the same time. You are, eventually, going to have to focus on one thing, either your interests, or school. As school keeps students busy with loads of assignments, tests, and exams that students can't find a proper time to do the things they want to do. (see how I used your sentences here?)

Try doing the same for your next sentence, and come back here!

What is the best revision of the error in sentence
[1] On her way home from practice, Rebekka
found a gold man's watch. [2] She wasn't sure
what to do. [3] There was no name engraved
on the back. [4] Looking at the gold links on
the band, the watch seemed to Rebekka to be
expensive. [5] She felt badly that someone
had lost such a nice watch.
"gold watch of a man"
"man's gold watch"
"man's watch of gold"



"man's gold watch"


just got it right.


first one is BAD

second one is MANS GOLD WATCH



just took it on edge lol (。_。)

BRAINLIEST + 50 pts!

Read these lines from the poem. They refer to the biblical story of Samson.

Upon the pillars of the temple laid

His desperate hands, and in its overthrow

Destroyed himself, and with him those who made

A cruel mockery of his sightless woe;

The poor, blind Slave, the scoff and jest of all,

Expired, and thousands perished in the fall!

In the Bible, God gives Samson immense physical strength. But Samson is tricked by evil people into losing his strength. The evil people capture Samson, blind him, and make him a slave. Samson asks God to give him strength once more so he can seek revenge on the evil people, and God does. Samson destroys their temple, killing many of them, and killing himself in the process. Longfellow compares the slaves in America to Samson.

How does this allusion affect the tone of the poem?

A. The poem sounds like a religious lecture or sermon, designed to inspire slaves to rise up against their masters.

B. The poem’s tone is stern, comparing slaves to the evil people who captured Samson.

C. The poem sounds like a caution that slavery does not only harm slaves, but may damage the entire country.

D. The poem’s tone is critical of slaves because they do not stand up for themselves the way Samson does.





slaves should stand up and fight for themselves and what is rightfully theirs meaning their rights

The poem seems like a religious lecture as well as a sermon, which is how the allusion makes slaves feel motivated to rebel against their owners. Thus, option A is appropriate.

An allusion is an instance of speech where an item or incident from a different context is subtly or indirectly referenced. It is typically referred to as a source when the author makes the relationship unambiguous.

A poem may allusively speak of someone, something, or another literary work. Allusions in poetry are typically inferred or indirect, and they are not always cited along with the work or actual event they allude to.

Thus, option A is correct.

Learn more about Allusion here:



What did Jim share with Hans?​



Hans Wolf and Jim Macpherson shared the cake Connie had baked. They talked about Bathsheba, Gabriel Oak, Sergeant Troy and Dorset. They even talked about the books they liked. They agreed about everything.

Where did they break their journey?​


Answer What Journey?


"the market value of a property is whatever a buyer is willing to pay for it." Is value the same as sales price?




True, "the market value of a property is whatever a buyer is willing to pay for it."

False,  Is value the same as sales price? value is what the market is such as when it is a buyers market or seller's market.


in a buyers market, sale price goes down

in a seller's market, the price goes up to whatever buyer is willing to pay

What would you say if you want to ask for the telephone number from someone? What kinds of document should be sent with the application form? Can you describe the process to apply for a position? What can make you feel stressful at work/ at school? What can you do to deal with stress at work? What do you like about shopping in a supermarket? What do you like about online shopping? What would you say if you want to know someone's number/ email address ? When you want to register for a new course, what kinds of information do you need to know? Why should companies encourage new ideas? The process of job applicationWhat kinds of documents should be sent with the job application form? Would you like to work for a multinational company or family-owned company? Why? What soft skills do you need to get a good job? Do you want to work for one company during your career? Why or why not?



My mobile is missing, kindly type my number and give a missed call.


My mobile is missing, kindly type my number and give a missed call. When my child is ill this will make me stressful at the work or at school. I can do gossip with my colleagues and drink a cup of tea. All the items are available at one place at the supermarket. Order anything at home is the thing I like about online shopping. I like to work for family-owned company because all the profit comes to the family and we can expand the business. Full knowledge about MS excel, power point and MS word as well full hold on the network of computer. Yes, I want to work for one company during my career if it provides me a good package because changing companies can make you to start from the beginning.

We inhale the oxygen correct grammar



We inhale oxygen.


We decided not to _______ on that road trip after all. It was too risky.
A. slip B. take C. try D. go


D is the correct answer

The correct answer is option D. go.

We decided not to go on that road trip after all. It was too risky.

What does it mean when someone says road trip?

A long trip was taken for pleasure or business in which the travel is on roads.

Why do people go on road trips?

Taking a road trip allows you to get off the beaten path and see actual communities and natural wonders, not just a train track or a view from 36,000 feet. Meandering through the countryside is a great way to relax and find out what it's really like to live in a particular area.

Learn more about Why do people go on road trips? here:  https://brainly.com/question/9535672


Though unrecognized by the government or employers, many unique holidays have special significance to people in the United States.
What is the most likely topic of the above sentence?


Holidays I believe is your answer

Write synonyms
I haven't gone to the gym since May



I have yet to go to the gym since May

I haven't gone to the workout center since May

Write a small story starting with the following lead sentences: She was standing in the park …



she was just standing near the beach park . I was a happy evening she was waiting for her friends after a long time when we will talk again


She was standing in the park waiting for her mom to get her an ice cream. Suddenly, someone pushed her from behind and she fell.


hope it helps

Curfews are silly and slow that don’t think I’m a responsible and mature person

Which audience would be most moved by this type of appeal


Teenagers, it seems, would be the most affected by this. Though it appears to be attempting to persuade or appeal to an older audience.

Read the sentence.
We waited for the school bus inside the museum for 30 minutes.
What is the best way to correct this sentence?



we waited for the school bus for 30 minute inside the museum.

We waited for the school bus for 30 minutes inside the museum.

When the man first learnt how to make a fire, he began to use fuel for the first time. The first fuel he
used was probably wood. As time passed, man (17) ………… discovered substances such as coal and oil.
Coal was used very widely as a (18) ………… of energy until the end of the 19th century. (19) …………
the coming of the industrial revolution, it was soon realized that production (20) ………… if coal was used
instead of wood. Nowadays, many of the huge factories and electricity generating stations would not be able
to function if there was no coal.
In the last forty or fifty years; (21) …………, the use of coal has declined. As a result, there (22) …………
changes in the coal industry. It is believed that more people would use coal if oil and gas were not readily
17. A. effectively B. locally C. eventually D. rapidly
18. A. form B. source C. supply D. consumer
19. A. As B. For C. With D. From
20. A. would double B. will double C. doubles D. had doubled
21. A. however B. therefore C. as a result D. as well as
22. A. are B. were C. will be D. have been



17) C

18) B

19) C

20) A

21) A

22) D

"Do they ever water these plants?" "No, they________ these plants." (never water, always water, ever water)
please help me to this problem..​


No they never water these plants .

And thanks for telling daksh to reply me



hlo Yei axa ...sunishma

If you were a principal and you had to hire some new teachers for your school, what qualities would you look for in a teacher? Explain what would make a good teacher.
Please give a good answer it doesn't have to be very long. The answer should just have very good points in them. ​


I a good teacher must:

love to teach;be a good learner, open to new knowledge that may upset or erode what he or she may have previously learned;make learning enjoyable for students- using different methods and tools, such as games, storytelling, challenges, experiments, "real-life" examples, riddles, etc.; be able to adapt to different students, learning technology and environments, and educational institutions;know about the subject matter he or she teaches;be able to learn by experience and by sharing with other teachers;use evaluations as a development tool for self and students- not as an instrument for punishmentconsider each failing student a challenge;help students become full members of the Knowledge Society- by developing their skills to learn and teach.



1. The teacher has to be loyal and trustworthy.

2. She/he should maintain a good bond with the children.

3. They should be always willing to help the kids

Which question will an adjective not answer about the word it modifies? A. What kind? B. How many? C. Which one? D. In what way?


The answer is D. In what way?

Rewrite each sentence using correct capitalization.

1. did sergeant brown congratulate ms. jones on her promotion?

2. a new musical plan was developed by professor harmon and mrs. smith. students told ms. green how much fun it was, and that they wanted to show mr. Samson how well they could perform.

3. during intermission, pres. green introduced mr. jim oliver to the audience.

4. did principal ruiz invite mayor johnson to the graduation ceremony, or did reverend robinson send the invitation?

5. officer hurst stood when judge williams entered the courtroom. sheriff brown also stood when the judge entered the room.


1. Did Sergeant Brown congratulate Ms. Jones on her promotion?

2. A new musical plan was developed by Professor Harmon and Mrs. Smith. Students told Ms. Green how much fun it was, and that they wanted to show Mr. Samson how well they could perform.

3. During intermission, Pres. Green introduced Mr. Jim Oliver to the audience.

4. Did Principal Ruiz invite Mayor Johnson to the graduation ceremony, or did Reverend Robinson send the invitation?

5. Officer Hurst stood when Judge Williams entered the courtroom. Sheriff Brown also stood when the judge entered the room.

1. Make a list of festivals that you celebrate. Then, share your list with your friends.​



The festival that I celebrate are as follows :

DashainTihar Holi ChristmasBudhajayanti Maghe sankranti ID etc


Hansik, Korean Traditional Food, is known to start and finish on the ground: slow, humble and vivid. The practice of fermenting vegetables, peppers and beans inside jars reveals their need to keep the land close. It exposes the secret behind the characteristic deep and complex flavor of ingredients.


Hansik is a korean festival we used to celebrate. It starts 105 days after Dongji(Water Solstice).

Hope it will be helpful!

1.​A. continent ​B. depend ​C. send ​D. pretend
2.​A. says ​B. prays ​C. plays ​D. days
3.​A. climate ​B. pride ​C. quit ​D. primary
4.​A. may ​B. can ​C. stay ​D. say
5.​A. boxes ​B. washes​ C. watches​ D. goes



1.   A

2.  A

3.  C

4.  B

5.  D


Change into indirect speech.Please anyone​



1 Ram told me that he wanted to spoke to me.

2 Gambhir said that he was reading a story.

3 Roshan told that they went away previous day.

4 Girls will told that they was very late.

5 People told that it was rain the day after tomorrow.


Gambhir said he was reading a story

how would a toxic friendship affect the physical well being of a teenager?


- physical bullying could leave visible marks
- toxic friends who compare them could make them insecure about their body
- can pressure them into substance abuse
- can leave them to cut themselves

These are a few possibilities that can happen. You can write the long answer yourself so there’s no risk of plagiarism. It’s good to write it yourself as while writing; you may think of more ideas to incorporate.

please help me this question



1. Have, traveled

2. lived

3. Did, free

4. have not seen

5. makes

6. have, checked

7. have not won

8. have asked

V. Use the words given in bold at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space. 1. ......parked cars usually get a ticket and are sometimes towed away. (legal) 2. The homemade ice-cream.....after it had been in the freezer for an hour. (hard) 3. He is so .....He can't make up his mind. (decide) 6. I enjoyed the book very much because it was so ......(read) 7. The traffic in the city is .....,especially in rush hours. (chaos) 8. ......houses are degraded more quickly than inhabited ones. (use) 9. We can look forward to a period of ......(prosper) 10. The teacher warned the children that if they......... again, they would be punished. (behave)​



1. Illegally

2. hardened

3. indecisive

6. readable (? not so sure on this one)

7. chaotic

8. Unused

9. prosperity

10. misbehaved


Let me know if you need an explanation, and for which numbers :)

Hope this helps!

Note: Blackpink in your area...

Buna, intrebarea aata e doar pt romanii din Uk:
Mama poate sa imi faca cont la Barclays chiar daca am 16 ani, fac in Septembrie 17.​



I dont understand


I don't Understand bro

4. What did Colonel Johnson want after the Marines won Mount Suribachi?




American forces invaded the island on February 19, 1945, and the ensuing Battle of Iwo Jima lasted for five weeks.

Other Questions
Which best explains why Georgia's budget is amended halfway through the year each year? What is the subject of the poem America? The length and width of a rectangle are in a 3 : 5 ratio. The perimeter of therectangle is 64. What are the length and width of the rectangle? I know you have to use the half life formula but I dont know how to use it could someone show how to find the solution step by step? Thank you Suppose that a competitive firm's marginal cost of producing output q (MC) is given by MC (q )equals6plus2 q. Assume that the market price (P) of the firm's product is $18 . What level of output (q) will the firm produce? The firm will produce nothing units of output. (Enter your response rounded to two decimal places.) Gii h pt :{ 2x-3y=1 {x+2y=4 291. Much of the hope for continued improvement of the economy lies in the projection of increasing consumer spending this year. . A. projection of increasing consumer spending B. projection of consumers increasing spending for C. projected consumer spending increase 37 D. consumer spending that is projected to increase E. increase in consumer spending that is projected for Complete the email with the vocabulary words. Graph: f(x) = 3/2 (2)x Step 1: Calculate the initial value of the function.f(0)= Find the value of x rounded to the nearest tenth. You are playing the Integer Game. The goal of the game is for the sum of the cards in your hand to be as close to zero as possible. Here are the cards in your hand,4-8 -32What is the current value of your hand? How many positive integers less than 100 are divisible by 7 but not divisible by 2, 3, 4, or 5? The national debt increases when:A. the government borrows money to fund programs.B. the government forces banks to lower interest rates.C. the government raises taxes while cutting spending.D. the government increases imports from other countries. Simplify. (x+y)/(x^2y)-(x-2y)/(xy^2) When developing an experiment design, which could a scientist take to improve the quality of the results? A state park charges an entrance fee based on the number of people in a vehicle. A car containing 2 people is charged $14, a car containing 4 people is charged $20, and a van containing 8 people is charged $32. solve please 14ab-8ad 2a Sphere A has a radius of 24 centimeters, and sphere Bhas a diameter of 42 centimeters. The radius of sphere A ismuided by what factor to produce the radius of sphere B2 Can some check this for me please HELP !!!!what is the area of this figure