Which fraction is greater than the fraction represented by the model?



Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:


Answer 2

It would be 7/16 because 3/8 is what is being shown. If you make them both have a common denominator then it would be 6/16.

Related Questions

Luisa and Rachelle are competing for employee of the month. It is the last week, and the employee who processes the most client accounts will win. Luisa processed 15 accounts Monday, 22 accounts Tuesday, and 17 accounts Wednesday. Rachelle processed 24 accounts Monday, 18 accounts Tuesday, and 11 accounts Wednesday. Who has processed the most accounts this week, and by how many



Luisa processed the most accounts this week, by 1.

Step-by-step explanation:


15 on Monday, 22 on Tuesday and 17 on Wednesday.

So a total of 15 + 22 + 17 = 54.


24 on Monday, 18 on Tuesday, 11 on Wednesday.

So a total of 24 + 18 + 11 = 53.

Who has processed the most accounts this week, and by how many?

54 - 53 = 1, so Luisa processed the most accounts this week, by 1.

How many degrees must the flyswatter pass through before it is horizontal?




Step-by-step explanation:

assuming it's upright and you swat it down it will go down by 90°

Nhà trường muốn đánh giá tỉ lệ chăm học của sinh viên (trong một tuần). Khảo sát 236 sinh viên thì thấy có 32 sinh viên chăm học. Hãy ước lượng khoảng đối xứng cho tỉ lệ sinh viên chăm học của trường với độ tin cậy 95%



can't understand the language

The radius of a circle is increasing at the rate of 0.1 cm/sec. At what rate is the area
increasing at the instance when r=5cm?​




Step-by-step explanation:

A=pi*r^2, differentiate with respect to t both sides



dA/dt=pi=3.1416 cm^2/sec

Step-by-step explanation:

since the user is listed as beginner, I was wondering, if (while correct) the answer should be based on differentiation (rather advanced topic).

I thought originally this would be about sequences.

and I wondered about the start value.

in any case, here a different view.

the area of a circle is

Ac old = pi × r²

now, r is increasing by 0.1

Ac new = pi×(r+0.1)² = pi×(r² + 0.2r + 0.01) =

= pi×r² + pi×0.2r + pi×0.01 =

= Ac old + pi×0.2r + pi×0.01

so, the increase of the area is

pi×0.2r + pi×0.01

for r=5

pi×0.2×5 + pi×0.01

pi×1 + pi×0.01 = pi + p×0.01 = pi×(1 + 0.01) =

= pi×(1 + (radius change)²)

now, it depends on what your teacher wants to see here.

a "digital stair case" 0.1 by 0.1 increase/sequence approach ?

in this case you might also want to calculate the above with r=4.9 (as only with the last 0.1 step r reaches 5).

and either the r=4.9 (result a tiny bit less than pi) or r=5 (result a tiny bit larger than pi) is correct, of simply the value in the middle (practically pi).

or it was meant to be a continuous increase (not step by step).

in which case we need then to calculate the limit with "radius change" going to 0. which delivers pi as rate result (as with the differentiation).

find lub and glb of the following set E={0.2, 0.23, 0.234, 0.2343, 0.23434, 0.234343,.....}​


The lub is 0.23[tex]\mathbf{\overline{43}}[/tex], while the glb is 0.2

The given set is presented as follows;

E = {0.2, 0.23, 0.234, 0.2343, 0.23434, 0.234343,...}

The least upper bound, lub, of a set, E, is known as the supremum of the set which is the number B such that all x ∈ E are of the value x  ≤ B, while there all y ∈ E has a x ∈ E such that t < x


The supremum, lub of the given set is 0.23[tex]\overline{43}[/tex]

The greatest lower bound, glb, b, also known as the infimum, is defined as follows;

b is the greatest lower bound if for all xE then x ≥ b

Given that b < t, then where x ∈ E, there exist a x < t

The glb of the given set is 0.2

Learn more about lub, supremum, glb, infimum, here;


Which function has a domain and range that includes all real values?



the third one

the line extends in both ways forever

the perimeter of a square is less than or equal to 50 find the range of the value of the length of the square​



12.5  ≥ s >0

Step-by-step explanation:

The perimeter of a square is given by

P = 4s where s is the side length

50 ≥ 4s

Divide each side by 4

50/4 ≥ 4s/4

25/2  ≥ s

12.5  ≥ s

Complete the remainder


the answer is -14, plug in -3 for x.


-14 is the answer for the second term (?)

What is the end behavior of the function f(x)=54x2?


9514 1404 393


  as x → ±∞, f(x) → ∞

Step-by-step explanation:

The function is of even degree, so the end behavior is the same for x → ±∞. The leading coefficient is positive, so the end behavior is f(x) → +∞.

If a house is worth $125,000 and depreciates by 7.5% per year, how much is it worth in two years



Solution given;

principal [P]=$125,000

depreciated rate[R]=7.5%

time[t]=2 years

worth price of house [A]=???

we have

Worth price[A]=[tex]\large \bold P(1-\frac{R}{100})^{t}[/tex]





its worth price is $106953.125

What is the value of |-6|-|6| -(-6)




Step-by-step explanation:

Solve the absolutes: |-6| becomes 6

and |6| doesn't change and still is 6

Substitute: 6-6-(-6)

- * - = +

6-6+6 = 6

If DF =61 and EF = 18 find DE


Answer: DE = 79


Here, we need to know the idea of segment addition postulate.

The Segment Addition Postulate states that given 2 points A and C, a third point B lies on the line segment AC if and only if the distances between the points satisfy the equation AB + BC = AC.

If you are still confused, you may refer to the attachment below for a graphical explanation or tell me.


**Disclaimer** I assume that points D, E, F are collinear, thus they would form a segment and F would be the point between D and E. If it was, you may refer to my answers. If it was not, you may tell me and I will redo it.

Given information

DF = 61

EF = 18

Given expression deducted from the segment addition postulate

DE = DF + EF

Substitute values into the expression

DE = (61) + (18)

Simplify by addition


Hope this helps!! :)

Please let me know if you have any questions

A Circuit has a 5000 V power supply(AC), A load resistance of 4 ohms and open switch how much Current will flow in a circuit as it is ?



1250 amps

Step-by-step explanation:

V = 5000 V

R = 4 ohms

Use ohms law: V = IR

5000 =I(4)

I = 1250 amps

Amy works 40 hours a week and gets paid 15.50 an hour. Tom works 40 hours a week and gets paid 10 an hour. How much does Amy earn per week? How much does Tom get pay for week?


9514 1404 393


  Amy: $620

  Tom: $400

Step-by-step explanation:

The pay for 40 hours (1 week) is 40 times the pay for 1 hour:

  Amy: 40 × $15.50 = $620 . . . . Amy's pay for 1 week

  Tom: 40 × $10.00 = $400 . . . . Tom's pay for 1 week

if a stone is dropped from a cliff that is 122.5m high then its height in meters after t seconds is h=122.5-4.9t^2. find its velocity after 2s



Step-by-step explanation:

Let t = 2

h = 122.5 - 4.9·2² = 122.5-19.6 = 102.9

what song goes whoooooo Iiiiii smoooooooooke ​



Lol yu lateee das "who i smoke by yung ace"

Step-by-step explanation:


woogle said woo hoo  by rock a teens

Step-by-step explanation:

If ‘BOXES’ is OBXSE, then BOARD is


9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

The first two letters are swapped, and the last two letters are swapped.

  BOARD . . . becomes


allowing 20% discount on the marked price of a watch, the value of the watch will be rs 6328, when a VAT of 13% is added find it's marked price​


Step-by-step explanation:

let , MP =x


discount amount =D% of MP

= (20/100)× x

= 0.2x

now,Sp without VAT = MP-D

=x - 0.2x

= 0.8x

NoW, SP with VAT = Sp without VAT+ VAT %of SP

or ,6328 = 0.8x + 13% of 0.8x

or, 6328 = 0.8x + (13/100) × 0.8x

or, 6328= 0.8x + 0.104x

or,. 6328= 0.904x

or, X= 6328/0.904

X= 7000 Rs.

Hence ,MP is Rs.7000

The perimeter of a rectangular parking lot is 318m. If the width of the parking lot is 61m what is the length



98 meters

Step-by-step explanation:

Simplify each side of the equation:

318 = 2(61+x)

318= (2)(61) + (2)(x)

318= 122 + 2x

Flip the equation:

2x + 122 = 318

Subtract 122 from each side:

2x + 122 − 122 = 318 − 122

2x = 196

Divide both sides by 2:

2x/2 = 196/2

x = 98

What is the x-coordinate of the point of intersection for the two lines below?
-6 + 8y = -6
7x -10y = 9

Answer choices
1.) -6
2.) -3
3.) 3
4.) 7




Step-by-step explanation:

Select all correct answers
What are the solution to this equation


Correct options are -10 and 10

-7 + (-10² - 19)³/⁴ = 20

-7 + (100 - 19)^3/4 = 20

-7 + (81)^3/4 = 20

-7 + 27 = 20

20 = 20


-7 + (10² - 19)^3/4 = 20

-7 + (100 - 19)^3/4 = 20

-7 + (81)^3/4 = 20

-7 + 27 = 20

20 = 20


Rest options are incorrect

Answered by Gauthmath must click thanks and mark brainliest


B and C, so 10 and -10

Step-by-step explanation:

Question 7 of 10
What is the slope of the line described by the equation below?
y-9 = -2(x-8)



The slope is -2 and a point on the line is (8,9)

Step-by-step explanation:

The equation is in point slope form

y -y1 = m(x-x1) where (x1,y1) is a point on the line and m is the slope

y-9 = -2(x-8)

The slope is -2 and a point on the line is (8,9)

Five subtracted from seven times a number is 9. What is the number?

A) Translate the statement above into an equation that you can solve to answer this question. Do not solve it yet. Use
as your variable.

The equation is _____________

B) Solve your equation in part [A] for




Step-by-step explanation:







I could be wrong an misunderstood the entire thing, however I can reassure you 18 is not the answer as the question states “Five subtracted from seven times a number is 9”, therefore the final answer in part A) needs to equal 9.


Alan needs a total of $370 to buy a new bicycle. He has $40 saved. He earns $15 each week delivering newspapers. How many weeks will Alan have to deliver papers to have enough money to buy the bicycle?




22 weeks

Step-by-step explanation:

Let Suppose if weeks is x

So if we count it:

$40 + $15x = $370

$15x = $330

x = 22 weeks

So, Alan needs 22 weeks to have enough money to buy the new bicycle

He needs to deliver for 25 weeks more to have enough. Sooo is it right cuz I worked hard on it.

the difference between a number and 6


Step-by-step explanation:

=The difference between a number and 6

the term difference is used in mathmatics as subtraction

let x = a number

x - 6 = the difference between that unknown number and 6


Step-by-step explanation:

difference means subtract. Difference is always worded the same way. What you have written means that you start with an algebraic letter and then comes the minus sign and then the number

Let the number = x

x - 6

If it was worded as difference between 6 and a number, you would write it this way

6 - x

A normal distribution has a mean of 20 and a standard deviation of 4. Determine the z-score for the data value of 42.



Z = (42-20)/4 = 5.5

Z = X-μ / σ

Step-by-step explanation:

The z-score for the data value of 42 is 5.5.

What is a z-score?

A z-score is defined as the fractional representation of data point to the mean using standard deviations.

Formula of z-score = (X - μ) / σ


μ = 20

σ = 4

X = 42

z-score = (X - μ) / σ

Substitute the values,

z-score =  (42-20)/4

z-score = 22/4

z-score =  5.5

Hence, the z-score for the data value of 42 is 5.5.

Learn more about z-score here:



Which point on the x-axis lies on the line that passes
through point C and is parallel to line AB?
5 4
O (1,0)
O (1, 1)
0 (0, 2)
O (20)
2 3
4 5


I think it's (2,0).

Because u use the slope of line AB to go down from point C until one of the answers are met.

The point on the x-axis that will make the line that passes through point C parallel to line AB is: D. (2, 0).

Slope of Parallel LinesTwo lines on a coordinate plane are parallel to each other if they have the same slope.Slope = change in y/change in x.

Slope of AB = -(3/6)

Slope of AB = -1/2

Slope of from point (2, 0) to point C(-2, 2):

Slope = (2 - 0)/(-2 - 2) = 2/-4

Slope = -1/2

Therefore, the point on the x-axis that will make the line that passes through point C parallel to line AB is: D. (2, 0).

Learn more about slope of parallel lines on:


Select the correct answer.plz answer fast due at 11:59
What is the solution for x in the equation?

-4 + 5x − 7 = 10 + 3x − 2x

A. x=4/13

B. x=13/4

C. x=4/21

D. x=21/4


Question: -4 + 5x -7 = 10 + 3x -2x

⇒ 5x -11 = 10 + x

⇒ 5x - x = 10+11

⇒ 4x = 21

⇒ x = 21/4

Answer is Option D

x = 21/4

Must click thanks and mark brainliest

Pete receives a weekly allowance for doing chores around the
house. Pete saves his money for 17 weeks. After 17 weeks, he
saves $187. How much money does Pete get for his allowance
each week


9514 1404 393


  A.  $11 per week

Step-by-step explanation:

  $187 = (17)(weekly allowance) . . . . . Pete's savings after 17 weeks

  weekly allowance = $187/17 = $11 . . . . . divide by 17

Pete gets $11 each week.

Answer:11 per week

Step-by-step explanation:I did the test

The probability distribution of a random variable X is given. x 1 2 3 4 P(X = x) 0.4 0.1 0.3 0.2 Compute the mean, variance, and standard deviation of X. (Round your answers to two decimal places.) mean variance standard deviation



[tex]E(X) = \displaystyle \sum_{x\in\{1,2,3,4\}}x\,P(X=x) = 1\times0.4 + 2\times0.1 + 3\times0.3 + 4\times0.2 = \boxed{2.3}[/tex]


[tex]\displaystyle V(X) = E\left((X-E(X))^2\right) = E(X^2) - E(X)^2 \\\\ E(X^2) = \sum_{x\in\{1,2,3,4\}}x^2\,P(X=x) = 1^2\times0.4 + 2^2\times0.1 + 3^2\times0.3 + 4^2\times0.2 = 6.7 \\\\ \implies V(X) = 6.7 - 2.3^2 = \boxed{1.41}[/tex]

Standard deviation:

[tex]\sigma_X = \sqrt{V(X)} = \sqrt{1.41} \approx \boxed{1.19}[/tex]

Other Questions
At a large Midwestern university, a simple random sample of 100 entering freshmen in 1993 found that 20 of the sampled freshmen finished in the bottom third of their high school class. Admission standards at the university were tightened in 1995. In 1997, a simple random sample of 100 entering freshmen found that only 10 finished in the bottom third of their high school class. Let p 1 and p 2 be the proportions of all entering freshmen in 1993 and 1997, respectively, who graduated in the bottom third of their high school class. What is a 90% plus four confidence interval for p 1 p 2? Execise III: Rewrite the sentences using the words given1. Dorothy has just watered the flowers. (two minutes ago)_________________________________________________________________________2. We didnt get ready for the party. (yet)_________________________________________________________________________3. She has already done the washing up. (an hour ago)_________________________________________________________________________4. Have you ever visited an orphanage? (last year)_________________________________________________________________________5. Uncle Tom took me to the school today. (already)_________________________________________________________________________6. Haven't you put on your jacket yet? (in the morning)_________________________________________________________________________7. Susan didn't spend her summer in Italy last year. (never)_________________________________________________________________________8. The children didn't return back from the school. (yet)_________________________________________________________________________ 1In paragraph 1, what do the different ratnames mainly show?A. Rats are the largest type of rodent.B. There are many opinions about rats.C. There is little reason to be afraidof rats.D. Rats can live in a variety ofenvironments. Write a paradraph of travelling on anather places. What is it called when an economic player avoids a choice because the opportunity cost is too high?A. positive incentiveB. trade-offC. rational decisionD. negative incentive Is someone who is xenophobic considered racist? divide 5/6 and 1/12!! Elena drank 3 liters of water yesterday. Jada drank 3/4 times as much water as elena. Link drank twice as much as Jada. Did jada drink more or less then elena? Explain how you know write any six importance of social tradition and custom Solve the formula for the given variable.-2x - 6 = 4xPlease helppp Which of the following sets represent D E? {2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 15} {2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 15, 20} {10, 20} {3, 7, 9, 11} Which type of map shows information on specific topics, such as land use,climate, or vegetation?Special-purpose MapPhysical MapPolitical Map ngha ca cng nghip ha trong thi k i mi What is the volume of the sphere below PLEASE HELP FAST Finding InversesFind an equation for the inve3.y = 3x + 2 A car is driving towards an intersection when the light turns red. The brakes apply a constant force of 1,398 newtons to bring the car to a complete stop in 25 meters. If the weight of the car is 4,729 newtons, how fast was the car going initially IV. Complete the passage below using the correct forms of the words in brackets.SECURITYPeople are becoming more security conscious these days. Crimes like burglary and(1.THIEF)are definitely on the increase. One of the most (2. PAIN)experiences a home (3. OWN)can have is to arrive home and find that his or her (4.VALUE)have disappeared, because a window had (5. ACCIDENT)beenleft open. What can we do to protect ourselves?The most important piece of (6. ADVISORY)is to make sure that your (7.INSURE)coverage is up to date. Another (8. SENSE)thing to do is to goalong to your local police station, where they will be more than willing to make (9. SUGGEST)on (10. RELY)ways of safeguarding your property. 4. Part of the reason why individuals have stereotypes and prejudices toward out-group members is based on how the human brain is wired due to strategies that were evolutionarily adaptive for human ancestors, as well as the motivation to fulfill fundamental human needs. Briefly elaborate on three concepts/terms that are consistent with this perspective. In the story a voyage to the Moon by Edgar Allan Poe what does the word deliberation mean State two similarities and one difference between the graphs of f(x)= 3^x and g (x)= (1/3) ^x