Which is an example of the study of physics and the human body?

determining the optimum resting heart rate
testing the impact of a car crash on the body
calculating how to beat an existing sports record
training warehouse workers on how to properly move boxes


Answer 1


B, Your testing the physics on how the car impacts the person and how fast it impacts the person and how much damage it does to it, and in order to have impact on a human you need physics and force to do so.

Related Questions

Why is flexibility important in living a healthy and fit life?

It improves endurance and muscle strength.

It reduces risks related to high cholesterol rates.

It reduces the damage to the heart and lungs through inactivity.

It allows limbs to move through a full range of motion.


I believe the answer is “it allows limbs to move through a full range of motion”. Flexibility helps the limbs to move through an unrestricted, pain free range of motion.

what ideology was the big winner of the 2oth century?​





it comprehensively defeated and overwhelmed its antagonist, fascism, and communism, and absorbed its rival, conservatism

not 100% sure

hope it helped :]

What terms are used to describe the orientation of body parts and regions?



Same as her answer. Hope it helps.

Resilience involves protective and recovery factors found within:
Select one:
a. Individual family members
b. The family system
c. The community
d. All of the above



D. all of the above


Analyze the cost and accessibility of local health care services, including dental care. (8 points)



Low cost and more accessibility.


The cost and accessibility of local health care services, including dental care less and more accessible for the poor people of the society. The local health care services provides good health services on the lower cost which make it more accessible for the people present near to it. The cost on the health services are lower due to funding of government to these local health services so it is more accessible for the population living at that location.


A. Location and travel time to the nereast emegazie room: womans hostpittle 1.7 miles away. Location and travel time to the nearst after hour clinics. Michael E. De Bakey Va medicene2.2 miles away. Location and travel time to the neareast general practitioners office: Ben taub hospital 2.1 miles away. Location of and travel time to the nearst dentist office: castle dentest 0.9 miels away. Physicans cost for a visit with flu-like symptoms (without insurence): 68$. Phiscans cost for a routine chekup including blood tests (without insherance): 49$. Emergencey room charge for asthma attack treatment (or similar, without insurance):1233$. Dentist charge for a theeth cleaning ( Without icerance): 82$. Dentist cha rge for a ruteen cheek up without incerance: 44$. Dentis charge for filling a cavity(or simaller , without insureanc): 50$B. by having haelth insureance a persones health will be far better than were they not to have health insureance. This is because with health insurance you can get all the benifts of dentists docters chekkups and visits without having to worry aboute whether you can afford it.


You and a coworker seem to have a hard time seeing eye - to - eye on a number of different things . Today , she does something that makes you especially angry . What should you do? a) Tell your boss that you can't work with her anymore . b) Talk to your coworkers about how much she is driving you crazy. c) Scream at her that you've had enough of her behavior. d ) Walk away until you can speak with her calmly about the issues you have been having


D WALK away until you an speak with her calmly about the issues
D would be the answer

Introduction to Medical Laboratory Science is a basic course that equips the student with
the most essential knowledge and skill pertaining to medical laboratories such as:​




• Importance of laboratory services;

•  Role of medical laboratory technologist;

•  Use of laboratory wares, instruments and sterilization


• Prevention and control of laboratory accidents and;

• Institution of quality control system.  

What successes and challenges did you face with your original schedule? How are your scheduling changes going to help you overcome those challenges?



Challenges with my original schedule is being too busy with my schoolwork, meaning I have no spare time to read books, not being able to see or visit friends or family, no time to relax or practice self care.

To overcome those challenges:

I will limit my study time. I will try to make time to talk to friends and family that I care about and means the most to me. I will try to make time to relax and have some fun.


Time management is key.

Accidental handball that leads to a team-mate scoring a goal or creating a goal-scoring opportunity will no
longer be considered an offence. True or False?



the answer to this is true

1.Explain the value of completing and monitoring personal progress using fitness assessments.

2. What is one specific way that you have influenced or will influence someone’s health in a positive way?


When completing and monitoring personal progress using fitness assessments, it allows you to monitor your health and allows you to become more healthy. Completing and monitoring personal progress is important especially when exercising the body and mind.

I have influenced my best friend in taking part of taking care of herself by influencing her to eat more healthy foods and walk around the neighborhood thrice a week or so.

pls help. brain if correct



none of above


correct me if wrong brainlist pls                                                                        

Mr. Wendt suffers from diabetes which has gotten progressively worse during the last year. He is currently enrolled in Original Medicare (Parts A and B) and a Part D prescription drug plan and did not enroll in a Medicare Advantage (MA) plan during the last annual open enrollment period (AEP) which has just closed. Mr. Wendt has heard certain MA plans might provide him with more specialized coverage for his diabetes and wants to know if he must wait until the next annual open enrollment period (AEP) before enrolling in such a plan. What should you tell him?




If there is a special needs plan (SNP) in Mr. Wendt’s area that specializes in caring for individuals with diabetes, he may enroll in the SNP at any time under a special election period (SEP)



If there is a special needs plan (SNP) in Mr. Wendt’s area that specializes in caring for individuals with diabetes, he may enroll in the SNP at any time under a special election period (SEP)


List 25 healthful foods to meet the requirements of a healthy nutrition plan?



you would need fat, fiber, protein

Chicken avocado olive oil bread beans peas cucumber potatoes yogurt milk strawberries fruits in general alongside meats such as fish, beef, etc just list healthy food your mom would give you to help you grow


Select the correct answer.
Which practice contributes the most to land pollution?
O A disposal of industrial wastes and household garbage
eating unhealthy food for convenience
Oc driving instead of using public transportation
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Which practice contributes the most to land pollution?

O A disposal of industrial wastes and household garbage

what is the most important way to prevent a foodbourne ilness from viruses



2 The most important way to prevent foodborne illnesses caused by viruses is to control time and temperature.

clean, separate, cook, chill, and report.

what role can we play to provide health education to the community?​


Health education programs help empower individuals and communities to live healthier lives by improving their physical, mental, emotional and social health by increasing their knowledge and influencing their attitudes about caring for their well-being.
As the definition of health education suggests, the primary role of the health education specialist is to facilitate the learning process and help the individual or community to make informed decisions about health/ disease issues.

Explain the various aspect of health,population and environment with the help of diagram.



The following factors  play a role in health, population, and the environment:

Physicalbiologicalsocialeconomicscience and technologypoliticalpsychological factors

Physical factorsIncludes both natural and man-made resources. The state of physical resources has an impact on various aspects of health and population. Good food and health facilities are generated by the availability of various physical facilities. Similarly, it draws people and causes population concentration, increasing the population density of a specific location.

Biological factorsBiological resources provide foods, plants, and animals. Human health benefits from good biological resources, and smart utilization of biological elements or resources protects human health.

Social factorsEvery individual in society has their own set of social values and conventions. Unmanaged garbage during festivals pollutes the environment and transmits diseases that are harmful to one's health. However, some social rules help to protect environmental resources, which improves people's health.

Economic factorsThe country's economic situation has an impact on health and the environment. People utilize a lot of environmental resources to meet their requirements when a country's economy is weak, which damages health and the environment. However, investments in environmental resource protection help to improve the nation's health.

Technology and science factorsThe advancement of science and technology has had an impact on various fields. Many ailments can be easily treated with its assistance, which promotes health. With its role, the ecosystem is also conserved. However, pollution of the environment can occur as a result of industrialisation and other factors, which has a severe impact on environmental resources and human health.

Political factorsThe country's political status has an impact on health, population, and the environment. The various rules and regulations aid in the preservation of biological resources while also improving health and the environment. Likewise, political plans and programs increase health and other physical amenities, hence improving the general public's health.

Psychological factorsThe psychological side of health, population, and environment is linked to people's thinking, understanding, and so on. The environment will be preserved if people use natural resources responsibly. Our environment can be clean, and our health, as well as the health of all living things, can improve.


the same is depicted in the diagram below:

learn more about health, population, environment here:



Raymond Cattell's Personality Factor Questionnaire can be used to

A. predict an individual's behavior.
B. define a person's heredity.
C. determine how stable a person is.
D. measure a person's behavior.


The answer is A - predict an individual’s behavior.
Hope it helps <3

You and a coworker seem to have a hard time seeing eye - to - eye on a number of different things . Today , she does something that makes you especially angry . What should you do? a) Tell your boss that you can't work with her anymore . b) Talk to your coworkers about how much she is driving you crazy. c) Scream at her that you've had enough of her behavior. d ) Walk away until you can speak with her calmly about the issues you have been having



d ) Walk away until you can speak with her calmly about the issues you have been having


If you walk away and calm down for a bit, you will be less angry and less likely to yell or get upset.


Walk away until you can speak with her calmly about the issues you have been having


Which term refers to the principles of mechanics and motion that can be applied to human performance?



Biomechanics refers to the.........




I took the test.

A mental struggle coming from opposing demands or struggles is:
A. Schizophrenia
B. Depression
C. External conflict
D. Internal conflict



External conflict


A mental struggle coming from opposing demands or struggles is :- = External conflict .

Hope it is helpful to you

stay safe healthy and happy ☺️

I think the answer is C (External conflict)

If someone cannot speak or use and alternative communication it’s nearly impossible to discover his or her preferences regarding personal care routines



Well unless they are unconscious, then that would be false. If they are unconscious, then they wouldn't even have a facial reaction to their personal care, if they are unable to give any type of facial movement or bodily function, then the statement would be true.


A trainer has a client request their records how must that request be made


Answer: Face to Face

Answer: face to face

Identify specific resources where you can get valid and reliable health information and/or services.​


Food websites ending in .gov or in food shelter where they can give you more information

One hour and five minutes of advance care planning would be reported with two codes. One of those codes is _____.



99497 and 99498


99497: Advance care planning including the explanation and discussion of advance directives such as standard forms with completion of such forms, when performed), by the physician or other qualified health professional; first 30 minutes, face- to-face with the patient, family member(s) and/or surrogate.

99498: Each additional 30 minutes (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure.)

Which does body mass index (BMI) measure?



body fatness


Body mass index is a value derived from the mass and height of a person. The BMI is defined as the body mass divided by the square of the body height, and is expressed in units of kg/m², resulting from mass in kilograms and height in metres.

So, a high BMI indicates high body fatness, and a low BMI might indicate thinness.

Hope this helps!

On psychiatric units the most frequent victims are



On psychiatric units the most frequent victims are nurses.

They are nurses I think

which is a source of land population





What does a chest compression feedback device monitor



the devices can monitor CPR quality regarding rate, depth, and chest recoil and provide real-time feedback to rescuers.

A chest compression feedback device is a tool that is used in the monitoring the quality of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

The quality of CPR regarding the depth, rate, and chest recoil are monitored. The device also provides corrective feedback to the rescuers

CPR is simply the lifesaving technique that is done when a person stops breathing and it keeps both oxygen and blood to flow through the body.

In conclusion, the chest compression feedback devices monitor "CPR quality regarding chest recoil, rate and depth".

If healthcare provider suspect trafficking they should



Mandated Reporting

If you believe you may have information about a trafficking situation: Call the National Human Trafficking Hotline toll-free hotline at 888-373-7888. Anti-Trafficking Hotline Advocates are available 24/7 to take reports of potential human trafficking.Feb 27, 2020

https://www.franciscanhealth.org › ...

Healthcare Workers: Understand 

If you believe you may have information about a trafficking situation: Call the National Human Trafficking Hotline toll-free hotline at 888-373-7888.
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