Which is the best definition of directional selection?
a process by which two species can no longer reproduce
a process by which one of the extreme variations of a trait is favored
a process by which individuals with either extreme of a trait are favored
a process by which average individuals in a population are favored


Answer 1


B. a process by which one of the extreme variations of a trait is favored


The graph for this type of selection looks sort of like a camel's hump. With that being said, the phenotype of a population experiencing directional selection goes from one extreme to the other. Reference the evolution of the peppered moth during the Industrial Age as an example.

Sincerely hope this helps! God bless!
Answer 2

A process by which one of the extreme variations of a trait is favored best describes the directional selection. Therefore, option (B) is correct.

What do you mean by directional selection?

Directional selection is a negative natural selection mode in which an extreme phenotype is preferred over other phenotypes, causing the allele frequency to shift over time in that phenotype's favor.

Fossil evidence suggests that while the size of European black bears decreased during interglacial periods of the ice ages, it increased during each glacial period. This is an example of directional selection. A further illustration is the size of a population of finches' beaks.

The behavioral trait in question experiences a concentration of increasing alleles in the line selected in the upward direction and a concentration of decreasing alleles in the line selected in the downward direction.

Learn more about directional selection:



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All of the following are examples of geological features EXCEPT


The correct answer is bridges.

Answer:   The correct answer is bridges

Explanation:  Confirmed correct

After nervous stimulation stops, calcium ions returning to the sarcoplasmic reticulum prevent ACh in the synaptic cleft from continuing to stimulate contraction True False





Neurotransmitter release occurs from the nervous terminal or varicosities in the neuronal axon. When an action potential reaches the nervous terminal, the neurotransmitter is released by exocytose. The molecule binds to its receptor in the postsynaptic neuron, triggering an answer. As long as the signal molecule is in the synaptic space, it keeps linking to its receptor and causing a postsynaptic response. To stop this process the neurotransmitter must be taken out from the synaptic space. There are two mechanisms by which the neurotransmitter can be eliminated:

Enzymatic degradation/deactivation: There are specific enzymes in the synaptic space, which are in charge of inactivating the neurotransmitter by breaking or degrading it. The enzyme acetylcholinesterase prevents ACh from continuing to stimulate contraction.

Reuptake: Receptors located in the presynaptic membrane can capture de molecule to store it back in new vesicles for posterior use. These transporters are active transport proteins that easily recognize the neurotransmitter.  

Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu. Study the graphs, and then complete the passage. An anomaly in global temperature is a deviation from what is normal or expected. The graph shows that global atmospheric co2 ___(increased exponentially. Remained constant. Increased slightly)in the twenty-first century, and global temperature also increased during the same time. Based on the timeline, these statistics suggest a correlation between climate change and ___(wind energy production. Use of electric cars. Industrial carbon emissions). If the current trend of increasing co2 levels continues, the greenhouse effect will continue to ___(warm the planet. Release gas into space. Destroy carbon dioxide) .



Increased exponentially

Industrial carbon emission

Warm the planet


The rapid increase in global CO2 in the 21st century has raised concerns over the lingering effect of global climate change which could result due to the exponential increase in CO2 emission at this time. This rise in global atmospheric CO2 has been observed to have a positive relationship with the level of industrial carbon emission. The rise in emission of industrial carbon has been tipped to be responsible for the exponential rise in global atmospheric CO2. CO2 is a form of green house gas responsible for warming the planet.


An anomaly in global temperature is a deviation from what is normal or expected. The graph shows that global atmospheric co2 increased exponentially in the twenty-first century, and global temperature also increased during the same time. Based on the timeline, these statistics suggest a correlation between climate change and Industrial carbon emissions. If the current trend of increasing co2 levels continues, the greenhouse effect will continue to warm the planet.



The volume of a right circular cylinder can be approximated as follows: Volume = ?r2h; where r is the radius of the cylinder and h is the height of the cylinder; ? is a constant that is roughly equal to 3. Using the simple approximation above, calculate the volume of a right circular cylinder with a radius of 2 meters and a height of 9 meters





In addition to highly repeated DNA sequences and unique (single-copy) DNA sequences, a third class of DNA exists. What is it called, and what types of elements are involved in it



long-read sequencing


a method of dna sequencing under active development

How does renal medulla differ from renal cortex?​



The main difference between renal cortex and renal medulla is that renal cortex is the outer region of the kidney which contains blood vessels connected to the nephrons whereas renal medulla is the inner region of the kidney which contains 8-12 renal pyramids

How did Newton map the orbits of the planets?



Newton developed a mathematical formulation of gravity that explained both the motion of a falling apple and that of the planets. He showed that the gravitational force between any two objects is proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them


What is a variegated leaf​



The term, "variegated" is applied to a flower or, more often, a leaf that has more than one color. Most often, it will be two-toned (that is, bi-colored). Often this will mean the foliage is blotched, striped, or bordered with a lighter color than that on the rest of it (or vice versa). The term is also applied more broadly to a whole plant that bears such leaves or blossoms. The corresponding noun for this definition is "variegation."

Forms of inheritance that do not follow typical Mendelian patterns and that appear to be more influenced by the parent contributing the most cytoplasm to the embryo are grouped under the general heading of ________.



Extrachromosomal or cytoplasmic inheritance


Extrachromosomal or cytoplasmic inheritance refers to hereditability transmission controlled by cytoplasmic genes.

This form of inheritance lays in genes that are out of the nucleus. Information for some characters is placed in organelles in the cytoplasm, such as mitochondria and chloroplasts. These organelles have a well-defined portion of the total cellular genome.

Although mitochondrial inheritance is mostly maternal, recent studies have demonstrated that it might also be paternal.

Sperm cells hardly carry mitochondria, so mitochondrial DNI is mostly inherited from the maternal side. If there exists any mutation in this DNI, the whole progeny of the mutated woman will be affected, as they will get the mother´s mitochondria carrying the mutation. On the contrary, if there is a man affected by a disease caused by a mutation in mitochondrial DNI, non of their descendants will get the disease.

A Scientist discovers a chemical that she thinks might be a potential treatment for a certain type of cancer cell. In order to test her hypothesis, the scientist treats one plate of cancerous cells with the newly discovered chemical, and leaves another plate of cancerous cells untreated. After 7 days, the scientist measures the number of living cells in each plate. The scientist finds that the cells treated with the chemical have a lower survival rate than cells left untreated. The scientist further observes that the substance has an effect on the Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER). How might disabling the rough ER potentially hurt the cancerous cells? Be specific in your answer. What is the dependent variable? What is the independent variable?



Affecting the ER causes alteration in cell homeostasis and eventual death.Independent variable: Drug or chemicalDependent variable: Cancer cells survival.


Hypothesis ⇒ A chemical ⇒ might be a potential treatment for cancer cells.


Treated ⇒ One plate of cancerous cells with the new chemicalUntreated ⇒ Another plate of cancerous cells with no chemical

7 days later ⇒ the number of cells in each plate


Cells treated with the chemical have a lower survival rate than cells left untreated.

Treated plate ⇒ fewer cellsUntreated plate ⇒ more cells

Chemical affects the Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER)


The endoplasmic reticulum is in charge of many cellular functions, such as protein folding, maturation, and transport, especially those destined for secretion. It produces the latest protein modifications after transduction.

When the synthesizing protein gets in the Rough endoplasmic reticulum,  it continues its building in the organelle. Finally, the protein suffers folding and the initial stages of glycosylation.  

Once the protein synthesis in the endoplasmic reticulum is over, these molecules are packaged into vesicles and sent to the Golgi complex for their final association with carbohydrates. Finally, protein leaves the Golgi complex and goes to its final destiny.

Any alteration in the intracellular environment

inevitably affects the organelle and its functions. When the organelle is not properly working, proteins synthesis is affected and, consequently, all the cellular activities. The affected cell homeostasis might be so altered that the cell ends dying.

If the drug affects the ER by altering its environment or directly affecting it, the organelle will fail to perform its functions, and the cell will eventually dye.


The independent and the dependent variables are the two principal factors needed in an experiment.  

 Independent variable: Refers to all the variables in an experiment that provoke a response in another variable. The independent variable changes or is controlled and modified in the experiment to analyze how another variable responds to it. It changes to analyze its effects on the dependent variable. Usually, the independent variable is represented by the X letter.

In the exposed example, the independent variable is the drug that affects the cancer cells. The researcher decides to apply it or not, and the concentrations in which the drug is.  

Dependent variable: Refers to the variable that reacts to the changes produced in the independent variable. Depending on how the independent variable is modified, the dependent variable change.  It is usually identified by the letter Y.

In the exposed example cell survival is the dependent variable. Cancer cells respond to the presence/absence of the chemical, and might differently respond to the varying concentration of the drug.

What is the difference between the exchange of gaseous during respiration and



Photosynthesis doesn't occur at night. When there is no photosynthesis, there is a net release of carbon dioxide and a net uptake of oxygen. ... the rate of photosynthesis is higher than the rate of respiration. there is a net release of oxygen and a net uptake of carbon dioxide.

One student made the incomplete diagram shown below to represent the relationship between magma igneous rocks and metamorphic rocks.

Which of these is the correct next step to complete the diagram?

A. Put an arrow labeled cools and crystallizes pointing from igneous rocks to metamorphic rocks

B. Put an arrow labeled cools and crystallizes pointing for metamorphic rocks to igneous rocks

C. Put an arrow labeled heat and pressure points in from igneous rocks to metamorphic rocks

D. Put an arrow labeled heat and pressure pointing from metamorphic rocks to igneous rocks



C. Put an arrow labeled heat and pressure pointing from igneous rocks to metamorphic rocks


Metamorphic rocks are changed rocks that are formed from pre-existing rocks that were once sedimentary or igneous rocks. Heat and pressure majorly act on igneous rock, which over time change these rocks into a different rock entirely, known as metamorphic rocks.

Therefore, the next step to complete the diagram will be:

"C. Put an arrow labeled heat and pressure pointing from igneous rocks to metamorphic rocks."

f Write any functions of collenchyma tissue​




Serve as the cells that support photosynthesis.


The chollenchyma are parenchymal cells that contain chloroplasts.In these cell synthesis of carbohydrate is at its maximum, including the pallisade cells for distribution around the plant.

hope it helps much

by: johnglenleemahusay

Excision of a whole organ or mass without cutting into it as seen in the HoLEP procedure to treat BPH, is called



enucleation po ^-^


ata? correct me if imma wrong -¿-

The condition of muscle fatigue is best explained by: Question 1 options: insufficient intracellular quantities of ATP due to excessive consumption the inability to generate sufficient quantities of ATP due to feedback regulation of synthesis the all or none law lack of intracellular calcium



The correct answer is ''insufficient intracellular quantities of ATP due to excessive consumption''


The energy source for the muscle to contract efficiently is adenosine triphosphate (ATP). When ATP is metabolized, energy is obtained. Under normal conditions, the muscle has a sufficient energy reserve to support a limited time of maximum activity. When this reserve is depleted, the body activates other metabolic pathways to achieve more ATP. Glucose is activated first, then carbohydrates, and last - only if the exercise is prolonged - lipids (fats). The muscle, therefore, ends up transforming this ATP into the necessary energy.Whether our body uses more fat or more glucose / glycogen as fuel will depend, above all, on the intensity and duration of physical exercise. The body uses more fat the more gentle and prolonged the exercise; while, the more intense the sport, the more important the need for glycogen will be.Muscle fatigue is the inability or lack of strength to continue doing a certain activity. It happens when the muscles are not strong enough to continue. Specifically, when carrying out a physical activity, the active muscle requires oxygen and energy reserves of glycogen; When the intensity of the activity is increased, this need for oxygen increases, exceeding the levels that the transport system is capable of providing.This situation leads to the active muscle looking for another source of energy, increasing lactic acid which, in turn, it develops a metabolic acidosis that can lead to the breakdown of muscle fiber. ATP is obtained from the oxidative degradation of metabolic substrates such as muscle glycogen, serum glucose, free fatty acids originating from muscles or adipose tissue, being characteristic of muscle fiber, the consumption of ATP, and the production of ADP and Pi, much faster than it regenerates.

What conclusion can be drawn concerning an inhibitor if the Km is the same in the presence and absence of the inhibitor


Answer: The inhibitor has a structure that is not similar to the substrate.


Enzymes are molecules that act as catalysts of chemical reactions, accelerating the reaction rate without affecting the equilibrium of the reaction, as long as it is energetically possible. They act on molecules called substrates, which are converted into different molecules called products.  

Enzymes are very selective with their substrates and are also susceptible to inhibitors which are molecules that regulate enzyme activity, inhibiting its activity. Inhibitors can be classified as reversible and irreversible. Irreversible inhibitors bind covalently to the enzyme with no possibility of reversing the modification they make, while reversible inhibitors bind reversibly to the enzyme and can reverse the modification.

A reaction occurring under the control of an enzyme reaches equilibrium much faster than the corresponding uncatalyzed reaction. The reaction, i.e. the production of products, can reach a saturation point if the substrate concentration increases too much, decreasing the concentration of free enzyme, which becomes the form with bound substrate. At the maximum rate (Vmax) of the enzyme, all active sites of the enzyme have substrate bound, and the amount of complexes is equal to the total amount of enzyme. The amount of substrate required to obtain a given reaction rate is also important and this parameter is given by the Michaelis-Menten constant (Km), which is the concentration of substrate required for an enzyme to reach half its maximum velocity. Each enzyme has a characteristic Km value for a given substrate, which can tell us how close the binding between the substrate and the enzyme is. Then, inhibitors bind to the substrate and increase the Km value as it interferes with the binding between substrate and enzyme. In this case, the Km value of the enzyme is the same in the presence and absence of the inhibitor, this means that there is no change, because the inhibitor has a different structure to the substrate, it does not bind and does not change the Km value.

Name the type of classifications of tissue formed by combination of cell.

a) Red Blood Cell:
b) Muscle Cell:
c) Nerve Cell:​



its (a)


A tissue is a group of red blood cells of common origin which are structurally similar and perform a particular function. Organ is a group of tissues and organ system is a group of organs.Therefore, the correct answer is option A.

hope it helps you.

pls mark me as branliest

True or False- The thermosphere contains no water vapor.





The temperature can rise as high as 1500 C, the gas molecules are very far apart. This layer is completely cloudless and free of water vapour

A metric that measures the decline in population sizes, shrinkage of species, and geographic range is ________.


Answer: Living Planet Index


The Living Planet Index is a survey measure of global biodiversity status based on the population abundance of vertebrate species in terrestrial, freshwater and marine habitats. We have to consider that a population is defined as a species within a geographical area. It is used as a source of information to identify threats at the population level for each species on Planet Earth.  

With this analysis, an overall decline of about 60 percent in population size has been seen between 1970 and 2014. The decline in species populations is particularly greatest in the tropics, with South America and Central America suffering the most dramatic decline. The numbers of freshwater species have also declined dramatically. However, measuring biodiversity (all the varieties of life that can be found on Earth and the relationships between them) is complex, so the index should consider indicators to measure changes in species distribution, extinction risk and changes in community composition.  

The goal of the Living Planet Index is to achieve and promote global conservation of animals and their habitats.

Children in a preschool breathe deeply while running around in a park. They laugh a lot even when they are hurt, and they run to mummy for a snack. Name THREE characteristics of living organisms that these children illustrate while playing in the park.


heart the lungs and brain

what is a tropic level? give an example



Trophic Level Definition. A trophic level is the group of organisms within an ecosystem which occupy the same level in a food chain.

Examples of Trophic Level. Primary producers, or ”autotrophs”, are organisms that produce biomass from inorganic compounds


Which of the following factors affecting population growth is density
A. Competition
B. Disease
C. Natural disaster
D. Predation


Hope this helps :)))

C. Natural disaster is a density-independent factor affecting population growth. Density-independent factors are those that affect the population irrespective of the population size or density.

How Natural disasters reduce population sizes?

Natural disasters such as floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, and wildfires can reduce population sizes regardless of how many individuals were present in the population before the disaster occurred. The other factors listed - competition, disease, and predation - are all density-dependent factors, which means that they become more significant as the population size or density increases.

Competition is an example of a density-dependent factor, as it increases as the population size increases. As more individuals compete for limited resources such as food, water, and shelter, the rate of population growth slows down.

Disease is another density-dependent factor, as it spreads more easily in crowded populations where individuals are in close contact with one another.

On the other hand, natural disasters such as floods, hurricanes, and wildfires are examples of density-independent factors. These events can affect a population regardless of its size, and they can cause significant decreases in population size.

Predation can be both a density-dependent and density-independent factor. In some cases, predation can increase as the population size increases, making it a density-dependent factor. However, predators can also reduce the population size through random hunting or selective hunting of weaker individuals, making it a density-independent factor.

Understanding the factors that affect population growth is important for predicting and managing population sizes in both natural and human-made ecosystems.

Learn more about population growth at:



In the dihybrid cross,
of the parents had black fur and black eyes.
The offspring


Answer: The offspring can have both 100% black fur and eyes or it can vary

In the dihybrid cross,  


of the parents had black fur and black eyes.

The offspring  



The predicted values for the four phenotypes form a  


ratio. The simulated values  


match this predicted ratio.

On Edge.

name the various classes of algae given by F E Fritsch​



1. Chlorophyceae

2. Xanthophyceae

3. Chrysophyceae

4. Bacillariophyceae

5. Cryptophyceae

6. Dinophyceae

7. Chloromonadineae

8. Euglenineae

9. Phaeophyceae

10. Rhodophyceae

11. Cyanophyceae or Myxophyceae.


Algae are a group of living organisms classified under the kingdom Protista. They exhibit unique characteristics such as mode of reproduction, type of pigment, food reserve material, locomotive ability etc.

A british scientist (botanist) named Felix Eugen Fritsch in 1935 classified algae into 11 different classes based on some of these characteristics. The classes of algae are as follows:

1. Chlorophyceae (green algae)

2. Xanthophyceae (yellow green algae)

3. Chrysophyceae

4. Bacillariophyceae (diatoms)

5. Cryptophyceae

6. Dinophyceae

7. Chloromonadineae

8. Euglenineae

9. Phaeophyceae (brown algae)

10. Rhodophyceae (red algae)

11. Cyanophyceae/Myxophyceae (blue green algae)

Please help
Please answer correctly​



1 a

2 b

3 c


What is the name of the strategy that combines two plant proteins (grains and beans) to get all the essential amino acids



Protein combining


The strategy involving the combination of two plant proteins to get all the essential amino acids is referred to as protein combining.

The practice of protein combining is common among vegans due to the general belief that a single plant-based protein does not contain all the necessary amino acids for the body. Thus, one would need to combine 2 plant-based proteins in order to get all the essential amino acids for adequate health.

how is the structure of endoplasmic reticulum related to its function?



The endoplasmic reticulum can either be smooth or rough, and in general its function is to produce proteins for the rest of the cell to function. The rough endoplasmic reticulum has on it ribosomes, which are small, round organelles whose function it is to make those proteins.

The endoplasmic reticulum can either be smooth or rough, and in general its function is to produce proteins for the rest of the cell to function. The rough endoplasmic reticulum has on it ribosomes, which are small, round organelles whose function it is to make those proteins.

List 7 ways to conserve vegetation​



1.we should not cut trees as this can effect the food chain of animals.

2.we should water the plants everyday

3.we should atleast plant a baby plant every day.

4.we should not kill any animal.

5.we should decrease the use of plastics.

6.we should keep our area pollution free.

7.we should use natural pesticide to a plant

20 This diagram shows an enzyme-substrate complex.
Structure X
Structure Z
Structure Y
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Which is represented by Structure X?



structure X is the substrate so the answer is A


As it is trying to fit in the enzymes active site

According to the enzyme-substrate complex, the structure X is represented by a substrate. Thus, the correct option for this question is A.

What do you mean by Enzymes?

Enzymes may be defined as biocatalysts that significantly enhance the rate of a chemical reaction without being altered in the overall process. It may be thought that all cellular reactions or processes are mediated by enzymes. Enzymes have a series of characteristics that depends on their activity.

According to the diagram given in the question, the structure X is the substrate, the structure Y is an enzyme, and the structure Z is the product. While stage 2 represents the enzyme-substrate complex.

Therefore, according to the enzyme-substrate complex, the structure X is represented by a substrate. Thus, the correct option for this question is A.

To learn more about the Enzyme-substrate complex, refer to the link:



what are evidence that the himalayas mountain are still rising
plz help me with a good explanation and I will give u branist and follow u and also give u like plz help me​



because duetothe volcanic activity and tectnic plates it risesup

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