Which is true about internal rhyme?

A. It should not be used in poems that use alliteration.
B. It should be used only in poems with relatively long lines.
C. It can be used alongside end rhyme or on its own.
D. It works best when it complements strong end rhymes.​


Answer 1


the answer is C.


i did this on usatestprep

Related Questions

Hello! I was wondering if someone could improve this. The text circled in blue is the thing that needs improving. Could someone re-write it so its better? Thanks, will mark brainliest, 100 points


The poem "Your little Voice", gives us complete opposite spectrums of our feelings, where in the beginning it makes us feel light-hearted and gives an aura of happy feelings, only to shatter the flimsy feelings with the tragedies of the real world. The poem brings us a wholesome thought of the reality of life, to always remember not only the good of the world, but also the misfortunes of life.



The poem "Your Little Voice" revolves around different emotions. The author shows a transition of feelings from happy to sad by making use of a variety of words like merry, delicious, cried.

What impact does the loss of the sphere have on the plot? The First Men in the Moon
A. Mr.Bedford will not be able to return to the moon.
B. All of the gold has been lost with the sphere.
C. Mr.Bedford must make a new sphere.
D. Other people will discover how to make Mr.Cavorite.





Mr. Bedford will not be able to return to the moon. Therefore, option (B) is correct.

What is The First Men in the Moon?

"The First Men in the Moon" is a science fiction novel written by H.G. Wells, first published in 1901. The story follows two protagonists who travel to the moon using an antigravity substance called "Cavorite" and discover a civilization of insect-like creatures.

In H.G. Wells' novel "The First Men in the Moon", the sphere is the vehicle that takes the protagonists, Mr. Bedford and Mr. Cavor, to the moon. Without it, Mr. Bedford will not be able to return to Earth. The loss of the sphere creates a major obstacle for the characters and sets up the climax of the story, in which they must find a way to escape the moon before their air supply runs out. The other options (B, C, and D) are not accurate as they do not reflect the impact of the loss of the sphere on the plot.

Learn more about H.G. Wells, here:



In the following example the F should be played

A. 8 times
B. 6 times
C. 7 times


Answer: A. 8 times

Explanation: There are 8 Fs


the answer is c


the tie means you hold it

this my work but i need more on how the corona virus has affected the country and all of us around the world
"Our country is going through a lot. The coronavirus has taken a toll on our lives. It has affected thousands of people and is still going on. Many schools have been canceled all year which many students and families find it hard to believe. We’ve learned to adapt to eLearning and its advantages. Quarantine has advantages like if people stop going outside there would be less chances of death caused by the virus. So many announcements about the number of deaths and new cases were made everyday, and even little kids were interested in them. This period has taught us a lot, especially "teamwork" skills - together, We Will Win the Virus, even when many people have lost their work.




This doesn't mean the all the effects are bad, like for example crime has gone down a lot since lock down started. Also the oceans have been really clean too, like in Italy the canal there has been dirty for many years because of tourists and people not caring for the water, but since everyone has been staying home it's clean like really clean. Even the ducks that used to live in the water came back, people who lived by the canal said the haven't seen the water that clear in years. Corona-virus has taken it's toll on people lives which is very sad, however we  as people have to realize that maybe this change was need maybe now can see how we are treating our communities and our Earth and try to change for the better.

(You can change the wording if you want.)

When Emerson speaks of men and women, he often uses
O A. metaphors of marriage.
B. biblical allusions.
C. puns and humor.
D. sexist language.



d, sexist language


In This Side of Paradise, Amory is concerned about
with the war. Select all that apply.
the loss of youth
losing touch with friends
being bored



B and C


In Act I, what does Count Paris ask Lord Capulet?



He asks for his daughters hand in marriage.


Count Paris, a wealthy gentleman, visits Lord Capulet to ask for his daughter's hand in marriage. Capulet is uncertain because his daughter, Juliet, is only a teenager and hath not seen the change of fourteen years (Act 1 Scene 2).

Is this an example of a metaphor

“And Under his ribs the heart of the people, laughing”








What is the unit rate in miles per hour if you can travel 210 miles in 2 hours?



i believe the unit rate would be 105 miles in 1 hour.


you divide the miles by the hours to get a denominator of 1.

hope this helps :)


105 miles per hour


210 m ÷ 2 h      210 miles ÷ 2

2 hours ÷ 2   =105 m

How does integrity help someone in life through judgement. (A paragraph please)


The Three Forms of Integrity

Doing the right thing, even though it may be the harder option, despite no one looking will really be a huge step towards ensuring that you live with integrity. External integrity - This is what you portray to those around you. You have high external integrity when your actions are consistent with your thoughts and what you are saying. Image integrity - Similar to external integrity - this is the image of your integrity.

Looking after your image integrity is about ensuring that none of your actions or words can be misconstrued.

Why is Integrity Important?

One where there is open communication, good decision making and a strong moral compass guiding all decisions and actions. Whereas, irresponsible behaviour and distrust can make a work environment uncomfortable and tense. If you are known for your integrity, you will gain trust and respect from the people around you. Integrity is not just important on a personal level, it is also vitally important at a workplace level.

Organisations known for their integrity perform better.

Tips for Demonstrating Integrity in the Workplace

Polite communication, respecting your colleague’s thoughts and ideas and continuously working on relationships demonstrates that you are a team player. If you choose not to follow them or if you use shortcuts, it will lead to bad decisions, problems and mistakes that will need fixing. Demonstrate Responsible Behaviour - Ensure that there is no reason for your colleagues to ever question your conduct by demonstrating ethical and moral behaviour at all times. This includes avoiding using the company’s equipment or resources for personal use, striving to complete your task before deadlines and showing enthusiasm and commitment to your work.

Work Diligently - This is a very powerful way of demonstrating integrity as it shows that you are responsible for your work time. Making personal calls, surfing the internet, texting or snacking at the work desk, are some of the activities that distract one from working efficiently. This shows that you are responsible enough to own up to your mistakes, are willing to correct them and learn from them. Once you know this, align your values to this path and steer straight in all that you do.

At times, you may reach a point where you are asked to do something that doesn’t go in accordance with your personal code of conduct. This may present a challenging decision for you, but if you have strong integrity and values, you will refuse to do it. Make it your goal to be a person of integrity always no matter how many temptations or challenges you face.

Based on the following lines from the excerpt from "Upon the Burning of Our House" by Anne Bradstreet, what is the speaker's initial reaction to the events happening?

In silent night when rest I took
For sorrow near I did not look
I wakened was with thund’ring noise
And piteous shrieks of dreadful voice.
That fearful sound of “Fire!” and “Fire!”
fearful and afraid to look
hysterical and shrieking
annoyed to be awakened by thunder
peaceful and calm


A. Fearful and afraid to look

Romeo’s speech suggests that Friar Lawrence can “remedy” (heal) Romeo and Juliet’s wounds by.



Joining them in marriage.


(the other persons answer is incorrect trust me) In Act 2, Scene 2, Romeo and Juliet establish a plan to get married. The friar can conduct marriage ceremonies. When Romeo says, "Within thy help and holy physic lies" (line 53),  he is indicating that Friar Lawrence can use his role as a "holy" man to marry/heal Romeo and Juliet's wounds/love.

Please Answer these two questions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1. Which of the following phrases is an example of imagery?
"like a nightmare"
"a leap in like a flash, a metallic clip of teeth"
"life and limb were in peril"
"never seen dog fights"
"constantly alert"

2. TRUE! nervous, very, very dreadfully nervous I had been and am; but why WILL you say that I am mad? The disease had sharpened my senses, not destroyed, not dulled them. Above all was the sense of hearing acute. I heard all things in the heaven and in the earth. I heard many things in hell. How then am I mad? Hearken! and observe how healthily, how calmly, I can tell you the whole story.

It is impossible to say how first the idea entered my brain, but, once conceived, it haunted me day and night. Object there was none. Passion there was none. I loved the old man. He had never wronged me. He had never given me insult. For his gold I had no desire. I think it was his eye! Yes, it was this! One of his eyes resembled that of a vulture -- a pale blue eye with a film over it. Whenever it fell upon me my blood ran cold, and so by degrees, very gradually, I made up my mind to take the life of the old man, and thus rid myself of the eye for ever.

Which of the following statements best contributes to the mood of the story?

"For his gold I had no desire."
"Whenever it fell upon me, my blood ran cold. . ."
"I heard all things in the heaven and in the earth."
"Passion there was none."
"I loved the old man."



a leap like a flash a metallic clip of teeth and whenever it fell upon me my blood ran cold and is that from telltale heart


Simon needs to learn a number of new vocabulary words to help write an essay for his literature class. Which online note-
taking tool would be the most helpful?


Answer: I would recommend using Evernote or the notes app!

Explanation: Both of these are great choices and very helpful and easy to organize.

Select the correct subordinating conjunction.

Cats yawn. They have nothing else to do.


Select the correct subordinating conjunction.

Bill arrived late for school _____ he overslept.


Select the correct subordinating conjunction.

The cat crept forward slowly _______ the mouse ran into his hole.

Select the correct subordinating conjunction.

Lucy was quiet ______ her little sister was sleeping.


Select the correct subordinating conjunction.

You clean your room _______ you have a snack.




because, when, until, while, after


All of these make more sense than the other answer when said out loud. Also, logically they all make more sense than the other option.

Which phrase uses the rhetorical device pathos?
Declaration of Independence
by Thomas Jefferson (adapted excerpt)
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, endowed with certain fundamental rights, that among these are life, liberty
and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of
the governed. That whenever any form of government bemes destructive, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it. To institute a new
government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to most likely affect their safety and happiness.
Prudence will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes, and accordingly, all experience hath
shown that mankind is more disposed to suffer, while injustices are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are





hope I am right


Device Pathos?



Pathos, appeals to the emotions of the audience and elicits feelings that already reside in them. Pathos is a communication technique used most often in rhetoric (in which it is considered one of the three modes of persuasion, alongside ethos and logos), as well as in literature, film and other narrative art.

Write a story based on: "We had planned everything except the power cut." 450 words

Please I need this asap​


It was a fun day, an easy day. That type of day where one sits back to relax.

Kathy and I were planning to hang out in the basement of my house. Actually, we had planned to be at the park, but it was raining. I had brought snacks while Kathy had brought some delicious drinks.

As we walked down the stairs, I had a feeling today was going to be different. I wasn't sure why so I ignored the feeling.

We had the whole day planned out. We had taken the day off work so we could be together. We were going to do each other's makeup and play truth or dare, what are the odds, and some other various games.

Kathy, being one of those people who can't stand unplanned events, had planned everything out. Well, almost everything.

When we got to my basement, the lights were out. I ran upstairs and grabbed a flashlight, determined not to let this ruin our fun.  It was dark upstairs too.

"Kathy, the power has gone out," I said.

She groaned. "Of course it has."

"We'll still have fun!" I said positively.

"If you say so." She rolled her eyes.

"Come on, Kathy," I lightly teased her. "Everything will be fine."

"Sure it will," she remarked snidely.

There was no point in arguing with her, so we got right to having fun.

A while later, after we had made each other look like clowns and eaten all our snacks, we lay on the floor in my basement, completely exhausted.

"That was fun," Kathy smiled as she spoke, sincere.

"Told you!" I smiled back at her.

"I should go now. Bailey -" that would be her dog - "is probably waiting for me at home."

"I'll walk you out," I offered.

I waved as she left. "Be careful!" I reminded her. "The power's out."

She mumbled in response and kept walking.

I headed down to the basement to clean up the mess of snacks and wrappers. I noticed her bag was still there.

I was instantly overtaken by curiosity. I knew I shouldn't, but I still I opened her bag and looked inside.

There was nothing special in there, just typical stuff. I wondered why I had felt the need to open the bag. I grabbed the bag and rushed upstairs in the dark.

"Kathy!" I called in the hallway. Fear was beginning to take over me. "Kathy?" I said, a bit quieter.

"Yes?" Kathy appeared behind me, and her sudden presence scared me.

"You forgot your bag," I said breathlessly.

"Oh thanks, Melissa!" she said as she turned and walked away.

I was almost to my apartment when I heard a shrill yet guttural scream pierce the air. "Kathy?" I yelled, alarmed. No response. I huddled in my apartment.

A few hours later, when the lights came back on, a body was found dead on the floor, bleeding to death.

We had planned everything except the power cut. And the death, of course.

Story writing involves selection of a topic or any phrase for the purpose of creating an imaginary plot with various fictional characters. It helps in developing creativity especially in students.

A story using the phrase "We had planned everything except the power cut" could be:

Elsa and her sister Rachael used to visit their parents every year during the summer holidays. During one such summer, Elsa decided to throw a surprise party for her sister Rachael towards the end of the vacation. She got together with her and Rachel’s friends and planned everything from the music to snacks to decorations as well.

When the day of the party came, there was a major power cut in the whole neighborhood. Since the party was planned for night, it would be a huge problem. They had planned everything except the power cut. Elsa asked her parents for help, but their power back-up wasn’t working as well.

Rachael was about to reach home soon. Elsa and her friends had to think of another plan quickly. One of the friends suggested they go to a nearby shop and ask the person for their generator, since he was also a childhood friend of theirs.

They ran to get the generator and just got back in time to do the final set-up for the party, just as Rachael pulled up in the driveway. Everyone yelled “surprise!” She was happy to see all her friends and family celebrating her graduation party with such enthusiasm.

In the middle of the party, Rachael pulled Elsa into a corner and asked her, “How did you pull this off in such a short time?” Elsa replied, “We had planned everything days before, except for the power cut.” And they started laughing.

Learn more about writing skills here:


How will Ben’s perspective on dogs likely shape his experience visiting his aunt and uncle?

A: Ben will spend much of his time worrying that the dogs will bite him.
B: Ben will not think about the dogs and will hardly notice they are there.
C: Ben will play with the dogs and have a lot of fun.
D: Ben will become curious about the dogs and study how they eat and sleep.





i just answered it and it was right




i just got it right

Which best describes the organization of an academic paper?



The body paragraphs consist of points to support the thesis.


The body paragraphs consist of points to support the thesis


Which part of an informative essay restates the main argument of the essay after providing supporting details?
introduction paragraph
conclusion paragraph
thesis statement



The conclusion paragraph


A well-written conclusion provides you with important opportunities to demonstrate to the reader your understanding of the research problem. These include:

Presenting the last word on the issues you raised in your paper. Just as the introduction gives a first impression to your reader, the conclusion offers a chance to leave a lasting impression. Do this, for example, by highlighting key findings in your analysis or result section or by noting important or unexpected implications applied to practice.

Summarizing your thoughts and conveying the larger significance of your study. The conclusion is an opportunity to succinctly answer [or in some cases, to re-emphasize]  the "So What?" question by placing the study within the context of how your research advances past research about the topic.

Identifying how a gap in the literature has been addressed. The conclusion can be where you describe how a previously identified gap in the literature [described in your literature review section] has been filled by your research.

Demonstrating the importance of your ideas. Don't be shy. The conclusion offers you the opportunity to elaborate on the impact and significance of your findings.

Introducing possible new or expanded ways of thinking about the research problem. This does not refer to introducing new information [which should be avoided], but to offer new insight and creative approaches for framing or contextualizing the research problem based on the results of your study.




do good on your test

this is about allusions and epithets of the story the odyssey if I can get help on this page I would love that I give up to 13-15 points for each of my questions and brainliest


Answer: ok i'll help


"The great teller of tales" epithet

Dawn with finger tips of rose? epithet

The rosy fingered dawn is an example of...? epithet

The rosy fingered dawn is an example of...? epithet

"Laertes' son", "Raider od Cities", and "of Ithaca" are examples of Odysseus's epithet

apollo god of sunlight, poetry, music, medicine, law, tending flocks/herds, arrow and bow-allusion

athena daughter of Zeus goddess of wisdom, skill, and war strategy helps chosen heroes, owls- allusion

poseidon god of the sea, earthquakes, and horses; often grumpy , trident allusion

trojan war- Ten-year war waged by the Greeks vs. City of Troy. Paris took Helen from Menelus. Greek forces led by Menelaus' brother Agamemmom, king of Mycanae.  allusion




56. Respond in a paragraph with complete sentences.
(16 point
Choose one literary selection from this semester in which you think the setting has a great
impact on the work. In a full paragraph, name the work, describe the setting, and explain why
it is so important to the overall story or poem.


I would give you an outline because I’m not sure what you’ve read. Also, this was 5 points not 16 lol.

My favorite selection that we read this semester would have to be ______ by _____. In the (poem, book, story, document) the setting is during (time period) in (place). The setting is extremely important because it sets the scene for the main character, ______ to do ________. Personally, I enjoyed this (book, story, poem, document) because _____. I would recommend this to _____ because ______.

Choose a historical event and explain how it inspired or affected one of the literary works you read in Unit 2. Prepare a slideshow presentation that includes a thesis statement and key ideas that support your thesis. At least one slide should include passages from the literary work that support your thesis. A works-cited list on the final slide should document your research, using MLA guidelines for citations. Click here to view the MLA Style Guide. Develop and record an audio script to accompany your slideshow. Your script should have a concluding statement that restates your thesis and sums up the main points in your slideshow. Your slideshow and script will be part of a collaborative group project, if you are able to collaborate. Use the rubric to evaluate your work and work contributed by other members of your group.



Is this supposed to be a whole presentation??



IF you still have this could you please let me use it


In the passage below Nick meets tom mistress in one paragraph (4 to 5 sentences) explain the connection between the description of the place this happens in relation to the person Nick meets how to these two things fit ? think about the morality of what Tom is doing, is he being good or bad ? how does that relate to the description of the valley of ashes?



A description of the valley of ashes, a desolate and forsaken expanse of formerly developed land that marks the intersection of the city with the suburbs. In addition to its desolate feel and uniform grayness, this forlorn area is home to a decaying billboard that calls attention to itself. Depicted on the advertisement are the Eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg, which are described as "blue and gigantic their retinas are one yard high." It was in the valley of ashes that Nick first meets Tom's mistress, Myrtle Wilson. The two men are headed to New York when Tom insists they get off the train in order for Nick to "meet [his] girl."  The two men proceed to a car repair garage owned by George Wilson, a "spiritless man" who is also Myrtle's husband. Tom chats briefly with Wilson about business matters. Myrtle, a sensuous, fleshy woman in her middle thirties, joins the men. Tom quietly informs her he wishes to see her and so she arranges to meet them shortly, leaving her husband under the pretense of visiting her sister in New York. While on their way to Tom and Myrtle's apartment, Myrtle spies a man selling dogs and insists on having one. Once at the apartment, Myrtle phones her sister, Catherine, and her friends, the Mc Kees, to join the party. The six people spend the afternoon in a haze of drunkenness. As the afternoon wears on and she becomes increasingly intoxicated, Myrtle becomes more and more outspoken about her situation in life, her marriage, her impassioned first meeting with Tom, and finally, Tom's marriage. Upon mentioning Daisy's name, Myrtle becomes enraged, shouting "Daisy" at the top of her lungs. Tom, incensed by this outburst, lashes out with his open hand and breaks Myrtle's nose in one "short deft movement." The party enters into a downward spiral and the guests take their departure. The chapter ends with Nick seeing Mr. McKee home and then heading home himself.

32. Use context clues within the sentence to identify the definition of the bold-faced word.

I fought the crowds at the department store; my quarry—a birthday present for my brother.

a. patience
b. target
c. anger
d. accomplishment



b. target


THE answer IS

B. target

gemme a <3 as a thank you ;)

Fashion has changed a lot
Write a paragraph to express your perspective


Fashion has changed a lot. Look from the 90 with poodles on ever design you see on someone’s t shirt to now wear girls are now wearing crop tops and shorts. Fashion has been an important role today. That is how some people express themselves


Fashion has bascially exploded. In the 80s, there was a lot of bold colors and styles that no one would think in a millions years would wear clothes like that. In the 90s, everything turned to grunge- like clothings. People were wearing band-tees and ripped leather jeans. In the early 2000s, denim was everything. Also, crocs. Now, bits and pieces of the 90s and early 2000s are coming back, but with a twist. Nowadays, people want the high-end brands such as Gucci or Louis Vouitton.


I'm not an expert, but hopefully this helps. Not trying to get brainlest or anything. Just trying to help

“Testimony before the senate hearings on the equal rights movement amendment” which of the following best describes the authors purpose in this text? A.to advocate for the equal rights amendment b. To prove women are equal if not superior to men c. To condemn the acts of sexism and misogyny towards women in the u.s d. To represent both the women’s rights and civil rights movements


Answer:.to advocate for the equal rights amendment


The best description of the author's purpose in this text is:

A.to advocate for the equal rights amendment

According to the given excerpt, the author states that there would begin legal proceedings in the Senate to make some amends about the issue of equality of rights.

As a result of this, the most likely purpose of the author is to make an advocacy for equal rights.

Purpose is the intent of something, or the desire to achieve something b doing something. Hence, the purpose of the author is to advance equality.

Therefore, the correct answer is option A.

Read more here:


Read the excerpt from the Declaration of Independence.

We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.

Which statement below best describes the language in this excerpt?
1. objective and timid
2. personal and casual
3. complex and intellectual
4. passionate and logical





When a sentence uses
_________, the subject of the sentence performs the action of the verb.

A)the active voice
B)a preposition
C)the passive voice
D)a split infinitive





i think the first one

In most English sentences with an action verb, the subject performs the action denoted by the verb.

    These examples show that the subject is  doing the verb's action.


A)  the active voice


Bob Brainly kicked the ball.

     S                V

Conduct a short Internet research for classical and modern interpretations of Hamlet. After watching pieces of these
productions, what similarities do you find between the two portrayals of Hamlet? What differences did you see? Which
performance did you prefer? Why? Please write at least two paragraphs (at least 300 words total) that explain your
observations. Practice using the appropriate transitions between the paragraphs. You should cite all sources according
to MLA format. Click here to view the MLA Style Guide.



Both portrayals show the same negative emotion of depression and helplessnessHamlet is shown as a victim of betrayal of his mother's unfaithfulness to his father, whose ghost appeared to him to tell him of the real cause of his death. As a young man, Hamlet was helpless. He was torn between believing the ghost and his need for his mother's comfort. He was grieving for his father's death and was unable to move on and accept the changes that were happening in the palace. Hamlet is portrayed as a depressed, helpless youth.

Pls mark brainliest

Other Questions
Suppose the market supply curve is p=5Q at a price of 10 , producer surplus equals What would be the value of x in x+5=-3x-9 Given a triangle with side lengths 4.1 and 1.3, what is the range of possible sizes for x The approximate length of side XY is units. The approximate length of side YZ is units. The approximate length of side ZX is units. The approximate perimeter of triangle XYZ is units. Answer the questions.1? Factor the perfect square trinomial 25x^2-60x+36 On March 31, 20Y9, the balances of the accounts appearing in the ledger of Royal Furnishings Company, a furniture store, are as follows: Accounts Receivable $ 170,000 Accumulated Depreciation-Building 750,000 Administrative Expenses 435,000 Building 3,500,000 Cash 80,000 Common Stock 300,000 Cost of Goods Sold 5,500,000 Dividends 175,000 Interest Expense 15,000 Inventory 980,000 Notes Payable 250,000 Office Supplies 20,000 Retained Earnings 1,987,000 Salaries Payable 8,000 Sales 8,245,000 Selling Expenses 575,000 Store Supplies 90,000 A. Prepare a multiple-step income statement for the fiscal year ended March 31, 20Y9. Be sure to complete the statement heading. Refer to the information given in the exercise and to the list of Labels and Amount Descriptions provided for the exact wording of the answer choices for text entries. A colon (:) will automatically appear if it is required. For those boxes in which you must enter subtracted or negative numbers use a minus sign. B. What is a major advantage of the multiple-step income statement over the single-step income statement? How was American society impacted after World War II? A man has 1/4 of a kilogram of couscous. He shared them equally among 2 people. How many kilograms does each person get? Input your answer as a fraction of a kilogram.I got an answer that felt way off... I just need to make sure I'm right! The cartilage on the ends of long bones serves which of the following functions? * What is 3 to the power of three halves equal to? Why might readers find lord of the flies shocking or disturbing You go grab a car door handle in the summer (energy transfer to heat up the handle conduction) and it burns you through _____ energy transfer.A. Radiation-transfer of energy (heat) through space by electromagnetic rays.B. Conduction-the transfer of energy (heat) through the matter by molecules energy (touch).C. Convection-the transfer of heat movement of mass or substance (motion). In 2008, data from the Center for Disease Control revealed that 28.5% of all male teenagers, aged 18-19 and attending U.S. colleges were overweight. The definition of overweight is a body mass index (BMI) of over 25. In 2019, a professor in public health at a major university wanted to determine whether that proportion had decreased since 2008. So, he sampled 800 randomly selected incoming male freshman at universities around the country. Using the BMI measurements, he found that 210 of them were overweight. Test the professors claim at an = 0.05 level of significance, the proportion of obese male teenagers in American colleges decreased. Make sure that any necessary assumptions for conducting the hypothesis test are satisfied. A) State the null and alternative hypothesis. H0: Ha: B) Determine the critical value(s) for the test. C) Compute the test statistic (show your work). D) Make your decision.E) State your conclusion in terms of the professors claim. Write a number b increased by 3 as an expression. Which of the following is not a layer of hair?Group of answer choicesCuticleRootAll the above are layers of hairCortexMedulla what is influenced only by heredity and not environmental factors? Can someone plz help me!!!a.obesityb.diabetesc.heart diseased.muscular dystrophy Please help and show work and steps The 12/31/2018 balance sheet of Despot Inc. included the following: Common stock, 25 million shares at $20 par $ 500 million Paid-in capitalexcess of par 3,000 million Retained earnings 980 million In January 2018, Despot recorded a transaction with this journal entry: Cash 150 million Common stock 100 million Paid-in capitalexcess of par 50 million In February 2018, Despot declared cash dividends of $12 million to be paid in April of that year. What effect did the April transaction have on Despot's accounts? Decreased assets and liabilities. Increased liabilities and decreased shareholders' equity. Decreased assets and shareholders' equity. None of these answer choices are correct Please help asap! Will give brainliest! Please read the question then answer correctly! No guessing.