Which is true regarding Moctezuma II?


Answer 1

He invited Cortes into the city on tenochititlan,  which caused the end of tenochititlan

I hope this helps!

Related Questions

Which of the following examples shows the separation of powers and checks and balances of the Roman Republic? Censors appointed, and could remove, senators.

Tribunes could veto laws.

Consuls were elected for one-year terms.

All of the choices are correct.



all the choices were correct


You see Rome hated the monarchy and did a lot to stop a single individual from gaining to much power by disturbing it, Consuls had one year terms as executives and there were two to keep each other in their place, tribunes who repsented people were supposed to be able to give power to the people and keep them happy with the government (SPQR right?) Censors were almost parents watching to make sure nothing bad happened.

Why did Appeasement of Hitler/Germany fail to prevent WW2?



Hitler was interested in world domination, The reason why the appeasement failed was because we gave him more land and asked him to not take anymore over. its similar to giving a 2yr old candy from a store and expecting a 2yr old not to ask for anything else, the 2yr old is obviously going to ask for more candy and if you dont agree its going to through a tantrum


what were similarities between classical mesoamerican and south american civilizations



A similarity between classical Mesoamerican and South American civilization is that civilization in each region developed advanced math, science, and engineering. Civilizations in Mesoamerica were very advanced to their times and it is shown in culture, engineering, math, and science.

If a writer is arguing that capitalism has more benefits
than socialism, then this evidence functions as a
O claim
O counterclaim.
O conclusion





This is because if a writer argues that capitalism has more benefits than socialism, then the evidence would be shown that it is a counterclaim.


B Counterclaim


have a nice day :D

Did the “New Deal” end the Depression? Please explain. HELPPP ME PLEASEEEE


By 1939, the New Deal had run its course. In the short term, New Deal programs helped improve the lives of people suffering from the events of the depression. In the long run, New Deal programs set a precedent for the federal government to play a key role in the economic and social affairs of the nation.

In the late 1780s, land in the Northwest Territory appealed mostly to
slave owners, because regulations were less strict there.

explorers, because parts of the country were still unknown.

farmers, because there was great potential for growing crops.

business owners, because it consisted of urban developments.



C. Farmers, because there was great potential for growing crops.


The Economic Crisis of the 1780s

In the late 1780s, the land in the northwest was allocated to farmers because it had better agricultural potential.

Farmers suffered significantly due to the thefts of troops. Farmers were required to borrow money that they were unable to repay. The legislatures then enacted measures to assist farmers with lenient repayment conditions. The new laws infuriated the lenders since they had anticipated payment from the debtors.

Many farmers were imprisoned for not repaying their debts. Although the United States emerged victorious from the Revolutionary War, its economy was in grave difficulties. Land was provided to farmers to cultivate crops and stabilize the economy.

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall
not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by
the people.
-Amendment IX, Bill of Rights, 1789



hope it will help you


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


A well–regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.


No soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.


The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.


No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation.

How did William the Conqueror and King Henry II of England expand the monarchy’s power? Use the cause-effect graphic organizer to organize your ideas. On each line, describe an effect of the (sorry for incomplete question its what was written)


How did William and Henry II increase royal power? William made tax collection more efficient, and required first allegiance of all barons. Henry II claimed the right to try clergy in royal courts, and unified the system of royal justice.

Why is it important to know how many people lived in urban (cities) and rural (farms) areas? What
change occurred as far as where people lived in the 1920’s?


Answer:Sống ở thành phố và nông thôn hoàn toàn khác nhau. Sống ở nông thôn mang lại không gian thoáng đãng hơn, môi trường không ô nhiễm, thực phẩm sạch và cuộc sống lành mạnh.

Nhưng mặt trái, người dân ở nông thôn lại phụ thuộc vào thành phố để hưởng một số lợi ích về giáo dục và y tế. Thực tế này không chỉ ở Việt Nam mà trên thế giới cũng vậy, ở nông thôn đồng nghĩa với việc chấp nhận ít cơ hội tiếp cận giáo dục, y tế chất lượng cao.

Trong khi đó, sống ở thành phố mang đến một cuộc sống hào nhoáng với đầy đủ tiện nghi. Bạn đang ở trung tâm của mọi thứ, nơi bạn dễ dàng tiếp cận với mọi tiện nghi hiện đại làm cho cuộc sống của bạn trở nên đầy màu sắc. Tất nhiên cuộc sống trong thành phố là máy móc và phức tạp hơn. Khi cả triệu người sống trong một vùng đất nhỏ họ sẽ hiếm khi thể hiện tình đoàn kết bền chặt. Đây chính là lý do mà nhiều người xem cuộc sống ở thành phố đầy căng thẳng và phức tạp.


ự nhiên.

Cuộc sống thành thị đi lên nhanh chóng, thay đổi chóng mặt. Còn cuộc sống nông thông hầu như không đổi thay nhiều hoặc nếu có thì diễn ra chậm.

Văn hóa của đời sống đô thị về cơ bản là sự pha trộn của nhiều loại hình văn hóa. Vì nhiều người khác nhau từ các nền văn hóa khác nhau sống trong cùng một lãnh thổ nên thường khó "chấp nhận nhau". Trong khi đó ở nông thôn thì gần như cùng chung một loại hình văn hóa, khiến họ "dễ sống với nhau" hơn.

Phân công lao động và phân bổ công việc chuyên môn hóa luôn có trong các đô thị. Nhưng cơ hội việc làm ở khu vực nông thôn luôn hạn chế. Do đó, mọi người di chuyển đến khu vực thành thị để có cơ hội việc làm tốt hơn.

Ở nông thôn mọi người đều biết nhau và trẻ em nhất định phải tôn trọng người lớn. Nhưng điều này sẽ khó xảy ra ở thành thị.


Việc sống ở thành phố hay nông thôn là một sự lựa chọn về cách sống. Khó có thể nói sống ở nơi nào tốt hơn nơi nào, vì điều này còn tùy thuộc vào từng hoàn cảnh, cá tính lẫn nhiều yếu tố bên ngoài khác. Sống nơi nào mà bạn cảm thấy thoải mái nhất thì đó chính là nơi đáng sống nhất. Dưới đây là một số phân tích chi tiết mà bạn có thể tham khảo trước khi bắt đầu sự lựa chọn của mình.


4.1. Cuộc sống thành phố bận rộn và cuộc sống nông thôn yên tĩnh


Để bắt kịp nhịp sống bận rộn của thành phố, con người di chuyển như một cái máy và do đó cuộc sống ở thành phố trở nên căng thẳng hơn. Nhưng cuộc sống thành phố luôn đảm bảo quyền công dân tốt hơn và được tiếp cận với mọi tiện nghi hiện đại.

Trong khi đó cuộc sống nông thôn tập trung trong một khu vực nhỏ, người dân có đủ thời gian để di chuyển thoải mái. Nhưng sống ở làng có nghĩa bạn phải phụ thuộc vào các thành phố vì hầu hết các công nghệ hiện đại không có hoặc không đáp ứng đủ (ví dụ câu chuyện học đại học).

4.2. Thành phố ô nhiễm hơn so với cuộc sống ở nông thôn  

Ô nhiễm không khí, tiếng ồn, và ô nhiễm nước thường gặp trong cuộc sống thành phố. Các nhà máy và phương tiện giao thông là lý do đằng sau loại ô nhiễm này. Tuy nhiên, cuộc sống thành phố có nhiều cơ hội việc làm hơn cuộc sống ở nông thôn.

Còn sống ở nông thôn đảm bảo không khí trong lành, nước sạch và không ồn ào. Người dân quê ít mắc các bệnh như hen suyễn, viêm phế quản. Nhưng cơ hội việc làm ít hơn nên họ phải chạy vào thành phố và chấp nhận "hít bụi".

khac biet thanh pho nong thon 7

Người nông thôn sống hòa đồng, thân thiện hơn.

4.3. So sánh về những tiện nghi trong cuộc sống

Cuộc sống thành phố cung cấp tất cả các lợi thế hiện đại và các hoạt động giải trí như nhà hát, công viên, bảo tàng, câu lạc bộ thể thao, thư viện và tượng đài...  Các dịch vụ như Ngân hàng, Bưu điện, Viễn thông có nhiều chi nhánh đảm bảo làm việc nhanh chóng và thoải mái. Tuy nhiên, ở thành phố nhà cửa, đất đai đắt hơn, người nhập cư khó mua để ở. Do đó chi phí ở thành phố cao hơn cuộc sống ở nông thôn.

Còn khi sống trong làng bạn luôn êm đềm, thư thái, bình yên. Ngoài ra, thực phẩm sạch và bầu không khí trong lành luôn đảm bảo một cuộc sống lành mạnh, tinh thần bình an, tự do hơn thành phố. Hơn nữa ở quê người dân có không gian sống thoải mái, nhà cửa rộng rãi hơn...

4.4. Giá trị xã hội và tinh thần tập thể

Cuộc sống làng quê mang lại nhiều giá trị và trách nhiệm xã hội hơn. Mọi người được kết nối chặt chẽ với nhau thông qua các mối quan hệ gia đình.

Ở khía cạnh này, người dân thành phố là những người "thích selfie" và bận rộn với cuộc sống của riêng họ. Họ không có mối liên hệ với nhau nên cuộc sống của họ rất phức tạp và họ gặp rất nhiều rắc rối trong cuộc sống hằng ngày.  


Mặt khác, người dân quê coi trọng mối quan hệ gia đình hơn. Trong khi đó, thành phố vốn có lối sống "thoáng hơn" dẫn đến tỷ lệ ly hôn cao vì mối quan hệ gia đình yếu km.

which one is it i thought it was Dictatorship but its not there



Between the two world wars, three types of dictatorships have been described: constitutional, counterrevolutionary and fascist. Since World War II, a broader range of dictatorships has been recognized, including Third World dictatorships, theocratic or religious dictatorships and dynastic or family-based dictatorships.


Why are there so many Indians here?

answer my question but

no india​



bc they signed up on this website?

like what's wrong with them?

You don’t like indian people??

A historian could best use this map to study which topic?
1. O United Nations membership
2. O Cold War confrontations
Decolonization efforts
4. O Genocide refugee camp sites


The correct answer is number 2) Cold War confrontations.

Unfortunately, you forgot to attach the map. Where is the map?

Without the map, just you know the information. We don't.

However, trying to help you we did some deep research and found one map that highlights places where the United States and the Soviet Union had conflicts and confrontations during the Cold War years.

The places highlighted on the map are the Island of Cuba, North and South Korea, and North and South Vietnam.

So the correct answer indeed is:

A historian could best use this map to study the topic "Cold War confrontations."

During the tense years of the Cold War, the Soviet Union and the United States competed in the arms race, the space race, and the spread/containment of Communism in different places of the world such as the Island of Cuba Korea Vietnam.

What were some factors that made the Vietnam eat such a difficult war to fight for American soldiers and why did America struggle to gain support of the people south Vietnam



The Vietnam War was a military conflict during the Cold War that took place in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia from November 1, 1955 until the fall of Saigon on April 30, 1975.  From the perspective of the US government, its role in the conflict was an impediment to South Vietnam's fall to communism and therefore part of a broader US strategy to limit the spread of communism. According to the North Vietnamese government, the war was colonial, first fought by France, with the support of the United States, and then against South Vietnam, which was seen as an American puppet state.

Mainly, the bellicose inconveniences of America in this war were due to the guerrilla war carried out by the Vietnamese, who, thanks to their knowledge of the terrain, managed to complicate American military operations. In addition, the Vietnamese viewed the Americans as foreign invaders, making civilian support for their cause extremely difficult.

How did anti-Semitism affect Jews in Nazi Germany? pleasee i only have 5 min

they were persecuted because of their age
they were discriminated against because of their ethnicity
they were hated because they came from other countries.
they were rejected because of their professions



they were discriminated against because of their ethnicity


Anti-Semitism is the term associated with the discrimination that the Jews underwent because of their religious background. The Holocaust gave way to the Nazi anti-Semitism in which the Jews were discriminated because of their religions. They faced racism because of their physical characteristics. The Jews who had converted themselves to another religion also faced the same discrimination on the grounds of their biological characteristics.

The most important outcome of the Treaty of 1818
was that



I believe it is the first option


How do we know about the experience of ordinary soldiers and the other participants in the Civil War



We know about the experience of ordinary soldiers and many participants of the Civil War, since many of them wrote journals or spread their stories down to their families. These documents and stories were then read and distributed today, so we know what they did.


There is an answer on what their daily routine was, but not on how we know it.

Match each word with the phrase that best defines it.

•coup d'état

• Complete and wide-ranging
• A sudden overthrow of an existing government
• A secondary school that prepares students for University
•To bring under the control of a single authority
• The necessary structures that a country needs to function properly 



•comprehensive Complete and wide-ranging

•centralize To bring under the control of a single authority

•coup d'état • A sudden overthrow of an existing government

•infrastructure The necessary structures that a country needs to function properly

•lycée A secondary school that prepares students for University


I put them together above

What best describes life for young women working in factories in the United States in the early 1800s?
O safe conditions, long hours, and a chance to get rich
O healjky risks, short work days, and a sense of freedom
O unsafe conditions, health risks, and a new sense of freedom
o unsafe conditions, chances for education, and eight-hour work days


Answer: 0 safe conditions, long hours, and a chance to get rich

Explanation: As the times were different back then, the economic conditions and labor status were different, as well as technology, so not all processes were automatic, they had to be done manually, also women were treated differently during that time as well.

World War 1 took place from ______________ to _____________, and was known during that time as the ___________________________ .


Answer:World War 1 took place from ___8th  July, 1914 to 11 November, 1918 and was known during that time as the __Great war_ .


World War 1  was said to have started after the assassination of the Austro-Hungarian heir, Archduke Franz Ferdinand  on 28 June 1914 by a member of the Serbian Black Hand military society,  Gavrilo Princip who was also  a Bosnian Serb Yugoslav nationalist for whose reason together with other nationalists was to end Austro-Hungarian rule over Bosnia and Herzegovina. This sprang up events  that started the World war 1.

in a market economy decisions about which goods are produced are based on



They are based on what products are available and at what prices are determined through the interaction of supply and demand

Each Sumerian city was the center of an independent​



The invention of government is often credited to the Sumerians. Each city-state also had its own god In the center of each city was a large temple to the city god called a ziggurat The ziggurat looked like a step pyramid with a flat top☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

PLS HELP ASAP question is below if u dont know the awnser DONT AWNSER THE QUESTION PLSSS



1. an alliance of nations

2 war equipment and supplies

3 affluent middle class people

4 the poorest class of working people in society

5 a male monarch or emperor

6 left-wing majority group of Russian Social-Democratic Workers Party

7 an agreement to temporarily cease fighting

8 an economic setback

9. indemnities paid by defeated countries

What was one major effect of Great Famine in the mid-19th century?


hunger related diseases / starvation , death

hy did Alexander Hamilton believe that the national bank was constitutional?
He believed in express powers and a strict interpretation of the Constitution.
The Constitution states that a government should have all the powers to carry out its duties, and the national bank was necessary.
He thought the Constitution was a weak document that couldn’t address the needs of the government.The Constitution mentioned the possible need for a bank.


Answer: B: The Constitution states that a government should have all the powers to carry out its duties, and the national bank was necessary.

Explanation: Just did the test on edge as of Aug 4 21

Why does the Harlem Renaissance hold such significance in us history despite its fading influence during the Great Depression?



The quality of Life has vastly improved


Do to a better Management Policing and racial Policy

Why did leaders believe alliances would keep a “balance of power” that would prevent war?


Answer: The lack of overall authority meant that a self-help system of alliance and military force dominated the region and the idea that war was a ‘corollary of the balance of power’ with the consequence that it was frequently turned to as a solution of a threat to the equilibrium of the international system, which in turn substantiates the idea that balance of power theory acted as a cause of war in the nineteenth century


Why is Bastille Day a symbol of French national pride?

It marks the day when King Louis XIV and Marie Antoinette were executed.
It shows how effective peaceful demonstrations can be.
It shows that the three Estates of 18th century France were able to agree.
It celebrates a day when the French masses rose up against oppression.


Bastille Day, 14th of July is the day the Bastille was stormed.

So option D is your best bet ;)

what were some inventions that contributed to the industrail Revolution of the 19th century.



Two inventions of the 19th century, the electric telegraph and the electric telephone, made reliable instantaneous communication over great distances possible for the first time.


hope i help you

have a great summer

time with your family


(Score for Question 3: of 9 points)

3. How did the railroads impact Seattle, Tacoma, and Spokane during this time? Describe how each city was
type your answer here


If you're still here, please give the time frame of this question, as you didn't already do so. Thanks

The Berlin Conference was important to European colonization of Africa because it:

A. led to wars among European imperial powers over African lands.

B. required European imperial powers to grant Africans equal rights.

C. ended slavery and forced labor in European colonies in Africa.

D. divided nearly all African lands among European imperial powers.​


The answer is C, great question

The correct option is C. The Berlin Conference was important to the European colonization of Africa because it ended slavery and forced labor in European colonies in Africa. A summit called the Berlin Conference also referred to as the Congo Conference, took place in 1884 and 1885. The German Empire requested it to settle the issue of European nations' colonization of Africa.

How did the Berlin Conference affect European imperialism in Africa?

In order to prevent a war between the European powers, it established the guidelines for the "effective occupation" of captured territories. The Berlin Act provided the European powers with justification for splitting a continent among themselves without taking the wishes of the native peoples into account.

The legal position taken by Europeans that anyone might colonize all of Africa was established at the Berlin Conference. Additionally, it offered a method for Europeans to work together rather than engage in conflict. The partition and conquest of Africa were significantly aided by this cooperation.

Learn more about the Berlin Conference here:



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