Which items are part of mandatory spending in the federal government?
Select the three correct answers.

1. Medicare and Medicaid

2. Social Security

3. state and local governments

4. education and transportation

5. military and defense

6. Federal Bureau of Investigation


Answer 1


1 3 and 5 I think sorry if I'm wrong

Answer 2


Medicare and Medicaid

Social Security

state and local governments

Related Questions

Why do you think the draft was suspended instead of cancelled? Describe the steps that would be taken to reactivate the draft.



The War Powers Act forced the President to consult with Congress before all military actions.


The two basic tenets for building the administrative state are (blank).
a. the gold standard and territorial sovereignty
b. delegation of legislative power and judicial deference
c. separation of powers and checks and balances
d. consent of the governed and federalism


Answer: B

Delegation of legislative power and judicial deference.







is the right answer




I hope it helps

The assassination of which leader led to the outbreak of World War I?

Otto von Bismarck

George Clemenceau

Archduke Franz Ferdinand

Kaiser Wilhelm II



Archduke Franz Ferdinand


At this point in history European countires are allying with eachother because of Germanys expanding military. Ferdinand was killed by Gavrilo Princip a Serbian. This caused Austria-Hungry to invade Serbria, this causes Austria-Hungry allies to help them fight in war, which leads to the opposing side to fight back. Now all of Europe is at War.

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand led to the outbreak of World War I Thus, the correct answer is option B.

What was World War I?

WWI, or World War I, was one of the deadliest global conflicts in history. Much of Europe and its colonial empires, the Russian Empire, the United States, the Ottoman Empire, and the Japanese Empire were the main combatants, with fighting taking place across Europe, the Middle East, Africa, the Pacific, and parts of Asia.

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary by Gavrilo Princip, a Bosnian Serb, heightened tensions in the Balkans on June 28, 1914. Austria-Hungary blamed Serbia, resulting in the July Crisis, an unsuccessful diplomatic attempt to avoid conflict. On July 28, 1914, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, while Russia defended the latter. By August 4, Germany, France, and the United Kingdom (along with their allies) were also involved in the war.

Therefore, Archduke Franz Ferdinand's assassination led to the outbreak of World War I.

To learn more about World War I, click here:



• Only one part of the legislative branch has the power to confirm or reject a nominee



The Senate


The Senate has the sole power to confirm those of the President's appointments that require consent and to ratify treaties.

How did the U.S. President become the most powerful institution of the 3 branches of government in the United States?



In conclusion, The Legislative Branch is the most powerful branch of the United States government not only because of the powers given to them by the Constitution, but also the implied powers that Congress has. There is also Congress's ability to triumph over the Checks and balances that limits their power.May 8, 2021


hope this may help you

How did the problem of the early 1900s lead to the Russia Revolution



Rapid industrisal growth in russia is the early 1900s resulted in poor working conditions low wages, and angry workers who often went on strike. Rebels formed revolutionary groups that wanted to topple the government. Strikes and violence spread in protest.

Hopes this helps :)

During the Gilded Age, the U.S. went from being a nation of farmers to being a nation of?



The U.S. became a nation of manufacturing factory workers.

Hope this helps! :)

Hitler supporters often cheered "Seig Heil!" to show their support for him. What does this mean?



It is german for "To Victory"

Used in WWII


In what way was the feudal system like the Roman Empire?


Both provided structure to people's lives.

events that led to the great depression


Answer: Crash Of Stock Market


It was a period of employment becoming more difficult.

Part 0
art A
Part B
How did the Dixiecrats respond to the Civil Rights Act of 1964?



they responded passive agressive because they didn't like how slaves were now getting the right to vote.





Mark me as brainlist


Even though global trade has fluctuated over the years, it has also rapidly increased. However, the structure and pattern of trade vary significantly by-products and regions. Undoubtedly, trade has come with both benefits and daunting challenges to countries involved, especially in African nations, where primary and intermediate merchandise formed a substantial share of exports. Because advanced and newly industrialized economies have better technology and know-how, manufacturing industries, access to finance, and market than Africa, they have a greater market proportion in the world trade. Arguably, African countries have been left in the cold as they struggle to compete with advanced economies. As presented in this chapter, Africa has been struggling to be relevant in the world market. However, its global share of merchandise trade has reduced over the decades. This is partly because the continent has concentrated on the exportation of few primary commodities (i.e., mineral fuels, iron ores, gold, cocoa beans) with volatile prices and demand in the global markets. The frequent global oil crunch other raw products are a wake-up call for a rapid industrialization and diversification for competitiveness in Africa. The World Trade Organization (WTO) has to ensure that defensive trade remedies should not be the next frontier of protectionism. Finally, for trade, growth, and development to be stimulated, African countries should urgently open their markets to expand intra-African trade.


Even though global trade has fluctuated over the years, it has also rapidly increased. However, the structure and pattern of trade vary significantly by-products and regions. Undoubtedly, trade has come with both benefits and daunting challenges to countries involved, especially in African nations, where primary and intermediate merchandise formed a substantial share of exports. Because advanced and newly industrialized economies have better technology and know-how, manufacturing industries, access to finance, and market than Africa, they have a greater market proportion in the world trade. Arguably, African countries have been left in the cold as they struggle to compete with advanced economies. As presented in this chapter, Africa has been struggling to be relevant in the world market. However, its global share of merchandise trade has reduced over the decades. This is partly because the continent has concentrated on the exportation of few primary commodities (i.e., mineral fuels, iron ores, gold, cocoa beans) with volatile prices and demand in the global markets. The frequent global oil crunch other raw products are a wake-up call for a rapid industrialization and diversification for competitiveness in Africa. The World Trade Organization (WTO) has to ensure that defensive trade remedies should not be the next frontier of protectionism. Finally, for trade, growth, and development to be stimulated, African countries should urgently open their markets to expand intra-African trade.


In Federalist 10, Publius writes that representation will serve to "(blank) the public views."
a.refine and enlarge
b.mirror and expedite
c.check and transform
d.none of the above


I believe its A or C.

How was Christianity linked to governance?



The First Amendment reads, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…” This clearly and unambiguously states that the religious institutions must remain out of the government and vice versa.




The three characteristics of the progressive administrator are (blank).
a.legislative, executive, and judicial
b.expert, independent, and progressive
c.patriotic, independent, and just
d.efficient, fair, and progressive


Answer: B

Expert, independent and progressive.


The three characteristics of the progressive administrator are expert, independent, and progressive. Hence, option B is correct.

What is progressive administrator?

Tasks, responsibilities, or positions that show progression in complexity, difficulty, or amount of responsibility are said to be "progressively responsible." These additional responsibilities are frequently described using phrases like "senior staff," "project lead," "trained others," and "main point of contact."

Experience that exhibits development and/or advancement in complexity, difficulty, or amount of responsibility is referred to as having had a progressive responsibility experience. common words.

A basic enumeration of the candidate's roles held will not be sufficient to demonstrate their progressive responsibility in the workplace. A breakdown of the responsibilities for each post should always be included, along with a precise calendar identifying the dates that each position was held.

Thus, option B is correct.

For more information about progressive administrator, click here:



why was captain john white delayed in returning to the colony roanoke with supplies


Answer: The first Roanoke colonists did not fare well, suffering from dwindling food supplies and Indian attacks, and in 1586 they returned to England aboard a ship captained by Sir Francis Drake. ... White returned to England to procure more supplies, but the war with Spain delayed his return to Roanoke.


Explainthe event that led the united states to formally enter world war II



The bombing of Pearl Harbor prompted the United States to finally enter World War II.


Why did the framers of the constitution put limits on the powers of the states?


Answer: The framers were afraid that too strong a central government would easily bring about autocracy. In order to restrict the authority of the central government, the framers wanted to make it clear in the Constitution that certain powers were emphatically denied to the Federal Government.

The year is 1930. You are a middle class man/woman living in New York City. Your savings bank has closed and your money is gone. You have lost your job. Describe your life in terms of economic, political and social welfare.



So if I was a middle-class woman living in New York City in the 1930s. Economically, my life wouldn't be going that great if I was basically poor because, in the 1930s, you had to fight for your food. If you lost, you wouldn't eat until morning. Politically though, I would manage even though I don't have a job. My social welfare might boost me up because if I was middle-class, then that would possibly mean that I'd have people/other middle-class citizens to help me find a job or at least help get me food and water.

What did the Locarno agreements of 1925 address?
O Border disputes
O War guilt
A common currency
O Reparations



Border disputes.

I hope this helped at all, sorry if it's incorrect.

What powers does the U.S. Constitution give the Congress, regarding responding to a crisis?'



Of all the powers of Congress, none is more important than its enumerated power to make laws. Article I of the Constitution sets forth the powers of Congress in specific language. Section 8 states, Laws aren't simply conjured out of thin air, of course. The legislative processis quite involved and designed to ensure proposed laws are given careful consideration.


When people move from one place to another, what is it called?
A. Export economy
B. Navigation
C. Migration

D. Trade patterns





Migration is the movement from one part of something to another

and none of the other answers make sense

b) because migration because it’s more simple the other

Quartered in the bill of rights


No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

Which Cold War leader promoted an aggressive stance against the Soviet
Union and provided aid to anticommunist groups around the world?
O A. John Paul II
O B. Ronald Reagan
O C. Lech Wałęsa
O D. Mikhail Gorbachev



maybe B?


B. Ronald Reagan




What is the function of the circulatory and respiratory systems and how do they work together?

Plz I need help with this


What is the real meaning of this questions

What does the
story of Joan's
life tell us about
the attitude
towards women
in the Middle
Particularly the
attitude towards
women held
the Church



Women in the Middle Ages occupied a number of different social roles. Women held the positions of wife, mother, peasant, artisan, and nun, as well as some important leadership roles, such as abbess or queen regnant. The very concept of woman changed in a number of ways during the Middle Ages[1] and several forces influenced women's roles during their period.

Which of the following would be the best way to begin the body of a letter of
A. This is your lucky day - you get to look at my award-winning
résumé! I'd love to work in your company, and I would appreciate
more information.
B. It would be great if you could send me more information regarding
job openings in your company. I am available to start anytime and
would really love to work with you.
C. Yo, homie, I need the 411 about that job opening you got.
D. I have researched your company's product and work philosophy,
and I am interested in possible employment opportunities. I am
including my résumé for review and would appreciate any
information you are able to provide.


D! is the correct answer

Why did slave traders dehumanize their captives?


To make it easier for the buyers, and to make the slaves loose hope of escaping or living a normal life.

what do the Chinese communist announce in 1949​



the creation of the people's republic of china (prc)

On October 1, 1949, Chinese Communist leader Mao Zedong declared the creation of the People's Republic of China (PRC).


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