Which of the following American Indian tribes was not included in the initial version of the Dawes Act?


Answer 1


Here read this


The "Five Civilized Tribes" (Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Muscogee, and Seminole) in Indian Territory were initially exempt from the Dawes Act. The Dawes Commission was established in 1893 as a delegation to register members of tribes for allotment of lands.

Answer 2




edg. 2020

Related Questions

From the Russian perspective, what caused the Cold War?



According to the Soviet interpretations the Cold War was provoked by the policy of the USA and other imperialistic countries towards socialist states, first of all towards the USSR Soviet explanations of the background of the Cold war were presented as following:



Based on the chart, which conclusion can best be reached about the Constitutional Convention?

a. The Great Compromise prevented large states from becoming too powerful

because they had to give up some of their seats on the lower house.

b. The Great Compromise made it possible to create the federal government,

because it addressed the concerns of large states and small states.

c. The Great Compromise replaced the three-fifths compromise because slaves

could not be counted in elections for the upper house.

d. The Great Compromise left the federal government weak, because states managed

to divide Congress into two houses.



I think its C, sorry if I'm wrong


there were many plans for the new land below south carolina presented to king george II. Explain why the King chose Oglethorpe's plan


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There were many plans for the new land below South Carolina presented to King George II. Explain why the King chose Oglethorpe's plan. The King liked Oglethorpe's plan because he saw the potential for producing silk, indigos, and dyes for use by the English.


There were many plans for the new land below South Carolina presented to King George II. Explain why the King chose Oglethorpe's plan. The King liked Oglethorpe's plan because he saw the potential for producing silk, indigos, and dyes for use by the English.


How does predestination relate to religious belief?


Predestination refers to the idea that everyone is born to either go to heaven or be condemned. Basically, your life is mapped out for you. The idea of predestination was brought up by John Calvin, who created the religion Calvinism, the idea of predestination. This also influenced people as people who were believed to go to heaven did charity work and helped those in need.




but ye sry

is the French and Indian War at event or law or act explain how it caused the Revolution to begin. I WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST ​



The french and indian war was an event.


The French and Indian War began in 1754 and ended with the Treaty of Paris in 1763. The war provided Great Britain enormous territorial gains in North America, but disputes over subsequent frontier policy and paying the war's expenses led to colonial discontent, and ultimately to the American Revolution.

Which of the following most likely describes the reason why the Mexican government has made little progress in eliminating the drug cartels in Mexico?
widespread police corruption
an unwillingness to provide army troops to stop the violence
no desire to eliminate the income from drug sales
little assistance from the US





I did it on Edge 2020




Which of the following was not a change resulting from the French Revolution?

France abolished the monarchy.
France put the Catholic Church under State control.
France developed a sense of nationalism.
France created a new estate - the fourth estate





Write a prompt to answer the question please or give some ideas and info to answer to an extent the statement is true



In my opinion sectionalism was a big part of the civil war because, the citizen of each area did not want to see their state fall so, many people fought for their state and they just ended up on one side while the others ended up on the other side and it was not just slavery but slavery was the last push that started the civil war. Also it was from all the propaganda that was going around spreading influence to people that also started the civil war.       Next, the different economic life of the south and north led to the civil war, the cultural difference between north and south did not help the cause. While north had jobs for everyone with manufacturing while there was not as many jobs in the south from slavery and they did not have as many as factories, the south hated the north and could not take it anymore from all the farming and low quality items they had in the south while the north had all this jewelry and factories to make high quality goods.                                                              Finally: In the end north and south started a civil war because of “slavery” they say but there were many problems between the two even before slavery so it was unavoidable. When the north won they abolished slavery they set up more factories and they started flourishing in money and goods.


Help please I don’t know what these answers please help!!




have a mutually supportive and equal relationship that is showcased by their jorney of companship and gilgamesh portrays his loyaly and his devotion as a friend when he tries to do the impossilbe just so he would make meaning out his enkidus death

what did danton want to focus on



★ The answer would be recruiting people into the army to defend the border.


Hope you have a great day ;-)

Think about why the colonies cooperated with each other. List one reason why each of the following was formed or took place.

​-​New England Confederation

​-​Albany meeting

​-​Stamp Act Congress

​-​Committees of Correspondence


Answer yes its b


LAMAR, MIRABEAU BUONAPARTE (1798–1859).Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, son of John and Rebecca (Lamar) Lamar, president of the Republic of Texas, was born near Louisville, Georgia, on August 16, 1798. He grew up at Fairfield, his father's plantation near Milledgeville. He attended academies at Milledgeville and Eatonton and was an omnivorous reader. As a boy he became an expert horseman and an accomplished fencer, began writing verse, and painted in oils. In 1819 he had a brief partnership in a general store at Cahawba, Alabama; in 1821 he was joint publisher of the Cahawba Press for a few months. When George M. Troup was elected governor of Georgia in 1823, Lamar returned to Georgia to become Troup's secretary and a member of his household. He married Tabitha Jordan of Twiggs County, Georgia, on January 1, 1826, and soon resigned his secretaryship to nurse his bride, who was ill with tuberculosis. In 1828 he moved his wife and daughter, Rebecca Ann, to the new town of Columbus, Georgia, and established the Columbus Enquirer as an organ for the Troup political faction. Lamar was elected state senator in 1829 and was a candidate for reelection when his wife died on August 20, 1830. He withdrew from the race and traveled until he was sufficiently recovered.

Albany meeting representative for meeting and discussing some usually manner of the union. One reason each of the following was formed or took place was the Albany meeting Option(b) is correct.

What is Albany meeting?

The Albany Congress otherwise called the Albany Convention of 1754, was a gathering of delegates sent by the lawmaking bodies of seven of the thirteen British settlements.

The Albany Congress was the initial time in the eighteenth century that American pioneer agents met to talk about some way of formal association. In the seventeenth 100 years, some New England provinces had framed a free affiliation called the New England Confederation, basically for reasons for safeguard, as striking was successive by French and united Indian clans.

During the 1680s, the British government made the Dominion of New England as a bringing together government over the provinces between the Delaware River and Penobscot Bay, however it was broken up in 1689. Jacob Leisler brought an intercolonial congress which met in New York on May 1, 1690 to design purposeful activity against the French and Indians, yet he pulled in just the states as far south as Maryland.

Therefore Option(b) is correct.

Learn more about Meeting here:



03.02 Lesson Summary and Assessment
What Do I Have to Do?
An illustration of Moctezuma II, the Aztec ruler at the time of the Spanish conquest of Mesoamerica.
Moctezuma II’s Aztecs were a fierce and powerful culture with many great achievements.
© Palazzo Pitti / Florence / Italy / Bridgeman Art Library / Universal Images Group / Image Quest 2016
The Aztecs were a fierce and powerful culture in ancient times. They made many important strides in art, religion, and medicine as a thriving culture. Their economic tribute system helped to support military operations. The tributes also helped rulers and leaders to stay wealthy. However, the Aztec empire did not last forever. The empire fell in the early part of the 16th century.

Task: You will create a storybook about the origin, growth, and fall of the ancient Aztec culture. The storybook will have five sections and should be written like you are telling a story from start to finish. It is up to you to decide what five aspects of Aztec history you will present in your story. However, it is important that you remember to tell about the origin, growth, and fall of the Aztecs. Each section of the story must also have an image that goes along with it.

Audience: Imagine that you are making this book to read to a group of fourth graders and the goal of the book is to teach them about the rise and the fall of the Aztecs.


Your storybook must have five sections. Each section should explain a unique part of the Aztec story.
Your storybook must specifically tell about their origins, how the civilization expanded, and what factors led to their collapse.
On eac



The life of an Aztec.

Who are the Aztec?

The Aztec were very industrious. Like the Ancient Egyptians, the Aztecs were also great builders. They built pyramids and temples. The temples were where the sacrifices were held. The person was taken to the top of the temple and sacrificed there. It was believed that the height of the temple made them closer to their Gods. Housing varied on your social status. The Emperor lived in a lavished two-story house. While the general public lived in adobe houses. Can you believe that the Aztecs had steam rooms? They had a special room where the walls were heated by fire. When the wall was hot, they would throw water on it which created steam. They thought it was good for their health. The same holds true for today.

The Aztecs were a small and nomadic tribe. They traveled northwestern Mexico. Then in 1116 CE, Huitzilopochtli the God of War and the Sun told the tribe to move south. The God said to look for their new home, it will have a sign. The sign will be a eagle sitting on a cactus eating a snake. 100 years went by, and they still haven't found the sign. Until one day when they were in the Valley of Mexico, the priest found the sign! The sign was in the middle of a shallow lake. The lake is called Texcoco. But it was already inhabited by other tribes. The other tribes were not willing to share the land, the only place left was a swampy area. But the Aztecs were willing to make it their home.

And finally...

There were multiple reasons that led to the down fall of the Aztecs. It is believed that when Hernando Cortes discovered the Aztecs in 1519 CE, he brought disease with him. Because the Aztecs had never been exposed to these diseases they had no immunity. Small pox was thought to wipe out 70% of the population. There was also a slaughter by the spanish soldiers. There are still ancestors living in Mexico and in the surrounding areas. Over all the Aztecs had a quick accession and even quicker down fall.

Spanish explorer

Hernando Cortes.

Making it their home.

The Gods.

The Aztecs practiced polytheism. Polytheism is a belief in many gods. Their main God is Huitzilopochtli. He is the God that helped them find their home. The Aztecs believed in human sacrifices, that it made the Gods happy and it allowed them to stay alive. The sacrifices were done by taking a persons heart out while they were still alive. They would kill women and men, girls and boys. Including members of their own tribe.

The hard working Aztecs made the best of their swampy home. They called their new home Tenochtitlan. They built canoes and other things and other things that could be used for hunting and fishing. They also built Chinampa which are floating gardens. Aztecs used these to grow their food. The Aztecs grew maize, beans, and other food items. It is thought the Chinampas contributed to 50% to 66% of the cities food.


This is Huitzilopochtli.

Taking over.

The Aztec population began to grow, it grew very quickly. They founded their capital city as Tenochtitlan in 1250 CE. As the population grew they spread to the Gulf of Mexico and to the Pacific Ocean. The Aztecs are known for war. They would invade other cities and take it over and whoever survived had to pay tributes. A tribute is a tax. Sometimes, they married into other tribes and got their land that way. Not only would they take their land, but they would take anything else they needed or wanted. Like building materials or any valuables. They also took slaves.




The Aztecs, who probably originated as a nomadic tribe in northern Mexico, arrived in Mesoamerica around the beginning of the 13th century. From their magnificent capital city, Tenochtitlan, the Aztecs emerged as the dominant force in central Mexico, developing an intricate social, political, religious and commercial organization that brought many of the region’s city-states under their control by the 15th century. Invaders led by the Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés overthrew the Aztec Empire by force and captured Tenochtitlan in 1521, bringing an end to Mesoamerica’s last great native civilization.

The exact origins of the Aztec people are uncertain, but they are believed to have begun as a northern tribe of hunter-gatherers whose name came from their homeland Aztlan, or “White Land” in the Aztec language of Nahuatl.

The Aztecs were also known as the Tenochca (from which the name for their capital city, Tenochtitlan, was derived) or the Mexica (the origin of the name of the city that would replace Tenochtitlan, as well as the name for the entire country).

The Aztecs appeared in Mesoamerica–as the south-central region of pre-Columbian Mexico is known–in the early 13th century. Their arrival came just after, or perhaps helped bring about, the fall of the previously dominant Mesoamerican civilization, the Toltecs.

When the Aztecs saw an eagle perched on a cactus on the marshy land near the southwest border of Lake Texcoco, they took it as a sign to build their settlement there. They drained the swampy land, constructed artificial islands on which they could plant gardens and established the foundations of their capital city, Tenochtitlán, in 1325 A.D.

(hope this helps)

Which of the following describes an accurate description of the author's account of the
Native American experience after 1871?


Hello. You did not enter the answer options, which makes it impossible for me to be able to answer your question efficiently. You also did not put the text to which the question refers, which makes the answer even more difficult to formulate. However, I will try to adjust you as much as I can by showing you how to find an accurate text description.

Finding the precise description of an original text is very simple, you only need to search among the answer options, the one that displays all the elements that the original text refers to, that is, the description must meet the same subjects as the original text, or show the characteristics of this text in a very, very detailed way, leaving no element unnoticed.

The most important issues raised during the ratification process were ______ because ______.


The most important issues raised during the ratification process were the Bill of Rights because most Americans and Non-Federalists were afraid that their rights and representation would be taken away. A bill of rights would prevent the federal government from having too much power over the people, as well as securing their basic rights with the intention of never taking them away.

similarities that Ghana and Songhai share


Answer:the Gh


The city of San Francisco sprang up almost overnight, as thousands of people flocked to the region to search for gol
In 1949, the population increased from just 1,000 to more than 25,000. As a result, there were never enough rooms in
the local hotels to house the prospectors, and restaurants regularly ran out of food.
Based on the information contained in the passage, which Oklahoma city's history is most similar to San Francisco?
A. Guthrie
В. Lawton
C. Tulsa
D Norman


Answer is C ....I did this & got it right !


C. Tulsa


Correct answer edge 2020

Explain the translation of the Arabic Allah.


Answer(Sample response):

✨Allah can be translated in Arabic to mean “The God”✨


I took the test and got a 100%^O^

And thats what ED said.

The translation of the Arabic Allah is God which also states that their is only one god.

What is Islam?

Islam is an Abrahamic monotheistic faith based on the teachings of Muhammad and the Quran. Muslims, or followers of Islam, include over 1.9 billion people worldwide and are the second-largest religious group after Christians.

The sole God in Islam is Allah, often known as Allah (meaning "God"). According to etymology, the name Allah is most likely a contraction of the Arabic word for "the God," al-Ilh. The term for god in the oldest Semitic literature was il, el, or eloah; the latter two were used in the Hebrew Bible. This is where the name's roots may be found (Old Testament).

Therefore, it can be concluded that there is only one deity, as shown by the English translation of the Arabic word Allah, which means God.

Learn more about Allah here:



What was a focus of the Constitution of 1824?
A.) effective economic principles
B.) state-led governments
C.) strong, central federal governments
D.) unification of all states.


B.) state-led governments

What do you think was being reborn in the Harlem Renaissance?



The Harlem Renaissance was the development of the Harlem neighborhood in New York City as a black cultural mecca in the early 20th Century and the subsequent social and artistic explosion that resulted. Lasting roughly from the 1910s through the mid-1930s, the period is considered a golden age in African American culture, manifesting in literature, music, stage performance and art.

Great Migration

The northern Manhattan neighborhood of Harlem was meant to be an upper-class white neighborhood in the 1880s, but rapid overdevelopment led to empty buildings and desperate landlords.


Who controlled the economy in ancient mesopotamia?

elected officials
religious leaders
private businesses


The pharaohs I don’t believe there were any elected officials in ancient Mesopotamia since it was so long ago


i think its c.


Why did the English colonies have a large degree of



They had a large degree of self-government because they did not want to be ruled by parliament they wanted to rule themselves and not have to do as parliament wanted.


The colonies needed local administration because Great Britain was so far away (distance), so they could make choices and pass laws that influenced their everyday lives.

Since the creation of Parliament in the 1200s, England has had a long history of representative assemblies. Early examples of the colonists exercising their right to self-government include the House of Burgesses, the Mayflower Compact, and town meetings.

What is self government ?

The idea of autonomy is related to self-government. It is the capacity of a person, a state, or a nation to rule itself. Self-governing states are not subject to oversight by higher governments or other forces. These are republican and democratic states.

Many governments, including the federal and state governments of the United States, were founded on the notion of self-government. Although the United States has been a major proponent of state and individual self-government, other nations, including Canada, Greenland, and different indigenous communities, have adopted the concept.

Therefore, A return to self-government might include provisions for healthcare, education, and other aspects of social and economic well-being.

Learn more about self government here:



Which river is the center of the largest river system in the Tropical North?





Answer: Orinoco


Explain the alliance system in Europe. How did Nationalism, secret alliances, and competition create tension in Europe?


Answer: Tensions were not created "overnight."


Long-term tensions among European states ultimately resulted in the First World War. Nationalism began to strengthen after the French Revolution. Countries closed themselves in their national camps, which created affiliation to one national identity. In such circumstances, many considered themselves superior to others. Some countries had common interests. For example, Germany and Austria-Hungary advocated equal colonization of third world countries. Britain and France were at the forefront of colonization and wanted a majority for themselves. The Ottoman Empire was also involved in the whole story. The Ottoman Empire was not as strong as before, but they also wanted to keep certain possessions. Such circumstances would lead to the creation of an alliance, which increased tensions between the states.

Explain why more countries have joined the European Union since its founding.



It Stops more wars from happening


How does the author help the reader understand Clay's difficulty in
reaching a lasting compromise? Select two options.
Oa. by describing the election of Clay to the U.S. Senate
Ob. by explaining the actions of the Underground Railroad
c. by describing the argument about the Fugitive Slave Law
d. by explaining the dispute over the Missouri Compromise
e. by discussing the admission of New Mexico to the Union
Of. by discussing the angry debate about California's borders





If a country is taking action to make sure all its citizens who want work can
find jobs, it is pursuing which economic goal?
A. Full employment
B. Stable prices
C. Per capita improvement
D. Economic growth


Answer: full employment


If a country is taking action to make sure all its citizens who want work can find jobs, it is pursuing the economic goal of full employment. Thus the correct answer is A.

What is the economic goal?

The command and control strategy for implementing and allocating the resources in a limited manner indicates economic objectives. It emphasizes minimum wastage of resources used in manufacturing and production.

The economic goals of full employment emphasize that everyone who is able to do the job will have opportunities to work. When every individual has their own job it eliminates unemployment in the country and reflects full employment or zero unemployment.

The goals of full employment will be achieved through industrialization by establishing better resources with the help of manufacturing and infrastructure development.

Therefore, option A is appropriate.

Learn more about full employment, here:



What was the name of Thomas Paine's essay that encouraged the American cause of independence?
The American Cause
Common Sense
No More Taxes
America the Beautiful



B.Common Sense


Just think of it like it is 'common sense' to be free from Britain. Also, its called a pamplet

the fist major crisis of wsjinton presidency is known as



Washington - severe domestic and foreign debt


There is also:

1. The Northwest Indian War

2. The Whiskey Rebellion

3. The French Revolution

4. Keeping peace with Great Britain

Here is the story:

"Good-bye, Mom," Tino cried as he rushed out the door. Tino had his new fishing pole with him and was anxious to try it out.

Tino Kanaha (kan' ah hah) was a Hawaiian boy. He had just turned twelve years old the day before and had received the fishing pole as a gift from his father.

Tino's house was about a half mile from the cliff overlooking the leeward side of Maui. Many times, Tino had climbed down to the rocks below and looked for seashells while his father fished for aku.

"Now it's my turn," thought Tino as he scurried out onto one of the rocks, "and I get to do it all by myself!"

"Aku, here I come!" yelled Tino excitedly as he cast his bait into the surf.

An hour later, Tino heard someone call his name. He looked up and saw his good friend, Kona. "Have you caught anything?" Kona yelled.

"Oh, hi, Kona," Tino said disappointedly. "Wait for me, and I'll be right up."

As Tino reeled in his line, he noticed the waves were much bigger than they had been before. "The wind is stronger, too," thought Tino as he glanced at the darkening sky.

"We'd better hurry home, " Tino said to Kona as he reached the top of the hill. The two boys ran as quickly as they could. They even took the short cut through the sugar cane field to save time.

Kona raced into his yard and, without stopping, he yelled, "Good-bye, Tino! I'll see you tomorrow!"

The first big drops of rain began to fall as Tino reached the front door of his house.

"Oh, I'm glad you're home!" Mrs. Kanaha said. "It is beginning to rain very hard!"

"The storm must be the reason the fish weren't biting," Tino said as he put his fishing pole into the rack on the porch, "but I'll try again tomorrow."

Here are the questions I will mark you brainliest and give lots of points!!
1. Give two details that are clues that Tino did not catch any fish.
2. What is the name of Tino's friend?
3. What kind of fish did Tino and his father try to catch?
4. Arrange the events in the order in which they occurred in the story.

1. Tino climbed down the hill and began to fish.
2. Kona called to Tino and asked if he had caught any fish.
3. Tino noticed a storm approaching.
4. The two boys took a short cut home.
5. Tino put his fishing pole away and said he would try again tomorrow.
6. Why did Tino sound disappointed when he greeted Kona?
7. On what island did Tino live?
8. Why did the boys hurry home?
9. What did Tino usually do while his father fished?
10. Do you think Tino caught any fish?

sry there are so many UwU ;-;



Ok, Tino’s friends name is Kona.

They tried to fish a aku. The details are that they couldn’t fish because of a storm the fish were not eating the bait.


Using your results from the Boston Massacre Investigation Assignment, match the point of view. The answers here should match your answers from the Venn Diagram Portion of Study Guide #2 (The Boston Massacre Investigation). If you did not complete it, go back and do that first and then return to complete this question.

Example of the question that I am referring to.

A. Says colonists attacked the sentry and forced him from his post

B. The troops fired only after being punched and attacked by a mob

C. Says the colonists repeatedly started fights with the soldiers on duty there

D. Describe the British shooting at the colonists and violence

E. Calls the colonists their heroes

F. Says the soldiers attacked the colonists with bayonets and shot at them repeatedly

The Boston Gazette

The London Chronicle

Both newspaper accounts









Explanation: I hope this helps

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Some,like Dwight Eisenhower, were military leaders who created a strategy that would win the war. Others, likeEleanor Roosevelt, promoted American ideals and interests to world leaders.As you work on this project, you will choose one person and research the role he or she played during thewar. Then you will create the design for a commemorative plaque. Plaques often are created to honor theachievements of a person of significance. Typically, a plaque is made of wood, metal, or stone, and maybe attached to a wall or the side of a building. Usually, it bears an image of the person it honors, abovetext that describes his or her importance.Assignment InstructionsFor this project, you are expected to submit:1. The design of a commemorative plaque to honor a person of significance from World War IIStep 1: Prepare for the project.a) Read through the guide before you begin so you know the expectations for this project.b) If there is anything that is not clear to you, be sure to ask your teacher.Step 2: Choose one of the following American leaders as the subject of your plaque. Franklin D. Roosevelt Eleanor Roosevelt Harry S. Truman Dwight D. Eisenhower George PattonStep 3: Research the person you have selected to learn more about the role he or she played in WorldWar II.a) Conduct online research using reputable sources.b) Create a list of the sources you used.Step 4: Create a design using the Commemorative Plaque Worksheet to honor the leader you haveselected. Include the following on your design:a) On the top line, write the name of your chosen leader.b) In the circle, place a photograph or illustration of the person.c) On the two lines below, include the dates of his or her birth and death.Student Guide (continued)d) In the box, write a paragraph that summarizes his or her significance during the war.e) On the back of the worksheet, list all of the sources you used.Step 5: Evaluate your project using this checklist.If you can check each box below, you are ready to submit your project. Did you choose one of the American leaders from the list provided? Did you research his or her significance during World War II? Did you use reputable and credible online sources? Did you create a design for a commemorative plaque based on your research? Does your design include an image of the person you have selected? Does your design include the years he or she was born and died? Does your design include a paragraph that explains his or her significance during the war? Is the paragraph free of spelling and grammatical errors?Have you listed all of the sources you used on the back of your worksheet?Step 6: Revise and submit your project.a) If you were unable to check off all of the requirements on the checklist, go back and makesure that your project is complete. Save your project before submitting it.b) Turn in the design for your plaque to your teacher. Be sure that your name is on thesubmission.c) Submit the design for your plaque through the Virtual Classroom.d) Congratulations! 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