Which of the following aspects of patient care is the most vital factor in the issue of informed consent?
Select one:
O a. patient care
O b. patient &
O c.patient maturity
O d. patient compliance
O e. patient education


Answer 1
i would say C but i could be wrong

Related Questions

The best way to protect your family from carbon monoxide poisoning is to install a whole-house air ventilation system



Yes, that is true. The best way to to install CO detectors/alarms on every floor of your home. Make sure to change the batteries every 6 months. You can also have a technician check your heating system, water heater, or other gas, oil, coal appliences every year.  


Answer: false


Under ACA Section 1557, a health plan
cannot deny coverage to LEP individuals but is not required to provide language assistance to them.
cannot deny coverage to LEP individuals and is required to provide language assistance to them, but at the individual’s cost.
cannot deny coverage to LEP individuals and is required to provide language assistance to them, free of charge.
can deny coverage to limited English proficient (LEP) individuals.


The answer would be:

B- cannot deny coverage to LEP individuals and is required to provide language assistance to them, but at the individuals cost.

Under ACA Section 1557, a health plan cannot deny coverage to LEP individuals and is required to provide language assistance to them, but at the individual’s cost. So the correct option is option b.

Section 1557 includes earlier civil rights protections for race, color, and national origin, but does not include protections for age and disability.

Section 1557 bans discrimination based on racial, ethnic, national, or ethnic origin, gender, age, or disability in specific health programs and services. This section builds on existing nondiscrimination legislation and establishes new civil rights provisions.

To learn more about a health plan, refer to the link:



my face cheeks feel numb and tingly and also the back of my head feels a little weird too, anyome know why? im really scared right now . please answer​




facial numbness that occurs after a head injury

numbness that begins suddenly and involves an entire arm or leg in addition to your face

difficulty speaking or comprehending others

nausea and dizziness

severe headache

vision loss in one or both eyes

Answer: It could be some sort of allergic reaction that you are having, and by your head feels weird what do you mean exactly, like sharp pains, pounding, or....

an example of an Interval training set?



Walk back sprinting this is an example for training runners  


Which of the following represents a time when a person would likely consult a company handbook? a) To find the company's mission statement or goals To view a list of customers O b) C) To find all the company locations d) To view their coworkers' vacation requests



The correct answer is A


Dylan has a coworker who is always showing up late and then not finishing his work on time. It's frustrating the other members of the team. What can he do that might help the situation? a) Complain about the coworker to other team members O b) Ask his coworker if he understands his job responsibilities c) Tell his boss that the coworker is slacking off O d) Complete his coworker's work for him


B and then if b doesn’t work then c


c) tell his boss that the coworker is slacking off


Dylan's best option is to inform his boss of the situation. Although B seems like a pretty good answer, it is better for Dylan to mind his own business and talk to his boss. Hope this helped :)

Molly is overwhelmed with her workload for the week. She has a long list of customers with whom to follow up, some paperwork to complete, and her supervisor has asked her to help train a new staff member. Which behavior would help Molly to be more productive this week? U a) Filling out paperwork while talking to customers on the phone b) Making all her tasks top priority Not sharing suggestions with your supervisor c) d) Setting deadlines for the week



d. setting deadlines for the week

What pose a hazzard threat of severe dangers to construction workers health



Physical Hazards

Physical HazardsExtreme temperatures, poor air quality, excessive noise and radiation in the workplace can all harm workers, potentially causing respiratory problems, hearing loss and cancer, among other problems


A theory based on sigmund




Explanation: The id, ego and super-ego are developed in the early years of the child brain development. The same apply to the sexual development. all these are covered up in the Sigmund's Psychoanalytic theory.

Being an athlete, adequate fluid intake is very important. Explain why dehydration is a concern.
If Susan does become dehydrated, she may experience a heat related illness. Depending on the temperature and her hydration status there are three types of heat related illnesses. List the three heat concerns for Susan.


Answer: heat and loss of fluids and electrolytes


Dehydration is a major concern because adequate intake of fluid must necessarily be required for athletes in order to facilitate the normal supply of water to the entire body.

What is Dehydration?

Dehydration may be defined as a type of condition that may eventually take place when the body loses too much water and other fluids that it needs to work normally.

Dehydration is a primary contributor to heat exhaustion. Your work performance may suffer when you are dehydrated, even if you don't notice. Depending on the temperature and her hydration status, the three heat-related illnesses are as follows:

Heat cramps.Heat strokes.Heat exhaustion.

In this condition, the major heat concerns for Susan may include high fluctuation in body temperature, imbalance in fluid properties, and its consumption, and many abnormal reactions inside the body.

To learn more about Heat-related illnesses, refer to the link:



Include the following:
A list of all 10 questions you would ask the financial manager of the chosen organization.
A rationale of 50–100 words for each question.


1. What are the company’s values? What characteristics do you look for in employees in order to represent those values?

2. What’s your favorite part about working at the company?

3. What does success look like in this position, and how do you measure it?

4. Are there opportunities for professional development? If so, what do those look like?

5. Who will I be working most closely with?

6. What do you see as the most challenging aspect of this job?

7. Is there anything about my background or resume that makes you question whether I am a good fit for this role?

8. What do the day-to-day responsibilities of the role look like?

Kelsie wants to create a "SMART" goal to help her get to work on time every day. Which of the following is the best goal? O a) "I will stop being late for work by setting my alarm every day." O b) "I will get to work before 9 A.M. every day this month." Oc) "I will get to work on time." "I will get to work on or before 9 A.M. at least 20 workdays per month by O d) setting an alarm the night before and not hitting the snooze button."



"I will get to work on or before 9 A.M. at least 20 workdays per month.

A woman comes to the office to have a gold crown on tooth #3 placed permanently. However, she mentions that she has been
experiencing a dull ache and temperature sensitivity in that area for the past 5 days. After the dentist examines the area, he informs the
dental assistant that he will cement the gold crown on tooth #3 with temporary cement. Why is this change in cementation needed?


The change in cementation from permanent to temporary may have been due to an infection or even a damage in the tooth cavity which she felt as a dull ache and temperature sensitivity.

Cementation is the process of using a certain dental cement to a tooth for restorative purposes. This process is used when there is the need to keep a damaged or loose tooth in place so as not to make it empty.

Dental cementation is done if a person wants to retain his/her tooth, or if the tooth is infected or damaged. This allows the tooth to be treated, with the dental cement acting as a cavity filling for the damaged tooth.Moreover, cementation helps restore the tooth and makes it easier for a person to consume foods.There are two types of dental cementation- temporary and permanent.While temporary cementation may be used for replacements or fillings with an easy removal process, permanent ones are less advantageous as they are hard to remove after the cement sets in.In the case of the woman who wants to have her gold crown permanently set, the dentist's decision to go for temporary cementation is because of the "dull ache and temperature sensitivity" that she experienced.Since these issues are detected in the tooth, there is a risk in permanently cementing the crown. This is because, with the ache and sensitivity issue, there might be a chance of infection or other dental issues, which can be hazardous if permanent cementation is done.

So, the dentist's decision to do temporary cementation rather than a permanent one is to ensure that in case of any infection, the removal process can be easily done and the infected tooth treated.  

Learn more about dental infections here:


A PCP might use social media to report laboratory results to a patient.





A PCP might use social media to remind everyone to get a flu shot, but they can't share your medical records with the public due to HIPAA laws.

The statement "A PCP might use social media to report laboratory results to a patient" is absolutely false.

What is Social media?

Social media may be defined as such types of websites and applications that allow the users to construct and share content, information, ideas, interests, and other sorts of expression through virtual communities and networks.

PCP stands for Primary care provider. A PCP never shares the reports of laboratory results to a patient on social media without the actual consent of the pateint.

This is because sharing the tests and medical reports of any patient on social media is against the HIPAA rule. So, without the actual consent of the patient, a PCP never discloses the results of medical reports to their relatives or family members as well.

Therefore, the statement "A PCP might use social media to report laboratory results to a patient" is absolutely false.

To learn more about Primary care providers, refer to the link:



name three dangerouse objects​



1)Human being.


3) Stomach.






1. Nuclear bomb

2. maxim machine gun

3. rifle

fats and oil __ (a)makes us grow tall (b)protects the body(c)gives us energy (d) makes the body warm​




c) .

fats and oils provide energy to the body .

Advances in well integrity have decreased incidents of leaks from well shafts into groundwater.






Took the test and it came back correct.

It is TRUE that advances in well integrity have decreased incidents of leaks from well shafts into groundwater.

Truly, the advances in well integrity have:

ensured that full control of fluids within a well are maintained.showed the commitment of well operators to safeguard public health.proved that well operators care about environmental safety.safeguarded the assets and reputation of well operators.

Before the advances in well integrity, leaks from well shafts have showed that well operators:

lacked good understanding of environmental conditionsemployed inappropriate construction practicesused poorly selected casing materials and cementing typeswere unable to design adequate validation of specimen.

Thus, it is true that advances in well integrity have benefited well operators, especially in ending incidents of leaks.

Learn more about the reason advances in well integrity are needed to maintain groundwater here: https://brainly.com/question/19921649

What should be included in the total measurement of output?
O a. Formed stools.
O b. Perspiration.
C. Emesis.
O d. Sputum.


i’m pretty sure it’s b

Please help due today





it does not matter if the equipment is cool or cute

it matters if it is cheap bc it will probably not work to the full potential

and its very important to know where the materials are and keeping it in order.

the answer is A bc first its obvious and second bc in order for something to be safe it has to be maintained correctly and regularly.

Drivers under age 18 are referred to as
O Class C
o Commercial
O Provisional



Class C


A class C driver's license is a special type of commercial driver's license (CDL). ... With a class C driver's license, you can drive delivery trucks, warehouse trucks, large passenger vans for 16 or more passengers, and small trucks transporting hazardous materials.



Drivers under age 18 are referred to as licensees.

O Class C

Chances of performing successful first aid increase if more then one person is involved


The answer to the question is TRUE

Assuming that a person going to community college can't afford to go to a four-year college is an example of ) a generalization. b) discrimination. O c) a stereotype. O d) tolerance.





The definition of stereotype is the belief about a certain person or category.

Assuming someone who goes to a community college can't pay for a university is a stereotype because it is an assumption made without knowing the full story. Hope this helped :)

There are two main methods of child study used today—the ______________ and the __________ methods.


correlational, experimental methods...

Interview method & self-report methods

Imagine a coach benching a player



coach: come on, move it.

(player misses 11 tackles and his number is 42)

coach: 42. Bench. 58. take his place.

Whats is the best way to get rid of pathogenic contamination
proper heating methods
organic pesticides
adequate cooling methods
herbal mixture



it's option A: proper heating methods


Bacteria in food are killed by cooking to temperatures above 73 °C (163 °F).

The best way to get rid of pathogenic contamination is by proper heating methods.

To destroy pathogenic contamination especially in food, Best practices for handling food and storage should be encouraged because these pathogens can multiply,  when certain conditions are not met.

Research has  found out that if food is heated  at and above 60°C /140°F, virtually all pathogenic bacteria can  be destroyed. Cooling and freezing may just prevent their growth but not destroy them.

Some Heating methods that can be used to kill pathogens in food includes

BoilingGrillingbroilingbaking, roasting, simmering etc

See more here:https://brainly.com/question/15187992

What did the Milgram experiment show? A. That people quickly adopt new roles B. That people will go along with the majority C. That people are basically bad D. That people obey authority​



The Milgram experiment(s) on obedience to authority figures was a series of social psychology experiments conducted by Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram. ... The experiment found, unexpectedly, that a very high proportion of subjects would fully obey the instructions, albeit reluctantly.

what is bacteria caused by



To be put simply, bacteria can be on things that are used quite often such as toilet seats, television remotes etc. If someone does something dirty such as plant seeds in dirt and not wash their hands, the next thing they touch will have bacteria on it. If you touch what has this bacteria on it, it stays on your hand. But if you wash your hands it will be gone, but if you touch your face, mouth, nose or eyes it will travel inside you, causing harm if it is a very bad type of bacteria.

Basically Bacterial and viral infections have many things in common. Both types of infections are caused by microbes -- bacteria and viruses, respectively -- and spread by things such as: Coughing and sneezing. Contact with infected people, especially through kissing and sex. Contact with contaminated surfaces, food, and water

Which of the following pathways is most likely to be active in the adipocytes of a person with untreated type 1 diabetes?
a. fatty acid synthesis
b. glycogenolysis
c. glycolysis
d. lipolysis





Can I eat my cereal and than drink advil before I sleep?


i don’t know but you should be able to


Yes, you can


Taking ibuprofen on an empty stomach can cause some irritation there, and you may get ulcers. Of course, it's not always necessary to have food or drinks before taking Advil. If your stomach hurts, you can take it with food or milk. It's recommended to check in with your doctor if you have a history of severe stomach problems before taking Advil, though.

why does effective goal-setting help us achieve goals?



And effective goal can help inspire you and others, And if this goal is a success, you might try new things, new goals to set, and go on from there!


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