Which of the following best characterizes an adaptive radiation? Which of the following best characterizes an adaptive radiation? Natural selection is particularly intense because disruptive selection occurs. A single lineage diversifies rapidly, and descendant species occupy many habitats and ecological roles. Descendant species occupy a large geographic area. Species recover after a mass extinction.


Answer 1


A single lineage diversifies rapidly, and descendant species occupy many habitats and ecological roles.


In biology, adaptive radiation refers to a phenomenon in which organisms tend to diversify rapidly from a common ancestor and then radiate into a multitude of new organisms.

These new organisms may have to change their environment in order to survive. This change in their environment creates new challenges and may lead to the appearance of new environmental niches.

Related Questions

In brief state what happens when a) dry apricots are left transferred to sugar solution? b) a Red Blood Cell is kept in concentrated saline solution? c) the Plasma-membrane of a cell breaks down? d) rheo leaves are boiled in water first and then a drop of sugar syrup is put on it? e) golgi apparatus is removed from the cell?




 (a) Dry apricots when placed in pure water swell due to osmosis and when in sugar water, they shrink again.

(b) When a Red Blood Cell is placed in concentrated saline solution exosmosis occurs and the RBCs shrink due to excess loss of water.

(c) Breaking of the plasma membrane leads to the scattering of the ceil organelles as it forms the basic supporting unit of the cell.

(d) When Rheo leaves are boiled in water first and then a drop of sugar syrup is put on it, osmosis does not occurs, due to the death of the cells of the leaf. This shows that selective permeability is property of living plasma membrane.

(e) Golgi complex helps in the package, storage and transfer of proteins synthesized by ribosomes. Thus, when ribosomes are removed the cell will not function properly

Compared to its surroundings, the concentration of solutes is low inside a cell. So, the cell is in a
for its transport from the cell to its surroundings. This type of transport is called
solution. A particular solute in this cell uses energy



Passive transport.


Osmosis occurs in the cell which is a type of passive transport. Passive transport refers to the transfer of solutes from one place to another without the expenditure or use of energy. Osmosis refers to the transfer of solutes from outside the cell into inside the cell through a semipermeable membrane which allow solutes which are small in size. This process occurs only when the concentration of solute is different inside and outside of the cell. while active transport is a type of transport which transfer solutes from one place to another with the use of energy in the form of ATP.

Which statement is always true when describing sex-linked inheritance? It results in a dominant trait. The alleles are found on the X or Y chromosome. The resulting trait is influenced by multiple alleles. It is affected by alleles on at least three different chromosomes.



the second one


there are only 2 sex linked chromosomes and that is X and Y

The true statement when describing sex-linked inheritance is ; ( B ) The alleles are found on the X and Y chromosome

The alleles responsible for reproductive inheritance from parents to offspring is contained in the X and Y chromosome of the reproductive gametes.

The female gametes contains double X chromosomes while the male reproductive gametes contains one X and one Y chromosomes. The alleles that are responsible for inheritance ( i.e. the sex of the offspring ) are contained in this chromosomes.

Hence we can conclude that The true statement when describing sex-linked inheritance is the alleles are found on the X and Y chromosome.

Learn more : https://brainly.com/question/24395447

what type of cash crops have been genetically modified..... please help!!!!!



Most food modifications have primarily focused on cash crops in high demand by farmers such as soybean, corn, canola, and cotton. Genetically modified crops have been engineered for resistance to pathogens and herbicides and for better nutrient profiles.


Una planta de flores púrpura se cruza con una planta de flores blancas, obteniéndose una descendencia en la segunda generación filial de 50 % heterocigotas, 25% homocigotas dominantes y 25% homocigotas recesivas. (el color púrpura domina sobre el blanco) Diga: ¿Qué genotipos y fenotipos tienen los padres para que se cumpla esta proporción en la segunda generación? ¿A qué la ley que corresponde? ¿Por qué los padres presentan ese genotipo y cuál es el fenotipo que expresan la segunda generación filial? Explique. Demuestre con cruces



Los padres son homocigotas y la F1 estará formada por individuos heterocigotas


El cruzamiento entre un ejemplar homocigota dominante P (flores púrpura) y un homocigota recesivo p (flores blancas) para un rasgo determinado por un sólo un gen con dominancia completa producirá una generación filial F1 100% heterocigota. Por su parte, cuando cuando estos individuios cuyo genotipo es Pp se cruzan entre sí, los genotipos esperados en la F2 serán 1 (PP, homocigota dominante): 2 (Pp, heterocigota): 1 (pp, homocigota recesivo). Esta aserción corresponde a la segunda ley de Mendel, la cual es conocida como la Ley de Segregación Independiente.

1. ____Bacteria are the only microorganisms used in the fermentation process 2. ____Fermentation can be used only to make dairy products 3. ____Starter cultures are used to initiate the process of fermentation in modern day food processing 4. ____Fermentation occurs when undesirable metabolic reactions allow for the growth of pathogens or the presence of unwanted microorganisms in food


Please sort the following statements as being true or false regarding fermentation and its role in food production. Please recall the role that microorganisms can play in the production of foods.


1.  False statement

2.  False statement

3.  True statement

4.  False statement


1. Yeast is a microorganism which is also used in fermentation process.

2. Fermentation can however be used for various reasons, including: development of flavours, preservation and enrichment of foods, reduction of food cooking time etc.

3. Starter culture is considered to be a form of microbiological process which is used to initiate a process of fermentation.

4. Fermentation is considered to be a desired action of microorganisms

Statement that Bacteria are regarded as only microorganisms utilized in fermentation process is False

Statement that Fermentation is considered only when making dairy products is False.

Statement that Starter cultures can be utilized when initiating the fermentation process in food processing in this age is True.

Statement that Fermentation takes place when growth of pathogens or unwanted microorganisms in food are allowed by undesirable metabolic reactions is False.

Fermentation can be regarded as metabolic process whereby  organism converts a carbohydrate into alcohol or an acid.

This process is used in making dairy products, one of the organisms that can be used in fermentation is yeast.

Learn more at:


Which statements accurately describe the roles of water on earth





It carries cold water from the equator to the poles

How does Photosynthesis relate to Cellular (aerobic) Respiration?
A. Photosynthesis breaks down glucose, Respiration builds it.
B. They are equal but opposite reactions.
C. Photosynthesis is for plants, while Respiration is for animals.
D. They are not related.


Answer: photosynthesis breaks down glucose. Hope you understand


Photosynthesis is related to Cellular (aerobic) Respiration in that they are equal but opposite reactions and the correct option is option B.

Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are complementary processes that are crucial for the energy flow in ecosystems. In photosynthesis, plants and some bacteria use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen. This process stores energy in the form of glucose.

In cellular respiration, organisms, including plants and animals, break down glucose and other organic molecules in the presence of oxygen to release energy for cellular activities. This process consumes glucose and oxygen and produces carbon dioxide and water as byproducts.

Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are interconnected through the exchange of products and reactants. The oxygen produced in photosynthesis is used in cellular respiration, while the carbon dioxide produced in cellular respiration is used in photosynthesis. As a result, they form a continuous cycle that maintains the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and provides energy for living organisms.

Thus, the ideal selection is option B.

Learn more about Photosynthesis, here:



Neuron A communicates with neuron B. The ________ of neuron A releases a signal that activates a(n) ________ of neuron B.



Axon terminal ; dendrite

Hope this answer correct :)

Neuron A communicates with neuron B, and the axon terminal of neuron A releases a signal that activates the receptors present on neuron B. The neurotransmitters are attached to the ligand-gated channel on neuron B.

What is nerve impulse transmission?

The nerve impulse transmission takes place between two neurons, and then in this way, from the sensory organs, the message passes to the spinal cord and the brain. The synapse is formed between the two neurons, such as the presynaptic neuron that releases the neurotransmitters, and this activates the ligand-gated channel of the postsynaptic neuron. Due to this interaction, the neurons get excited and activated.

Hence, neuron A communicates with neuron B, and the axon terminal of neuron A releases a signal that activates the receptors present on neuron B. The neurotransmitters are attached to the ligand-gated channel on neuron B.

Learn more about nerve impulse transmission here.



3. Why are some potentially
renewable resources currently
nonrenewable resources?


Some potentially renewable resources are currently nonrenewable because... species are taken faster than they can reproduce.

The intensification of ultraviolet rays has contributed to



skin cancer,sunburn,accelerated skin aging etc.


The severity of the effect depends on wavelength,intensity and duration of exposure.


increase in skin cancer. please give brainly!


If you step outside when the temperature is well below freezing, you can bet it will not be raining. You are more likely to see snow if there is any precipitation at all. Water in the clouds is so cold that it turns into ice crystals. What are some of the physical differences between rain water and ice crystals such as snow?



Physical features of rain water is different from snow.


Physical differences between rain water and ice crystals such as snow are given below.

The rain water is present in liquid form while snow is present solid form. rain water is colorless while snow is white in color. Rain water occurs when the temperature is warm while snow occurs in cold temperature. The size of rain water particle is small while size of snow particle is large. Rain water has circular shape while snow has many shapes such as plates, dendritic and irregular crystals.


Rain water is a liquid substance and snow is a solid substance. You can pick up snow with your hands, but water runs through your fingers.


Consider this animal cell. The organelles in an animal cell are labeled. Part E represents small dots on the nucleolus. What is the function of the small, dark organelles labeled E? They contain enzymes for the digestion of old cell parts. They regulate what enters and leaves the cell. They produce proteins for the cell. They store water and other materials.


The dark organelles labelled E is called the Ribosomes.




Edge 2020

What is most similar about the alkaline earth metals?



They are beryllium (Be), magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca), strontium (Sr), barium (Ba), and radium (Ra). The elements have very similar properties: they are all shiny, silvery-white, somewhat reactive metals at standard temperature and pressure

Individual "A" produces 10 offspring, 8 of whom survive to adulthood. Individual "B" (a member of the same population) produces 15 offspring, 7 which survive to adulthood. Based on the concept of natural selection, individual "A" has the higher fitness.a) trueb) false


Individual a has the higher fitness because more of its offspring survived compared to the original amount of offspring

In natural selection when more offspring is survived is a sign of higher fitness of the particular population, hence given statement is true.

What is natural selection?

Most qualities are inherited, there are more children generated than can survive, and offspring with more advantageous features will survive and have more offspring than those with less advantageous traits leading to the inevitable process of natural selection.

Since there are only so many resources available, more creatures are born than can live those who are better at obtaining food.

Mating or evading predators will have a higher chance of thriving, procreating, and passing on their DNA.

Therefore an individual in the population has offspring to survive more in number.

Learn more about natural selection, here:



When human skin suffers a cut, the process of healing rapidly begins allowing for wound closure and healing within a few days. Keloids occur when skin around wounds continues to grow after the skin has healed. A disruption in the regulation of which cellular process is probably responsible for this condition



A. Mitosis

B. Meiosis

C. Apoptosis

D. Phagocytosis




Mitosis is a type of cell division which takes place in living  organism during growth and development.Therefore it is ensures  the regenerations of cells and tissues during healing.

Therefore the restoration of new cells to the skin following injuries is due to mitosis.Since this is a multiplication division(2n) in which the daughter cells are exactly like the parents' cells the new tissues of the skin by mitosis, look exactly like the previous one that was injured.

In cases where the mitotic growth control is lost, the scare tissues of the injured part overgrows with granulation tissues and this leads to Kaloids.

      Its is a mass of Collagen Type 1.(Collagen is an  fibrous proteins  which has largest proportion in mammals).

Keloids  is characterized with pink or red coloration and elevation of the area,excessive growth of the area, with irritating  patch skin

The destruction of an organism's habitat either through human impact or natural causes, such as a fire or flood, increases the likelihood that an organism could become extinct. Which of the following could also increase an organism's chances of extinction? A. an increase in predation, competition, and/or disease B. a lack of genetic diversity in an organism's species C. the inability to reproduce D. all of these





all of those are likely to increase an organisms chances of extinction

En la raza de ovejas Rommey Marsh, un gen conocido como gris letal, provoca que el feto gris GG, muera antes de las 15 semanas de gestación; El Genotipo heterocigótico Gg produce lana gris y el genotipo homocigótico gg produce lana negra. Si se cruzan individuos heterocigóticos. Cuáles serán las proporciones fenotípicas esperadas en la progenie viva? *




Please  check the file,due to technical reasons there was issues  with submission


Which of the following is a testable hypothesis?
a. Roses are more beautiful than violets.
b. A plant needs at least five hours of sunlight per day to grow.
c. I've cream is delicious.
d. Humans will someday land on Mars.



D. Humans will someday be on mars

nope, the only one you can test would be B, because the others are opinions or something in the future

What are intermediate species? in an easy way to understand. And some examples?



An intermediate is a species which appears in the mechanism of a reaction, but not in the overall balanced equation. Examples: Amphibian/land vertebrate (Pederpes)- Intermediate form between primary aquatic Upper Devonian amphibians and early tetrapods. Lizard/snake (Pachyrhachis)—Intermediate form of snakes and an extinct lizard-like reptile. It was a primitive snake with limbs.


Answer: These are certain species that create “connecting links” or something like that, between the fossil record of life which help to show the slow process of speciatin.

[speciatin- the formation of new and distinct species in the course of evolution.]

Hope this helped! <3

1. If the temperature of the water increases from 5°C to 10°C, the goldfish in Population 1 would most likely



hot water make it hard for fish to breathe


an increase in temperature of water will  reduced the dissolved oxygen in water and increase the metabolic rate of goldfish thus causing goldfish respiration rate

What is a pedigree? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.
a) a tool to document harmful traits only
b) a type of family tree that can help answer questions about genes and their inheritance patterns
c) a cross between animals other than humans
d) a type of genetic test to determine probability of inheritance
e) a way of following genotypes that are the same as the phenotype





A pedigree is a genetic representation of a family tree that diagrams the inheritance of a trait or disease though several generations




What has a greater influence on protein levels?



B : mRNA destroyer concentration has a greater influence because it is destroying mRNA before proteins can even be produced.


what are the methods used in biodegrable waste managment? plz amswer i will give brainliest if u answer im using my last points​



The different types of waste are urban, industrial, agricultural, biomedical, and radioactive wastes.

Methods used within biodegradable waste management are composting, landfilling, incineration, recycling and plasma gasification.



Composting. Since biodegradable or organic wastes like vegetable peels, waste food, leaves, dead flowers, and egg shells can be recycled, they are converted into manure by burying them in compost pits.


-gene 1
-gene 2
-gene 3
How are these three genes related?



Depends on the locations of these gene segment on the chromosome whether it be found on the same or different.

It can either be linked or unlinked.

How do the leaves help trees survive in their respective biomes? A. The temperate leaves are broad and flat to maximize sunlight absorption, while the taiga leaves are long and thin to minimize sunlight absorption. B. The temperate leaves are thin to minimize absorption of sunlight, while the taiga leaves are specialized to store water during the dry season. C. The temperate leaves shed water during the wet season, while the taiga leaves can enter long periods of dormancy during colder weather. D. The temperate leaves grow in the spring and shed in the cold, while the taiga leaves are dark and wax-coated to prevent the tree from freezing.



The correct answer is option D.


The temperate leaves grow in temperate forests found in America, Europe, and Asia. This biome comprise of trees have evergreen conifers with needle like leaves. Such leaves can endure wide change of temperature and light. Some vegetation of temperate biome are conifers such as Pine, Hemlock and other. The trees shed their leaves with the beginning of fall and new leaves are delivered in late-winter  to protect from the cold.

On other hand, Taiga forest is the biggest biome on the planet. This biome contain conifers with long, slender waxy needles like leaves. These waxy leaves provide security against freezing temperature and from dying drying out. In contrast to temperate they don't sheds their leaves in winter and keep their needles throughout the entire year.

Thus, the correct answer is option D.


D. The temperate leaves grow in the spring and shed in the cold, while the taiga leaves are dark and wax-coated to prevent the tree from freezing


Got it right on Edmentum

Does human have link with their genes(from their family)?



Yes genes are the features of either the mother of father


Yes genes are features of other parents genes

The image shows groundwater zones. Top to bottom: Porous rock or soil, Water, Impermeable rock. Zone 1 is at the top of porous rock. Zone 2 is between porous rock and water. Zone 3 is in the Water. Zone 4 is between the Water and Impermeable rock. Which is the saturated zone?



zone 3





Is there just one universal scientific method?



There is no such unique standard method—scientific progress requires many methods—but students in introductory science courses are taught that `The Scientific Method' is a straightforward procedure, involving testing hypotheses derived from theories in order to test those theories.


a pupil performed an experiment in a school lab to show the action of a digestive enzyme on a food substance

a) Name and enzyme suitable for such an experiment
b) Name a food substance on which the enzyme that you have named will act
c) Describe any preparation of the food required before the experiment is performed. If no preparation is required state why?
d) give the temperature at which the enzyme-food mix should be maintained for the experiment to work
e) how much time is needed for digestion of food in this experiment?
f) describe a test to confirm that digestion has occurred ​


I prefer d as the correct answer!!!
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