Which of the following conflicts led to an expansion of Presidential foreign policy power?

1)World War I
2)World War II
4)None of these choices are correct.


Answer 1
They answer is Vietnam and world war 1
Answer 2

Of all the given conflicts, the two that led to an expansion of Presidential foreign policy power were World War I and Vietnam. Hence, options A and C are correct.

What is Presidential foreign policy?

In any country, there are few higher authorities that are involved in all the policies that are run by the government of that nation, and the policy that is related to foreign affairs involves the President of the country. There is no such separate foreign policy that is run by the President of the country.

In the case of the  U.S., the constitution of the country parcels the powers regarding foreign relations to both the houses that is the executive and the legislative. Although some powers are also granted to the military, while some to the President, and others, like the regulation of foreign commerce, to Congress. With the separation of power, there is a debate also spawned over the roles of the President and Congress in foreign affairs.

Thus, Options A and C are correct.

Learn more about foreign policy from here:



Related Questions

In the summer of 2002, Kelly Flatley and Brendan Synnott joined forces to launch a homemade granola business out of Flatley's parents' home. They had no advertising budget, so they had to find other ways to let consumers know about Bear Naked Granola. The entrepreneurs went door-to-door to small specialty and natural food stores. They also set up tables and tents at community events and 5K charity runs where they gave away samples of their granola. From this information, you can infer that Flatley and Synnott used the _____ method for promoting their product.


Answer: all available funds


From the information given in the question, it can be infer that Flatley and Synnott used the all available funds method for promoting their product.

This all available funds method is the allocation of all the available profits for advertising purposes. It is an aggressive method as it can invoice moving door to door or doing at other means in order to promote a product. It is useful when a new company wants to increase the consumer awareness with regards to its products or services.

A borrower attends a seminar on how to get rich by investing in real estate with no money down. A third party encourages the borrower to invest in three real estate properties. Under the third party's guidance the borrower completes the applications and provides the specific documentation required. The borrower is unaware that the third party owned numerous properties in the name of an LLC and submitted applications on not just the three properties known to the borrower but on a total of 15 properties, this is an example of:







This is simply known as the ways at which information is stored through the combination of small pieces of information into larger pieces.

Chunking in business is simply known also as the sale of properties at artificially inflated prices, pitched as investment opportunities to unknowly real estate investors who are promised improbably high returns and loan risks. The third-party therefore helps the investor and may use the investor's information to apply for loans at multiple institutions and then retain the proceeds leaving the borrower with multiple loans that cannot be repaid

There are a lot of fraud scheme usually includes a "get rich quick" real estate seminar. It occurs when a third party convinces an uninformed borrower to invest in a property (or properties), with no money down and with the third party acting as the borrower's agent. The third party is also the owner of the property or part of a larger group organizing the scheme.

A merchant sued a company for breach of contract, alleging that the products she purchased failed to conform to contract specifications. Shortly before the trial was to begin, the merchant suffered a stroke that left her paralyzed and virtually unable to communicate. Her guardian was properly substituted as the plaintiff in the lawsuit. At trial, following presentation of the plaintiff's case, the company calls as a witness a priest to question him about a conversation he had with the merchant at a church fundraiser. In this conversation, the merchant told the priest in confidence that the products she received were actually quite functional, but that she had become aware of a lower price being offered by another vendor, and thus wanted to get out of her contract with the company. The plaintiff's attorney immediately objects on the basis of clergy-penitent privilege. How should the court rule on the objection



Overruled, because the circumstances under which the merchant made the statement take it outside the scope of the privilege.


A clergy-penitent privilege is one that protects information that is divulged between a person and his priest. The matters discussed with the priest should be in his capacity as a spiritual adviser.

However in the given scenario they were in a social setting during casual conversation so it was not not in his role as spiritual adviser.

A clergy-penitent privilege will have applied if the conversation took place during confession or a counselling session.

The court should overrule the objection as the conversation is outside the scope of clergy-penitent privilege.

in Chapter 7 bankruptcy a debtor

A) Is required to draw up a petition listing all assets and liabilities

B) dose not have to pay a filing fee

C) is absolved of alimony and child support payments

D) dose not have to repay educational loans​


Answer: A. is required to draw up a petition listing all assets and liabilities.


Bankruptcy simply refers to the legal whereby an economic entity is unable to repay their outstanding debts. In this case, the individual or business will need to sell its remaining assets in order to pay the liabilities.

Due to the above reason, then the debtor will be required by the government to list all of their assets and the liabilities that it owns and this will be used in determining whether the obligation has been fulfilled or not.

explain hotel manager​



Hotel managers are responsible for managing employees and for planning, marketing , coordinating and administering hotel services such as catering and accommodation facilities.


hotel manager is the one who oversees all respects of running hotel housekeeping general maintain to the budget

Indicate the effect of each transaction on the accounting equation by choosing the appropriate letter from the following list: Increase in an asset, decrease in another asset. Increase in an asset, increase in a liability. Increase in an asset, increase in owner's equity. Decrease in an asset, decrease in a liability. Decrease in an asset, decrease in owner's equity.



Increase in an asset, increase in owner's equity.


Accounting equation is assets + liabilities = owners stockholders equity. The investment of owners in the company will increase the assets as when the company borrows money from the banks the company assets also raise equity.

The CEO of Skyco, a publicly-traded company that has been earning below-average returns, has been publicly criticized by shareholders for persuading the board of directors to give her interest-free loans, for having the company purchase and furnish a lavish apartment in Paris for her personal use on her twice-yearly trips there, and for excessive stock options. The CEO's behavior may be indication of
A) reasonably compensating a CEO.
B) a weak board of directors.
C) the laxity of institutional investors.
D) the difference in risk propensity between owners and managers.



B) a weak board of directors


The board of directors of a company are elected group of people that represents the interest of shareholders of a company.

They provide oversight by meeting at intervals to set policies that will govern the company.

In the given scenario the CEO got interest-free loans, for having the company purchase and furnish a lavish apartment in Paris for her personal use on her twice-yearly trips there, and for excessive stock options.

This is with the consent of the board of directors and despite the company earning below-average returns.

It is a sign that the board of directors is weak and are not adequately representating the wishes of the shareholders.

It is well-known that retaining an existing customer is far less expensive than acquiring a new one, so you suggest that the owners begin by calculating share of customer to identify opportunities to sell more products to existing customers. Before you can calculate Camp Plus's share of customer, you need to determine what type of data you need to gather. What data sources will you need to utilize to calculate share of customer



internal and external data


Big Data analysis can be regarded as one that contains massive amounts of data as well as complex analysis.

Internal data can be regarded as information that is been generated from within the business these could contains some areas like operations as well as maintenanc and personnel.

External data on other hands are attributed to the market, as well as from customers and from the firms competitors, it could be gotten from survey. All for increasing profitability.

required Journal entry
received rs 18000 from debtors and discount allowed him Rs 2000
it's urgent
please help me(mark as BRAINLIEST)​


Mwlqlqmqnqn im not sure...



Feelings can be hurt by mutually respecting coworkers. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F





A team can be defined as a group of people or set of individuals with various skill set, knowledge and experience coming together to work on a project or task in order to successfully achieve a set goal and objective.

This ultimately implies that, a team comprises of individuals, workers or employees having complementary skills, knowledge and experience needed to execute a project or task successfully. Therefore, workers working as a team usually interact with the other team members and as a result, this enhances performance and strengthen the level of relationship they share.

Basically, when coworkers or employees working in an organization have mutual respect for one another, it would help to tighten or strengthen the bond that exists in the workplace and as such improving their feelings for each other.

This ultimately implies that, feelings cannot be hurt by mutually respecting coworkers.

identify five business functions that are applicable to the scenario above.Motivate your answer by quoting from the scenario ​




During the taking of its physical inventory on December 31,2008, Genesis company incorrectly counted its inventory as $126,000 instead of the correct amount of $135,000.




Wrong inventory needed = $126,000

Right inventory need to recorded = $135,000

Correct amount need to record = 135,000 - 126,000

Correct amount need to record = $9,000

Journal entry

Purchase A/c dr    9,000

To Credit or cash  A/c   9,0000

Expenditures capitalized as long-lived assets generally include those expenditures that:

a. Are made for normal repairs to maintain the usefulness of the asset over a number of years.

b. Are for items that have a physical life of more than a year, regardless of their cost.

c. Are material in amount and that have an economic benefit to the entity only in the curret year.

d. Are material in amount and that have an economic benefit to the entity that extends beyond the current year.





What do safeguarding devices do to protect the worker?

Select the 3 answer options that apply.

Detects operator contact with the machine's point of operation

Prevents operator contact with the machine's point of operation



Answer: Prevent contact:


]The safeguard must prevent hands, arms, and any other part of a worker's body from making contact with dangerous moving parts. A good safeguarding system eliminates the possibility of the operator or another worker placing parts of their bodies near hazardous moving parts.

Safeguarding devices prevent or detect operator contact with the point of operation to protect the worker. The correct option is b.

What is a safeguarding device?

Safeguarding devices are protective measures consisting of the use of specific technical means, to protect workers from hazards that cannot be reasonably removed or sufficiently limited by design. These devices encompass a variety of equipment that prevents or limits access to the hazards. These can include everything from controls that require the worker to use both hands, gates that block access to moving parts, and sensing devices that identify when the worker is too close to the hazard.

Employers are responsible for safeguarding machines. Any machine part, function or process with the potential for causing an injury must be safeguarded using control methods that prevent employee contact with hazardous areas through effective machine guarding techniques. Almost all new machinery is available with safeguards installed by the manufacturer.

However, used or older equipment may require either purchasing additional safeguards or building and installing them in-house.

Learn more about safeguarding, here:



The quality of the report Jamie turned in was lower than expected. Here was
part of his explanation: 'Large portions of the material came from Luke down
the hall." What likely character flaw does this reveal in Jamie?



he was not doing his job right? im sorry if this is wrong



B.Lack of willingness to take responsibility


Vaughn Manufacturing uses the percentage-of-receivables basis to record bad debt expense and concludes that 3% of accounts receivable will become uncollectible. Accounts receivable are $421,400 at the end of the year, and the allowance for doubtful accounts has a credit balance of $3,027. (a) Prepare the adjusting journal entry to record bad debt expense for the year. (b) If the allowance for doubtful accounts had a debit balance of $839 instead of a credit balance of $3,027, prepare the adjusting journal entry for bad debt expense.


Answer:The adjusting journal entry will be

a)Debit Bad debts expense  $9,615  

Credit Allowance for doubtful accounts   $9,615

b))Debit Bad debts expense  $13,481

Credit Allowance for doubtful accounts    $13,481


Estimated uncollectible= $421,400 × 3% = $12,642

Allowance for doubtful accounts with  a credit balance of $3,027

Allowance for Bad debts expense = $12,642 - $3,027= $9,615

Account titles and explanation                 Debit                Credit

Bad debts expense                                   $9,615

Allowance for doubtful accounts                                       $9,615        

When the Allowance for doubtful accounts has a debit balance of $839

$12,642+$839= $13,481

Account titles and explanation                 Debit                Credit

Bad debts expense                                 $13,481

Allowance for doubtful accounts                                      $13,481    


Job cost sheets can be used to: (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. provide a permanent record for the Cost of Goods Sold account. monitor costs incurred to date and to predict and control costs for each job. provide a subsidiary ledger for the Finished Goods Inventory account. provide a subsidiary ledger for the Raw Materials Inventory account.


Answer: • provide a permanent record for the cost of goods sold account

• monitor costs incurred to date and to predict and control costs for each job.

• provide a subsidiary ledger for the finished goods inventory account.


Job cost sheet refers to the document that is used for the recording of the manufacturing costs and it is used as a subsidiary ledger for the work in process account due to the fact that it contains every details about the job in process.

From the options given, the job cost sheets can be used to:

• provide a permanent record for the cost of goods sold account

• monitor costs incurred to date and to predict and control costs for each job.

• provide a subsidiary ledger for the finished goods inventory account.

Higher uncertainty of losses forces property-casualty firms to _________. A. invest in more short-term assets than life insurance firms. B. invest in more long-term assets than life insurance firms. C. hold a lower percentage of capital and reserves than life insurance firms. D. invest in riskier equity securities than life insurance firms. E. conduct more separate accounts business than life insurance firms.


B: invest in more long term asserts than life insurance

A paper manufacturer is forced to make staff cutbacks because of declining profits. It decides to cut back each employee's hours and pay by one-half day per week rather than laying off two people. Senior managers believe that by allowing all their employees to keep their jobs, they are producing the greatest good for the greatest number of people. Which rule for ethical decision making does this example show





Utilitarianism is a morality theory that advocated the actions in order to foster the happiness and the actions that result harm or unhappiness could be opposed. It is an action that could be right so this would create a happiness for the larger no of people as a group or society as a whole

So as per the given situation, it is a utilitarian theory

Select all that apply Job cost sheets can be used to: (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. provide a subsidiary ledger for the Raw Materials Inventory account. provide a subsidiary ledger for the Finished Goods Inventory account. monitor costs incurred to date and to predict and control costs for each job. provide a permanent record for the Cost of Goods Sold account.



provide a subsidiary ledger for the finished goods inventory account

monitor costs incurred to date and to predict and control costs for each job

provide a permanent record for the cost of goods sold account


job cost sheet is a recording of all expenses that should be related to the job segment or an individual job.

Also it give the subsidiary ledger for the finished goods. It checks the cost that should be incurred till date and to predict and control the cost. Moreover, it gives the permanenet record for the cost of goods sold

These 3 above statements should be considered

4. When Jenna confided in Lew and Al that she, too was concerned about adding additional risk, Lew suggested that they explore the possibility of one of the newest forms of business ownership, a(n) ____________, which has very flexible ownership rules and would give them more choices in how the company's earnings are taxed while still protecting all owners from high levels of risk. Group of answer choices



limited liability company


A limited liability company (LLC) can be regarded as a business structure that is very common in the United States, these business structure can be regarded as a one in which the owners can not be regarded as been personally liable for debts as well as the liabilities of the company. Limited liability companies can be regarded as hybrid entities which is the combination of the features of corporation s well as partnership

Suppose that the market for haircuts in a community is a perfectly competitive constant-cost industry and that the market is initially in long-run equilibrium. Subsequently, an increase in population increases the demand for haircuts. In the long run, we expect that: Question 7 options: a) firms will leave the market, driving the price of haircuts up and the profits of individual firms up. b) more firms will enter the market, driving the price of haircuts up and the profits of individual firms back down to zero. c) firms will leave the market, driving the price of haircuts up and the profits of individual firms back down to zero. d) more firms will enter the market, driving the price of haircuts down and the profits of individual firms back down to zero.



d) more firms will enter the market, driving the price of haircuts down and the profits of individual firms back down to zero.


In the case when the demand is increased, the price of haircuts would also increased and due to this the firm could earn positive economic profit. And for earning the economic profit in a positive way, the no of firm should be rised that increased the supply so automatically the prices are decreasing

Therefore the above option should be the answer

What is the intent of a Pigouvian​ tax? A. To encourage producers of a negative externality to increase production to the socially optimal level. B. To eliminate the force of the invisible hand in market transactions. C. To mandate by government fiat the reduction of production to the socially optimal level. D. To induce producers of a negative externality to reduce production to the socially optimal level.





A good has negative externality if the costs to third parties not involved in production is greater than the benefits. an example of an activity that generates negative externality is pollution. Pollution can be generated at little or no cost, so they are usually overproduced. Government can discourage the production of activities that generate negative externality by taxation. Taxation increases the cost of production and therefore discourages overproduction. Tax levied on externality is known as Pigouvian tax.

Government can regulate the amount of externality produced by placing an upper limit on the amount of negative externality permissible

Coase theorem has been proposed as a solution to externality. According to this theory, when there are conflicting property rights, bargaining between parties involved can lead to an efficient outcome only if the bargaining cost is low

Another solution to negative externality is through the activities of charities. Charities can raise donations to limit or regulate the activities of firms that constitutes a negative externality.

The unemployment rate may underestimate the true extent of unemployment if: Question 26 options: many part-time employees would like to work fulltime, but are unable to get the additional work. employees increase the number of hours they work overtime. there are a large number of people working in the underground economy. people are pretending to look for work so that they can continue receiving unemployment benefits.



there are a large number of people working in the underground economy.


The unemployment rate is the rate of people in the labour force that is without a job but they are actively looking for employment

Types of unemployment

structural unemployment is an unemployment that occurs as a result of changes in the economy. These changes can be as a result of changes in technology, polices or competition. Structural unemployment tends to be permanent.  

Frictional unemployment:  the period of time a person is unemployed from the period he leaves his current job and the time he gets another job. Eg. when a real estate agent who leaves a job in Texas and searches for a similar, higher-paying job in California.

Voluntary unemployment: e.g. worker at a fast-food restaurant who quits work and attends college.

Cyclical unemployment: it occurs as a result of fluctuations in the economy. Unemployment would be high in a downturn and low in a boom  

If a large number of people are working underground, they would not be counted as part of the labour force and so the labour force would be smaller. This understates unemployment rate

Suppose that Sandy owns a farm in North Carolina and Pat owns a farm in lowa, and Sandy's farm is generally more productive than Pan's. If both Sandy and Pat sell their com in the same market Sandy should produce the output at the marginal cost that is
A. equal to the marginal cost of Pars production
B. greater than the marginal cost of Pat's production
C. less than the marginal cost of Pat's production
D. equal to total revenue in the market



A. equal to the marginal cost of Pars production


In the case when both sandy and pat sold their come in the similar market so here sandy should generated the result at the marginal cost that should be equivalent to the pat marginal cost of production

So as per the given situation, the option a is correct

And, the rest of the solutions are considered to be wrong

Abe receives a check from Bea for fixing Bea's car. Bea's bank is Bank B. Abe deposits the check into his bank, Bank A. Select all the statements that correct describe the check-clearing process. Multiple select question. Bank A increases its reserves at the Federal Reserve Bank by more than the amount of the check. Bank A increases Abe's checkable deposits by the amount of the check. Total reserves in the banking system remain unchanged. Total reserves in the banking system increase.



Bank A increases its reserves at the Federal Reserve Bank by more than the amount of the check.

Bank A increases Abe's checkable deposits by the amount of the check.

Total reserves in the banking system remain unchanged.


In the case when Abe received the check from bea in order to fixed out the bea car so here Bank A should increased the reserve that should be exceed the check amount

Also it increased the abe checkable deposit via the amount check and the total reserves should remain the same

These should be considered

Congress passed the Sarbanes-Oxley Act to ensure that investors invest only in companies that will be profitable. select an option False 2. The standards of conduct by which actions are judged as loyal or disloyal are ethics. select an option True 3. The primary accounting standard-setting body in the United States is the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). select an option True 4. The historical cost principle dictates that companies record assets at their cost and continue to report them at their cost over the time the assets are held. select an option True 5. The monetary unit assumption requires that companies record only transactions that can be measured in money.



1. False

2. False

3. False

4. True

5. True


1. False: Congress passed the Sarbanes-Oxley Act to ensure that investors invest only in companies that will be profitable.

Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 is a legal framework which was passed by the 107th U.S Congress on the 30th of July, 2002. The law required that investment banking be completely made rid of research analysts who works at a broker-dealer firms, so that the analysts are not influenced to write favorable reports to enhance their potential investment banking businesses.

Hence, it is a federal law that imposes a stiffer penalty for any securities related law break offence by the accountants, auditors etc by mandating strict reforms to the existing securities regulations.

2. False: The standards of conduct by which actions are judged as loyal or disloyal are ethics.

Ethics can be defined as a standard of conduct that judges a person's action as either right or wrong.

Hence, it's a set of both written and unwritten principles, values or rules of moral conduct that guides (governs) human behaviors. Ethics is a reflection that is typically based on identifying what is good or bad, right or wrong and just or unjust with respect to human behaviors.

3. False: The primary accounting standard-setting body in the United States is the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

In the United States of America, the financial accounting standards board (FASB) is the primary accounting standard-setting body.

The financial accounting standards board (FASB) is a private, non-profit organization saddled with the responsibility of establishing and maintaining financial accounting and reporting standards for general guidance of individuals or capital providers such as investors, issuers and auditors.

4. True: The historical cost principle dictates that companies record assets at their cost and continue to report them at their cost over the time the assets are held.

5. True: The monetary unit assumption requires that companies record only transactions that can be measured in money.

Do you think the directors of tgh word right to target a niche market or should they just sell sports shoes to a market? Justify your answer


A niche market does not mean a small market, but it involves specific target audience with a specialized offering.

Hope this helped!

What it means monthly you don't have to pay per week?



You have to pay once a month


It depends what they're asking. Either you might have to pay at the beginning of the month, or at the end of the month. If you don't pay in time, you have to pay an extra fee.

The journal entry to record the use of direct materials in process costing is to: Multiple choice question. debit Raw Materials Inventory and credit Work in Process Inventory. debit Work in Process Inventory and credit Raw Materials Inventory. debit Raw Materials Inventory and credit Factory Overhead. debit Factory Overhead and credit Raw Materials Inventory.



debit Work in Process Inventory and credit Raw Materials Inventory


Inventory is an asset and a debit to an asset is an increase in that asset while a credit to an asset is a decrease in the value of the asset.

Direct material is an example of a raw material and as such when used in processing, the account balance reduces while work in progress which is the next product in the processing of raw materials increases.

Hence going by the principles stated earlier, the journal entry to record the use of direct materials in process costing is to debit Work in Process Inventory and credit Raw Materials Inventory.

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