Which of the following groups of people made it possible to construct complex buildings like this one?



Answer 1
The answer is d, the mathematicians constructed the complex buildings
Answer 2
D mathematicians, that’s the right answer

Related Questions

What new tactics did Alice Paul use to gain attention to the women’s suffrage movement? Check all that apply.

engaging in hunger strikes
picketing at the White House
writing letters
marching with police
being arrested








The new techniques used by Alice Paul to gain attention to the women’s suffrage movement are engaging in hunger strikes, picketing at the White House and being arrested. Thus, option 1st, 2nd and 5th are correct.

What is suffrage movement?

The struggle for women's voting rights became known as the suffrage movement. Women and the impoverished have had to battle for government involvement all throughout Europe and the United States. During World War I, women's rights to vote were strengthened.

Alice Paul, a vocal leader of the twentieth-century women's suffrage movement, pushed for and helped win the ratification of the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution, which granted women the right to vote. In 1923, Paul drafted the Equal Rights Amendment, which has yet to be enacted.

Alice Paul's innovative tactics for drawing attention to the women's suffrage campaign include hunger strikes, picketing outside the White House, and being arrested. As a result, options 1st, 2nd and 5th are correct.

Learn more about suffrage movement here:



help me pleaseeee

question: What were the events that helped the United States economy grow?



Consumer spending and business investment drive economic growth in the United States. A corporation that purchases a new manufacturing plant or invests in new technologies produces jobs, which leads to increased spending and economic growth. Other variables contribute to the growth of consumer and company expenditures.


My answer is correct because I looked through my textbook and did all I could! Thanks! Have a good one!



Create a claim on which element of culture was the most unifying force in Mayan culture.

Sentence Starter:

Based on the sources that I have reviewed, ________________ (choose one element of culture) was the most unifying force of Mayan culture because __________ (reason 1) and _________ (reason 2).

Explain your reasoning.


Based on the sources that I have reviewed, I believe that the diseases that where brought in was the most unifying force of Mayan culture because it helped them come together and also I think it put them in their place and helped them realize like hey we need to take better care of are people and make sure that no one that is coming in is getting are people sick. My reasoning behind this is that like I know that if this was happening to my area I would do everything I could to get my people safe and keep them from getting sick. The Mayan culture obviously did not have any medication or anything of that sort so the people that caught the disease died and it was a lot of people. So I know I would do everything in my power to keep everyone safe and healthy.

Hope this helps!!! I just did quick research
The Maya civilization was one of the most dominant Indigenous societies of Mesoamerica (a term used to describe Mexico and Central America before the 16th century Spanish conquest). Unlike other scattered Indigenous populations of Mesoamerica, the Maya were centered in one geographical block covering all of the Yucatan Peninsula and modern-day Guatemala; Belize and parts of the Mexican states of Tabasco and Chiapas and the western part of Honduras and El Salvador. This concentration showed that the Maya remained relatively secure from invasion by other Mesoamerican peoples.

Please help quick question, but put an explanation or a proof
Is this true or false, Abraham Lincoln had the authority to free enslaved people.


True, Abraham Lincoln as his presidential recal, he stopped slavery for a while, but what people don’t know is he owned a few of his own. But yes, he did have the authority to free enslaved people due to his President







ok im ganna help but i dont belive in cheating, .match them bye the ones place one thru ten.

https://www.vox.com/2015/4/20/8430013/american-history-map this might help you.

Please help quick question, but put an explanation or a proof
who did not plan to outlaw slavery where it already existed


Abolitionist hope this helps




Southern political leaders' resistance to attempts by Northern antislavery political forces to block the expansion of slavery into the western territories.

Are these right???



No, put the mississippi one and the first one and engaging im not sure about the engaing on though.


Just trust me

Which Native American people occupied the area labeled "Subartic" on this map?


The Rocky Mountains
The Rocky Mountains

Please Help me... You live in ancient West Africa. Your family is traveling to East Africa. Write a paragraph describing what you might experience when you arrive in East Africa. Tell us about the people, land, and weather.


It is very dry and hardly any food to eat
Nice people and welcoming. Dry Lang. Very hot weather

What public services are provided by Washington’s local governments? Check all that apply. MULTI CHOICE

health insurance
police forces
water infrastructure
corporate regulation
free education
bus transportation


Police forces
Free education
Bus transportation
Police forces

Free education

Bus transportation

WRITE A PARAGRAPH ABOUT- Segregation effects on housing in Seattle.


Answer: Hope this helped!!

Explanation: For most of its history Seattle was a segregated city, as committed to white supremacy as any location in America. People of color were excluded from most jobs, most neighborhoods and schools, and many stores, restaurants, hotels, and other commercial establishments, even hospitals. As in other western states, the system of severe racial discrimination in Seattle targeted not just African Americans but also Native Americans, Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders, people of Mexican ancestry, and also, at times, Jews.

This special section presents research that will surprise many Pacific Northwesterners. Included are maps, photos, documents, and newspaper articles that follow the history of segregation in Seattle and King County from 1920 until today.

Segregation maps:

Here is a set of detailed maps showing residential locations for Blacks, Chinese, Filipinos, Japanese, Jews, Hispanics, Native Americans, and Whites in Seattle from 1920-2010.  Follow the link above to view more than 70 demographic maps.

Racial Restrictive Covenants:

Was your neighborhood restricted? From the 1910s through the 1960s, many Seattle neighborhoods and King County suburbs practiced overt and total racial exclusion. White-only clauses and other restrictions (which sometimes excluded Jews as well as people of color) can be found today in property deeds for many many neighborhoods. We have collected over 500 restrictive documents on file in the King County Archives.

Restricted Neighborhoods Map:

This interactive map shows more than 200 subdivisions where deeds contained racial restictions. Filters allow you to see which neighborhoods excluded particular populations. And also to see the segregation work of particular developers and real estate companies.

Slideshow: Seattle's Segregation Story:

Telling the story of segregation practices from the late 1800s in photos maps, and short videos, this vivid slideshow clarifies the distinction between segregation as practiced in southern states and Seattle's version. And it reveals shocking facts about hospitals that would not treat patients of color, stores that would not serve African Americans or Asian Americans, and real estate firms that organized neighborhoods to keep them segregated. Teachers will find it perfect for introducing the subject.

How this project helped change state law:

On March 15,  2006, Gov. Christine Gregoire signed into law Senate Bill 6169, which makes it easier for neighborhoods governed by homeowners associations to rid themselves of racial restrictive covenants. Learn how this project helped launch the campaign. In 2018, the legislature added a new provision allowing property owners to strike racial restrictions from deeds and other property records.


Which describes the primary aim of the Washington Supreme Court?

to enforce strict punishments
to evaluate bills
to oversee elections and approve new businesses
to protect citizens’ rights and freedoms


to protect citizens rights and freedoms :)

Washington Supreme Court stands as the most elevated judicial court in a political unit (such as a nation or state).

What does Washington State Supreme Court do?

Washington Supreme Court stands as the most elevated judicial court in a political unit (such as a nation or state).

As the most elevated court in the State of Washington, the mission of our court exists to support the constitution and when reached upon through issues, diagnose laws enacted by the legislature and implemented by the administrative departments of government. Therefore, the correct answer is option d) to protect citizens’ rights and freedoms.

To learn more about Washington supreme court refer to:



pls help me being timed 20 points

Which taxes generate the most revenue in Washington? Check all that apply. multi

flat tax
income tax
poll tax
property tax
sales tax



hey I am not sure but I think the fourth option is the answer, property tax

the answer will for sure not be income tax. it says Washington is one of few states without personal or corporate income taxes

How did compromise affect the writing and ratifying of the United States Constitution?
A: One group of delegates was forced to compromise on many issues.
B: The delegates refused to compromise.
C: Madison compromised, but other delegates did not.
D: All sides compromised on important issues.



I think the answer would be either A. or D.

Which outcome was a result of the War of 1812?

The French regained the Louisiana Territory.

President James Madison resigned over his conduct of the war.

The nation's capital was moved farther inland.

Americans gave up any hope of annexing Canada.



I think it would be A


Correct me if i'm wrong!


A! taking the test rn  lol


Which event did the phrase "the shot heard round the world" describe?

A: Battle of Lexington
B: Boston Tea Party
C: Boston Massacre
D:Battle of Bunker Hill


Answer A.) Battle if Lexington

This battle/phrase was so crucial due to it being the first fight of the American Revolutionary War.


Its the battle of lexington


BEING TIMED! 10 points
In what ways can Washington voters participate in direct democracy? Check all that apply. MULTI CHOICE

by being public servants
by creating initiatives
by participating in protests
by running for public office
by voting in recall elections
by voting in referendums


Answer: 2,3,4,5


Answer is 2,3,4,5 because it is right

In the years before world war2 why did some dictators believe they could take over Europe and other parts of the world

Thank you!!!



Because they thought they would become more powerful then others in doing so.


A person who rules with complete power. Some countries had dictatorships in them before World War 2. 3 big dictators were Joseph Stalin, Bentio Mussolini, and Adolf Hitler.


Please help quick question, but put an explanation or a proof

Is this true or false, Abraham LLincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, in part, to shrink the size of the Union armY.


This is true
I hope this helps

The Hanford Site is located in southeastern Washington near

The site was established during
to produce

At its peak, the Hanford Site employed about


The Hanford Site is one that is found on 586-square-miles of shrub-steppe desert in southeastern Washington State.

The site was established during to produce plutonium At its peak, the Hanford Site employed about 400 workers.

Where is Hanford site located?

The Hanford Site can be seen as in shrub-steppe desert found in southeastern Washington State. The site is known to make plutonium for the bomb that was used to bring an end to World War II.

At its peak, it is said to be home to 16 key facilities, such as  vast reservations of land in the States of Idaho, Nevada, etc.

Learn more about Hanford Site from


Mongol conquests ranged from East Asia to Eastern Europe during the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. This relatively short period was crucial in establishing new international contacts. Which societies gained the most as a result of the Mongol period? Which societies gained the least? In your response, consider the following regions: West Africa, Western Europe, South Asia, West Asia, and East Asia.



gained the  least- West Africa ,and Western Europe

gained the most -East Asia, and South Asia


hope this helps!

1 .Explain the influencing factors for the Mexican War of Independence to develop.

2. How did the Conquests of Napoleon act as a motivating factor for the independence movement in Mexico?


In 1808, Napoleon turned on Spain, a previous ally, during the Peninsular War, forcing the abdication of the Spanish king and replacing him with Napoleon’s brother Joseph. This created a crisis and power vacuum in Spain that rippled out to its American colonies, including New Spain (Mexico).

The Mexican War of Independence was an armed conflict and political process that resulted in Mexico's independence from Spain. Local and regional battles that occurred at the same time and can be considered to be a revolutionary civil war were not one continuous, coherent occurrence.

The following are some factors that led to the Mexican War of Independence-

When Spanish liberals assumed power in 1820, the new government made reform commitments in an effort to appease the Mexican rebels. Conservatives in Mexico responded by calling for independence in order to maintain their privileged place in the country's society.

Vicente Guerrero and Agustin de Iturbide, the leader of the Royalist army, discussed the Plan of Iguala at the start of 1821. A sovereign constitutional monarchy was to be established in Mexico, the Catholic Church was to maintain its special status, and Mexicans of Spanish origin and pure Spaniards were to be treated equally. Pure or partially Indian Mexicans would have fewer rights.

Iturbide routed the last of the Royalist forces that stood in the way of freedom, and the new Spanish viceroy was forced to concede independence due to a lack of resources (money, supplies, and troops). On August 24, 1821, Spanish Viceroy Juan de O'Donoj signed the Treaty of Córdoba, authorizing a plan to change Mexico into a self-governing constitutional monarchy.

How the conquests of Napoleon act as a motivating factor for the independence movement in Mexico?

Napoleon's takeover of Spain at the beginning of the 19th century sparked uprisings throughout Spanish America.The "father of Mexican independence," Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, started the rebellion in Mexico with his "Cry of Dolores," and his populist army came dangerously close to capturing the capital. He was captured and slain when he fled north in January 1811 after losing at Calderón.

However, after him came other peasant leaders like José Mara Morelos y Pavón, Mariano Matamoros, and Vicente Guerrero who commanded armies of indigenous and racial hybrid rebels against the Spanish and the Royalists. Ironically, it was a group of conservative Mexicans who were descended from the Spanish and were known as the Royalists who were successful in achieving independence. Ironically, it was a group of conservative Mexicans known as the Royalists who were descended from the Spanish who ultimately succeeded in gaining independence. When Spanish liberals assumed power in 1820, the new government made reform commitments in an effort to appease the Mexican revolutionaries. Conservatives in Mexico responded by calling for independence in order to maintain their privileged position in the country's society.

To learn more about Mexican war of independence click here-


Which of the following statements is false?
Spanish forces quickly defeated the revolutionary forces and ended the rebellion.
Spain felt threatened by American settlers in Texas.
Many of the battles for Mexican independence were fought on Texas soil.
Father Hidalgo sparked the beginning of the Mexican Revolution.





The answer is c, in the passages of chapter 2 it will tell you all the other ones but not not one


Create a series of textbook articles or storyboard frames that provide a chronological summary of key events and figures associated with the rise of England, France, Spain or Russia.

Please note that individual Microsoft PowerPoint slides may be used to represent an individual panels for the storyboard.



The region that is today the nation of Russia has been occupied by individuals for millennia. The main current state in Russia was established in 862 by King Rurik of the Rus, who was made the leader of Novgorod. A few years after the fact, the Rus vanquished the city of Kiev and began the realm of the Kievan Rus. Over the tenth and eleventh century the Kievan Rus turned into an amazing domain in Europe arriving at its top under Vladimir the Great and Yaroslav I the Wise. During the thirteenth century the Mongols drove by Batu Khan overran the region and cleared out the Kievan Rus. In the fourteenth century the Grand Duchy of Moscow rose to control. It turned into the top of the Eastern Roman Empire and Ivan IV the Terrible delegated himself the primary Tsar of Russia in 1547. Tsar was another name for Caesar as the Russians considered their realm the "Third Rome". In 1613, Mikhail Romanov set up the Romanov tradition that would run Russia for a long time. Under the standard of Tsar Peter the Great (1689-1725), the Russian realm kept on growing. It turned into a significant force all through Europe. Peter the Great moved the capital from Moscow to St. Petersburg. During the nineteenth century, Russian culture was at its pinnacle. Popular craftsmen and scholars, for example, Dostoyevsky, Tchaikovsky, and Tolstoy got well known all through the world. The Palace Square After World War I, in 1917, individuals of Russia battled against the administration of the Tsars. Vladimir Lenin drove the Bolshevik Party in transformation ousting the Tsar. Common conflict broke out in 1918. Material's side won and the socialist express the Soviet Union was brought into the world in 1922. After Lenin kicked the bucket in 1924, Joseph Stalin held onto power. Under Stalin, a great many individuals passed on in starvations and executions. During World War II, Russia at first aligned with the Germans. Nonetheless, the Germans attacked Russia in 1941. More than 20 million Russians kicked the bucket in World War II including more than 2 million Jewish individuals who were murdered as a component of the Holocaust. In 1949, the Soviet Union created atomic weapons. A weapons contest created among Russia and the United States in what was known as the Cold War. The Soviet economy endured under socialism and noninterference. In 1991, the Soviet Union fell and a large number of its part countries announced freedom. The leftover region turned into the nation of Russia.


thanks i needed this !!!

This is wholly improper, argumentative. It is not a statement as to what the issues are. Your honor has already held that this act is constitutional, it being the law of the land, there is but one issue before this court and jury, and that is, did the defendant violate the statute. That statute interprets itself, and says that whenever a man teaches that man descended from a lower order of animals as contradistinguished from the record of the creation of man as given by the word of God, that he is guilty. Does the proof show that he did that, that is the only issue, if it please the honorable court, before this jury.

–J.G. McKenzie
July 24, 1925

According to McKenzie, what question should the court be focusing on?

Was man really created by God?
Did man descend from animals?
Is the Butler Act constitutional?
Did Scopes break the law?


Answer:it’s D



D is your correct answer.


I did the instruction on Edge, 2022.

Hope this helped!

Drag the tiles to the correct boxes to complete the pairs.
Match each cause with the correct effect during the Civil War.

This is being re-posted for my friend savannahsummers21, so be nice to her cause she's pretty cool.


Answer: Cause: The North blocked the Southern ports. Effect: Stopped the export of the Southern cotton overseas. Cause: Soldiers constantly needing weapons. Effect: Boosted the manufacturing of steel in the North. Cause: The enemy captured farmlands. Effects: Serious food shortage.

Answer: For Plato Users/Students


The North blockaded the Southern ports: stopped the export of Southern cotton overseas.The soldiers constantly needed weapons: boosted the manufacturing of steel in the North.The enemy captured farmlands: caused serious food shortages

How has international trade in lumber and wood products impacted the timber industry in Washington State?

(A.) The increased supply of timber has led to an increase in sales for the Washington State timber industry.

(B.) The increased demand for timber has led to a higher supply and increased production of Washington State timber.

(C.) The reduced supply of timber has led to a higher demand and sales for Washington State timber.

(D.) The reduced supply of timber has contributed to the decline of the timber industry in Washington State.


B) the increased demand for the timber has led to a higher supply and increased production of Washington state timber
B) the increased demand for timber…


on Joan of Arc in the Hundred Years war, create a Counter-Argument based your initial claim.

For your Counter-Argument, please be sure to include at least two reasons, text evidence, and explanation(s) of text evidence.

Your viewpoint should be at least 7-10 sentences in total.



    The Inquisitor tries to convince the church court members to convict Joan of her so-called acts of heresy.  While the argument of Joan’s fate ensues, the character of the Inquisitor comes into view.  The subtlety of misogyny arises through condescending, humiliating, and condemning speech, as the Inquisitor seems appalled by the very idea of a woman receiving divine divination from the Lord instead of a man.

     The excerpt begins with the Inquisitor appealing to the people as an experienced person on the matter of heresy, or even an authoritative being on said subject.  The claim is conceived in on the matter of heresy, or even an authoritative being on said subject.  The claim is conceived in line 2 where it is stated, “If you had seen what I have seen…” and in line 16 the Inquisitor says, “I have seen this again and again.”  By doing this the Inquisitor is gaining a reputable position and is trying to establish rapport with the members of the court.



Exp explanation

1. what does the account of central high school today suggest about the progress that has been made since 1958 what does it suggest about the work that remains?


Choices in Little Rock​ is a teaching unit that focuses on efforts to desegregate Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1957—efforts that resulted in a crisis that historian Taylor Branch once described as "the most severe test of the Constitution since the Civil War."
The unit explores ​civic choices​—the decisions people make as citizens in a democracy. Those decisions, both then and now, reveal that democracy is not a product but a work in progress, a work that is shaped by the choices that we make about ourselves and others. Although those choices may not seem important at the time, little by little, they define an individual, delineate a community, and ultimately distinguish a nation. Those choices build on the work of earlier generations and leave legacies for those to come.
The Facing History and Ourselves Scope and Sequence
This unit is organized according to Facing History and Ourselves’ scope and sequence, which follows a specific progression of themes designed to promote students’ historical understanding, critical thinking, and social-emotional learning.
Each of the five parts in this unit corresponds with a stage of the Scope and Sequence:
● Part 1: Individual & Society​ represents the first stage of the scope and sequence. These lessons​ ​introduce concepts
central to the unit—identity, race, prejudice, racism, and choice. Students consider how identity can shape the choices
people make about themselves and others.
● Part 2: Segregation and Its Consequences​ explores issues of membership and belonging, the second stage of the Facing
History scope and sequence, by tracing the history of segregation in the United States and its social, legal, and political
● Part 3: Choices in Little Rock​ begins the historical case study that constitutes the next stage of the scope and sequence by
examining the decisions that people in Little Rock and elsewhere made in response to ​Brown v. Board of Education​ during the 1957–1958 school year. Those decisions had consequences for the nation as well as the city of Little Rock and the state of Arkansas.
● Part 4: The “Lost Year”​ completes the case study by focusing on the 1958–1959 school year. That year, people in Little Rock had their first opportunity to vote on desegregation. In their first vote, they chose to close all public high schools in the city rather than allow integration. The schools remained closed until the fall of 1959 as voters considered and reconsidered earlier decisions.
● Part 5: Legacies ​completes Facing History scope and sequence by exploring issues of memory, legacy, and civic participation. These lessons explore the legacies of the ​Brown​ decision in Little Rock and elsewhere by examining the consequences of the choices made by people over 50 years ago. The culminating activity for the unit is an “informed action” that asks students to propose changes to their school communities using lessons learned from the historical case study.

The Pedagogical Triangle and Taking Informed Action
To Facing History, pedagogy is not a set of teaching techniques that can be used to get across particular ideas or encourage effective practice of specified skills. It is an active process of engaging young people with challenging content through an approach that builds the knowledge, skills, and dispositions of deep civic learning.
Facing History created the Pedagogical Triangle for Historical and Civic Understanding to serve as a touchstone for balanced program and lesson planning. The arrows between intellectual rigor, emotional engagement, and ethical reflection are bidirectional, as these processes strengthen each other. At the center is the students’ civic agency, their belief that their choices and actions can play a positive role in their peer groups, schools, communities, and larger world.
Using This Resource
This outline guides you through a unit using readings, videos, and other resources from​ ​Choices in Little Rock​ and its ​Writing Prompts and Strategies​ supplement. As you prepare for and teach this five-week unit, it is important to refer to the ​Choices in Little Rock​ ​unit​ ​for context necessary to help guide students from lesson to lesson and answer their questions. ​Unless otherwise noted, all page numbers listed in the outline refer to the C​ hoices in Little Rock​ unit.​
Each row in the charts below corresponds roughly to a 50-minute class period, with 25 lessons in all. Since schedules, class period length, and the needs of individual classes and students vary, teachers will likely need to make adjustments to this plan to best suit their needs and circumstances. The teaching notes accompanying each lesson often provide suggestions for making adjustments to the lesson in order to abbreviate it or go deeper.
Whites only schools was pretty much the norm back then. But when the “Little Rock 5” decided to be the fist African Americans to go to an “All White School”, it was hated on. Later on, it started to get more popularized and laws where passed since then to make schools more diverse.

What was the Underground Railroad? Your response needs to include and explain the terms conductor, lines, station, and freight





The underground railroad was in fact not a railroad at all but was in fact the route that escaped slaves used to escape from the grasps of the south and enter into the north where they could be free from slavery. The conductor was the homeowner that hid the slaves from bounty hunters that were ordered to chase the slaves down and bring them back to the plantation they came from, stations were the actual houses that the conductors hid the slaves in, the freight was the slaves themselves that were using the underground railroad to escape, and finally the lines/tracks was the route laid down/fixed by abolitionist sympathizers anyway there is my answer hope it helps :)

It was a way for slaves to escape
Other Questions
What is the chemical formula of calcium chloride?A. CaClB. Ca2Cl2C. Ca2ClD. CaCl2 How many fifths are there in 6 what effect does the arrival of the Polish, German and Venetian colonist have on the plot " Cornerstone of Civil rights" the ratio of the length of a rectangular floor to its width is 3:2 if the length of the floor is 12 meters what is the perimeter of the floor in meters what were the skills and knowledge of paleolithic man tryyyyy hardddddd!!!!!!!!!! anyone can tell that how to find the angles like necesito el sujeto, predicado y el nucleo de estas 3 oraciones!!El viento soplaba fuerte.Las nubes caminaban por el cielo.Yo jugaba en la calle. The huge U.S. Army base at Fort Bragg, North Carolina is home to a number of butterflies, plus other endangered animals and plants. Howitzers used during artillery training kill some of the butterflies, but fires started by the howitzer blasts also produce conditions in the bases forests and wetlands that the butterflies need to survive. This is an example of which characteristic of military bases that makes them useful for conservation? Please help me I tried and dont get it ;( If you earn $3250 per month and you expect your earnings to increase by 2.2% per year, how much do you think you will be making in 4 years? The problem began simply enough. In the 1950s, plans tobuild a canal were abandoned due to political red tape. Thehalf-finished canal then became a dumping ground forgarbage. Chemical waste was deposited there and buried.Two decades later, heavy rains and shifting soil causedsome of the chemical containers to leak. The chemicalsleached into the soil and contaminated the water supply.Within months, the area had to be evacuated.What is one way the author uses a chronological structure to support hispurpose?A. By tracing the contamination problem over timeB. By detailing the order of events during the evacuationC. By explaining that heavy rains lead to chemical leaksD. By comparing water pollution to land pollution Write a plan to prove that 12. What is the frequency of a photon with an energy of 3.26 x 10-19 J?A. 2.03 x 1014 HzB. 4.92 x 1014 Hzc. 6.10 * 1014 HzD. 5.69 x 1014 Hz A jar contains five red marbles and three green marbles. Amarble is drawn at random and not replaced. A second marble isthen drawn from the jar.find the probability that both marbles are the same color What type of media is Sasha using when she publishes an article on theInternet?O A. Mass mediaB. Traditional mediaC. Unbiased mediaD. Independent media PLEASE HELP ASAP,I'LL MARK BRAINLIEST FOR CORRECT ANSWERS!Describe in words the process of solving for x in triangle ABC. Why Print text over electronic ? Theparagraph gives the reader directions on how he or she can dosomething Do not confuse the beginning of the story with the end. How does this make you feel?Explain in 5 sentence's.