Which of the following influenced the outcome of the Presidential election of 1932?
Select one:
The U.S. declared war on Germany in 1930, and each candidate had a particular plan for winning the war.
Most voters admired the way that Hoover handled the economic recovery and helped the Bonus Army.
Many people blamed the Republican party for the depression.
voters were ready to continue to support Hoover and his relief efforts.


Answer 1




Related Questions

What was the major goal of the political reforms enacted during the Progressive Era (1900-1920)?
expanding citizen participation in government
lowering the legal voting age
discouraging the formation of new political parties
providing public funding of campaigns


The answer is 1 have a great day

What did Austria-Hungary do in 1908 that increased pre-war tensions in Europe?

-It annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina.
-It annexed Serbia and Herzegovina.
-It attacked Serbia and Herzegovina.
-It attacked Bosnia and Herzegovina.


The correct answer is A. it annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina.


The Austro-Hungarian Empire was a created European State that existed from 1867 under the "Austro-Hungarian Compromise" until 1919 when it was dissolved, giving rise to the states of Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Fiume, Slovenia, Croatia, and Serbia.

One of the worst crises that the Austro-Hungarian Empire experienced was the result of Franz Joseph I's decision to annex Bosnia-Herzegovina, on October 6, 1908, which caused the discontent of the Serbian community that instead of calming their separatist spirits, embodied a feeling of enmity against the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which would later be seen in the First World War. According to the above, the correct answer is A. It annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina.


A.) It annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina.


World War Two has been called "The Good War." Was it for the United States?


The term "The Good War" assumes that there is specifically a good side and a  evil side. In a sense, it was a good war for the United States and her allies. The true democratic states were able to defeat the Fascist and Imperialistic countries of the Axis, and establish the noble ideals that founded the US to the world.

However, was it truly the "good war"? I would argue not. After all, the very ideals established by the US was forfeited within the United States. The Good War essentially established that the all people have the right to first their life, their freedom, their opinions, and then the defense of oneself. However, the US, the long-time champion of such beliefs, also dropped this belief in times of war, as the then-Democratic president Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066, which, combined with the Orders leading up to it, removed their freedom to religion (First Amendment), their right to press and free speech (First Amendment), in the beginning, the force stay-at-home orders during the beginning of the war (Third Amendment), as well as the forced removal from their homes (Fourth Amendment). Quite frankly, the Democratic Party essentially treated those who were of Japanese descent as sub-human and sub-par, and that the only positive compared to that of the concentration camps ran by the Nazi's was that the US did not murder Japanese & German ancestry's, and slowly worked to improve the livelihoods of those who lived in these camps.

Again, this is definitely not taking away from the accomplishments that the US had achieved during this war. They, in a broad scheme of things, were able to beat back fascism, totalitarianism, extreme inhumane treatments, the guarantee of fair treatment of individual sovereign nations, and many other achievements. However, to only suggest that the US did positive things without shining some light to the negative is a faulty logic, and to suggest that WWII was simply "the good war" without allowing for further information would imply that the US (or Allies, in the grand scheme of things) was never in the wrong, and always in the right.


what influenced the way of life for both northwest coast Indians and plateau Indians?



i do'nt know


Both Northwest Coast Indians and Plateau Indians were influenced by several factors that shaped their way of life. Here are some common influences:

Geography and Environment: The geographical location and environment played a significant role in shaping the way of life for both groups. The Northwest Coast Indians inhabited the coastal areas of the Pacific Northwest, rich in marine resources, including fish, shellfish, and marine mammals. The Plateau Indians, on the other hand, lived in the inland plateau region characterized by rivers, forests, and abundant wildlife. The availability of natural resources influenced their subsistence patterns, housing styles, and cultural practices.

Natural Resources and Subsistence: Both groups relied heavily on natural resources for their subsistence. The Northwest Coast Indians engaged in fishing, hunting, and gathering, with a strong emphasis on salmon fishing. They also harvested shellfish, seaweed, and other coastal resources. The Plateau Indians practiced a combination of hunting, fishing, gathering, and some limited agriculture. They relied on salmon runs, game animals, roots, berries, and other plant resources for sustenance.

Potlatch and Gift-Giving: The practice of potlatch, a ceremonial event involving elaborate feasting, gift-giving, and social exchange, was a significant cultural feature shared by both groups. Potlatches served various purposes, including social and political status display, wealth redistribution, and the reinforcement of kinship ties. Potlatches were a crucial aspect of their social and economic systems.

Artistic Expressions: Both Northwest Coast Indians and Plateau Indians were renowned for their rich artistic traditions. They created elaborate and intricate carvings, masks, totem poles, basketry, and other forms of artistic expressions. Art played a significant role in cultural and ceremonial practices, conveying stories, beliefs, and social status.

Trade and Exchange: Both groups engaged in extensive trade and exchange networks with neighboring tribes and distant groups. The Northwest Coast Indians were known for their sophisticated maritime trading networks, facilitated by their abundant resources and seafaring skills. The Plateau Indians participated in trade networks that connected them with coastal tribes for items such as shells, obsidian, and other goods.

Cultural Practices and Social Structure: Both groups had distinct cultural practices and social structures. They had kinship systems, clans, and hierarchical social organizations. Elders played important roles in decision-making and passing down cultural knowledge and traditions.

To know more about  plateau here



The 1950s were a crucial time in the history of Mexican immigration to the United States. Why was this so?



This site really helped me! It gives a full in-depth explanation and reading on how immigration was affected during the 1950s and so on!

which policy did the ming dynasty use to unify China following the fall of the yuan dynasty​



Sino foreign relations which allowed trade with the outside world

Help please asap! 10 pts I will mark brainiest

Discussion Assignment:

What lifestyle do California Indian tribes have in the present day?



Today, 78% of Native Americans live off-reservation, and 72% live in urban or suburban environments. Those policies had devastating effects. Relocated tribal members became isolated from their communities.


What were native Americans groups most threatened by?



They were threatened by diseases, poverty, land seizure and deportation.


Hope this helps!

which of the following resulted in tensions between louis XVI and french aristocrats before the french revolution



Louis XVI wanted to force aristocrats to pay taxes for the first time


find the word that most closely matches the denotation He told her all; only he forbore to mention how sick and pale her darling looked



Answer: forbore- to refrain from

Eking out to make a supply...

Disencumber-To free from


Persona enviada a un lugar para llevar mensaje dentro buscando la Independencia del Perú​





Mensajero es la persona o empresa que entrega mensajes o paquetes. Los bienes de mensajería se refieren a bienes que son acompañados o transportados por un mensajero, a menudo para garantizar que ninguna persona no autorizada pueda acceder a los contenidos. En un principio, el mensajero más clásico era el que viajaba en diligencia de mensajes entre dos príncipes, o dejaba mensajes entre dos frentes diferentes en la guerra.

Catherine the Great ended serfdom in Russia.
O True





Catherine the Great attempted to end servitude but the laws she was to reform were not passed.

pls help don’t what the answer is



Reflected an unequal society


Severity of punishment varies based on social class and gender.

I really need help on this. What’s the answer



Negative Affects of The Industrial Revolution


The text describes how the industrial revolution started polluting water sources, thus proving to be a negative effect.

checa mi question for answers with a lot of points​



D-Day was one of the most remarkable military campaigns in history. One of the strategies in Operation Overlord was to prepare the beaches for incoming allied troops by heavily bombing Nazi gun positions at the coast. As well as destroying key bridges and roads to cut off Germany's retreat and reinforcements. The paratroopers were told to then drop in to secure inland positions ahead of the land invasion.

Which statement best completes the diagram related to the Russian revolution of 1917?



I believe it was the food shortages.


i read animal farm which is an analogy of the Russian revolution and I clearly remember food shortages being a big consequence of Czar giving up control.


Food shortages


Of the following government types, which two are the most opposite?
A. a dictatorship and a democracy
B. a monarchy and a dictatorship
C. a monarchy and an aristocracy
D. a republic and a democracy


the answer is A. a dictatorship and a democracy

Which of the following describes the major characteristics of Hammurabi's
A. It provided a history of the king's rulings.
B. It established the “presumption of guilt" that is used today.
C. It is the world's first “declaration of independence."
D. It established a public record of consistent laws.


Option D would be correct

Answer: it established the presumption of guilt that is used tody


It code this " presumption of guilt"

anong maling pag-uugali ng tao ang sa palagay ninyo na mahirap mabago​



Ang maling pag-uugali ng tao ang sa palagay ko ay mahirap na mabago ay ang pagiging mapanghusga.


Hi po! I think you should connect to brainly.ph para mas mabilis makuha yung answers and para locals na di yung sumagot.

Just a suggestion though. It's still up to you.

Hope it helps



boa noiteeeee

como ces ta?


Answer:Boa noite

Explanation:Eu ta bom


como ces ta?


Eu sou bom :)

Why would railroad customers like the Hepburn Act ?​



Railroad customers like the Hepburn Act because they provided the ICC with the ability to control the prices that the railroads charged.


The Hepburn Act provided the ICC with the capacity to control the prices railroads could charge, by setting maximum rates. 

10. Watermelons were a gift of the:
None of the





Background and Aims Watermelons, Citrullus species Cucurbitaceae, are native to Africa and have been cultivated since ancient times.

How would a new advance in manufacturing technology most likely affect the
supply of the good being produced?
A. The supply of the good would remain the same.
B. The supply of the good would not be affected.
C. The supply of the good would fall.
D. The supply of the good would increase.


D.....the supply of food would increase

The governor's veto power is part of ________________________



Legislative power


The governor's veto power is part of "Legislative power."

The above statement is TRUE because the evidence can be fornd in the Article III, Section 12, of the State of Washington Constitution.

The part of the Article III, Section 12, of the constitution state that "Every act which shall have passed the legislature shall be, before it becomes a law, presented to the governor. If he approves, he shall sign it; but if not, he shall return it, with his objections, to that house in which it shall have originated, which house shall enter the objections at large upon the journal and proceed to reconsider..."

Why was Carnegie Steel considered a vertical monopoly?
The company controlled every step of steel production, from raw materials to distribution.
The company controlled all the steel plants in the country.
The company became the only source of steel after competitors went out of business.
The company was able to produce more steel than any other steel company in the world.



The company controlled every step of steel production, from raw materials to distribution.


Andrew Carnegie introduces the steel industry in the late 19th century in the United States. Carnegie Steel Company revolutionised steel production in America. He built factories using technology that made producing steel faster, easier and more productive. The supply chain of the steel is checked and owned by that steel company. Carnegie Steel company control the raw materials and the finished products.


A. The company controlled every step of steel production, from raw materials to distribution.

Q: How was
impacted by industrial
growth and organized labor?


It was impacted because they started advancing technology

Which part of the Constitution grants Congress the power to regulate commerce between the states, with Indian tribes, and with foreign nations?



The Commerce Clause


Overview. The Commerce Clause refers to Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution, which gives Congress the power “to regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian tribes.

What was the difference between Vasco de garma and Bartholomew dias


Many Portuguese sailors tried to find sea route to India, for trade. Because in earlier times India was a good supplier of spices.

Portuguese sailor Bartholomew Dias started to search for sea route to India, but he couldn't find it, instead he reached the Cape of Good Hope, South Africa in 1487 AD.

After some years following Bartholomew, Vasco da Gama, arrived at Calicut port in India in 1498 AD.

Hope it help you

maslow's hỉearchy of needs level 4



Needs for Self-Esteem: The need for appreciation and respect is found at the fourth level of Maslow's hierarchy. When the needs at the bottom three levels have been met, the esteem needs take over as the primary motivator of behaviour.  

What is responsible for regulating the programs we see on television?
A. Watchdog groups
B. The U.S. government's V-chip
C. The Radio-Television News Directors Association's code of ethics
D. All of the above





Ummm yea

The answer for the question is : C
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