Which of the following is the definition of a
A. form of soldiers carrying overlapping shields and long spears
B. type of specific gear the hoplites would wear
C. special shield for those soldiers that weren't as large
D. soldier that was in charge of formations


Answer 1


A.Form of soldiers carrying overlapping sheilds and long spears

Related Questions

In a paragraph, explain why President James Madison authorized the Second Bank of the United States. What problem was he trying to solve? What problems did this bill create?



The Second Bank of the United States was chartered for many of the same reasons as its predecessor, the First Bank of the United States. The War of 1812 had left a formidable debt. Inflation surged ever upward due to the ever-increasing amount of notes issued by private banks. Specie was jealously hoarded. For these reasons President Madison signed a bill authorizing the 2nd Bank in 1816 with a charter lasting 20 years.The Second Bank of the U.S. was chartered in 1816 with the same responsibilities and powers as the First Bank. However, the Second Bank would not even enjoy the limited success of the First Bank. Although foreign ownership was not a problem (foreigners owned about 20% of the Bank's stock), the Second Bank was plagued with poor management and outright fraud (Galbraith). The Bank was supposed to maintain a "currency principle" -- to keep its specie/deposit ratio stable at about 20 percent. Instead the ratio bounced around between 12% and 65 percent. It also quickly alienated state banks by returning to the sudden banknote redemption practices of the First Bank. Various elements were so enraged with the Second Bank that there were two attempts to have it struck down as unconstitutional.

Write a paragraph to compare and contrast the role of the legislative branch and the judicial branch of government. Be sure to discuss how they are in some way alike as well as how the differ.


Hey there! I'm happy to help!

The legislative branch is the principal law making body of the United States. A local version of this branch is like a city council. The judicial branch is the principal court of the United States, so a local version of that would be something like a city or county court. They are both part of two different systems. The legislative branch will be making regulations and laws while the judicial branch will be seeing if laws are constitutional and if what someone is doing is justified under the law. These are very different things, but they are tied together by the Constitution of the United States. The legislative branch creates laws that are constitutional to the best of their ability and the judicial branch interprets these laws and applies them to current cases.

Have a wonderful day! Keep on learning :D

Can someone summarize the notes to answer the question


the enlightenment said the only purpose of government is to protect life, liberty, and property

Determine whether each act was meant to restrict the colonists, tax the colonists,
or both. (ig there’s more than one answer)


The stamp act and the Townshend act was to tax the colonists while the tea act, the currency act and the coercive act was to restrict the colonists.

The stamp act was to tax the coloniststhe Townshend act was to tax the colonistsThe tea act was to restrict the colonists.The currency act was to restrict the colonistsThe coercive intolerable act was to punish and restrict the colonists

The tax act was established by the British parliament to tax the colonists in America to help pay a tax that was represented by stamp on papers and documents

The Townshend act was tax duty that was placed on goods such as glass, paper, tea and paint that was imported to the colony by the British parliament.

The tea act was done to grant the East Indian company monopoly on the production of tea. The company was on the verge of bankruptcy. The act was to grant them monopoly on the sale of tea in the colony.

The currency act was a prohibition and restriction on the issuance of new currency bills. The British parliament took control of the currency system of the Colonists.

The coercive intolerable act were restrictive laws that was passed on the colonists as a means of punishment.




can anybody help me with history? im learning about religion in early civilizations.


Early civilizations were often unified by religion—a system of beliefs and behaviors that deal with the meaning of existence. As more and more people shared the same set of beliefs and practices, people who did not know each other could find common ground and build mutual trust and respect.
It was typical for politics and religion to be strongly connected.

In some cases, political leaders also acted as religious leaders. In other cases, religious leaders were different from the political rulers but still worked to justify and support the power of the political leaders. In Ancient Egypt, for example, the kings—later called pharaohs—practiced divine kingship, claiming to be representatives, or even human incarnations, of gods.

Both political and religious organization helped to create and reinforce social hierarchies, which are clear distinctions in status between individual people and between different groups. Political leaders could make decisions that impacted entire societies, such as whether to go to war. Religious leaders gained special status since they alone could communicate between a society and its god or gods.

Pls give me a brainliest if this helped thx

The year is 1249 and Aryeh is headed into a large market in search of some silk for a gown he would like to have made for his wife. The traders in the stalls sneer at Aryeh, but he ignores them. He finds a seller who has beautiful silk fabric for sale. As he approaches the stall, the seller calls out, "I don’t sell to Jews." How did the seller MOST likely know that Aryeh was Jewish? A. Jews had much darker skin than most European residents. B. It was obvious that Aryeh was wealthier than anyone else there. C. Jews were never found in the area during the 13th century. D. Jews of his day were required to wear distinctive clothing.


The seller most likely knew that Aryeh was Jewish because D. Jews in his day were required to wear distinctive clothing.

There was a lot of anti-Semitism in Europe during the Middle Ages because Christians blamed them for the death of Jesus Christ.

As a result, Jews were regularly subjected to harsh treatment such as :

Discrimination Forced to wear clothes that showed they were Jewish Pogroms and massacres

Conclusively speaking therefore, Aryeh was most probably wearing something that showed he was a Jew such as a hat.

For more information look at https://brainly.com/question/3178759.



Jews of his day were required to wear distinctive clothing.


What is a key Judeo-Christian principle?

social status



option A justice


pls mark brainliest




what steps do historians make before writting about their findings


Identify an idea, topic or research question.

Conduct a background literature review.

Refine the research idea and questions.

Determine that historical methods will be the method used.

Identify and locate primary and secondary data sources.

Do you think you know social studies



Sure i guess


What is the oldest museum in world???​



The Capitoline Museums

9) Were the ancient Chinese monotheistic or polytheistic?


The answer is polytheistic

What types of problem could we run into, as a

nation, if the Bill of Rights didn't exist?


Well, without the Bill of Rights we would run into tons of problems, such as… people would be put in jail for false accusations,their race, religion or sexuality, and tons of many more unfair situations. Hope this helps :)


well, without the bill of rights, our basic rights as U.S citizens could be taken away and if the government becomes entirely corrupted, people could be put in jail for false accusation, their race, religion or even sexuality, and many other unfair circumstances.

we also wouldn't have freedom of speech.

anti-federalists held that a bill of rights was necessary to safeguard individual liberty as well.

hope i helped luv (: have a nice rest of your day.

What is the Quebec Act?

A) Formed a new colony of Quebec,

B) Force English colonists to be near the shore,

C) Give the French settlers special rights,

D) All of the above,

(E) A & B





The Quebec act essentially gave the French the land the colonist had just fought for, so it made Quebec a colony, made the colonist move out of the land, and also gave the French rights on that land the the colonist thought they would have which is why is upset the colonist so much, but the British empire just did not have the money or resources to keep up with the land and it was more profitable for the British to get rid of it.  

Can someone please help



constitutional Republic

The European explorers who followed Columbus to North America a intended to found a new nation. b continued to view themselves as Europeans. c did not consider America as the western rim of the European world. d no longer saw themselves as subjects of European kings. e saw little difference between their lives in America and their lives in Europe.


Hello the answer is Coombes

does the constitution right to vote allow criminals to vote?



Criminals are not allowed to vote.


Five states (California, Colorado, Connecticut, New York, and South Dakota) allow probationers to vote, but not inmates or parolees.

comapare and contrast the main ideas of the confederate constitution with those of the U.S constitution


The prominent differences between the two were that the Confederate Constitution sought different guarantees of states' rights and protected slavery as an institution. ... ' The Confederacy declared in their constitution that no law could deny, “the right of property in negro slaves'.

After their attack on Pearl Harbor, what did Japanese leaders do next?


Answer: They offered peace terms to the United States. They tried to gain as much territory in the Pacific as possible.

Do! Look!

Study the images below: describe how each image represents environmental change.



It represents industrialisation .In past the area was not suffocated with houses.But now it is full of industries.


It represents soil corossion . The soil has turned red due to chemicals


It represents deforestation .After mining the forests or green are is decreased alot.


It represents that how water resources are decreasing day by day .

In the Preamble to the Constitution of the US, we find the government's promise to
provide the purposes of government to the people.
True or





(I'm not so sure but I hope right ^^ )

What did Frenchmen do for a living in America?


Seeking a route to the Pacific Ocean and for wealth .
seeking a route to the pacific ocean and to gain wealth

What is other name of Bhutan with reason​



Tashi lebey )A song to mark the conclusion of any important events.

(Tshechu )10th day of the lunar calendar corresponding to the birth of guru rinpoche.

(Tego )A short jacket with broad sleeves worn by woman with Kira.

(singchang) /Drink made from grains by adding yeast.

(Torey) white piece of cloth (usually square in shape used to warp food.


I know because I am from Bhutan. thank you for asking about bhutan.

my answer is from textbook

What is the relationship between government and the people that are established in the Declaration of Independence?



According to the Declaration of Independence, there are times when it is acceptable for a people to end the relationship between them (the people) and the government.  According to the Declaration of Independence, all men have certain rights which can't be given up or taken away.  These are called unalienable.

I'm so sorry if this doesn't help you

PLEASE HELP ASAP! How did the Kennedy administration react to the March on Washington?

President Kennedy gave a speech of his own against racial discrimination.
President Kennedy called for the National Guard to end the march and arrest protesters.
President Kennedy pushed the Civil Rights Act through Congress and signed it into law.
President Kennedy remained neutral on the topic of equality in hopes of securing a second term.



President Kennedy pushed the Civil Rights Act through Congress and signed it into law.

He didn't manage to finish it  because of his assassination

Describe the political situation in Europe from the ninth to the 13th century



The history of Europe concerns itself with the discovery and collection, the study, organization and presentation and the interpretation of past events and affairs of the people of Europe since the beginning of written records. During the Neolithic era and the time of the Indo-European migrations, Europe saw human inflows from east and southeast and subsequent important cultural and material exchange. The period known as classical antiquity began with the emergence of the city-states of ancient Greece. Later, the Roman Empire came to dominate the entire Mediterranean basin. The fall of the Roman Empire in AD 476 traditionally marks the start of the Middle Ages. Beginning in the 14th century a Renaissance of knowledge challenged traditional doctrines in science and theology. Simultaneously, the Protestant Reformation set up Protestant churches primarily in Germany, Scandinavia and England. After 1800, the Industrial Revolution brought prosperity to Britain and Western Europe. The main European powers set up colonies in most of the Americas and Africa, and parts of Asia. In the 20th century, World War I and World War II resulted in massive numbers of deaths. The Cold War dominated European geo-politics from 1947 to 1989. After the fall of the Iron Curtain, European countries grew closer together.

Why was control of New York City Britain's First military objective
in the emerging war?



Lord North wanted to demonstrate Britain's superiority and he wanted to isolate the radical Patriots in New England from the southern colonies. Explanation:

What were the causes and effects of the Bozeman trail


The flow of pioneers and settlers through territory of American Indians provoked their resentment and caused attacks.

Which philosopher's ideas contributed most to the ideas found in this excerpt from the Declaration of independence? Explain your choice.



Most scholars today believe that Jefferson derived the most famous ideas in the Declaration of Independence from the writings of English philosopher John Locke. Locke wrote his Second Treatise of Government in 1689 at the time of England's Glorious Revolution, which overthrew the rule of James II.

during the song dynasty what was A woman's right to work


Women had basically everything


women had legal rights,property rights,rights to inheritance but women's right was curtailed with rise of neo confucianism created by world history project

What is an era?
Please help me!!


Answer : A
A time period consisting of distinct historical events.
A. An era is a long period of time
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