Which of the following represents a commensalism relationship?
1 point
Both organisms benefit
Both organisms do not benefit
One benefits and the other is unchanged
One benefits and the other is harmed


Answer 1
Answer: one benefits and the other is unchanged

Explanation: commensalism is an association between two organisms where one benefits and the other derives neither benefits nor harm
Answer 2


It would be C, one benefits while the other is unchanged


Commensalism is when an organism, uses another organism to benefit, hwile not bothering its host. One example would be Remora or Barnacles. Remora hang on the edge of sharks eating their left overs, they do not hurt the shark, branacles do the same thing on larger beings like whales.

Hope this helps, please mark as brainliest, thanks

Related Questions

Imagine taking a bite of a pizza. Briefly discuss the role that each part of the brain takes in this simple act. Medulla, Pons, Cerebellum, Thalamus, Hypothalamus, Amygdala, Hippocampus, Parietal Lobe, Occipital Lobe, Temporal Lobe, Frontal Lobe.



- Medulla: transmits signals between the spinal cord and higher brain levels

- Pons: transmits impulses related to the voluntary skeletal movements from the cerebrum to the cerebellum

- Cerebellum: coordinates skeletal muscle contraction, conscious/subconscious movements, maintains muscle posture, and balance

- Thalamus: regulation of the human nervous system

- Hypothalamus: maintains the overall homeostasis of the body

- Amygdala: processes fearful and threatening stimuli  

- Hippocampus: regulates learning, memory encoding and consolidation, and spatial navigation

- Parietal Lobe: processes information from the outside world (e.g., touch, taste, temperature)

- Occipital Lobe: interprets information from the eyes

- Temporal Lobes:  process sensory information (i.e., pain and auditory stimuli)

- Frontal Lobe:  higher cognitive functions (e.g., memory, problem-solving, emotions, impulse control, etc)


The medulla (medulla oblongata) is the lowest portion of the brainstem, which is linked by the pons to the midbrain and continues with the spinal cord. The medulla is known to transmit signals between the spinal cord and higher brain levels, thereby controlling autonomic activities (e.g., heartbeat and respiration). The pons is a mass of transverse nerve fibers that links the medulla with the cerebellum, it transmits signals from the forebrain to the cerebellum. The pons is involved in different functions, e.g., sleep, respiration, hearing, equilibrium, taste, eye movement, swallowing, bladder regulation, facial expression, etc. The cerebellum is a small part of the brain involved in physical movements (e.g., posture, balance, coordination), which receives sensory information from sensory systems, the spinal cord, and different parts of the brain. The cerebrum is the largest part of the brain, it is involved in speech, thinking, reasoning, problem-solving, emotions, initiating/coordinating movements, regulating temperature, learning, etc. The thalamus is a mass of gray matter located in the forebrain which is involved in diverse functions (i.e., relay of sensory signals, regulation of consciousness, sleep, alertness, etc). The hypothalamus is a small, central, area of the brain that connects the nervous to the endocrine system that acts to maintain the overall homeostasis of the body. The amygdala is a structure located in each hemisphere of the brain that processes fearful and threatening stimuli. The hippocampus is a structure located in the depths of the temporal lobe that regulates learning, memory encoding and consolidation, and spatial navigation. The parietal lobe is located at the upper back area in the skull, it is involved in processing sensory information from the surrounding world (e.g., touch, taste, temperature). The occipital lobes are responsible for transmitting visual information to the temporal lobes, and they are also associated with memory skills. The frontal lobe is the most anterior part of the brain, which is involved in higher cognitive functions (e.g., social interaction, motor function, memory, emotions, impulse control, problem-solving, etc).

Is E. Coli independent or dependent?



This research employed the population density, building density and building coverage ratio as independent variables, whereas Escherichia coli is a dependent variable.

Which of the following statements about chemiosmosis is NOT true?

Hydrogen ions move down the concentration gradient.

It is caused by a higher concentration of protons on one side of the membrane.

Energy is used as protons pass through the ATP Synthase.

A net of 38 ATP is produced from each glucose molecule.

Next question-

Cellular respiration

has carbon dioxide and water as waste products

forms glucose and oxygen.

results in the formation of ADP.

occurs in the chloroplast



I don't know the answer to the first one, but I can answer the second question. Cellular respiration has carbon dioxide and water as waste products.


Cellular respiration does not form glucose & oxygen and doesn't occur in the chloroplast, but does form ATP energy, carbon dioxide, & water and the process occurs in mitochondria. Photosynthesis on the other hand forms glucose & oxygen and does occur in the chloroplast.

Which is a key component of the energy molecule ATP?





correct me if I'm wrong

i have no questions xp



That's cool :)


must be a good life ._.

Unlike DNA, which typically forms a helical structure, different molecules of RNA can fold into a variety of three-dimensional shapes.This is largely because RNA A)contains uracil and uses ribose as the sugar. B)bases cannot form hydrogen bonds with each other. C)nucleotides use a different chemical linkage between nucleotides compared to DNA. D)is single-stranded. Multiple Choice


Answer: This is largely because RNA is single-stranded. The correct option is D.


RNA ( Ribonucleic acid) is a single stranded nucleic acid which is composed of:

--> A nitrogenous base: RNA consists of four nitrogenous bases which includes adenine, cytosine, uracil, and guanine. Uracil is a pyrimidine that is structurally similar to the thymine, another pyrimidine that is found in DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid).

--> A five-carbon sugar: it contains ribose as its pentose sugar and

--> A phosphate group.

The main function of RNA is to convert the information stored in DNA into proteins.

RNA strand can undergo significant intramolecular base pairing to take on a three-dimensional structure. This is because it is single-stranded. This is due to the presence of a hydroxyl group at the 2' position of the ribose sugar. The presence of this functional group causes the helix to adopt the A-form geometry rather than the B-form most commonly observed in DNA.

The brain is enclosed inside a bony box called ?



The brain is enclosed inside a bony box called cranium.

I believe it’s called the skull which protects your brain and other organs

How does the renal portal system differ from the hypothalamo–hypophyseal and digestive portal systems.



The correct answer is - The renal portal system has an artery between the first and second capillary bed. The others have a vein.


A portal system is a system in which is used blood collected from one set of capillaries bed passes through a large vessel or vessels, to another set of capillaries bed before returning to the systemic circulation as the heart can not use these to transfer from all the parts of bodies.

There are several portal systems such as the renal portal system, the hypothalamo–hypophyseal and digestive portal systems, however, The renal portal system has an artery whereas others have a vein.

is a prokaryotic transcription terminating factor.

A.Rho factor

B.Poly U tail

C.Poly A tail

D.Hairpin loop


your answer is

A - Rho factor

is the fluid component of blood.





This is because it contains 90% water.

QUESTION:- The _____ is the fluid component of blood.


The PLASMA is the fluid component of blood.


It has 2 parts one is solid and another is fluid

Solid consists of Blood cells like WBC,RBC, PlateletsLiquid part consists of PLASMA which comprises the non solid components it's yellow in color


It is a yellow color liquid separated out after sedimentation of the blood due to a clot.It forms major portion of the blood . It helps the blood to flow.

What are Some of the characteristics that vertebrates share( choose all that apply)
1. Highly developed senses and nervous systems
2. Endoskeletons and a backbone
3. External protective structures
4. Joint appendages



This answer Is Endoskeletons and a backbone


1,2, and 4


why goosebums appears in human body?​


it’s a reaction the body has when it’s cold


When you're cold, or you experience a strong emotion, such as fear, shock, anxiety, sexual arousal or even inspiration, goosebumps can suddenly pop up all over the skin. They occur when the tiny muscle located at the base of each hair follicle contracts.

if this help please give brainlist <333

In sexual reproduction, what is true about the DNA of the offspring?

A. It is the same as the fathers DNA.
B. It is a different from either parents DNA.
C. It is the same as the mothers DNA.



[tex]\boxed {\boxed {\sf B. \ It \ is \ different \ from \ either \ parent's \ DNA}}[/tex]


Sexual reproduction is one kind of reproduction. It involves two parents to produce offspring. This kind of reproduction occurs when gametes combine. Gametes are sex cells or the egg and sperm. These cells are created in a process known as meiosis. Meiosis is a type of cell division. Cells undergo two divisions and a process known as crossing over. Genetic material is exchanged between two chromosomes, which helps maintain genetic diversity. The 2 divisions result in 4 haploid cells, meaning they have half of the genetic material. After meiosis, there are 4 genetically unique and haploid cells.

When an egg and sperm combine during fertilization, a zygote forms. This is a fertilized egg. It is very unique because each parent contributes half of the genetic material to create a diploid organism with a full set of unique DNA.

You can look similar to your parents and siblings, but (unless you have an identical twin), there is typically some difference because the DNA of offspring is different from either parent's DNA.

Write any two examples of weightlessness.​



Earth-orbiting astronauts are weightless for the same reasons that riders of a free-falling amusement park ride or a free-falling elevator are weightless. They are weightless because there is no external contact force pushing or pulling upon their body.

what does a closed circulatory system mean?
a) The blood travels through a systemic circulation, which includes the heart and body, and a pulmonary circuit with included the heart and lungs
b) the blood flows through the heart once during each circulation of the body
c) Blood always stays entirely inside the blood vessels. A separate fluid called tissue fluid bathes the tissues and cells​


im guessing

c) Blood always stays entirely inside the blood vessels. A separate fluid called tissue fluid bathes the tissues and cells​

all plants carry on photosynthesis true or false





i think

This is false since light energy is needed for photosynthesis to take place.

Investigate the distribution of biotic factors on the school’s playfield
*Make a conclusion from the statement above .



The correct answer is - different kind of living organism of the ecosystem of  the school’s playfield


A biotic factor of any ecosystem or area are all the living organism including bacteria, microbes, plants, animals and decomposers. The biotic factor interact with one another and abiotic factors of the ecosystem.

In this sentence there is looking for study the different kinds of living organisms of the ecosystem of the school’s playfield.

If your body temperature gets too low, why is it dangerous?
A. Enzymes become denatured.
B. Uncontrollable shivering can be deadly.
C. Reactions become too slow for cells to survive.
D. It is not dangerous.



Enzymes become denatured.

In case of very low body temperature, the body reactions will become slow and lead to death. The correct option is C.

What is hypothermia?

When your body temperature falls, your heart, nervous system, and other organs are unable to function normally.

If left untreated, hypothermia can result in the complete failure of your heart and respiratory system, as well as death.

Thus, the correct option is C.

For more details regarding hypothermia, visit:



Pleaseeee help I need to finish my test :/

When an organism undergoes mitosis and then divides in half to produce two new and identical organisms , this is called

A: regeneration
B: binary fission
C: budding
D: sporulation



B: binary fission


What renal and hormonal factors will cause an increased release of aldosterone from adrenal cortex?



Renin; angiotensin I and angiotensin II


Renin is a key hormone involved in the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS), which is responsible for regulating blood pressure in response to changes in blood volume. Renin is secreted primarily by the kidneys to promote the production of the peptide hormone angiotensin in the blood vessels. Subsequently, angiotensin stimulates the release of aldosterone from the adrenal cortex, stimulating sodium retention by the kidneys. Renin acts on its substrate angiotensinogen to yield angiotensin I, which is then converted to angiotensin II by the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE). Finally, angiotensin 2 promotes the release of aldosterone by the adrenal cortex, which acts on renal tubules, leading to the reabsorption of sodium and water and the excretion of potassium.

Amanda does fast once a month, How is the glucose homeostasis in her body maintained while she is
A.The blood sugar level decreases while fasting, the alpha cells in Amanda's pancreas releases glucagon into
the blood that stimulates the liver to breakdown glycogen and releases glucose in the blood. In this way, the
blood glucose level rises and maintains homeostasis.
B.The blood sugar level increases while fasting, the beta cells in Amanda's pancreas releases insulin into the
blood that stimulates the liver to take up glucose and convert it into glycogen also the body cells absorb more
glucose. In this way, the blood glucose level declines and maintains homeostasis.
C.The blood sugar level neither increases nor decreases while fasting; the beta cells in Amanda's pancreas
releases glucagon into the blood that stimulates the liver to breakdown glycogen and releases glucose in the
blood. In this way, the blood glucose level rises and maintains homeostasis.
D.The blood sugar level neither increases nor decreases while fasting the beta cells in Amanda's pancreas
releases insulin into the blood that stimulates the liver to take up glucose and convert it into glycogen also the
body cells absorb more glucose. In this way, the blood glucose level declines and maintains homeostasis.



its C cause I got 100% in the test

describe the structural and functional aspects of grassland ecosystem


search the answer on internet

During which era did the earth form



Hadean Eon


About 4.5 billion years ago, they began to turn into the planets that we know today as Earth, Mars, Venus, Mercury, and the outer planets. The first era in which the Earth existed is what is known as the Hadean Eon.

The formation of the Earth occurred during the Hadean Eon. The Hadean Eon is the earliest geologic eon, lasting from approximately 4.6 billion to 4 billion years ago.

It is named after the Greek god Hades. it reflects the harsh conditions that characterized this early period of Earth's history, including intense heat, volcanic activity, and frequent impacts from asteroids and comets.

The Hadean Eon marks the formation of the Earth, the accretion of its early materials, and the development of its initial atmosphere and oceans. It marks the earliest stage of the Earth's existence.

Learn more about Hadean Eon, here:



What type of cells are simple animal and plant cells?

White blood cells

Specialized cells

Unspecialized cells

Red cells


As far as i know, unspecialized cells are found in animals and plants! :)

Fruit ripening because of
ethylene being released
causing more fruit to ripen
which releases more,
ethylene, is an example of
what kind of feedback
A. positive feedback
B. negative feedback
C. neutral feedback
D. external feedback



It's either positive feedback or neutral feedback (I can decide which one fits more)


With some fruits, it speeds up the ripening process depending on the rise in ethylene




just did it on my test

Help please ASAP, easy question

A species slowly loses numbers and goes
through natural selection until no individuals
are left. This describes what type of
A evolved extinction
B. background extinction
C. mass extinction
D. endangered extinction



evolved extinction

please mark me as brainliest

Which type of disease might MOST LIKELY be cured by stem cell transplantation?



A blood stem cell transplant is used to treat patients with: multiple myeloma,lukemia and even anaemia.

I hope this helps

What compound is a hydrocarbon?



A hydrocarbon is an organic chemical compound composed exclusively of hydrogen and carbon atoms.

How do you change ADP to ATP?
A. Add a phosphate group
B. Remove a phosphate group
C. Add an amino group
D. Remove an amino group


A is the answer to the question you have

energy tranformation
Electric iron



electrical current flows through metallic coils within the iron. As it does so, the current experiences resistance from the metallic coils and is converted into a different form, heat. ... In this case, electrical energy is converted into light.

Electrical energy is the right answer
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