Which of the following statements accurately describe the effect of the increase in government borrowing?

a. National saving decreases by less than $20 billion.
b. Investment increases by less than $20 billion.
c. Public saving decreases by exactly $20 billion.
d. Private saving increases by less than $20 billion.


Answer 1


d. Private saving increases by less than $20 billion.


Because the interest rate has increased, investment and national saving decline and private saving increases. The increase in government borrowing reduces public saving. From the figure you can see that total loanable funds (and thus both investment and national saving) decline by less than $20 billion, while public saving declines by $20 billion and private saving rises by less than $20 billion.


Related Questions

A portfolio's return is the weighted average of each individual investment's return. However, a portfolio's risk is not the weighted average of each investment's standard deviation.

a. True
b. False


Because it didn’t have a standard weight and it was average

How much does international trade affect you personally?



maybe a lot for me ok

maybe you

gdp bình quân là gì ?



what type of language is this ??

Suppose you entered a contract to buy your friend's iPad. Without your knowledge, it was malfunctioning at the time you bought it, and it died soon after you started using it. Your friend had recently removed a large number of applications from the iPad that were not working. Although he honestly thought the problem was with the applications and not the iPad itself, he failed to tell you about the problem. You reasonably concluded, based on your inspection of all of the current applications on the iPad, that it was functioning properly. Can you rescind the contract to buy the iPad?

a. Yes, due to fraud.
b. Yes, due to innocent misrepresentation.
c. Yes, due to mutual mistake.
d. Yes, due to undue influence.
e. No, the latent malfunction was not material, because the iPad was functioning when you bought it.



Can you rescind the contract to buy the iPad?

b. Yes, due to innocent misrepresentation.


You can rescind the contract without damages or you claim damages based on the loss that you have already incurred for the contract.  An innocent misrepresentation occurs when the misrepresentation is not fraudulent nor negligent.  Therefore, you can rescind the contract or affirm it. But if the misrepresentation is fraudulent or negligent, you can rescind the contract as well as claim damages.

Freelife, New Hampshire has a labor force of 78,567 persons and employment of 74,382. The unemployment rate for the city is: Group of answer choices 5.3%. 5.6%. 6.0%. 7.1%





There are 4,185 unemployment person(78,567-74,382)

So the rate of unemployment persons = ( the number of unemployment / the total number of persons) × 100

= (4,185/78,567) ×100

In Freelife, New Hampshire, there are 74,382 people employed and 78,567 people in the labor force. The city's unemployment rate is 5.3%.

What is the cause of unemployment?

When someone is actively seeking employment even if they are employable, they are said to be unemployed. Individuals who are employed but do not have the right jobs are included in this group. One of the indices of a nation's economic health is unemployment,

which is typically calculated as the unemployment rate, which is calculated by dividing the number of jobless persons by

the total number of workers. It is common to misunderstand the definition of unemployment, which includes persons who are waiting to start working again after being discharged but excludes those who have given up seeking for a job. Those that aren't looking for work right now.

Learn more about Unemployment, from :



An employee earned $1,000 in the first pay period of the current year. How much is the total employer and employee social security taxes on these earnings? (Use the simplified rate shown in illustrations.)


Answer: $120


The total employer and employee social security taxes is 6% fir the employee and 6% for the employee which then makes up 12%.

Since the employee earned $1,000 in the first pay period of the current year, then the total employer and employee social security taxes on these earnings will be:

= 12% × $1000

= 0.12 × $1000

= $120

Question 4 James Bennett also allocates wealth between youth and old age. He has no cash currently (in his youth), but will inherit $3000 in his old age. He can lend and borrow at the bank at 18% (that is, lending $1 in youth will give him $1.18 in old age). He has an investment opportunity that costs $12,000 now in his youth and has a payoff of $15,000 in his old age. This is the only investment opportunity available to him. What is the most he can consume in his youth


James Bennet needs us to locate investment opportunities for him.

James divides his fortune between youth and old age, as is shown to us. He is currently cashless.

He has access to bank borrowing and lending at 18%.

Some investment opportunities are presented to him.

Investing is the act of placing money into a bank, a piece of property, or a company.

Savings can also take the form of investments.

The most he should spend while still young is $15,254.23.

This calculation is displayed.

The future value is the present value times 1.18.

Future worth = $15,000 + $3,000

= $ 18,000

Therefore, the present value is equal to $18,000 divided by 1.18.

= $ 15, 254.23.

The value that represents today's value is referred to as present value.

Consequently, we might infer that the greatest amount is $15,254.23 that he can spend during his childhood.

Learn more about  present value here



Fina Corp. had the following transactions during the quarter ended March 31, 2018: Payment of fire insurance premium for calendar year 2018 800,000 What amount should be included in Fina's income statement for the quarter ended March 31, 2018?





When a company prepays for  a service, the amount prepaid is recognized as an asset until the service is enjoyed (usually with the passing of time).

This is recorded as follows

Dr Prepaid expense

Cr Cash account

Being entries to recognize amount prepaid.

As the service is enjoyed,

Dr Expense

Cr Prepaid expense

Being entries to recognize expense incurred.

Since 800,00 was the amount prepaid for the calendar year 2018, by 31 March 2018, the amount used up (to be recognized as expense in the income statement) will be

3/12 * $800,000

= $200,000

With the total performance indicators in place at Sears, it can evaluate if a single store improves its employee attitude by 5 percent and therefore predict with confidence that if the revenue growth in the district as a whole is 5 percent, the revenue growth in this particular store would be 5.5 percent. This is an example of the _______ perspective of the balanced scorecard.
A) innovation and learning
B) internal business
C) financial
D) customer



C) financial


In Business management, a balance scorecard can be defined as a performance metrics used for measuring and assessing the quality of performance of a company.

The four (4) performance metrics of a balance scorecard includes the following; customer, learning and growth, internal business processes, and financial.

Generally, there exist a strong causal relationship between customer attitudes, employee attitudes, and financial outcomes that are generated by an organization or business firm.

In this scenario, Sears was able to evaluate that if a single store improves its employee attitude by 5% and revenue in the district as a whole grew by 5%; the revenue growth in this particular store would be 5.5%.

Thus, this is an example of the financial perspective of the balanced scorecard because with its total performance indicators, it was able to measure the level of revenue (finance) that would be generated by the store.

In conclusion, the balance scorecard should be used to determine whether or not the operations of a business is in synchronization with its vision statement and values.

The price of lemonade is $1.50; the price of popcorn is $0.75. If Fred has maximized his utility by purchasing lemonade and popcorn, his marginal rate of substitution will be: Group of answer choices 1/2 lemonade for each popcorn. indeterminate unless more information on Fred's marginal utilities is provided. 2 lemonades for each popcorn. none of these options is correct


Answer: 1/2 lemonade for each popcorn


Price of lemonade = $1.50

Price of popcorn = $0.75

Let good 1 = popcorn

Let good 2 = lemonade

MRS = MU1/MU2 = P1/P2

= 0.75/1.50

= 1/2

Therefore, the marginal rate of substitution will be 1/2 lemonade for each popcorn.

Therefore, the correct option is A.



Added, the answer is 8,840,606,229. Was this even the question? Looks like it was just spam lol

A firm has inventory of $11,400, accounts payable of $9,800, cash of $750, net fixed assets of $13,125, long-term debt of $9,500, accounts receivable of $6,600, and total equity of $11,700. What is the common-size percentage for the inventory?





Calculation to determine the common-size percentage for the net fixed assets

Using this formula

Common-size percentage=Net fixed assets /(Inventory+Cash+Net fixed assets+Accounts receivable )

Let plug in the formula

Common-size percentage=$12,150 / ($11,400 + $850 + $12,150 + $6,600)

Common-size percentage= 39.19%

Therefore the common-size percentage for the net fixed assets is 39.19%

What are targets for a business to achieve?
A. Objectives
B. Smart goals
C. Social enterprises
D. Profits


D I would believe if not sorry

During December, Far West Services makes a $2,000 credit sale. The state sales tax rate is 6% and the local sales tax rate is 2.5%.

Record sales and sales tax payable.



Total sales tax payable:170, sales :2000


Sale price x sales tax rate = sales tax payable

2000 x .085 (6%+2.5%) = 170

it doesn’t say so I’m assuming that the 2,000 credit sale does NOT include the sales tax due.

Meyer Company reported the following for its recent year of operation:

From Income Statement:

Depreciation Expense $1,000
Loss on the Sale of Equipment (3,000)

From the comparative balance sheet:
Beginning balance, equipment $12,500
Ending balance, equipment 8,000
Beginning balance, accumulated depreciation 2,000
Ending balance, accumulated depreciation 2,600

No new equipment was purchased during the year. What was the selling price of the equipment?





Calculation to determine the selling price of the equipment

First step

Cost of equipment sold = Beginning balance - Ending balance

Cost of equipment sold=$12,500-$8,000

Cost of equipment sold=$4,500

Second step

Ending balance= Beginning balance + Depreciation expense - Accumulated depreciation on equipment sold

Ending balance=$2,000+$1,000-$600

Ending balance=$2,400

Third step

Book value = Cost of equipment sold - Accumulated depreciation on equipment sold

Book value=$4,500-$600

Book value=$3,900

Now let determine the selling price of the equipment

Selling price=$3,000-$3,900

Selling price=$900

Therefore the selling price of the equipment.is $900

Project managers can identify risks by learning and understanding the cause and effect relationships that bear on risk events. All of the following approaches rely upon an understanding of cause and effect relationships to identify risks EXCEPT:

a. perform a Monte Carlo analysis
b. understand trigger conditions, or circumstances under which a risk strategy or risk action will be invoked
c. conduct a root cause analysis
d. develop a flow chart that shows how people, materials or data flow from one person or location to another



Interviews. Select key stakeholders. ...

Brainstorming. I will not go through the rules of brainstorming here. ...

Checklists. See if your company has a list of the most common risks. ...

Assumption Analysis. ...

Cause and Effect Diagrams. ...

Nominal Group Technique (NGT). ...

Affinity Diagram.


Create a risk register. Create a risk register for your project in a spreadsheet. ...

Identify risks. ...

Identify opportunities. ...

Determine likelihood and impact. ...

Determine the response. ...

Estimation. ...

Assign owners. ...

Regularly review risks.

An electronics company makes communications devices for military contracts. The company just completed two contracts. The navy contract was for 2,540 devices and took 27 workers two weeks (40 hours per week) to complete. The army contract was for 5,940 devices that were produced by 37 workers in three weeks (40 hours per week). a. Calculate the productivity for navy and army contracts in units produced per labor hour.




For Navy contract, the total number of man hours put into production will be:

= 27 × 40 × 2

= 2160 man hours

Then, the units produced per labor hour will be:

= 2540 devices / 2160

= 1.176 units per labor hour.

For Army contracts, the total number of man hours put into production will be:

= 37 × 40 × 3

= 4440 man hours

Then, the units produced per labor hour will be:

= 5940/4440

= 1.338 units per labor hour.

Madison Corporation sells three products (M, N, and O) in the following mix: 3:1:2. Unit price and cost data are: M N OUnit sales price$12 $10 $11Unit variable costs 9 8 9Total fixed costs are $585,000. The selling price per composite unit for the current sales mix (rounded to the nearest cent) is:



Selling price per composite unit= $11.3


Giving the following information:

Madison Corporation sells three products (M, N, and O) in the following mix: 3:1:2.

Unit price and cost data are: M N OUnit sales price$12 $10 $11

First, we need to calculate the sales proportion for each product:

M= 3/6= 0.5

N= 1/6= 0.17

O= 2/6= 0.33

Now, the selling price per composite unit:

Selling price per composite unit= (0.5*12) + (0.17*10) + (0.33*11)

Selling price per composite unit= $11.3

g If there is a breach of contract, the objective of the remedy in the breach contract case will be to: Question 21 options: place the parties back into the position that they would have been in had there been no contract punish the party that committed breach of contract provide both parties relief place the non breaching party into the position that they would have been had the contract not been breached


Answer: place the non breaching party into the position that they would have been had the contract not been breached


A contract is meant to satisfy the reasons for which the contract was gone into for both parties. If one party breaches the contract, the party that did not breach should still have their reason for entering the contract satisfied because they did what they were supposed to do according to the contract.

This is why the purpose of a breach of contract remedy is to ensure that this non-breaching party does indeed get what was supposed to come to them by the contract.

The following information is available for Lock-Tite Company, which produces special-order security products and uses a job order costing system. April 30 May 31 Inventories Raw materials $ 33,000 $ 32,000 Work in process 9,400 20,800 Finished goods 50,000 34,600 Activities and information for May Raw materials purchases (paid with cash) 171,000 Factory payroll (paid with cash) 250,000 Factory overhead Indirect materials 12,000 Indirect labor 57,500 Other overhead costs 110,000 Sales (received in cash) 1,700,000 Predetermined overhead rate based on direct labor cost 55 % Exercise 19-7 Cost flows in a job order costing system LO P1, P2, P3, P4 Compute the following amounts for the month of May using T-accounts. Cost of direct materials used. Cost of direct labor used. Cost of goods manufactured. Cost of goods sold\.\* Gross profit. Overapplied or underapplied overhead. *Do not consider any underapplied or overapplied overhead.



Lock-Tite Company

Cost of direct materials used = $160,000

Cost of direct labor used = $192,500 ($250,000 - $57,500)

Cost of goods manufactured = $446,975

Cost of goods sold = $462,375

* Gross profit = $1,237,625

Overapplied or underapplied overhead = $73,625

*Do not consider any underapplied or overapplied overhead.


a) Data and Calculations:

Inventories            April 30      May 31

Raw materials    $ 33,000   $ 32,000

Work in process      9,400      20,800

Finished goods    50,000       34,600

Activities and information for May:

Raw materials purchases (paid with cash) 171,000

Factory payroll (paid with cash) 250,000

Factory overhead:

Indirect materials 12,000

Indirect labor 57,500

Other overhead costs 110,000

Sales (received in cash) 1,700,000

Predetermined overhead rate based on direct labor cost 55 %


Raw materials

Date       Account Titles         Debit        Credit

April 30 Inventory balance $ 33,000

May       Cash                         171,000

May       Factory overhead                     $12,000

May       Work in process                       160,000

May 31  Inventory balance                   $ 32,000

Work in process

Date       Account Titles         Debit        Credit

April 30 Inventory balance   $ 9,400

May       Raw materials         160,000

             Factory payroll       192,500

             Factory overhead  105,875

             Finished goods                    $446,975

May 31  Inventory balance                 $ 20,800

Finished goods

Date       Account Titles         Debit        Credit

April 30 Inventory balance $ 50,000

May       Work in process      446,975

May       Cost of goods sold                 $462,375

May 31  Inventory balance                    $ 34,600

Factory overhead

Date       Account Titles         Debit        Credit

May        Raw materials         12,000

              Payroll                    57,500

              Other expenses   110,000

May        Work in process                   $105,875

May        Underapplied overhead          73,625

Sales revenue  = $1,700,000

Cost of goods sold (462,375)

Gross profit         $1,237,625

A sporting equipment store expects to purchase $8,200 of ski boots in October. The store had $2,800 of ski boots in merchandise inventory at the beginning of October, and expects to have $1,800 of ski boots in merchandise inventory at the end of October to cover part of anticipated November sales. What is the budgeted cost of goods sold for October?
a) $7,000.
b) $9,000.
c) $8,000.
d) $12,000.
e) $11,000.





Calculation to determine the budgeted cost of goods sold for October

Using this formula

Budgeted cost of goods sold for October =Cost of ski boots + Inventory at the beginning - Inventory at the end

Let plug in the formula

Budgeted cost of goods sold for October = $2800 + $8200 - $1800

Budgeted cost of goods sold for October= $9200

Therefore the budgeted cost of goods sold for October is $9,200

Broker Pat received an offer for a listing along with a $5,000 check from the buyer as an earnest money deposit. When the owner accepts the offer, Pat should handle the check in any of the following ways, except to:____.
a. deposit the check into Pat's brokerage account.
b. give the check to the owner of the property.
c. give the check to the escrow agent.
d. deposit the check in Pat's trust fund account.



b. Give the check to the owner of the property.


Pat is a broker who has received an offer for a listing along with check. He can give the check to an escrow agent or deposit the check into pat's brokerage account. he cannot give check directly to the owner of the property.

On January 1, 20X1 when the effective interest rate was 14%, a company issued bonds with a maturity value of $1,000,000. The stated rate of interest is 12%, the bonds pay interest semi-annually and sold for $893,640. The amount of bond discount amortized on July 1, 20X1 is approximately:__________.


Answer: $2,555


Bond discount amortization = Interest cost - Coupon payment

Coupon payment = Stated interest * Par value

= 12% * 1,000,000 * 6/12 months

= $60,000

Interest cost = Issue price * effective interest

= 893,640 * 14% * 6/12

= $62,554.80

Amortized amount:

= 62,554.80 - 60,000

= $2,554.80

= $2,555

Andrews Corporation has income from operations of $240,000. In addition, it received interest income of $24,000 and received dividend income of $29,500 from another corporation. Finally, it paid $11,800 of interest income to its bondholders and paid $45,000 of dividends to its common stockholders. The firm's federal tax rate is 21%. What is the firm's federal income tax


Answer: $54,820.50


Federal income tax = Taxable income * tax rate

Taxable income = Income from operations + Interest income received + Dividend income received - Interest income paid

= 240,000 + 24,000 + (30% * 29,500) - 11,800

= $261,050

Federal income tax = 261,050 * 21%

= $54,820.50

Note: Only 30% of Dividends received are taxable

TB MC Qu. 08-152 Minor Company installs a machine... Minor Company installs a machine in its factory at the beginning of the year at a cost of $135,000. The machine's useful life is estimated to be 5 years, or 300,000 units of product, with a $15,000 salvage value. During its first year, the machine produces 64,500 units of product. Determine the machines' first year depreciation under the double-declining-balance method.



The correct answer is "$54000".


According to the question,

Annual depreciation rate will be:

= [tex]\frac{100 \ percent}{5}[/tex]

= [tex]20[/tex] (%)


The depreciation as per double decline will be:

= [tex]2\times Annual \ depreciation \ rate\times Beginning \ value[/tex]

By putting the values, we get

= [tex]2\times 20 \ percent\times 135000[/tex]

= [tex]54000[/tex] ($)

bRamapo Company produces two products, Blinks and Dinks. They are manufactured in two departments, Fabrication and Assembly. Data for the products and departments are listed below. Product Number of Units Direct Labor Hours Per Unit Machine Hours Per Unit Blinks 1,048 4 7 Dinks 2,236 5 6 All of the machine hours take place in the Fabrication department, which has an estimated overhead of $82,200. All of the labor hours take place in the Assembly department, which has an estimated total overhead of $102,000. Ramapo Company uses a single plantwide overhead rate to apply all factory overhead costs based on direct labor hours. The factory overhead allocated per unit of Dinks is



Ramapo Company

The factory overhead allocated per unit of Dinks is:

= $56.94.


a) Data and Calculations:

Product   Number of Units    Direct Labor         Machine

                                            Hours Per Unit   Hours Per Unit

Blinks                1,048                   4                           7

Dinks               2,236                   5                           6

                                      Fabrication      Assembly

Estimated overhead       $82,200       $102,000

Machine hours:

Blinks                              7,336

Dinks                              13,416

Total machines hours  20,752

Direct Labor hours:

Blinks                                                          4,192

Dinks                                                          11,180

Total machines hours                              15,372

Total factory overhead         Blinks          Dinks

Fabrication department    $29,058      $53,142

Assembly department          27,816        74,184

Total allocated overhead  $56,874   $127,326

Units produced                       1,048        2,236

Factory overhead per unit  $54.27      $56.94 ($127,326/2,236)

Question 4
Which of the following is an example of an asset?
A. Repairs and Maintenance

B. Accounts Receivable

C. Accounts Payable
D. GST Collected



Accounts Receivable


A is an expense, C and D are liabilities

Inflation is noted as having a correlation with positive economic growth. People can receive a better education and do which of the following with a small level of inflation?


I think u forgot to add the answers


increase their income


Define ethics and law and show how they are different and similar.


Answer: The law sets minimum standards of behavior while ethics set maximum standards. Laws are created and enforced by governments based on society's ethics to mediate our relationships with each other and to protect their citizens.

During its first year of operations, the McCormick Company incurred the following manufacturing costs: Direct materials, $4 per unit, Direct labor, $2 per unit, Variable overhead, $3 per unit, and Fixed overhead, $160,000. The company produced 20,000 units, and sold 15,000 units, leaving 5,000 units in inventory at year-end. What is the value of ending inventory under absorption costing


Answer: $85,000


Find out the cost of per unit of inventory under absorption costing:

= Direct materials + Direct labor + Variable overhead + Fixed overhead per unit

= 4 + 2 + 3 + 160,000 / 20,000 units

= 4 + 2 + 3 + 8

= $17 per unit

If 5,000 units are left, the value of those units are:

= 5,000 * 17

= $85,000

Other Questions
Find the value of a.A. 16B. 38.5C. 15D. 10 Abel bought a mini hi-fi set for S600.He sold it to Bob at a loss of 20%.Bob sold it to Charles and made a profit of 5%. How much did Charles pay for it? 1. Type of text depends on its purpose. 2. A descriptive text paints a picture in the mind of the reader using five senses. 3. An expository text informs the reader based on facts and statistics. 4.. A narrative text encourages readers to do a certain action. 5. A persuasive text delivers two sides of an issue - the affirmative and negative side. An article in Fire Technology, 2014 (50.3) studied the effectiveness of sprinklers in fire control by the number of sprinklers that activate correctly. The researchers estimate the probability of a sprinkler to activate correctly to be 0.7. Suppose that you are an inspector hired to write a safety report for a large ballroom with 10 sprinklers. Assume the sprinklers activate correctly or not independently.Required:a. What is the probability that all of the sprinklers will operate correctly in a fire?b. What is the probability that at least 7 of the sprinklers will operate correctly in a fire? What was different about religious practices in Pennsylvania andMassachusetts?A. All colonists in Pennsylvania were Quakers, but none inMassachusetts were.B. Pennsylvania was full of Anglicans; Massachusetts had Puritans.C. Pennsylvania allowed different religions; Massachusetts did not.D. Pennsylvania was mostly Roman Catholic; Massachusetts wasmostly Puritan. What x-value are a solution to the system? (select EACH correct answer) What are the two reasons of growing demand of water? NEED THIS ASAP PLEASE HELP. DON'T ANSWER IF YOU DON'T KNOW THE ANSWER.Read this paragraph from chapter 5 of The Prince.Whenever those states which have been acquired as stated have been accustomed to live under their own laws and in freedom, there are three courses for those who wish to hold them: the first is to ruin them, the next is to reside there in person, the third is to permit them to live under their own laws, drawing a tribute, and establishing within it an oligarchy which will keep it friendly to you. Because such a government, being created by the prince, knows that it cannot stand without his friendship and interest, and does its utmost to support him; and therefore he who would keep a city accustomed to freedom will hold it more easily by the means of its own citizens than in any other way.Which statement best summarizes the central idea of the paragraph?A. A prince can hold a newly acquired state that is accustomed to freedom only by first ruining it, then moving there and establishing an oligarchy that is loyal to him.B. There are three ways for a prince to hold a newly acquired state that is accustomed to freedom: ruin it, live there, or create an oligarchy that is loyal to himand the third way is easiest.C. A prince can hold a newly acquired state that is accustomed to freedom only by first ruining it, then moving there and winning the citizens loyalty by granting them freedom.D. There are three ways for a prince to hold a newly acquired state that is accustomed to freedom: ruin it, live there, or create an oligarchy that is loyal to him, all of which are equally effective. Which statement describes one way new immigrants influenced America in the late 19th century? Which of the following is a mixture? Solve the equation for x: 6-(4x-2)/5=x Which line has an internal rhyme?A. As the people dance and laugh and leave the world behindB. Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,C. And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor.D. Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore If an economy has aggregate price levels that are increasing, but the wage rate stays the same because of downward wage stickiness, what would be the economic consequences What are some college or high school social networking sites? I already know of FB, LinkedIn, IG, Twitter, Snap but are there any other cool platforms? usWhich of the following is a chemical property?A. HardnessB. FlammabilityC. MalleabilityD. Melting pointReset Selection help me with this math question Find Y. round to the nearest tenth. Hippopotamuses live in Africas rivers and lakes. Theyre herbivores and coexist with other herbivores and carnivores. Which action could lead to a decrease in the number of hippos? find all the missing measurement Scarlett tried to shade all the factors of 15 on the hundred chart.What mistake did Scarlett make? A.Scarlett shaded the factors of 5 instead of the factors of 15. B.Scarlett did not make a mistake. C.Scarlett shaded the multiples instead of the factors of 15. D.Scarlett shaded 15, but factors are always less than the number.