Which of the following statements are true about the growth of technology? Select 3 options.
- The Number of devices connected to the internet of things is expected to triple between 2018 and 2023
- The general public began connecting to the internet when the World Wide Web was introduced in 1991
- Individuals in the United States currently own an average of three connected devices.
- By 1995, almost half of the world’s population was connected to the Internet
- Currently, 67% of people on earth use at least one mobile device


Answer 1


1. Currently, 67% of people on earth use at least one mobile device.

2. The general public began connecting to the Internet when the World Wide    Web was introduced in 1991.

3. By 1995, almost half of the world’s population was connected to the Internet.


I just took the test ;)

Answer 2


The correct answer :

-The general public began connecting to the Internet when the World Wide Web was introduced in 1991.

-The number of devices connected to the Internet of Things is expected to triple between 2018 and 2023.

-Currently, 67% of people on earth use at least one mobile device.

( not, By 1995, almost half of the world’s population was connected to the Internet. )


edge 2022

Related Questions

The program to check the highEst of n numbercan be done by ......,..


Answer: Given an array of numbers, arrange them in a way that yields the largest value. For example, if the given numbers are {54, 546, 548, 60}, the arrangement 6054854654 gives the largest value. And if the given numbers are {1, 34, 3, 98, 9, 76, 45, 4}, then the arrangement 998764543431 gives the largest value.

Explanation: If you need more help follow me on istagram at dr.darrien

-thank you

Write a for loop to print all NUM_VALS elements of array hourlyTemp. Separate elements with a comma and space. Ex: If hourlyTemp = {90, 92, 94, 95}, print:
90, 92, 94, 95
Note that the last element is not followed by a comma, space, or newline.
using namespace std;
int main() {
const int NUM_VALS = 4;
int hourlyTemp[NUM_VALS];
int i = 0;
hourlyTemp[0] = 90;
hourlyTemp[1] = 92;
hourlyTemp[2] = 94;
hourlyTemp[3] = 95;
/* Your solution goes here */
cout << endl;
return 0;



string sep = "";

for (i = 0; i < NUM_VALS; i++) {

 cout << sep << hourlyTemp[i];

 sep = ", ";



Insert the snippet at the commented location.

With the absence of a join() method as found in other languages, it is always a hassle to suppress that separator comma from appearing at the beginning or the end of your output. This solution is nice since it doesn't require any magic flags to keep track of wether the first element was printed.

Add each element in origList with the corresponding value in offsetAmount. Print each sum followed by a space. Ex: If origList = {40, 50, 60, 70} and offsetAmount = {5, 7, 3, 0}, print:45 57 63 70 #include using namespace std;int main() {const int NUM_VALS = 4;int origList[NUM_VALS];int offsetAmount[NUM_VALS];int i = 0;origList[0] = 40;origList[1] = 50;origList[2] = 60;origList[3] = 70;offsetAmount[0] = 5;offsetAmount[1] = 7;offsetAmount[2] = 3;offsetAmount[3] = 0;// your solution goes here



Complete the program with the following code segment

for(int i =0;i<=3;i++)


cout<<offsetAmount[i]+origList[i]<<" ";


return 0;



The following line is an iteration of variable i from 1 to 3; It iterates through elements of origList and offsetAmount

for(int i =0;i<=3;i++){

This adds and prints the corresponding elements of origList and offsetAmount

cout<<offsetAmount[i]+origList[i]<<" ";

}  The iteration ends here

Write an interactive program to calculate the volume and surface area of a three-dimensional object.



I am writing a Python program:

pi=3.14 #the value of pi is set to 3.14

radius = float(input("Enter the radius of sphere: ")) #prompts user to enter the radius of sphere

surface_area = 4 * pi * radius **2 #computes surface area of sphere

volume = (4.0/3.0) * (pi * radius ** 3) #computes volume of sphere

print("Surface Area of sphere is: ", surface_area) #prints the surface area

print("Volume of sphere is: {:.2f}".format(volume)) #prints the volume        


Please see the attachment for the complete interactive code.

The first three lines of print statement in the attached image give a brief description of the program.

Next the program assigns 3.14 as the value of π (pi). Then the program prompts the user to enter the radius. Then it computes the surface area and volume of sphere using the formulas. Then it prints the resultant values of surface area and volume on output screen.

The psuedocode for this program is given below:

PROGRAM SphereVolume


NUMBER radius, surface_area, volume  

INPUT radius

COMPUTE volume = (4/3) * pi* radius ^3

COMPUTE surface_area = 4 * pi * radius ^ 2

OUTPUT volume , surface_area


what are the 21St century competencies or skills required in the information society?





ICT literacy


These are some of the skills that are needed in the 21st century to compete and thrive in the information society.

To remain progressive, one needs to have good communication skills. These communication skills can include Active Listening and Passive Listening.

Collaboration is important because you'll have to work with other people as no man is an island, we need someone else so the skill of collaboration is necessary to compete and stay relevant in the information society in the 21st century.

IT literacy is also very important because one needs to have basic computer knowledge such as programming, computer essentials and applications, etc.

what are 3 important reasons to reconcile bank and credit card accounts at set dates?



To verify transactions have the correct date assigned to them.

To verify that an account balance is within its credit limit.

To verify that all transactions have been recorded for the period.


EAPOL operates at the network layers and makes use of an IEEE 802 LAN, such as Ethernet or Wi-Fi, at the link level.
A. True
B. False


B. False ....................

While interoperability and unrestricted connectivity is an important trend in networking, the reality is that many diverse systems with different hardware and software exist. Programming that serves to "glue together" or mediate between two separate and usually already existing programs is known as:





In today's technology like networking, software development, web development, etc, there is a need for connectivity. The problem at hand is the variation of the tech brands which results in the difference in operating systems, applications, and connectivity protocols. This problem is solved with the introduction of Middleware.

Middleware is the solution to conflicting software applications, interconnectivity between various tech platforms. It promotes cross-platform interactions.

While it might be considered "old-school," which action should you take if you are unsure how a page will print, even after looking at Page Break Preview?a) Slide the solid blue line.b) Slide the dotted line.c) Print the first page.d) Eliminate page breaks.



The correct answer is D

In the case of printing pages when you are not sure of the number of the page the printer will print you should leave some gaps or margins or leave space between the two pages.

The old-school way to do this is by Printing the first page. Hence the option C is correct.

Learn more bout the might be considered "old-school,".


Write a program that asks the user to enter a series of numbers separated by commas. Here is an example of valid input: 7,9,10,2,18,6 The program should calculate and display the sum of all the numbers.



Here is the JAVA program. Let me know if you need the program in some other programming language.

import java.util.Scanner; // used for taking input from user

public class Main{ //Main class

public static void main(String[] args) {//start of main() function body

  Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in); // creates a Scanner type object

   String input; // stores input series

    int sum = 0; //stores the sum of the series

    System.out.println("Enter a series of numbers separated by commas: "); //prompts user to enter a series of numbers separated by comma

     input = scan.nextLine(); //reads entire input series

     String[] numbers = input.split("[, ]"); //breaks the input series based on delimiter i.e. comma and stores the split sub strings (numbers) into the numbers array

   for (int i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) { //loops through each element of numbers array until the length of the numbers reaches

          sum += Integer.parseInt(numbers[i]); } // parses the each String element of numbers array as a signed decimal integer object and takes the sum of all the integer objects

     System.out.println("Sum of all the numbers: " + sum);  } } //displays the sum of all the numbers


The program prompts the user to enter a series separated by commas.

Then split() method is used to split or break the series of numbers which are in String form, into sub strings based on comma (,) . This means the series is split into separate numbers. These are stored in numbers[] array.

Next the for loop iterate through each sub string i.e. each number of the series, converts each String type decimal number to integer using Integer.parseInt and computes the sum of all these integers. The last print statement displays the sum of all numbers in series.  

If the input is 7,9,10,2,18,6

Then the output is: 7+9+10+2+18+6

sum = 52

The program and its output is attached.

If our HMap implementation is used (load factor of 75% and an initial capacity of 1,000), how many times is the enlarge method called if the number of unique entries put into the map is:_______

a. 100
b. 750
c. 2,000
d. 10,000
e. 100,000



A) for 100 : < 1 times

b) for 750 : < 1 times

c) For 2000 = 1 time

D) for  10000 = 4 times

E) for  100000 = 7 times


Given data:

load factor = 75%

initial capacity = 1000

The number of times the enlarge method will be called for a unique number of entries  would be 2 times the initial capacity ( 1000 ) because the load factor = 75% = 0.75

A) for 100 : < 1 times

b) for 750 : < 1 times

C) For 2000

= initial capacity * 2  = 2000   ( 1 time )

D) for 10000

= 1000 * 2 *2 *2*2 = 16000 ( 4 times )

to make it 10000 we have to add another 2000 which will make the number of times = 4 times

E)for  100000

= 1000*2*2*2*2*2*2*2= 128000 ( 7 times )

unique entry of 100000 is contained in 7 times

Although Python provides us with many list methods, it is good practice and very instructive to think about how they are implemented. Implement a Python methods that works like the following: a. count b. in: return True if the item is in the list c. reverse d. index: return -1 if the item is not in the list e. insert



Here are the methods:

a) count

def count(object, list):  

   counter = 0

   for i in list:

       if i == object:

           counter = counter + 1

   return counter

b) in : return True if the item is in the list

def include(object, list):  

   for i in list:

       if i == object:

           return True

   return False

c)  reverse

def reverse(list):

   first = 0            

   last = len(list)-1    

   while first<last:

       list[first] , list[last] = list[last] , list[first]

       first = first + 1

       last = last - 1

   return list

d) index: return -1 if the item is not in the list  

def index(object, list):

   for x in range(len(list)):

       if list[x] == object:

           return x

   return -1

e)  insert

def insert(object, index, list):

   return list[:index] + [object] + list[index:]



The method count takes object and a list as parameters and returns the number of times that object appears in the list.

counter variable is used to count the number of times object appears in list.


list = [1,1,2,1,3,4,4,5,6]

object = 1

The for loop i.e. for i in list iterates through each item in the list

if condition if i == object inside for loop checks if the item of list at i-th position is equal to the object.  So for the above example, this condition checks if 1 is present in the list. If this condition evaluates to true then the value of counter is incremented to 1 otherwise the loop keeps iterating through the list searching for the occurrence of object (1) in the list.

After the complete list is moved through, the return counter statement returns the number of times object (i.e. 1 in the example) occurred in the list ( i.e. [1,1,2,1,3,4,4,5,6]  ) As 1 appears thrice in the list so the output is 3.


The method include takes two parameters i.e. object and list as parameters and returns True if the object is present in the list otherwise returns False. Here i have not named the function as in because in is a reserved keyword in Python so i used include as method name.

For example if list = [1,2,3,4] and object = 3

for loop for i in list iterates through each item of the list and the if condition if i == object checks if the item at i-th position of the list is equal to the specified object. This means for the above example the loop iterates through each number in the list and checks if the number at i-th position in the list is equal to 3 (object). When this if condition evaluates to true, the method returns True as output otherwise returns False in output ( if 3 is not found in the list). As object 3 is present in the list so the output is True.

c) reverse method takes a list as parameter and returns the list in reverse order.

Suppose list = [1,2,3,4,5,6]

The function has two variables i.e. first that is the first item of the list and last which is the last item of the list. Value of first is initialized to 0 and value of last is initialized to len(list)-1 where len(list) = 6 and 6-1=5 so last=5 for the above example. These are basically used as index variables to point to the first and last items of list.

The while loop executes until the value of first exceeds that of last.

Inside the while loop the statement list[first] , list[last] = list[last] , list[first]  interchanges the values of elements of the list which are positioned at first and last. After each interchange the first is incremented to 1 and last is decremented to 1.

For example at first iteration:

first = 0

last = 5

list[0] , list[5] = list[5] , list[0]

This means in the list [1,2,3,4,5,6] The first element 1 is interchanged with last element 6. Then the value of first is incremented and first = 1, last = 4 to point at the elements 2 and 5 of the list and then exchanges them too.

This process goes on until while condition evaluates to false. When the loop breaks  statement return list returns the reversed list.

d) The method index takes object and list as parameters and returns the index of the object/item if it is found in the list otherwise returns -1

For example list = [1,2,4,5,6] and object = 3

for loop i.e.  for x in range(len(list)):  moves through each item of the list until the end of the list is reached. if statement  if list[x] == object:  checks if the x-th index of the list is equal to the object. If it is true returns the index position of the list where the object is found otherwise returns -1. For the above examples 3 is not in the list so the output is -1  

e) insert

The insert function takes as argument the object to be inserted, the index where the object is to be inserted and the list in which the object is to be inserted.

For example list = [0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6] and object = 3 and index = 3

3 is to be inserted in list  [1,2,4,5] at index position 3 of the list. The statement:

return list[:index] + [object] + list[index:]

list[:index] is a sub list that contains items from start to the index position. For above example:

list[:index] = [0, 1, 2]

list[index:] is a sub list that contains items from index position to end of the list.

list[index:] = [4, 5, 6]

[object] = [3]

So above statement becomes:

[0, 1, 2] + [3] + [4, 5, 6]

So the output is:

[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]    

What is the science and art of making an illustrated map or chart. GIS allows users to interpret, analyze, and visualize data in different ways that reveal patterns and trends in the form of reports, charts, and maps? a. Automatic vehicle locationb. Geographic information systemc. Cartographyd. Edge matching



c. Cartography.


Cartography is the science and art of making an illustrated map or chart. Geographic information system (GIS) allows users to interpret, analyze, and visualize data in different ways that reveal patterns and trends in the form of reports, charts, and maps.

Basically, cartography is the science and art of depicting a geographical area graphically, mostly on flat surfaces or media like maps or charts. It is an ancient art that was peculiar to the fishing and hunting geographical regions. Geographic information system is an improved and technological form of cartography used for performing a whole lot of activities or functions on data generated from different locations of the Earth.


C. Cartography


Show using a cross-product construction that the class of regular languages is closed under set difference. You do not need an inductive proof, but you should convincingly explain why your construction works.



The class definition for Javascript:

var Class = {

      arguments of the class object are initialized here;


This class definition for Python:

class "class_name"( object ):

      def __init__(self, arguments are passed are and initialized after the closing parenthesis)


Object-oriented programming languages are vital tools in creating data structures that are meant to be changeable, unindexed but directly accessible knowing the key value, and has unique membership.

This clearly is an adoption of the set data structure rule in creating a data structure blueprint that can be instantiated anytime in the code.

Define a function print_total_inches, with parameters num_feet and num_inches, that prints the total number of inches. Note: There are 12 inches in a foot. Sample output with inputs: 58 Total inches: 68 def print_total_inches (num_feet, hum_inches): 2 str1=12 str2=num_inches 4 print("Total inches:',(num_feet*strl+str2)) 5 print_total_inches (5,8) 6 feet = int(input) 7 inches = int(input) 8 print_total_inches (feet, inches)


I'll pick up your question from here:

Define a function print_total_inches, with parameters num_feet and num_inches, that prints the total number of inches. Note: There are 12 inches in a foot.

Sample output with inputs: 5 8

Total inches: 68


The program is as follows:

def print_total_inches(num_feet,num_inches):

     print("Total Inches: "+str(12 * num_feet + num_inches))


inches = int(input("Inches: "))

feet = int(input("Feet: "))



This line defines the function along with the two parameters

def print_total_inches(num_feet,num_inches):

This line calculates and prints the equivalent number of inches

     print("Total Inches: "+str(12 * num_feet + num_inches))

The main starts here:

This line tests with the original arguments from the question


The next two lines prompts user for input (inches and feet)

inches = int(input("Inches: "))

feet = int(input("Feet: "))

This line prints the equivalent number of inches depending on the user input



Written in Python:

def print_total_inches(num_feet,num_inches):

    print("Total inches: "+str(12 * num_feet + num_inches))

feet = int(input())

inches = int(input())

print_total_inches(feet, inches)


If you implement too many security controls, what portion of the CIA triad (Information Assurance Pyramid) may suffer?
a. Availability
b. Confidentiality
c. Integrity
d. All of the above



Option A



The implementation of too many security protocols will lead to a reduction of the ease at which a piece of information is accessible.  Accessing the piece of information will become hard even for legitimate users.

The security protocols used should not be few, however, they should be just adequate to maintain the necessary level of confidentiality and integrity that the piece of information should have, While ensuring that the legitimate users can still access it without much difficulty.

Which wireless device connects multiple laptops, tablets, phones, and other mobile devices in a corporate environment?



Bluetooth or a wifi router or a gateway


Write a CashRegister class that can be used with the RetailItem class that you wrote in Chapter 6's Programming Challenge 4. The CashRegister class should simulate the sale of a retail item. It should have a constructor that accepts a RetailItem object as an argument. The constructor should also accept an integer that represents the quantity of items being purchased. In addition, the class should have the following methods:
• The getSubtotal method should return the subtotal of the sale, which is the quantity multiplied by the price. This method must get the price from the RetailItem object that was passed as an argument to the constructor.
• The getTax method should return the amount of sales tax on the purchase. The sales tax rate is 6 percent of a retail sale.
• The getTotal method should return the total of the sale, which is the subtotal plus the sales tax.

Demonstrate the class in a program that asks the user for the quantity of items being purchased and then displays the sale’s subtotal, amount of sales tax and total.



Following are the code to this question:

import java.util.*; //import package for user input

class RetailItem//defining class RetailItem  


private String desc;//defining String variable

private int unit;//defining integer variable

private double prices;//defining double variable

RetailItem()//defining default Constructor


   //Constructor body



The Sub Total value: 199.75

The Sales Tax value: 11.985

The Total value: $211.735


In the above code three class "RetailItem, CashRegister, and Main" is defined, in the class "RetailItem", it defines three variable that is "desc, unit, and prices", inside the class "get and set" method and the constructor is defined, that calculates its value.

In the next step,  class "CashRegister" is defined, and inside the class parameterized constructor is defined, which uses the get and set method to return its value.  

In the next step, the main class is declared, in the main method two-class object is created and calls its method that are "getSubtotal, getTax, and getTotal".  

There is some technical error that's why full code can't be added so, please find the attached file of code.  

Questions: 1) Sequential pattern mining is a topic of data mining concerned with finding statistically relevant patterns between data examples where the values are delivered in a sequence. Discuss what is sequential data


Answer and Explanation:

The sequential data or sequence data is described as data that come in an ordered sequence. It may also be termed data that is produced from tasks that occurs in sequential order The sequential pattern mining is a critical subject in data mining that has do with applying sequential data to derive a statistically relevant pattern from it.

Sequential pattern mining is a part of data mining. Data mining involves utilizing data from databases to understand and make decisions that better the organization or society as a whole based on this. Common data mining tasks include: clustering, classification, outlier analysis, and pattern mining.

Pattern mining is a kind of data mining task that involves explaining data through finding useful patterns from data in databases. Sequential pattern mining is pattern mining that uses sequential data as a source of data in finding data patterns. Sequential pattern mining applies various criteria(which maybe subjective) in finding "subsequence" in data. Criteria could be :frequency, length, size, time gaps, profit etc. Sequential pattern mining is commonly applicable in reality since a sizeable amount of data mostly occur in this form. A popular type of sequential data is the time series data.

Vehicles driving in the opposite direction on a multi-lane highway with opposite lanes separated by a painted line must stop for school buses.


True? I think that’s it’s true, it’s different here in Canada

list three components of a computer system​


Central Processing Unit,
Input devices and
Output devices.

which programming paradigm do programmers follow to write code for event driven applications? a. object oriented programming. b. functional c. nonprocedural. d. procedural​



D) Procedural



Object-Oriented Programming


Write a CREATE VIEW statement that defines a view named InvoiceBasic that returns three columns: VendorName, InvoiceNumber, and InvoiceTotal. Then, write a SELECT statement that returns all of the columns in the view, sorted by VendorName, where the first letter of the vendor name is N, O, or P.



CREATE VIEW InvoiceBasic  AS

SELECT VendorName, InvoiceNumber, InvoiceTotal  

FROM Invoices JOIN Vendors ON Invoices.InvoiceID = Vendors.VendorID  

WHERE left(VendorName,1) IN ('N' , 'O ' , 'P' )


CREATE VIEW creates a view named InvoiceBasic  

SELECT statements selects columns VendorName, InvoiceNumber and InvoiceTotal   from Invoices table

JOIN is used to combine rows from Invoices and Vendors table, based on a InvoiceID and VendorsID columns.

WHERE clause specified a condition that the first letter of the vendor name is N, O, or P. Here left function is used to extract first character of text from a VendorName column.

Define Proportional spacing fornt.​



Alphabetic character spacing based on the width of each letter in a font. ... Proportional spacing is commonly used for almost all text. In this encyclopedia, the default text is a proportional typeface, and tables are "monospaced," in which all characters have the same fixed width.

hope this answer helps u

pls mark me as brainlitest .-.

Which octet of the subnet mask will tell the router the corresponding host ID?The last octetThe first octetThe first and last octetThe middle two octets



The last octet


Here in the question, given the sub net mask, we want to know which octet of the subnet mask will tell the router the corresponding host ID.

The correct answer to this is the last octet. It is the last octet that will tell the router the corresponding host ID

You are the network administrator for your company. A user reports that he cannot access network resources from his computer. He was able to access the resources yesterday. While troubleshooting his computer, you find that his computer is issued an Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA) address. All the network equipment in the user's computer is functioning properly because you are able to access the user's computer from a remote computer. What is most likely the problem



the issued Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA) address.


Since we are told that the user was able to access the network resources yesterday, and all the network equipment in the user's computer is functioning properly, there is a very high possibility that because the user's computer has been issued an Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA) address, it affected his computer's ability to connect to a public network.

This is the case because private network IP addresses are known to prevent inflow and outflow of data onto public networks.

Which recovery method helps users boot into an environment to get them back into the system so they can begin the troubleshooting process






g Write a method that accepts a String object as an argument and displays its contents backward. For instance, if the string argument is "gravity" the method should display -"ytivarg". Demonstrate the method in a program that asks the user to input a string and then passes it to the method.



The program written in C++ is as follows; (See Explanation Section for explanation)

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

void revstring(string word)


   string  stringreverse = "";

   for(int i = word.length() - 1; i>=0; i--)






int main()


 string user_input;

 cout << "Enter a string:  ";

 getline (std::cin, user_input);


 return 0;



The method starts here

void getstring(string word)


This line initializes a string variable to an empty string

   string  stringreverse = "";

This iteration iterates through the character of the user input from the last to the first

   for(int i = word.length() - 1; i>=0; i--)   {



This line prints the reversed string



The main method starts here

int main()


This line declares a string variable for user input

 string user_input;

This line prompts the user for input

 cout << "Enter a string:  ";

This line gets user input

 getline (std::cin, user_input);

This line passes the input string to the method


 return 0;


While the Internet can be a great resource, the information is not always reliable, as anyone can post information. Select one: True False


Answer: True

Explanation: Because anyone can post something and it can be non reliable

why you think Operating System is pivotal in teaching and learning.



An Operating System is pivotal in teaching and learning because:

1. It enables computer users to communicate with the hardware.

2. To run any computer programme successfully, the Operating System is basic.

3. It provides a smooth interface for teachers to use video conferencing or other conferencing systems in teaching their students.

4. The OS enables the launching of other learning packages on a computer system.

5. Students can install learning apps on their systems with the help of the OS.


An Operating System is a software which brings about easy communication with the hardware and enablea other programs to run on the computer easily. It provides basic functionality in systems were they are installed.

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A graph is shown below: A graph is shown. The values on the x axis are 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10. The values on the y axis are 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20. Points are shown on ordered pairs 0, 16 and 2, 12 and 4, 8 and 6, 4 and 8, 0. These points are connected by a line. What is the equation of the line in slope-intercept form? find the value of x? please help A piece of equipment (Asset class 15.0) was purchased by the Jones Construction Company. The cost basis was $300,000. Determine the ADS and GDS depreciation deduction for this property each year Which method should be used to solve for x? 2.5 x = 5.7 distributive property addition property of equality combining like terms division property of equality plz help me asap!!!!!What is the equation of the linear function represented by the table?xy5142111845y = negative x + 9y = negative x + 13y = x + 13y = x + 9 A small amount of solid calcium hydroxide is shaken vigorously in a test tube almost full of water until no further change occurs and most of the solid settles out. The resulting solution is:______. A rope, under a tension of 153 N and fixed at both ends, oscillates in a second-harmonic standing wave pattern. The displacement of the rope is given by . where at one end of the rope, is in meters, and is in seconds. What are (a) the length of the rope, (b) the speed of the waves on the rope, and (c) the mass of the rope? (d) If the rope oscillates in a third-harmonic standing wave pattern, what will be the period of oscillation? Dyesss book was published when the war was still being fought. Beck and Burgos were interviewed in the 1990s, five decades after the war. How did Dyesss account of the Bataan Death March differ from Becks and Burgoss accounts? How were the accounts similar? Describe your answer in at least three sentences. If you weigh 685 N on the earth, what would be your weight on the surface of a neutron star that has the same mass as our sun and a diameter of 25.0 km In the diagram, XY bisects ZWXZ.ZY2w(5x + 3)(7X - 70x=type your answer... URGENT PLEASE ANSWER !! A company has reported operating income of $25,000,000. The bond interest expense for the year is $4,000,000 and principal payments on bonds totaled $1,000,000. The company's debt service coverage ratio is: 3|2(2)-9|-2need to evaluate the expression Jeremy reminded the board members that it is important to understand the inflation rate of a country before entering into business. Jeremy is concerned with the ________ risks of doing business. In the lab, you shoot an electron towards the south. As it moves through a magnetic field, you observe the electron curving upward toward the roof of the lab. You deduce that the magnetic field must be pointing:_______. a. to the west. b. upward. c. to the north. d. to the east. e. downward. Suppose 50 percent of the customers at Pizza Palooza order a square pizza, 70 percent order a soft drink, and 35 percent order both a square pizza and a soft drink. Required:Is ordering a soft drink independent of ordering a square pizza? Explain (1) One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin. He lay on his armour-like back, and if he lifted his head a little he could see his brown belly, slightly domed and divided by arches into stiff sections. The bedding was hardly able to cover it and seemed ready to slide off any moment. His many legs, pitifully thin compared with the size of the rest of him, waved about helplessly as he looked. (2) "What's happened to me?" he thought. It wasn't a dream. His room, a proper human room although a little too small, lay peacefully between its four familiar walls. A collection of textile samples lay spread out on the tableSamsa was a travelling salesmanand above it there hung a picture that he had recently cut out of an illustrated magazine and housed in a nice, gilded frame. It showed a lady fitted out with a fur hat and fur boa who sat upright, raising a heavy fur muff that covered the whole of her lower arm towards the viewer. (3) Gregor then turned to look out the window at the dull weather. Drops of rain could be heard hitting the pane, which made him feel quite sad. "How about if I sleep a little bit longer and forget all this nonsense," he thought, but that was something he was unable to do because he was used to sleeping on his right, and in his present state couldn't get into that position. However hard he threw himself onto his right, he always rolled back to where he was. He must have tried it a hundred times, shut his eyes so that he wouldn't have to look at the floundering legs, and only stopped when he began to feel a mild, dull pain there that he had never felt before. Whose view does the author follow throughout this selection? A.The woman in the picture's B.Gregor Samsa's C. An all-knowing narrator's D. The author's 1. ABCD is a quadrilateral in which angle A = angle C and angle B = angle DProve that, if the opposite angles of a quadrilateral are equal, then the quadrilateral is aparallelogram. The Jones Company has just completed the third year of a five-year MACRS recovery period for a piece of equipment it originally purchased for $302,000. a. What is the book value of the equipment? b. If Jones sells the equipment today for $184,000 and its tax rate is 35%, what is the after-tax cash flow from selling it? c. Just before it is about to sell the equipment, Jones receives a new order. It can take the new order if it keeps the old equipment. Is there a cost to taking the order and if so, what is it? Explain. (Assume the new order will consume the remainder of the machine's useful life.) Note: Assume that the equipment is put into use in year 1. -K-12 Scientific Method3/10A(n)simply states what will be observed and alwaystrue, but does not explain why.