Which of the following statements are true for all
Select three correct answers.
They have nitrogen elements.
They have covalent bonds.
They have a carbon backbone.
They have hydrogen elements


Answer 1
Well it’s 100% B and D
I think C is the third answer
Answer 2

The statements that are true for every biomolecules are:

They have covalent bonds.They have a carbon backbone.They have hydrogen elements

Biomolecules are molecules obtained or produced by living organisms. There are four biomolecules in nature; proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and nucleic acids.

Since all biomolecules are from living sources, it means they all contain carbon element in their structure.

Also, the carbon is linked to hydrogen atoms in all biomolecules by COVALENT BONDS.

Therefore, every biomolecule has the following:

They have covalent bonds.They have a carbon backbone.They have hydrogen elements

Learn more: https://brainly.com/question/18334068?referrer=searchResults

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Since the beginning of life of the first multicellular organisms, the preservation of a physiologic milieu for every cell in the organism has been a critical requirement. A particular range of osmolality of the body fluids is essential for the maintenance of cell volume. In humans the stability of electrolyte concentrations and their resulting osmolality in the body fluids is the consequence of complex interactions between cell membrane functions, hormonal control, thirst, and controlled kidney excretion of fluid and solutes. Knowledge of these mechanisms, of the biochemical principles of osmolality, and of the relevant situations occurring in disease is of importance to every physician. This comprehensive review summarizes the major facts on osmolality, its relation to electrolytes and other solutes, and its relevance in physiology and in disease states with a focus on dialysis-related considerations.

species separated by inability of hybrid offspring to produce offspring of their own


Reproductive organ incompatibility keeps the species reproductively isolated. ... In another postzygotic situation, reproduction leads to the birth and growth of a hybrid that is sterile and unable to reproduce offspring of their own; this is called hybrid sterility.

Which point in this graph shows the beginning of a period of exponential
Population size-
O A. Point C
B. Point D
C. Point B



C. Point B


The exposed curve represents a logistic growth model. Population growth depends on density. Natality and mortality depend on the population size, meaning that there is no independence between population growth and population density.

When a population grows in a limited space, density rises gradually and eventually affects the multiplication rate. The population per capita growth rate decreases as population size increases. The population reaches a maximum point delimited by available resources, such as food or space. This point is known as the carrying capacity, K.

K is a constant that equals population size at the equilibrium point, in which the natality and the mortality rate get qual to each other.

Referring to population size as N, when

N<K, the population can still grow. N approximates to K, the population´s growth speed decreases. N=K the population reaches equilibrium, N>K, the population must decrease in size because there are not enough resources to maintain that size.  

The sigmoid curve represents the logistic growth model.

Point A: During this period, the population size is relatively stable. Little growth is expressed. Point B: At the beginning of this period, population growth increases softly. The more individuals are in the population, the more that reaches sexual maturity and get to reproduce, leaving fertile offspring. This fertile offspring also get to reproduce and leave more fertile individuals. At the end of the period, the curve shows a sharp slope, reflecting the significant increase in the population reproductive rate.  Point C: At the beginning of this period, the population keeps on growing exponentially. But at the end of the period, the curve tends to stabilize, meaning that the population stops growing in size so fast. The population slow and gradually reaches the equilibrium point, K.Point D: The population got to stabilize.




Just took the test :)

Three color receptors that responded in an opponent-process fashion had been proposed by ______; this arrangement was later verified by ______ in monkeys.


This question seems to be incomplete. However, there is enough information to find the right answer.


Three color receptors that responded in an opponent-process fashion had been proposed by Hurvich and Jameson; this arrangement was later verified by DeValois in monkeys.


In "An opponent-process theory of color vision" (1957), Hurvich and Jameson developed the opponent-color system. In "Color Vision Mechanisms in the Monkey" (1960), De Valois confirmed the existence in monkeys of color-opponent ganglion cells in the retina and color-opponent cells in the lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus. De Valois himself states in his research that there´s a clear close parallel between the behavior of what he calls "on-or-off cells" and the findings o Hurvich and Jameson.

the development of the horse in the fossil record shows​



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1. What are the different modes of nutrition observed in plants? Give examples of each.
2. Why is cuscuta categorized as a parasite?
3. What are lichens? Give examples.


1. Parasitic nutrition, Saphrophtic noutrition

parasitic: cuscuta

saprophytuc : rhizopus

2. Cuscuta is categorised as parasite because It obtains it's food through the host plant.

3. Lichens are groups of fungi and Algae.


Explanation: 1 Ans) the different modes of nutrition observed in plants are parasitic nutrition and saprozoic nutrition. Egs: Scandal plant and Yeast respectively.

2 Ans) Cuscuta is categorized as a parasite because it obtains nutrients from the main plant.

3 Ans)  Lichens are the symbiotic Relation of algae and Fungi. Eg: Bread Lichen.

Thank You, Sanj8577

What is the new mRNA strand formed by this gene?


The correct answer is: ATC GAA CCG TA

The most direct method by which an ion or molecule can move across a cell membrane is by ____________.A. using an integral protein.B. a sodium-potassium pump.C. simple diffusion. D. active transport.E. osmosis.



C. Simple diffusion


Simple diffusion from a high to low concentration is the most direct method that ions or molecules can move across a cell membrane.

Through this method, no proteins are required for transport, and no energy is used.

The ion or molecule being transported directly moves across the cell membrane, without any other factors involved.

So, the correct answer is C. Simple diffusion

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Its symbol is ΔfG˚. All elements in their standard states (diatomic oxygen gas, graphite, etc.) have standard Gibbs free energy change of formation equal to zero, as there is no change involved. ΔfG = ΔfG˚ + RT ln Qf, where Qf is the reaction quotient.

In which of the scientific classifications are all the
animals grouped


The lion belongs to the following groups: Kingdom Animalia (includes all animals) Phylum Chordata (includes all vertebrate animals, as well as some other more primitive ones) Class Mammalia (includes all mammals)

Which of these organelles prepares proteins to be fully functional?

A. Rough endoplasmic reticulum

B. Large vacuoles

C. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

D. Chloroplasts


Rough endoplasmic reticulum


Rough endoplasmic reticulum is among the organelles that are found in eukaryotic cells. The reason as to why it is called rough is because it has ribosomes attached to its surface. Its main function is to produce proteins.


Explain the role of cellular respiration in a cell.



Every cell performs a type of cellular respiration as it is required to produce energy. The point of cellular respiration is to turn high-energy molecules, know as glucose, into ATP, a form of usable energy. There are two types of respiration, aerobic and anaerobic. Aerobic goes through 3 stages and produces the most ATP by using oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide. Anaerobic does the same job but only uses one stage and produces much less ATP. This process gives the cell energy and continues the carbon cycle.

What is the answer with explaining



All EeWw (100%)


This question involves two genes; one coding for earlobes and the other for hairline. According to the question, one parent is homzygous recessive for earlobe but homzygous dominant for hairline i.e. (eeWW) while the other parent is homzygous dominant for earlobe but homzygous recessive for hairline i.e. (EEww).

The cross between the two parents is as follows: eeWW × EEww. The following gamete combination will be produced by each parent:

eeWW - eW, eW, eW, eW

EEww - Ew, Ew, Ew, Ew

Using this gametes in a punnet square, the following proportion of offsprings will likely be produced:

All EeWw

Which of the following represents a normal

A. Dd Rr

B. DRr

C. Dr

D. DdR




C. Dr


Gametes only carry one allele for each trait

Dr means that it will be combined with another gamete in order to create an offspring

How does the structure of a seed help to ensure the growth and
survival of the plant?



Outer shell for protection, preventing any germs / orgasims / bugs getting into it?



What does the pancreas, shown in the image below, do?
(Pineal, Hypothalamus,
and Pituitary glanda)
Ovaries (2)
Testos (2)
O A. Releases a hormone if blood calcium levels get too high
B. Releases insulin if blood sugar levels get too high
C. Releases hormones to regulate the endocrine system
D. Regulates the pituitary gland



C. Releases hormones to regulate the endocrine system


Release hormone to regulate the endocrine system. Therefore, option (C) is correct.

What is Pancreas?

The pancreas is a vital organ located in the abdomen, behind the stomach. It has both exocrine and endocrine functions. The exocrine part produces enzymes that help in the digestion of food in the small intestine, while the endocrine part produces hormones that regulate blood sugar levels. The hormones produced by the pancreas include insulin, glucagon, somatostatin, and pancreatic polypeptide.

Insulin helps to lower blood sugar levels by promoting the uptake of glucose into cells, while glucagon raises blood sugar levels by stimulating the liver to release glucose into the bloodstream. Somatostatin helps to regulate the release of insulin and glucagon, and pancreatic polypeptide plays a role in digestion and appetite regulation. Dysfunction of the pancreas can lead to various disorders, including diabetes and pancreatic cancer.

Learn more about Pancreas, here:



Describes vitamin D levels and problems



Vitamin D is essential for strong bones,because it helps the body use calcium from the diet.

It’s important for normal growth and development of teeth and bones. It can help resist against certain diseases. Some problems if you take to much vitamin D is that you will get weakness, fatigue, sleepiness, headache, loss of appetite, dry mouth, metallic taste, nausea, vomiting, and others.


What is the pH of a solution with a 4.60 × 10−4 M hydroxide ion concentration? (4 points)









According to this question, we have 4.60 × 10^-4 M hydroxide ion (OH-) concentration.

Since we were given the OH concentration, we first calculate the pOH of the solution, which is given as:

pOH = -log {OH-}

pOH = - log {4.60 × 10^-4}

pOH = - log {0.000460}

pOH = 3.337

pOH = 3.34

Given that; pOH + pH = 14

The pH of the solution = 14 - pOH

pH = 14 - 3.34

pH = 10.66

pH = 10.7


The answer is 10.7


What happens to predator populations when prey populations are scarce? Why?


When prey is abundant, predator populations increase because more young are able to survive. More predators kill more prey, which, along with food scarcity, decreases the population. When prey becomes more scarce, the predator population declines until prey is again more abundant. Therefore, the two balance each other.

Which of the following statements correctly identifies and describes the type of covalent bond found between
oxygen and hydrogen in water molecules?
hydrogen bonds because hydrogen is more electronegative than oxygen
O polar covalent bonds because oxygen is more electronegative than hydrogen
O polar covalent bonds because hydrogen is more electronegative than oxygen


Answer: O polar covalent bonds because oxygen is more electronegative than hydrogen


In the water molecule the two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atoms forms the chemical structure in this the covalent bond is formed between hydrogen and oxygen and this is formed due to sharing of electrons between hydrogen and oxygen and oxygen being electronegative requires two electrons to complete its valency which are provided by two electrons each from one hydrogen and the O polar covalent bond is formed by this way.




edge 2020

The thin outer layer of the skin is called the _____.



fatty layer



The outer thin layer of skin is the epidermis

The thin outer layer of the skin is known as the Epidermis. So, the correct option is D.

What is Epidermis?

The epidermis, which is referred to as the skin's outermost layer, shields the body from the elements. Depending on the kind of skin, the epidermis can be as thin as.05 mm on the eyelids or as thick as 1.5 mm on the palms and soles of the feet.

The body is shielded by the epidermis from harmful substances like chemicals, pathogens (bacteria, viruses, fungus, and parasites), and ultraviolet (UV) radiation. The epidermis, which is the skin's outermost layer and gives skin its tone, serves as a waterproof barrier. The dermis, which lies underneath the epidermis, is made up of hard connective tissue, hair follicles, and sweat glands.

Thus, the correct option is D.

Learn more about Epidermis, here:



state 2 function of the kidney





The kidneys are powerful chemical factories that perform the following functions:

remove waste products from the body.remove drugs from the body.balance the body's fluids.release hormones that regulate blood pressure.produce an active form of vitamin D that promotes strong, healthy bones.
It removes waste products from the body. And also removes drugs from the body

PNS axons are vulnerable to cuts, crushing injuries, and other types of trauma. However, a damaged ____________ can regenerate if the ____________ remains intact and a critical amount of ____________ remains. The success of peripheral nervous system axon regeneration depends upon two primary factors: (1) the amount of ____________ and (2) the ____________ between the site of the damaged axon and the ____________ . The possibility of repair is ____________ with an increase in either of these two factors. Neurolemmocytes play an active role in regeneration



The correct answer is - damaged, effector organ, neurilemma, damage, distance, cell body, decreased.


PNS axons are prone to cuts, and other types of injuries. A damaged axon can regenerate if the effector organ remains intact and a critical amount of neurilemma is found.

The degree of success of these axons regeneration depends upon factors that are (1) the amount of damage, and (2) the distance between the site of the damaged axon and the cell body it innervates The possibility of repair is reduced with an increase in either of these two factors. Neurolemmocytes play an active role in regeneration

Once a stable community has been achieved ,a ___ community had been established
Secondary stable
Primary stable


I think the answer will be climax community


The answer I think is a Climax community

Umm.. Hi there! Can someone please help me out with this? (only for those who know the answer)

Bcoz I really need this rn :(

even though it is multiple choice, I still need your explanation for your answers. Thanks!!


If your answer is NONSENSE it will be deleted as soon as possible!

But if your answer is CORRECT, HELPFUL, HAS AN EXPLANATION, I'll chose your answer as the BRAINLIEST ANSWER!


Atomic size increases down a group and descreases across a period because when going down a group number of shells of elements increases and across periods number of shells stay the same but the number of electrons increases which will cause too much weight on the atom and it gets diminished. so according to that:

3. A

4. B

5.C( because noble gases are stable)




3. (a)

4. (c)

5. (c)

1. (a)

2. (b)



from left to right across a period the atomic size decreases because the nuclear charge increases while the no. of valence shells remains constant. The strong electrostatic force between the nucleus and the electrons draws the outermost shell inwards resulting in decrease of atomic radius from left to right.

so, the answer is a. atomic radius of elements decreases from left to right.


Argon has the largest atomic size. Yeah I know, I just said that the atomic radius decreases on moving across a period BUT Nobel gases are exception. In fact they have the largest atomic size in a period. This is because their valence shells are complete and this cause the internal electrons to repel each other thus pushing the valence shell away from the nucleus causing the atomic size to increase.

so the answer is c. Argon


Halogens have the smallest radius in a period. Because their nuclear charge is greatest in a period.

so the answer is c. Halogens



since, the atomic size increases down the group and decreases along a period the biggest elements are arranged in the bottom and in the left side of the periodic table.

so option a.

2. For metals the atomic radius is directly proportional to their reactivity

metals have to lose electrons in order to become stable and the easier they lose electrons the higher is their reactivity also that a metal will lose electrons easily if it's atomic radius is large so that the outermost electrons are loosely bonded and can be withdrawn easily.

so option. b.

During which days of the menstrual cycle does the level of FSH increase?



During the first week after menses (in a 28 days cycle), FSH continues to increase, the follicles grow intensely and FSH increases the expression of its own receptor and of the LH receptor on the granulosa cells.

Which statement best describes the components of nucleic acids?


Nucleic acids are biomolecules that are composed of nucleotides, a type of monomer, or building blocks.

The final phase of translation, called termination, is signaled by three nucleotides, called a __________, that mark the end of a polypeptide chain. intron exon plasmid stop codon



The correct answer is "stop codon"


Codon is a trinucleotide (three nucleotides) sequence that translates to a specific amino acid or stops the translation of genetic sequence to amino acids. There is a codon table that is usually used to determine the corresponding protein.

However, a sequence of DNA or RNA sequence will have 3 nucleotides (codons) each been translated to a specific amino acid. For example, the sequence below can be translated as follows


UAU - Tyrosine

GGA -Glycine

UUU - Phenylalanine

AGA - Arginine

CAC - Histidine

UAG - stop codon

The stop codon is a codon that doesn't code for any amino acid and signals the stop of protein synthesis/gene translation of a sequence. There are three stop codons which are UAG, UGA and UAA.

Which critter trait is affected by an environmental factor, such as light, temperature, or
diet? Explain.





Tallness is the critter trait that is affected by an environmental factor, such as light, temperature, or  diet because the organism remains short if they are not getting food properly as well as temperature. Food provides essential nutrients that contribute in the growth of organism. Suitable temperature of the body allows the different functions in the body to be done which directly affects the growth of the body and the organism becomes taller.

Identify the molecule that is not a compound



dear, your question seems to be incomplete.......plz ask it again

This could be Hydrogen gas as it is a molecule but is not a compound as it is only made up of one element!
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