Which of the following statements best summarizes a viewpoint that many
U.S. citizens developed as a result of the Watergate scandal?
A. "The civil rights movement has failed to advance African American
B. "Liberal Democratic policies have created economic disaster."
C. "It is more difficult than ever to trust our elected leaders."
O D. "Our country should never fight a war unless it is to defend the


Answer 1


It is more difficult than ever to trust our elected leaders."

Answer 2


"It is more difficult than ever to trust our elected leaders."

Explanation:i just took the test

Related Questions

The Battle of Bunker Hill in 1775 helped to show


espero te ayude <3

a batalla de Bunker Hill tuvo lugar el 17 de junio de 1775, como parte del sitio de Boston durante la guerra de Independencia de los Estados Unidos. El General Israel Putnam estaba a cargo de las fuerzas revolucionarias, mientras que el General de división William Howe mandaba las fuerzas británicas. Aunque la batalla es conocida como de la colina Búnker, la mayor parte de la lucha se desarrolló realmente en la cercana Breed's Hill.

The world court meets in which of the following cities?
A San Francisco
B The hague
C New York
D dubai





B is the correct answer

After World War I, the balance of power in Europe shifted as a result of:
O A. Russian Bolsheviks' support of successful communist revolutions
throughout Europe,
O B. the United States' refusal to provide aid to western European
O C. the collapse of eastern empires that had been major powers
before the war.
O D. the rapid rebuilding of the German military in the years
immediately following the war.


I would be C because Germany, Russia, Austria Hungary all fell apart because the west was modernizing and the east was still filled with monarchies and autocracys

Which two civilizations had the most advanced trade networks?



1. Chinese Civilization

2. Roman Empire Civilization


The two civilizations that had the most advanced trade networks are:

1. Chinese Civilization

2. Roman Empire Civilization

These two civilizations were linked with the most famous trade network routes known as SILK ROAD. Beginning in the 1st century BCE, the Silk Road was used for the exchange of various goods between the two civilizations including wool, silver, gold, technology, religion, and the arts.

Why did many Puerto Ricans dislike the Foraker Act?



The Foraker act gave only partial citizenship to Puerto Ricans


This is the belief that the Foraker act gave only partial citizenship to Puetro Ricans & Roosevelt believed that the US had a responsibility to civilize other nations

all the following were strengths of the articles of confederation except



They created a bicameral legislature.


Hope this helps! Please Mark Brainliest!

The independence movements in Latin America between 1810 and 1822: a. created new nations that economically developed at a very fast rate. b. gained very little sympathy in the United States because of atrocities committed by revolutionaries. c. paralleled in some ways the independence movement that created the United States. d. created seventeen different nations, each headed by a person of Indian ancestry. e. led Spain to crack down and succeed in consolidating its power in the Americas.


Answer: c. paralleled in some ways the independence movement that created the United States.


Napoleon invaded Spain in the early 1800s and Spain's colonies in the Americas decided to use this as an excuse to wrestle independence from Spain. In most cases wars of independence were fought and only after the colonies won, did they get independence.

This paralleled the struggle for independence in the United States as they had to fight the British in the American Revolution in order to gain independence.

Question 3
1 pts
What made the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 and the
Higher Education Act of 1965 new types of education reform?
O They addressed all levels of education.
O They addressed early childhood education.
O They were federally funded.
O They focused on poor schools.



Option C: They were federally funded.


The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 and the Higher Education Act of 1965 were federally funded by the government.

Hope this Helps! Please Mark Brainliest!

What is the name of the building above?



Chiswick House and Gardens

Chiswick house and gatdrn


Location manor house

Augustine did all the following except


I think the options accidentally got cut of

The Equator is the line that __________.



The Equatar is the line that runs around the center of the earth at 0 degrees latitude

Which was the more important reason for the progress of African- Americans in 1960? Was it:

The actions of the civil rights organisation (eg: Martin Luther King, Black power movement etc


The Federal Government

(12 Marks)



The actions of the civil right organization (eg: Martin Luther King, Black power movement etc)

The actions of civil rights movement

What was the general attitude of the framers about the role of the federal government in foreign trade?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached, we can say the following.

The general attitude of the framers about the role of the federal government in foreign trade was "The federal government should be able to regulate foreign trade."

This resulted from the issues that the Articles of Confederation had generated. Under the Articles, the central government was weak and could not regulate state and foreign trade.

That is why, during the Constitutional Convention held in the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1787, delegates met to discuss the new form of government for the United States. Federalists led by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison, supported a central government as the new form to rule the United States.

However, Antifederalists like Thomas Jefferson concluded that the United States needed a free republic as a model for the new government and they did not agree on the idea of having a strong central government as the Federalists proposed. Antifederalists argued that a strong federal government could turn into tyranny, as was the case of the English monarchy.

Explain the significance of the ATOM BOMB during WW2 (8 marks)

somone please help me with this ​



The use of atomic bombs during WW2 led to an arms race between the United states and the Soviet union.

in what wat did WW1 represent a turning point in modern world history



I think the answer is . The destination caused by the war led countries to isolate themselves from the world. When WW2 broke out countries wanted to stay apart from other countries because. They were afraid that the other country would join the war and bring destruction to their country.

Which information is included on a W-4 tax form?

A. Average income tax paid over the past five years

B. Proof that an employee can legally work in the country

C. The number of dependents an employee will claim

D. Total earnings and tax deductions from an employer



C. The number of dependents an employee will claim


The number of dependents an employee will claim is the information is included on a W-4 tax form. This W-4 form let the employers know how much tax to withhold from their paycheck based on the employee's marital status, number of dependents, etc. Increasing the number of allowances on the form decreases the amount of money withheld from the paycheck of that employee.

What was the cause of heavy taxes?





ncnmdksks so you see cjkdkskekwlalxocnnfnd

which listing correctly ranks the classes of ottoman society from the bottom down


In the Ottoman empire, there were four different types of major social classes. These were men of the pen, men of the sword, men of negotiation, and the men of husbandry


I don't see any options provided, however B) men of the sword, men of the pen, men of negotiation, men of husbandry is the correct answer I believe.


The correct order of ranks from top on down of the classes within the Ottoman society was men of the sword, men of the pen, men of the negotiation, and men of husbandry.

^Hope this helps! :D

When Franklin D. Roosevelt ran for president in 1932, the country was supportive of Herbert Hoover. mired in the Great Depression. preoccupied with World War II. enjoying economic prosperity.


The correct answer is "mired in the Great Depression."

When Franklin D. Roosevelt ran for president in 1932, the country was mired in the Great Depression.

The Great Depression started on October 29, 1929, after the US stock market crashed. Millions of Americans lost their jobs, companies closed, and banks went into bankruptcy.

The New Deal was the series of economic programs and legislation created by President Franklin D. Roosevelt when he became teh President. The New Deal was very important for millions of American people that had been suffering from the harsh economic conditions left by the Great Depression.

Under the New Deal, the federal government created the Tennessee Valley Authority Act, the Work Progress Administration, the Social Security Act, the Civilian Conservation Corps, or the Social Security Administration, among many others.

Answer: The correct answer is B.

Explanation: mired in the Great Depression. On Edge 2021.

In this activity, you’ll analyze an advertisement and a political cartoon to examine different perspectives on “The White Man’s Burden.”

Part A

In 1899, British poet Rudyard Kipling published the poem “The White Man's Burden.” Read the poem and then think about this prompt:

The poem dramatically expresses some issues and difficulties of imperialism. Readers interpret the poem in different ways. Some say it’s a justification of colonization. The poem says that colonizing foreign regions was necessary to develop and modernize the world. It was the white man’s burden to lead this task. Others say the poem is a satire. It makes fun of imperialists for believing that they were doing their colonies a favor.

What do you think Kipling’s attitude was toward imperialism? Support your answer with information from the poem and this lesson. Your answer should consist of 75 to 100 words.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

I think Kipling’s attitude toward imperialism was of supporting the idea that white people were superior to blacks and indigenous people.

Indeed, his poem dramatically expresses some issues and difficulties of imperialism. We could say the poem includes a justification for colonization. Kipling stated that colonizing foreign regions was necessary to develop and modernize the world. That is why he called the white man’s burden to lead this task.

English author Rudyard Kipling wrote the poem in 1899, in the times when the United States had won the Spanish-American War, and as a result of this, the US took possession of Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines, which were part of the Spanish monarchy.

At that time, Europeans sadly believed that they were a more evolved race who deserved to take over others. This is related to the term "Social Darwinism," which is considered to be imperialistic and racist.

which of the following events could not have been a cause for the extincation of large animals in north america


Answer:hi so the answer is d ... humans domesticating corn ;)


i hope i helped you guys  

do you think the black panthers helped or hindered the civil right movement? ​



I think they hampered the movement since they killed many people I hope and have helped you I'm from Mexico and I'm translating it Greetings

which item is an example of a primary source?

a. a letter from an academic about he research.
b. a photograph of a civil rights march.
c. a biography of the president.
d. a website discussing the history of the united nations.


The answer is B. a photo


b. a photograph of a civil rights march.


The Primary source refers to evidence that was made during the historical event. That's why 'b' is the correct answer.

What did Reagan present as the main goal of his foreign policy?

to support global rebellions against ruling governments
to supply arms, bases, and fighters to freedom fighters
to limit aggressive actions and promote diplomacy among democratic allies
to protect democratic values and prevent the spread of communism



To protect democratic values and prevent the spread of communism.


The Reagan Doctrine was the name for the strategy implemented by the United States during Ronald Reagan's presidency, which aimed to limit the influence of the Soviet Union by supporting anti-Communist guerrilla movements in the Soviet satellite states. The aid that the US gave to anti-communist movements went to, among others, the Contras in Nicaragua, the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan and UNITA in Angola. The strength of the strategy lay in the relatively low cost of supporting guerrilla movements without the direct deployment of American troops, as opposed to the high costs incurred by the Soviet Union in supporting the communist governments in the countries concerned.


D: To protect democratic values and prevent the spread of communism.


When working with sources, a writer can avoid plagiarism by:
A. paraphrasing ideas from the sources without copying their
B. not citing sources that are too similar to his or her own ideas.
C. relying on sources that do not list an author for their contents.
D. not keeping records that could prove which sources he or she


A would be the answer because you're not. Using these exact words you're adding your spice

De que manera se desarrolló la guerra fría


Answer: Su Origen Es situado entre 1945 y 1947 a causa de las tensiones de la posguerra, esta fue prolonged a hasta la disolucion de la union sovietica!

Explanation: simple response

According to "The Immigrant Contribution," what does the idea of equality mean in the United


That all US citizens should have equal opportunities and freedoms

Why did slaveholders support settlement of freed slaves in Africa?
O A. They wanted to keep freemen away from slaves.
O B. They believed it would result in a better life for freemen.
O c. They gained wealth from the transport of freemen.
D. They felt freemen were taking jobs from whites.



B. They believed it would result in a better life for freemen.


Hope it's correct...if not I'm sorry! -w-


The answer is A


the answer was correct for me

El procesador de texto permite



I don't speak spanish but if you read it better.


Yeah this is right main

whats the answer tpo



what is the meaning of tpo?

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