Which of the following statements can be used as evidence that ancient Greek beliefs and art has been influential?


Answer 1


B.  We read fables as children to learn moral lessons.

E.  Comedies and dramas are popular types of theatre on Broadway


The ancient Greek civilization has been very influential in the affairs of the world for generations since its existence. With Alexander having conquered a significant portion of Asia and the Romans adopting a significant amount of Greek practices, Greek beliefs and art spread across the known world.

One evidence is the fables that children are told to learn moral lessons. While not exclusive to the ancient Greeks, fables were most popularly told by them in an attempt to explain points such as political and moral points and this has been passed on around the world.

Perhaps the most glaring evidence of ancient Greek influence is the depiction of comedies and dramas in theatre on Broadway. Theatre was a big part of ancient Greek life starting in Athens and spreading across the Hellenistic world and in time to the rest of the world.

Related Questions

An "agnostic" is a person who does not believe there is enough evidence to know whether God exists. It is unknowable to that person.A. TrueB. False



The correct answer is true.

Which is NOT one of the keys to better social media engagement according to the article, " Three Keys to Better Social Media Engagement".


Given question is incomplete as it lacks the apropriate group of choices, however the correct group of choices are as follows:

Have the Wittiest and Coolest Vibe

Stay Relevant

Understand Your Audience

Provide Useful Content


The correct answer would be - Have the Wittiest and Coolest Vibe.


According the article " Three Keys to Better Social Media Engagement" an individual should be focus on the three factors or keys to better engagement with its subscriber, followers or users. These three keys are -

Stay Relevant  - one should be relevant to its content and people.

Understand Your Audience  - understand the audience and their interest. To know this constructive feedback are essential.

Provide Useful Content - content should be useful for the audience for better engagement.

Thus, the correct answer would be - The correct answer would be - Have the Wittiest and Coolest Vibe.

educational sociology is the study of the interaction of the individual and his cultural environment this was stated by​





Educational sociology is a discipline of sociology that examines the relationship between society and education. This relationship is explored in both directions. First of all, how education contributes to the social order and educates people to become citizens and attunes them to the labor market. On the other hand, the influence of the social in education is also central, namely to what extent the social background determines student's results at school, due to different difficulties and personal issues of each social level. Like other disciplines within sociology, it does this to provide advice on public policies regarding education.

What do the two figures in the cartoon represent?



The two figures are Hitler and Stalin respectively.


The figures have a resemblance to the dictators and the time period matches WW2 (give or take the color and the art style), the peak of these dictators.

Someone please help -

Write a diary about a person whose depressed and suicidal



Dear Diary,

Have you ever been betrayed by someone you love so much? Someone you exchanged vows with? The mother of your kids? Someone that would look you in the eyes and tell you she is going for a ladies' night out when she's with some guy in a motel getting it on? Well, I have.

I can't even go back to my own house because everything I look at reminds me of her and her infidelity. I want a divorce, but the cheating woman has been begging for a second chance. Sometimes I feel like getting the shotgun in my closet and shoot her and myself but I can get myself to do it. Who will take care of Myra, my little daughter? Perhaps she will be taken by Child Services and get a new family, but can anyone love her the way I do?

I cannot concentrate at work, I'm sad and lost in thought most of the time and it is affecting my work.

Dear Diary, if I don't come back to talk to you like I always do, just know that I am with the angels in heaven or somewhere in Hades with the devil.

Regardless of a generation gap, on ___________ issues, parents and adolescents tend to be in synch, and children's worries mirror those of their parents.



social issues


Regardless of a generation gap, on social issues, parents and adolescents tend to be in synch, and children's worries mirror those of their parents.

the textbook states that _________ is the foreground and _________ is the backdrop against which we can understand intercultural communication



1. culture and communication

2. context and power


Intercultural communication often referred to as ICC, is a term that describes the study of communication in various cultures and societies, specifically in ways in which culture relates with communication.

In other words, ICC explains various process of communication and its characteristics including the problems that are associated with it, in a different cultural and social context which consist people of various background such as religion, social, ethnic, and educational backgrounds.

ICC has four interrelated components which includes:

1. culture

2. communication

3. context

4. power

Hence, the textbook states that CULTURE and COMMUNICATION is the foreground and CONTEXT and POWER is the backdrop against which we can understand intercultural communication

Intercultural communication, or ICC, is the study of communication between cultures and communities, with a focus on how culture influences communication.

So, the answer for blanks are:


1. culture and communication

2. context and power

About Intercultural communication:

To put it another way, ICC discusses numerous communication processes and qualities, as well as the difficulties that come with them, in a variety of cultural and social contexts that include people from various backgrounds such as religious, social, ethnic, and educational backgrounds.

The ICC is made up of four interconnected components:

1. customs

2. exchange of information

3. the situation

4. strength

For more information about Intercultural communication refer to the link:


What does George Washington's farewell address reveal about the ways Washington will come to be seen by future generations?


Answer:Importance of Unity

After opening with an explanation of his choice not to seek a third term, Washington’s farewell address urged Americans not to put their regional and sectional interests above the interests of the nation as a whole. “You have in a common cause fought and triumphed together,” Washington declared. “The Independence and Liberty you possess are the work of joint counsels, and joint efforts, of common dangers, sufferings, and successes.”

Regions such as North, South, East and West should see their common interests rather than their differences, he continued. “Your Union ought to be considered as a main prop of your liberty and...the love of the one ought to endear you to the preservation of the other.”

2. The 'Worst Enemy' of Government: Loyalty to Party Over Nation

According to Washington, one of the chief dangers of letting regional loyalties dominate loyalty to the nation as a whole was that it would lead to factionalism, or the development of competing political parties. When Americans voted according to party loyalty, rather than the common interest of the nation, Washington feared it would foster a “spirit of revenge,” and enable the rise of “cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men” who would “usurp for themselves the reins of government; destroying afterwards the very engines, which have lifted them to unjust dominion.”

In fact, political parties had already begun to emerge by the time Washington stepped aside. Federalists, who drew their support largely from New England, advocated a strong national government and the fiscal programs created by Hamilton, the nation’s first secretary of the treasury. Republicans (later Democratic-Republicans) led by Southerners like Thomas Jefferson and Madison, opposed Hamilton’s economic policies. They also split with the Federalists in foreign policy, favoring a closer relationship with France over Great Britain.

Washington supported Hamilton’s financial programs and sided with the Federalists in supporting the Jay Treaty with Britain. By the end of his presidency, Washington was weathering increasingly bitter attacks from his Republican critics, and his farewell address represented his response to such attacks, as well as a more general statement of his principles.

3. Danger of Foreign Entanglements

Just as regionalism would lead to the formation of political parties, Washington believed, partisanship would open the door to “foreign influence and corruption.” While he advocated for the United States to be on good terms with all nations, especially commercial relations, he argued that “inveterate antipathies against particular Nations, and passionate attachments for others, should be excluded.”

Europe had its own, very complicated, set of interests, and the United States should keep its distance from European affairs, Washington believed. A foreign policy based on neutrality was the safest way to maintain national unity, and stability, in the United States. Although Washington saw the need for the nation to involve itself in foreign affairs in the case of war or other emergency, he argued that it must “steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world.”


Five people will usually generate more solutions to a difficult problem if they work together in person than if they work alone during the same period of time.a. Trueb. False





A team is a group of people that work tighter to achieve a goal, task or objective.

Team work generates solution faster to a difficult problem than working solely. When a group of person work as a team different Idea can be worked upon, good decisions are made to achieve a Goal.

There is division of labor, certain people working on an aspect to generates result, all this can be brought together to proffer a lasting solution to a task or problem.

Team work saves time, what an individual will take 30minutes to do as a team it can be achieve in 10 minutes.

There it is true that 5 people working as a team will generates more solutions compare to an individual person.

The best way to cultivate Mark's enjoyment of a task that is not intrinsically appealing to him is to have him comply with the behavior and then suggest that



He did the task for an intrinsic reason.


Attitude can be define simply as   behaviors, emotions, beliefs e.t.c  toward a  person,  object, person, thing, or event.  most times, the attitude an individual gives  or shows to another person is due to experiences or upbringing, and they can have a powerful influence over behavior.

Behavior can simply be defined as the way an individual act or conducts his/herself.

Attitude is a   also termed as a favorable or unfavorable evaluation reaction toward something or someone. we cannot control the feelings , behavior one has towards another particular thing. humans have different thought process and how they react to things also differs. some have different reason for their behavior or attitude shown. it may be extrinsic or intrinsic reasons .

Native peoples traditionally use Brazil nuts to treat stomach ache, inflammation, hypersensitivity, and hepatitis. Consequently, a scientist should be interested in promoting _____.



The use of the chemicals found in the nuts for use as potential drugs


It was discovered that the Native peoples traditionally use Brazil nuts to treat stomach ache, inflammation, hypersensitivity, and hepatitis. Consequently, a scientist would have to make his/her own findings and perform various tests on the Brazilian nuts after extraction of the active chemical in the nuts.

This would then aid the interest in the promotion of the chemicals found in the nuts for use as a potential drug.

(A) USA Patriot Act of 2001 (B) Equal Pay Act of 1963
(C) Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (D) Civil Rights Act of 1964
Ms. Ramos has rescheduled Anna's presentation on the new cybersecurity
procedures for later in the week because today Anna is participating in a religious
festival in her local community. Which of the following laws allows Anna to take
the day off without penalty?
Ms. Ramos has had a complaint filed by Tina, who has been working in the same
position as Jose for the last three years. Tina believes that Jose makes more money
that she does. Which of the following laws allows Tina to file her formal complaint
without penalty?
Ms. Ramos has asked Peter, an IT specialist, to run the recent request by the
federal government for email and cloud storage data for specific individuals.
Which of the following laws allows Ms. Ramos and Peter to access that
information without being arrested?
Ms. Ramos approved Marshall's request for new screen reader software to be
installed on his computer because of a visual impairment. Which of the following
laws requires Ms. Ramos to install the new screen reader software?



1.  Civil Rights Act   1964

2.  Equal Pay Act  1963

3.  USA Patriot Act of 2001

4.  Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990


1. Civil Rights Act of 1964

Civil Rights Act of 1964 is civil rights and labor law in US, that prohibits or forbids any form of discrimination related to race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

Hence, in this case, since Anna is participating in a religious festival in her local community, Civil Rights Act of 1964 allows Anna to take the day off without penalty

2. Equal Pay Act of 1963

Equal Pay Act of 1963 is a US labor law, whose purpose is to stop or remove the wage differences based on sex. It is considered to have amended the Fair Labor Standard Act.

Hence, in this case, since Tina, a female, believes that Jose, a male, makes more money than she does, Equal Pay Act of 1963 allows Tina to file her formal complaint without penalty.

3. USA Patriot Act of 2001

USA Patriot Act of 2001 is a US anti-terrorism law in which one of its provision is expanding the abilities of law enforcement to surveil, including by tapping domestic and international phones.

Hence, in this case, since the federal government made a request to run the email and cloud storage data for specific individuals. USA Patriot Act of 2001 allows Ms. Ramos and Peter to access that information without being arrested.

4. Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 or ADA is a civil rights law that forbids any form of discrimination based on disability in all areas of public life, such as jobs, schools, transportation, etc.

Hence, in this case, since Marshall's request for new screen reader software to be installed on his computer because of a visual impairment is related to Disabilities, Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, allows Ms. Ramos to install the new screen reader software.

To maximize social welfare, the optimal quantity of a public good to provide should be determined through the use of:



To maximize social welfare, the optimal quantity of a public good to provide should be determined through the use of:

private markets.

the judicial system.

public survey.

cost-benefit analysis.

the political process

A therapist who uses different techniques and theories based on the needs of the client is a(an) _____________________ therapist



eclectic therapist


In simple words, Rather of focusing on rigorous obedience to a single method or philosophy of thinking, diverse therapists use a range of clinical strategies, with the goal of developing a path that is personalised to the health consumer.

Eclectic therapy could be effectively practised by any sort of psychiatrist. The psychiatrist will be acquainted with the scientific proof - oriented strategies used in various forms of treatment which have been found to deal with particular issues.

What is/are an obstacle(s) to reaching parents and family when attempting to get adolescents into counseling for drug problems?



Their parents might not think their child is capable of doing such things, and the reason why might also be because they are "too busy".

The parents might also have drug problems of their own

Explain why aluminium resists corrosion but iron does not.
Explain the term culling as used in livestock management.
State two methods of preventing iron from rusting
[4 m:
State three benefits of practising culling
(5 m



The corrosion resistance of aluminum is due to its tendency to form a compact oxide layer over the surface. The oxide formed offers a high resistance to corrosion. The normal surface film present in air is about 1 nm thick.

David Setran said that this activity is most productive in helping emerging adults remain faithful to his or her beliefs through this stage of life:



Realignment of Priorities (what do you love)


In the book titled "Spiritual Formation in Emerging Adulthood: A Practical Theology for College and Young Adult Ministry" which focused on the spiritual construction of today’s young adults.

It was concluded by David P. Setran, that, Realignment of Priorities (what do you love), is the activity which is considered the most productive in helping emerging adults remain faithful to his or her beliefs through this stage of life.

Hence, the right answer is "Realignment of Priorities (what do you love)"

Which of the following statements is incorrect? Group of answer choices Though African cultural influences dominate in the Caribbean portion of Middle America, Amerindian traditions survive on the mainland. Trinidad is considered one of the Greater Antilles. Anthropologists commonly refer to the Middle America culture hearth as "Mesoamerica." Many Central Americans do not consider Panama to be a part of their region.



Trinidad is considered one of the Greater Antilles.


Trinidad is not as one of the Greater Antilles. It is a part of South America and in Tobago. The Virgin Islands, Sombrero Island ,Cayman Islands, Cuba, Hispaniola (subdivided into the nations of the Dominican Republic and Haiti), Jamaica, and Puerto Rico make up the Greater Antilles.

African cultural influences dominate in the Caribbean portion of Middle America, Amerindian traditions survive on the mainland.

Anthropologists commonly refer to the Middle America culture hearth as "Mesoamerica."

Many Central Americans also do not consider Panama to be a part of their region due to its secession from Columbia which is in South America.

A Man travels
distance of
84km in Ihr 20 mins. Find his
Speed average.​




Explanation: i hope it helps :)

[tex]Distance = 84 km\\\\Time = 1hr 20 min= 80minuttes\\\\Average \: Speed = \frac{Distance}{Time} \\\\A.S =\frac{84}{80} \\\\A.S = 1.05km/min[/tex]

Which of the following statements is true about leadership skills? a. Interpersonal skills refer to a leader’s ability to interact with others. b. Cognitive skills refer to a leader’s knowledge about an organization. c. Cognitive skills are developed through experience. d. Technical and interpersonal skills are innate.



A andB are true


hope it help you

True leadership abilities are interpersonal skills, which allude to a leader's capacity to engage with people.

Individuals with leadership skills have characteristics and talents that enable them to monitor procedures, drive projects, and steer their people toward achieving their objectives.

The capacity to delegate, motivate, and communicate properly are all valuable leadership characteristics.

So, option "A" is the correct answer to the following question.

Learn more:


Notice how the Mrs. Wachsmann stopped the group a couple of times to provide feedback and/or give suggestions. Why is this important to student learning




Providing feedback/suggestions is a very important part of the teaching process as it encourages students to think critically about their work and the subject that they are learning, as well as pushing them to reflect on what they need to do to improve. This also helps grow the bond between the student and the teacher by promoting dialogue between them which tends to improve their learning and the satisfaction gained by the students.

which stratgy makes the most sense when cost pressure are intesne and demands for local resosiveness is limited



Global standardization


Global Standardization strategy is a form of business strategy which involves a strategic objective of achieving a low-cost strategy on a global scale, where by the strategy employs cost advantage to support aggressive pricing in global markets.

Hence, Global standardization strategy makes most sense when cost pressures are intense and demands for local responsiveness are limited

The highest court in the state of Florida is the a.Florida Supreme Court b.U.S. Supreme Court c.U.S. County Court d.Florida County Court



The Answer is Florida Supreme court

The excerpt is from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.

–Article 2,
Universal Declaration of Human Rights

This passage from the declaration is designed to

ensure human rights for United Nations members.
explain how human rights violators will be punished.
protect human rights of all people in the world.
grant human rights to the world’s most powerful people.



protect human rights of all people in the world.


C) protect human rights of all people in the world.


Which one of the following is the largest industries today?



please mark my answer brainliest


what is the basis of ur question...just can't understand

Despite their lack of rights, hard-working women and children were often the key to the success of independent family farmers. Demonstrate the truth of this statement



The definition including its given subject is listed throughout the segment here below interpretations.


The argument is indeed very true, especially as far as the emerging markets are concerned, whereby automation hasn't really infiltrated the agricultural economy, and it really is a labor intensive procedure. To small-scale farmers, who are unable to manage machines and appliances due to their smaller nature of crops, certain communities' women people including children are useful.Practitioner from wee hours till evening hours mostly during highest point days including its process, usually at start of the new season but instead grow crops. Typically the company owner, generally member of the household, takes for accepted these "encashment and unaccounted for" laborer's as well as works day and darkness without even any macroeconomic or non-financial compensation benefits.Employees' unregulated role, which is more versatile therefore affordable than employed staff, reduces the same need to employ people external sources, thus reducing substantial costs for local communities and helping to make them viable. Furthermore, these employees are not subject to workplace rules, which encourages the employer to make employees happen the way individuals wish.

Which country had the second largest sphere of influence in China? Russia France Britain Japan


Te second largest sphere of influence on China was Britain.


It's C Britain


Ashton is a crime scene investigator. He ensures that all the evidence gathered at the scene is properly handled and labeled. What is Ashton protecting? Ashton ensures that the- blank -, the documentation of who possesses evidence at all times, is protected by properly handling and labeling evidence.


Answer: Ashton is protecting his license

Explanation : Ashton ensures that the liability , the documentation of who possesses evidence at all times, is protected by properly handling and labeling evidence.

Ashton is protecting his license. Ashton ensures that the liability, the documentation of who possesses evidence at all times, is protected by properly handling and labeling evidence.

Because evidence collected at the crime scene will paint a picture of what happened there for the court to evaluate during its deliberations, crime scene management skills are an incredibly important task component of an investigation.

This image will be made up of witness statements, photos taken at the scene of the crime, physical evidence, analysis of that evidence, and analysis of the crime scene.No Other documents will be as crucial to the investigator as the notebook, despite the fact that additional records will be made by the investigator to manage the crime scene. The investigator's personal reference for keeping track of the investigation is the notebook.

Learn more about crime scene investigation here:



Fred is seven and would like to be a professional baseball player. He sees this as something that can happen quite soon. According to Super, he has yet to develop:________



This question lacks options, options are:

A. External control.

B. Planfulness.

C. Problem solving.

D. Time perspective.

The correct answer is D.


Time perspective is a process in which the experiences of the individual are attached to the time frames, that is, past, present and future, influence the way in which an individual organizes and provides meaning to the experiences, this can likewise affect the decisions made by an individual in response to specific stimuli. According to Donald Super (1955), Vocational Maturity is a multicausal or multifactorial psychological variable, which can be measurable or quantifiable and has a predictive character. In the growth phase, occupational preferences respond to the individual's emotional needs, rather than professional skills and interests and tend to change over time. From birth to 14 years of age, during this period, observation, information search and identification govern the actions of individuals, taking as reference models the significant figures in the environment, such as school, family, community, with the aim of discovering information about oneself and developing the concept of the self. In the fantasy stage, which spans from birth to age 11, it is characterized by the search for pleasure, attraction to occupations of power, distortion of the perspective of time, absence of objectivity, adventure, excitement and questioning of fantasy.

Programs that have been proven ineffective by research efforts are easily discarded for new innovative strategies.A. TrueB. False


Option A.True
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