Which of the following supporting details does not fit the topic sentence
What to wear to school may not seem important, but it is
always a hard choice for me to make.
A. I like to go shopping for clothes on the weekends.
B. If I wear something white, I am sure to spill food on myself that
c. I never know what the weather will be like because I wake up so
D. It is hard to know what is cool and what is ugly because fashion
changes so fast.


Answer 1


D is the answer


It is hard to know what is cool and what is ugly because fashion changes so fast

Answer 2
C, weather has nothing to do with clothing in this sentence. :)

Related Questions

the Hunter shot the lion into negative​



the Hunter didn't shut the llion

hope this helps you

have a great dayyyyyy


The hunter didn't shoot the lion.

Who makes me a poem on this subject please ……….

Think about your fears and insecurities about school safety. Examine your feelings in relation to school massacres that have happened in history. How has this changed you? What do you feel when a school goes into lockdown?


Only you can answer this question. Everybody feels differently when their school closes down. Factors such as your age, religious beliefs, home situation, and background all have to be taken into account. Only you know who you were before the schools closed down, and only you know who you are now.

When writing a poem, I would recommend keeping it short and sweet, and following a basic rhyme scheme with a simple rhythm, just for the sake of simplicity.

I hope this helps!

Answer the question plz​



b) shall we

c) didn't I

d)don't you

e)aren't I

f)will you

g)do they

h)isn't there

Give an example of a fixed cost.​


hi buddy

here is your answer

Fixed costs are usually negotiated for a specified time period and do not change with production levelsExamples of fixed costs include rental lease payments, salaries, insurance, property taxes, interest expenses, depreciation, and potentially some utilities.

hope it helps

please mark me pls


what do we call a person writes novels?​



A novelist



You call them a novelist

I also like go to cinema and to the disco. find the error​


I also like to go to the cinema and the disco

Do you think most parents are doing a bad job with what they feed their children? How do you know?


.Parents are the most close person of every child and they do got right to control the activities of their children.But nowadays due to their business or laziness,they feed different junk foods to their children which makes them obese.for eg they send biscuits and noodles to their children as a tiffin in school, they send their children to distribute chocolates during their birthdays etc..They have the key to shape their childrens life.so they are on the best position to change their childs problem....

Write a letter to your sister why would like to be a day student



Can you explain the question, please? I don't understand what you are asking.


I literally don’t understand tbh

Directions: Read the following selection, and answer the question that follows.

Blue-Screen Technology

The camera rolls as an actor stands in front of a blue screen. The actor stands alone, saying his lines. However, when you see the actual movie, he is talking to a formidable seven-foot-tall monster in a creepy dark forest. A process called blue-screen technology is used to insert images into a background. Today, moviemakers use this process to combine digitally created, or computer-generated, characters with real people on the screen. Here's how it works:

The scene calls for a real character to interact with a seven-foot-tall digitally created monster. First, the real character's part must be filmed. He may rehearse with another actor who plays the part of the monster. During the rehearsal, the "monster" might wear a tall hat to represent the stature of the monster. The real actor practices looking at the top of the hat during the scene so that it seems that he is looking up at a very tall creature. The actor gets used to where the monster stands and moves. The monster's movements are marked on the floor so that the actor doesn't walk on top of the monster during the scene. Then it is time for the scene to be shot. The actor stands alone in front of a blue screen and delivers his lines as if the monster were there. Eventually, the blue background is deleted, using a computer, and images of the digital monster and background are then transferred to the film.

Which of the following is a reasonable conclusion to draw from the reading?
Scenes with seven-foot-tall monsters are easy to add with blue-screen technology.
Movies are more fun to watch because of blue-screen technology.
Adding special effects to movies using blue-screen technology isn't worth the effort.
As a result of blue-screen technology, adding special effects to movies is easier and faster.



I think the answer is D because as we advance with blue screen tech., the producers of a movie may take different spec.affects strategy with different digital companies 2 produce the best outcome.

Companies have 2 prove that they have the most advanced tech., 2 fit a scene.


competition is difficult between companies. They only employ "The best of the best."




did it on eage 2022

help, i have a prefect interview question to answer!

What is your definition of an ideal prefect? Explain your answer.​



Like a job?


If a ideal job it would be something that pays good and i still get to help people.

An ideal prefect would be me of course

The word “affected” is CLOSEST in meaning to:
A. influenced B. effect C. destroyed D. harmed



A. influenced (touched by an external factor)


How does the author develop the character in this excerpt? A. through the character’s actions B. through the use of dialogue C. through the character’s thoughts D. through the use of descriptive detail


Assuming that there was probably a text that you read to this question. The best option would be D.

Answer: D

The author develop the character in this excerpt through the use of descriptive detail. Hence option D is correct.

What is author ?

A book, essay, play, or other written work is authored by an author. "An author is 'the person who originated or gave existence to anything' and whose authorship determines responsibility for what was created," according to a larger definition.

The person who developed the work, i.e. the author, is usually the original owner of a copyright. Joint authorship occurs when the work was authored by more than one individual. Around the world, copyright laws differ. For example, the United States Copyright Office defines copyright as "a form of protection provided by United States laws (title 17, U.S. Code) to authors of 'original works of authorship.'"

Hence option D is correct.

To know more about author :



7. They threatened to sack him if he _____ change his attitude.
A. don’t B. didn’t C. doesn’t D. won’t





its D

They threatened to sack him if he wont change his attitude.

The speaker compares his heart to an empty nest in order to



The speaker compares his heart to an empty nest in order to emphasize the fact that his love has left. The nest is a metaphor for his heart. When he is in love, he is so happy, that he can't contain his joy. ... The speaker is also feeling empty and sad because his love is gone.

The speaker compares his heart to an empty nest in order to show readers that his wife left him making him be all alone. As he compares his heart to an empty nest it is a Metaphor for him being alone p

Which is a correctly written Internet citation?

("Weather," 12)
("Weather" 12)
(no author pars. 16-18)



The first one ("Weather," 12) seems to be the most accurate

Complete the dialogue with the verbs below


1. Have, been
2. visited
3. was, have, been
4. took. visited
5. have, visited
6. couldn’t see
(Please make sure to recheck as the answers may not be totally correct)

I ___________ reading this book by next weekend.
A. will have finished B. will be finishing
C. would finish D. have finished


I will have finished

I will have finished reading this book by next weekend. Option A is the correct answer.

In this sentence, the phrase "by next weekend" indicates a future time frame. The use of "will" indicates a future action. The phrase "will have finished" is in the future perfect tense, which expresses an action that will be completed before a specific future time. It implies that the speaker will complete the action of reading the book before the upcoming weekend.

Future action refers to the grammar rules and structures used to express actions that will happen in the future. In English, there are several ways to indicate future actions, such as using the future tense with "will" or "shall" + base form of the verb (e.g., I will go to the store tomorrow). Using the present continuous tense with future time markers (e.g., I am meeting my friend later today). Using the future perfect tense to express an action that will be completed before a specific future time (e.g., I will have finished my work by 5 PM).

Learn more about Future Tense here:



Use any main verb of your choice to write out the different tenses in English language


Answer: To learn them, you may need to think about time in a different way ... There are three main verb tenses in English: present, past and future.

They are divided into four aspects: the simple, progressive, perfect and perfect progressive.

There are 12 major verb tenses that English learners should know.

English has only two ways of forming a tense from the verb alone: the past and the present. For example, we drove and we drive.

To form other verb tenses, you have to add a form of have, be or will in front of the verb. These are called helping, or auxiliary verbs.

Explanation: Hope this helps

Which of the following sentences contains an example of a metaphor?
O The blue water of the ocean calls to the swimmers.
O Carmen is a real angel to volunteer at the hospital.
O Stephen is as quiet as a mouse.
O The sweet aroma of chocolate filled the room.



Carmen is a real angel to volunteer at the hospital


A metaphor is when you directly refer to one thing by mentioning another.

What word related to the Greek or Latin root/affix, is defined below?
- To put off doing something
until a later time


Procrastinate and my answer has to have 20 letters so this is what I’m doing

what effects does the first-person point of view of "The yellow wallpaper" most likely have on the reader



The effct allows the reader to connect with the narrator and hear the voice as she descends into madness

What does “second epitaph in two days” mean? Explain.



a funeral oration from at over and tomb


is a short text honoring a deceased person

strictly speaking,it refers to text that is inscribed

on a tomb stone or plaque,

Identify and describe two social issues that Realist writers worked to improve by making more Americans
care about the problems. For each issue, name a writer who wrote realistically about the situation.




The first American to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature (1930) was Sinclair Lewis. He wrote about nothing but social issues. The 1920s was his golden era.

The two I'm most familiar with is the two I'll write about. The first was Dodsworth, which is perhaps his masterpiece.

It is the story of a rich industrialist who decides to give it all up and live in Europe. His wife was the real meat of the book; it is her life that bears the pointed satire of the book. Lewis was not enamored with everything American and she was what he despised most. She was frivolous, wasteful, cruel, but she had a hold on Dodsworth. And that is the point of the book. Lewis painted her the way he did because he was trying to awaken America into being more useful, more dedicated and less unthinking than they were in the 20s. It's a dark novel, very realistic in its contents, and not too overly hopeful that things would improve. Still in spite of her, he hoped. Lest you think that Lewis had his knife sharpened on women's hide, the woman Dodsworth eventually falls is everything his wife is not.

The second book I'll talk about is Babbitt. George Babbitt was the embodiment of another trait Lewis was not fond of. He hated unthinking  hypocrisy and George was both. He was a hypocrite and unthinking. He was a likable buffoon (that's my interpretation -- it certainly was not what Lewis thought) who got along by agreeing with everyone -- not realizing what he was doing at all. The book actually takes Babbitt apart by mocking his lack of anything that resembled centrality or intelligence. He had no real political will. He opposed everything that those in power had to say, particularly the clergy who were themselves taken apart in Elmer Gantry.

A very old but astonishingly good movie still about Elmer Gantry was made in 1960 and if you live in a mid sized city they likely have it. It shows Gantry at his best/worst. Dodsworth is also a film and it too is a masterpiece. Babbitt has his own film but he is much slimier in Elmer. Babbitt's film is much older than 1960. It's too bad he only had a cameo part.

I've not covered Gantry, because some people are very sensitive about how Religion is treated. And I add this caution: if you are sensitive to how religion is written about, then don't watch Gantry. Lewis shows no mercy. The film is much kinder and enough of Gantry shines though that we tend not to like him. His charm does nothing for him.

The films

Dodsworth and Elmer Gantry.

Which story is most clearly an example of a frame narrative?
A. A Spartan warrior starts to narrate the Battle of Thermopylae just
as the scene shifts to the battle.
B. Episodes in a criminal investigation are told out of order so that
the clues come together at the end.
C. Ordinary stories about a town in Peru are conveyed through
different townspeople's points of view,
D. A mother and father experience the same traumatic event, each
interpreting the event differently.



the letter D. its really obvious

Write 2 versions of a paragraph describing an experience you have had.


^ just do exactly that

maya Angelou poem,visit to west Africa what are the possible meanings of the poem


My friend I know the answer but first you tell me which country from you

Help me please…………………….



D: reduce your grammar and spelling mistakes

2. Answer any five questions:
a. A few simple rules will keep you, not from all error, but from silly error. Bertrand Russia
forwards few rules in his essay. Keeping Errors at Bay. Do you agree with his de
b. What does Chaudhary argue in "How Sane are We? Do you agree with her
Give reasons
C. Why does the narrator of the short story Third Thought' close his monologue saying
Buying and selling are a perfectly straightforward matter between dealer and custome!
Document and explain this statement.
d. What are the most popular careers in your country? What career would you like
choose in future? Give reasons.
e. 'Everyone is in sales. It doesn't matter what area you work in, you have clients and you
need to sell." Do you agree? Support your argument.
f. Suppose, you were starting a new job in a new company. What benefits and facilites
would you look for, apart from the salary? Explain.
Textile Inc. use
competitors. C
and bad relatic
consultant for
the company t
b. The opening
experiment is
as an effort to
Apply the fo
Where the
2. Answer the follow
a. Chekhov w



Explanation:This can be explained cordinarly or vertically through several different forms of the question

Go where you may, search where you will, roam through all the monarchies and despotisms of the Old World, travel through South America, search out every abuse, and when you have found the last, lay your facts by the side of the everyday practices of this nation, and you will say with me, that, for revolting barbarity and shameless hypocrisy, America reigns without a rival.

Which of the following best describes Douglass’s word choice in this excerpt?

A. pleasant

B. clever

C. casual

D. lighthearted



B. Clever


He uses very intelligent words that are not in the average human's vocabulary.


B) clever


Dude on top was right

write a email to my friend for invitation party



Hello, (insert name here)

The 15 of October is my birthday (or put whatever date it is in). I'm organizing a party for all my friends to celebrate that day.

The place we celebrate is at... (fill in the blank, and at this time. We'll have cake, games, dance dinner, and more! I'm looking forward to having your company. Your company will make my day even more cherished for me.

Your friend,

(Fill in the blank)

You are invited

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