Which of the following was NOT a geographic feature of the fertile crescent which helped settle civilization?
A. Large salt and tin deposits
B. Productive soil
C. Abundant water sources
D. Variety of crops and animals


Answer 1




Answer 2

A. Large salt and tin deposits are not a geographic feature of the fertile crescent which helped settle civilization.

In which is Fertile Crescent positioned?

Its area covers what at the moment are southern Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, Egypt, and elements of Turkey and Iran. rivers, the Tigris and the Euphrates, regularly flooded the region, and the Nile River also runs via a part of it.

Why is Mesopotamia called the Fertile Crescent?

Within the early duration of settlement along the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, the soil beds had been rich with silt, which provided the important nutrients to set up agricultural groups, consequently giving the vicinity the call the Fertile Crescent.

Learn more about Fertile Crescent here: https://brainly.com/question/11345886


Related Questions

Cheating on one’s spouse is widely rejected in most societies. How might an egoist complete this statement? Cheating on your spouse is permissible if __________. a.) your spouse has also cheated on you b.) nothing bad happens to you as a result c.) you do it only one time and are sorry d.) you tell your spouse



b.) nothing bad happens to you as a result


Egoistic people are selfish, self-centered people who care about no one but themselves. Option a can't be the answer since an egoist person wouldn't want you cheating on them since they believe only they are capable of doing this. Option c goes against all the things an egoist believes in, and they would never feel sorry for what they did, let alone apologize. Lastly, option d can't be the answer because egoist would never tell their spouse that they're cheating because they don't think their spouse deserves to know because as mentioned before, they are selfish! The only care about their well-being so option B seems to be the most plausible here.

please help. it's urgent. Do you think it is accurate to see race and gender as social constructs?​





bcz race is not a very good determinaction for social constructs it is not fair for the black people

What are the reason behind the positive seen in the development ? ​




A group of progressives that worked to correct problems in American life were called
A. Owners
C. Muckrakers
D. Government



They were called Muckrakers.

what is the moral you learn from the story of Kalidas ​



teaches us that we should never give up and never trust to anyone, and if you give up, you can not get any toxins in your life


Period. Several ancient and medieval books state that Kālidāsa was a court poet of a king named Vikramāditya. A legendary king named Vikramāditya is said to have ruled from Ujjain around the 1st century BCE.

Telitha notices that a coworker always undercharges her friends when they make purchases at the shop. Telitha is worried that if she reports this coworker, everyone will think she's a snitch. This is an example of __________.


This question is incomplete because the options are missing. Here are the options.

A. Bullying

B. Workplace Harassment

C. The MUM effect

D. A hostile work environment

Telitha notices that a coworker always undercharges her friends when they make purchases at the shop. Telitha is worried that if she reports this coworker, everyone will think she's a snitch. This is an example of the MUM effect.

The MUM Effect (Minimizing Unpleasant Message) is a term to refer to the human tendency to avoid or hide the communication of negative information or unpleasant news. This trend is because people believe that communicating negative information will affect their public image. In addition, they are emotionally affected.

Therefore, Telitha is concerned about reporting to her partner because this can affect her social image, and she can be seen as a snitch. So the answer is C.

Also, this is not an example of hostility, bullying or harassment because this worker is not being attacked by others.

Learn more in: https://brainly.com/question/16293877

Is someone who is xenophobic considered racist?


What does this mean please explain or more context

ý nghĩa của công nghiệp hóa trong thời kỳ đổi mới



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If a giraffe has 18 chromosomes in an egg cell, how many chromosomes are in each somatic cell? *





When Henry's little brother accidentally locked himself inside his mother's car, Henry used his mother's car key to unlock the door. Henry's action could best be described as a



Henry's action could best be described as a(n):operant behavior


According to the American psychologist Frederic Skinner, operant conditioning occurs when an organism interacts with a system that provides rewards in response to a type of behavior. That is why we can say that operant conditioning is the learning process that is based on the fact that the probability of a given response depends on the expected consequences. In operant conditioning, behavior is controlled by discriminative stimuli present in the learning situation that convey information about the likely consequences of the response.

Uber’s recruitment guidelines and highly performance-focused management were very coherent with its fast growth but not with a sustainable long term strategy. Uber’s executive team lacked the awareness of the medium to long term effects of such a corporate culture: bad employer brand, loss of talents (employee burn out and harassment), lack of market-reflecting diversity, and no trust and collaboration. As we have seen, it worked for a while and allowed the fantastic growth that Uber showed, but now the internal workings start to show and are damaging the brand and its future. Drastic changes are necessary: a tough job for Frances Frei from Harvard Business


This question is incomplete, but I was able to get the complete question.

Distinguish between culture and society then identify three factors that influence cultural change.

The most common definition of culture is that it is a way of life. It is a way of life of a particular group of persons that is passed down from one generation to another generation.

we can also define the word society as group of persons that live together in an ordered community. The people in a society could share same beliefs as well as have common interests. A society is also a combination of different persons that are of different cultures.

The main difference between society and culture is that while the society comprises just of the people who share same beliefs and practices, culture is the beliefs and the practices of this people.

Several factors are responsible for cultural changes in a society. three of these influences are:

contact: When two societies come in contact with each other, there is likely to be a change in culture of both societies. This is known as cultural diffusion (the spread of cultural belief from one society to another society). Evolutionary changes in technology:  Any form of advancements or evolutions in technology could bring about changes in culture. Technological evolution in production technology or changes in means of transportation and communication could influence cultural changes.Geological and ecological influences: These are factors that influences cultural changes. An example is rainfall, altitude, proximity to sea.

These factors are all capable of deciding the culture as well as the lifestyle of dwellers.

Read more about cultural change at https://brainly.com/question/12718739?referrer=searchResults

do you have to pass the act to graduate high school or to get





lol lllkfjfnfnfnfncncn

According to prepmaven , some states in the U.S. do use the SAT or ACT as benchmark assessments. Some require that high school students take either test in order to graduate. Others may simply offer these exams for free at school, without requiring students to take them for graduation

- Quan điểm của chủ nghĩa xã hội khoa học về giai cấp công nhân và sứ mệnh lịch sử thế giới của giai cấp công nhân;
- Đặc điểm cơ bản của giai cấp công nhân Việt Nam.
- Phương hướng và một số giải pháp chủ yếu để xây dựng giai cấp công nhân Việt Nam hiện nay.


Được rồi, bây giờ có tiếng Việt ở đây ..? Tôi nghĩ chỉ có người Philippines ở đây

Can somebody help me



spi seuee



Answer: I dont know if this will help but if you search that question up read it and make it into your own words sorry but I dont really understand but that should help?


assess how sexual bullying on social media platforms could be regarded as a form of gender based violence​



see explation.


it could. be regarded as sexual bullying if it was a male bully bullying a girl for her body and vise versa . also if someone is bullying LGBTQ+ and is a diffrent sexuality.

hope this helps <3

Any form of harm committed against an individual or a group of individuals because of their actual or perceived sex, gender, sexual orientation, and/or gender identity is referred to as gender-based violence.

Demands that you deliver obscene videos. robs you of your passwords or demands them. sends you texts on a regular basis and generates a sense of dependency on your phone out of fear of punishment. Check your phone frequently; look through your images, texts, and missed calls.

How social media affects your safety?

Social networking is a favorite place for hackers to insert malicious malware. The programs that hackers use can, among other things, steal your identity, infect your machine with malware, and restrict bank account information.

Online gender-based violence refers to discrimination and harassment directed at individuals, disproportionately women, on the basis of their gender. The phrase is comparable to online abuse, cyberbullying, and cyber sexism, albeit the latter two do not refer to specific genders.

Learn more about Gender-based Violence here:



what are the central problems of an economy?​



what to produce

how to produce and for whom to produce


Who was most likely to support the emergence of absolute rulers due to the increased economic stability that emerged?
A. The nobility
B. The clergy
C. The middle class
D. The peasants



A. The nobility


The nobility supported the emergence of absolute rulers. Absolute monarchs sought to hold higher power over their countries without restriction from any laws and church. Absolute monarchs introduce the theory of divine rights of the king. Some of the countries to exercise absolute monarchs were France, Spain and Russia.

What are the reasons of vicious circle of poverty?



The vicious circle of poverty is a result of the various vicious circles which were on the sides of supply of and demand for capital.

5.4 Which social class do you think teachers are in? Provide a reason for your answer. (4) ​


Answer:Teachers are middle class

Explanation:Coming from working class homes as contrasted to farm families. ' Most studies show that teachers are middle class in their outlook and background

The teachers and professors belong to middle-class in the society. The reason for their position in the society is because of their average income compared to other classes in the society.

What is a middle class?

Middle-class is a level of social-class, where the people are determined at such position by the virtue of their standard of living and income in the society, where other people and classes are also pre-existing.

Teachers belong to the middle-class in the society, as their standard of living and income status is normally more than that of a poor person, and lesser than that of someone belonging to the elite class.

Hence, the significance of a middle-class is aforementioned.

Learn more about middle-class here:



The assertion that non-formal institutions have no role to play at the processing stage of the systems theory is an empty rhetoric. What is your comment?​


Rhetoric theory is concerned with the discourse and the criticism of the discourse. The statement given is empty rhetoric.

It persuade readers to believe the hollow claim without any supporting evidence.

Non formal institutions have no role to play at processing stage, this is an empty rhetoric theory as there are no supporting statements given which validate this claim.

Learn more at https://brainly.com/question/24343150

El estado de California usa un sistema
de tránsito.
para rehabilitar a los infractores crónicos de leyes


The Negligent Operator Treatment System (NOTS) is that system rehabilitate chronic violators of the law.

The state of California uses a Traffic system to rehabilitate chronic violators of the law is called a Negligent Operator Treatment System (NOTS). This system comprises computer generated warning letters and penalties against the person who violates traffic laws and rules. It mainly affects those drivers whose age is 18 years and over in California, so we can conclude that this system is more efficient and effective in controlling lawbreakers.s concluir que este sistema es más eficiente y afectivo en el control de los infractores de la ley.


what will be the time on longitude 45 east when the time is 9:00am on longitude 15 east?



■ Difference in longitude = 45–15=30

■ If we start from 0° longitude (Prime Meridian) to east, with one passing longitude 4minutes will added.

■ So, 30 X 4 = 120 minutes = 2 hours ahead

■ So, time on 45°East will be 9 + 2= 11 am.

Solue for x,if 2/3x<1 1/3​


Start by rewriting: [tex]\frac{2}{3}x<1\frac{1}{3}[/tex]

Simplify the RHS to full fraction: [tex]\frac{2}{3}x<\frac{4}{3}[/tex]

Divide both sides by LHS coefficient: [tex]x<\frac{\frac{4}{3}}{\frac{2}{3}}[/tex]

Simplify the division on RHS and get result: [tex]\boxed{x<2}[/tex]

Hope this helps :)

how does financial status impacts marital stability.


Financial status impacts marital stability in many different ways. If a married couple struggles with financial worries there would be be blaming, worrying and shame in the family that can lead to many arguments. ... The couple may feel tense and the tension may even contribute to the break up of the marriage.

Financial matters affect not only financial satisfaction, but also marital satisfaction and quality of life. With the potential to influence so many aspects of everyday life, continued research in understanding the processes involved in this fundamental area of family studies is vital. Satisfaction with one's financial status can enhance marital satisfaction, and more broadly, life satisfaction. Conversely, financial difficulties and dissatisfaction with one's financial status can lead to marital conflict and divorce.

Question in picture, Thank You!



Judicial Activism:  

Courts play active role in shaping social policy

Considers how social conditions and values have changed over time

Involves active interpretation of Constitution  

Judicial restraint:

Involves strike interpretation of the Constitution  

Limits power to strike down laws

Relies heavily on precedent


I wasn't entirely sure where to put 'Relies heavily on precedent', but I eventually decided on Judicial restraint because Judicial activism is about making decisions based on what is happening now, not what happened in the past, so it couldn't go there.

It's been a few years sense I studied this, and I found this website to be very helpful reviewing:


Hopefully it and this answer will be helpful :)

Socioemotional selectivity theory suggests that:_____.
a. older people withdraw from peripheral social contacts but maintain close relationships with friends and relatives throughout life.
b. older people work to expand their social network as they get older and prefer quantity to quality when it comes to friendships.
c. older people restrict the number of relationships of all kinds, focusing on their personal needs.
d. older people work to expand all relationships by establishing more close relationships and working to meet new people.



older people work to expand their social network as they get older and prefer quantity to quality when it comes to friendship

Socioemotional selectivity theory suggests that older people work to expand their social network as they get older and prefer quantity to quality when it comes to friendship. Hence, option B is correct.

What is Socioemotional selectivity theory?

According to the socioemotional selectivity theory, choosing and pursuing social goals depend greatly on how time is perceived. The theory postulates that social incentives can be divided into one of two broad groups: those connected to the accumulation of information and those linked to the control of emotion.

According to the hypothesis, younger people focus and work toward goals related to knowledge because they believe time is more limitless. Older people, on the other hand, prioritize goals that are related to their emotions because they view time as being more restricted.

An all-encompassing theory of motivation known as socioemotional selectivity theory (SST) is based on the ability that humans have to track time. The idea, in particular, contends that decreasing time horizons are the cause of age variations in goals. Social preferences and the make-up of social networks are influenced by goals.

Thus, option B is correct.

For more information about Socioemotional selectivity theory, click here:



five forms in which human thoughts are made available in the library?five forms in which human Thoughts are made available in the library ​



Religious thinking

Psychological thoughts

Physical thought

Philosophical thinking

Social thinking

discuss the fundamental epistemological debates concering the source of human knowledge



perception,memory, consciousness and reason


a basic source yields knowledge or justified belief withoit positive dependence on other source

Perception, memory, consciousness, and reason are the fundamental epistemological debates concerning the source of human knowledge

What is human knowledge?

The focus is on biology and cognitive science from the standpoint of the natural sciences. aids in understanding the functions of language and logic in both the natural world and human thought. on the basis of that, discusses the growth of social and scientific knowledge.

In Human Knowledge, Bertrand Russell examines the reliability of our assumptions about knowledge. This brilliant and contentious work investigates the connection between 'individual' and 'scientific' knowledge.

A primary source yields knowledge or justified belief without positive dependence on another source.

To know more about human knowledge refer to :



Critically analyse the basic assumptions and critiques of major theories of international relations specifically on assumptions of each theory on the nature of anarchy,



Answer is in the Question

Name three types of rainfall experience in Ghana


Heavy light and medium
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