Which one of you does this book ______ to
a.belong to
b.belongs to ​


Answer 1


Explanation:belong to

Answer 2
Answer: A

Explain: belong to can refer to more than one person and the belongs to refers to one person

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It is said that travelling a place is equals to reading three books why?



yes since when you travel u tend to see and learn many things just like a book

Traveling to a place is learning something new, discovering, achieving, just like reading books

I don't mind having a dessert as long as it is



What's the question plz!

it's only sentence



i think it can be harmful.

Which sentence has a grammatical or spelling error?

A) We're happy to say that the bad weather has not affected our hours, and
your equipment will be ready on schedule.

B) After a grueling race, the greyhound returned to it's kennel.

C) Both sentences are correct





there should not be a comma

He said, "I've been playing football for three hours." (Into indirect speech)



For three hours,i have played football

He said he that he had been playing football for three hours

2. Change the nouns in bold type into pronouns.
(a) Gopal left the bag with (sunita)
(b) She spoke to (Raju.)
(c) (The dog) is an animal.
(d) Shane called (the boys.)
(e) This house is (Babloo's.)​





that dog

these boys

her/ his


I think 20 percent it will help you

Write a letter to your village friend describing about the importance of Internet in our life. ​




Dear friend,

I am fine here and hope that you are also fine there, I wish you could have a better life there, the letter you send me, I just got it today, and I'm just gonna write the response on that later, you have asked me about the use of Internet in our life.

Internet makes us closer wherever we are, if we are in one point of the country, and the other people is in other point of country, we can easily communicate with each other.Internet makes a country a global village, so Internet is very necessary. As we all know that due to the spread of Corona virus we are unable to meet each other, we are facing lockdown continuously, so due to those lock Downs, we are not able to meet them physically, we are just meeting in video calls.


If there was no Internet in this lock down, we were not be able to communicate with each other. if there was no Internet, we were not be able to communicate with those people who are very far away.

So for today, only this much we will talk when we meet physically, and I hope the lockdown will end soon and we will be able to meet fast and make gossips as we use to do in our past times. Hope we will meet soon and I miss you so much my dear friend.

Your lovely friend

Aayusa Neupane

I got on a train.I wanted to go a station. The train didn't stop there.





Why do you think King Hrothgar called upon Beowulf to help him slay Grendel?



King Hrothgar wants to protect his people; however, as king, he himself cannot risk death. Beowulf is an established warrior - he's prone to succeed. Beowulf, like a Germanic warrior, seeks glory and honor.


Are Madame Loisel and her husband credible characters? Why or why not?


yes Madame Loisel and her husband are credible characters

This is the letter which was written by him



Where's the letter? And what's the letter about? And who is the "him"?

the federal government was hem

Look at these pictures and write a story in your notebook. ​



one day a little boy and a dog went to go have some ice cream the next morning he turned out to be sick and had to go to the doctor


I'm not good at making stories lol

Once a upon a time there was a child. While he was walking, he saw a delicious ice cream. He want to buy it but he couldn’t because he didn’t has money. So, he went to his house and asked his mother” can I buy ice cream” he asked. “Yes you can” said his mother. And mother gave him 10$. The was very happy. He went again and asked the ice cream man “two ice cream please” and the ice cream man answered” come in right up”.
And gave him two cold ice creams. He ate all it and the next day, he fell sick. A doctor came and checked him and said “ eat healthy foods and don’t eat cold foods” and answered “ ok I will”.

Fill in the blanks with either “could,” “was/were able to” or “managed to” (or their negative forms). In some cases, more than one answer is possible.

1. Ten years ago, people ________ smoke right outside the building. Now they have to leave the business park.

2. When I was in college, I met a guy who ________ speak seven languages.

3. I have no idea how they ________ find a better deal than what we offered them.

4. _________ to find a caterer for the event next week?

5. Unfortunately, we ________ meet the deadline. We needed an extra day.

6. I delegated that task to Mike. I told him I was having some difficulties with it, and he told me that he ________ handle it.

7. Even though I woke up a half an hour late, I _________ get to work on time.

8. Unfortunately, I woke up half an hour late and I __________ get to work on time.

9. When our company had only 25 employees we _________ have meetings with the entire company. Now it’s much more difficult and requires more planning.

10. I have no idea how we ________ get a reservation for tonight on such short notice.


1. Were able to
2. Was able to
3. Could
4.Manage to?
5. Weren’t able
6. Could
8. Couldn’t

After reading each sentence, we can fill in the blanks with the modal "could," "was/were able to" or "managed to" in the following manner:

couldcould / was able tomanaged toDid you manage / Were you ableweren't able tocouldwas able to / managed towasn't able to / didn't manage tocould / were able tomanaged to

Expressing possibility and ability:"Could" is used to express the possibility or the ability to do something in the past. For example: When I was younger, I could swim for miles without getting tired."Was/were able to" also expresses the ability to do something in the past, especially if it refers to a specific situation. Example: I was able to swim for miles on that Sunday in 1992."Managed to" also expresses the possibility to do something in the past. It is used to indicate that, although the situation was difficult, the person succeeded. Example: Even though dad didn't give me my allowance, I managed to buy the new phone.

Learn more about modal verbs here:


Help me pleases…………………



I think that the answer is d




originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native.


I need help I really don’t understand this question


I guess that the answer to this question is option d

Guys I need help, is this Logos, Ethos, or Pathos?

4. Garbage dumped in landfills are an eyesore to the general public.





it is coming from the perspective of the speaker and the general public it definately logos as it has no form of logic. It is not pathos cause pathos uses more emotive language. according to my teacher its best to go with ethos

Readers who are synthesizing ideas are retelling exact details from a story as they happened





In English literature, there are two (2) main reading comprehension techniques (strategies) and these includes;

I. Summarizing: it is a process that typically involves identifying the main points and key elements, and condensing them in your own words.

A summary can be defined as a shortened text that typically highlights the main point and characteristics of an article, story or write-up. Thus, it ​is used to provide an overview, defining factors and key elements in a story or write-up.

II. Synthesizing: it is a process that involves summarizing a textual information such as a story but restating the main points (informations) by using new ideas and opinions.

Simply stated, synthesizing involves thinking beyond a literary work such as a story or an essay.

This ultimately implies that, readers who are synthesizing ideas are retelling the details forming new ideas and opinions rather than retelling the exact details from a story as they happened.

Compose a sentence in past perfect continuous.

The waiter works hard for ten hours. (Correct the verb tense)

My friend's mother serves cake with the tea. (Negate the sentence)

people, are, and, of, markets, goods, full. (Re-write the sentence in the correct order)

Halliday is a great English linguist. (Make a Yes/No question)

The football team will play the first game tomorrow. (Add possessive pronoun in appropriate place)​


The waiter worked hard for ten hours.

My friend's mother doesn't serve cake with the tea.

Markets are full of people and goods.

Is Halliday a great English linguist?

The football team will play its first game tomorrow.

five reasons why a girl child should be educated​



Increased economic growth. ...

Better wages and jobs for women. ...

It saves the lives of children and their mothers. ...

Smaller and more sustainable families. ...

Healthier and better-educated children. ...

Reduced rates of HIV/AIDS and malaria. ...

Fewer child marriages. ...

Empowered women.


to make them independent

to make them speak up for themselves

to create equality between men and women

to aware the about trafficking

for their better future

to help them get good job

Which of the following statements about historical letters is true?

Many slaves were taught how to read and write, so most of what we know about that time in history is from letters slaves wrote themselves.

Historical letters are not considered valuable to people who study U.S. history.

Historical letters reflect social attitudes and points of view from different historical periods.

None of the statements are true.



Historical letters reflect social attitudes and points of view from different historical periods.


Write a short persuasive speech and adapt it to present to two different audiences for the same purpose.​



A teenager attempting to convince her parents that she needs to be able to stay out until 11pm instead of 10pm.

A student council president trying to convince school administrators to allow the students to have a dance after the final football game of the season.

If a patient ______ something, he or she describes symptoms that are painful or uncomfortable.

a. Dx
b. HTN
c. o/e
d. c/o



d. c/o complains of something

the answer is a i took the test

What is ironic about gatsby’s funeral in the great gatsby?



Gatsby's funeral seems ironic for a number of reasons, including the following: When Gatsby was alive, he would throw huge, lavish parties. Many people were more than willing to visit Gatsby when they could enjoy themselves (literally at his expense), but in death he is basically abandoned.

Help me please……………………



is the answer is urban



I would say that the best answer is Mammoth.


As an adjective, Mammoth means "huge"

Hope this helped! =w=

decribe your favorite room






There are six rooms in my house – one living room, two bedrooms, two bathrooms and one kitchen. Among the rooms, my bedroom is the smallest but also the prettiest one. My parents allow me to decorate it on my own, so I put everything that I love into it. The walls have a sweet pink color, and I hang a lot of pictures of me, my family and my friends in a corner. The bed is not very big, and the bed sheets as well as pillows all have light pink color. There is a thick rug in my room, and I usually sit right on the floor to read books or playing video game. Opposite the door is a small table, and next to it is a big window so I can get the light. Near my bed is a tall wardrobe that I use to hang my clothes, and right next to it is a smaller closet that I store some other things. My room really matches my personality, and I love spending time there.


which is more important when building or buying a new home its location or its size essay ?



its location is what matters since the size essay matters on the location

Explanation:mark  brainliest

it is like..... a video game.(to play, playing)​





do you think it was fair to prohibit churches from conducting Easter sermons together? give four reasons​


I do not think it was the churches should have been prohibit from conducting Easter sermons.

The Easter sermons could have been broadcast via Satellite, Radio, and Television to the adherents of the faith without increasing the health risk during the 2020 pandemic lock-down.

The reasons that I do not support the prohibition are as follows:

Easter sermons could help the adherents to follow the central message of Easter, which is the Resurrection of Christ from the dead.Easter sermons refresh the teachings of Jesus Christ about rising from the dead, which is an eternal promise for Christians.Easter sermons give hope to Christians that their faith in Jesus Christ is not in vain, even amid the Corona pandemic.Lastly, Easter sermons help in the consolation of the suffering, especially those that lost their loved ones during the 2020 pandemic.

Thus, there was no need to prohibit churches from conducting Easter sermons together.

Learn more about Easter sermons at brainly.com here: https://brainly.com/question/3171838


Yes, I do really believe that churches holding Easter sermons together ought to be prohibited.

1.  Why do we celebrate Jesus' resurrection? He seemed to prefer that we live out his resurrection by feeding and mending the world around us, based on his teaching. Would the humble Christ have desired the establishment of such an elevated, costly religious effort in his honor? Easter church rituals appear to be a rehash of everything Christ neglected during his earthly ministry.

2.  Avoid unnecessary tension. Rather than getting the entire family dressed up for church, sitting among strangers, and then having little time to speak with your friends following the service, you may just go to a movie. The sound system and special effects will very certainly be superior to those at your church.

3.  What, therefore, was the benefit of Christ's death and resurrection? I think it was an illustration of God's enormous, unconditional love for everybody. Why not celebrate this by extending this love to the world around us, which can be accomplished in an infinite number of personal ways, rather than isolating ourselves from the world through a religious tradition or church division?

4.  Why spend time dwelling on death? When someone we love dies, we do not mourn their passing. instead, we remember the individual or commemorate the memories of when they were alive.

"Someone stole my treasure, and someone is going to pay!" shouted the monster





In this exercise, you're required to use the most appropriate word among the group of answer choices provided. Also, the word that's chosen should make the sentence logical and express a complete thought.

Critically analyzing all of the words provided, the most appropriate word to complete the sentence is vehemently because we were told that the monster shouted.

Vehemently is an adverb and it means to say or do something in an intense, forceful, strong and emotional, passionate, or zealous manner.

Hence, the complete sentence would be written as follows;

"Someone stole my treasure, and someone is going to pay!" shouted the monster vehemently.




The showed all the medals they​



what is this question about the timetable for the holiday season 7 the timetable the beakers the interview questions for you to come home and get some rest today and add three drops of Jupiter in the morning to get George

Which of the following is the correct way to punctuate this statement?
A. At that point; I only had one option, I had to run.
B. At that point, I only had one option: I had to run.
C. At that point; I only had one option: I had to run.
D. At that point, I only had one option, I had to run.


I know the girl said A, but I think it could be B.

Of all the given options, the correct way to punctuate the sentence is “ At that point, I only had one option: I had to run.” Hence, Option B is correct.

What is punctuation?

While writing the literature, various symbols or marks like full stops (.), commas (,), question marks (?), exclamation marks (!), colons (:), semi-colons (;), apostrophes ('), and speech marks (",") are used by the writer. All these symbols or marks are counted as punctuations. When there is the use of space, conventional signs, and certain typographical devices is done that help to understand the statement properly, there is the use of punctuation.

Use of punctuation is done in writing to separate sentences and their elements and to clarify meaning. It is a kind of tool. The need for punctuation is properly explained by Russel Baker with a beautiful sentence: “When speaking aloud, you punctuate constantly — with body language". When a mark is used for providing more support to the sentence and at the same time proper breaks are given to it, it is known as punctuation.

Thus, Option B is correct.

Learn more about punctuation from here:



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