Which passage most effectively uses transitions?​


Answer 1
A is the only answer that makes sense as it uses "however" suggesting two opposites! Two suggestions that are completely different! Hope that makes sense

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critism of Adam smith​



critic of capitalism. 


I don't know if this right or not

Explain the meaning of the SMART acronym.
In 100-200 words, define what the words “goal” and “success” mean to you.
Summarize your thoughts on whether or not the SMART model can help you become a better college student and/or workplace professional.



a. The full meaning of SMART acronym is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely.

b. My definition of a goal refers an aim or objective that someone is attempting to meet. My definition of success refers to the achievement of personal goals.

c. Yes, SMART model can help me become a better college student.


a. Explain the meaning of the SMART acronym.

The full meaning of SMART acronym is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely. Each of these are explained as follows:

Specific: This suggests a well-defined, precise, and unmistakable purpose.

Measurable: This refers to a set of criteria that can be used to track progress toward a goal.

Achievable: This refers to a goal that is both reachable and not insurmountable.

Realistic: This refers to a goal that is both attainable and relevant to your life's goals.

Timely: This refers to a goal with a well-defined schedule, which includes a start and end date. This aims to create a sense of urgency.

b. In 100-200 words, define what the words “goal” and “success” mean to you.

Goal: My definition of a goal refers an aim or objective that someone is attempting to meet. The purpose of a person's ambition or endeavor is referred to as a goal. A goal is a specific aim or objective that you work hard with determination to achieve. A goal therefore refers to an aim or a desired outcome.

Success: My definition of success refers to the achievement of personal goals. Success is the completion of a goal or objective. The state or circumstance of satisfying a certain range of expectations is referred to as success. Some people regard some ambitions to be tiny, while others believe them to be great. What counts is that they are individual; and each person has his or her unique formula for achieving personal success.

c. Summarize your thoughts on whether or not the SMART model can help you become a better college student and/or workplace professional.

Yes, SMART model can help me become a better college student.

This is due to the SMART model's ability to help me as a student to set myself up for academic achievement by developing objectives that are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely. The SMART model will motivate me to go farther, provide me with a sense of direction in college, and assist me in organizing and achieving academic excellence goals.

You witnessed a fire outbreak at one of the famous market in your area.Write a report on what happened​


Mane so this fire started and I ran and then everyone else started running as well Ian look back so that’s all I know man

(Yo you the feds or sum?

The vioIin and ceIIo are both beautiful strings instruments but the ceIIo is Iatger and more difficult to transport to Iesson the vioIin is smaIIer and generaIIy Iess expensive than the ceIIo





Cello is generally expensive than Violin. both of these instruments are difficult to learn and it takes time to play these instruments professionally. Playing cello is comparatively easier than violin. Cello fills the melodies with lower tones and it makes a base for violin.

Compose a dialogue between two friends talking about their personal experiences during lockdown in at least six exchanges of dialogues.



Two Briends discussing about time spent in lockdown..

Raja-Hey, now are you? Abdul :- Fine, just getting bored in this love down, what

about -you?

-Raja :- It was boring eareir later I joined computer classes.

online to time spents. Priend: It is cop. I was thinking to join but lockdown amoed.

Raja :-) heard that boards are from 29th April.

Abdul: & too heard.

Raja :- But I feel lovedown has helped us and brought

some goodness too.

Abdul :- How?

Raja :- we get time to analyse our work, complete pending

work and spend time with elders.

Abdal:-Yes, and not only that our environment and earth is also healing. Raja: Hmm that too.

Abdul: - Polution has reduced, cleanliness has increased. Raja :- This is a most beautiful thing that happened and due to mis au climate is also managed.

Abdul: Doctors and Police and all the ground Stoff û

is doing

great job. | Raja: - Yes, bye I've my online classes. Abdull- Bye, ITAY HOME STAY SAFE.

yes, i have. He ..........( plant) pink and yellow roses.​



has planted


jejrjfndntndjfjgnrn sry no explanation

when does the little black cat start purring ?why​



Kittens typically start purring around three weeks old and become more vocal as they begin to walk and explore their surroundings. They purr for a lot of different reasons. They purr when in pain, when they are sick, and if they are injured.


I do not know the full context of the question but I hope this helps.

it often takes you .... to climb up to the top of mount kinabalu


Answer: It takes a minimum of 2days 1 night



it often takes you 2 days to climb up to the top of mount kinabalu


I hope this help make sure you stay health

10. Which of the following are examples of freeway interchange configurations?
A. Flute, harp, and violin
B. Diamond, trumpet, and cloverleaf
C. Diamond, trumpet, and leafy
D. Diamond, Merge, and Deceleration


Examples of freeway interchange configurations are: B. Diamond, trumpet, and cloverleaf.

What are Interchanges?

Road interchanges are intersections of two roads. There are four types of road interchanges, namely;  Diamond, trumpet, frontage, and cloverleaf.

The Diamond interchanges, for instance, allow an interchange to occur between a major roadway and a second dual roadway. So, option B captures the examples of interchanges.

Learn more about Interchanges here:


Good themes for the ‘book thief’ by Markus zusak.



let explore world of knowledge in different way

Exercise 1: Choose the most suitable word or phrase
1.     He has been very interested in doing research on _______ since he was at high school.      
a. biology       b. biological       c. biologist       d. biologically
2.     Are you sure that boys are more _______ than girls?              
    a. act       b. active       c. action       d. activity
3.     You are old enough to take _______ for what you have done.     
  a. responsible       b. responsibility    
   c. responsibly       d. irresponsible
4.     These quick and easy _______ can be effective in the short term, but they have a cost.     
  a. solve       b. solvable       c. solutions       d. solvability
5.     He was looking at his parents _______, waiting for recommendations.   
    a. obey      b. obedience       c. obedient     
  d. obediently
6.     The interviews with parents showed that the vast majority were _______ of teachers.      
a. support       b. supportive       c. supporter       d. supporting
7.     It is _________ of you to leave the medicine where the children could get it. a. care                      b. caring                      c. careless                      d. careful
8.     For ________ reasons, passengers are requested  not to leave any luggage unattended.
a. secure                     b.securely                      c. security                      d. securing
9.     The leader of the explorers had the great _______ in his native guide.                                                             a.confident             b. confidence                     c.confidential         d.confidentially
10. We are impressed by his _________ to help us with the hard mission.                                                        a. will                      b. willing                      c.willingness                      d. willingly Exercise 2: Use the proper form of the word in parentheses to fill in the blank.
1.             She acted in passive _______ to her manager’s directions. (obedient) 2.             She was very ________ during my father’s illness. ( support) Going to university  has made her more ________. (confide)
3.             We hope the difficulty can be  _______by getting the two sides together to discuss the issues. (solution)
4.             Can I rely on you to behave ________ when I’m away? (responsible) 5.             He admitted _________ to smuggle cannabis. (attempt)
6.             This story makes a __________ of children’s clothes. (special) What she likes best is to go to the __________ and she her dear little child. (nurse)
7.             Not knowing which colour he would like, I have not come to a __________ on what sweater to buy him. (decide)
8.     The nurse is always kind and gentle to us. She is a very ______ person. (careful) Exercise 3: Choose the best option
1.     People in enjoy _______ time together in the evening when the family members gather in the living room after a day of working hard.                                                    a. spending       b. caring
c. taking     d. doing
2.     Doctors are supposed to ____ responsibility for human life.         
   a. do       b. take         c. rush        d. join
3.     _____ sure that you follow the instructions carefully.            
 a. Believe       b. Try       c. Do       d. Make
4.     We are not allowed _______ jeans at school.    
a. wear       b. to wear      
c.wearing       d.worn
5.     Sometimes I do not feel like _______ to my sibling about my troubles.      
a. talk       b. to talk      c. talking       d. talked 6.     With greatly increased workloads, everyone is _______ pressure now.      
a. under       b. above       c. upon       d. out of
7.     He was very respectful at home and _______ to his parents.      
a. responsible       b. caring       c. obedient       d. lovely
8.     According to the boss, John is the most _______ for the position of executive secretary.
a. supportive                       b. caring                c. suitable                       d. comfortable
9.     Peter tried his best and passed the driving test at the first _______.
a. try                       b. attempt                       c.doing                       d. aim
10. She is never willing _______ any personal question.
a. answer        b. to answer      
c. answering        d. answered​



This is gonna be long lol...


Exercise 1.

1. Biology.

2. Active.

3. Responsibility.

4. Solutions.

5. Obediently.

6. Supportive.

7. Careless.

8. Security.

9. Confidence.

10. Willingness.

Exercise 2.

1. Obedience.

2. Supportive, Confident.

3. Solved.

4. Responsibly.

5. Attempting.

6. Specialty, nurse's.

7. Decision.

8. Caring.

Exercise 3.

1. Spending.

2. Take.

3. Make.

4. To wear.

5. Talking.

6. Under.

7. Obedient.

8. Suitable.

9. Attempt.

10. To answer.

Hope these help ♥

7. Interviewing applicants for an important job can be a very time ____________ process but it's worth it in the end. A.Lasting B. Developing C.Consuming D.Taking


Consuming would be your answer! Have a nice day/night!

Write paragraph about how the country can benefit from National Park. use these points in your writing.
Nationalpark......protect the natural heritage: landscapes, wildlife and forests. ........ attract millions of visitors annually : economic benefits ........ protect endangered spices.
class 7 high school ​




National parks in a country helps in protecting the natural heritage like landscapes, wildlife and forest's.They also attract millions of visitors annually who aids in economic benefits for the country and to protect endangered specie's.

can you guys help me with number 3, 5, 7​



3: my best guess would be absolutely since I dont know how many letters it can have

5: flute or clarinet (whichever fits)

7: invisible


i hope this helped! sorry if it was late

k. I have to do
I believe is right.
(Tôi phải làm cái gì tôi tin là đúng)
B. why
C. what
A. when
D. who
E.bỏ trống


Answer: C
I have to do what i believe is right

What paradox of social injustice is presented in these lines from Countee Cullen's "From the Dark Tower"?



Following are the responses to the given question:


Others who enjoy authority or fortune now may a day be subject to those they deem inferior. The book talks about slavery, racial prejudice, as well as the hardships endured by the Blacks In America during the time serfdom was practiced in the U.S.

Cullen describes the anguish & rage which are being felt by a significant number of people in this passage. A long time has gone by since individuals have been regarded as inferior beings and been rewarded for working hard."If the other individuals are stronger than yourself, then you have to live with it because you lack the power and authority to stop it," he continues. Thus, in the dark, we conceal the bleeding hearts, wait, then tend our excruciating seedlings, and we wait and wait.

Others allude to white People, whereas 'we' refers to black Americans in this poetry. Eventually, those individuals who were thought lesser will gain authority and govern the rest of the population, says Culled.

Read the sentence and answer the question.

All astronauts had master’s or doctorate degrees, but only two were jet pilots consequently, the astronauts with no flight experience had to complete one year of flight training.

Which correctly shows where a semicolon is needed in the sentence?

A. All astronauts had master’s or doctorate degrees, but only two were jet pilots consequently, the astronauts with no flight experience had to; complete one year of flight training.

B. All astronauts had master’s or doctorate degrees, but only two were jet pilots; consequently, the astronauts with no flight experience had to complete one year of flight training.

C. All astronauts had master’s or doctorate degrees, but; only two were jet pilots consequently, the astronauts with no flight experience had to complete one year of flight training.

D. All astronauts had master’s or doctorate degrees, but only two were jet pilots consequently, the astronauts; with no flight experience had to complete one year of flight training.



B.  All astronauts had master’s or doctorate degrees, but only two were jet pilots; consequently, the astronauts with no flight experience had to complete one year of flight training.


Which step to writing an essay is to alter your work to amend any errors that you have noticed?



It is called Text Proof reading

How did the author of "Experience: 1 First Saw My Wife 10 Years After We
Married" lose his sight?
A. He was blind from birth.
B. He got an infection in his eye.
C. He had a reaction to medicine.
D. He was injured in a car accident.


The answer is C, he had a reaction to the anti allergy medication and it stopped his tear ducts from working

he got into.....car with me. (a an the no article)​



he got into a car with me.

Prepare a dictionary having minimum 2 words of each alphabet (new words) with meanings to enhance the vocabulary​


Answer: Prepare a Dictionary having minimum 5 words of each alphabet with meaning to enhance your vocabulary

1. My brother ………… the dog for a walk at six o’clock every morning.
A. takes B. make C. put D. has
2. I’m not ………….. the washing up again! It’s your turn
A. cleaning B. making C. doing D. taking
3. Please don’t ………… your bag in the middle of the floor
A. leave B. pick C. find D. lay
4. She spends a lot of time …………………. TV.
A. to watch B. watch C. watching D. watches
5. Mike’s interested …......... fishing.
A. on B. about C. in D. at
6. I’m thinking ……… studying law.
A. about B. of C. at D. on
7. Of the three students, Harry is …………… one. The others have too many mistakes.
A. The most careful B. the most careless C. More careful than D. More careful
8. It was the ……………dream I’ve ever had. I was really frightened.
A. badest B. worse C. worst D. he worst
9. Can you recommend ……. good resaurant?
A. the B. x C. a D. some
10. I’ve ……… cleaned the floor. It’s wet
A. already B. just C. yet D. never



1. A, 2. A, 3. A, 4. C, 5. C, 6. A, 7. A, 8. C, 9. C, 10. B


Help me please..
Create dialogs from 2 pictures above…
I hope you answer it correctly!!! Thank you!!



No because yeah

Explanation: No because this is written wrong

Can someone help help me from 1 to 10



2 aircraft pilot or aviator / 4 publisher / 6 director / 7 chemist or pharmacist / 8 conductor/ 9 astronomer/ 10 federal prosecutor , defense or plaintiff.



Nuclear energy can provide electricity for the world needs, but it is __________
(4 Điểm)

A. cheap

B. unlimited

C. dangerous

D. safe


I think the answer is C

Essay on importance of English language. Please make it about 25 lines.


English is a universal language. We can find English speaking people in nearly every country of this world. It is easy to learn as a second language too. Though there are some drawbacks, like silent letters and pronounciation, for new learners, but it is still easier than other languages. Moreover, it belongs to the Indo-European language family, it means that English speakers need not make much effort in learning most of the other languages of the world, because most languages of the world belong to this family and are related.

English has an excellent literature. Not only native speakers, but non-native speakers too write in English language. Most of the programming languages are easier if we have knowledge of English. Things like emails and websites also have their addresses in English alphabets. Now-a-days, English is "lingua franca", it means that most successful leaders of the worlds belong to English speaking community, most people want to learn English and English is the most widely used language.


English is the most widely spoken language all over the world.The english language is used for government by many nation across the globe.Effective communication in english strengthens the friendship between countries around the world.

Why does Mrs. Jones give Roger food?


I don’t know is he poor or something

III. Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space.
Thirteen-year-olds do not spend as much money as their parents suspect - at least not (62) ………… the findings of a (63) ………… survey, Money and Change. The survey (64) ………… three hundred teenagers, 13-17 years old, from (65) ………… Britain.
By the time they (66) ………… their teens, most children see their weekly allowance rise dramatically to an amazing national average of £5.14. Two thirds think they get (67) ………… money, but most expect to have to do something to get it.
Although they have more cash, worry about debt is (68) ………… among teenagers. Therefore, the (69) …………. of children (70) ………… an effort to save for the future.
Greater access to cash (71) ………… teenagers does not, however, mean that they are more irresponsible (72) ………… a result. The economic recession seems to have encouraged (73) ………… attitudes to money, even in the case of children at these ages. Instead of wasting what pocket (74) ………… they have on sweets or magazines, the 13-year-olds who took (75) ………… in the survey seem to (76) ………… to the situation by saving more than half (77) ………… their cash.

A. counting on
B. based on
C. relying on
D. according to
A. late
B. recent
C. latest
D. fresh
A. included
B. contained
C. counted
D. enclosed
A. entire
B. all over
C. complete
D. the whole
A. reach
B. get
C. make
D. arrive
A. acceptable
B. adequate
C. satisfactory
D. enough
A. gaining
B. heightening
C. increasing
D. building
A. most
B. maximum
C. many
D. majority
A. make
B. do
C. have
D. try
A. among
B. through
C. between
D. along
A. like
B. as
C. for
D. in
A. aware
B. knowing
C. helpful
D. cautious
A. cash
B. money
C. change
D. savings
A. part
B. place
C. share
D. piece
A. reply
B. answer
C. respond
D. return
A. from
B. as
C. of
D. for



62. D. according to

63. B recent

64. A. included

65. B. all over

66. A. reach

67. D. enough

68. C. increasing

69. D. majority

70. A. make

71. A. among

72. B. as

73. D. cautious

74. B. money

75. A. part

76. C. respond

77. C of


This kind of activity requires different types of knowledge. It presents some expressions and phrases that are always used in a certain way, but it also presents options that must be chosen according to the context.

For example, all the answers chosen from number 62 to 69 are words commonly found in news articles about studies and surveys. On the other hand, the answer for number 70 comes from simply knowing that, with the word "effort", the verb that should be used is "make". For number 74, for example, the expression "pocket money" is equivalent to "allowance". Having that kind of knowledge will help choose the correct answer.

The name of the script used in the Sangam Age
a) English
b) Devanagari
d) Granta​


It was written in Tamil-Brahmi script.

Hope this answer helps you..



Select it as the BRAINLIEST..




hi friends good morning

Would you mind if I _________ TV?

A. watch

B. watched

C. watching

D. watches



Its A) Watch



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