Which phrase has the most negative connotation? An abnormal result ? An typical result ? An unusual result ?


Answer 1


it is indeed abnormal.


abnormal means unusual, atypical etc.

i also took the IXL, for anyone who’s taking 45Q, it’s correct :)

Answer 2


An abnormal result


I just told the IXL TEST

Related Questions

Choose the sentence that is correctly punctuated.



you're right, the answer is A


the first one you put LOL

for the essay please i need it by tonight



1, there is no question

2. that is a extended question, someone can report you


We can’t really just rewrite an essay for you without a prompt. I also don’t know who would want to write someone else’s essay

Which is more important: freedom or security? Do you believe there is a way to have both freedom and
security when it comes to speech? Cite evidence from this text, your own experience, and other literature, art, or history in your answer.



National security is an essential factor of any functioning society, but freedom is just as important.After 9/11, security in America was taken to a new level with increased airport safety procedures, a stronger border control, and new security acts being passed.The government did need to take action, such as enforcing stricter airport regulations to better monitor who enters the country. However, they did not need to infringe on American freedoms that were fought so hard for during the Revolutionary War.The USA Patriot Act of 2001 increased the ability of law enforcement officials to search personal information such as telephone calls, e-mails and personal records. It also eased restrictions on foreign intelligence gathering within the United States.While some aspects of the act are necessary, others are not.The Fourth Amendment ensures "the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures." Listening in on phone calls and going through people's personal e-mails is unreasonable because it will not make America a safer place to live and it infringes on the freedoms the Fourth Amendment guarantees.U.S. intelligence analysts were ordered to continue monitoring phone calls, even when it was clear they posed no threat to America's safety."We identified phone numbers belonging to non-threatening groups, including the Red Cross," said Adrienne Kinne, a former Arab linguist who worked at a National Security Agency facility at Fort Gordon from 2001 to 2003. "We could have blocked their numbers, but we didn't, and we were told to listen to them just in case."American freedoms were being sacrificed to provide security, even when there was no real danger. The people whose phone calls were being monitored posed no threat to America. This was an invasion of their rights as American citizens.Freedom and security need to be balanced, but freedom should not be jeopardized in order to obtain security.In the beginning, America invested in freedom, not the security of what its citizens already knew. And while both are vital to the success of a nation, freedom is the more fundamental, more enduring, and, therefore, more important.Some may argue that, given the current threats to America, the security of the country and its people should take priority over freedoms, no matter the cost.While there are threats to be concerned about, taking away the liberty of the citizens for the sake of security is just giving in to what the terrorists ultimately want: the suppression of America and its people.These acts were supposed to secure the country and offer more protection in the tumultuous atmosphere of World War I. In reality, they not only failed but they tightened the grip that fear held on the nation. Beyond this, the acts dramatically infringed on First Amendment rights, the freedoms that are deeply ingrained in America.And while the freedom versus security debate is centuries old and circumstances have changed countless times, the dilemma is still the same. In a nation where freedom has had such a high value even before the country's birth, it is nearly impossible to place security before liberty.I consider security to be more important than freedom. For a small group of students in my school, the thoughts concerning this topic are so drastically different that it is our policy to refuse to discuss it with others when we know it will start an argument.Freedom and security do not necessarily refer to matters of national importance. They can be used in many situations. For example, when looking for a job, some people consider how secure they will be having a routine 9 to 5 job with little change in schedule. This ensures that their daily needs will be taken care of and they don't need to worry about those.Another extremely important thing having to do with security is a person's romantic relationships. Is it better to date exclusively and to have a steady boyfriend or girlfriend, or to be free to come and go as you please without having a steady relationship in your life? Personally, I'd like to think that because something like marriage exists, security is considered significantly more important to most individuals.

Some people may think that life is pointless if you aren't free to enjoy it. But I disagree. What's the point of being free if you have to live with the constant uncertainty and worry that's caused by a lack of security?

Which propaganda technique does this passage use?
O plain folks
O scapegoat
O bandwagon
O glittering generalities
Read the passage from Animal Farm.
"What is that gun firing for?" said Boxer.
"To celebrate our victory!" cried Squealer.
"What victory?" said Boxer. His knees were bleeding,
he had lost a shoe and split his hoof, and a dozen
pellets had lodged themselves in his hind leg.
"What victory, comrade? Have we not driven the enemy
off our soil the sacred soil of Animal Farm?"
"But they have destroyed the windmill. And we had
worked on it for two years!"
"What matter? We will build another windmill. We will
build six windmills if we feel like it. You do not
appreciate, comrade, the mighty thing that we have
done. The enemy was in occupation of this very ground
that we stand upon. And now-thanks to the leadership
of Comrade Napoleon--we have won every inch of it



Its D. Glittering generalities


Took the test edge 2020

The propaganda technique that has been employed in the given passage would be:

D). Glittering generalities.

'Propaganda technique' is described as the technique or methodology in which there is an attempt to influence the behavior of people or their actions by providing a false depiction of something. In the given excerpt, the manipulation or the false representation that is made through propaganda technique is the 'sparkling generalized statement' which can convince the viewers or readers to believe in it. Here, the "building of windmill" again exemplifies this glorification of a false reality to persuade the people.

Thus, option D is the correct answer.

Learn more about 'Propaganda' here:


Select the correct answer.
What is a benefit of using a style guide?
OA. allows writers to check technical accuracy of content
B. helps establish consistency in design across all documents
C. helps writers use an informal tone to connect with the audience
D. promotes variety in word choice and language
E. helps create documents that are appealing to read



B. Helps establish consistency in design across all documents


A style guide is a set of standards for the writing, formatting, and design of documents. It often includes rules regarding grammar, word usage, tone, logo usage, colors, visuals, etc. Brands often have their own style guide, that way making sure that their published content is consistent and recognizable. This is why the correct option is option B.

Practice page 187 my perspective boom



what is a question you asked ??


I agree

Thank you


How did King reference Hughes' poetry in his speeches? He quoted entire lines of Hughes' poetry. He borrowed brief phrases from Hughes' poetry. He inserted titles of Hughes' poem into his speeches. He only spoke to similar themes of Hughes' poetry.



B. He borrowed brief phrases from Hughes' poetry.


Martin Luther King was a very good friend of Langston Hughes, a poet. Both of them were against the racism that was so prevalent at the time they lived. Hughes was a proponent of Communism which made him a target of the government. King tried to distance himself from him in his speeches by not openly referencing his name when he used quotes from his poems.

King inserted brief phrases of Hughes' poetry in his speech. For example, his quote, "I am personally the victim of deferred dreams..." is a reference to Hughes' poem titled, "Dreams Deferred" which was first named Harlem in 1951.

When does a person know who they are?



Throughout our lives we find ourselves discovering new things about ourselves and that this new information changes our view upon ourselves.

It has been a long time belief that you only know who you truly are the moment before death occurs.

Though this would be hard to prove and this question is bogis.


You just know and u have a feeling duh

What is the author's purpose in this paragraph?
to express an opinion about false malpractice claims
to report on a recent malpractice claim that went to trial
to condemn doctors who want new malpractice laws
to persuade readers that malpractice laws are unnecessary


I think it is A, im not sure tho
I hope it helps

Can someone answer this please!!


The literary device being used is repetition. By repeating the questions over and over, it emphasizes the point being made.


personification, or epistrophe


Personification  states--You can easily use personification in your own writing draw your reader’s attention, and convey a deeper meaning.

Epistrophe states that-- It is defined as the repetition of a word or phrase at the end of a sentence.

Salima ______ she wasn't supposed to touch her grandmother's violin, but she couldn't resist.


Answer: Said


On the morning of July 15, 2006, fourteen school buses were vandalized. The buses, property of Walt Whitman Middle School, were parked in the "bus barn" on campus. The vandals spray-painted the buses with pictures of dogs. Dogs happen to be the mascot of rival school Edgar Allan Poe Academy. This has led some to believe that some students from EAPA may be the culprits in the incident. Says the mother of one Walt Whitman student, "Oh, yeah, the [Edgar Allan] Poe [Academy] kids are definitely responsible. Those kids don't have any discipline, and they're still stewing over the loss of last week's football game." Police, however, say that they currently have no suspects.

This article is probably NOT from a mainstream news source.



The wording in the paragraph suggests it’s from a major news outlet


it would be TRUE


it may seem like it would be from a news source, but the news wouldn't talk about vandalized busses.

Ayo I need help with this question because I don't know if I got it wrong or not.

A favorite book is one in which the reader has most likely made which connection? text-text text-world text-self


I am pretty certain it is ~ text to self ~


text-self is correct


Enjoy your day you guys!

Which of the following is a characteristic of formal writing style?

passive voice
technical words



You need abbreviations (. , ; ! ?) to have formal writing or else it will be sloppy and hard to read





How does density affect the tendency of an object to float or sink in a liquid?



The density of an object determines whether it will float or sink in another substance. An object will float if it is less dense than the liquid it is placed in. An object will sink if it is more dense than the liquid it is placed in.

Explanation: hope i could help you out have a blessed night :)



First you have to know the density of the liquid. The numbers range from 0.5  to about 2.

I the object you are putting into the liquid has a density greater than that of the liquid, then the object will sink (go below the surface of the liquid).

If the object has a density less than the liquid then the object will float.

If you take a chunk of solid iron, and put it water, there is no way that object is going to float (with one exception).  Iron has a density of about 8. Water is 1. Water is the standard.

If you put balsa wood in water there is no way it will sink. It has a density much less than almost all liquids.

So you do you make iron ships float? The answer to that is that ships are not solid. The shell of the ship has a volume much greater than the thickness of the hull of the ship. The density would be calculated as 8 / huge volume -- say 1,000,000 cubic cm.  (and that's not much of a volume.

The result is a density much less than 1. Iron ships really do float.

An argumentative essay should people be able to own property in space.


No, they should not. The space is not theres.

what is in a pepsi can



pepsi and bubbles


pepsi was originally made as a toilet cleaner


what is in a Pepsi can?

Carbonated Water, Sugar, Colour (Caramel E150d), Acid (Phosphoric Acid), Flavourings (including Caffeine


Pepsi is a carbonated soft drink manufactured by PepsiCo. Originally created and developed in 1893 by Caleb Bradham and introduced as Brad's Drink, it was renamed as Pepsi-Cola in 1898, and then shortened to Pepsi in 1961.

ok so i have to Write about a time when you had an unexpected learning experience. What happened? What did you learn? and im not good at writing so like can u help me but like make it fake btw im a girl sooooo idk but pls helppp



A time I had an unexpected learning experience when I was in 5th grade. My teacher taught us a lesson about voting and why itś important. I did not care to be honest but then I learned that our voice helps our country and state better and that we need to vote. In conclusion, I learned we should always vote.


Kitten emergency

Here's a "Real" question whats 6+7-2=?

What should I name my new cat?? Shes a mix of always hungry, playful, and shady.





You should name your kitten kiwi or cherry




KIKI is the cutest name ever!

Which choice provides the best thesis statement for the Martinson article?



Roosevelt was a confident leader, a superb communicator, and a bold policy maker


Took the test

Got a 100

Ahhh! Such a beautiful day, uh (Yeah)
The sun's shining in a beautiful way, uh (Whoo)
Gonna take a shower, brush my teeth and
Life is ultimately meaningless
Uhh... Uhh...
But I'll get out of the house
Get on the road, top down, hands out
Put on my favorite song and nod to the rhythm
The planet's being destroyed by your carbon emissions
But I- I-, I'll head to class
Try my best on every test 'til I pass
And my grades are screaming in my face, hey
98 percent of what you learn is a waste
I get to hang out with all my friends (Yeah)
My friends are the friendliest friends
Can't think of a better way to spend my time
Your brain is flawed, and all your friends will die
Never mind!
I'm alive in the greatest nation!
So proud of the exploitation of natives
This graceful bird means freedom for all
Tell that to the slaves, and bald eagles aren't bald
I can live in the moment, milk every second
At any time you could get clinical depression
But I'll just be happy, no matter what's in store
It's quite genetic, and we have no cure
Uh, at least
We are young
Not for long
Life is fun
It only goes downhill
We gotta make the most of it! Make the most of it!
Or you'll regret it
We are young
For now
Life is fun
For some people
We gotta make the most of it! Make the most of it!
Good luck
Woo! I got a brand new job today! (Yeah)
Doin stuff that'll help the economy (Uh)
I'll save money and buy things at the store
Banks can crash and capitalism is flawed
And it's all because of my hard work
And the thousand advantages you lucked into at birth
I put a lotta effort in my resume!
Good thing you don't have a black person's name
I'm proud to be a functioning member of society
Finally, I can be the citizen I dream to be
Part of the community, contribute with my tax
What could possibly stop me?
The shrinking middle class
I've at least got a nice stable job
Until it's outsourced to China or replaced by a robot
OH GOD! Well, then I could relax a bit
You'll be empty with nothing to distract from it
But man, I'm a passionate graduate
I can be different, and I have a career paths to pick from
I could be a rapper or an animator if I'm lucky
Neither of those will make you happy, trust me
I'm able to choose what I pursue (Yeah)
You're a slave to people born richer than you
Then screw it, I'll keep going in
Then I'll party on the weekend and sing, no, oh, oh oh
Thanks to autotune
We are young
Not for long
Life is fun
It only goes downhill
We gotta make the most of it! Make the most of it!
Or you'll regret it
We are young
We still die
Life is fun
Until you die
We gotta make the most of it! Make the most of it
Because you'll die
Life is a wonder
You'll never know the answer
Nature is a miracle
Natural disasters
It's good to be alive
You could wake up with cancer
But I'm healthy
Healthy people still get cancer
I love this show
It's the last episode
The sun is shining
It's going to explode
Every species is beautiful and unique, though
Children have malaria thanks to mosquitoes
I met a cute girl with a ponytail
Statistically that relationship is going to fail
I have a wonderful family, it's like no other
You're not special, and one day you'll bury your mother
No matter what, I can find a home!
We, Will All, Die, Alone
There's amazing potential in every human on earth
There's no escaping the heat death of the universe
I don't have to live life based on negative parts
No matter how bad they are, they're just thoughts
Yeah, that's fair
Wait, really?
Yeah that seems reasonable
Wait, wait, wait, wait but you were just telling me to-
Whatever man, I dunno, live your life how you want
I'm not forcing you to do anything, I'm just saying
Well in that case...
We are young!
Life is fun!
We gotta make the most of it! Make the most of it!
We are young!
Life is fun!
We gotta make the most of it! Make the most of it!
Enjoy it while it lasts


The odd1sout? Respect to you man


Beautiful. Thanks for the points ;)


Which two pieces of evidence from the passage best suggest that the Wright brothers seriously considered safety in their airplane design?
A. If you did not take the precaution to fasten your hat before starting, you have probably lost it by this time.
B. Otherwise the general construction and operation of the machine was to be similar to that of the 1902 glider.
C.The motor close beside you kept up an almost deafening roar during the whole flight, yet in your excitement you did not notice it till it stopped!
D.We decided to place the motor to one side of the man, so that in case of a plunge headfirst, the motor could not fall upon him.
E.To provide against the machine rolling over forward in landing, we designed skids like sled runners, extending out in front of the main surfaces.



D and E


The two pieces of evidence from the passage that best suggests that the Wright brothers seriously considered safety in their airplane design was:

D. We decided to place the motor to one side of the man, so that in case of a plunge headfirst, the motor could not fall upon him. E. To provide against the machine rolling over forward in landing, we designed skids like sled runners, extending out in front of the main surfaces.

According to the given question, we are asked to show the two pieces of evidence from the passage that best suggests that the Wright brothers seriously considered safety in their airplane design.

As a result of this, we can see that from the complete text, there is a narration about the process which the Wright brothers took when they designed the first ever planes and they put in some safety measures in place to make sure that the planes could be safe for the user.

Therefore, the correct answers are options D and E

Read more about safety here:


Lilly likes to leave her laundry on the floor.
A hyperbole
B alliteration
C personification
D idiom
E simile
F metaphor
G onomatopoeia
H sensory
I imagery


B alliteration.


The letter “L” is repeated multiple times.

Read this excerpt from We've Got a Job: The 1963 Children's March.

All of the students at St. Mary's were black, as required by law. But unlike the staff at black public schools, the teachers – all of whom were nuns – were white. So, Arnetta grew up mingling comfortably with white people. In fact, had she wanted to, she could have "passed" for white herself.

The excerpt uses third-person narration, because

a character tells the events of the story.
the author tells the facts of the story.
the author speaks to the reader.
the author knows how the story ends.



B - the author tells the facts of the story.





it just is

Which achievement is credited to Aristotle?

He wrote the play Antigone.
He developed a system of logic.
He was known as the Father of History.
He described an ideal form of government in his writing.

answer fast pls I'm timed :(



he developed a system of logic


good luck

The  achievement that is credited to Aristotle was for the development of  a system of logic. Thus, option second is correct.

Who was Aristotle?

Aristotle was a famous and ancient Greek thinker and polymath. His publications span a wide range of topics, including physics, biology, zoology, metaphysics, logic, ethics, aesthetics, theater, music, rhetoric, psychology, linguistics, economics, politics, meteorology, geology, and government.

He founded the field of formal logic, made groundbreaking contributions to all areas of philosophy and science, and recognized and examined the connections between the numerous scientific disciplines. In addition to being a philosopher, Aristotle was a teacher who established the Lyceum in Athens.

Hence, option second is correct.

Learn more about Aristotle here:



What helps sherpas perform their jobs well. What is it?



British mountaineer Kenton Cool, who's climbed Everest 11 times, explains: "The Sherpas are so important. For one, they're the local people, so they know the culture, they know the area, they know the people.

"But when it actually comes to climbing the mountain they have this phenomenal energy and power on the mountain.

"So pretty much any western climber that may go to Everest will use Sherpas to help get the logistics in place, all the ropes, all the tents and things like that.

"They really are the backbone of any expedition.


Choose the sentence with the correct subject/verb agreement.
Every one of the shirts has a green collar.
Every one of the shirts have a green collar.



Every one of the shirts have a green collar.


Because it what it is...not much to explain

whch best describes the diction in aint i woman


I think I have the same problem as you

Preview the following text and identify the text structure:
Centrally located in Salt Lake City's business, historic, cultural and entertainment center, Little America is just 10 minutes
from the international airport and a short drive from Utah's famous outdoor attractions. The hotel's superior service,
accommodations, and meeting space make it an ideal location for any meeting. Centralized booking, billing and support
staff coordinate all functions seamlessly.
a. narrative
C. descriptive
b. expository
d. persuasive





story written


B --- Expository


I did C and it is wrong

How could Caroline best improve her analysis? HELP PLSSSSS

She could explain how the quotation supports her ideas.
She could cite evidence from the text to support her opinion.
She could include a thesis statement to express her position.
She could evaluate the text to analyze the big ideas and messages



She could cite evidence from the text to support her opinion


Citing text in my opinion, is one of the best ways to improve an analysis and essay.




Other Questions
what does the preamble means in your own words PLEASE HELP!!!!!!What is 2 1/2 divided by 1/3?A. 3 1/2B. 7 1/2 C. 7 1/6D. 2/15 Read this excerpt from We've Got a Job: The 1963 Children's March.All of the students at St. Mary's were black, as required by law. But unlike the staff at black public schools, the teachers all of whom were nuns were white. So, Arnetta grew up mingling comfortably with white people. In fact, had she wanted to, she could have "passed" for white herself.The excerpt uses third-person narration, becausea character tells the events of the story.the author tells the facts of the story.the author speaks to the reader.the author knows how the story ends. PLEASE HELP!! (I will mark brainiest) (REAL ANSWERS ONLY PLEASE!)In one paragraph, using your own words, describe the structure of DNA using the following terms: phosphate, sugar, pyrimidines, purines, and bonding. Please answer quickly Which of the following could be the number shown on the number line? Which is more important: freedom or security? Do you believe there is a way to have both freedom andsecurity when it comes to speech? Cite evidence from this text, your own experience, and other literature, art, or history in your answer. Elephant heart cells have 56 chromosomes. Elephant egg cells have _____.28 chromosomes112 chromosomes56 chromosomes16 chromosomes Is triangle mno similar to triangle pqo explain Which pair of elements is most likely to form an ionic compound with each other?sulfur and carbonbarium and chlorineoxygen and fluorinecalcium and sodium Read the excerpt from Albert Schweitzer: A Life of Service and Sacrifice.In 1953, when Albert had been serving the world for forty-eight of his seventy-eight years, the world decided to serve him. He was granted the Nobel Peace Prize. Albert traveled to Norway to accept the award. Then, still true to the pledge he had made so many years before, he returned to Africa and used the prize money for a hospital addition. He was still there selflessly serving others when he died in 1965.What is the big-picture idea in this excerpt?Albert Schweitzer traveled to Norway to receive the Nobel Peace Prize.Albert Schweitzer was a great man who served humanity until he died.Albert Schweitzer served the world for forty-eight years.Albert Schweitzer returned to Africa after he received the Nobel Peace Prize. ok so i have to Write about a time when you had an unexpected learning experience. What happened? What did you learn? and im not good at writing so like can u help me but like make it fake btw im a girl sooooo idk but pls helppp A country is capable of efficiently producing computers but has beendevoting a large portion of its economy to building cars. The country decidesthat it should focus more of its economic resources on making computersand buy its cars from other countries. This situation best illustrates whichfactor that encourages global trade?a. acquiring natural resources b. allowing for specialization c. obtaining essential materials d. eliminating trade deficits Change each fraction or mixed number to a percent.a.2/5b.7/20C. 1 11/16d. 14 1/4 Does the system have a no solution or infinitely many solutionsY=2/3x+2-2x+3y=6 Which beat defines a service? im posting it right know for 60 points good luck Find the measure of angle b.4)36what do you guys think If a polynomial function f(x) has roots 8, 1, and 6i, what must also be a root of f(x)? 6 6i 6 i 6 U made out of plastic FAKE opp What sound does a cat make