which polygon will NOT tessellate a plane?


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

In fact, there are pentagons which do not tessellate the plane. The house pentagon has two right angles. Because those two angles sum to 180° they can fit along a line, and the other three angles sum to 360° (= 540° - 180°) and fit around a vertex.

Answer 2


The Regular Pentagon.


I got a 100 % on the quiz

Related Questions

When using a regression equation, the difference between the formulas used to calculate the confidence interval estimate and prediction interval estimate is ______.



the addition of "1" to the quantity under the radical sign.

Step-by-step explanation:

Using a regression equation :

The confidence interval is obtained using the relation :

yhat ± t(α/2) * s√(1/n + (Xp - xbar)²/SSx)

yhat = Predicted value

s = estimated standard deviation of yhat

x = Xp

The prediction interval is obtained using the relation :

yhat ± t(α/2) * s√(1 + 1/n + (Xp - xbar)²/SSx)

Hence, from the formula stated abibeb, we can see that, the only difference is the 1 added to the prediction interval formula.

is absolute value of -998​




Step-by-step explanation:

Just get rid of the negative sign


This should 998 I guess

Step-by-step explanation:

Minus the negative signs

Can someone please help



he didnt build the field

Step-by-step explanation:


A box of tangerines that weighs 5 pounds costs $4.25.
What is the cost per pound?




Step-by-step explanation:

$4.25 divided by 5 pounds equals $0.85 per pound.



Step-by-step explanation:

Find the unit rate.


Solve for x. X= 4.25/5=0.85

So 1 lb of tangerines costs $0.85.

the distance between the point 0,0 and 5, 12​




Step-by-step explanation:

the formula for distance is √(X2-X1)^2 + (y2-y1)^2

=√(5-0)^2 + (12-0)^2

=√5^2 + 12^2




An office manager booked 55 airline tickets. He booked 6 more tickets on Airline A than Airline B. On Airline C, he booked 5 more than twice as many tickets as on Airline B. How many tickets did he book on each Airline?


9514 1404 393


A: 17B: 11C: 27

Step-by-step explanation:

If we let a, b, c represent tickets booked on airlines A, B, C, respectively, then we have ...

  a + b + c = 55

  a - b = 6

  -2b + c = 5

Using the last two equations to write expressions for a and c, we have ...

  a = b +6

  c = 5 +2b

These can be substituted into the first equation to give ...

  (b +6) +b +(5 +2b) = 55

  4b +11 = 55

  4b = 44

  b = 11

  a = b+6 = 17

  c = 5 +2b = 27

He booked 17 tickets on Airline A, 11 tickets on Airline B, and 27 tickets on Airline C.

^please answer, thanks in advance ^



There is not enough information to determine the mean, the median is 28.

There is not enough information to determine the mean absolute deviation, the interquartile range is 18

Step-by-step explanation:

The box plot given has a skewed distribution, this means that both the mean and median values are not the same. From a box plot, the median value Can be obtained as the point in between the box.

From the box plot given, the marked point in between the box is 28 cm

Hence, Median = 28 cm

The mean cannot be inferred from the skewed box plot.

There is also not enough information to determine the mean absolute deviation ;

The interquartile range:

(Q3 - Q1)

Q3 = upper quartile, the endpoint of the box = 40

Q1 = the starting point of the box = 22

IQR = Q3 - Q1

IQR = 40 - 22 = 18

-4 is a whole number




Step-by-step explanation:

a whole number is a number that doesnt contain a fraction or negative value

The product of two consecutive odd integers is 143. If x is the smallest of the integers, write an equation in terms of x that describes the situation, and then find all such pairs of integers.

The equation that describes the situation is _________________

The positive set of integers is _______________________

The negative set of integers is _______________________



Step-by-step explanation:

x(x+2) = 143


x² + 2x - 143 = 0

x = [-2 ±√(2²-4(1)(-143))]/[2(1)] = 11, -13


11 and 13


-13, -11

Find all two - digit numbers with the following property: the difference of the number and the number with the same digits in reverse order is 54.











Step-by-step explanation:

Let's solve the problem step by step.

Let's assume the two-digit number is represented as "AB," where A represents the tens digit and B represents the units digit. According to the problem, the difference between the number "AB" and the number "BA" is 54.

So, we have the equation:

(10A + B) - (10B + A) = 54

Simplifying the equation, we get:

9A - 9B = 54

Dividing both sides of the equation by 9, we have:

A - B = 6

Now, we need to find two-digit numbers where the difference between the tens digit and the units digit is 6. The possible combinations are:

(1, 7)

(2, 8)

(3, 9)

(4, 10) - But 10 is not a valid unit digit since it exceeds the range of a two-digit number.

So, the valid two-digit numbers that satisfy the given condition are:









Therefore, there are 8 two-digit numbers that have a difference of 54 when subtracted from the number formed by reversing their digits.

A car travels 1/8 mile in 2/13 minutes. What is the speed in terms of miles per minute?



13/16 miles per minute

Step-by-step explanation:

Take the miles and divide by the minutes

1/8 ÷ 2/13

Copy dot flip

1/8 * 13/2

13/16 miles per minute

Solve the following system of equations


Answer: x = (-3,3), y = (-5,5)

Step-by-step explanation:

Add both of the equations together, for [tex]3x^{2}+3y^{2} = 102[/tex]. Now we can divide both sides by 3, getting[tex]x^2+y^2=34[/tex]. we subtract the first equation from our equation we just got, getting [tex]y^2=25[/tex] y= (5,-5). once we plug that in, we get [tex]50+x^2 = 59[/tex], [tex]x^2 = 9[/tex] x = (-3,3)

Juan borrowed $ 3, 500 from a credit union for 6 years and was charged simple interest at a rate of 4.97 %. What is the amount of interest he paid at the end of the loan?




General Formulas and Concepts:


Order of Operations: BPEMDAS Brackets Parenthesis Exponents Multiplication Division Addition Subtraction Left to Right

Algebra I

Simple Interest Rate Formula: [tex]\displaystyle A = P(1 + rt)[/tex]

P is principle amountr is ratet is time

Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1: Define


P = 3500

t = 6

r = 4.97% = 0.0497

Step 2: Find Interest

Substitute in variables [Simple Interest Rate Formula]:                                 [tex]\displaystyle A = 3500(1 + 0.0497 \cdot 6)[/tex](Parenthesis) Multiply:                                                                                      [tex]\displaystyle A = 3500(1 + 0.2982)[/tex](Parenthesis) Add:                                                                                            [tex]\displaystyle A = 3500(1.2982)[/tex]Multiply:                                                                                                             [tex]\displaystyle A = 4543.7[/tex]

Which choice is equivalent to the fraction below? (Hint: Rationalize the
denominator and simplify.)
2 + 2
A. 2.
B. 2-3
C. 3-2.12
D. 6 - 42


C. 3-2.12 because it equals that same amount.

Work out m and c for the line: y + 3 x = 1



look at diagram above. Use y=mx+c

hope this helps! feel free to clarify

During a Team scavenger hunt event, the average number of steps taken was 1800. Calculate the distance traveled using 10,000 steps = 5 miles. Using a time of 27 minutes to complete the event, calculate your average speed.



The average speed was of 2 miles per hour.

Step-by-step explanation:

Average speed:

Average speed is distance divided by time.


Solved by proportions, using rule of three.

1800 steps - x miles

10,000 steps - 5 miles

[tex]10000x = 5(1800)[/tex]

[tex]x = \frac{9000}{10000}[/tex]

[tex]x = 0.9[/tex]

Distance of 0.9 miles.

Using a time of 27 minutes to complete the event, calculate your average speed.

Distance of 0.9 miles in 27/60 of an hour. So

[tex]d = \frac{0.9}{\frac{27}{60}} = \frac{60(0.9)}{27} = 2[/tex]

The average speed was of 2 miles per hour.

6.) What are the coordinates of D, E and F after a reflection over the y-axis?

D'(-3,-3) E (5,0) F (2,2)
D'(3,3) E'(-5,0) F'(-2,-2)
D'(3,-3) E (0,5) F'(-2,2)


The correct answer is the second one, (3,3) (-5,0) (-2,-2)

6)Factor: x^2+1/3x+1/36




Step-by-step explanation:

7 x 5/6 simplified!!



5 5/6

Step-by-step explanation:

7 x 5 = 35

35/6 = 5 5/6


5 5/6

Step-by-step explanation:

7 * 5/6

7/1 * 5/6

Multiply the numerators

7*5 = 35

Multiply the denominators

1*6 = 6

Numerator over denominator


Change to a mixed number

6 goes into 35   5 times with 5 left over

5 5/6

Can someone explain how to solve this step by step? Thank you




Step-by-step explanation:

Using the Rational Roots Test, we can say that the potential rational roots are

± (1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 15, 18, 30, 45, 90).

Unfortunately, there doesn't really seem to be an easy way to figure out which numbers are actually roots outside of guess and check. Therefore, to solve this, we'll have to go through numbers until we hit something.

To make the process faster, I wrote a Python script as follows:

numbers = [1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 15, 18, 30, 45, 90]

negative_numbers = [i * (-1) for i in numbers]

numbers = numbers + negative_numbers

for i in numbers:


   if (i**3 - 10*(i**2) + 9*i-90) == 0:


The result comes out as 10, meaning that 10 is our only rational root. Using the Factor Theorem, we can say that because 10 is a root, (x-10) is a factor of the polynomial. Using synthetic division, we can divide (x-10) from the polynomial to get

10 |   1     -10     9      -90

    |          10     0       90


        1       0     9        0

Therefore, we can say that

(x³-10x²+9x-90)/(x-10) = (x²+0x+9), so

x³-10x²+9x-90 = (x-10)(x²+9)

As the only solution to x²+9=0 contains imaginary numbers, x=10 is the only solution to x³-10x²+9x-90 = (x-10)(x²+9) = 0

F(x)=x^2. What is g(x)?

A. g(x)= 1/4x^2

B. g(x)= (1/2x)^2

C. g(x)= 2x^2

D. g(x)= 1/2x^2



D. g(x) = 1/2 × x²

Step-by-step explanation:

we need to pick the function that delivers

g(2) = 2

as the given point shows the coordinates (2, 2).

that means x=2, y=g(x)=2

A. for x=2

1/4 × x² = 1/4 × 2² = 1/4 × 4 = 1

wrong, as we need 2 as result.

B. for x=2

(x/2)² = (2/2)² = 1² = 1


C. for x=2

2×x² = 2×2² = 2×4 = 8


D. for x=2

1/2 × x² = 1/2 × 2² = 1/2 × 4 = 2


How many arrangements of the letters in the word "SCHOOLS" are there?



After careful consideration the answer is...


Hope I helped




Step-by-step explanation:


what are the zeros in this equation?
f(x) = 2x^2 + 6x^2 + 2


So you definately wrote something wrong but I will assume the 6x^2 was meant to be just 6x.

2x^2 + 6x + 2 = 0

x^2 + 3x + 1 = 0

I can't seem to find a better way than to simply use the quadratic formula:

(-3 + sqrt(9 - 4*1*1))/2 [tex]\approx[/tex] -0.382

(-3 - sqrt(9 - 4*1*1))/2 [tex]\approx[/tex] -2.62

So the zeroes for this function are at

(-0.382, 0) and (-2.62, 0)

Or exactly:

((-3 + sqrt(9 - 4*1*1))/2, 0) and ((-3 - sqrt(9 - 4*1*1))/2, 0)

P=2L+2W; L=57, W=148 solve for P



[tex]{ \bf{P = 2L + 2W}} \\ { \tt{P = 2(W + L)}} \\ { \tt{P = 2(148 + 57)}} \\ { \tt{P = 410}}[/tex]



Step-by-step explanation:


Find the value of xxx in the triangle shown below.
x =x=x, equals




x = 46°

Step-by-step explanation:

Since 2 legs of the triangle are congruent, then the triangle is isosceles with the 2 base angle congruent , then

x = [tex]\frac{180-88}{2}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{92}{2}[/tex] = 46°

The given triangle is an isosceles triangle, where two sides and two angles are congruent.

The value of x is 46 degrees

Because the triangle is isosceles, and the base angles are x.

The following equation can be used to solve for x

[tex]x + x + 88 = 180[/tex] --- sum of angles in a triangle

So, we have:

[tex]2x + 88 = 180[/tex]

Collect like terms

[tex]2x =- 88 + 180[/tex]

[tex]2x =92[/tex]

Divide both sides by 2

[tex]x =46[/tex]

Hence, the measure of x is [tex]46^o[/tex]

Read more about isosceles triangles at:


which algebraic expression represents this phrase? the product of 16 and the time after the start A. 16· t B. 16-t C. 16/t D. 16+ t



the answer is C. 16/t

Step-by-step explanation:

The fourth term of an=(1/2)^n is




Step-by-step explanation:

The formula for the sequence [tex]a_n=\frac{1}{2}^n[/tex] is used to find the [tex]n[/tex]th term of the sequence.

To find the fourth term, substitute [tex]n=4[/tex]:

[tex]a_4=\left(\frac{1}{2})\right ^4,\\a_4=\frac{1^4}{2^4}=\boxed{\frac{1}{16}}[/tex]



Step-by-step explanation:

the nth term is

[tex]a_{n} = (\frac{1}{2} )^{n}[/tex]

the 4th term is found by substituting n=4

[tex]a_{4} =(\frac{1}{2} )^{4} = \frac{1^{4} }{2^{4} } = \frac{1}{16}[/tex]

Evaluate the following expressions


Step-by-step explanation:





someone find x for me lol


Hi there!

[tex]\large\boxed{x = 60^o}[/tex]

We know:

∠AGB ≅ ∠DGC because they are vertical angles. They both are 90°.

∠AGE ≅ FGC because they are vertical angles, equal 30°.

∠BGF ≅ ∠DGE are vertical angles, both equal x.

All angles sum up to 360°, so:

360° = 90° + 90° + 30° + 30° + x + x


360° = 240° + 2x


120°  = 2x

x = 60°

Two cars that are 150 miles apart start driving toward each other on parallel roads. The average speed of the first car is 60 miles per hour. The average speed of the second car is 55 miles per hour. Which equation can be used to determine t, the time it takes for the two cars to pass each other? A table showing Rate in mile per hour, Time in hours, and Distance in miles. The first row shows First Car and has 60, t, and 60 t. The second row shows Second Car and has, 55, t, and 55 t.



60t + 55t = 150

Step-by-step explanation:

I took the test. I know it's correct!!!

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