Which power does this expression simplify to?
- -


Answer 1

Step-by-step explanation:

Answer is in attached image...

hope it helps

Answer 2


its a

Step-by-step explanation:

just did it

Related Questions

Paul can install a 300-square-foot hardwood floor in 18 hours. Matt can install the same floor in 22 hours. How long would it take Paul and Matt to install the floor working together?
4 hours
9.9 hours
13.2 hours
30 hours



9.9 hours

Step-by-step explanation:

The formula to determine the time together is

1/a+1/b = 1/c  where a and b are the times alone and c is the time together

1/18 + 1/22 = 1/c

The least common multiply of the denominators is 198c

198c(1/18 + 1/22 = 1/c)

11c+ 9c = 198

20c = 198

Divide by 20

20c/20 =198/20

c =9.9


B - 9.9 hrs

Step-by-step explanation:

took the test.

Find the length of the arc.

A. 539π/12 km
B. 9π/3 km
C. 9π/2 km
D. 18π km



b because it is I found out cus I took test

The length of the arc 9π/2 km.

The answer is option C.9π/2 km.

What is the arc of the circle?

The arc period of a circle can be calculated with the radius and relevant perspective using the arc period method.

  ⇒angle= arc/radius

     ⇒  135°=arc/6km

     ⇒ arc =135°*6km

     ⇒arc=135°*π/180° * 6km

    ⇒arc = 9π/2 km

Learn more about circle here:-https://brainly.com/question/24375372


please solve the question ​



[tex]g(-1) = -1[/tex]

[tex]g(0.75) = 0[/tex]

[tex]g(1)= 1[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


See attachment

Solving (a): g(-1)

We make use of:

[tex]g(x) = -1[/tex]

Because: [tex]-1 \le x < 0[/tex] is true for x =-1


[tex]g(-1) = -1[/tex]

Solving (b): g(0.75)

We make use of:

[tex]g(x) = 0[/tex]

Because: [tex]0 \le x < 1[/tex] is true for x =0.75


[tex]g(0.75) = 0[/tex]

Solving (b): g(1)

We make use of:

[tex]g(x) = 1[/tex]

Because: [tex]1 \le x < 2[/tex] is true for x =1


[tex]g(1)= 1[/tex]

Which ratio is equal to 27 : 81?


3:9 and if you reduce it again, 1:3



Step-by-step explanation:

27 : 81

Divide each side by 27

27/27 : 81/27


A publisher reports that 54% of their readers own a personal computer. A marketing executive wants to test the claim that the percentage is actually different from the reported percentage. A random sample of 200 found that 44% of the readers owned a personal computer. Is there sufficient evidence at the 0.10 level to support the executive's claim


The null and alternate hypotheses are

H0 : u = 0.44  vs   Ha: u > 0.44

Null hypothesis: 44% of readers own a personal computer.

Alternate Hypothesis : greater than 44% of readers own a personal computer.

This is one tailed test and the critical region for this one tailed test for the significance level 0.1 is  Z >  ±1.28

The given values are

p1= 0.54 , p2= 0.44 ; q2= 1-p2= 0.56

Using z test

Z = p1-p2/√p2(1-p2)/n

Z= 0.54-0.44/ √0.44*0.56/200

z= =0.1/ 0.03509

z=  2.849

Since the calculated value of Z=  2.849 is greater than Z= 1.28  reject the null hypothesis therefore there is sufficient evidence to support the executive's claim.

Null hypothesis is rejected

There is sufficient evidence to support the executive's claim at 0.10 significance level.


The blueprints of a house have a scale factor of 30. If one side of the house measures 4 inches on the blueprint, how long is the actual side length (in feet)?

A. 7.5 feet
B.10 feet
C. 90 feet
D. 120 feet


c. 90 feet is the actual length

If the scale factor is 30, then all you have to do is multiply each measurement by the scale factor. In this case, 4 · 30 = 120.

The curve y=2x^3+ax^2+bx-30 has a stationary point when x=3. The curve passes through the point (4,2).

(A) Find the value of a and the value of b.

#secondderivative #stationarypoints


A stationary point at x = 3 means the derivative dy/dx = 0 at that point. Differentiating, we have

dy/dx = 6x ² + 2ax + b

and so when x = 3,

0 = 54 + 6a + b


6a + b = -54 … … … [eq1]

The curve passes through the point (4, 2), which is to say y = 2 when x = 4. So we also have

2 = 128 + 16a + 4b - 30


16a + 4b = -96

4a + b = -24 … … … [eq2]

Eliminate b by subtracting [eq2] from [eq1] and solve for a, then for b :

(6a + b) - (4a + b) = -54 - (-24)

2a = -30

a = -15   ===>   b = 96

AM and CM
BM and BM
AB and CB


These are variables on your graph

Select the statement that best justifies the conclusion based on the given information.

a. Definition of bisector.
b. Definition of midpoint.
c. If two lines intersect, then their intersection is exactly one point.
d. Through any two different points, exactly one line exists.


9514 1404 393


  a. Definition of bisector.

Step-by-step explanation:

Line l is a line through the midpoint M. We can conclude it is a bisector, because, by definition, a bisector is a line through the midpoint.

The conclusion is justified by the definition of a bisector.

. Using the identity (a + b)² = (a² + 2ab + b²), evaluate 112²


[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 112^2[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto (100+12)^2[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 100^2+2(100)(12)+12^2[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 10000+2400+144[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 12400+144[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 12544[/tex]


Using Identity

(a + b)² = (a² + 2ab + b²)



⇛(100 + 12)²

⇛(100)² + 2 × 100 × 12 + (12)²

⇛10000 + 2400 + 144

⇛12400 + 144


What is the slope of a roof on a house that has a vertical height of 2.4 feet from the ceiling of the top floor to the top of the pitch and a length of 8.2 feet from the center of the edge of the house?



Step-by-step explanation:

It is unclear from the phrasing what dimension 8.2 ft represents.

If 8.2 ft is the direct distance from the edge of the roof to the top of the pitch, then the horizontal distance from the edge to the top is √(8.2²-2.4²) ≅ 7.84 ft, and the slope is 2.4/7.84 ≅ 0.31

If 8.2 ft is the horizontal distance from the edge of the root to the top of the pitch, then the slope is 2.4/8.2 ≅ 0.29

The slope of a roof on a house is 0.2926 and the angle of elevation is 16.31°.

What is slope of a line?

The slope or gradient of a line is a number that describes both the direction X and Y and the steepness of the line. It is the ratio of the vertical change to the horizontal change between any two distinct points on a line.

For the given situation,

The diagram below shows the house with the roof.

The vertical height of roof on a house, rise = 2.4 feet

The horizontal length of a roof on a house, run = 8.2 feet

The slope of a roof can be found as

[tex]Slope = \frac{rise}{run}[/tex]

⇒ [tex]slope = (\frac{2.4}{8.2} )[/tex]

⇒ [tex]slope = 0.2926[/tex]

The angle of the slope of a roof can be found as

[tex]tan \alpha =\frac{vertical height}{horizontal length}[/tex]

⇒ [tex]\alpha =tan^{-1} (\frac{2.4}{8.2} )[/tex]

⇒ [tex]\alpha =tan^{-1} (0.2926)[/tex]

⇒ [tex]\alpha =16.31[/tex]

Hence we can conclude that the slope of a roof on a house is 0.2926 and the angle of elevation is 16.31°.

Learn more about slope of a line here



For the function G defined by G(x) = 5x + 3, find G(2)



[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto G(2)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 5(2)+3[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 10+3[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 13[/tex]

Option c is correct

13, replace x as 2 and then solve, 5(2)+3 which is 10+3 which equals 13.

What is the total cost of a $28 pair of jeans if the sales tax is 7.5%?




Step-by-step explanation:

First find the amount of tax

28 * 7.5%

28 * .075


Add this to the price of the pants

28+2.10 =30.10

if point B is the midpoint of points A and C, find the value of x and AC. AB= 5x - 2, BC= 9x -10


9514 1404 393


x = 2AC = 16

Step-by-step explanation:

The midpoint divides the segment into two equal lengths:

  AB = BC

  5x -2 = 9x -10

  8 = 4x

  2 = x

  AB = 5(2) -2 = 8

  AC = 2AB = 2(8) = 16

Coefficient and degree of the polynomial



The leading coefficient is -8 as it is a mix of x and cardinal, if it was x alone then it wouldn't be the coefficient, we would use the next number shown.

If it was just a number and no x then it would still be the coefficient.

The degree is 9 as it is the highest power shown.

Step-by-step explanation:

See attachment for examples

What is the sum of the infinite geometric series?​




Step-by-step explanation:

a1= -3

r= -(3/2)/-3 = 0.5


s= a1/1-r

= -3/1-0.5


Question 17 of 25
Solve the inequality. Enter the answer as an inequality that shows the value of
the variable; for example f>7, or 6 < w. Where necessary, use <= to write s
and use >= to write .
V-(-5) <-9
Answer here




v- remove brackets -5

v- -5= -4 +5 ( opposite operation)

v- = -4

v< -4

The figure shows an equilateral triangle with its sides as indicated. find the length of each side of the triangle .

I Will Mark Brainliest​




Step-by-step explanation:

All three sides are equal

2x-7 = x+y-9 = y+5

Using the last two

x+y-9 = y+5

Subtract y from each side

x+y-9-y = y+5-y

x-9 = 5

Add 9 to each side

x -9+9 = 5+9


We know the side length is


2(14) -7



The side length is 21

7. Solve for x: x/6 - y/3 = 1

Please give steps!


x/6 - y/3 = 1
<=> x/6 = 1+ y/3
<=> x/6 = (3+y)/3
<=> x = (3+y)/3 x 6
<=> x = 2(3+y)
So the answer is x = 2(3+y)

Circled one I need help with thank you!!



If a set has “n” elements, then the number of subset of the given set is 2n and the number of proper subsets of the given subset is given by 2n-1. Consider an example, If set A has the elements, A = {a, b}, then the proper subset of the given subset are { }, {a}, and {b}

Symbol that can be used-

The symbol "⊆" means "is a subset of". The symbol "⊂" means "is a proper subset of".

Hope it helps you... pls mark brainliest if it helped you.

Find the equation of the line that contains the point (4, -2) and is perpendicular to the line y = - 2x + 5.
y = 2x - 10
y = - 2x + 6
y = - 1/2x
y = 1/2x - 4



It's option D. y = 1/2x - 4

Step-by-step explanation:

I used Desmos to find the answer, hope the graph helps!

You need to design a rectangle with a perimeter of 14.2 cm. The length must be 2.4 cm. What is the width of the
rectangle? (You might want to draw a picture.)

a) Let w = the width of the rectangle. Write the equation you would use to solve this problem.

b) Now solve your equation
* cm.
The width of the rectangle must be. Cm


Part (a)

Answer: 2(2.4+w) = 14.2



L = 2.4 = length

W = unknown width

The perimeter of any rectangle is P = 2(L+W)

We replace L with 2.4, and replace P with 14.2 to get 14.2 = 2(2.4+w) which is equivalent to 2(2.4+w) = 14.2


Part (b)

Answer:   w = 4.7



We'll solve the equation we set up in part (a)

2(2.4+w) = 14.2

2(2.4)+2(w) = 14.2

4.8+2w = 14.2

2w = 14.2-4.8

2w = 9.4

w = 9.4/2

w = 4.7

The width must be 4.7 cm.

distance between 4, -4 and -7, -4


Step-by-step explanation:

here's the answer to your question

Answer: Distance = 11

Step-by-step explanation:


Here, we need to know the idea of the distance formula.

The distance formula is the formula, which is used to find the distance between any two points.

If you are still confused, please refer to the attachment below for a clear version of the formula.


Find the distance between A and B, where:

A (4, -4)B (-7, -4)







Hope this helps!! :)

Please let me know if you have any questions

3w2 – 21w = 0

Need some help.



The solutions are w=0 ,7

Step-by-step explanation:

3w^2 – 21w = 0

Factor out 3w

3w(w-7) =0

Using the zero product property

3w=0  w-7=0

w =0    w=7

The solutions are w=0 ,7

А _______ equation can be written in the form ax2 + bx+c=0 where a, b, and c are real numbers, and a is a nonzero number.

Fill in the blank.

A) quadratic
B) quartic
C) linear
D) cubic

Wrong answers WILL be reported. Thanks!



A) quadratic

Step-by-step explanation:

ax2 + bx+c=0

Since the highest power of the equation is 2

A) quadratic -2

B) quartic- 4

C) linear- 1

D) cubic-3

A) quadratic because the highest power of the equation is 2

Open the graphing tool one last time. Compare the graphs of y=log (x-k) and y=log x+k in relation to their domain, range, and asymptotes. Describe what you see.



sorry I don't know the answer


For the equation y=log(x-k), the domain depends on the value of K. Sliding K moves the left bound of the domain interval. The range and the right end behavior stay the same. For the equation y=log x+k, the domain is fixed, starting at an x-value of 0. The vertical asymptote is also fixed. The range of the equation depends on K.

Step-by-step explanation:

he following chart reports the number of cell phones sold at a big-box retail store for the last 26 days. a. What are the maximum and the minimum numbers of cell phones sold in a day? b. Using the median, what is the typical number of cell phones sold?



Maximum = 19

Minimum = 4

Median = 12

Step-by-step explanation:

The maximum number of phone sold per day is the value to the right of the horizontal axis as the values are arranged in ascending order ; Hence, the maximum number of phones sold per day is 19

Also, the minimum number of phones sold per day is the value to the left of the plot, Hence, minimum number of phones sold per day is 14.

The Median value : 4, 9, 14, 19

The median = 1/2(n+1)th term

1/2(5)th term = 2.5 th term

Median (9 + 14) /2 = 13 /2 = 11.5 = 12 phones

Test for symmetry and then graph the polar equation.



Symmetric with respect to the x-axis

Symmetric with respect to the y-axis

Symmetric with respect to the origin

Help with solving this Functions problem



See answers below

Step-by-step explanation:

Given the following functions:

r(x) = x - 6

s(x) = 2x²

r(s(x)) = r(2x²)

Replacing x with 2x² in r(x) will give;

r(2x²) = 2x² - 6

r(s(x)) = 2x² - 6

(r-s)(x) = r(x) - s(x)

(r-s)(x) = x - 6 - 2x²


(r-s)(x) = - 2x²+x-6

(r+s)(x) = r(x) + s(x)

(r-s)(x) = x - 6 + 2x²


(r-s)(x) = 2x²+x-6

If the total income generated from Gasoline for AER was $408 millions, how much would be the cost for a barrel of gasoline



$20 per gallon

Step-by-step explanation:

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