Which prediction is true based on this population pyramid?

The population is not growing.

The population is growing slowly.

The population is growing rapidly.

The population is declining.


Answer 1
I would say the population is growing slowly.

Hopefully that’s right.

Related Questions

Hemophilia is a serious bleeding disorder caused by a sex-linked recessive allele. What are the chances of a normal male and a female who is a carrier for hemophilia having a child with hemophilia?
1/4 or 25%
1/2 or 50%
3/4 or 75%



‼️A) 1/4 25% Chance‼️


If she gets the X chromosome with the hemophilia gene, she will have hemophilia. A man who has hemophilia and a woman who is a carrier have: a 25% (one in four) chance of having a son with hemophilia.




the sex linked trait is to the x chromosome but only one. that means the female would pass 50% the allele 50% of the time

How is Gaucher disease treated?


Gaucher disease has no cure. Treatment options for types 1 and 3 include medicine and enzyme replacement therapy, which is usually very effective. There is no good treatment for the brain damage of types 2 and 3.

Which factor can decrease the rate of a chemical reaction?


The reaction rate decreases with a decrease in temperature. Catalysts can lower the activation energy and increase the reaction rate without being consumed in the reaction. Differences in the inherent structures of reactants can lead to differences in reaction rates.

Which of the following is NOT an importance of
cell division?
A. Repair
B. Reproduction
C. Temperature Regulation
D. Growth





Have a nice day

The correct answer would be C. Temperature Regulation.

Which of the following is a disadvantage of using solar energy?
A. Solar energy produces greenhouse gases.
B. Solar energy is available only in the summer
C. Solar panels do not work very well.
D. Solar panels are expensive.



d. Solar panels are expensive.


All the other things are not right.

D. Solar panels are expensive.

- The other options don’t make sense

A forest fire destroys an area. A small population of trees and a large population of birds are both affected. Which type
of limiting factor causes this?
O density dependent
O density independent
O population dependent
O population independent



Density independent is the correct answer

The type of limiting factor that causes this scenario are density-independent factors, which is Option B, because they affect populations regardless of their size or density.

What are density-independent factors?

Density-independent factors are environmental factors that affect populations regardless of their size or density. These factors can include natural disasters such as forest fires, floods, hurricanes, droughts, and other extreme weather events. Other examples of density-independent factors include habitat destruction, pollution, and climate change. In the scenario described, a forest fire destroyed an area, which can lead to the decline of both tree and bird populations. The fire could kill the trees and destroy their habitats, making it difficult for the surviving trees to grow or reproduce.

Hence, the type of limiting factor that causes this scenario are density-independent factors, which is Option B, because they affect populations regardless of their size or density.

Learn more about the density-independent factors here.



Jika Kita ingin memasuki gua yang dalam ,Kita digalakkan untuk membawa obor api selain lampu suluh sebagai penunjuk kehadiran oksigen.Apakah kelebihan menggunakan obor di dalam gua?​


ok so this to inform you that i have to get b points thank you

Which of the following most accurately describes most scientists' current understanding of the evolution of humans?
A: Humans have not evolved.
B: Humans, chimpanzees, and other primates share a common ancestor.
C: Gorillas evolved from humans and chimpanzees.
D. Humans evolved from gorillas and other primates.



B: Humans, chimpanzees, and other primates share a common ancestor.


According to the theory of evolution, organisms of a particular species change in their characteristics over several generations because of the process of natural selection. The idea of evolution derives from the fact that all species are related and gradually change over time.

Species which are somewhat related all share a common ancestor. Hence, humans, chimpanzees, and other primates all share a common ancestor.


Which of the following does NOT incorporate phosphorus?
A. Phospholipids
B. Nucleotides
D. Carbohydrates




Which of the following is TRUE about the law of independent assortment?
A.The homologous chromosomes are separated.

B.The maternal chromosomes are not separated in one pole.

C.The paternal
chromosomes are not separated in one pole.

D.All of the choices





homologous chromosomes seperate during indeendent assortment. Its not D or C, since independent assortment occurs with seperation and B makes less sense

Cellular respiration is a mirror image of photosynthesis, meaning that the chemical reaction is the reverse. Below is the chemical reaction for photosynthesis. Which of the following would be the correct chemical reaction for cellular respiration?
6 CO2 + 6 H2O → C6H12O6 + 6 O2

A. 6 CO2 + 6 H2O → C6H12O6 + 6 O2
B. 6 CO2 + 6 H2O → 6 CO2 + 6 H2O
C. C6H12O6 + 6 O2 → 6 CO2 + 6 H2O
D. C6H12O6 + 6 O2 → C6H12O6 + 6 O2



its (C)


C 6 H 12 O 6 + 6 O 2 --> 6 CO 2 + 6 H 2 O + ATP is the complete balanced chemical formula for cellular respiration.

pls mark me as branliest I would really appreciate that.

hope it helped u

Which strand of mRNA would be made during transcription using the DNA
strand shown below?






It would be C because since it’s CTG ATA, the strand of mRNA that would be used is GAC TAT; C with G and A with T if that makes sense


its GAC UAU give me some likes lol


A gene with the sequence ATTCATTCA underwent duplication after a few generations. Which sequence represents this gene after the mutation?



The sequence would be ATTCATTCA.


Usually, when a sequence is duplicated, one of them becomes a non-coding. It's just like a computer. There can only be one specific file, or else a duplicated one will just replace the existing one, if you allow the file to do so. Same with DNA. This is why most of our DNA have no function and why we lost genetic abilities such as being able to produce our own Vitamin C.

So instead of the new gene being ATTCATTCAATTCATTCA, it's simply ATTCATTCA. You simply cannot have duplicates, just like computer files. I wish I could share an amazing video by PBS Eons giving a great explanation about genes and stuff, but sadly Brainly doesn't like such stuff, so just search up in ㄚㄖㄩㄒㄩ乃乇 (ebuTouY) "genes we lost along the way" and it should be the first video that pops out. Trust me, it's a great video, it's much better than my explanation.

what molecules provides the energy to make glucose through photosynthesis?



Sugar molecules. What molecules create sugar you ask 12 atoms of carbon, 22 atoms of hydrogen, and 11 atoms of oxygen


Plants convert energy from sunlight into sugar in a process called photosynthesis. Photosynthesis uses energy from light to convert water and carbon dioxide molecules into glucose (sugar molecule) and oxygen.

An astronomer measures the distance to two stars using the parallax method. When comparing the placement of the stars six months apart, the star that is further away: A. Changes position the most B. Changes position the least C. Appears brighter D. Appears dimmer



I would say A but im not 100% sure


The parallax method uses the angle to measure the distance of the objects in space. When the method is used 6 months after then, the star further away changes its position the most. Thus, option A is correct.

What is the parallax technique?

The parallax method determines the displacement of the object in the space when viewed from the line of sight and is determined by the angle of the inclination of the shift.

It is used to measure the distance of the planet to the nearby stars and is measured again after six months. It is the change of the position of the object or the celestial body with respect to the observer's position.

Therefore, the star located farthest will change its position the most.

Learn more about the parallax technique here:



Nucleic acids are chains of ____ linked by peptide bonds

a. nucleotides

b. amino acids

c. proteins

d. nuclei


The answer is protein i took the test


option (c) protein is your answer ans..

What is the standard deviation of a group of individuals' BMIs (round to 2 decimal places)? Their BMIs are 20.58, 22.00, 23.42, 23.47, 25.68, and 33.1.


The answer is 20.58.

**25 POINTS **
the diagram shows a shell fossil, which type of fossil is shown ?

i picked one but im not sure , pls hurry i have a time limit and i need help



mold is right answer go for it quickly


A. Mold


Molds preserve a three-dimensional impression of remains buried in sediment.

What is the main difference between a taxon and a clade?



A Taxon is a rank or group in a biological classification into which taxonomists classify related organisms. A clade is a group of organisms that are monophyletic and is composed of a common ancestor and all its lineal Descendants


The other guy didn't add a Copy and Paste thing, so here.

is scientific inquiry the same as the scientific method



Scientific inquiry is different from the scientific method.


The scientific method follows a linear step-by-step process in order to answer a question, while scientific inquiry does not follow a linear step-by-step process. Scientific inquiry helps you think outside the box to understand the natural world.

Suzanne has a cat and uses a pet carrier to take her cat to the veterinarian. After a few years, the cat runs away
and hides every time Suzanne gets the carrier out
Which best describes the cat's behavior?
O reflex
O conditioned
O imprinting
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Answer: Conditioned


the cat realizes that the carrier will cause her pain so her brain will associate pain with carrier and then will be scared of it

Which of the following newborns has the lowest chance of having health problems?
A. Rosalind- 6 lbs
B. Charles- 11 lbs
C. Nikola- 7.5 lbs
D. Marie- 5 lbs



C Nikola


7.5 ibs is the most average and ideal weight for newborns.

Rosalind is the newborn who the lowest chance of having health problems. Thus, the correct option is A.

What are health problems?

Health problems may be defined as a situation of disease or medical ailment or an environmental condition that poses the threat of disease or medical ailment practically.

Rosalind weighs 6lbs which is equal to 2.72 kilograms. The most ideal and normal weight of newborns should be ranging in between 2.5 to 3 kilograms.

Therefore, Rosalind is the newborn who the lowest chance of having health problems. Thus, the correct option is A.

To learn more about Health problems, refer to the link:



The pun nett square is for a test cross of two mice That were purebred


i don’t know this answer my b

Hitchhikers thumb (H) is dominant to no hitchhikers thumb (h). A woman who does not have hitchhiker some marries a man who is Carretera genus for hitchhikers thumb. What is the probable genotypic of their children?


Complete question:

3. Hitchhiker’s thumb (H) is dominant to no hitchhiker’s thumb (h). A woman who does not have hitchhiker’s thumb marries a man who is heterozygous for hitchhiker’s thumb. What is the probable genotypic ratio of their children? What is the probable genotypic of their children?

Answer and Explanation:

Due to technical problems, you will find the complete answer and explanation in the attached files

can someone help me?



I believe it's A, commencualism.


Because it means that one type of animal pairs itself with another to provide a service or perk, while the other maybe offers protection or something similar, improving the species.

I hope it's correct tho, sorry if it's not. ♥

3. What is spontaneous generation? a. the idea that microorganisms have the ability to sterilize lie b. the idea that microorganisms need intense heat to reproduc c. the idea that substances produce germs only when microon d. the idea that substances can produce germs on their own​



The correct answer is -  d. the idea that substances can produce germs on their own​.


Spontaneous generation is an obsolete theory or idea that supports the production of living things and substances from non-living substances and things.

This purpose is that the living creatures could arise from nonliving matter. In microbiology, it is an idea that says that substances can produce germs on their own even if the substances are not similar.

Try to find out why (what the root word is and where it comes from), and report your findings here. Why do you think the root word is contained in all these words?


Prokaryote: one cell organelle
Eukaryote: multi cell organelle

Are the structures that unicellular and multicellular beings have developed to perform nutrition the same or different? Why?



Cells function differently in unicellular and multicellular organisms, but in every organism, each cell has specialized cell structures, or organelles, of which there are many. These organelles are responsible for a variety of cellular functions, such as obtaining nutrients, producing energy, and making proteins.

hope this helps you

have a nice day:)

Please help me answer this. Thank you ♡´・ᴗ・`♡



i need help too


i need it today


1. 23.5 degrees

2. 24 hours

3. 365 days

10. Earth's axis is tilted

Explanation: those are the only ones I know good luck :D!

The fluid inside the mitochondria is called the _______________.


The fluid inside the mitochondria is called the matrix.




It is called Matrix

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