Which principle of the Pledge of Allegiance to the Georgia Flag applies to the governor of Georgia?​


Answer 1


To the Republic for which it stands


The US is a representative republic that reserves all powers not expressly granted to the federal be given to the states via the 10th amendment

Related Questions

Impeachment process the Senate's role



The Senate sits as a High Court of Impeachment in which senators consider evidence, hear witnesses, and vote to acquit or convict the impeached official. ... The Constitution requires a two-thirds vote of the Senate to convict, and the penalty for an impeached official upon conviction is removal from office.


Read the paragraph that’s in the photo, then answer the questions. It’s just two questions! Plzzz answer my question fast! Plzzz



1. The Neolithic Area was from 9000 - 3000 BCE.

2. The archeologists can tell what era the town is from based upon the materials of the tools they uncover from the town during the dig.


The paragraph.

The American Revolution greatly affected France. Which of the following was one of the effects? (5 points)
The French decided to peacefully resolve their issues.
French rebels rejected America’s declaration of freedom.
The French people were inspired to attempt a revolution of their own.
The economy of France was greatly strengthened because of trade with America.


Answer: I'm pretty sure its C.

Explanation: I dont think its any of the other answers. A- It wasn't very peaceful. B- they didn't reject america. D-The economy of France wasnt doing too good at the time which was one factor leading to revolution.

The French people were inspired to attempt a revolution of their own. is the one The American Revolution greatly affected France. Therefore option C is correct.

What is a Revolution?

A revolution is a fundamental shift away from the status quo, typically involving established political and social structures, according to the departments of history and political science. Revolutions typically take the shape of coordinated movements intended to bring about change—whether it is in the realms of economics, technology, politics, or society.

When a nation's social atmosphere shifts and the political system does not respond appropriately, revolutions result. Existing conditions discourage people, which modifies their ideals and beliefs. Philosophers have had varying opinions about whether revolution is a normal occurrence in an evolving society or whether it denotes social decay throughout history.

Aristotle, a Greek philosopher, connected revolution to a variety of factors, but mostly to the pursuit of equality and honor. Plato connected societal deterioration and revolution. He held the opinion that institutions like the State or the Church fail to instill in society a set of morals and values that serve to prevent disruption, which is when revolutions take place.

To learn more about Revolution follow the link.



Which inference can be made using the excerpt above?​



what inference


Believed that people were naturally evil and needed a government to keep peace. Answers
A. Hobbes
B. Locke



A. Hobbes


Thomas Hobbes, one of the modern political philosophies and one of the basic works of political theory and social contract theory. He advocated the idea of inherently bad human nature, unlike some later thinkers like Rousseau, which set him apart from them.

Hobbes was misunderstood by many of his contemporaries, and that remains largely the case today.

His ideas have often been misused as a veil to cover up or justify the illegal moves of modern dictators.

12. Make a prediction for what will happen next in the book.
(Number the stars)



Making predictions is a strategy in which readers use information from a text (including titles, headings, pictures, and diagrams) and their own personal experiences to anticipate what they are about to read (or what comes next).


Early Chinese rulers established ____ by conquering and uniting kingdoms under the rule of one emperor from 624 to the early 1100s the _____ ruled over a golden age of prosperity before the mongols invaded

If anyone can help that would be awesome I really need help with this



Early Chinese rulers established dynasties by conquering and uniting kingdoms under the rule of one emperor. From 624 to the early 1100s, the Tang and Song dynasties ruled over a golden age of prosperity before the Mongols invaded.


hope this helps :^)

The stamp act required colonists to



Specifically, the act required that, starting in the fall of 1765, legal documents and printed materials must bear a tax stamp provided by commissioned distributors who would collect the tax in exchange for the stamp.


Instead of levying a duty on trade goods, the Stamp Act imposed a direct tax on the colonists.


the stamp act required colonists to pay a tax represented with a stamp, for all documentst that they were sending.

NEED HELP WITH THIS ASAP ILL GIVE BRAINLIST What river is labeled on this map?
A) Mekong River
B) Ganges River
C) Yangtze River
D) Huang He River


Answer: The answer is B



Which statement is true about the rights of American women in the early 1800s?
A. Women are treated differently depending on factors such as race and social class.
B. All women suffered the same lack of rights and received equal treatment.
C. Women who had more children were given more rights by the government.
D. Wealthy women were allowed to vote in national elections and to own land.



Its B


I took the test and got it right.


A. women were treated differently depending on factors such as race and social class.


I answered B like the other people said and got it wrong. the actual answer is A

Which of the following is TRUE about separation of powers in Georgia's government?

The main responsibility of the Georgia General Assembly is to make laws.

It allows the governor of Georgia to be elected and serve a four year term.

The main responsibility of the Georgia Supreme Court is to enforce the laws.

It allows one branch of the state government to veto or amend the acts of another branch.



C is the only true statement

Put these events in order

= Boston Tea Party
= Colonies declare independence
= Colonies sent a letter to the King to ask for changes
= King creates the proclamation line



1. King creates the proclamation line

2. Boston Tea Party

3. Colonies sent a letter to the King to ask for changes

4. Colonies declare independence


1. King creates the proclamation line - Happened in 1763

In this proclamation, King George III banned American colonists from settling in the areas beyond Appalachian Mountains. The British wanted the area for themselves.

2. Boston Tea Party - Happened in 1773

It's a protest that conducted by American colonists toward the British government due to the unfair tax laws that the British created for the colonists. The colonists threw away British' tea products that intended for export down to the Boston harbor.

3. Colonies sent a letter to the King to ask for changes - Happened in 1774

Due to the Deviance in Boston tea party event, the British tighten the control over the Colonists' territories by sending more of their soldiers and government officials to rule over the colonists. In 1774, the colonies sent the a letter to the King to Repeal this decision.

4. Colonies declare independence - Happened in 1776

The colonists believed that They can no longer see eye to eye with the British government. So they decided to conduct a revolution and declared themselves independent from the British influence.

help pls !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The best answer i got is propaganda
Hope this helps and good luck on all ur examsss :)

______5. If the United States passed a bill establishing a 20% tax on all cars imported from Germany. This would be an example of a
a. fair trade agreement
b. subsidy
c. quota
d. tariff


Tariff d I took the test
it would be tarrif. because tarrif=tax

The fighting that marked Great Britain's defeat in the revolution was named the ..?



Battles of Saratoga

the defeat of the British army at the Battles of Saratoga.


In which region are most of the cities of Brazil?​


Answer: Southeast region

I need help asap :((

I'm really stuck and don't know what to right for this rough draft for Water Consumption.
Write a rough draft for water consumption.



Just write about how water is used and like the history behind water...

If you don't know the history of water then you can search it


Sorry I can't help more but I hope this helps a little

Write a sentence telling what being a soldier in the war may have been like.



We trained very hard everyday not knowing if we would come back home the next day.


srry if that was dark u can change it up a little.

Which department in the georgia state government would he responsible for making decisions regarding these disputes? ​


Answer: the department of natural resources


PLEAZE HELP I WILL DO ANYTHING. Why is it good that each level of government has defined responsibilities and obligations that they're responsible for? AND Why is it good to know what each level of government is responsible for?



so that one part of the governmnt does not gain too  uch power


it is good to know because when part of the government does their job wrong their are peopl to correct them


 Each level of government is responsible for providing services and they each raise money through taxes or charges to pay for those services. Each level may be fully responsible for providing certain services, but often two or three levels of government share responsibilities. And so the so that one part of the government does not gain too much power.


What do the U.S Constitution and Georgia Constitution have in common



Both the Georgia Constitution and the US Constitution contain a Bill of Rights which is designed to safeguard the liberties of the people. ... The Georgia Constitution, like the US Constitution makes mention of the three branches of government—legislative, executive, and judicial.


Hope this helps!!!

Can I have Brainliest?

One major purpose of the Crusades was to: O A. demand fair treatment for European peasants. B. stop Muslim empires from capturing Christian territory. O C. help European nobles take back power from the pope. D. prevent Christian pilgrims from leaving Europe. SUBMIT​



B. stop Muslim empires from capturing Christian territory.

(I think this is the right answer?)


b is the correct answer


Part B
Who is the intended audience for Lincoln's address? Based on the content, how does Lincoln view these different groups



- First, he addresses the American public when he says, “My countrymen, one and all, think calmly and well upon this whole subject.”

- He also speaks to the people who are on the fence regarding secession. He says, “That there are persons in one section or another who seek to destroy the Union at all events and are glad of any pretext to do it I will neither affirm nor deny; but if there be such, I need address no word to them. To those, however, who really love the Union may I not speak?”

- He addresses Southerners who are threatening to secede as "fellow-countrymen": "In your hands, my dissatisfied fellow-countrymen, and not in mine, is the momentous issue of civil war.”

- He could also be talking to other audiences, such as the international community amid the growing tension in the United States. Lincoln would want to reassure allies abroad of his authority as the new president.


This is the answer straight from Plato. I hope that this was helpful to you, please like and rate my answer if it was! :)

How is Cape May New Jersey different from New York?


because its not New York

How did John Quincy plan to ease tensions between the north and the south? 1. By continuing to improve roads, bridges, and canals 2. By protecting Native American lands and rights 3. Through raising tariffs on imports 4. By limiting the spread of slavery to new territories


The correct answer is 1) continuing to improve roads, bridges, and canals.

John Quincy planed to ease tensions between the north and the south by continuing to improve roads, bridges, and canals.

The situation in the country continually presented many and more difficult situations. The issue of slavery and the pressure of the northern abolitionists combined to increase tension between the North and the South.

That is why President John Quincy Adams proposed a special program aimed to invest money in national infrastructure with the aid of federal funding. He wanted to build new bridges, roads, schools, and canals like the Erie Canal that was completed during his tenure.


According to the US
Constitution, what rights do accused people have? Check all that apply.


the right to get their own witnesses

"The very first requirement in a hospital, is that it should do the sick no harm
Which of the following would have been a step toward achieving the goal described in the quotation above?
A vaccinating people against disease
B the move of hospitals from being mostly charities to profit driven businesses
C requiring nurses to wash their hands
D researching the cause of tuberculosis



C. Requiring nurses to wash their hands


The statement tries to say that the organization and staff of the hospital should take all the measurements needed to help their patients and do not worsen their conditions, which means to secure safety. One of the main safety measures is washing hands and following strict hygiene procedures. Without taking care of hygiene, the desires are more likely to spread, the sick can get infected and their status can worsen.

The statement is connected to the Industrial revolution historical period during which people started to improve hygiene conditions. Before this era, the hazards of bad hygiene and the need for constant precocious in that field weren’t that known, and people were not educated on the field of taking care of sanitary conditions. Washing hands only started to become the norm around those times, with more evidence of how much it can help. Therefore, it was vital to educate hospital staff, including nurses, to wash their hands regularly and prevent doing any harm to the sick by unsanitary conditions.

Identify two explorers and describe their expeditions from the Age of Exploration. What was the importance of those expeditions?



The so-called Age of Exploration was a period from the early 15th century and continuing into the early 17th century, during which European ships were traveled around the world to search for new trading routes and partners to feed burgeoning capitalism in Europe. In the process, Europeans encountered peoples and mapped lands previously unknown to them. Among the most famous explorers of the period were Christopher Columbus, Vasco da Gama, Pedro Álvares Cabral, John Cabot, Juan Ponce de León, and Ferdinand Magellan.

The Age of Exploration was rooted in new technologies and ideas growing out of the Renaissance, these included advances in cartography, navigation, and shipbuilding. The most important development was the invention of first the Carrack and then caravel in Iberia. These that were a combination of traditional European and Arab designs were the first ships that could leave the relatively passive Mediterranean and sail safely on the open Atlantic.


The Santa Maria at anchor by Andries van Eertvelt, painted c. 1628

The first great wave of expeditions was launched by Portugal under Prince Henry the Navigator. Sailing out into the open Atlantic the Madeira Islands were discovered in 1419 and in 1427 the Azores were discovered and both became Portuguese colonies. The main project of Henry the Navigator was exploration of the West Coast of Africa. For centuries the only trade routes linking West Africa with the Mediterranean world were over the Sahara Desert. These routes were controlled by the Muslim states of North Africa, long rivals to Portugal. It was the Portuguese hope that the Islamic nations could be bypassed by trading directly with West Africa by sea. It was also hoped that south of the Sahara the states would be Christian and potential allies against the Muslims in the Maghreb. The Portuguese navigators made slow but steady progress, each year managing to push a few miles further south and in 1434 the obstacle of Cape Bojador was overcome. Within two decades the barrier of the Sahara had been overcome and trade in gold and slaves began in with what is today Senegal. Progress continued as trading forts were built at Elmina and Sao Tome and Principe became the first sugar producing colony. In 1482 an expedition under Diogo Cão made contact with the Kingdom of Kongo. The crucial breakthrough was in 1487 when Bartolomeu Dias rounded the Cape of Good Hope and proved that access to the Indian Ocean was possible. In 1498 Vasco da Gama made good on this promise by reaching India.

Portugal’s larger rival Spain had been somewhat slower that their smaller neighbour to begin exploring the Atlantic, and it was not until late in the fifteenth century that Castilian sailors began to compete with their Iberian neighbours. The first contest was for control of the Canary Islands, which Castille won. It was not until the union of Aragon and Castille and the completion of the reconquista that the large nation became fully committed to looking for new trade routes and colonies overseas. In 1492 the joint rulers of the nation decided to fund Christopher Columbus’ expedition that they hoped would bypass Portugal’s lock on Africa and the Indian Ocean reaching Asia by travelling west to reach the east.

Columbus did not reach Asia, but rather found a New World, North America. The issue of defining areas of influence became critical. It resolved by Papal intervention in 1494 when the Treaty of Tordesillas divided the world between the two powers. The Portuguese “received” everything outside of Europe east of a line that ran 270 leagues west of the Cape Verde islands; this gave them control over Africa, Asia and western South America (Brazil). The Spanish received everything west of this line, territory that was still almost completely unknown.

Columbus and other Spanish explorers were initially disappointed with their discoveries. Unlike Africa or Asia the Caribbean islanders had little to trade with the Spanish ships. The islands thus became the focus of colonization efforts. It was not until the continent itself was explored that Spain found the wealth it had sought in the form of abundant gold. In the Americas the Spanish found a number of empires that were as large and populous as those in Europe. However, the Spanish conquistadors, with the aid of the pandemics of disease their arrival unleashed, managed to conquer them with only a handful of men. Once Spanish suzereignancy was established the main focus became the extraction and export of gold and silver.

what is win win situation​


When Both parties have something in there favor
Ex: I clean my room mommies happy she takes me to get ice cream I am happy win win


A win-win situation is where both outcomes are good. So say for example you get to go to your bestfriends house to spend the night, but on the way there you go get icecream. That would be a win-win situation because both outcomes are good.

i need help Which country in Southwest Asia is landlocked?





Thus, coastal regions tend to be wealthier and more heavily populated than inland areas.


If im not wrong it's Laos.

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