Which reason was a push factor, not a pull factor, for people to join the Great Migration? Select three options. need for more workers in the North racial oppression of Jim Crow laws poor economic conditions in the South increase in brutality from the Ku Klux Klan influence of newspapers in Northern cities


Answer 1

The correct answers are "racial oppression of Jim Crow laws," "poor economic conditions in the South," and "influence of newspapers in Northern cities."

The reasons that were a push factor, not a pull factor, for people to join the Great Migration were the following:

-Racial oppression of Jim Crow laws

-Poor economic conditions in the South

-Influence of newspapers in Northern cities

We are talking about the times of the Great Migration.

There was a time in the modern history of the United States when more than 6 million African Americans from the southern states decided to move up north. This was known as the Great Migration.

Black people who lived in the poor and rural areas of the southern states decided to move to the North and Midwest. The migration started around 1916 and finally ended in 1970.

African Americans were tired of segregationism practices in the South and decided to migrate to the North, where the big industries needed extra hands in the factories to operate the machines during  World War I. What these people were looking for was a better life for their families.

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Answer: Si humanos siguen van a destruir la planeta con ese typo de energía.


What is the belief of sola fide?

God already knows what is going to happen.
Only God and faith can save a person’s soul.
Humans have free will to choose salvation.
The pope is God’s representative on Earth.



Justificatio sola fide (or simply sola fide), meaning justification by faith alone, is a Christian theological doctrine commonly held to distinguish the Reformed and the Lutheran traditions of Protestantism, among others, from the Catholic, Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox churches.

Hope it helps you a follow would be appreciated.

How did the transition from an agricultural to an industrial society create the social tensions that led to socialism and communism?



The transition from an agricultural to an industrial society saw the change from a society in which peasants were the majority, to a society in which industrial, urban workers were the majority.


During this process, the nobility lost its power to the capitalists, while peasants were either stripped of their land, or they abandoned it themselves because industry paid at least a bit better.

Workers were landless and only had their labor power to sell in order to survive. Working conditions were very hard, and life expectancy was low. Most people lived in slums were diseases spread, and most of the profit went to the owners of the capital.

These conditions created tensions between the workers and the capitalist class, and the first socialist revolutions emerged, like the Paris Commune, or the October Revolution, which was successful.

Socialism is thus, a transitional period between capitalism and communism, while communism is the ideal, the classless and stateless society.

what democratic principle did modern american government inherit from ancient anthens? a. citizen participation in lawmaking b. abolition of slavery c. equal voting rights for men and women. d. separation of powers among leaders





a. citizen participation in lawmaking


citzen participating in law making

Which of these statements accurately explains why the Common Era begins
with the birth of Jesus of Nazareth over 2,000 years ago?
A. Jesus developed a system of measuring time that could be used
to more accurately track the passage of time than any other
culture's calendar.
B. The period of time now described as the Common Era is based on
older Christian periodization that divided time into a period before
Jesus's birth and a period afterward.
C. The period of time now described as the Common Era officially
began with Jesus's declaration that Christians, Muslims, and Jews
have many beliefs in common.
D. Jesus instructed his Christian followers to create a new calendar
based on his birth and spread it to every country throughout Me



i'm pretty sure The answer is b


Becuase it started it earlier

Between 1945-1959, the United States policy in the Middle East saw the
A. Eisenhower administration assist in the construction of the Aswan Dam.
B. Truman administration refuse to recognize the state of Israel.
C. President Eisenhower seek to end the rule of Egyptian leader Gamal Nasser during the Suez crisis.
D. CIA engineer a coup that brought the Shah of Iran to power.
E. U.S. refuse to join in a UN resolution denouncing British and French actions during the Suez crisis.


The correct answer is D) CIA engineer a coup that brought the Shah of Iran to power.

Between 1945-1959, the United States policy in the Middle East saw the

CIA engineer a coup that brought the Shah of Iran to power.

In 1979, the overthrow of Shah Pahlavi in Iran resulted in an Islamic theocracy.

In response to a supposed Soviet threat to Middle Eastern oil, the US Central Intelligence Agency in 1953 staged a coup to overthrow the Iranian government and install Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlevi as a dictator.

We are talking about the CIA's plan to remove Mohammad Mosadeggh from the government and put Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlevi in his place as the new ruler of Iran. This happened in August 1953. The CIA worked closely with Great Britain intelligence in an operation called "Ajax." The United States helped finance the operation because, in those years of the Cold War, Iran had proven to be an important ally of the US in the Middle East region.

Between 1945-1959, the United States policy in the Middle East saw the CIA engineer a coup that brought the Shah of Iran to power and thus statement D is correct.

How did Shah of Iran came to power?

The democratically elected prime minister Muhammad Mosaddegh was overthrown on 19th August 1953 by Muhammad Reza pahlavi and the shah was brought to power.

Reza was the shah of the area and to strengthen the monarchial rule of Shah the prime minister was overthrone in Iranian coup which was also known as 28 mordad coup.

Therefore, CIA engineer a coup that brought the Shah of Iran to power and thus statement D is correct.

Learn more about Shah of Iran here:


Long’s program to help the poor was called the



Long’s program to help the poor was called the :

“Share our Wealth ”

which began in February 1934

The above answer is correct

amendments that lowered the voting age to eighteen and gave women the right to vote were



That would be the 26th amendment


Why did more Europeans support Jewish immigration to Palestine after
World War II?
A. People around the world felt sympathy for the genocide the Jews
suffered during the war.
B. Arab states that opposed allowing Jews to live in Palestine had
fought against the Allies during the war.
C. Allied leaders wanted to reward Jewish soldiers for their combat
service during the war.
O D. European leaders hoped to force Jews to leave Europe for not
participating in the war.



the answer is a hope that helps

How did Jane Addams try to improve the lives of poor immigrants?



Settlement buildings were made to provide local services in order to reduce urban issues like poverty. Hull House provided a day care facility for children of working moms, a community kitchen, and visiting nurses to these working poor. Addams and her crew taught English literacy, painting, and a variety of other disciplines.


Hope this Helps! Please Mark Brainliest!

Why did most women want to keep working after the war



They wanted to earn more financial income to afford a more comfortable lifestyle.


What role did religion play in the collapse of the Safavid Empire?
A. The oppression of Sunni Muslims led to rebellions that greatly
weakened the empire.
B. State-ordered massacres of Christians in the empire prompted
European states to invade.
C. The international collapse of Shia Islam resulted in the empire's
loss of religious legitimacy.
D. Expensive efforts to spread Islam to the Americas left the empire
nearly bankrupt.



I m not 100% sure but I think its B or C but 8 think its B

In the given figure, l =11m find angle x

pls give the answer correctly​


it is sum is 180

[tex]x + 130 + 140 = 180 \\ x + 270 = 180 \\ x = 180 - 270 \\ x = - 60[/tex]


Solution given:

CL || AM





BN || CL is made:



< BCL+<CBN=180°[shows a. property of co interior angle]


subtracting both side by 130°




<BAM +<ABN=180°[shows property of co interior angle]


subtracting both side by 140°



we have


Therefore the angle x=90°

Describe in detail the view from your
bedroom window. What are the sights,
sounds and smells that you would
typically see, hear and experience at
different times of the day?​



Every morning, I am awakened from my sleep by a bright ray of sunlight that falls on me through my bedroom window, to remind me that another day has begun. As I do my morning exercises, I usually gaze out of my window to see what is happening outside. The heavy traffic, would as usual, be ceaselessly flowing up and down the massive expressway. Vehicles of all shapes, sizes and colors bustle by, creating quite a din. Occasionally, the traffic police would be busy tearing after speeding vehicles.

Beyond the highway, I have a good view of the busiest port in the world. The past few years have seen a noticeable change in the size of this port. Container ships belonging to various countries anchor at the wharves to load and unload their heavy cargo. The huge cranes, forklifts and other equipment scattered all over the port are used to do the heavy tasks of loading and unloading. Containers of an assortment of colors can be seen piled on top of one another all over the yard.

The calm sea by the shipyard is usually crowded with speed-boats and bum-boats ferrying port, officials and passengers from the ships to the landing area and vice versa.

The little islands around Singapore covered with rich tropical vegetation are also visible from my bedroom. Fantasies of building a beautiful house and living on the one of these exotic islands often come to my mind. If only they could become a reality! When the weather is clear, the outline of the nearby Indonesian islands can also be easily traced near the horizon.

The sea has always fascinated me. My yearning to travel grows as I look out of my window every morning. I would not ever want to exchange the view from my bedroom window with any other that anyone can offer me, as the joy and peace it has brought me is immeasurable.

Which of Deng Xiaoping's policies was the largest factor in the 1989
Tiananmen Square protests?

A. Instituting free market reforms that Mao Zedong had opposed

B. Refusing to allow citizens to influence government decisions

C. Forcing poor farmers to produce steel rather than harvesting

D. Seizing private property and collectivizing agricultural


Which of Deng Xiaoping's policies was the largest factor in the 1989

Tiananmen Square protests?

--> B. Refusing to allow citizens to influence government decisions

The primary goal of Columbus’s second voyage to the Americans was



The goal of the expedition was to explore and settle the new lands found by Columbus. One of the prime goals of the expedition was to Christianize whatever natives they would find.


Columbus wanted to convert the indigenous people of the Americas into Christians


Spain was a Christian nation and directed Columbus to create good relations with the indigenous people he encountered and expose them to Christianity.

After Hitler’s demand for all of Sudetenland, world leaders debated whether to
-implement economic sanctions against Germany.
-use League of Nations forces to stop Germany.
-compete with Germany for territory.
-appease Germany by giving in to its demands.


Answer: I'm going to go with the 4th option

Explanation: They wanted to keep peace and stop a war from breaking out

Hope this helps :)

Which of the following is true of the Second New Deal?
Group of answer choices

a. It began in 1938.

b. It overturned the policies of the First New Deal.

c. Its supporters included Upton Sinclair and Dr. Francis Townsend.

d. Its goals were aimed largely at the reform of the capitalist system.


The correct answer is D) Its goals were aimed largely at the reform of the capitalist system.

What is true of the Second New Deal is "Its goals were aimed largely at the reform of the capitalist system."

The Second New Deal started in 1935 and included new programs to extend federal aid and stimulate the nation's economy, such as the Work Progress Administration and the Rural Electrification Administration.

In the decade of 1930s, rural America had no electricity and clear water. The Rural Electrification Administration hired Lester Beall, a graphic designer that created a series of posters describing the benefits of electrification for the communities. The poster created in 1937 is shielded at Rochester Institute of Technology Cary Graphic Arts Collection.

President Roosevelt’s works progress administration of 1935 considered many infrastructure programs for the benefit of the U.S. citizens. But it also considered The Federal Project Number One. This was a program aimed to help writers, musicians, and artists. The aim of Roosevelt was to get jobs for these people in order to entertain the American citizens during those difficult times.

What are some characteristics of a city-state?
A. Farmers serving as makeshift rulers
B. Devoted religious leaders
C. Individual temples and communities devoted to their own gods
D. Chaos, slave revolts, high taxes, and a military


C. Individual temples and communities the world to their own Gods

Two of America's Founding Fathers didn't sign the Constitution. Thomas Jefferson was representing his country in Great Britain and John Adams was doing the same in France

Is this statement correct



No this isn't correct Statement


Here is the correct Statement:

Two of America's Founding Fathers didn't sign the Constitution. Thomas Jefferson was representing his country in France and John Adams was doing the same in Great Britain.

How did the peace Constitution change of 1946 Shintoism ? Plz answer


How did the Peace Constitution of 1946 change Shintoism? The government had agreed to stop funding Shinto, which those they made the treaty with hoped this would take power away from the Emperor. So Shinto became more of a culture thing instead of a religious thing.

Do you know the Answer to this??


Answer: The answer is B: He Would Be Whipped.

Why did the North and South go to war?
The South fought to , while the North fought to .




The South went to war in order to be able to rule themselves.  The South felt that, as a part of the United States, they were being dominated by the North.  They felt that the North had interests that were inimical to those of the South and that the North was constantly trying to promote its interests over those of the South.  The South seceded because Abraham was elected without any Southern support.  They felt that he (regardless of what he said) would abolish slavery and would otherwise work to harm the South.  After they seceded, they went to war when Lincoln tried to maintain Fort Sumter as they felt that this was an example of how the US would try to continue to repress the.


For the North, the cause of war was straightforward.  They went to war because they did not want the South to secede.  They felt that the South’s secession would harm the United States and make it a much weaker country.  They feared what might happen if the South were to ally itself with strong European countries.  All of this made them go to war in an attempt to preserve the Union.


1 ( maintain state sovereignty) 2 (maintain national sovereignty)


Pls help im on a timer

The most important development of the New Stone Age was the ability to communicate
Please select the best answer from the choices provided

•True •false


Answer: its true

explain: trust me lol :)

according to aristotle what is the guiding force for learning


Aristotle promoted reason as the guiding force for learning.

Based on the excerpt you read, match the causes for US support of France in Vietnam to their effects.
Pair 1 . The United States chose to
support a colonial power
over a popular nationalist
Pair 2. The domino theory became
the basis of US policy in
Southeast Asia.

A. Communist revolutions took
place in Malaya and the
B. The United States needed
French assistance in
supporting NATO and
rebuilding West Germany.



( Pair 1 - B ) The US chose to support a colonial power over a popular nationalist leader. - The United States needed French assistance in supporting NATO and rebuilding West Germany.

( Pair 2 - A ) The domino theory became the basis of US policy in Southeast Asia. - Communist revolutions took place in Malaya and the Philippines.


(these are the answers for EDmentum i don't know about Plato)

The correct match of the cause for US support of France in Vietnam to their effects is Pair 1 with Tiles B. The United States chose to support a colonial power over a popular nationalist leader in a match with The United States needed French assistance in supporting NATO and rebuilding West Germany.

What is the reason for France leaving Vietnam?

In the lonely mountain stronghold of Dien Bien Phu in northwest Vietnam, Nationalist forces led by General Vo Nguyen Giap routed the French forces' allies. With the French no longer able to support their Indochinese colonies as a result of this decisive war, Paris swiftly filed a peace request.

Despite having little interest in Vietnam and being undecided about aiding France, the United States started assisting French soldiers in 1950 as a result of the Cold War's escalation and concerns that communism would win out in that country.

Learn more about French-Vietnam here:



The United States could not reach acceptable terms of settlemenet with France regarding peaceful shipping

true or false





false, they were able to reach a settlement

What was one result of the domestic slave trade?
A. Work was easier for the slaves.
B. The value of slaves was lower.
O C. The North had fewer slaves.
D. Slave families ware split up.


D. Slave families were spilt up


At the cost of immense human suffering, this forced migration unlocked a great reservoir of labor and made possible the rapid expansion of the "Peculiar Institution." The domestic slave trade brought misery, separating families and increasing the climate of insecurity in the community.

Match correctly plsss



Newton - Discovered the law of gravity and developed calculus

Kepler - Discovered the 3 laws of planetary motion

Bacon - Pioneered the scientific method

Galileo - Was presecuted for his support of the heliocentric theory


The term New South describes the work of Southerners in changing their:
A. culture.
B. economy
C. politics.
D. all of the above


The answer is: all of the above.




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