Which scenario is an example of intrinsic motivation?

A. Yannick always studies until midnight because he wants to get a good grade.
B. Kimi fixed Gordon’s tablet in exchange for a copy of his notes from math class.
C. Evan noticed the flashing lights in his rearview mirror and pulled over to the curb.
D. Marileta bought a $20 gift card for Rick after drawing his name in the office holiday party.


Answer 1

An example of intrinsic motivation would be reading a book because you enjoy reading and have an interest in the story or subject, rather than reading because you have to write a report on it to pass a class.

hope it's help

Related Questions

Read this excerpt from "The Girl Who Silenced the World for Five Minutes.”

I'm only a child, yet I know if all the money spent on war was spent on ending poverty and finding environmental answers, what a wonderful place this earth would be!

Based on this excerpt, Suzuki most likely believes that


Answer: Based on this excerpt, Suzuki most likely believes that the money spent on the war would be better utilized if it were used to help end poverty or find answers or solutions to environmental issues.

find subject in this sentence. 1 . According to science, life came with comets.​



I think the answer is  science  .


A subject is a part of a sentence that contains the person or thing performing the action (or verb) in a sentence.

why is miss kenton important to the plot of remains of the day?​



her character


She is a strong woman. Kind, intelligent, headstrong, and stubborn. she takes a lot of pride in her work. a big part of the story is the relationship between her and Stevens. she has a lot of moral character and doesn't hesitate to object to the Jewish maids that are getting dismissed AKA fired. but she also recognizes her own fragility as a woman alone and without resources and a society that still expects women to either get married or basically be servants. she's a complicated woman

self control in the hit of rage/extreme anger



When you start feeling angry, try deep breathing, positive self-talk, or stopping your angry thoughts. Breathe deeply from your diaphragm. Slowly repeat a calm word or phrase such as "relax" or "take it easy." Repeat it to yourself while breathing deeply until the anger subsides



If you start to get angry, stop and take deep breaths. Then count back from ten very slowly. Afterwards go to a solitude place to think about what your so angry about. Listen to relaxing music or do something calming to take your mind off that problem.When your calm enough talk about your problem to someone like a parent or friend.

. Katia ______go to university next year
A. is hoping to B. I hope C. is hope to




Katie is hoping to go to university next year.

I think that it will be letter A

help me please I will mark you as brainliest and it is 29 point who cannot do this homework do not answer and you will not get the point ok grade 7



When you came back, she already cleaned the house.

He felt sorry that he hurt his father so much.

When I finished my homework I helped father in the garden.

The policeman said he witnessed the whole scene himself.

Mother hung the clothes on the line after she washed them.

The firemen arrived only a few minutes after our neighbor telephoned them.


Very much explantory.

Which option is the best example of internal rhyme?
A. Becca discovered a moth/ and scared it away with a cloth.
B. Cassandra lives / to care for doves / and gaze at leaves.
C. I am told / that Tia found / a bar of gold / in Puget Sound.
D. He's a wiz in the biz of selling / oil and soil to companies.


Answer: A is the best example of an internal rhyme.

Explanation: The reason being, is that the end of verse one, the word moth, rhymes with the last verse of line two, cloth. Basically moth and cloth rhyme, making it an internal rhyme.

What do you think a child most understand to study cultural diversity?


To respect and love others. It can affect social and emotional development.

she likes people waving at her.(into passive voice)​


its simple brb passive voice means changing into he said or she said .

I like people waving at me

Think of an argument you've been in where you wanted someone to agree with you, or to change their opinion on something. How did you try and convince them? Did you see things from their perspective? Did you give reasoning for your viewpoint? What was the outcome?



i seen things from their perspective and gave my reasoning for why i think what i think and we came to a agreement

What is the irony in the following quote?

MACBETH: “I drink to the general joy o' the whole table,
And to our dear friend Banquo, whom we miss;
Would he were here!

1. Macbeth misses Banquo.
2. Macbeth wishes Banquo was there because he is seeing his bloody ghost.
3. Macbeth is scared about what the future brings for himself and his country.
4. Macbeth is sad because he knows what he has done.


the irony is : Macbeth misses Banquo

Select the correct text in the passage.
Which two sentences contribute to a sense of hope in this excerpt from "The Story of an Hour" by Kate Chopin?
She wept at once, with sudden, wild abandonment, in her sister's arms. When the storm of grief had spent Itself she went away to her room
alone. She would have no one follow her.
There stood, facing the open window, a comfortable, roomy armchair. Into this she sank, pressed down by a physical exhaustion that haunted
her body and seemed to reach into her soul.
She could see in the open square before her house the tops of trees that were all aqulver with the new spring life. The delicious breath of rain
was in the air. In the street below a peddler was crying his wares. The notes of a distant song which someone was singing reached her faintly,
and countless sparrows were twittering in the eaves.
There were patches of blue sky showing here and there through the clouds that had met and piled one above the other in the west facing her
She sat with her head thrown back upon the cushion of the chair, quite motionless, except when a sob came up into her throat and shook her,
as a child who has cried itself to sleep continues to sob in its dreams.
tum. All rights reserved.



1. The tops of trees that were all aqulver with the new spring life.

2. The delicious breath of rain

was in the air.


The two sentences speak about newness of life(hope)

According to the chart above, which roller coaster has the largest drop?
a. Top Thrill Dragster
C. Kingda ka
b. Titan
d. Steel Dragon 2000



The answer is C.Kinda ka

Select the correct superlative form of the adverb far in the sentence below. Of all the runners, Jan ran _______.
A. farthest
B. more farther
C. farther
D. more far


Answer: A. farthest


Jan ran farthest is correct.

anybody free plz. tell. me​



yes I'm free what you are going to tell

10. What are some differences between Poe's literary impact and his cultural impact??


Edgar Allan Poe influenced Literature in many ways. He has influenced comic books, novels, series, and short stories. He influenced science fiction and also detective fiction. ... This character and Poe laid the 'groundwork' for the Sherlock Holmes books.

Thinking Critically and Solving Problems
Which conclusion is supported by the graph?
Food Spending and Percent of Income
Spent on Food
Spending (eftaris)
Percent (right acis)
People in the highest quintile spend about
$4,000 on food or about 30% of their income.
People in the lowest quintile spend half as
much on food as people in the highest quintile.
As their incomes rise, people spend a greater
portion of their total income on food.
As their incomes rise, people spend more on
D) food, but it represents a smaller portion of
their income.
Average annual food spending


The correct answer is D. As their incomes rise, people spend more on food, but it represents a smaller portion of their income.

The graph shows the relationship between "food spending and percent of income spent on food". In the left part, it shows the values ​​of "Average annual food spending ($) that go from 0 to 16,000. In the right part, it shows the values ​​of Percent of income spent on food" that go from 0 to 35. In the part below, five "income quintiles" are shown.

The first (lowest) quintile spends about $ 4,000 per year on food, which is 35% of income.

The second quintile spends about $ 6,000 per year on food, which is about 18% of income.

The third quintile spends about $ 7,000 per year on food, which is about 12% of income.

The fourth quintile spends a little less than $ 10,000 per year on food, which is about 10% of income.

The fifth (highest) quintile spends a little less than $ 14,000 per year on food, which is about 7% of income.

According to the above information, the reader can establish that people who have more income spend more on food. However, this represents a lower percentage of their total income. For example, people who spend just under $ 14,000 on food are spending about 7% of their income, while people who spend about $ 4,000 per year on food are spending 35% of their income. According to the above, the correct answer is D. As their incomes rise, people spend more on food, but it represents a smaller portion of their income.

Why did the author write this passage


Provide the passage for an answer!

worksheet 64
Edited (Errors)
incorrect correct
5. Most of the people which appear(a) ........ , ....... most often into history books (b) ........... , ......... are greatly conquerors and generals. (c) ......... , .........
The people which really helped(d) ......... , ......... civilisadoestion forward are never (e)........ , ....... mentioning at all. We (f) ......... , ........
does not know who made (g) .......... , ..........
the first-boat or calculating (h) ........... , ..........
the length of the year. (i) ........... , ...........

please answer me please I need this ​


(a) which - who

(b) often - oftenly

(c) greatly - great

(d) which - who

(e) are - were

(f) mentioning - mentioned

(g) does not - do not

(h) calculating - calculated

(I) the - a

suppose you are living away from your home and having financial problem to pay your school fees and buy the things of your everyday needs. write a letter to your parent asking for money.​


Answer and Explanation:

Dear dad,

How have you and mom been? I miss you guys so much already!

I wish I were writing with better news, but the fact is I have been going through a rough patch lately. Things have not been going well financially. I lost my job a couple of weeks ago and haven't been able to find another since. As you can imagine, debts have begun to pile up. Not only am I behind on school fees, I'm also behind on rent. To be completely honest, I barely have money to buy groceries for the next few days.

I know you will scold me for having taken so long to write and ask for your help, but I really thought I would be able to find another job quickly. I wanted to be independent and make you proud of me. But I have to admit life away from home is a lot tougher than I had first imagined.

I'd like to thank you in advance, since I know you will surely help me. Any amount of money would be my salvation now.

I'm sorry and thank you!

... (name)

I need help please.



where is poem? in that content

how does the author effectively build suspense in this passage ?
A. The narrator claims to have had an acute sense of hearing
B. The old man and the narrator seem to like one another.
C. The narrator has announced that a crime will take place.
D. The old man’s eyes described as pale blue.



D. The old man’s eyes described as pale blue.


According to the excerpt from Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe, the narrator talks about how his senses were sharpened and not dulled as most people would imagine. He considered taking the old man's life, not because of some personal slight or to take his property, but because he wanted to end the man's life and rid himself of the pale blue eyes.

The author effectively builds suspense in this passage by describing the old man's eyes as pale blue

Please, help me.


Someone can teach me English, because I'm from Brazil and if you know how to speak Spanish, it's better for me.


Answer: I could get in but I don’t know Spanish properly is that ok??


Select the correct answer.
Read this sentence:
The outside of the house has deteriorated so much because of the gritty salt air from the ocean... I wish that it could be improved.

Which context clue from the sentence helps clarify the definition and connotation of the word deteriorated?


“Gritty salt air from the ocean”
“Could be improved”

The ladies coats were red and green. * put the right panctuation in this sentence 2_ What a piece of work is man How noble in reason * put the right punctuation in this sentence too...plz help​


you have got punctuation errors and I do not know what the question/s are that you want me to answer

it would help if you did this:

1) (question)

2) (question)


<p>Many countries have compulsory military service for men after they leave school. It would be a good idea to adopt this system, for men and possibly women. With increasing job opportunities and career options in various fields people are reluctant to join military. This is becoming a major concern for various countries. There are a few countries where men have to serve military necessarily after completing their education. In my opinion this rule should be there in every country both for men and women. This will not only strengthen armed forces of the country but will also improve health and security of people. Although countries have started using machines more than men during wars, still the importance of human soldiers cannot be neglected. With the growth of finance, marketing and education sectors, people are getting more job opportunities. most importantly the risk of life is not there in these sectors. This is the main reason of people becoming reluctant to join armed forces. If military service is made mandatory, people will not have any option other than joining military for a few years. This will help in strengthening of military. Health is another area where people will be benefitted by joining military. Rigorous exercises and activities help in strengthening both mind and body. Increasing fat in people can be dealt with only by physical exercise. Crime is growing at an alarming rate in every country. More than half of these crimes are against women. Most of these crimes are committed because women are not confident enough to oppose the crime. Military training can help in improving their confidenceto stand against crime and raise their voice. To conclude, military service after schooling should be made compulsory both for males as swell as females. This improve country's security as well as the health of its citizens</p>​


Answerletter. where he question

what do you do daily?Have you noted down details of your daily activities? what do you call it if you keep it as your personal document?​



Best Daily Routines for a Healthy Life

1. Start the Day With a Glass of Lemon Water. Simply add the juice of half a lemon to your glass and drink it to enjoy a refreshing start to the day. ...

2. Exercise in the Morning. ...

3. Eat a Good Breakfast. ...

4. Stay Hydrated. ...

5. Get a Healthy Lunch. ...

6. Do Some Mid-Afternoon Stretches. ...

7. Dinner. ...

8. Take Time to Relax.

Which things do you associate with ideas and concepts? Check all that apply.
O Gateway Arch
Liberty Bell
Smokey the Bear
Statue of Liberty
a bald eagle
O a diamond ring
O a snake



Liberty Bell


Im not sure if the answer is right

The things do associate with ideas and concepts is Liberty Bell.

What is context of the excerpt Liberty?

The United States of America has as significant pieces of its qualities opportunity and freedom.

There are sure images that address these qualities and they incorporate the American banner, the bald eagle, the freedom chime, the White House, the sculpture of freedom, among others.

An image, basically, is something that represents something different. The American Flag is an image since it isn't simply a piece of material with red strips and white stars, it addresses the association of 50 states under a conservative confederation.

Sociologists concentrate on images since they educate us concerning the most profound convictions of a specific culture or society.

While making an exploration about the flow populace of bald eagles in the United States, the best kind of text that Li Wei needs to peruse for his examination would be a book about bald eagle settling destinations in the United States since this text is most precise and state-of-the-art about settling locales.

A book about the settling destinations of bald eagles in the United States would be more precise than others in light of the fact that new hawks can be followed and recorded.

For more information about liberty, refer the following link:



Identify the symbolism in the poem. For instance, what do the birds, the singing, and the sky represent? What is the central meaning of the poem?



Caged bird, open sky, free birds


The caged bird depicts the African American who has been bound by society, and the cage symbolizes society. The laterally sky, which is far away from the imprisoned bird, represents freedom, since the free bird “identifies the sky his own.” White Americans might be represented by the free bird. 


In the poem, Maya Angelou compares a caged bird to a free bird. The caged bird represents the African American who is restricted by society, and society is represented by the cage. The sky, which is wide-open, yet distant to the caged bird, symbolizes freedom, as the free bird “names the sky his own.” The free bird could represent white Americans. The free bird’s life is carefree and unfettered, and its voice is beautiful and free. The caged bird, on the other hand, is trapped in a cage and “stands on the grave of dreams.” Its voice is fearful and unnatural. The singing of both birds represents self-expression and how discrimination and inequality can hinder and distort the views, ambitions, and expression of those who are persecuted.


Sample answer from Edmentum :)

In your words provide a brief definition for "target language"?



the language into which a text, document, or speech is translated

Other Questions
Which of these statements describe why Democrats were able to regain control of the South? Check all that apply.Democrats used race to unite white Southern voters.Northern voters became more interested in solving the problems of Reconstruction.The Panic of 1873 plunged the US economy into recession.Northern interest in Reconstruction began to fade as time wore on. Find the area.A hexagon with side length 6m. Which option will cause a business to lose money from a failing product animals with scales on skin are called? 1. What is the area of the figure below? (1 point)5 in.3 in.12 inO 18 in.2O 30 in.2O 36 in.2O 60 in.2 Physician Specialization has advantages and disadvantages for patients.Disadvantages of Specialization for patients include all but:Specialists focus on their specialty's organ or organ system to the exclusion ofothersSpecialists see only the organ of their own specialty, not the whole personSpecialists would have a high degree of knowledge and skill in order to treat apatient who has a problem in that particular area of specialization12The whole person and overall well being of the patient may sufferQuestion 9 (Mandatory) (2.5 points)lo Which excerpt from The Maori: Genealogies and Origins in New Zealand best shows how the Maori perceive their parents?We should kill our parents, he suggested, for he was the god of war. It will be difficult, but it is the only way we can truly be free!We cannot do this, he said. Rangi and Papa are our parents. They have created us, made us who we are.The Sky Father will watch us from above, while the Earth Mother nourishes us from below.It is impossible! cried T. We should kill them. There is no other way to be free. nasiyahan ang panginoon dahil sa kanyang handog A.Abel B.Abraham C.David D.goliat According to Le Chtelier's principle, how will an increase in pressure affect a gaseous equilibrium system? O Shift it toward the products O Shift it toward the reactants Shift it toward the side with higher total mole concentration O Shift it toward the side with lower total mole concentration A rectangular garden is 5 ft longer than it is wide. Its area is 1800ft^2. What are its dimensions? Mengapakah penggunaan mikroskopelektron penting dalam mengkaji sel? Alternative Financing PlansOwen Co. is considering the following alternative financing plans: Plan 1 Plan 2Issue 7% bonds (at face value) $5,000,000 $3,400,000 Issue preferred $1 stock, $20 par 3,600,000 Issue common stock, $25 par 5,000,000 3,000,000 Income tax is estimated at 40% of income.Determine the earnings per share of common stock, assuming income before bond interest and income tax is $750,000.Enter answers in dollars and cents, rounding to the nearest whole cent.Plan 1 $_____________________ Earnings per share on common stockPlan 2 $_______________________ Earnings per share on common stock Resource X is necessary to the production of good Y. If the price of resource X falls, the equilibrium price of Y will ______________ and the equilibrium quantity of Y will ________________. What is a food chain Question 3 (5 points)Identify the dental employee who acts as the "hub" of the dental office.A) DentistB) ReceptionistC) Laboratory technicianD) Business manager The structure shown is an example of what kind of molecule? A) Ether B) Alkene C) Polymer D) Monomer Read the passage and then answer the question:The Edo period of Japan, which lasted from the 1600s tothe mid-1800s, was a time of samurai and feudal lords.However, the Meiji period that followed was a time ofmodernization; Japan quickly became a major industrialpower in the world during that period.Which term best describes the structure of the passage?O A. ContextualO B. ObjectiveO C. ThematicD. ChronologicalI believe its D The use of another orga.... On December 30, you decide to make a $2,500 charitable donation. (Assume you itemize your deductions.) (a) If you are in the 24 percent tax bracket and you expect to itemize your deductions, how much will you save in taxes for the current year Pls help ASAP Im really dum I dont get sh