Which scenario most accurately represents James Green's rea


Answer 1

Answer: See explanation


You didn't provide the excerpt or the passage where the question came from.

I made some search online and couldn't get the passage. There are some different answers provided for the question and I don't know which of the options you've. Here are the correct answers, kindly choose the on pertaining to your question.

• If Elizabeth and Mike both earn $12 an hour for their work, society will suffer.

• Paying a woman the same as a man will make it harder for the man to support his family.

• If Tiffany and John both earn the same salary, families will suffer.

Related Questions

help me asap please ​



1. Yes, come in said the teacher.

2. May I come in, sir?

3. We now have a holiday on Monday.

4. Help me please.

5. I like mangos, grapes, and oranges.

6. He bought books, pens, pencils, and toys for his sister.

7. I have read the discovery of India.

8. I can't come to Delhi, she said.

9. I am a little boy, my name is Jayaram.

10. Vinay is speaking like a fool.


Execise III: Rewrite the sentences using the words given
1. Dorothy has just watered the flowers. (two minutes ago)
2. We didn’t get ready for the party. (yet)
3. She has already done the washing up. (an hour ago)
4. Have you ever visited an orphanage? (last year)
5. Uncle Tom took me to the school today. (already)
6. Haven't you put on your jacket yet? (in the morning)
7. Susan didn't spend her summer in Italy last year. (never)
8. The children didn't return back from the school. (yet)



1) Dorothy watered the flowers two minutes ago.

2) We haven't get ready for the party yet

3) She finished washing up an hour ago

4) Did you visit an orphanage last year

5) Uncle Tom has already taken me to the school

6) Didn't you put your jacket in the morning?

7) Susan has never spent her summer in Italy

8) The children haven't return from the school yet.

In paragraph 1, what do the different rat
names mainly show?
A. Rats are the largest type of rodent.
B. There are many opinions about rats.
C. There is little reason to be afraid
of rats.
D. Rats can live in a variety of


Answer: b.

Explanation: its the one that made more sense with the paragraph. hope it helps!

Rodents are mammals that have upper and lower pairs of ever-growing rootless incisor teeth including rats. The different rat names mainly show that rats can live in a variety of environments, i.e., option D.

What are the characteristics of rats?

Rats can have several characteristics depending on their variety. The main facts regarding rats are:

They can have as many as 20 babies at the same time.These can damage 20% of agricultural produces.Rats have an incredibly strong sense of smell.

The different rat names in the passage mainly show that rats can live in a variety of environments.

Thus, the correct option is D.

For more details regarding rodents, visit:



In the story a voyage to the Moon by Edgar Allan Poe what does the word deliberation mean



deliberation means long and careful consideration or discussion. Or slow and careful movement or thought.


Chakravarthy knew there were exactly sixty-seven shops on Patel Street. He had written down all their names and addresses in his notebook . What does this tell you about Chakravarthy ?​


I will giving you a pic write from this

4. How much sugar do you need for the cake? which is the countable and uncountable noun in the following sentence​



Explanation: It is uncountable noun because we cannot count sugar.

38. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?
A. "When you get home" Mom said, 'please call so that I know you're safe.'
B. "When you get home," mom said "please call so that I know you're safe."
O C. "When you get home," Mom said, "please call so that I know you're safe."
D. "When you get home" mom said "please call, so that I know you're safe."



D is the correct ans



She has to follow me.(change into passive)​



I have to be followed by her. OR

I have to be followed.

The usage of "her" isn't really necessary.

Read this claim from paragraph 8 of the passage.

"Opponents of cell phone use in schools believe that cell phones are a distraction to many students."

Which evidence would be the most credible to support the claim?

An interesting story about a student who was often distracted by her cell phone from the author's uncle who is a teacher.

Statistics about the effects of cell phone usage on student learning and performance from a study done in 2015 by the National Education Association.

A blog written in 2016 by a teacher who outlines the various distractions that can occur in the classroom when students are allowed to access their cell phones.

A book written in 2005 by a former educator that cites various scenarios of cell phone distraction during her tenure as a high school principal.





Statistics are going to be your best piece of evidence. Everything else can just be blown away as an opinion.

Statistics about the consequences of cell phone use on student understanding and performance from an investigation done in 2015 by the National Education Association.

What is National Education Association?

The National Education Association exists as the largest labor union and the largest white-collar illustration in the United States. It designates public school teachers and other authorization personnel, capability and staffers at colleges and universities, retired professors, and college students conditioning to become teachers.

The mission exists to advocate for instruction professionals and to unite our associates and the nation to fulfill the promise of public education to condition every student to advance in a various and interdependent world.

Statistics exist as a branch of applied mathematics that concerns the collection, description, analysis, and assumption of conclusions from quantitative data. The mathematical techniques behind statistics rely heavily on differential and integral calculus, linear algebra, and probability approach.

Statistics about the consequences of cell phone use on student understanding and performance from an investigation done in 2015 by the National Education Association.

To learn more about National Education Association refer to:



What kinds of details could you use to support a persuasive message in a fictional story?




Let me give you the most famous persuasive message that I can quote. Just before the civil war began, the men of the south (in Gone with the Wind) were all fired up about the prospects of war. They all agreed they were going to beat the Yankees in a week. All were fired with energy but one. That one was the most disliked rascal in the room -- Rhett Butler. His comment: "The South will loose. She doesn't produce one cannon." He was trying to say that the south's wealth depended on slavery, not industry. He wasn't a peacenik but later on he provided many reasons against war even though he profited from it.

The point I'm trying to make is that Margret Mitchel (the author of Gone with the Wind) didn't say anything about war itself. She let her character do it. So the first and most important thing you can do is not use any language at all to persuade in fiction. Let your characters do it. Make it plausible for the character to say it, but not a shot in the dark a one time break  in the character's personality.

Select the correct text in the passage.
Which detail best develops the character of the narrator, Jane Eyre, in the excerpt?
excerpt from Jane Eyre
by Charlotte Brontë
In the following excerpt, the narrator, Jane Eyre, describes an interaction with her nursemaid, Bessie.
Bessie asked if I would have a book: the word book acted as a transient stimulus, and I begged her to fetch Gulliver's Travels from the library.
This book I had again and again perused with delight. I considered it a narrative of facts, and discovered in it a vein of interest deeper than what
I found in fairy tales: for as to the elves, having sought them in vain among foxglove leaves and bells, under mushrooms and beneath the
ground-ivy mantling old wall-nooks, I had at length made up my mind to the sad truth, that they were all gone out of England to some savage
country where the woods were wilder and thicker, and the population more scant; whereas, Lilliput and Brobdignag being, in my creed, solid
parts of the earth's surface, I doubted not that I might one day, by taking a long voyage, see with my own eyes the little fields, houses, and trees,
the diminutive people, the tiny cows, sheep, and birds of the one realm; and the corn-fields forest-high, the mighty mastiffs, the monster cats,
the tower-like men and women, of the other. Yet, when this cherished volume was now placed in my hand-when I turned over its leaves, and
sought in its marvellous pictures the charm I had, till now, never failed to find-all was eerie and dreary; the giants were gaunt goblins, the
pigmies malevolent and fearful imps, Gulliver a most desolate wanderer in most dread and dangerous regions. I closed the book, which I dared
no longer peruse, and put it on the table, beside the untasted tart.
Bessie had now finished dusting and tidying the room, and having washed her hands, she opened a certain little drawer, full of splendid shreds
of silk and satin, and began making a new bonnet for Georgiana's doll. Meantime she sang: her song was-
"In the days when we went gipsying,
A long time ago."
I had often heard the song before, and always with lively delight; for Bessie had a sweet voice. --at least, I thought so. But now, though her voice
was still sweet, I found in its melody an indescribable sadness. Sometimes preoccuniad with


In the first paragraph story by Charlotte Bronte tells us about the taste of reading of Jane Eyre, She wants to see the natural beauty.

She has a peaceful nature and enjoys the natural sights.

She likes the song that Bessie is singing and she likes the song to the extent that she does not care how the voice is she just wants to listen to it.

Learn more at https://brainly.com/question/24480953

Answer: the last answer at the very bottom of the picture


Teens can face a variety of ____________ which can stem from any portion of identity, ethnicity, gender, race, or talent.


Either from outsiders or family members
Ans : Issues
Teens can face a variety of issues which can stem from any portion of identity, ethnicity, gender, race, or talent.

What three qualities do you think are most important in a friend? Why?


Good advice

Doesn’t judge

Does not laugh at your mistakes

Always has your back

Because I’ve been just to many times so if I meet a person like this it would make me really happy

who was the author of to kill a mocking bird


Hope this helps

Answer = Kathryn Erskine
Harper Lee actually.

what is the means of Apology​



Apology is defined as the act of expressing sorry or general way of pardon which involves the fault realization.


The meaning of Apology is :

A regretful acknowledgement of an offence or failure.

Basically it means the act of aying sorry and acknowledging one's own mistakes.


During the Great Depression, no one could afford to spend
money. Therefore, businesses could not afford to hire
workers. But this lack of work was the reason people could
not afford to spend money in the first place.
Which term best describes the structure of the passage?
A. Cause and effect
B. Chronological
C. Objective
D. Thematic



I think that the answer would be A Cause and effect

Explanation: Because it tells you people could not afford to spend money and then they use the word "Therefore" which is a transition word also meaning so or because. Then it also gives a reason to the cause as well.


Which trait is most common to Gothic literature?

Clever puns

Sparse writing

Time travel

The supernatural



i think the supernatural is correct

Select the correct text in the passage.
Which sentence contains evidence for the main idea of the passage?
Junk food ads cause people to eat more junk food. Research shows that some junk food ads target kids. A study from the Public Library of Science showed that ads aimed at kids focused more on the toys that come with junk food than on the food itself. Some fast-food restaurants also make ads connected to TV shows and movies that are popular with children. Ads like these create a demand for junk food among kids. And those kids are likely to continue to eat the same unhealthy foods when they become adults. We can only expect these kinds of ads to stop if governments create strict laws to end them.

A. Junk food ads cause people to eat more junk food.
B. Research shows that some junk food ads target kids.
C. Some fast-food restaurants also make ads connected to TV shows and movies that are popular with children.
D. We can only expect these kinds of ads to stop if governments create strict laws to end them.



B. Research shows that some junk food ads target kids.


Option B is the sentence that contains evidence for the main idea of the passage.

From the passage, we are given evidences of the research that actually shows that some junk food ads target kids. The Public Library of Science showed that ads aimed at kids actually focused on toys that come with junk food than on the food itself. The use of TV shows and movies connected to children is another way that fast--food restaurant are targeting kids with their ads.

Answer: B


its correct

Select the correct text in the passage.
Which sentence in the excerpt best supports the theme of harmonious living?
A Spark Neglected Burns the House
by Leo Tolstoy (adapted excerpt)
There once lived in a village a peasant named Iván Stcherbakóf. He was comfortably off, in the prime of life, the best worker in the village, and
had three sons all able to work. The eldest was married, the second about to marry, and the third was a big lad who could mind the horses and
was already beginning to plough. Iván's wife was an able and thrifty woman, and they were fortunate in having a quiet, hard-working daughter-
in-law. There was nothing to prevent Iván and his family from living happily. They had only one idle mouth to feed; that was Iván's old father,
who suffered from asthma and had been lying ill for seven years. Iván had all he needed three horses and a colt, a cow with a calf, and fifteen
sheep. The women made all the clothing for the family, besides helping in the fields, and the men tilled the land. They always had grain enough
of their own to last over beyond the next harvest and sold enough oats to pay the taxes and meet their other needs. So Iván and his children
might have lived quite comfortably had it not been for a feud between him and his next-door neighbor, Limping Gabriel, the son of Gordéy
As long as old Gordéy was alive and Iván's father was still able to manage the household, the peasants lived as neighbors should. If the women
of either house happened to want a sieve or a tub, or the men required a sack, or if a cart-wheel got broken and could not be mended at once,
they used to send to the other house, and helped each other in neighborly fashion. When a calf strayed into the neighbor's thrashing-ground,
they would just drive it out, and only say, "Don't let it get in again, our grain is lying there." And such things as locking up the barns and
outhouses, hiding things from one another, or backbiting were never thought of in those days.
That was in the fathers' time. When the sons came to be at the head of the families, everything changed.



If the women  of either house happened to want a sieve or a tub, or the men required a sack, or if a cart-wheel got broken and could not be mended at once,  they used to send to the other house, and helped each other in neighborly fashion.


Harmonious living is marked by cooperation and peace between two or more parties. People who live in harmony do things together and help one another when in need. Evidence of cooperative living is seen in the manner the men and the women of the two families helped each other. They coexisted peacefully in a "neighborly" way. This shows that there was no prevailing feud or hatred between the parties as they got along well.


If the women  of either house happened to want a sieve or a tub, or the men required a sack, or if a cart-wheel got broken and could not be mended at once,  they used to send to the other house, and helped each other in neighborly fashion.


Your English-speaking friend is doing a school project on national legends and wants to know about a famous legend in your country. Write an email to your friend about this



write to your national leaders about your concerns

Explanation: For one, you have the right to freedom of speach. Second, ot wouldnt really make sense to write to the mayor instead of your government leaders. Plus, writing is a more formal and proper way to send your concerns to our leaders. Lastly, it would probably make the most sense to send it to the national leader rather than the state leader because the state leader is simply just the leader of that state, wheras, the national leader takes part in the whole nation.

Writing an email to your friend about a national legend will require you to write an informal email.

What is an email?

This is known to be a message written and distributed by electronic means from one source to another through a network.

Hence, we can see that you can write an informal email to a friend telling him about the famous legend in your own country without stress.

Read more about emails here:



Witch two words can be used to describe a summary ?


Short explanation can be used to describe a summary.



Xmxnxb b Hh h h h Hh h u h h h Hh h h. Uh h h Hh h h h h

A Choose the correct answer with the present form.
1 Our family __________ dinner together every evening. I think it’s important.

A. have
B. has
C. is having
D. are having
2 I _________ with my best friend in the countryside for a couple of days.
A. stay
B. stays
C. am staying
D. staying
E. doesn't have
3 At the moment, my cousin __________ at a college in England. He is having a great time A.study
B. studies
C. is studying
D. are studying
4 We __________ on holiday to Spain twice a year. We love hot countries!
A. go
B. goes
C. is going
D. are going
5 My dad __________ in a bank in the city centre. He drives in every day.
A. work
B. works
C.is working
D. are working​



1. are having

2.am staying

3.is studying


5.is working

Our family are having together every evening. I think it's important. Hence, option D is appropriate.

I am staying with my best friend in the countryside for a couple of days. Hence, option C is appropriate.

We are going on holiday to Spain. Hence, option D is appropriate.

My day works in a bank in the city center. He drives every day. Hence, option B is appropriate.

All these options are from the present tense.

What does the Present tense mean?

Present tense means in a grammatical form that we are talking about someone or some incidents as if they are occurring now over a fixed period. How the present tense is being used mainly to make the person being told understand that the thing is taking place at that moment.

Present tense can broadly be divided into four groups- Present Simple tense, present continuous tense, Present Perfect tense, and Present Perfect continuous tense. Hence, all the above options are correct.

Learn more about the Present Tense here:



Cow is useful animal . which alternatives is suitable.



The cow is ___ useful animal

The cow is a useful animal. Right. As you're suggesting, the cow refers to the whole species.

milk chese butter and thats allllllll

how are animals classified?​



View all

In accordance with the Linnaeus method, scientists classify the animals, as they do the plants, on the basis of shared physical characteristics. They place them in a hierarchy of groupings, beginning with the kingdom animalia and proceeding through phyla, classes, orders, families, genera and species.


The animal kingdom is classified on the basis of levels of organisation, body symmetry, germinal layers, nature of coelom, segmentation and presence of notochord.

1. The features of the British culture



British culture is influenced by the combined nations' history; its historically Christian religious life, its interaction with the cultures of Europe, the traditions of England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland, and the impact of the British Empire. Although British culture is a distinct entity, the individual cultures of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are diverse and have varying degrees of overlap and distinctiveness.[1]

British literature is particularly esteemed. The modern novel was invented in Britain, and playwrights, poets, and authors are among its most prominent cultural figures.[2] Britain has also made notable contributions to music, cinema, art, architecture and television. The UK is also the home of the Church of England, the state church and mother church of the Anglican Communion, the third-largest Christian denomination. Britain contains some of the world's oldest universities, has made many contributions to philosophy, science, technology and medicine, and is the birthplace of many prominent scientists and inventions. The Industrial Revolution began in the UK and had a profound effect on the family socio-economic and cultural conditions of the world. As a result of the British Empire significant British influence can be observed in the language, law, culture and institutions of its former colonies, most of which are members of the Commonwealth of Nations. A subset of these states form the Anglosphere, and are among Britain's closest allies.[3][4] British colonies and dominions influenced British culture in turn, particularly British cuisine.[5] Sport is an important part of British culture, and numerous sports originated in the country including football.

The UK has been described as a "cultural superpower",[6][7] and London has been described as a world cultural capital.[8][9] A global opinion poll for the BBC saw the UK ranked the third most positively viewed nation in the world (behind Germany and Canada) in 2013 and 2014.[10][11]

1. Neither the students nor the teacher ________ come.
A. has B have C. is D. are


I think is A...I'm not sure

hope this help you

has came
have come
is/are coming

Which headline most clearly contains bias?
O A. Are Parents to Blame for Crime Wave?
B. Police Apprehend Suspected Thief
O c. "I'm Innocent!" Says Treasury Secretary
D. City Council to Decide Budget


Answer: The headline that contains bias is A because it is implying a subject, and is trying to convince someone of something that might or might not be true.



Which sentence contains the best example of paradox?

Luxembourg is the greatest country in the world.

Garth carried a suitcase as big as a cargo container.

After school today, we're going to have serious fun.

She's a complete Einstein when it comes to math.



im not sure but i think its probably


What is the differences of 6 types kf assessment of learning?​



1. Diagnostic Assessment

2. Formative Assessment

3. Summative Assessment

4. Norm-Referenced Assessment

5. Criterion-Referenced Assessment

6. Interim/Benchmark Assessment


1. Diagnostic Assessment: Assesses a student’s strengths, weaknesses, knowledge, and skills prior to instruction

2. Formative Assessment: Assesses a student’s performance during instruction

3. Summative Assessment: Measures a student’s achievement at the end of instruction

4. Norm-Referenced Assessment: Compares a student’s performance against other students

5. Criterion-Referenced Assessment: Measures a student’s performance against a goal, specific objective, or standard

6. Interim/Benchmark Assessment: Evaluates student performance at periodic intervals, frequently at the end of a grading period

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