Which scientist is often called the "father of the atomic bomb" because of his work as the head of the Manhattan


Answer 1
Physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer

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What was the main effect of the Articles of Confederation? A. Foreign powers did not take the new country seriously B. The national government was weak C. Three branches of government were created D. The authority of the state governments was severely limited


The answer is c because it is the best answer out here

Discuss the importance of the Scientific Revolution and how it affected the early Enlightenment Movement?



Brain list



The European Enlightenment of the !8th century could not have happened without the previous, and concurrent, Scientific Revolution, and its technological discoveries and inventions, in the !7th and 18th centuries. The Scientific Revolution is the most important event in world history yet most people have never heard of it. A person is unable to understand the world around around them today without at least some basic knowledge of The Scientific Revolution.

There was a small group of philsophers (of the Enlightenment) who really understood that a new world was emerging in Europe in the human understanding of reality. They understood that Man was able to rationally explain Nature for the first time in human history. That God was not actually physically present in Nature. That God, therefore, might not actually exist at all (Atheism). That Man was now in control of Nature. That Man was no longer part of Nature; these were now two separate philosophical realms. That Man was above Nature, even God. And, the big one, the basis of the Enlightenment itself, that Man could remake the world using his rational thought (ideas) without any reference to European history, European tradition or Man as even part of Nature. In other words, wishful thinking born from the dangerous rationalisation of taking ideas to their logical conclusion without any reference to reality.

So, of course, the adoption of these “scorched Earth” or “Year Zero” ideas of the Enlightment was, and still is, a complete disaster for humanity. Especially when combined with the new controlling powers of Science and Technology. The Enlightentment led directly to the first emergence of Left wing politics - that Man is created purely through Nurture, not Nature, and is born as a “blank slate” - with no reference to our 200,000 years of evolutionary adaptation as part of Nature.

This distorted thinking, in turn, led eventually, to the disastrous political and social events of 1968, when even objectivity itself was jettisoned. And, then to the final post-Modern delusion that European culture, art and science is no better than even the most primitive tribes (blank slates) still living in the jungle today.

Describe action taken in the first New Deal.


The first new deal dealt with pressing banking crisis through the Emergency Banking Act, The securities act was enacted to prevent a repeated stock market crash. The controversial work of the National Recovery Administration was also apart of the First New Deal. Hope this helps!

what is a characteristic of oligarchy


A characteristic of an oligarchy could be the government as a oligarchy is when a group of people rules over a majority!
when a group of people rule over a majority

The Louisiana Purchase was a problem for Jefferson because: Group of answer choices acquisition of new Indian lands was contrary to his principles and beliefs the cost was too high for the United States to pay he believed that the Constitution did not give authority to acquire new land it would be hard to defend it against the Spaniards the territory was ideal for slavery, which he opposed



He believed that the Constitution did not give authority to acquire new land.


President Thomas Jefferson was the 3rd president of the United States. He was also American diplomat, statesman and a lawyer. He was the Founding father of the United States of America and also main author of the Declaration of Independence.

Jefferson purchase Louisiana from France in the year 1803. It was a land purchase or deal between the USA and France where USA acquired about  827,000 square miles for $15 million to the west of the river Mississippi. But the purchase of the land is a problem for Jefferson because he knew that the American Constitution did not provide authority to Jefferson to purchase new land.

which term was not an accurate new description for women in the 1920's?
a. wage-earner
b. flapper
c. politician
d. voter



C. Politician


By the 1920s, women had the rights to earn wages and vote, and the term "flapper" was being used for their boldness. Women generally were not politicians in that time period.

3 investiga sobre la estructura política de los Estados


Estados Unidos constituye una república federal constitucional, con un régimen presidencialista como forma de gobierno basado en la separación de poderes en tres ramas: ejecutivo, legislativo y judicial.

In the 1920s, what did businesses and industries do that caused the economy to slow down?
M They hired more workers.
They speculated in the stock market.
They bought stocks on margin.
They overproduced good.

It D got it right for edg2021



They overproduced goods


In the 1920s, businesses and industries overproduced goods which caused the economy to slow down.

This was because they failed to make proper plans about the rate of consumption and demand and ended up mass producing goods which made the economy go slow


D. They overproduced goods.


The Virginia Declaration of Rights was written by __________.
George Washington
Thomas Jefferson
Benjamin Franklin
George Mason


I guess it’s d George mason

ways of manifesting or expressing violence


It can be physical, emotional, sexual, spiritual, social and/or economic. The lists below describe some of the tactics of abuse batterers use as they attempt to gain or maintain power and control over their intimate partners.

Slaves were helper in which of the original colonies ? No links aloud


the 3ed one.

"Southern colonies"


all 13 colonies


During the Great War for Empire: Group of answer choices American colonial troops strove to emulate the professionalism of the British regulars. British officers praised American colonial troops for their courage under fire. American colonial troops adapted well to the British system of military discipline. Deep-seated differences in military discipline emerged between the British officers and the American colonial troops.


Answer: Deep-seated differences in military discipline emerged between the British officers and the American colonial troops


The Great War for Empire was also called the French and Indian War in North America and refers to a conflict when France and her Indian allies attempted to defeat and take over the English colonies of North America.

The British sent their armies to North America to protect their colonies as they viewed them as very important. When they arrived however, they found American colonial troops and militias already engaged with the enemy with a certain George Washington amongst the ranks as well.

The British looked down on these American troops and didn't help them much such that a sort of rivalry and deep-seated difference in military discipline, emerged between them.

What did Stokely Carmichael mean by the term "black power"?

African Americans should use money to buy equality.

African Americans could use nonviolence to gain political influence.

African Americans could band together and use violence to gain equality.

African Americans should use economic and political power to gain equality.



African americans should use nonvioence to gain equaity


Necause violence does nothing to hep at all.

define development project.​



Development Project means any project undertaken for the purpose of development. ... Development Project means grading or construction activities occurring on a specific tract. This includes redevelopment projects.

How did Winston Churchill’s “Iron Curtain” speech impact the Truman Doctrine?


How did Winston Churchill's "Iron Curtain" speech impact the Truman Doctrine? Churchill's famous speech convinced many Americans that the USSR was an enemy rather than an ally, which led to the creation of the Truman Doctrine. ... The USSR needed to protect its western border from future attacks.


The speech convinced Americans that the USSR was an enemy, rather than an ally, which led to the creation of the Truman Doctrine.


Drag each label to the correct location.
Identify each item as a cause or an effect of imperialism in Southeast Asia,
Locals suffered in poverty,
Westen nations grew richer by
Exploidng colonized nations,
Western nations wanted to profit
from weaker, resource-rich nations,
Internal conflicts arose because
of diverse communities living in
a single nation,
Cause of Imperialism
Effect of Imperialism



The answer is below


Considering the cause and effect of Imperialism on South Asia like India, we can conclude the following:

Cause of Imperialism in South Asia

1. Western nations wanted to profit

from weaker, resource-rich nations.

Effect of Imperialism in South Asia

1. Locals suffered in poverty

2. Westen nations grew richer by

Exploiting colonized nations

3. Internal conflicts arose because

of diverse communities living in

a single nation,

How was industrialization in Great Britain different from industrialization in China.



Great Britain's industrialization was driven by individual citizens, while China's was guided by the government.

Great Britain's industrialization was driven by railroads, while China's was driven by textile production. ... Great Britain's industrialization was driven by individual citizens, while China's was guided by the government.

What type of evidence does Roosevelt use to support the claim that the United Nations must attain unanimity on the human rights issue? Roosevelt uses anecdotal evidence by discussing how other countries have approached human rights struggles in the past. Roosevelt uses logical evidence by explaining that, once people have seen these freedoms, they will want them for themselves. Roosevelt uses anecdotal evidence by sharing that, because human rights make government work, they must be part of the law. Roosevelt uses logical evidence by referring to data about peaceful struggles for human rights around the



Roosevelt uses logical evidence by explaining that, once people have seen these freedoms, they will want them for themselves.


Eleanor Roosevelt's 1958 speech "The Struggle for Human Rights" was given in Paris to appeal to the members of the United Nations to vote for the Declaration of Human Rights. Her speech talks about the "preservation of human rights" and how it is important that individual rights be given enough importance as opposed to collective rights.

In her speech, Roosevelt talks about how unanimity is a difficult task to achieve, considering the "different concepts of government and human rights" that each government has. But at the same time, the struggle to achieve unanimity "must be firm and patient." She also reiterates the importance of such unity in the face of a desire to be free.

Thus, the correct answer is the second option.


B) Roosevelt uses logical evidence by explaining that, once people have seen these freedoms, they will want them for themselves.


Right on Edge

Por que los derechos son una construccion




Men for women rights and why


What does that mean???????????

Which factor contributed to the collapse of both the Roman Empire and the Han dynasty



The factor that contributed to the collapse of both the Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty is that wars with invaders from neighboring lands weakened both empires. The Han Dynasty declined due to internal political disputes among people in power and rebellion form peasants that were tired of heavy taxation.


What was a problem for the federalists in 1788 ?


the main problem the Federalists face was that many of the states were not ready to ratify the constitution


i hope i will be helpful for you (:

Question 10 of 10
Why was it unusual that African Americans supported FDR?
O A. FDR was white, and most African Americans only voted for black candidates. O B. FDR was a Democrat, and most African Americans voted Republican.
O C. FDR was from the North, and most African Americans voted only for Southerners.
O D. FDR was a Democrat, but southern Democrats opposed him. ​



The answer is B. Most African Americans would still be supporting the Republican party during the time of FDR's election and would vote based on party lines.


If a writer wanted to introduce conflict in a scene without using an antagonist which would be most effective



I would say maybe the author makes one of the main characters lose a shoe or falls on the ground and has to go to the hospital. as these things arnt people or animals so they won't be considered antagonists.

Who is the First King in the World?​





Although there had been several kings before him, King Sargon is referred to as the first king because he founded the first empire in the history of the world in 2330 B.C.E. According to a Neo-Assyrian text from the 7th century BC, a certain priestess secretly bore a child and left him by the river.

Hope it helps you

Determining the "First King in the World" is challenging due to the complexity of ancient history and the lack of precise records. However, one of the earliest recorded kings in history is believed to be Sargon of Akkad.

Sargon of Akkad was a Mesopotamian ruler who lived around 2300 BCE. He established the Akkadian Empire, one of the first known empires in history. Sargon's reign marked a significant shift from small city-states to larger centralized kingdoms. While he is regarded as one of the earliest recorded kings, it is essential to note that history before this period is often based on fragmentary evidence and myths.

As a result, attributing the title of "First King in the World" to a specific individual is challenging and may not be definitive. Archaeological discoveries and ongoing research continuously add new insights into the earliest forms of governance and leadership in human history.

To know more about Sargon of Akkad, click here.



What was Clarence Gideon forced to do during his burglary trial?
represent himself
flee the state
O remain silent
declare his guilt






Clarence Gideon was forced to represent himself during his burglary trial. Thus, the first option is the correct answer.

Who was Clarence Gideon?

Clarence Gideon, who was involved in a Florida State offence appropriation, was not provided with a lawyer when he couldn't manage one himself. As a result, he was sentenced to serve himself in the forum. In Gideon vs. Wainwright, the United States Supreme Court overturned this decision and ordered Florida State to provide Gideon with counselling.

The United States Supreme Court decided in Gideon v. Wainwright that a criminal defendant who cannot afford the services of an attorney must receive representation from a state-selected attorney without incurring any fees, so despite this, his first trial is remembered as a turning point in American justice. With the aid of a lawyer, Gideon was declared not guilty.

Therefore, Clarence Gideon represented himself, and was convicted.

To learn more about Clarence Gideon, click here:



Question 6 of 10
In what region did people first form civilizations?
A. Southwest Asia
B. North America
C. China
D. Australia


The first
A. Southwest Asia

What rapper paved the way for other rappers to be signed to major labels?
O A. Afrika Bambaataa
B. Sugar Hill Gang
C. DJ Kool Herc
D. Kurtis Blow


Answer: d

Explanation:  Kurtis Blow is the first commercially successful rapper who signed with a major record label. In his case, that record label was Mercury. Kurtis Blow paved the way for many future rappers thanks to his achievements.

Hope this helps :)

Kurtis Blow is the first rapper to sign with a major record company and become commercially successful. That record company in his case was Mercury. Because to his accomplishments, Kurtis Blow paved the door for a lot of rap artists in the future. Thus, option D is correct.

who is Kurtis Blow?

A rapper, singer, composer, record and film producer, b-boy, DJ, public speaker, and minister, Kurtis Walker is also known by his stage name, Kurtis Blow. He is the first rapper to sign with a major record label and the first to be commercially successful.

Kurtis Blow is a legendary figure in the history of hip-hop as the first commercially successful rap artist. His appeal and charisma helped establish rap music as more than a passing fad, opening the door for Grandmaster Flash and Run-D.M.C. to make even more significant contributions.

Learn more about rapper here:



Why did the US government choose to imprison Japanese Americans?



Many Americans worried that citizens of Japanese ancestry would act as spies or saboteurs for the Japanese government. Fear — not evidence — drove the U.S. to place over 127,000 Japanese-Americans in concentration camps for the duration of WWII. Over 127,000 United States citizens were imprisoned during World War II.


Who killed Abraham Lincoln

A.John cena
B.John Wilkes
C. H. H. Holmes
D. Ted Bundy


Answer: b


Choice B John Wilkes was the person who killed Abraham Lincoln
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