Which sentence is punctuated correctly?


Answer 1


the third one


Answer 2
The third option is correct.

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Which sentence from the passage best conveys a secondary purpose of entertaining readers?

The city council's honorable concern for the endangered Bachman's warbler would smooth the feathers of many voters.
The Bachman's warbler is a small bird about four inches in length.
Our community has forever prided itself on caring for our natural surroundings.
First, I want to congratulate our town's mayor and city council for planning to build a new community theater.


Answer is A) Your welcome;)

Many voters' ire would be soothed by the city council's admirable concern for the endangered Bachman's warbler, which is best conveyed in the passage's secondary goal of amusing readers. As a result, option (A) is correct.

What do you know about Bachman's warbler?

Vermivora bachmanii, an endangered passerine migratory bird, commonly known as the Bachman's warbler. This warbler was a migratory, breeding in the sluggish cane and blackberry thickets of the Southeastern and Midwestern United States and spending the winter in Cuba. Even if there are accounts of the bird from the twenty-first century, none of them are commonly believed.

The last undisputed sightings occurred in the 1960s, while some authorities consider a sighting in Louisiana in August 1988 to be definitive. The Reverend John Bachman discovered this species close to Charleston, South Carolina, and gave study skins and descriptions of it to his friend and coworker, John James Audubon, who made the first observation of this bird in 1832.

Learn more about Bachman's warbler, from :



Who is Blake mocking in the poem The Chimney Sweeper: A little black thing among the

snow. ​


the church is the answer

Select the correct answer. How do the underlined words affect the meaning of this excerpt? A. They show how the statue brings out each townsperson's personality. B. They create an eerie atmosphere to indicate the statue is haunted. C. They indicate that the Town Leader plans to steal the Happy Prince statue. D. They suggest that the Happy Prince statue actually is not very happy.


Incomplete question. Attached below is the missing excerpt.


A. They show how the statue brings out each townsperson's personality.


Indeed, we can observe throughout the excerpt that the underlined words appear to give the readers an insight into the personality or state of mind of each townsperson.

For example, referring to the statue, someone stated, "I'm glad there is someone in the world who is quite happy." The person who said this is revealed to be a disappointed man. Hence, using the word "disappointed", brings out his personality.


They show how the statue brings out each townsperson’s personality.


The imagery in this excerpt most reflects

A.the sense of sight to emphasize the fear that Doodle was feeling.

B.the sense of sight to emphasize how difficult it was for the boys to see.

C.the sense of sound to emphasize the frustration of the narrator.

D.the sense of sound to emphasize the intense volume of the storm.



D. The sense of sound to emphasize the intense volume of the storm.


The short story "The Scarlet Ibis" by James Hurst revolves around the story of the narrator and his memories about his younger, physically challenged brother. The story deals with themes of regret, brotherhood, acceptance vs. expectation, etc.

In the given passage from the text, the narrator reveals the particular scene where he had gone to the creek with his younger brother, William "Doodle" Armstrong. The narrator uses imagery to describe the scene, "the lightning was near . . . rain was coming, roaring through the pines, and then, like a bursting Roman candle, a gum tree ahead of us was shattered by a bolt of lightning." The phrase "the deafening peal of thunder" further adds to the imagery of the storm.

Thus, the correct answer is option D.

3. What should you do with information that may or may not be useful in your research report?

A) Save these notes until you have written your draft--then see if they help explain any of your ideas.

B) Go back to the source of the Information and reread to find clues about the fact's usefulness.

C) Find some way to use the fact or idea in your report, even if it may confuse your readers.

D) If you're not sure it will be helpful, the fact or idea probably does not work--get rid of it.



Save these notes until you have written your draft--then see if they help explain any of your ideas.


gotten it right on my quiz

We can see here that what one should do with information that may or may not be useful in your research report is: A) Save these notes until you have written your draft--then see if they help explain any of your ideas.

What is information?

Information refers to the facts or knowledge that one derives or acquires from something. It is also a structured form of data or fact.

Thus, we can deduce here that option A is the way that one should do with information that may or may not be useful in his research report.

Learn more about information on https://brainly.com/question/3282789


What can we imply about Margaret Mitchell writing career? Can you help me find the answer


Answer: gone with the wind was her first book


I looked it up on the internet lol

From the above text, it can be inferred that:

"Gone from the Wind" was Margaret Mitchell's first book. (Option B).

What is an Inference?

When a person draws a conclusion from the information analyzed from a text, it may be said that such a person has drawn an inference.

Margaret had initially denied that she wrote a book. But later changed her mind and handed over the manuscript.

Learn more about inferences at;

Now that you have listened to part of the first chapter of All American Boys, is this something you would want to continue reading? Explain your response.


this is a question you should do because you're the one reading the story about All American Boys. and it's a pretty easy question all they're asking is if you would like to continue reading!

Love, Hate & other filters.
I need help with all the question



Listen, I have the same assignment over this summer due in a couple of weeks (I’m starting freshman year) give me a text on snap. It’s gracejones6862 and we can do it together


Does the VERB agree with the SUBJECT in this sentence?
He weren't looking for trouble, but he found it.



It does not agree with the subject

What’s a particular sentence, chapter, scene or event from the novel (anything but typical) that tells the whole point of the story


I believe it is a theme


yeah I agree .. I think it's the Title/topic of the novel that reflects on what would be written

or the story to be told which is referring to the Title/topic ..but "theme" also is another way I think

The most important thing to consider when writing a persuasive essay is the situation in which it is being written.

True or False?





Listen to the way you write your words. It's more important in which way you use words and the story that creates it than the situation it's in.

What are some examples of foreshadowing in HP Lovecraft’s “In The Vault”


Answer: The narrator vaguely knew what he was saying, people who have never heard human speech before don't vaguely understand anything, they just don't understand. "I had never, seemingly, heard human speech before; and could guess only vaguely what was said."

Hope this will help you.


Your Construction Company always pays much attention to staff training and the General Director has just signed a big project of planning a new urban area in Cambodia. On behalf of the Personnel Department, you write memo to the staff to inform and encourage them to take part in the course on Construction Management. In your email you should: give the reason you are writing this email: explain the reasons for this course and its necessity: suggest what they should do to register and take part in the course.



To show the importance of Construction Management course.


The main reason I am writing this email is to provide information about the importance of Construction Management course for your career. Those person who completed this course can be promoted to higher post in the future. This course of Construction Management is very important for the future of this company because this company started big project of planning a new urban area in Cambodia so this course will help the company a lot in the field of construction so you have to register as soon as possible so that your training is started.

Create a properly formatted works cited page for a research paper about the Little Rock Nine. Include at least five sources to Read More >>​



On September 4, 1957, nine African American students came at Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, ready for class. However, the Arkansas National Guard ordered them to leave.

The Little Rock Nine were a group of African American students held by the National Guard on September 4, 1957, in Little Rock, Arkansas. This incident is widely regarded as a watershed moment in American civil rights history.

For many years, segregated educational systems for African-Americans and whites were maintained in the United States. The Supreme Court unanimously decided in Brown v. Board of Education that segregation in public schools was unconstitutional under the US Constitution.

Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus first barred the nine black students from entering the building, but later reversed his decision. Crowds of people afterward threatened them with lynching. President Eisenhower sent Army Division 101 to Arkansas, putting the Arkansas Military Guard under federal authority.

Why did snake-lizard kill his mother? Restate the moral of the snake-lizard story in your own words.


Where is the story? Please give us the story.

In at least 200 words, discuss how Harriet Beecher Stowe’s upbringing and experiences led her to write an anti-slavery novel. Consider both her response to the major issues of her day and personal events in her life



Harriet Beecher Stowe was an American writer and abolitionist. She came from an American family with an ingrained Puritan tradition and resistance to slavery. Her most famous work is Uncle Tom's Cabin, which significantly influenced America and Britain in the fight against slavery. Harriet spent much of her life on the border of northern and southern parts of America, so all of her anti-slavery works are based on a fact she knew from childhood. Throughout her life, she contributed to the fight against slavery in America through her journalistic and literary activities.


At the age of twenty-one, Harriet Beecher Stowe was an American writer and abolitionist who moved to Cincinnati, Ohio. There, she met her husband, Calvin Ellis Stowe, and became heavily influenced by the abolition movement. Since she now lived on the border of Kentucky and Ohio, she was able to witness the horrors of slavery firsthand. This exposure to slavery had a great impact on her, an experience that would lead her to write Uncle Tom's Cabin. Furthermore, when she lost her 18-month-old son, she understood how it must feel like when the children of slave mothers were sold away to other slave owners. Stowe's family and Stowe helped their servant, a runaway slave, escape through the Underground Railroad. She was Christian, so this religious point-of-view and sense of morality act as an essential backdrop in writing Uncle Tom's Cabin. Harriet's entire life consists of events and experiences that led her to write her famous anti-slavery novel, Uncle Tom's Cabin. During this time, there were many abolitionist movements. These movements may have played an essential role in influencing her. Harriet Beecher Stowe was an abolitionist who had fought for slavery, both with her words and actions.  

Hopefully, this helps.

please help me with my question I will mark as brainliest for the first correct answer ​


Answer:  3A 4D 5C 6A

Explanation kcóo  :






I think this is the answer

Find 2 past continuous sentences and quote them (that means write them out).



1)They were dancing in the disco

2)Poonam was singing a song

Identify the parts of speech of the following sentence-

Until today, i never knew that some fish could walk on land

what is the-
direct object,
object of the preposition, prepositional phrase

Please help!



i = subject

knew = verb

some = adjective

some fish = direct object

until = preposition

today = object of preposition

until today = prepositional phrase


Which of these is a task you should do during the revision stage of the writing process? 1. Reorganize your ideas by moving paragraphs around.
2. Change the topic of your research report.
3. Correct spelling and capitalization mistakes.


The answer would be “3. Correct spelling and capitalization mistakes.” Hope this helps!

During the time of revising the writing process, the task of correcting the spelling and capitalization errors must be done by the writers.

The third option is the correct answer.

What do you mean by writings?

Writings are the English write-ups created by the writers or authors which are usually in the form of novels, books, scripts, essays, etc.

After completing the writing, the writer must revise the whole text written on any topic. It helps him/her to correct their spelling errors as well as the capitalization errors which could make the writing more informative and grammar free.

Therefore, the task of correcting spelling and capitalization mistakes should be done while revising the writing.

Learn more about the essay writings in the related link:



Be mindful of the affect you're actions have on those around you.

Find the error



Be mindful of the effect your actions have on those around you.


Be mindful of the affect your actions can have on those around you

Explain which of the family members feels anxiety in this way and then what is the cause? Fiesta 1980



The Father


This is because he has the responsibility of taking care of the whole family

Why did people at the turn of the 20th century take a particular interest in the studies of the subconscious?


Because they had learned everything that studies of consciousness could teach. B. Because they thought the subconscious could explain human behavior. ... Because new ideas from Asia highlighted the importance of the subconscious

Does the VERB agree with the SUBJECT in this sentence?
Many people has used this computer.


no, many people have* used this computer
B the answer is no it should have not has

English grammar please answer ​


the answer is will wash of this question

Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

Have you seen this man, "No"? well, thanks, then.

Leon's birthday party, which is on friday August third, will be fun.

I am planning on going to my English class today, but I'm not prepared for the test.

All of the sentences are punctuated correctly.



I am planning on going to my English class today, but I'm not prepared for the test.


Third one.

Explanation:Because it makes sense duhh

change this sentence into indirect speech, Paul says," Brisbane is a wonderful city"​



Paul said that Brisbane is a wonderful city


in 1824, Louis Braille developed a system of writing for the blind, Quickly,___ system, known as "Braille" after ___ inventor, spread from ___ France to dozens of___ countries
( Điền a/an/the or "x" )



the, the, x, x


Let me know if you need an explanation.

Hope this helps!

Fill in the blanks using the correct form of the nouns given in the below.
Barrel/ sack/layer/pinch / carton
1. There were five......
of garbage on the pavement.
2. Add a..........
of salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste.
3. Nehara was so thirsty that she drank two......
of orange juice.
4. The cost of a.......
of oil depends on how and where it is produced.
5. There are........
of dust on the floor.



1) Sacks

2) Pinch

3) Cartons

4) Barrel

5) Layers


The reason for some nouns being in their plural form is that there are multiples of them. For example, there are two cartons of orange juice. As there is more than one, a plural of the noun must be used, which is why the answer to three is cartons and not necessarily carton. Pinch is an exciting one, as while there are technically multiple grains of salt, there is only one pinch being taken of it. That is why despite there being more than one grain of salt, pinch stays singular.

What does the popularity of modern dystopian fiction tell us about the condition of our society?
Does it serve a useful cautionary purpose,
or does it keep us from trying to imagine a better


The popularity of dystopian fiction tell us about the condition of our society as a useful cautionary purpose.

What is Dystopian fiction?

Dystopian fiction is a type of guessings or guess opinions that started as a response to utopian literature. A dystopia is an imagined society that is not humane and frightening. It explores ideas about societies or political settings.

Therefore, The popularity of dystopian fiction tell us about the condition of our society as a useful cautionary purpose.

Learn more about dystopian fiction below.


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